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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing sustainable household waste management : a Local Authority approach to zero waste

Cole, Christine January 2014 (has links)
This project was a case study with a Local Authority (Charnwood Borough Council, Leicestershire) to research the options in response to the challenges of managing household waste. This research focused on establishing and analysing methods of improving the sustainability of household waste management operation within a Waste Collection Authority, where the interaction with a variety of external and internal stakeholders meant a holistic approach was needed. Waste management practices and performances in Charnwood were evaluated and benchmarked against national standards and the demography of a semi-rural Borough. Waste management practices nationally were also reviewed. The performance of the LA was quantitatively compared with other UK LAs where higher recycling performances are achieved. Differences were separate food waste collection and treatment; a larger proportion of urban housing and the university with a transient population. Other differences included strategy and operational practices for garden waste, the storage, collection, transportation and treatment of waste. A time series statistical model was modified and applied to investigate long term waste generation trends from the Boroughs official waste data returns to Defra. These were used to assess the success of interventions undertaken. This statistical model was able to differentiate interventions that were able to achieve lasting improvements in either waste minimisation or recycling. The declaration of a Zero Waste Strategy was to capture the public imagination. A series of focus groups and public consultations were held to judge public reaction and develop and refine the strategy. These were used to adapt the Zero Waste idea to suit the local conditions. A major conclusion was that householder involvement would be crucial for successful implementation of the further separation of waste that would be required.

Gör vi allt vi kan eller allt vi vill? : En undersökning om inställning till sortering och minskning av hushållsavfall inom enfamiljshushåll i Örnsköldsviks kommun. / Are we doing everything we know or everything we want? : A study about attitudes towards sorting and reducing household waste in single family households in municipality of Örnskäldsvik.

Lindström, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the main reasons for and obstacles to single family households sorting household waste. Focusing on a population between ages 35 and 45 and 65+, it also examines motivating factors, reasons, and obstacles to reduce total household waste. Worldwide, the problem of greenhouse gases and dioxins because of waste is still unresolved. The national environmental legislation state that everyone is responsible to handle their waste in a way that does not harm people or the environment. Previous investigations regarding waste, conducted by waste company Miva, situated in municipality of Örnsköldsvik, show that improvements can be done by the citizens. The current project involves a survey sent to 789 households and answered by 302. Results from the survey combined with eight telephone interviews showed the following: people sort their waste mainly for environmental reasons but sometimes they find it easier not to sort at all, often because of very dirty packaging or simply convenience. Both age groups have the will but do not experience the possibility to reduce their overall waste. Higher waste management cost does not motivate people to improve their recycling habits, but personal feedback seems to be an effective way to reach higher motivation. To reach further improvements and reduce waste the citizens of Örnsköldsvik might need to change their consumption habits and producers take their responsibility regarding packaging. Further research to what impacts consumer behaviour is needed.

A destinação dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares em megacidades: o caso de São Paulo / Household waste management in megacities: the case study of São Paulo

Ruberg, Claudia 09 February 2006 (has links)
A alta complexidade da destinação dos resíduos sólidos nas megacidades, como é o caso do Município de São Paulo advém, não apenas da grande quantidade de resíduos gerados, mas também da sua extensão urbana.Os dois aterros sanitários localizados na periferia da Capital paulista – Bandeirantes e São João – recebem, diariamente, doze mil toneladas de resíduos urbanos, dentre as quais quase nove mil de resíduos domiciliares. Esses aterros ocupam, respectivamente, 140 e 85 hectares e estarão esgotados até o início da próxima década. O mero afastamento dos resíduos, destinação amplamente empregada nos municípios brasileiros, tem se mostrado como uma opção pouco viável nas megacidades, principalmente devido aos problemas urbanos a ele associados. Faz-se mister reduzir, significativamente, o volume de resíduos enviados aos aterros, meta não alcançada somente com o emprego da reciclagem. Através da incineração tem-se a redução necessária, sendo essa tecnologia já utilizada em diversos países.Com objetivo de modificar a atual destinação dos resíduos domiciliares de São Paulo para um sistema de estações redutoras de volume associado ao sistema viário principal, foi elaborada a proposta de implantação de seis incineradores localizados nas imediações de um anel viário metropolitano. Em cada unidade foi previsto um buffer de vegetação com a finalidade de minimizar os ruídos e os particulados no entorno, bem como proteger visualmente a área.A distribuição de unidades de redução de volume de resíduos permitiu a montagem de um sistema mais racional de transporte, com a eliminação das estações de transferência de resíduos e a diminuição das distâncias de transporte.Essa proposta, que respeita o zoneamento e as áreas de proteção ambiental, visa diminuir a dependência de grandes áreas para aterramento dos resíduos, reduzir os problemas resultantes do deslocamento de veículos coletores, ao mesmo tempo em que minimiza os efeitos negativos ao meio ambiente. / The extreme complexity of the solid waste management in mega cities like São Paulo is caused not only by the great amount of waste the city generates, but also by its huge urban area.The two existent sanitary landfills located in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo – namely Bandeirantes and São João – receive twelve thousand metric tons of urban solid waste daily, almost nine thousand metric tons of which are originated by household waste. These sanitary landfills occupy 140 and 85 hectares respectively, and it has been prognosticated that both areas will close before the next decade. The simple waste removal to areas outside the urban perimeter, a waste management concept implemented by most Brazilian cities, has been proved inefficient when mega cities are concerned, mainly due to urban problems associated with it. It is then necessary to reduce significantly the amount of waste sent to the sanitary landfills, a goal that has not been reached by simply recycling the waste. The technology of incineration on the other hand is an alternative that promotes this reduction and has been successfully used in many countries. A proposal has been devised to change the present management of household waste in São Paulo city to a system of reduction stations of the amount of waste linked to the main metropolitan road system. This proposal consists on the implementation of six incinerators placed in the vicinity of the metropolitan ring road. Each unit includes a vegetation buffer that both reduces the noise and particulates in the surroundings, and protects the area from visual pollution. The distribution of waste reduction units allowed the implementation of a more rational system of transportation, resulting in the elimination of the waste transfer stations and the shortening of the transportation distances. This proposal pays heed to the zone division of the city and the areas under environment protection, and aims at reducing the destination of large areas to the burying of waste as well as reducing the problems caused by the flow of the collecting vehicles, at the same time that it lessens the negative effects on the environment.

A destinação dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares em megacidades: o caso de São Paulo / Household waste management in megacities: the case study of São Paulo

Claudia Ruberg 09 February 2006 (has links)
A alta complexidade da destinação dos resíduos sólidos nas megacidades, como é o caso do Município de São Paulo advém, não apenas da grande quantidade de resíduos gerados, mas também da sua extensão urbana.Os dois aterros sanitários localizados na periferia da Capital paulista – Bandeirantes e São João – recebem, diariamente, doze mil toneladas de resíduos urbanos, dentre as quais quase nove mil de resíduos domiciliares. Esses aterros ocupam, respectivamente, 140 e 85 hectares e estarão esgotados até o início da próxima década. O mero afastamento dos resíduos, destinação amplamente empregada nos municípios brasileiros, tem se mostrado como uma opção pouco viável nas megacidades, principalmente devido aos problemas urbanos a ele associados. Faz-se mister reduzir, significativamente, o volume de resíduos enviados aos aterros, meta não alcançada somente com o emprego da reciclagem. Através da incineração tem-se a redução necessária, sendo essa tecnologia já utilizada em diversos países.Com objetivo de modificar a atual destinação dos resíduos domiciliares de São Paulo para um sistema de estações redutoras de volume associado ao sistema viário principal, foi elaborada a proposta de implantação de seis incineradores localizados nas imediações de um anel viário metropolitano. Em cada unidade foi previsto um buffer de vegetação com a finalidade de minimizar os ruídos e os particulados no entorno, bem como proteger visualmente a área.A distribuição de unidades de redução de volume de resíduos permitiu a montagem de um sistema mais racional de transporte, com a eliminação das estações de transferência de resíduos e a diminuição das distâncias de transporte.Essa proposta, que respeita o zoneamento e as áreas de proteção ambiental, visa diminuir a dependência de grandes áreas para aterramento dos resíduos, reduzir os problemas resultantes do deslocamento de veículos coletores, ao mesmo tempo em que minimiza os efeitos negativos ao meio ambiente. / The extreme complexity of the solid waste management in mega cities like São Paulo is caused not only by the great amount of waste the city generates, but also by its huge urban area.The two existent sanitary landfills located in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo – namely Bandeirantes and São João – receive twelve thousand metric tons of urban solid waste daily, almost nine thousand metric tons of which are originated by household waste. These sanitary landfills occupy 140 and 85 hectares respectively, and it has been prognosticated that both areas will close before the next decade. The simple waste removal to areas outside the urban perimeter, a waste management concept implemented by most Brazilian cities, has been proved inefficient when mega cities are concerned, mainly due to urban problems associated with it. It is then necessary to reduce significantly the amount of waste sent to the sanitary landfills, a goal that has not been reached by simply recycling the waste. The technology of incineration on the other hand is an alternative that promotes this reduction and has been successfully used in many countries. A proposal has been devised to change the present management of household waste in São Paulo city to a system of reduction stations of the amount of waste linked to the main metropolitan road system. This proposal consists on the implementation of six incinerators placed in the vicinity of the metropolitan ring road. Each unit includes a vegetation buffer that both reduces the noise and particulates in the surroundings, and protects the area from visual pollution. The distribution of waste reduction units allowed the implementation of a more rational system of transportation, resulting in the elimination of the waste transfer stations and the shortening of the transportation distances. This proposal pays heed to the zone division of the city and the areas under environment protection, and aims at reducing the destination of large areas to the burying of waste as well as reducing the problems caused by the flow of the collecting vehicles, at the same time that it lessens the negative effects on the environment.

Aspects socio-économiques d'un compost phytosanitaire issu des ordures appliqué dans l'agriculture périurbaine en Afrique de l'Ouest

Kessler, Angelika 23 August 2004 (has links)
Im EU finanzierten Projekt "Die Verwendung von kompostiertem Haushaltsmüll in der vorstädtischen Landwirtschaft von Westafrika als Pflanzenschutzmittel", das in Rufisque im Senegal, Conakry und Timbi Madîna in der Republik Guinea sowie Lomé und Tsévié im Togo von 1999 bis 2002 stattfand, wurden die Daten für diese Arbeit erhoben. Diese Orte sind hauptsächlich von Wolofs, Fulfulbe, Sussus und Ewes bewohnt. Ihre Größe variert zwischen 4 000 und 1,4 Mill. Einwohner. Es wurden städtische Gemüsebau- und vorstädtische Ackerbausysteme untersucht. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Einführung von Kompost als Pflanzenschutzmittel zu erleichtern. Dazu wurden Bereitschaften untersucht: die der städtischen Haushalte Biomüll zu sammeln und die der vorstädtischen Bauern Kompost aus Haushaltsmüll als Pflanzenschutzmittel einzusetzen. Dafür wurden standardisierte Befragungen von 1802 Bauern und 1775 Haushalten durchgeführt. Etwa 10 % dieser Antworten wurden in 18 logistischen Regressionsmodellen mit Interaktionen des 1. Grades analysiert. Den Modellen wurden die qualitativen Ergebnissen aus den standardisierten, halbstandardisierten und unstrukturierten Interviews sowie Beobachtungen und Einzelfallstudien gegenübergestellt. Daraus läßt sich schließen, dass es keine traditionellen Hemmnisse gegen Biomüllsammlung und -verarbeitung, sowie die Verwendung von Kompost aus Müll gibt. Wilde Deponien stören die Einwohner. Sie sind bereit sich finanziell an einer Müllsammlung zu beteiligen. Für die Mülltrennung brauchen sie zusätzliche, an Klima und Menge angepasste Mülltonnen. Die Haushalte wollen geringere Müllgebühren bezahlen, wenn sie Müll trennen. Müllsammen ist rentable. Eine transparente Buchführung der Müllgebühren ist unerlässlich für die Nachhaltigkeit. Für eine Kompoststation eignet sich am besten eine Kleinstadt mit vielen Müllproblemen und noch ohne Müllsammelorganisation sowie mit vielen Gemüsebauern mit einem hohen Krankheitsbewußtsein. Die Kompostherstellung ist sehr arbeitsintensiv und nur rentable, wenn der Kompost zu Pflanzenschutzmittelpreisen verkauft werden kann. Kompost ist in Westafrika bekannt. Die Verwendung von Kompost als Pflanzenschutzmittel gegen bodenbürtige Krankheiten ist eine Neuerung. Daher benötigt eine Kompoststation ein sehr wirksames Marketing. / By the EU financed project called "Utilisation of composted waste from urban households in the peri-urban agriculture for plant protection purpose in West Africa" with took place in Rufisque in Senegal, Conakry and Timbi Madîna in the Republic of Guinea the same as Lomé and Tsévié in Togo from 1999 to 2002, the data which are the base of this study have been collected. These towns are mainly settled by Wolofs, Fulanis, Sussus and Ewes. The size of the towns varies from 4 000 to 1.4 mill inhabitants. Production systems of urban vegetable farmers as well as peri-urban rain fed farmers have been investigated. The objective was to analyse the willingness of household, to collect organic waste, and of farmers, to use composted household waste for plant protection, to facilitate the introduction of compost for phytosanitary purpose. Hence standardised interviews of 1802 farmers and 1775 households have been done. About 10 % of the answers have been standardised in a way which allowed analysing them in 18 models of logistic regression with the first level of interactions. The results of the models have been compared to the qualitative results of the standardised, the half standardised and the unstructured interviews as well as the observations and the case studies. We find out that: There are no traditional obstacles inhibiting the collection of organic waste, the processing and the use of compost. Wild waste heaps disturb the people. They are ready to participate financially on waste collection. For the separation of waste the households need bins adapted to the climate and to the amount of waste. Anyway households separating waste would like to pay reduced waste fees. The waste collection is actually a rentable economic activity. A conflict avoiding accountability for waste fees is essential for the long lasting of a waste collection organisation. An optimal place for a compost station is a small rural town with many waste problems, without an institutionalised waste collection and with many vegetable farmers aware of diseases. The production of compost is very labour-intensive and rentable only if the compost is sold on organic pesticide prices. Compost is well known in West Africa. The innovation would be the application of compost for pest treatment of soil related diseases. Therefore a compost station needs a very efficient marketing.

Quelle économie circulaire spontanée pour une ville moyenne camerounaise ? : Le cas des déchets solides ménagers de Bangangté (Cameroun) / What spontaneous circular economy for a medium-sized cameroonian city ? : The case of the solid household waste from Bangangte (Cameroon)

Mbiadjeu-Lawou, Sosthène Parole 08 April 2019 (has links)
Pour appréhender l'économie circulaire spontanée à Bangangté, ville moyenne camerounaise, avec le cas des déchets solides ménagers, nous avons formulé une hypothèse principale montrant les liens forts des pratiques alternatives ou spontanées de cette gestion avec l’économie circulaire. Pour y parvenir, nous avons adopté une approche transversale, explicative et analytique. Des recherches documentaires nous ont permis d’obtenir des données relatives à notre problématique. Sur la base d’un échantillonnage aléatoire, nous avons enquêté 200 ménages dans 10 quartiers de la ville de Bangangté. De plus, nous avons réalisé 30 entretiens avec plusieurs acteurs : administration publique en charge de la gestion des déchets, entreprise Hygiène et Salubrité du Cameroun (HYSACAM), récupérateurs, emplois verts, associations, etc. Des observations empiriques, souvent illustrées, nous ont permis d’identifier et d’évaluer les facteurs de risques et les conséquences liés aux déchets solides ménagers. Nous avons pu suivre les activités de valorisation par les bangangtéens et la municipalité, pour une gestion efficace et rentable de ces déchets. Cette démarche nous a permis d’obtenir des résultats sur la caractérisation des déchets, les pratiques courantes, les filières de l’économie circulaire et la réalisation de la cartographie des gisements et composition des déchets, leur répartition par quantités et par quartiers, les sites de transformation et de vente des matières de récupération et de recyclage. A Bangangté, la pratique de l’économie circulaire de proximité a eu des conséquences socio-économiques positives et à plus de durabilité. / To understand the spontaneous circular economy of Bangangte, a Cameroonian medium-sized city, with the case of solid household waste, we formulate a main hypothesis showing the strongly linked that alternative or spontaneous practices for managing to the circular economy. To achieve this, we have adopted a transversal, explanatory and analytical approach. Documentary research permitted us to obtain data related to our topic. Based on a random sample, we surveyed 200 households in 10 neighbourhoods or quarters in Bangangte city. In addition, we conducted 30 interviews with several stakeholders : public administration in charge of waste management, Cameroon Sanitary and Hygene company (HYSACAM), reclaimers, green jobs, association, etc. Empirical observations, often illustrated, allowed us to identify and assess the risk factors and consequences related to household solid waste. We were able to monitor the recovery activities by the Bangangteans and the municipality, for the efficient and profitable waste management. This approach has enabled us to obtain results on waste characterization, current practices and the mapping of waste deposits and compostion, their distribution by quantity and neighbourhood, and the processing and sale sites for recovery and recycling materials. Knowledge of the different perceptions and ways of using waste is also important. In Bangangte, the practice of the local circular economy has had positive socio-economic and has generated more than a hundred local jobs in the field of recovery, recycling activities, composting, reuse,etc. to go further, the mutualization between several actors.

Analyse économique de la gestion des déchets ménagers au Vietnam : le cas des villes de Hanoi et d'Hochiminh / An economic analysis of household waste management in Vietnam : the case of Hanoï and Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen, Thi Thuy Linh 07 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse économique de la gestion des déchets ménagers au Vietnam.Après avoir étudié les différents acteurs et leurs domaines de compétence à l’échellenationale, elle cible plus particulièrement les zones urbaines du pays afin d’identifier la naturedes déchets produits, les modalités de régulation et de financement de leur gestion. Parailleurs, une évaluation des comportements des ménages en faveur de l'amélioration de lagestion des déchets ménagers est proposée à partir d’une évaluation contingente. A partird’une enquête réalisée auprès de 416 ménages dans la ville de Hanoï et de 444 ménages dansla ville d’Ho Chi Minh, l’estimation du consentement à payer (via la méthode d’Heckman)révèle que les ménages sont disposés à payer respectivement environ 0.51 euros et 0.56 eurospar mois par ménage pour une amélioration de la qualité du service d’élimination des déchetsménagers. Les résultats de cette étude empirique sont également mobilisés pour proposer desrecommandations concrètes visant à assurer une plus grande efficacité dans la gestion desdéchets au Vietnam. / This thesis provides an economic analysis of household waste management in Vietnam. Afterstudying the various stakeholders and their fields of competence at the national level, ittargets the urban areas of the country in particular in order to identify the nature of the wasteproduced and the regulation and financing conditions for its management. Furthermore, anassessment of household behavior vis-à-vis the improvement of household waste managementis proposed using a contingent evaluation. Starting from a survey carried out on 416households in the city of Hanoi and 444 households in Ho Chi Minh City, an estimation of thewillingness to pay (using the Heckman method) reveals that households are prepared to payabout 0.51 euros and 0.56 euros per month per household respectively to improve the qualityof service of household waste disposal. The results of this empirical study are also used topropose concrete recommendations aiming to ensure greater efficiency in household wastemanagement in Vietnam.

Secondary teachers' views regarding learners' awareness on household waste management in Newcastle South Africa

Moyo, Khumbulani 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Sotho and Zulu / Waste generation is a global problem encountered by many nations. In recent years, population growth, booming urbanisation, an increase in economic activities and rise of communities’ living standards have significantly escalated household waste generation which has been a cause for concern. Waste production in households and schools imposes serious concern on the environment. To curb further depletion of environmental resources, sustainable consumption and household waste management practices and systems cannot be over emphasised. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the views of secondary school teachers’ views with regard to learners’ awareness of household waste management in Newcastle, South Africa. This study, following a qualitative approach, adopted a case study design to explore secondary teachers’ views on learners’ awareness on household waste management in the Newcastle municipality, in the Amajuba District, South Africa. By using semi- structured interviews, non-participatory observation and documents analysis, data were collected from three secondary schools and nine teachers, teaching Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Life Orientation in Grade 8. The findings revealed that teachers understand the importance and benefits of household waste management although misconceptions of household waste management still prevailed. A challenge that emerged showed that teachers lack training to successfully integrate household waste management in their subjects. Their failure to identify household waste management themes in their CAPS subjects was sufficient evidence for the urgency of in-service training of teachers to assist them in integrating environmental education (EE) themes such as household waste management in their subjects. Although teachers experienced several challenges regarding implementing the theme of household waste management in their subjects, they considered the benefits outweighed the challenges. / Tlhahiso ya ditshila ke bothata bo aparetseng dinaha tse ngata. Dilemong tsa morao tjena, kgolo ya baahi, ho eketseha ha ditoropo, ho eketseha ha mesebetsi ya moruo, le ho phahama ha maemo a bophelo a baahi ho ekeditse tlhahiso ya ditshila tsa malapa ka mokgwa o bonahalang, e leng seo e leng sesosa sa ho tshwenyeha. Tlhahiso ya ditshila malapeng le dikolong e baka mathata a tebileng tikolohong. Ho thibela ho qepha ho eketsehileng ha mehlodi ya tikoloho, tshebediso e tsitsitseng le ditlwaelo tsa taolo ya ditshila tsa malapeng le ditsamaiso ho hloka ho elwa hloko ka tsela e kgethehileng. Kahoo, sepheo sa phuputso e ne e le ho hlahloba maikutlo a matitjhere a dikolo tse mahareng mabapi le tlhokomediso ya baithuti ka taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa Newcastle, Afrika Borwa. Phuputso, ka ho sebedisa mokgwa wa boleng, e amohetse moralo wa phuputso e ikgethileng ho hlahloba maikutlo a matitjhere a dikolo tse bohareng hodima tlhokomediso ya baithuti mabapi le taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa mmasepaleng wa Newcastle, Seterekeng sa Amajuba, Afrika Borwa. Ka ho sebedisa dipuisano tse hlophisitsweng hantle, tlhahlobo e sa kenyelletseng bonkakarolo le manollo ya ditokomane, datha e ile ya bokellwa ho tswa dikolong tse tharo tse bohareng le ho matitjhere a robong, a rutang Saense ya Tlhaho, Saense ya Phedisano le Thuto ya Bophelo bakeng sa baithuti ba Sehlopha sa 8. Diphetho di senotse hore matitjhere a utlwisisa bohlokwa le melemo ya taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa le hoja maikutlo a fosahetseng mabapi le taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa a ntse a atile. Phephetso e ileng ya hlaha e bontsha hore matitjhere a haellwa ke kwetliso ya ho kenyelletsa ka katleho taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa dithutong tsa bona. Ho hloleha ho kgetholla dihlooho tsa taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa dithutong tsa bona tsa CAPS e ne e le bopaki bo lekaneng ba ho potlaka ha kwetliso ya matitjhere a tshebetsong ho ba thusa ho kenyelletsa dihlooho tsa thuto ya tikoloho (EE) jwalo ka taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa dithutong tsa bona. Leha ele hore matitjhere a ile a ba le diphephetso mabapi le ho kenyelletsa dihlooho tsa taolo ya ditshila tsa malapa dithutong tsa bona, ba ile ba utlwa hore melemo e feta diphephetso. / Ukukhiqizeka kukadoti kuyinkinga ehlangabezana nezizwe eziningi emhlabeni. Eminyakeni esanda kudlula, ukukhula kwenani labantu, ukukhula kwamadolobha, ukukhula kwemisebenzi yamabhizinisi kanye nokukhuphuka kwezinga lempilo yabantu yikho okuye kwadala ukuthi imizi ikhiqize izinga eliphezulu likadoti/lenkukuma, okuyinkinga ebekade ivele isikhona. Ukukhiqizeka kukadoti emakhaya kanye nasezikoleni kudala izinkinga ezibi kakhulu endaweni. Ukuqeda ukumoshakala/ukuguga kwemithombo yezendawo okuqhubekela phambili, kusobala ukuthi kudingeka izindlela ezisimelele zokugaywa kukadothi kanye nezindlela zokulawula kukadothi kanti konke lokhu kuyiqiniso elingenakuphikiswa. Ngakho-ke, inhloso yocwaningo kwakuwukuphenya imibono yabafundisi bezikole zamabanga aphakeme mayelana nokuxwayisa uhlelo lokulawulwa kukadoti endaweni yase Newcastle, eNingizimu Afrika. Lolu cwaningo ngokulandela indlela yocwaningo eyencike kwingxoxo, luye lwalandela idizayini yocwaningo lotho ukuphenya imibono yabafundisi bamabanga aphakeme mayelana nokuxwayiswa kwabafundi ngokulawulwa kukadoti emakhaya ngaphansi kukamasipaladi waseNewcastle, ongaphansi kwesiFunda saseMajuba, eNingizimu Afrika. Idatha iye yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa inhlolovo embaxambili, kwahlaziywa indlela yokuziphatha futhi kwahlaziywa imibhalo, kanti le datha iqoqwe ezikoleni zamabanga aphakeme ezintathu kanye nakubafundisi abayisishiyagalolunye, okungabafundisi abafundisa izifundo phecelezi Natural Sciences, Social Sciences kanye neLife Orientation yabafundi bakaGreyidi 8. Ulwazi olutholakele luveze ukuthi abafundisi bazwisisa ukubaluleka kanye nezinzuzo zohlelo lokulawulwa kukadoti, yize kusekhona ukudideka/ukungazwisisani mayelana nohlelo lokulawula ukuphatha kukadoti. Inselelo ebonakele, ikhombise ukuthi abafundisi baswela ukuqeqeshwa ukuze bakwazi ukuzwisisa kahle uhlelo lokulawulwa kukadoti kwizifundo zabo. Ukwehluleka kwabo ukwehlukanisa izindikimba zokulawulwa kukadoti emakhaya ezifundweni zabo zeCAPS kuye kwaba wubufakazi obanele besidingo esisheshayo sokuqeqeshwa kwabafundisi abasemsebenzini ukubanceda ukuba bakwazi ukuhlanganisa izindikimba zezifundo zezendawo environmental education (EE) ezinjengokulawulwa kukadoti ezifundweni zabo.Yize abafundisi behlangabezana nezinselele ezimbalwa mayelana nokusebenzisa indikimba yokulawulwa kukadoti ezifundweni zabo, baye babona ukuthi izinzuzo zalokhu zedlula izinselele. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Environmental Education Curriculum)

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