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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Employment of people with disabilites in the hospitality sector, Cape Town, South Africa : a multiple case study

Smit, Shannon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several legislative documents that promote the inclusion and economic integration of persons with disabilities have been introduced over the previous two decades in South Africa. However, it is still estimated that as many as 99% of persons with disabilities are unemployed (Dube, 2005). Employment equity quotas for persons with disabilities have not been met in either the public or the private sector (CEE Report, 2007).The reasons for this remain largely unexplored in many sectors including the hospitality sector. The hospitality sector - the focus of this study - makes a significant economic contribution to the country and is the largest most diverse labour force sector in South Africa (THETA, 2009). The aim of the study is to examine the employment of persons with disabilities in three hotels in the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town. A descriptive, qualitative case study methodology was implemented for the study. Three purposively sampled hotels in Cape Town`s Victoria and Alfred Waterfront provided the study setting. Participants included managers from these hotels as well as employees with and without disabilities from each of the hotels. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and content analysis was conducted to identify emerging issues according to themes. Findings indicate a medically oriented perception of disability with a focus on physical impairments. A lack of knowledge and guidance in policy documents and from the Department of Labour perpetuate these perceptions. Participants were aware of employment equity policy, but saw it as being orientated to race and gender and did not apply it to persons with disabilities. Application was also not enforced through monitoring by the Department of Labour. Barriers to employment include discrimination and stereotyping, the physical nature and type of jobs, physical access barriers, a lack of education and skills as well as a lack of applications from persons with disabilities. Facilitators included improved Black Economic Empowerment scoring, a motivational aspect, the variety of jobs available and guests and employees with disabilities. Findings on the provision of reasonable accommodation focused mainly on the accommodation of guests and examined physical and structural aspects of the environment. One of the conclusions of the study was that legislation governing the employment of persons with disabilities was poorly implemented in the hotels examined by this study. It is recommended that hotels contract a disability consultant to run disability awareness campaigns within the hotels. In addition, the Department of Labour must monitor policy implementation with regard to persons with disabilities. Disabled people`s organisations should create a platform for communication with government departments responsible for social policy and legislation in an effort to promote and encourage the debate on disability definitions and to act as a watchdog over the implementation of policy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wetgewing met die doel om ekonomiese integrasie van persone met gestremdhede te bevorder is in die laaste twee dekades in Suid Afrika aanvaar. Ten spyte daarvan word daar beraam dat soveel soos 99% van persone met gestremdhede in Suid Afrika werkloos is (Dube, 2005). Nie die staat of die privaatsektor kon nog daarin slaag om die twee present kwota te bereik nie (CEE Verslag, 2007). Die redes daarvoor is tot `n groot mate onbekend in veskeie sektore, insluitende die gasvryheidheidsektor, waar hierdie studie gedoen is. Die gasvryheidsektor maak `n beduidende bydrae tot die Suid Afrikaanse ekonomie en het van die grootste en mees diverse arbeidsmagte in Suid Afrika (THETA, 2009). Die doel van die studie was om die situasie aangaande werk en persone met gestremdhede in drie hotelle in die Victoria en Alfred Waterfront, Kaapstad, te beskryf. `n Beskrywende, kwalitatiewe, geval studie metodologie is geimplimenteer. Drie studie hotelle is doelbewus geselekteer. Bestuurders sowel as werknemers met en sonder gestremdhede uit die drie hotelle het aan die studie deelgeneem. Data is ingesamel deur middel van semi gestruktureerde onderhoude. Ontluikende temas is geidentifiseer tydens analise van data. Deelnemers se persepsies van gestremdheid het gefokes op fisiese en mediese probleme. `n Gebrek aan kennis en te min leiding uit beleidsdokumente en van die Department van Arbeid het die persepsie versterk. Deelnemers was bekend met gelyke indiensnemingsbeleid, maar dit is net ten opsigte van ras en geslag in die studie hotelle toegepas. Toepassing van beleid is nie gemonitor deur die Department van Arbeid nie. Aanstelling van persone met gestremdhede is bemoeilik deur diskriminasie, stereotipering, die fisiese aard van die werk, die tipe werk, `n ontoeganklike fisiese omgewing, `n tekort aan opleiding en onderrig by persone met gestremdhede en geen aansoeke van persone met gestremdhede. Fasiliteerders het Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtigings punte, die verskeidenheid van werk, die motiverings aspek sowel as gaste en bestaande werknemers met gestremdhede ingesluit. Redelike Akkommodasie het meestal op gaste gefokus and was beperk tot fisiese en strukturele omgewings aspekte. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat wetgewing met betrekking tot aanstelling van persone met gestremdhede swak geimplimenteer was in die studie hotelle. Daar word aanbeveel dat die hotelle `n konsultant aanstel om `n interne bewustheidsveldtog van stapel te stuur. Die Department van Arbeid moet implementering van beleid met betrekking tot persone met gestremdhede monitor. Organisasies vir mense met gestremdhede moet `n platform skep vir kommunikasie met die regering ten opsigte van beleids implimentering en om die debat rondom sosiale insluiting en definisies van gestremheid te bevorder.

MNC Growth in Emerging Markets Based on Understanding of Customer Behaviour  and Development of Reliable Distributor Network : a Case Study on EPLSG, Russia

Paraskevas, Paraskevas, Dorokhova, Olena, Fotina, Svetlana January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis we examine the issue of growth in emerging markets and in specific how MNCs can achieve growth by understanding the customer and building a solid distributor network on the example of EPLSG in the Russian market. In this context we investigate the correlation of the growth potential with institutional environment, customer behaviour, distributorship and brand equity. But let us briefly examine the structure of the thesis chapter by chapter. Chapter one explains the five main themes that structure our thesis from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. Chapter two is an account of the methodology used for the conducting of the empirical research as well as of the whole thesis. Chapter three outlines the theoretical background of the thesis while chapter four is a description of the empirical data found on the field. Chapter five is the analysis of the empirical findings and in chapter six the reader can see the conclusions and recommendations for the case company. Finally, chapter seven gives directions for further research. Overall, the authors of this thesis purport that in emerging markets an MNC can grow if it can effectively gather and analyze customer and market data as well as build appropriately a distributor network that can deliver the product to the customer and fully capture the market potential. What differentiates this thesis from other studies is the holistic appreciation of the problems that an MNC faces in an emerging market. The building of theory was based on this perspective as well as the recommendations for the case company. That is why, in chapter seven the recommendations for the case company should be read not as individual ones but as set of interconnected tactics that can allow an MNC to grow.

MNC Growth in Emerging Markets Based on Understanding of Customer Behaviour  and Development of Reliable Distributor Network : a Case Study on EPLSG, Russia

Paraskevas, Paraskevas, Dorokhova, Olena, Fotina, Svetlana January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this thesis we examine the issue of growth in emerging markets and in specific how MNCs can achieve growth by understanding the customer and building a solid distributor network on the example of EPLSG in the Russian market. In this context we investigate the correlation of the growth potential with institutional environment, customer behaviour, distributorship and brand equity. But let us briefly examine the structure of the thesis chapter by chapter.</p><p>Chapter one explains the five main themes that structure our thesis from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. Chapter two is an account of the methodology used for the conducting of the empirical research as well as of the whole thesis. Chapter three outlines the theoretical background of the thesis while chapter four is a description of the empirical data found on the field. Chapter five is the analysis of the empirical findings and in chapter six the reader can see the conclusions and recommendations for the case company. Finally, chapter seven gives directions for further research.</p><p>Overall, the authors of this thesis purport that in emerging markets an MNC can grow if it can effectively gather and analyze customer and market data as well as build appropriately a distributor network that can deliver the product to the customer and fully capture the market potential. What differentiates this thesis from other studies is the holistic appreciation of the problems that an MNC faces in an emerging market. The building of theory was based on this perspective as well as the recommendations for the case company. That is why, in chapter seven the recommendations for the case company should be read not as individual ones but as set of interconnected tactics that can allow an MNC to grow.</p>

Envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho no setor hoteleiro brasileiro e português : uma perspectiva de gênero

Fontoura, Daniele dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
A tese desenvolvida interliga três constructos por si só complexos: envelhecimento, gênero e mercado de trabalho. O processo de envelhecimento é vivido na singularidade por cada indivíduo, sendo que vários fatores intervém. Como não é um fenômeno livre de gênero (Casaca & Boud, 2012), para compreender a relação entre envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho é igualmente fundamental integrar a perspectiva de gênero considerando as especificidades de mulheres e homens ao envelhecer que, em alguns casos, acentuam-se com o envelhecimento (Perista & Perista). Partindo do pressuposto que o mercado de trabalho é dinâmico, relacional e historicamente construído (Rocha-de-Oliveira, 2009) o acesso às oportunidades de trabalho é pautado, muitas vezes, por mecanismos que escapam a racionalidade e remetem às crenças, aos valores e às normas destes mercados (Guimarães, 2009). Desta forma, nesta tese buscou-se defender que as características adscritas de idade – no caso, do processo de envelhecimento – e do gênero delimitam e constrangem as experiências laborais dos/as trabalhadores/as no mercado de trabalho em Hotelaria no Brasil e em Portugal. Para o efeito, realizou-se um estudo qualitativo e comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal. Foram analisados dados secundários oriundos de estatísticas oficiais dos dois países a fim de apresentar como o envelhecimento populacional está refletindo no envelhecimento da força de trabalho e caracterizar a situação do emprego para homens e mulheres mais velhos/as. Os dados primários foram coletados na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS (Brasil) e Lisboa e arredores (Portugal) via entrevistas semiestruturadas com informantes privilegiados/as, trabalhadores/as e estudantes em Hotelaria. Ao todo, foram realizadas 20 entrevistas no Brasil e 23 em Portugal. Os resultados apontam para uma forte segmentação por idade e por gênero no mercado de trabalho em hotelaria. Diversos elementos tanto mercantis quanto não mercantis interferem na delimitação dos espaços de circulação destes/as trabalhadores/as fazendo com que o setor seja associado ao trabalho dos jovens e das mulheres. Tanto os/as informantes privilegiados/as quanto os/as trabalhadores/as e estudantes sinalizam em suas entrevistas que o idadismo e o sexismo seguem presentes nas relações de trabalho em hotelaria, fazendo com que as demandas emocionais e corpóreas recaiam mais sobre as mulheres e estejam fortemente associadas às representações do que é ser um/a trabalhador/a mais velho/a em hotelaria. Logo, nas etapas finais da vida laboral o envelhecimento e o gênero funcionam como elementos articuladores das trajetórias no mercado de trabalho em Hotelaria, delimitando e constrangendo o acesso às oportunidades de trabalho em um cenário no qual os/as mais velhos/as tem sido os/as mais prejudicados/as. / This present thesis interconnects three complex constructs: aging, gender and labor market. The aging process is experienced by each individual uniqueness, and there are several factors involved in it. As it is not a gender-free phenomenon (Casaca & Boud, 2012), to understand the relationship between aging and labor market, it is also essential to integrate a gender perspective by considering the specificities of women and men getting older, which, in some cases, become more evident with aging (Perista & Perista). Assuming that the labor market is dynamic, relational and historically constructed (Rocha-de-Oliveira, 2009) the access to work opportunities is often guided by mechanisms which go beyond rationality and refer to beliefs, values and norms of these markets (Guimarães, 2009). Therefore, this thesis aims to defend the age ascribed characteristics - in this case, the aging process - and gender delimit and constrain the workers’ labor experience in the hospitality sector in Brazil and in Portugal. In order to achieve this result, we carried out a qualitative and comparative study between Brazil and Portugal. Secondary data from official statistics of the two countries have been analyzed in order to present how the aging process is reflecting on the aging of the workforce and characterize the employment situation for men and women who are elderly. Primary data have been collected in Porto Alegre / RS (Brazil) and Lisbon area (Portugal) via semi-structured interviews with key-informants and employees/students in the area of Hospitality. Twenty people were interviewed in Brazil and twenty-three in Portugal. The results point to a strong segmentation by age and gender in the labor market in hotel management. Miscellaneous both market and non-market elements interfere with the delimitation space circulation of these workers, making the sector to be associated to young people and women work. Both informants and workers/students say in their interviews that ageism and sexism still present in working relationships in hospitality, making the emotional and aesthetic labor affect more on women and strongly associated with representations of what it is like to be an the elder worker in hotels. Therefore, in the final stages of working life aging and gender work as articulators elements of the trajectories in the hospitality labor market, defining and constraining access to job opportunities in a scenario in which elderly people are the most disadvantaged ones.

Envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho no setor hoteleiro brasileiro e português : uma perspectiva de gênero

Fontoura, Daniele dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
A tese desenvolvida interliga três constructos por si só complexos: envelhecimento, gênero e mercado de trabalho. O processo de envelhecimento é vivido na singularidade por cada indivíduo, sendo que vários fatores intervém. Como não é um fenômeno livre de gênero (Casaca & Boud, 2012), para compreender a relação entre envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho é igualmente fundamental integrar a perspectiva de gênero considerando as especificidades de mulheres e homens ao envelhecer que, em alguns casos, acentuam-se com o envelhecimento (Perista & Perista). Partindo do pressuposto que o mercado de trabalho é dinâmico, relacional e historicamente construído (Rocha-de-Oliveira, 2009) o acesso às oportunidades de trabalho é pautado, muitas vezes, por mecanismos que escapam a racionalidade e remetem às crenças, aos valores e às normas destes mercados (Guimarães, 2009). Desta forma, nesta tese buscou-se defender que as características adscritas de idade – no caso, do processo de envelhecimento – e do gênero delimitam e constrangem as experiências laborais dos/as trabalhadores/as no mercado de trabalho em Hotelaria no Brasil e em Portugal. Para o efeito, realizou-se um estudo qualitativo e comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal. Foram analisados dados secundários oriundos de estatísticas oficiais dos dois países a fim de apresentar como o envelhecimento populacional está refletindo no envelhecimento da força de trabalho e caracterizar a situação do emprego para homens e mulheres mais velhos/as. Os dados primários foram coletados na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS (Brasil) e Lisboa e arredores (Portugal) via entrevistas semiestruturadas com informantes privilegiados/as, trabalhadores/as e estudantes em Hotelaria. Ao todo, foram realizadas 20 entrevistas no Brasil e 23 em Portugal. Os resultados apontam para uma forte segmentação por idade e por gênero no mercado de trabalho em hotelaria. Diversos elementos tanto mercantis quanto não mercantis interferem na delimitação dos espaços de circulação destes/as trabalhadores/as fazendo com que o setor seja associado ao trabalho dos jovens e das mulheres. Tanto os/as informantes privilegiados/as quanto os/as trabalhadores/as e estudantes sinalizam em suas entrevistas que o idadismo e o sexismo seguem presentes nas relações de trabalho em hotelaria, fazendo com que as demandas emocionais e corpóreas recaiam mais sobre as mulheres e estejam fortemente associadas às representações do que é ser um/a trabalhador/a mais velho/a em hotelaria. Logo, nas etapas finais da vida laboral o envelhecimento e o gênero funcionam como elementos articuladores das trajetórias no mercado de trabalho em Hotelaria, delimitando e constrangendo o acesso às oportunidades de trabalho em um cenário no qual os/as mais velhos/as tem sido os/as mais prejudicados/as. / This present thesis interconnects three complex constructs: aging, gender and labor market. The aging process is experienced by each individual uniqueness, and there are several factors involved in it. As it is not a gender-free phenomenon (Casaca & Boud, 2012), to understand the relationship between aging and labor market, it is also essential to integrate a gender perspective by considering the specificities of women and men getting older, which, in some cases, become more evident with aging (Perista & Perista). Assuming that the labor market is dynamic, relational and historically constructed (Rocha-de-Oliveira, 2009) the access to work opportunities is often guided by mechanisms which go beyond rationality and refer to beliefs, values and norms of these markets (Guimarães, 2009). Therefore, this thesis aims to defend the age ascribed characteristics - in this case, the aging process - and gender delimit and constrain the workers’ labor experience in the hospitality sector in Brazil and in Portugal. In order to achieve this result, we carried out a qualitative and comparative study between Brazil and Portugal. Secondary data from official statistics of the two countries have been analyzed in order to present how the aging process is reflecting on the aging of the workforce and characterize the employment situation for men and women who are elderly. Primary data have been collected in Porto Alegre / RS (Brazil) and Lisbon area (Portugal) via semi-structured interviews with key-informants and employees/students in the area of Hospitality. Twenty people were interviewed in Brazil and twenty-three in Portugal. The results point to a strong segmentation by age and gender in the labor market in hotel management. Miscellaneous both market and non-market elements interfere with the delimitation space circulation of these workers, making the sector to be associated to young people and women work. Both informants and workers/students say in their interviews that ageism and sexism still present in working relationships in hospitality, making the emotional and aesthetic labor affect more on women and strongly associated with representations of what it is like to be an the elder worker in hotels. Therefore, in the final stages of working life aging and gender work as articulators elements of the trajectories in the hospitality labor market, defining and constraining access to job opportunities in a scenario in which elderly people are the most disadvantaged ones.

Envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho no setor hoteleiro brasileiro e português : uma perspectiva de gênero

Fontoura, Daniele dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
A tese desenvolvida interliga três constructos por si só complexos: envelhecimento, gênero e mercado de trabalho. O processo de envelhecimento é vivido na singularidade por cada indivíduo, sendo que vários fatores intervém. Como não é um fenômeno livre de gênero (Casaca & Boud, 2012), para compreender a relação entre envelhecimento e mercado de trabalho é igualmente fundamental integrar a perspectiva de gênero considerando as especificidades de mulheres e homens ao envelhecer que, em alguns casos, acentuam-se com o envelhecimento (Perista & Perista). Partindo do pressuposto que o mercado de trabalho é dinâmico, relacional e historicamente construído (Rocha-de-Oliveira, 2009) o acesso às oportunidades de trabalho é pautado, muitas vezes, por mecanismos que escapam a racionalidade e remetem às crenças, aos valores e às normas destes mercados (Guimarães, 2009). Desta forma, nesta tese buscou-se defender que as características adscritas de idade – no caso, do processo de envelhecimento – e do gênero delimitam e constrangem as experiências laborais dos/as trabalhadores/as no mercado de trabalho em Hotelaria no Brasil e em Portugal. Para o efeito, realizou-se um estudo qualitativo e comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal. Foram analisados dados secundários oriundos de estatísticas oficiais dos dois países a fim de apresentar como o envelhecimento populacional está refletindo no envelhecimento da força de trabalho e caracterizar a situação do emprego para homens e mulheres mais velhos/as. Os dados primários foram coletados na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS (Brasil) e Lisboa e arredores (Portugal) via entrevistas semiestruturadas com informantes privilegiados/as, trabalhadores/as e estudantes em Hotelaria. Ao todo, foram realizadas 20 entrevistas no Brasil e 23 em Portugal. Os resultados apontam para uma forte segmentação por idade e por gênero no mercado de trabalho em hotelaria. Diversos elementos tanto mercantis quanto não mercantis interferem na delimitação dos espaços de circulação destes/as trabalhadores/as fazendo com que o setor seja associado ao trabalho dos jovens e das mulheres. Tanto os/as informantes privilegiados/as quanto os/as trabalhadores/as e estudantes sinalizam em suas entrevistas que o idadismo e o sexismo seguem presentes nas relações de trabalho em hotelaria, fazendo com que as demandas emocionais e corpóreas recaiam mais sobre as mulheres e estejam fortemente associadas às representações do que é ser um/a trabalhador/a mais velho/a em hotelaria. Logo, nas etapas finais da vida laboral o envelhecimento e o gênero funcionam como elementos articuladores das trajetórias no mercado de trabalho em Hotelaria, delimitando e constrangendo o acesso às oportunidades de trabalho em um cenário no qual os/as mais velhos/as tem sido os/as mais prejudicados/as. / This present thesis interconnects three complex constructs: aging, gender and labor market. The aging process is experienced by each individual uniqueness, and there are several factors involved in it. As it is not a gender-free phenomenon (Casaca & Boud, 2012), to understand the relationship between aging and labor market, it is also essential to integrate a gender perspective by considering the specificities of women and men getting older, which, in some cases, become more evident with aging (Perista & Perista). Assuming that the labor market is dynamic, relational and historically constructed (Rocha-de-Oliveira, 2009) the access to work opportunities is often guided by mechanisms which go beyond rationality and refer to beliefs, values and norms of these markets (Guimarães, 2009). Therefore, this thesis aims to defend the age ascribed characteristics - in this case, the aging process - and gender delimit and constrain the workers’ labor experience in the hospitality sector in Brazil and in Portugal. In order to achieve this result, we carried out a qualitative and comparative study between Brazil and Portugal. Secondary data from official statistics of the two countries have been analyzed in order to present how the aging process is reflecting on the aging of the workforce and characterize the employment situation for men and women who are elderly. Primary data have been collected in Porto Alegre / RS (Brazil) and Lisbon area (Portugal) via semi-structured interviews with key-informants and employees/students in the area of Hospitality. Twenty people were interviewed in Brazil and twenty-three in Portugal. The results point to a strong segmentation by age and gender in the labor market in hotel management. Miscellaneous both market and non-market elements interfere with the delimitation space circulation of these workers, making the sector to be associated to young people and women work. Both informants and workers/students say in their interviews that ageism and sexism still present in working relationships in hospitality, making the emotional and aesthetic labor affect more on women and strongly associated with representations of what it is like to be an the elder worker in hotels. Therefore, in the final stages of working life aging and gender work as articulators elements of the trajectories in the hospitality labor market, defining and constraining access to job opportunities in a scenario in which elderly people are the most disadvantaged ones.

Sustentabilidade como prática sociomaterial no processo de gerenciamento de um hotel em João Pessoa-PB

Silva, Laércio de Barros 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-08-31T12:32:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3015142 bytes, checksum: 2cd6188e8c1fea3a810fda4aa63a6a03 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2017-08-31T15:50:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3015142 bytes, checksum: 2cd6188e8c1fea3a810fda4aa63a6a03 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2017-08-31T15:56:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3015142 bytes, checksum: 2cd6188e8c1fea3a810fda4aa63a6a03 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-31T15:58:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3015142 bytes, checksum: 2cd6188e8c1fea3a810fda4aa63a6a03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Sustainability is a subject that has been continuously studied since the 1970s when it became a worldwide concern, not unlike Administration as a field of science has devoted equal attention to and focused on the thematic field of sustainability, especially in what concerns to study the impacts of organizational actions. This study focused on sustainability considerations in the hospitality sector. As a len of studies for the interpretation of the phenomenon it was used the approach of Practice-Based Studies (PBS), in particular the sociomateriality. The use of the sociomaterial approach is a manner of introducing new ways of seeing the phenomenon of sustainability through a more critical strand. Thus, studying sustainability through sociomateriality is to understand that it is not only formed by intentional human action but that the action of non-humans is also important for the realization of this practice. Thus, the general objective of this research was to understand how sustainability is given as a management practice in a hotel that declares itself sustainable in a brazilian Northeast capital city. The qualitative case study method was used to conduct the research using shadowing during the field observations and through interviews as well as informal conversations. As a way of analyzing the data, categories of analysis were established through the use of literature. Regarding the results, it is possible to affirm that sustainability is a sociomaterial practice and that it depends on the existence of nonhuman elements for its accomplishment. The categories of analysis were able to show that the sustainability that occurs in the hotel is very fragile, for which we make some recommendations for improvements regarding the possible practices. Still according to the results it is possible to affirm that sustainability is a non-prescriptive daily practice that emerges and perpetuates over time in a performative way. Finally, this research aimed to contribute to the advancement of management science in the theoretical and practical field of sustainability through real experiences. / A sustentabilidade é um tema que vem sendo estudado continuamente desde a década de 1970, quando se tornou uma preocupação em nível mundial, não diferente a Administração como campo da ciência tem dedicado igual atenção e se debruçado sobre o campo temático da sustentabilidade, principalmente no que se refere a estudar os impactos das ações organizacionais. Este estudo se dedicou a fazer reflexões a cerca da sustentabilidade no setor da hotelaria. Como lente de estudos para intepretação do fenômeno foi usada a abordagem dos Estudos Baseados em Práticas (EBP), de forma particular a sociomaterialidade. O uso da abordagem da sociomaterialidade é uma forma de se introduzir novas formas de enxergar o fenômeno da sustentabilidade por meio de uma vertente mais crítica. Dessa forma, estudar sustentabilidade por meio da sociomaterialidade é compreender que ela não é formada apenas pela ação humana intencionada, mas que a ação dos não humanos também é importante para a realização dessa prática. Assim, o objetivo geral dessa pesquisa foi compreender como se dá a sustentabilidade como prática de gestão em um hotel que se declara sustentável em uma capital do nordeste brasileiro. Para realização da pesquisa utilizou-se do método de estudo de casa qualitativo, com o uso do shadowing durante as observações de campo e por meio de entrevistas, além de conversas informais. Como forma de analisar os dados estabeleceu-se categorias de análise por meio do uso da literatura. No que se refere aos resultados é possível afirmar que a sustentabilidade é uma prática sociomaterial e que tem dependência da existência de elementos não humanos para a sua realização. As categorias de análise puderam evidenciar que a sustentabilidade que ocorre no hotel é bastante frágil, para isso faz-se algumas recomendações de melhorias no que diz respeitas as práticas possíveis. Ainda de acordo com os resultados é possível afirmar que a sustentabilidade é uma prática cotidiana não prescritiva, que surge e se perpetua ao longo do tempo de forma performativa. Por fim, essa pesquisa visou contribuir com o avanço da ciência da Administração, no que se refere ao campo teórico e prático da sustentabilidade por meio de constatações reais de experiências vividas.

Sistema de gest?o da qualidade na hotelaria :um estudo comparativo da ISO 9000 com os modelos de classifica??o no Brasil / Quality management system in the hospitality industry: a comparativ study on ISO 9000 and hotel classification achemes in Brazil

Rom?o, K?tia Yacyszyn Alves 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KatiaYA.pdf: 245375 bytes, checksum: a888164361e9c94e138c9a7e686f31bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os sistemas de Classifica??es existentes para a garantia da gest?o da qualidade no setor hoteleiro, tendo como foco principal a Matriz de Classifica??o para os Meios de Hospedagem da EMBRATUR e a ISO 9000, observando os benef?cios que esses sistemas e/ou processos de gest?o poder?o vir a proporcionar para o setor hoteleiro no que se refere ? qualidade de seus servi?os. Para a obten??o dessas informa??es foi realizada uma an?lise comparativa dos sistemas de gest?o da qualidade atrav?s de pesquisas bibliogr?ficas e de question?rios enviados para empreendimentos hoteleiros certificados e classificados, onde os principais resultados fornecidos pela pesquisa foram trabalhados de forma a apresentar, de maneira clara, a superioridade de um sistema em rela??o ao outro

An analysis of management skills within graded establishments in South Africa / Walter Johan Wessels

Wessels, Walter Johan January 2015 (has links)
The tourism industry is one of the biggest economic contributors in South Africa and it is predicted that the industry will grow significantly over the years to come. This growth pressures South Africa to stay competitive and adhere to the needs of the visitors. The latter being one of the core functions of any tourism establishment. Labour structures in the tourism industry are constantly changing and to deliver quality products, employees should be well skilled and prepared for the demands of the industry. The accommodation sector, one of the biggest sectors in the tourism industry, provides a variety of services to tourists when visiting this country. It was determined in the literature review that the skills needed by an accommodation manager, to provide the expected services include flexibility, people skills, the ability to train other employees and the ability to explore the ever changing needs of the tourist. Higher education organisations in South Africa educate potential tourism employees in a variety of skills and knowledge. However, some employees are still of the opinion that these students are not adequately prepared for the demands of the industry and therefore complain. Added to this, there is very little communication between the industry and higher education organisations. Therefore the tourism industry feels that students are not employable which creates challenges for students, higher education organisations and the tourism industry. Education and skills development should contribute directly to the economic growth of South Africa and the government, a very important role player in the tourism industry, encourages education opportunities in South Africa. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine, through industry participitation, what the management skills required within graded establishments in South Africa are. To achieve this aim, the following objectives were set: To analyse the literature available regarding the managerial theories, managerial levels, managerial processes and universal skills needed by managers, to analyse the tourism industry and hospitality sector, identify the important role played by managerial skills within this sector and to identify higher education programmes available in South Africa that focus specifically on managerial skills development for the accommodation sector. Thirdly, to collect and analyse the perceptions of accommodation owners and managers regarding the managerial skills and knowledge required by graduate managerial employees and then to draw conclusions and make recommendations to higher education organisations to adapt tourism management qualification programmes. This was achieved by making use of a quantitative research method by means of self-administered questionnaires, distributed to 254 Tourism Grading Counsil of South Africa’s (TGCSA) graded establishment managers in the nine (9) provinces of South Africa. The data, gathered from the questionnaire, was captured electronically by an online programme, SurveyMonkey. The data was then processed by means of SPSS and analysed. The descriptive results revealed that most of the responding accommodation establishments do employ graduates, but these graduates have to display certain characteristics. The top three characteristics for an accommodation manager included trustworthiness, responsibility and motivation in that order. Being ambitious, intelligent and sensitive rated the lowest. A factor analysis revealed that there are 10 important factors that contributes to being an effective accommodation manager. These skills included: 1) Personal characteristics, 2) Forecasting skills, 3) Strategic management skills, 4) Human resource skills, 5) Problem solving and crisis management skills, 6) Communication skills, 7) Information technology skills, 8) Customer service skills, 9) Financial skills and 10) Marketing skills. The comparisons (by means of ANOVA’s, t-tests and spearman rank order correlations) between skills needed by an accommodation manager and selected business characteristics (the province in which the accommodation establishment is located, the grading status, the size, the number of employees and the years that the accommodation establishment has been in operation) are unique to this study and various significant differences were identified. Comparisons have also been done between skills needed by an accommodation manager and selected personal characteristics (age, current position, duration of employment, level of higher education and the necessity of practical skills before employment of the respondent) which also revealed significant differences. The highest number of significant differences was identified for larger establishments, age, position of the respondents and the duration of employment. The results of this study can be used by higher education organisations to adapt their current tourism management qualifications, and by accommodation establishments to understand the training needs of employees. It did however voice the concerns of industry role players when it comes to new graduates and their employability. / MA (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

An analysis of management skills within graded establishments in South Africa / Walter Johan Wessels

Wessels, Walter Johan January 2015 (has links)
The tourism industry is one of the biggest economic contributors in South Africa and it is predicted that the industry will grow significantly over the years to come. This growth pressures South Africa to stay competitive and adhere to the needs of the visitors. The latter being one of the core functions of any tourism establishment. Labour structures in the tourism industry are constantly changing and to deliver quality products, employees should be well skilled and prepared for the demands of the industry. The accommodation sector, one of the biggest sectors in the tourism industry, provides a variety of services to tourists when visiting this country. It was determined in the literature review that the skills needed by an accommodation manager, to provide the expected services include flexibility, people skills, the ability to train other employees and the ability to explore the ever changing needs of the tourist. Higher education organisations in South Africa educate potential tourism employees in a variety of skills and knowledge. However, some employees are still of the opinion that these students are not adequately prepared for the demands of the industry and therefore complain. Added to this, there is very little communication between the industry and higher education organisations. Therefore the tourism industry feels that students are not employable which creates challenges for students, higher education organisations and the tourism industry. Education and skills development should contribute directly to the economic growth of South Africa and the government, a very important role player in the tourism industry, encourages education opportunities in South Africa. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine, through industry participitation, what the management skills required within graded establishments in South Africa are. To achieve this aim, the following objectives were set: To analyse the literature available regarding the managerial theories, managerial levels, managerial processes and universal skills needed by managers, to analyse the tourism industry and hospitality sector, identify the important role played by managerial skills within this sector and to identify higher education programmes available in South Africa that focus specifically on managerial skills development for the accommodation sector. Thirdly, to collect and analyse the perceptions of accommodation owners and managers regarding the managerial skills and knowledge required by graduate managerial employees and then to draw conclusions and make recommendations to higher education organisations to adapt tourism management qualification programmes. This was achieved by making use of a quantitative research method by means of self-administered questionnaires, distributed to 254 Tourism Grading Counsil of South Africa’s (TGCSA) graded establishment managers in the nine (9) provinces of South Africa. The data, gathered from the questionnaire, was captured electronically by an online programme, SurveyMonkey. The data was then processed by means of SPSS and analysed. The descriptive results revealed that most of the responding accommodation establishments do employ graduates, but these graduates have to display certain characteristics. The top three characteristics for an accommodation manager included trustworthiness, responsibility and motivation in that order. Being ambitious, intelligent and sensitive rated the lowest. A factor analysis revealed that there are 10 important factors that contributes to being an effective accommodation manager. These skills included: 1) Personal characteristics, 2) Forecasting skills, 3) Strategic management skills, 4) Human resource skills, 5) Problem solving and crisis management skills, 6) Communication skills, 7) Information technology skills, 8) Customer service skills, 9) Financial skills and 10) Marketing skills. The comparisons (by means of ANOVA’s, t-tests and spearman rank order correlations) between skills needed by an accommodation manager and selected business characteristics (the province in which the accommodation establishment is located, the grading status, the size, the number of employees and the years that the accommodation establishment has been in operation) are unique to this study and various significant differences were identified. Comparisons have also been done between skills needed by an accommodation manager and selected personal characteristics (age, current position, duration of employment, level of higher education and the necessity of practical skills before employment of the respondent) which also revealed significant differences. The highest number of significant differences was identified for larger establishments, age, position of the respondents and the duration of employment. The results of this study can be used by higher education organisations to adapt their current tourism management qualifications, and by accommodation establishments to understand the training needs of employees. It did however voice the concerns of industry role players when it comes to new graduates and their employability. / MA (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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