Spelling suggestions: "subject:"honourrelated"" "subject:"honorrelated""
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14 år av fenomenet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : - En diskursanalys av dagens debatt i svensk dagspressNushi, Ermelina, Yurdagül, Özlem January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to analyze whether the discourses of the phenomenon of honor-related violence and oppression have changed over time in the Swedish daily press. This is operated through a discourse analysis of debate articles from seven newspapers published around the country. The methodological and theoretical premise is based on Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory. Further, three theories has been applied; The construction of “the others” by Jonsson, de Beauvoir’s theory of The Second Sex and Nussbaum’s universal theory of justice. The purpose of selection of articles has been to find relevant debate articles concerning opinions on the phenomenon of honor-related violence and oppression. The results and analysis has been divided into three main themes: a legal discourse, a discourse of "us " and " them " as well as a discourse of patriarchy. The results indicate that the phenomenon is influenced by its time in the shape of current events and areas of conflict.
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”…från att vara ett föremål av guld till en ’rostig metallbit’.” : en rättssociologisk studie, med en diskursanalytisk metod, av domar med hederskontextHeller, Paulina, Ulfsparre, Karin January 2006 (has links)
<p>This paper discusses honour related crimes and the judicial process within the legal system in a Swedish context. The empirical base of the study is four cases, with an honour background, and we have used discourse analysis as our method. We have developed four tools for analysing the sentences with which we observed aspects such as; language, the roles of victim and perpetrator that the involved can undertake, the different identities that the sentence might create and finally how the stories change when they enter the legal context. We connect our results to our theoretic backgrounds such as Kolfjord who discusses the legalization of conflicts, the holistic and individual perspective, the legal system as a theoretic background and finally the UN:s definition of honour crimes. These four theoretic perspectives have helped analyse the empiric base. The study reveals that the courts handle cases of honour without discussing that fact. It emerges aspects from the stories that are specific for honour crimes. The courts show a difficulty when handling cases with an honour background, there is a conflict between the group norms and the individualistic perspective. The courts describe honour in the empirical material despite the fact that honour has no legal grounds in the Swedish laws.</p>
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Dominerad av Dominans : en kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar/unga män med rötter i den muslimska världen förhåller sig till etniskt svenska män och vad detta förhållningssätt innebär för deras egna föreställningar om maskulinitet och hederRexvid, Devin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Islamic masculinity which quite often associates with oppression of women has remained an underexaminated category despite its constant presence in the debate on honour related oppression. Honour has primarily been studied from a feminine point of view and theories of masculinity have taken insignificant interest in the issue of honour. The aim of this study is to understand what attitudes boys/young men from the Muslim world have toward native Swedish men and what these attitudes do imply for their own conceptions of masculinity and honour. The ambition of this study is also to make explicit the similarities, differences and connections between honour and masculinity.</p><p>The empirical basis of this study consists of twelve interviews with boys/young men from the Muslim world about their notions of honour and masculinity. The theoretical platform arises from theories of masculinities and honour.</p><p>Some prominent “patterns” that I have found:</p><p>- That religious norms and rules appear to be significant in how the masculine manners of conduct should be adjusted.</p><p>- That honour and women as carriers of men’s honour, play a crucial role for the constitution of proper masculinity.</p><p>- That the Swedish context and its policy of equality seem to threaten the obviousness of the islamic masculinity</p>
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”…från att vara ett föremål av guld till en ’rostig metallbit’.” : en rättssociologisk studie, med en diskursanalytisk metod, av domar med hederskontextHeller, Paulina, Ulfsparre, Karin January 2006 (has links)
This paper discusses honour related crimes and the judicial process within the legal system in a Swedish context. The empirical base of the study is four cases, with an honour background, and we have used discourse analysis as our method. We have developed four tools for analysing the sentences with which we observed aspects such as; language, the roles of victim and perpetrator that the involved can undertake, the different identities that the sentence might create and finally how the stories change when they enter the legal context. We connect our results to our theoretic backgrounds such as Kolfjord who discusses the legalization of conflicts, the holistic and individual perspective, the legal system as a theoretic background and finally the UN:s definition of honour crimes. These four theoretic perspectives have helped analyse the empiric base. The study reveals that the courts handle cases of honour without discussing that fact. It emerges aspects from the stories that are specific for honour crimes. The courts show a difficulty when handling cases with an honour background, there is a conflict between the group norms and the individualistic perspective. The courts describe honour in the empirical material despite the fact that honour has no legal grounds in the Swedish laws.
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Dominerad av Dominans : en kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar/unga män med rötter i den muslimska världen förhåller sig till etniskt svenska män och vad detta förhållningssätt innebär för deras egna föreställningar om maskulinitet och hederRexvid, Devin January 2007 (has links)
Islamic masculinity which quite often associates with oppression of women has remained an underexaminated category despite its constant presence in the debate on honour related oppression. Honour has primarily been studied from a feminine point of view and theories of masculinity have taken insignificant interest in the issue of honour. The aim of this study is to understand what attitudes boys/young men from the Muslim world have toward native Swedish men and what these attitudes do imply for their own conceptions of masculinity and honour. The ambition of this study is also to make explicit the similarities, differences and connections between honour and masculinity. The empirical basis of this study consists of twelve interviews with boys/young men from the Muslim world about their notions of honour and masculinity. The theoretical platform arises from theories of masculinities and honour. Some prominent “patterns” that I have found: - That religious norms and rules appear to be significant in how the masculine manners of conduct should be adjusted. - That honour and women as carriers of men’s honour, play a crucial role for the constitution of proper masculinity. - That the Swedish context and its policy of equality seem to threaten the obviousness of the islamic masculinity
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Att både stötta och skydda : en diskursanalys av barnavårdens arbete med hedersrelaterat våldLyckman, Sara January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to study the different discourses that are expressed in social welfare secretaries’ assertions when they assess cases with elements of honour-related violence, intimidation and oppression. To do so I have used a discourse analysis theory and technique, based on three qualitative interviews with social welfare secretaries. The interviews were focused on vignettes, which were all fictitious cases with various elements of honour-related violence. One of the interviews was a focus groupinterview with four participants, while the other two interviews were individual. I have also used the theoretical perspective ”ideological dilemmas” in my analysis. The main conclusion is that there seems to be several discourses competing for space when the social welfare secretaries assess cases of this sort. On the one hand there is a strong ”family support discourse”, but on the other hand there is also a strong ”protection discourse” that are competing for space. Another conclusion is that there is a main dilemma that characterizes these cases, which arises when the victim declines protection from the social welfare. Then the social welfare secretaries need to make a choice whether or not to intervene against the victims’ will.
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Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - En fråga för vem? : En diskursanalys om socialsekreterares konstruktion av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Honour-related violence and oppression - a question for whom? : A discourse analysis of social workers construction of honour-related violence and oppressionAxelsson, Åsa, Andersson, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare förhåller sig till och resonerar om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är inte ett tydligt definierat begrepp vilket medför ett stort tolkningsutrymme för socialsekreterares möjligheter att konstruera företeelsen. Studien genomfördes för att se hur denna konstruktion tog sig uttryck hos enskilda socialsekreterare inom socialtjänsten i Sverige och om det påverkade beviljandet av insatser för klienterna. I studien har en kvalitativ metod använts för insamling av empiri och diskursanalys har använts för analysen. Med utgångspunkt i socialkonstruktivismen visade resultatet hur företeelsen hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck görs och konstrueras av socialsekreterare samt att det inte finns en "absolut" sanning om vad hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är. Analysen visade att det finns en dominerande diskurs där företeelsen framställs som kulturellt betingad, där det skapas en distans mellan ett ”vi” och ett ”dem”, mellan ”svenskar” och ”invandrare” och där betoning läggs vid individens kulturella tillhörighet. Den alternativa könsdiskurs som framträdde i vår analys av materialet beskrev hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck som ett uttryck för patrialkaliskt maktutövande som existerar oberoende av kultur. I könsdiskursen beskrevs företeelsen som vilket våld som helst mot kvinnor och barn, där exempelvis män inte anses kunna inneha rollen som offer utan endast som gärningsman. Nyckelord: hedersrelaterat våld, socialtjänst, socialkonstruktivism, diskursanalys, begreppsdefinition / The purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers relate to and reason about honor-related violence and oppression. The notion of honor-related violence and oppression is not a fixed concept, and it causes a noticeable room to interpretation for social workers individual construction of the phenomenon. The study was designed to see how this construct was expressed by individual social workers in social services in Sweden and whether it affected the granting of effort for clients. The study has a qualitative method for collecting the empirical evidence which formed the study. Discourse analysis was used for the analys. The result gave us a picture that honor-related violence and oppression are made and designed individually by the social worker and that there is no "absolute" truth about what honor-related violence and oppression is. The analysis shows that there is a dominant discourse in which the phenomenon was produced as culturally conditioned, which creates a distance between an "us" and "them", between "Swedes" and "immigrants" and where the emphasis is placed on the individual's cultural identity. The alternative gender discourse that also appear in our results, describing the honor-related violence and oppression as an expression of patriarchal exercise of power which exists independently of the culture. The gender discourse described the phenomenon like any violence whatsoever against women and children, where for example men are not considered able to hold the role of victim but only as perpetrator. Keyword: honour-related violence, social service, social constructionism, discourse analysis, definition of terms
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Skolkuratorers arbete med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers perspektiv på arbetet med hedersrelaterad problematik på högstadieskolorLjung, Sofia, Lundberg, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Hedersrelaterad problematik är ett svårdefinierat begrepp som återfinns i flera olika kontexter. Denna studie syftar till att belysa hur skolkuratorer på kommunala högstadieskolor arbetar utifrån sin profession med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio stycken skolkuratorer från sex olika kommuner i Mellansverige. I analys av resultatet har vi använt oss av professionsteori tillsammans med tidigare forskning. Studien visar att skolkuratorernas arbete skiljde sig åt utifrån bland annat arbetslivserfarenhet, samverkan med socialtjänsten och skolan samt eget personligt intresse. Det som förenade skolkuratorerna var att det saknades handlingsplaner eller andra riktlinjer för hur arbetet bör bedrivas med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik. Samtliga skolkuratorer såg ämnet hedersproblematik som svårt och utmanande utifrån dess komplexitet men det fanns ett intresse hos skolkuratorerna att utveckla arbetet med problematiken. Vidare visar studien på att det saknas kunskap, dels hur det praktiska arbetet bör bedrivas men även om hedersrelaterad problematik i stort. Avslutningsvis framkommer det att verksamhetsutveckling med tema hedersproblematik, samt framtagande av handlingsplan, ses som viktiga steg för att komma vidare i arbetet. Detta för att säkerställa att elever med hedersproblematik får det stöd, skydd och bemötande som kan vara livsavgörande för deras hälsa och utveckling. / The purpose of this study was to emphasize the methods of school counselors and how they approach secondary school students who are situated in such relations. We have conducted a qualitative study in form of semi-structured interviews with nine school counselors from six different municipalities in central Sweden. In analyzing the results, we have been using professional theory combined with previous research. The study is indicating differences in the school counselor handling in terms of work experience, collaboration with social services and the school, and also dissimilarities concerning personal interest. Though, an overall downside were the non-existing plan of action or other guidelines for how to professionally deal with students who are trapped in an environment of honor-related violence. But fortunately, there is a common interest among the school counselors in improving their work within this problematic topic. According to the school counselors, honor-related violence is considered a challenging and complex task to apprehend. Furthermore, the study clarifies an uncertainty in the subject itself but it’s also showing a lack of knowledge in how to practically manage successfully. In conclusion, it emerges that activity development concerning honor-related violence, as well as the development of an action plan, is seen as important steps in order to progress. This is to ensure that students with honor-related issues gets the support, protection and treatment needed since this could be vital to their health and personal development.
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"Orkar du, utan din familj?" : Betydelsen av stödinsatser till ungdomar som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryckDahrén, Maria, Hennoks, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Title: Will you cope, without your family? – The importance of support for youths who are subject to honour related violence. The aim of this study has been to examine which support has been given to the youths who have been subjected to honour related violence and their experiences about the support. The data were collected through four semi-structured, qualitative interviews with youths who had separated from their families. The result showed that according to an intersectional perspective the individual needs should dictate the support offered and that honour related violence is a complex problem. System theory, shows us that it is important to belong to a family system, whether it is biological or not – is of less importance. The social services and the foster homes are important for the youths in their efforts to cope without their families Based on the results, our conclusion is that many need a lot of therapy in order to return to a “normal life”. / Orkar du, utan din familj? – Betydelsen av stödinsatser till ungdomar som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilket stöd, ungdomar som blivit utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck (HRV), fått samt deras upplevelse av detta. Data samlades in genom fyra semistrukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer med ungdomar som har haft ett uppbrott från sin biologiska familj. Resultatet visade att enligt intersektionellt perspektiv bör individuella behov styra det erbjudna stödet och att HRV är ett komplext problem. Systemteorin ger oss förståelse för familjens betydelse och vikten av att tillhöra ett familjesystem, biologiskt eller inte är av mindre betydelse. Både socialtjänsten och familjehemmen är viktiga för ungdomarna i deras strävan att orka utan sina familjer. Utifrån resultatet är vår slutsats att det för många krävs mycket samtalsstöd för att återgå till ett ”normalt liv”.
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Understanding implementation gaps in honour-related violence & oppression policy : A case study exploring the promises and pitfalls faced by teachers when implementing policy in a Swedish school environmentThalin, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Honour-related violence and oppression has been politically prioritised in Sweden during the past two decades. National policies have been formulated, laws adopted, and the school has been identified as a crucial actor for preventing this type of violence at the local level. Yet, the prevalence of the violence still constitutes a threat to the freedom and safety of children and youths in the Swedish society. To gain a deeper understanding about the apparent discrepancy between policy and practice, this study adopts a micro-level perspective and zooms in onto the actors responsible for implementing existing policies. Teachers from four different purposefully selected schools have been interviewed. Drawing on insights from street-level policy implementation theories, the study explores how the teachers work to implement the National Agency for Education’s policy targeting honour-related violence and oppression. Notably, Lipsky’s analytical categories for successful street-level policy implementation, comprehension, capacity and will, function as point of departure. The broad nature of the categories have allowed for contextual insights to be included and a number of constraining and enabling mechanisms for successful micro-level policy implementation to be identified. The findings demonstrate how the teachers’ access to information is contingent upon their personal interest in the topic or on other individuals’ commitment. The large room for manoeuvre permits teachers to use their creativity to include the perspective of honour, but likewise allows for misunderstandings and resistance to influence the policy outcomes. The lack of clear bureaucratic goals, limited resources and a high level of discretion force teachers to find their own strategies to adequately implement the policy. To deal with increased pressure they are however likely to resort to simplifications and familiar routines. In turn these may obstruct at-risk students from receiving appropriate support. Finally, the findings confirm the importance of taking the strategies, decisions and motivations of implementing actors seriously when trying to understand policy success or policy failure.
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