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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Druhý živý. Trend začleňování zvířete do společnosti / The other living being: Trends of animals' integration into society.

Štiková, Irena January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a relationship between humans and animals. In particular, it focuses on a trend of inclusion and exclusion of animals to/from society. Main research questions are designed to answer a question how the dynamics of this trend looks. A dynamic of moral status of animals, legal status of animals, symbolic status of animals and a status of another living being is examined on the European society from antiquity to the present. This time period is divided into 7 parts. The thesis explores not only the dynamics of the statuses, but also their interaction. The symbolic establishment of human - animal boundaries in the European history is considered as well. The thesis reflects essential turning points and tendencies which had the influence on the trend of inclusion and exclusion of animals to/from society. Reader should get the basic knowledge about the development of human - animal relationship through the history.

A case study of incarcerated males participating in a canine training program

Currie, Nikki S. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology / Fred O. Bradley / The number of animal training programs in correctional facilities has increased in the past 25 years. Anecdotal accounts have informally assessed the efficacy of prison training programs; however, only limited systemic studies have been conducted (Britton & Button, 2005; Furst, 2006). Preliminary information from anecdotal accounts and narratives indicates the potential these programs have to impact inmate behavior, self- esteem, staff and inmate morale, and community perceptions of offenders (Cushing & Williams, 1995; Harkrader, Burke, & Owen, 2004). There is also an indication inmate trainers learn responsibility, patience, coping skills, and vocational skills (Britton & Button, 2005; Merriam-Arduini, 2000; Turner, 2007). This qualitative study presents preliminary findings from the following five participant perspectives on the perceived outcomes of a canine training program in a correctional facility where inmates train assistance, therapy, rescue, and medical alert canines: (a) inmate trainers, (b) former inmate trainers, (c) non-trainer inmates who are not involved in the training program, (d) staff, and (e) the researcher. Once trained, the canines are adopted as assistance dogs for individuals in need. Data collected from in- depth interviews with current inmate trainers, former inmate trainers, non-trainer inmates, and staff, and audio and video recordings, researcher observations, and a researcher developed scale indicated the following themes which emerged from the study: there are positive emotional outcomes and positive practical outcomes for inmate trainers who work with dogs in the training program. Positive emotional outcomes for inmate trainers include the following: (a) providing social support, (b) gaining a sense of pride, (c) serving as a feeling of giving back to society, (d) increasing personal patience, (e) humanizing the inmate trainers, and (f) improving self-esteem. Positive practical outcomes for inmate trainers emerged in the following areas: (a) improving responsibility, (b) having a positive impact on the prison environment, (c) providing opportunities to help others, (d) using goal setting, (e) gaining employability skills, and (e) having a positive effect on behavior. Results from this study will add to existing literature and research in the field of animal-assisted interventions and rehabilitation programs with human beings, specifically those in correctional facilities. In addition, results from this study will assist correctional administration in the design, implementation, and evaluation of dog training programs in prisons.

Healing paws: animals in the work-place assisting with stress management

Carstens, Michelle Santos 22 November 2013 (has links)
The importance of stress management is emphasized throughout this study as well as the need to cater stress management programmes to the unique needs of individuals. The possibility of introducing an animal-assisted stress management programme into the work environment is explored by means of a qualitative study in order to test out the feasibility of such an intervention. The positive physical and psychological effects animals have on humans has been extensively researched and reported. Eleven participants were randomly chosen from within the same department by means of purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were held with each participant and thematic analysis was used to analyse the transcribed interviews. Various themes were identified and explored with the most prominent highlighting the need for privacy, respect and connection. Although animals do have positive effects on some employees, there are individual differences that need to be considered. An electronic animal-assisted stress management intervention is recommended. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Good fences make good neighbours : a qualitative, interpretive study of human–baboon and human–human conflict on the Cape Peninsula

Terblanche, Renelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Picturesque Cape Town is the epitome of an urban/nature interface but one within which chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) face slander for transgressing both the socially constructed human/animal and nature/culture divide, and/or the actual, physical borderlines associated with these divides. The difficulties associated with retaining baboons in nature, because of their ability to traverse physical boundaries, have led to human–baboon conflict. Even though research focusing on baboon biology on the Cape Peninsula is abundant, comparatively little attention has been paid to the human aspects of the conflict. By making use of a social constructionist theoretical framework, I wished to establish what attitudes and values play a defining role in different social constructions of chacma baboons, specifically those who often cross the urban/nature divide; what these different social constructions are; whether they differ among the various stakeholders that were included in this research; and whether there is a willingness amongst stakeholders to adjust to, accommodate, or at least understand “other” social constructions. The research is strongly motivated by a suggestion in the literature that human–human conflict underpins human–wildlife conflict. The main data collection method used in this research project was personal, semi-structured interviews with members of various stakeholder groups that are involved in the Cape Peninsula’s “baboon debate”, i.e. governmental institutions, nongovernmental organisations, researchers, representatives of residential associations, local residents and journalists. In order to increase the trustworthiness of my data and to gain an enhanced understanding of the complex social interactions, practices and belief systems which are embedded within human–baboon conflicts, I also analysed the discourse embedded in numerous forms of documentation that refer to the Cape Peninsula’s baboons. The findings from this research provide evidence that conflicts over beliefs and values, conflicts of interest, and conflicts over process are the prominent underlying causes of human– human conflict regarding baboons and baboon management on the Cape Peninsula. Conflicts over beliefs and values seem to underpin all types of human–human conflict regarding baboons on the Cape Peninsula, as human–baboon conflict is riddled with the Cartesian dualisms of urban (or culture) versus nature; human versus animal; biocentrism versus anthropocentrism; and rationalism versus affective social action. The opposition between the two ontologies of rationalism and affective social action, which reflect divergent ways of thinking about baboons and are central to individual’s support of certain baboon-management techniques, is especially pronounced. Moreover, the ability of the Cape Peninsula’s baboons to transgress the nature/culture, and even the human/animal, borderline not only leads to conflict between humans and baboons, but also among humans. This thesis recommends that, in order to effectively address human–human conflict over beliefs and values, as well as human–baboon conflict, the numerous stakeholders on the Cape Peninsula should identify a common significance of baboons. While I would refrain from declaring that human–human conflict is the actual source of human–baboon conflict, addressing the human dimensions of human–wildlife conflict remains an important though neglected issue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Skilderagtige Kaapstad is die toonbeeld van ’n stedelike/natuur skeidingsvlak, maar een waarbinne die Kaapse bobbejane (Papio ursinus) beswadder word, omdat hulle die sosiaalgekonstrueerde mens/dier en natuur/kultuur skeidslyn en/of die werklike, fisiese grens wat met hierdie skeidslyn geassosieer is, skend. As gevolg van hul vermoë om fisiese grense te oorkruis, het die probleme met die inperking van bobbejane in die natuur tot mens–bobbejaan konflik gelei. Ondanks die feit dat navorsing met die fokus op bobbejaan-biologie op die Kaapse Skiereiland volop is, is relatief min aandag geskenk aan die menslike aspekte van die konflik. Deur gebruik te maak van ’n sosiaal-konstruksionistiese teoretiese raamwerk, wou ek vasstel watter ingesteldhede en waardes ’n bepalende rol speel in verskillende sosiale konstruksies van Kaapse bobbejane, veral diegene wat dikwels die stedelike/natuur skeidingsvlak oorkruis; wat hierdie verskillende sosiale konstruksies is; of hulle verskil tussen die verskeie rolspelers wat ingesluit is in hierdie navorsingsprojek; en of daar ’n bereidwilligheid is onder belanghebbendes om aan te pas by “ander” sosiale konstruksies, dit tegemoet te kom, of ten minste te verstaan. Die navorsing is sterk gemotiveer deur ’n voorstel in die literatuur dat mens–mens konflik mens–wildlewe konflik onderskraag. Die hoof data-insamelingsmetode wat in hierdie navorsingsprojek gebruik is, was persoonlike, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met lede van verskillende belanghebbende groepe wat betrokke is in die Kaapse Skiereiland se “bobbejaandebat”, d.w.s regeringsinstellings, nieregeringsorganisasies, navorsers, verteenwoordigers van residensiële verenigings, plaaslike inwoners en joernaliste. Ten einde die betroubaarheid van my data te versterk en om ’n beter begrip te ontwikkel van die ingewikkelde sosiale interaksies, praktyke en oortuigings wat ingebed is in mens–bobbejaan konflikte, het ek ook die diskoers ontleed wat ingebed is in talle vorme van dokumentasie wat verwys na die Kaapse Skiereiland se bobbejane. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing verskaf bewyse dat konflikte oor oortuigings en waardes, konflikte van belang, en konflikte oor prosesse die prominente onderliggende oorsake van mens–mens konflik rakende bobbejane en bobbejaanbestuur op die Kaapse Skiereiland is. Konflikte oor oortuigings en waardes blyk onderliggend te wees aan alle vorme van mens–mens konflik ten opsigte van bobbejane in die Kaapse Skiereiland, aangesien mens–bobbejaan konflik deurtrek is met die Cartesiese dualismes van stedelike (of kultuur) teenoor die natuur; mens teenoor dier; biosentrisme teenoor antroposentrisme; en rasionalisme teenoor affektiewe sosiale aksie. Die teenoorgesteldheid tussen die twee ontologieë van rasionalisme en affektiewe sosiale aksie, wat uiteenlopende maniere van dink oor bobbejane weerspieël en sentraal is tot individue se ondersteuning van sekere bobbejaanbestuurtegnieke, is veral ooglopend. Verder lei die vermoë van die Kaapse Skiereiland se bobbejane om die natuur/kultuur en selfs die mens/dier grenslyn te oorkruis, nie slegs tot konflik tussen mense en bobbejane nie, maar ook tussen mense. Hierdie tesis beveel aan dat, ten einde mens–mens konflik rakende oortuigings en waardes, asook mens–bobbejaan konflik, aan te spreek, moet die talle belanghebbendes in die Kaapse Skiereiland ’n gemeenskaplike betekenis van bobbejane identifiseer. Terwyl ek myself sou weerhou om te verklaar dat mens–mens konflik die wesenlike bron van mens–bobbejaan konflik is, bly die menslike dimensies van mens–wildlewe konflik ’n belangrike, dog verwaarloosde kwessie

The experiences of adolescents in residential care participating in equine assisted learning

Fischer, Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: High-risk behaviour among adolescents places heavy burdens on the public health, social welfare and criminal justice systems of many countries. Today, Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL) is increasingly used as an adjunct and experiential intervention programme to support the learning and personal development of adolescents at risk. It combines counselling and educational programmes with interactive activities involving horses (Thomas, 2009). The aim of this investigation was to conceptualize the experiences of these at-risk adolescents in residential care (AIRC), since gaps exist in both international and national research pertaining to studies which focus on exploring adolescents' experiences of taking part in EAL programmes (Holder, 2011). An interactive, qualitative and multiple case study design was employed in this study. The research was conducted at a Western Cape residential care facility with five adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18, after they had completed a three-week EAL programme. The programme comprised five sessions of one hour each. Data was collected through a projective technique (collage), semi-structured individual interviews, and a focus group interview. The research findings suggested that the at-risk adolescents experienced this Equine-Assisted Learning programme as positive and that it contributed to strengthening their relationships, enhancing attachment, self-esteem, empathy, communication, social competence, and a sense of mastery, as well as opening up future possibilities for them. As a relatively new field of study in South Africa, Equine-Assisted Learning can make a significant contribution to fostering the learning and development of adolescents in residential care. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoë-risiko gedrag van adolessente plaas 'n swaar las op lande se openbare gesondheid, maatskaplike welsyn- en kriminele regstelsels en sodoende word 'Equine Assisted Learning' (EAL) toenemend gebruik as 'n aanvullende en ervarings-intervensieprogram om die leer en persoonlike ontwikkeling van adolessente in nood te ondersteun. In EAL, word berading en opvoedkundige programme met interaktiewe aktiwiteite wat perde betrek, gekombineer (Thomas, 2009). Die doel van die studie was om hoë-risiko adolessente in residensiële sorg se ervarings van 'n EAL intervensieprogram te konseptualiseer, aangesien daar op beide internasionale en nasionale vlak 'n gebrek aan navorsing is wat fokus op die verkenning van adolessente se ervaring van deelname aan EAL programme (Holder, 2011). 'n Interaktiewe, kwalitatiewe en veelvuldige gevallestudie ontwerp is in hierdie studie ontplooi. Die navorsing is uitgevoer in 'n Wes-Kaapse residensiële sorg fasiliteit met die hulp van vyf adolessente tussen die ouderdomme van 12 en 18, nadat hulle drie weke lank aan 'n EAL program deelgeneem het. Die program het bestaan uit vyf sessies wat elk een uur geduur het. Data is ingesamel deur gebruik te maak van projektiewe tegniek (collage), semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude asook 'n fokusgroep-onderhoud. Navorsingbevindings het voorgestel dat adolessente wat risiko beloop, die EAL program as positief ervaar. Dit blyk ook dat dit bygedra het tot die bevordering van sekere aspekte soos verhoudings, hegting, selfbeeld, empatie, kommunikasie, sosiale bevoegdheid, 'n gevoel van bemeestering en die daarstel van toekomstige moontlikhede. 'Equine Assisted Learning' is 'n relatiewe nuwe studieveld in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, en kan daarom betekenisvol bydra tot die bevordering van leer en ontwikkeling van adolessente in residensiële sorg.

Coyotes on the Web: Understanding Human-Coyote Interaction and Online Education Using Citizen Science

Rasmussen, Zuriel Anne 11 December 2015 (has links)
Coyote (Canis latrans) numbers are increasing in urban areas, leading to more frequent human-coyote interactions. Rarely, and particularly when coyotes have become habituated to humans, conflicts occur. Effective education about urban coyotes and how to prevent habituation reduces conflict. Citizen science, in the form of online education, can be used to engage and educate city dwellers about urban coyotes. In this research, I explore Portland Metropolitan Area (PMA) residents' baseline experiences with, and attitudes toward, urban coyotes. Next, I investigate citizen science as a tool for education. Using the Portland Urban Coyote Project (PUCP), a citizen science project, as a case study, I investigate people's experiences with citizen science and evaluate whether attitudes and knowledge about coyotes changes after an interactive online educational tool. Most participants had seen a coyote at least once, were generally positive about coyotes, and were well-informed about basic facts. Participants who completed a tutorial that provided basic information about coyotes and dispelled common myths, showed higher knowledge scores and more positive, research-based attitudes. These results suggest that educational tools in citizen science projects can be effective for providing information and shaping attitudes about urban coyotes. Increased public access to education about how to live safely with coyotes is an important tool for proactive management. Online educational tools associated with citizen science projects are a viable option for efficient, inexpensive management of urban coyote populations.

Faire communauté. Étude anthropologique des relations entre les éleveurs et leurs animaux chez les peuples mongols (d’après l’exemple des Halh de Mongolie et des Bouriates d’Aga, Russie) / Building community. Anthropological study of the relations between the herders and their animals among the Mongols (Halh Mongols and Aga Buryats, Russia)

Marchina, Charlotte 08 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse, qui s’appuie sur plusieurs enquêtes ethnographiques chez les Halh de Mongolie et les Bouriates d’Aga, ainsi que sur des sources écrites en langues mongole, russe et occidentales, porte sur le pastoralisme nomade des peuples mongols. En étudiant la manière dont les éleveurs conçoivent l’agentivité de leurs animaux (chevaux, chameaux, bovins, moutons, chèvres et chiens) et se reposent sur cette dernière, elle montre que l’élevage pastoral, loin d’être réductible à un simple rapport de domination, est un système complexe composé d’interactions multiples entre humains et animaux, qui s’adaptent mutuellement pour faire communauté. À travers une abondante cartographie constituée à partir d’enregistrements GPS, l’analyse des aspects spatiaux de la cohabitation met au jour l’importance de la relation triadique homme-animal-environnement qui participe du maintien de la communauté. Cette communauté multispécifique engage des moyens de communication qui mobilisent les cinq sens et qui révèlent les capacités cognitives des animaux. Les éleveurs exploitent celles-ci dans les situations de coopération homme-animal, où le rôle joué par les animaux est différencié selon leurs caractéristiques individuelles. Malgré les différences environnementales, socio-économiques et politiques des deux terrains d’enquête, la perspective comparative met en lumière des éléments d’un continuum mongol. Les assemblages et équilibres fins à l’œuvre dans les relations interspécifiques révèlent la grande autonomie des animaux, dont les éleveurs attendent qu’ils jouent un rôle actif dans les tâches pastorales. / This thesis, based on several ethnographic surveys among Halh Mongols and Aga Buryats (Russia), as well as written sources in Mongolian, Russian and Western languages, addresses the nomadic pastoralism among the Mongols. By studying the way herders conceive the agency of their animals (horses, camel, cattle, sheep, goats and dogs) and rely on it, it is shown that animal husbandry, far from being reducible to a mere relation of domination, is a complex system made of multiple interactions between humans and animals, who mutually adapt to each other to build community. Through an abundant cartography based on GPS records, the analysis of the spatial features of cohabitation brings to light the importance of the triadic human-animal-environment relation which contributes to maintaining the community. This multispecies community engages means of communication which mobilize the five senses and reveal the animals’ cognitive capacities. Herders build on those in situation of human-animal cooperation, in which the role played by the animals is differentiated depending on their individual characteristics. Despite the environmental, socio-economic and political differences between the two fields, the comparative perspective highlights elements of a Mongol continuum. The assemblages and delicate balances prevailing in the interspecific relations reveal the large autonomy of animals, which are expected by herders to play an active role in pastoral tasks.

Faire communauté. Étude anthropologique des relations entre les éleveurs et leurs animaux chez les peuples mongols (d’après l’exemple des Halh de Mongolie et des Bouriates d’Aga, Russie) / Building community. Anthropological study of the relations between the herders and their animals among the Mongols (Halh Mongols and Aga Buryats, Russia)

Marchina, Charlotte 08 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse, qui s’appuie sur plusieurs enquêtes ethnographiques chez les Halh de Mongolie et les Bouriates d’Aga, ainsi que sur des sources écrites en langues mongole, russe et occidentales, porte sur le pastoralisme nomade des peuples mongols. En étudiant la manière dont les éleveurs conçoivent l’agentivité de leurs animaux (chevaux, chameaux, bovins, moutons, chèvres et chiens) et se reposent sur cette dernière, elle montre que l’élevage pastoral, loin d’être réductible à un simple rapport de domination, est un système complexe composé d’interactions multiples entre humains et animaux, qui s’adaptent mutuellement pour faire communauté. À travers une abondante cartographie constituée à partir d’enregistrements GPS, l’analyse des aspects spatiaux de la cohabitation met au jour l’importance de la relation triadique homme-animal-environnement qui participe du maintien de la communauté. Cette communauté multispécifique engage des moyens de communication qui mobilisent les cinq sens et qui révèlent les capacités cognitives des animaux. Les éleveurs exploitent celles-ci dans les situations de coopération homme-animal, où le rôle joué par les animaux est différencié selon leurs caractéristiques individuelles. Malgré les différences environnementales, socio-économiques et politiques des deux terrains d’enquête, la perspective comparative met en lumière des éléments d’un continuum mongol. Les assemblages et équilibres fins à l’œuvre dans les relations interspécifiques révèlent la grande autonomie des animaux, dont les éleveurs attendent qu’ils jouent un rôle actif dans les tâches pastorales. / This thesis, based on several ethnographic surveys among Halh Mongols and Aga Buryats (Russia), as well as written sources in Mongolian, Russian and Western languages, addresses the nomadic pastoralism among the Mongols. By studying the way herders conceive the agency of their animals (horses, camel, cattle, sheep, goats and dogs) and rely on it, it is shown that animal husbandry, far from being reducible to a mere relation of domination, is a complex system made of multiple interactions between humans and animals, who mutually adapt to each other to build community. Through an abundant cartography based on GPS records, the analysis of the spatial features of cohabitation brings to light the importance of the triadic human-animal-environment relation which contributes to maintaining the community. This multispecies community engages means of communication which mobilize the five senses and reveal the animals’ cognitive capacities. Herders build on those in situation of human-animal cooperation, in which the role played by the animals is differentiated depending on their individual characteristics. Despite the environmental, socio-economic and political differences between the two fields, the comparative perspective highlights elements of a Mongol continuum. The assemblages and delicate balances prevailing in the interspecific relations reveal the large autonomy of animals, which are expected by herders to play an active role in pastoral tasks.

"Forntidens vildar" : Perspektiv på relationen mellan djur och människor i grottan Stora Förvar

Lindström, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
The cave Stora Förvar, excavated in the end of the 19th century, yielded a vast archaeological assemblage, providing great insight into the stone-age occupation of Stora Karlsö, an island a few kilometers off the west coast of Gotland. The bones of around ten humans dating to the Mesolithic have previously been identified among the four tons of faunal remains recovered from the cave. The human bone material featured cut-marks and split tubular bones. This, along with the apparent mixing of human- and animal bones in the cave, was interpreted as signs of anthropophagy. Later researchers have tentatively proposed that the individuals represented in the bone material might have been shamans, deviants, human sacrifices or low-status individuals. In the author’s opinion, this assertion is based on the dichotomies nature/culture and profane/sacred which produce a separation between the human bones and the animal bones. It is shown that defleshing and disarticulation were widespread practices during the Mesolithic, which could explain the marks found on the bones from Stora Förvar. Similarly, the mixing of human- and animal remains is a common feature of many Mesolithic sites across Europe. Employing a theoretical framework inspired by posthumanism and the ‘ontological turn’, the author argues that the assemblage should be understood through an alternative ontological premise where human and animal, hunter and prey, were not regarded as fundamentally different.

Stallet - En emotionellt laddad miljö : En kvalitativ studie om ridskoleryttares och privatryttares emotioner i stallet / The stable - An emotionally charged environment : A qualitative study of horse riders’ experience in different stable context

Jakobsson, Mikaela, Heinered, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur människor emotionellt påverkas av att befinna sig i stall utifrån de relationer och interaktioner som förekommer där, både människor emellan men också mellan människa-häst. Som en del av syftet jämförs ridskoleryttare och privatryttares emotioner. Syftet besvarades genom tre frågeställningar (1) Vilka positiva emotioner framhålls av intervjupersonerna? (2) Vilka negativa emotioner framhålls av intervjupersonerna? (3) Finns det en skillnad när det gäller vilka emotioner som beskrivs av ridskole- respektive privatryttarna? Vi valde att använda oss av kvalitativ metod. Intervjuerna har genomförts både med personer som rider på ridskola och personer som har egen häst inackorderad i privatstall. Totalt sett har tretton personer intervjuats. I analysen användes sociologiska och socialpsykologiska teorier om emotioner, roller, makt och grupprocesser.   Resultatet visar att intervjupersonerna framhåller både positiva och negativa emotioner av att befinna sig i stall. Det framgår att intervjupersonerna känner en stark gemenskap i stallet men också att det sker en form av mobbning. Det finns vissa beteenden i stallet som skapar konflikter och irritation som bidrar till en sämre gemenskap. Resultatet visar vidare att det finns flera upplevelser av ridlärare och stallägare där både positiva och negativa emotioner nämns. Det framgår också av intervjupersonerna att det upplevs finnas hierarkiska ordningar där vissa grupper i stallet har mer makt och/eller status än andra grupper. Interaktionen mellan människa och häst upplevs också både positiv och negativ. Det tolkas finnas skillnader i hur emotionerna beskrivs mellan ridskoleryttare och privatryttare gällande gemenskap, ledare och vilka grupper i stallet som har mer makt och/eller status.

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