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Décryptage des interactions moléculaires entre les protéines HOX et leurs partenaires / Deciphering the molecular interactions between Hox proteins and their partnersDard, Amélie 13 October 2016 (has links)
Les gènes Hox sont présents dans la majorité des espèces du règne animal et sont nécessaires à la différenciation coordonnée des cellules le long de différents axes longitudinaux au cours du développement embryonnaire. Ils sont impliqués dans le maintien de l'homéostasie de nombreux tissus à l'âge adulte. Des mutations affectant leur expression et/ou leur fonction sont ainsi retrouvées dans de nombreux cancers chez l'Homme.Les gènes Hox codent pour des facteurs de transcription reconnaissant des séquences nucléotidiques très similaires. L'interaction avec une classe évolutivement conservée de cofacteurs, les protéines Pbx et Meis, permet aux protéines Hox de reconnaître des sites de liaison plus spécifiques. Cette interaction a d'abord été décrite pour dépendre d'un petit motif commun aux protéines Hox, l'hexapeptide (HX). Cependant, des analyses récentes ont montré que ce motif pouvait en fait être dispensable in vivo, soulignant une capacité étonnante des protéines Hox à pouvoir potentiellement utiliser différents motifs pour interagir avec les mêmes cofacteurs. Mon travail de thèse s'inscrit dans la problématique du rôle des petits motifs dans les interactions Hox-cofacteur. Un premier projet a consisté à réaliser une analyse systématique du mode d'interaction de chaque représentant des groupes de paralogie des protéines Hox humaines avec leurs cofacteurs Pbx/Meis. Ce travail a révélé de nouveaux modes d'interaction pour plusieurs protéines Hox. Un deuxième projet a consisté à mettre en place un nouveau système de crible moléculaire pour identifier des partenaires de la protéine humaine HoxA9 sauvage ou mutée dans son motif HX dans différentes lignées cellulaires. L'ensemble de mon travail de thèse ouvre ainsi de nouvelles perspectives sur notre compréhension du mode moléculaire d'action des protéines Hox et de leurs cofacteurs, que cela soit en contexte développemental normal ou pathologique / Hox genes are present in the vast majority of the animal kingdom, and are required for the differentiation of several longitudinal axes during embryogenesis. There are also involved in the homeostasis of several tissues in the adult organism. Mutations affecting their expression and/or function are found in numerous human cancers.Hox genes encode for transcription factors that recognize short and highly similar DNA-binding sites. The direct interaction between Hox proteins and two evolutionary classes of cofactors, the Pbx and Meis proteins, allows them to recognize more specific DNA-binding sites. This interaction was first described to rely on a common short Hox protein motif called hexapeptide (HX). However, subsequent functional and molecular analyses showed that the HX motif could be dispensable for the interaction with Pbx and Meis partner in vivo. These results strongly suggest that Hox proteins could use different motifs to interact with the same set of cofactors. Such alternative motifs are unknown in mammalian Hox proteins.My thesis work is dedicated to the issue of the role of the HX motif and other short motifs in Hox-cofactor interactions. More particularly, I developed two main projects using human Hox proteins and cell lines derived from different tissues as a model system. My first project consisted in the systematic analysis of the interaction property of all Hox paralogs with the Pbx/Meis cofactors. This work revealed new Pbx/Meis-interaction interfaces in human Hox proteins. My second project consisted in establishing a new molecular screen to identify transcriptional partners of the wild type or HX-mutated human HoxA9 protein in different cell lines.Overall, my thesis work opens new perspectives into our understanding of the molecular mode of action of Hox proteins and their cofactors, in a normal or pathological developmental context
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Advancing Treatment and Understanding of Rett SyndromePowers, Samantha Lynn January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação do potencial de crescimento e produção de proteínas recombinantes de células humanas adaptadas para crescimento em suspensão e meios de cultura livres de soro fetal bovino / Evaluation of growth and recombinant protein production of human cell lines adapted to serum-free suspension culturesBiaggio, Rafael Tagé 29 October 2018 (has links)
Linhagens celulares humanas tem despertado interesse como plataformas de produção de proteínas terapêuticas recombinantes por sua capacidade de realizar modificações pós-traducionais complexas e de modo similar à humana, sem gerar epítopos imunogênicos como ocorre com proteínas produzidas em células de mamíferos. Para a produção de uma proteína com correta qualidade terapêutica, as agências regulatórias recomendam processos livres de componentes animais de modo a evitar contaminação com vírus e príons. Deste modo, esse trabalho visa a produção do fator VII da coagulação sanguínea recombinante (FVIIr) utilizada no tratamento de hemofílicos com inibidores em células humanas adaptadas para meios de cultura livres de soro fetal bovino. As linhagens humanas SK-Hep-1, HKB-11 e Huh-7 foram adaptadas para suspensão e meios livres de soro fetal bovino (SFB). Essas células adaptadas foram transfectadas de forma transiente com o vetor lentiviral p1054-GFP e o reagente polietilenimina. No entanto, a baixa eficiência de transfecção nas células SK-Hep-1 e Huh-7 mostraram que essas linhagens são difíceis de transfectar por esse método, e mesmo a transfecção da célula HKB-11 só foi possível após a variação de alguns parâmetros, resultando em uma transfecção de 49,5% de células HKB-11 GFP-positivas. Desta forma, a expressão estável foi avaliada e as células adaptadas foram transduzidas com um ciclo de lentivírus (MOI = 1) contendo o vetor p1054-FVII. Foram observadas porcentagens de células GFP-positivas acima de 35% nas três linhagens celulares humanas modificadas. As células transduzidas foram submetidas a dois processos de sorting por citometria de fluxo, no qual a população obtida apresentava mais de 90% de células GFP-positivas. As três células foram avaliadas com relação à expressão de FVIIr após a adição de vitamina K no cultivo, no entanto, não foi possível detectar níveis de FVIIr no sobrenadante de 48 horas do cultivo dessas células pelo teste ELISA. As células foram transduzidas com um segundo ciclo de lentivírus (MOI = 2). A quantificação por ELISA do sobrenadante de 48 horas de cultivo das três células detectou 240,96 ng/mL, 217,42 ng/mL e 78,46 ng/mL de FVII total, respectivamente, nos cultivos das células HKB-11-F7-2C, SK-Hep-1-F7-2C e Huh-7-F7-2C. A expressão relativa de RNA mensageiro por RT-PCR também foi observada nos três cultivos. Paralelamente, foi analisado o proteoma das três células adaptadas e não-adaptadas em triplicata sendo identificadas de forma abundante proteínas do citoesqueleto, do metabolismo celular, da síntese, enovelamento e degradação de proteínas, relacionadas à apoptose, ao ciclo celular e ao crescimento, proteínas contra estresse oxidativo e osmótico, com ação antioxidante, entre outras. / Human cell lines have attracted great interest as a plarform for recombinant therapeutic proteins production, due their ability to perform complex posttranslational modification in a similar manner to human proteins. These proteins do not carry immunogenic epitopes as occurs with proteins produced in mammalian cells. These therapeutic proteins should be produced in a animal-free process avoiding virus and prion contamination, as recommended by regulatory agencies for quality control. Thus, this work aims the production of recombinant blood coagulation factor VII (rFVII) used in the treatment of hemophiliacs with inhibitors in human cell lines adapted to serum-free suspension cultures. Human cell lines SK-Hep-1, HKB-11 and Huh-7 were adapted to suspension and serum-free media. These adapted cells were transiently transfected with p1054-GFP lentiviral vector and the polyethyleneimine reagent. However, low transfection efficiency in SK-Hep-1 and Huh-7 cells showed that these cells are difficult to transfect by this method, and even transfection of HKB-11 cell was only possible after varying some parameters, resulting in a 49,5% HKB-11 GFP-positive cells. Stable transfection was assessed and adapted cells were transduced with lentivirus particles containing p1054-FVII vector in one cycle (MOI=1). Percentages of GFP-positive cells above 35% were observed in three modified human cell lines. Transduced cells were sorted by FACS and more than 90% of GFP-positive cells were obtained. The expression of rFVII were evaluated by ELISA test after vitamin K supplementation, however, it was not possible to detect FVII levels in the 48 hour culture supernatant. Cells were transduced again with a second lentivirus cycle (MOI = 2). ELISA quantification of the 48 hour culture supernatant detected 240,96 ng/mL, 217,42 ng/mL and 78,46 ng/mL total FVII, respectively, in the cultures of HKB-11-F7-2C, SK-Hep-1-F7-2C and Huh-7-F7-2C cells. Relative expression of mRNA by RT-PCR was also observed in the three cultures assessed. In parallel, a proteomic analysis of adapted and non-adapted cells was performed in triplicate. Proteins related to cellular metabolism, cytoskeletal structure, apoptosis, cell cycle and cell growth, against oxidative and osmotic stress, antioxidant action were found.
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Estratégias para a produção de fator VIII recombinante (FVIIIr) em uma linhagem humana em condições de cultivo livres de soro e em suspensão / Strategies for the production of recombinant factor VIII (FVIIIr) in a human cell line cultured under serum-free suspension conditionsCaron, Angelo Luis 02 September 2016 (has links)
A hemofilia A é uma doença ligada ao cromossomo X causada pela deficiência do fator VIII da coagulação sanguínea (FVIII). O tratamento disponível consiste na terapia de reposição da proteína do fator VIII derivada do plasma (FVIIIdp) ou recombinante (FVIIIr). Atualmente, dos 7 produtos recombinantes disponíveis no mercado, 6 são produzidos em linhagens celulares de roedores. A expressão dessa proteína em sistemas celulares não-humanos pode gerar uma molécula com perfil de modificações diferente do endógeno, podendo levar a reações imunogênicas e geração de inibidores anti-FVIIIr. Em função disso, novas estratégias de produção têm sido avaliadas, como a utilização de células hospedeiras mais eficientes no que diz respeito ao potencial de expressão da proteína de interesse. Dentre as linhagens de interesse, a linhagem hepática SK-HEP-1 tem se destacado por apresentar altos níveis de expressão do FVIIIr e potencial para o cultivo em suspensão em meios livres de soro fetal bovino (SFB). Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de FVIIIr na linhagem celular humana SK-Hep-1 comparando duas estratégias para o estabelecimento de processos de produção em condições livres de soro e em suspensão: Estratégia 1 - adaptação para tais condições da linhagem já modificada geneticamente e Estratégia 2 - modificação gênica para a expressão da proteína já em células previamente adaptadas à tais condições. Para a estratégia 1, foram geradas duas linhagens recombinantes produtoras de FVIIIr, SK-HEP-F8/Neo-E1 e SK-HEP-F8/GFP-E1 aderentes e em cultivos suplementados com SFB. Na caracterização da cinética e produção do FVIIIr as linhagens apresentaram taxas específicas máxima de crescimento (?max) de 0,064 e 0,0031h-1 produzindo 1,0 e 0,78UI/mL de FVIIIr, respectivamente. Diversos protocolos de adaptação foram empregados, entretanto, não foi possível obter sucesso na adaptação das linhagens recombinantes para condições livres de soro e em suspensão. Para a estratégia 2, as células SK-HEP-1 selvagens adaptadas ao meio de cultura livre de SFB SFMII apresentaram um valor de ?max de 0,0186h-1 e Xmax de 1,9x106cels/mL. Para as etapas de modificação gênica da linhagem selvagem foram utilizados os mesmos vetores lentivirais empregados para a geração das células recombinantes aderentes, pLVmpsvFVIII?B-Neo e pLVCMVFVIII?B-GFP. Para o primeiro, não foi possível gerar uma linhagem produtora do FVIIIr. Para o segundo, foi possível obter duas linhagens produtoras do FVIIIr com 0.14 e 0.12IU/mL de atividade pelo ensaio cromogênico. O presente trabalho mostrou que a linhagem humana Sk-Hep-1 é apropriada para a produção de altos níveis de FVIIIr. No entanto, maiores esforços devem ser voltados ao desenvolvimento de meios de cultura livres de soro específicos para a linhagem para possibilitar a produção eficiente do FVIIIr em suspensão em meios livre de soro. / Hemophilia A is a genetic X-linked disorder caused by the coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency. The current treatment is the replacement therapy with plasma derived FVIII (pdFVIII) or recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) products. Nowadays, of the seven products available in the market, six are produced in rodent expression systems, which can result in a rFVIII molecule with different post-translational modifications and may lead to immune responses to non-human epitopes. Therefore, new production strategies have been evaluated, as the use of more efficient hosts in terms of protein expression potential. Among potential cell lines, the hepatic SK-HEP-1 cell line features high levels of rFVIII production and potential for serum-free suspension culture. In face of the exposed above, the goal of this study was to evaluate rFVIII production in the SK-HEP-1 human cell line comparing two strategies for the establishment of production process in a suspension serum-free condition: strategy 1 - adaptation to these conditions of a genetic modified cell line; strategy 2 - genetic modification of an already adapted cell line to rFVIII protein expression. For strategy 1, two adherent rFVIII producer cell lines were established in serum containing medium, SK-HEP-F8/Neo-E1 e SK-HEP-F8/GFP-E1. Characterization of cell growth and rFVIII production showed a maximum specific growth rate (?max) of 0.064 and 0.00311h-1 with rFVIII production of 1.0 and 0.78UI/mL, respectively. Different adaptation protocols were used; however, it was not possible to adapt the recombinant cell lines to growth in suspension serum-free conditions. For strategy 2, the wildtype SK-HEP-1 cell line adapted growth in SFMII BSF medium, showed a ?max of 0.0186h-1 and a maximum cell concentration (Xmax) of 1.9x106cells/mL. For the genetic modification, it were employed the same lentiviral vectors used for the recombinant adherent cells generation, pLVmpsvFVIII?B-Neo and pLVCMVFVIII?B-GFP. For the first, no attempts were successful. For the second, it was possible to generate two rFVIII producer populations with 0.14 and 0.12IU/mL activity, measured by chromogenic assay. These results demonstrate that the SK-HEP-1 cell line is appropriate for the production of high levels of rFVIII. Nevertheless, efforts should be made in developing specific medium to support efficient rFVIII production in suspension and suspension serum-free conditions.
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Estratégias para a produção de fator VIII recombinante (FVIIIr) em uma linhagem humana em condições de cultivo livres de soro e em suspensão / Strategies for the production of recombinant factor VIII (FVIIIr) in a human cell line cultured under serum-free suspension conditionsAngelo Luis Caron 02 September 2016 (has links)
A hemofilia A é uma doença ligada ao cromossomo X causada pela deficiência do fator VIII da coagulação sanguínea (FVIII). O tratamento disponível consiste na terapia de reposição da proteína do fator VIII derivada do plasma (FVIIIdp) ou recombinante (FVIIIr). Atualmente, dos 7 produtos recombinantes disponíveis no mercado, 6 são produzidos em linhagens celulares de roedores. A expressão dessa proteína em sistemas celulares não-humanos pode gerar uma molécula com perfil de modificações diferente do endógeno, podendo levar a reações imunogênicas e geração de inibidores anti-FVIIIr. Em função disso, novas estratégias de produção têm sido avaliadas, como a utilização de células hospedeiras mais eficientes no que diz respeito ao potencial de expressão da proteína de interesse. Dentre as linhagens de interesse, a linhagem hepática SK-HEP-1 tem se destacado por apresentar altos níveis de expressão do FVIIIr e potencial para o cultivo em suspensão em meios livres de soro fetal bovino (SFB). Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de FVIIIr na linhagem celular humana SK-Hep-1 comparando duas estratégias para o estabelecimento de processos de produção em condições livres de soro e em suspensão: Estratégia 1 - adaptação para tais condições da linhagem já modificada geneticamente e Estratégia 2 - modificação gênica para a expressão da proteína já em células previamente adaptadas à tais condições. Para a estratégia 1, foram geradas duas linhagens recombinantes produtoras de FVIIIr, SK-HEP-F8/Neo-E1 e SK-HEP-F8/GFP-E1 aderentes e em cultivos suplementados com SFB. Na caracterização da cinética e produção do FVIIIr as linhagens apresentaram taxas específicas máxima de crescimento (?max) de 0,064 e 0,0031h-1 produzindo 1,0 e 0,78UI/mL de FVIIIr, respectivamente. Diversos protocolos de adaptação foram empregados, entretanto, não foi possível obter sucesso na adaptação das linhagens recombinantes para condições livres de soro e em suspensão. Para a estratégia 2, as células SK-HEP-1 selvagens adaptadas ao meio de cultura livre de SFB SFMII apresentaram um valor de ?max de 0,0186h-1 e Xmax de 1,9x106cels/mL. Para as etapas de modificação gênica da linhagem selvagem foram utilizados os mesmos vetores lentivirais empregados para a geração das células recombinantes aderentes, pLVmpsvFVIII?B-Neo e pLVCMVFVIII?B-GFP. Para o primeiro, não foi possível gerar uma linhagem produtora do FVIIIr. Para o segundo, foi possível obter duas linhagens produtoras do FVIIIr com 0.14 e 0.12IU/mL de atividade pelo ensaio cromogênico. O presente trabalho mostrou que a linhagem humana Sk-Hep-1 é apropriada para a produção de altos níveis de FVIIIr. No entanto, maiores esforços devem ser voltados ao desenvolvimento de meios de cultura livres de soro específicos para a linhagem para possibilitar a produção eficiente do FVIIIr em suspensão em meios livre de soro. / Hemophilia A is a genetic X-linked disorder caused by the coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency. The current treatment is the replacement therapy with plasma derived FVIII (pdFVIII) or recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) products. Nowadays, of the seven products available in the market, six are produced in rodent expression systems, which can result in a rFVIII molecule with different post-translational modifications and may lead to immune responses to non-human epitopes. Therefore, new production strategies have been evaluated, as the use of more efficient hosts in terms of protein expression potential. Among potential cell lines, the hepatic SK-HEP-1 cell line features high levels of rFVIII production and potential for serum-free suspension culture. In face of the exposed above, the goal of this study was to evaluate rFVIII production in the SK-HEP-1 human cell line comparing two strategies for the establishment of production process in a suspension serum-free condition: strategy 1 - adaptation to these conditions of a genetic modified cell line; strategy 2 - genetic modification of an already adapted cell line to rFVIII protein expression. For strategy 1, two adherent rFVIII producer cell lines were established in serum containing medium, SK-HEP-F8/Neo-E1 e SK-HEP-F8/GFP-E1. Characterization of cell growth and rFVIII production showed a maximum specific growth rate (?max) of 0.064 and 0.00311h-1 with rFVIII production of 1.0 and 0.78UI/mL, respectively. Different adaptation protocols were used; however, it was not possible to adapt the recombinant cell lines to growth in suspension serum-free conditions. For strategy 2, the wildtype SK-HEP-1 cell line adapted growth in SFMII BSF medium, showed a ?max of 0.0186h-1 and a maximum cell concentration (Xmax) of 1.9x106cells/mL. For the genetic modification, it were employed the same lentiviral vectors used for the recombinant adherent cells generation, pLVmpsvFVIII?B-Neo and pLVCMVFVIII?B-GFP. For the first, no attempts were successful. For the second, it was possible to generate two rFVIII producer populations with 0.14 and 0.12IU/mL activity, measured by chromogenic assay. These results demonstrate that the SK-HEP-1 cell line is appropriate for the production of high levels of rFVIII. Nevertheless, efforts should be made in developing specific medium to support efficient rFVIII production in suspension and suspension serum-free conditions.
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Adaptção de linhagens celulares humanas para crescimento em suspensão e meios de cultura livres de soro fetal bovino / Serum-free suspension adaptation of human cell linesBiaggio, Rafael Tagé 28 March 2014 (has links)
Linhagens celulares humanas têm atraído grande interesse devido a sua capacidade de glicosilar proteínas de maneira mais semelhante às proteínas nativas humanas, reduzindo o potencial de respostas imunológicas contra epítopos não humanos. No entanto, por se tratar de uma aplicação recente, essas células ainda não foram extensamente caracterizadas e cultivadas em condições reprodutíveis da escala industrial, ou seja, em suspensão e em meios de cultura livres de soro fetal bovino (SFB). Em função disso, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi estabelecer culturas livres de SFB e em suspensão para as linhagens celulares humanas SK-Hep-1, HepG2 e HKB-11, que têm despertado grande interesse devido ao potencial de produção de proteínas recombinantes. Para isso, quatro formulações comerciais livres de SFB foram avaliadas. As células que apresentaram bons resultados na adaptação aos meios realizada em garrafas estáticas foram então adaptadas para crescimento em suspensão. Foi possível realizar a adaptação satisfatória da célula HKB-11 ao meio FreeStyle e da célula SK-Hep-1 ao meio SFMII bem como a criopreservação das mesmas também em condições livres de SFB. A caracterização cinética das células adaptadas mostrou que a célula HKB-11 apresentou concentração celular quatro vezes superior a da célula SK-Hep-1 (8,6x106 e 1,9x106 células/mL, respectivamente) e apresentou crescimento celular durante 18 dias em cultura. A velocidade específica de crescimento máxima (?max) foi semelhante nas duas células (0,0159 h-1 para a HKB-11 e 0,0186 h-1 para SK-Hep-1). A limitação do crescimento das células adaptadas não parece estar associada à exaustão de glicose e glutamina, tampouco à formação de lactato em concentrações inibitórias. Todavia, para ambos os casos, foi observada produção de amônia em concentrações consideradas inibitórias (2 - 5 mM). De maneira geral, foi possível estabelecer culturas celulares em condições compatíveis com o desenvolvimento de um bioprocesso reprodutível, seguro e em concordância com as boas práticas de fabricação. / Human cell lines have attracted great interest since they are capable of producing glycosylated proteins in a more similar way to native human proteins, reducing the potential for immune responses against non-human epitopes. However, these human cell lines have not been extensively characterized and cultured in large scale and in serum-free suspension conditions. As a result, the main objective of this work was to adapt three human cell lines: SK-Hep-1, HepG2 and HKB-11 to serum-free suspension cultures, since they are promising systems of recombinant protein expression. For this task, four commercial serum-free media were tested. Adapted cell lines in T-flasks were further adapted to suspension cultures. Results showed that both HKB-11 and SK-Hep-1 were adapted to serum-free suspension cultures in FreeStyle and SFMII, respectively and were cryopreservated in serum-free formulations. Kinetic characterization showed that HKB-11 cell concentration was four times higher than SK-Hep-1 cell (8,6x106 and 1,9x106 cells/ml, respectively) and showed cell growth in culture over 18 days. The maximum specific growth rate (?max) was similar for both cell lines (0,0159 h-1 to HKB-11 and 0,0186h-1 to SK-Hep-1). Growth limitation of adapted human cell lines does not seem to be associated with depletion of glucose and glutamine, nor with the formation of lactate in inhibitory concentrations. However, in both cases, ammonia production achieved inhibitory concentrations (2 - 5 mM). In general, it was possible to establish human cell cultures that are compatible with reproducible and safe bioprocess conditions and in compliance with good manufacturing practices.
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Gene Expression Profiling of Cylindrospermopsin Toxicity.Bain, Peter A, n/a January 2007 (has links)
Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a toxic alkaloid produced by several freshwater cyanobacterial species, the most prevalent in Australian waters being Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. The occurrence of CYN-producing cyanobacteria in drinking water sources worldwide poses a potential human health risk, with one well-documented case of human poisoning attributed to the toxin. While extensive characterisation of CYN-induced toxicity has been conducted in rodents both in vivo and in primary cell cultures, little is known about mechanisms of toxicity in human cell types. This thesis describes studies undertaken to further define the molecular mechanisms of CYN toxicity in human cells. Concentration-response relationships were determined in various cultured human cell types using standard toxicity assays. As expected, CYN caused dose-dependent decreases in the growth of three cell lines, HepG2, Caco-2 and HeLa, and one primary cell type, human dermal fibroblasts, according to tetrazolium reduction assays. CYN treatment did not disrupt cellular membranes according to the lactate dehydrogenase release assay in HepG2 or Caco-2 cells after 24, 48 or 72 h exposure, but did cause membrane disruption in fibroblasts after 72 h exposure to relatively high concentrations of the toxin. Apoptosis occurred more readily in HeLa cells than HepG2 cells or fibroblasts, with 72 h exposure to 1 &mug/mL required before statistically significant rates of apoptosis occurred in the latter cell types. CYN did not appear to directly affect the structure of actin filaments or microtubules under the conditions used in the present study. The major portion of the work presented in this thesis comprises a large-scale interrogation of changes in gene expression induced by the toxin in cultured cells. To assess the effects of CYN on global gene expression, relative messenger RNA (mRNA) levels in human dermal fibroblasts and HepG2 cells after 6 h and 24 h exposure to 1 &mug/mL CYN were determined using oligonucleotide microarrays representing approximately 19 000 genes. Overall, the number of transcripts significantly altered in abundance was greater in fibroblasts than in HepG2 cells. In both cell types, mRNA levels for genes related to amino acid biosynthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, and protein folding and transport were reduced after CYN treatment, while transcripts representing genes for apoptosis, RNA biosynthesis and RNA processing increased in abundance. More detailed data analyses revealed the modulation of a number of stress response pathways—genes regulated by NF-&kappaB were induced, DNA damage response pathways were up-regulated, and a large number of genes involved in endoplasmic reticulum stress were strongly down-regulated. Genes for the synthesis and processing of mRNA, tRNA and rRNA were strongly up-regulated, indicating that CYN treatment may increase the turnover of all forms of cellular RNA. A small group of genes were differentially expressed in HepG2 cells and fibroblasts, revealing cell-specific responses to the toxin. Selected changes in transcript level were validated using real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR). The modulation of stress response pathways by CYN, indicated by microarray analysis, was further investigated using other methods. The role of tumour suppressor protein p53 in CYN-mediated gene expression was confirmed by measuring the expression of known p53-regulated genes following CYN treatment of HepG2 cells and human dermal fibroblasts using qRT-PCR. Western blotting of protein extracts from CYNtreated cells showed that p53 protein accumulation occurred in HepG2 cells, providing additional evidence of the activation of the p53 pathway by CYN in this cell line. The immediate-early genes JUN and FOS were found to be induced by CYN in a concentration-dependent manner, and MYC was induced to a lesser extent. The mitogen-activated protein kinase c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase, implicated in the ribotoxic stress response initiated by damage to ribosomal RNA, appeared to become phosphorylated in HeLa cells after CYN exposure, suggesting that ribotoxic stress may occur in response to CYN in at least some cell types. The expression of a reporter gene under the control of a response element specific for NF-&kappaB was induced at the mRNA level but inhibited at the protein level. This shows that while transcription factors such as p53 and NF-&kappaB are apparently activated in response to the toxin, transactivation of target genes may not necessarily manifest a corresponding increase at the protein level. The current work contributes significantly to the current understanding of cylindrospermopsin toxicity in human-derived cell types, and provides further insight into putative modes of action.
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Infection of Human Cell Lines by Japanese Encephalitis Virus : Increased Expression and Release of HLA-E, a Non-classical HLA MoleculeShwetank, * January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) causes viral encephalitis in new born and young adults that is prevalent in different parts of India and other parts of South East Asia with an estimated 6000 deaths per year. JEV is a single stranded RNA virus that belongs to the Flavivirusgenus of the family Flaviviridae. It is a neurotropic virus which infects the central nervous system (CNS). The virus follows a zoonotic life-cycle involving mosquitoes and vertebrates, chiefly pigs and ardeid birds, as amplifying hosts. Humans are dead end hosts. After entry into the host following a mosquito bite, JEV infection leads to acute peripheral leukocytosis in the brain and damage to Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). The exact role of the endothelial cells during CNS infection is still unclear. However, disruption of this endothelial barrier has been shown to be an important step in entry of the virus into the brain.
Humoral and cell mediated immune responses during JEV infection have been intensively investigated. Previous studies from our lab have shown the activation of cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) upon JEV infection. MHC molecules play pivotal role in eliciting both adaptive (T-cells) and innate (NK cells) immune response against viral invasion. Many viruses such as HIV, MCMV, HCMV, AdV and EBV have been found to decrease MHC expression upon infection. On the contrary, flaviviruses like West Nile Virus (WNV) have been found to increase MHC-I and MHC-II expression. More recently, data from our lab has shown that JEV infection can lead to upregulation of mouse non-classical MHC class Ib molecules like Qb1, Qa1 and T-10 along with classical MHC molecules.
Non-classical MHC molecules are important components of the innate and adaptive immune systems. Non-classical MHC molecules differ from their classical MHC class I counterparts by their limited polymorphism, restricted tissue distribution and lower levels of cell surface expression. Human classical MHC class I molecules are HLA-A, -B and –C while non-classical MHC Class Ib molecules are HLA-E, -G and –F. HLA-E, the human homologue of the mouse non-classical MHC molecule, Qa-1b has been shown to be the ligand for the inhibitory NK, NKG2A/CD94 and may bridge innate and adaptive immune responses.
In this thesis, we have studied the expression of human classical class I molecules HLA-A, -B, -C and the non-classical HLA molecule, HLA-E in immortalized human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC), human endothelial like cell line ECV304 (ECV), human glioblastoma cell line U87MG and human foreskin fibroblast cells (HFF). We observed an upregulation of classical HLA molecules and HLA-E mRNA in endothelial and fibroblast cells upon JEV infection. This mRNA increase also resulted in upregulation of cell surface classical HLA molecules and HLA-E in HFF cells but not in both the human endothelial cell lines, ECV and HBMECs.
Release of soluble classical HLA molecules upon cytokine treatment has been a long known phenomenon. Recently HLA-E has also been shown to be released as a 37 kDa protein from endothelial cells upon cytokine treatments. Our study suggests that JEV mediated upregulation of classical HLA and HLA-E upregulation leads to release of both Classical HLA molecules and HLA-E as soluble forms in the human endothelial cell lines, ECV and HBMEC. This shedding of sHLA-E from human endothelial cells was found to be mediated by matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) proteolytic activity. MMP-9, a protease implicated in release of sHLA molecules was also found to be upregulated upon JEV infection only in endothelial cell lines but not in HFF cells. Our study provides evidence that the JEV mediated solubilisation of HLA-E could be mediated by MMP-9. Further, we have tried to understand the role of the MAPK pathway and NF-κB pathway in the process of HLA-E solubilisation by using specific inhibitors of these pathways during JEV infection of ECV cells. Our data suggests that release of sHLA-E is dependent on p38 and JNK pathways while ERK 1/2 and NF-κB pathway only had a minor role to play in this process.
Treatment of endothelial cells with TNF-α, IL-1β and IFN-γ is known to result in release of sHLA-E. In addition to TNF-α and IFNtreatment, we observed that activating agents like poly (I:C), LPS and PMA also resulted in the shedding of sHLA-E from ECV as well as U87MG but not from HFF cells. Treatment of endothelial cells with IFN-β, a type-I interferon also led to release of sHLA-E. IFN-γ, a type II interferon and TNF-α are known to show additive increase in solubilisation of HLA-E. We studied the interaction between type I interferon, IFN-β and TNF-α with regard to shedding of sHLA-
E. Both IFNand TNF, when present together caused an additive increase in the shedding of sHLA-E. These two cytokines were also found to potentiate the HLA-E and MMP-9 mRNA expression. Hence, our data suggest that these two cytokines could be working conjunctly to release HLA-E, when these two cytokines are present together as in the case of virus infection of endothelial cells.
HLA-E is known to be a ligand for NKG2A/CD94 inhibitory receptors present on NK and a subset of T cells. Previous reports have suggested that NKG2A/CD94 mediated signaling events could inhibit ERK 1/2 phosphorylation leading to inhibition of NK cell activation. IL-2 mediated ERK 1/2 phosphorylation is known to play a very important role in maintenance and activation of NK cells. We studied the effects of sHLA-E that was released, either by JEV infection or IFN-γ treatment on IL-2 mediated ERK 1/2 phosphorylation in two NK cell lines, Nishi and NKL.
The soluble HLA-E that was released upon JEV infection was functionally active since it inhibited IL-2 and PMA induced phosphorylation of ERK 1/2 in NKL and Nishi cells. Virus infected or IFN-γ treated ECV cell culture supernatants containing sHLA-E was also found to partially inhibit IL-2 mediated induction of CD25 molecules on NKL cells. CD25 is a component of the high affinity IL-2 receptor and hence could play an important role in proliferation and activation of NK cells. sHLA-E was also found to inhibit IL-2 induced [3H]-thymidine incorporation suggesting that, similar to cell surface expressed HLA-E, sHLA-E could also inhibit the proliferation and activation of NK cells.
In summary, we found that establishment of JEV infection and production of cytokines like IFN-β, TNF-α, IL-6 along with MMP-9 in human endothelial cells. These cytokines may also indirectly lead to the reported damage and leukocyte infiltration across infected and uninfected vicinal endothelial cells. The increased surface expression of HLA-E in fibroblast and release of sHLA and sHLA-E molecules from endothelial cells may have an important immunoregulatory role. HLA-E is an inhibitory ligand for NKG2A/CD94 positive CD8+ T and NK cells. Hence our finding that sHLA-E can inhibit NK cell proliferation suggests an immune evasive strategy by JEV.
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Adaptção de linhagens celulares humanas para crescimento em suspensão e meios de cultura livres de soro fetal bovino / Serum-free suspension adaptation of human cell linesRafael Tagé Biaggio 28 March 2014 (has links)
Linhagens celulares humanas têm atraído grande interesse devido a sua capacidade de glicosilar proteínas de maneira mais semelhante às proteínas nativas humanas, reduzindo o potencial de respostas imunológicas contra epítopos não humanos. No entanto, por se tratar de uma aplicação recente, essas células ainda não foram extensamente caracterizadas e cultivadas em condições reprodutíveis da escala industrial, ou seja, em suspensão e em meios de cultura livres de soro fetal bovino (SFB). Em função disso, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi estabelecer culturas livres de SFB e em suspensão para as linhagens celulares humanas SK-Hep-1, HepG2 e HKB-11, que têm despertado grande interesse devido ao potencial de produção de proteínas recombinantes. Para isso, quatro formulações comerciais livres de SFB foram avaliadas. As células que apresentaram bons resultados na adaptação aos meios realizada em garrafas estáticas foram então adaptadas para crescimento em suspensão. Foi possível realizar a adaptação satisfatória da célula HKB-11 ao meio FreeStyle e da célula SK-Hep-1 ao meio SFMII bem como a criopreservação das mesmas também em condições livres de SFB. A caracterização cinética das células adaptadas mostrou que a célula HKB-11 apresentou concentração celular quatro vezes superior a da célula SK-Hep-1 (8,6x106 e 1,9x106 células/mL, respectivamente) e apresentou crescimento celular durante 18 dias em cultura. A velocidade específica de crescimento máxima (?max) foi semelhante nas duas células (0,0159 h-1 para a HKB-11 e 0,0186 h-1 para SK-Hep-1). A limitação do crescimento das células adaptadas não parece estar associada à exaustão de glicose e glutamina, tampouco à formação de lactato em concentrações inibitórias. Todavia, para ambos os casos, foi observada produção de amônia em concentrações consideradas inibitórias (2 - 5 mM). De maneira geral, foi possível estabelecer culturas celulares em condições compatíveis com o desenvolvimento de um bioprocesso reprodutível, seguro e em concordância com as boas práticas de fabricação. / Human cell lines have attracted great interest since they are capable of producing glycosylated proteins in a more similar way to native human proteins, reducing the potential for immune responses against non-human epitopes. However, these human cell lines have not been extensively characterized and cultured in large scale and in serum-free suspension conditions. As a result, the main objective of this work was to adapt three human cell lines: SK-Hep-1, HepG2 and HKB-11 to serum-free suspension cultures, since they are promising systems of recombinant protein expression. For this task, four commercial serum-free media were tested. Adapted cell lines in T-flasks were further adapted to suspension cultures. Results showed that both HKB-11 and SK-Hep-1 were adapted to serum-free suspension cultures in FreeStyle and SFMII, respectively and were cryopreservated in serum-free formulations. Kinetic characterization showed that HKB-11 cell concentration was four times higher than SK-Hep-1 cell (8,6x106 and 1,9x106 cells/ml, respectively) and showed cell growth in culture over 18 days. The maximum specific growth rate (?max) was similar for both cell lines (0,0159 h-1 to HKB-11 and 0,0186h-1 to SK-Hep-1). Growth limitation of adapted human cell lines does not seem to be associated with depletion of glucose and glutamine, nor with the formation of lactate in inhibitory concentrations. However, in both cases, ammonia production achieved inhibitory concentrations (2 - 5 mM). In general, it was possible to establish human cell cultures that are compatible with reproducible and safe bioprocess conditions and in compliance with good manufacturing practices.
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Differentiation and characterization of cell types associated with retinal degenerative diseases using human induced pluripotent stem cellsGupta, Manav 31 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have the unique ability to differentiate into 200 or so somatic cell types that make up the adult human being. The use of human iPS cells to study development and disease is a highly exciting and interdependent field that holds great promise in understanding and elucidating mechanisms behind cellular differentiation with future applications in drug screening and cell replacement studies for complex and currently incurable cellular degenerative disorders. The recent advent of iPS cell technology allows for the generation of patient-specific cell lines that enable us to model the progression of a disease phenotype in a human in vitro model. Differentiation of iPS cells toward the affected cell type provides an unlimited source of diseased cells for examination, and to further study the developmental progression of the disease in vitro, also called the “disease-in-a-dish” model.
In this study, efforts were undertaken to recapitulate the differentiation of distinct retinal cell affected in two highly prevalent retinal diseases, Usher syndrome and glaucoma. Using a line of Type III Usher Syndrome patient derived iPS cells efforts were undertaken to develop such an approach as an effective in vitro model for studies of Usher Syndrome, the most commonly inherited disorder affecting both vision and hearing. Using existing lines of iPS cells, studies
were also aimed at differentiation and characterization of the more complex retinal cell types, retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and astrocytes, the cell types affected in glaucoma, a severe neurodegenerative disease of the retina leading to eventual irreversible blindness.
Using a previously described protocol, the iPS cells were directed to differentiate toward a retinal fate through a step-wise process that proceeds through all of the major stages of neuroretinal development. The differentiation process was monitored for a period of 70 days for the differentiation of retinal cell types and 150 days for astrocyte development. The different stages of differentiation and the individually derived somatic cell types were characterized by the expression of developmentally associated transcription factors specific to each cell type. Further approaches were undertaken to characterize the morphological differences between RGCs and other neuroretinal cell types derived in the process.
The results of this study successfully demonstrated that Usher syndrome patient derived iPS cells differentiated to the affected photoreceptors of Usher syndrome along with other mature retinal cell types, chronologically analogous to the development of the cell types in a mature human retina. This study also established a robust method for the in vitro derivation of RGCs and astrocytes from human iPS cells and provided novel methodologies and evidence to characterize these individual somatic cell types.
Overall, this study provides a unique insight into the application of human pluripotent stem cell biology by establishing a novel platform for future studies of in vitro disease modeling of the retinal degenerative diseases: Usher syndrome and glaucoma. In downstream applications of this study, the disease relevant cell types derived from human iPS cells can be used as tools to further study disease progression, drug screening and cell replacement strategies.
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