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Identity through food : Designing for cultural persistence through culinary traditions within diasporic communitiesHernandez Baez, Juliana January 2021 (has links)
This project explores how designing for human-food interaction (HFI) can preserve individual and collective knowledge about the food identities of Latin American migrants living in Malmö, Sweden. The project was carried out through a participatory design process, where specific needs were identified to preserve and track the evolution of culinary practices. Subsequently, an iterative co-design process took place to explore and prototype possible solutions. The project culminated with the creation of an app called Kipu, a platform designed by and for migrants to archive and share their knowledge and affects related to food. After reaching a final prototype and validating it with the participants, several insights relevant to interaction design were identified and analyzed. Some of these pointed to the significance of preserving cultural knowledge in distant identities, the relevance of the construction of platforms in a participatory design process, and the importance of considering the outcomes of a design process as socio-materiality instead of objects.
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Investigating Methods to Reduce Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Visitation to Anthropogenic Food Sources: Conditioned Taste Aversion and Food RemovalSignor, Kari D. 01 December 2009 (has links)
Conflicts between humans and black bears (Ursus americanus) jeopardize the safety of both humans and bears, especially when bears become food-conditioned to anthropogenic food sources in areas such as campgrounds. Interest in using non-lethal techniques, such as aversive conditioning, to manage such conflicts is growing. I conducted a captive experiment at The Wildlife Science Center in Minnesota and two field experiments in the La Sal Mountains, Utah, to investigate the effects of taste aversion conditioning using thiabendazole (TBZ) with a novel flavor cue and food removal on black bear food consumption and visitation to human food sources. In 2007, I conducted food trials with 6 captive black bears (3 control, 3 treatment). Controls received 1 kg baked goods scented with a peppermint-canola oil mixture and treatments received 1 kg baked goods also scented with a peppermint-canola oil mixture but mixed with 10-20 g TBZ. In the 2007 field experiment, I baited 24 field sites with 300 g of baked goods during a baseline phase for approximately 3 weeks. Half of these sites were then treated with 10 g of TBZ and camphor during a treatment phase for 4 weeks. In 2008, I baited 22 sites with 300 g of baked goods during a baseline phase for approximately 4 weeks. I then removed food and discontinued baiting at half of the sites for 4 weeks. Infrared cameras and barbed-wire hair snags were established at field sites to document bear visitation. I did not establish taste aversion in treated bears in captivity and bears fully consumed food in the majority of trials. Treating food supplies with 10 g TBZ and camphor flavor did not significantly reduce bear visitation (P = 0.615) or food consumption at field sites (P = 0.58). However, I observed a significant reduction in bear activity at sites where food was removed (P = 0.006). Potential reasons for my failure to reduce bear visitation using thiabendazole include insufficient conditioning, reluctance of bears to desist in investigating sites that previously contained untreated food, and masking of a treatment effect due to continued encounters of sites by new individuals.
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Cooking and Eating: An Exploration of Auditory Cues of Food Preparation During CommensalityOng, Kevin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis project covers a ten week exploration in Human Food Interaction. Employing a Research through Interaction Design methodology with a focus on Celebratory Technologies, this paper focuses on the research question, “How can celebratory technologies enhance social engagement between diners in commensality and raise awareness of the otherwise hidden process of cooking using auditory cues of food preparation?” A physical computing prototype using a Makey Makey Board with Processing is integrated into three user test sessions during dinner time to assess the effects of auditory cues of food preparation on the diners. The prototype is then evaluated using the qualities of Celebratory Technologies in addition to considerations of technological limitations and potential for future growth.
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Subsídios para implementação do Sistema Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle - APPCC em Lactário / Subsidies for implementation of the Hazard Analysis System and Critical Points of Control - HACCP in Milk KitchenTrindade, Aparecida Alves 16 October 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo subsidiar a implementação de um sistema de qualidade - APPCC na produção de fórmulas infantis em lactário a fim de obter um alimento seguro. O objeto de estudo foi um hospital, de atendimento geral, localizado na cidade de Piracicaba, SP. Por meio de observação da rotina e consulta aos documentos do setor foram identificadas características físicas e funcionais e elaborados os fluxogramas de produção das fórmulas infantis. Considerando as Boas Práticas na elaboração das fórmulas, como pré-requisito na implementação do sistema APPCC, foi realizado o levantamento das condições operacionais e higiênico-sanitárias com a aplicação de uma Lista de Verificação adaptada ao lactário. Foram realizadas medições de tempo e temperatura do ambiente, de equipamentos e das fórmulas infantis nas etapas de manipulação, armazenamento e distribuição. Visando complementar a avaliação foram realizadas análises microbiológicas das seguintes fórmulas infantis que apresentaram maior potencial de risco durante a produção: fórmula para recém-nascido prematuro e fórmula não submetida a tratamento térmico após a manipulação. Microrganismos mesófilos aeróbios totais, coliformes totais e fecais foram pesquisados. As amostras positivas para coliformes totais foram submetidas à análise de coliformes fecais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as condições operacionais e higiênico-sanitárias atenderam 66% dos procedimentos preconizados pela legislação sanitária. As não-conformidades mais relevantes referiram-se aos manipuladores de alimento (59%). As contagens de microorganismos mesófilos aeróbios totais confirmaram as condições inadequadas podendo ser atribuídas, principalmente, ao uso inadequado do tempo e temperatura nas etapas de produção. As contagens de coliformes totais e presença de coliformes fecais confirmaram as deficiências mencionadas. As informações obtidas subsidiaram a elaboração dos fluxogramas de produção dessas fórmulas permitindo a identificação dos perigos e pontos críticos de controle com base na avaliação dos ingredientes e etapas do processo. Um plano APPCC foi proposto onde foram apresentados os perigos, medidas preventivas, pontos de controle e/ou pontos críticos de controle, limites críticos, monitoração, ações corretivas e procedimentos de verificação. A garantia da produção segura das fórmulas infantis a partir do sistema APPCC poderá ser alcançada com investimentos na capacitação de pessoal e adequação das instalações e equipamentos. / The present study had an intending of checking the subsidies for the implementation of a quality system - HACCP in the production of infant formulas in milk kitchen in order to obtain safety food. The object of the study was a general hospital located in Piracicaba,state of São Paulo. Through a routine observation and consulting the sector documents, were identified the physical and functional characteristics. With such information the flow charts for the infant formula preparation were made. Taking in account the Good Manefacturing Practies which is a set of rules concerning the hygienic-sanitary conditions on the formula production, as prerequisite in the implementation of the HACCP system, all the operational and hygienic-sanitary conditions through the application of the verification list has adapted to the milk kitchen. Time and temperature were measured in the environment, as well as equipment and infant formula during handling, storage and distribution phases. Objecting to complement the evaluation were made a microbiological analysis of next infant formula. Short after, the two types of infant formulas which present larger potential risk during preparation were chosen: the one designed for premature newborn child and the thermic treatment post handling. It was searching total mesophilic microorganisms, fecal coliforms and total coliforms. The results showed the operational and hygienic-sanitary conditions carried out 66% of the recommendation. and the most relevant non-conformation regard the food handlers (59%). The counts of mesopholic microorganisms showed the inadequate use of time and temperature during the production phases. The counts of total coliforms and the presence of fecal coliforms confirmed related deficiencies.The obtained information have subsidied the elaboration of the flow charts of the formula productions permitting the identification of the critical points of control on the evaluation of the ingredients and on the process\'s phases. Subsequently a plan HACCP was made in which there were the phase sequence with its critical points of control, critical limits, corrective measures, monitoring, checking, registers and results. The guarantee of safe production infant formulas from HACCP will be obtained with investment on the improvement and training of the operational team.
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Subsídios para implementação do Sistema Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle - APPCC em Lactário / Subsidies for implementation of the Hazard Analysis System and Critical Points of Control - HACCP in Milk KitchenAparecida Alves Trindade 16 October 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo subsidiar a implementação de um sistema de qualidade - APPCC na produção de fórmulas infantis em lactário a fim de obter um alimento seguro. O objeto de estudo foi um hospital, de atendimento geral, localizado na cidade de Piracicaba, SP. Por meio de observação da rotina e consulta aos documentos do setor foram identificadas características físicas e funcionais e elaborados os fluxogramas de produção das fórmulas infantis. Considerando as Boas Práticas na elaboração das fórmulas, como pré-requisito na implementação do sistema APPCC, foi realizado o levantamento das condições operacionais e higiênico-sanitárias com a aplicação de uma Lista de Verificação adaptada ao lactário. Foram realizadas medições de tempo e temperatura do ambiente, de equipamentos e das fórmulas infantis nas etapas de manipulação, armazenamento e distribuição. Visando complementar a avaliação foram realizadas análises microbiológicas das seguintes fórmulas infantis que apresentaram maior potencial de risco durante a produção: fórmula para recém-nascido prematuro e fórmula não submetida a tratamento térmico após a manipulação. Microrganismos mesófilos aeróbios totais, coliformes totais e fecais foram pesquisados. As amostras positivas para coliformes totais foram submetidas à análise de coliformes fecais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as condições operacionais e higiênico-sanitárias atenderam 66% dos procedimentos preconizados pela legislação sanitária. As não-conformidades mais relevantes referiram-se aos manipuladores de alimento (59%). As contagens de microorganismos mesófilos aeróbios totais confirmaram as condições inadequadas podendo ser atribuídas, principalmente, ao uso inadequado do tempo e temperatura nas etapas de produção. As contagens de coliformes totais e presença de coliformes fecais confirmaram as deficiências mencionadas. As informações obtidas subsidiaram a elaboração dos fluxogramas de produção dessas fórmulas permitindo a identificação dos perigos e pontos críticos de controle com base na avaliação dos ingredientes e etapas do processo. Um plano APPCC foi proposto onde foram apresentados os perigos, medidas preventivas, pontos de controle e/ou pontos críticos de controle, limites críticos, monitoração, ações corretivas e procedimentos de verificação. A garantia da produção segura das fórmulas infantis a partir do sistema APPCC poderá ser alcançada com investimentos na capacitação de pessoal e adequação das instalações e equipamentos. / The present study had an intending of checking the subsidies for the implementation of a quality system - HACCP in the production of infant formulas in milk kitchen in order to obtain safety food. The object of the study was a general hospital located in Piracicaba,state of São Paulo. Through a routine observation and consulting the sector documents, were identified the physical and functional characteristics. With such information the flow charts for the infant formula preparation were made. Taking in account the Good Manefacturing Practies which is a set of rules concerning the hygienic-sanitary conditions on the formula production, as prerequisite in the implementation of the HACCP system, all the operational and hygienic-sanitary conditions through the application of the verification list has adapted to the milk kitchen. Time and temperature were measured in the environment, as well as equipment and infant formula during handling, storage and distribution phases. Objecting to complement the evaluation were made a microbiological analysis of next infant formula. Short after, the two types of infant formulas which present larger potential risk during preparation were chosen: the one designed for premature newborn child and the thermic treatment post handling. It was searching total mesophilic microorganisms, fecal coliforms and total coliforms. The results showed the operational and hygienic-sanitary conditions carried out 66% of the recommendation. and the most relevant non-conformation regard the food handlers (59%). The counts of mesopholic microorganisms showed the inadequate use of time and temperature during the production phases. The counts of total coliforms and the presence of fecal coliforms confirmed related deficiencies.The obtained information have subsidied the elaboration of the flow charts of the formula productions permitting the identification of the critical points of control on the evaluation of the ingredients and on the process\'s phases. Subsequently a plan HACCP was made in which there were the phase sequence with its critical points of control, critical limits, corrective measures, monitoring, checking, registers and results. The guarantee of safe production infant formulas from HACCP will be obtained with investment on the improvement and training of the operational team.
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Share my meal : A Social Catalyst for Interactions Around FoodSalinas Tovar, Betzabe January 2021 (has links)
Building social networks plays a key role for international students as they undergo changes when moving to a new place. Different factors play a critical role in the experience of each individual. Creating a sense of connectedness to a community facilitates the assimilation of new and different cultures. Along with the emerging field of Human-Food Interaction, this study provides an early exploration of how shared experiences around the topic of food can facilitate interactions within social groups. A user-centered design approach helped to understand the needs of international students concerning their food practices. In turn, it led to the development of the prototype named Share my meal that facilitates interactions among international students through food, thus, opening up space for the discovery of new ingredients and culinary experiences as well as promoting socialization with other people. / Skapa ett socialt nätverk är viktigt för internationella studenter, eftersom när de flyttar till ett nytt land så genomgår de en stor förändring. Olika faktorer spelar en avgörande roll för varje individs upplevelse. Skapa en känsla av gemenskap och sammanhållning kan underlätta assimileringen av nya och olika kulturerna. Med det ökade intresset för området Human-Food Interaction, undersökte denna studie hur delade upplevelser av mat kan underlätta interaktionen inom sociala grupper. En användarcentrerad designstrategi användes för att förstå internationella studenters behov och vanor kring deras matkonsumtion. Följaktligen, ledde det till utvecklingen av prototypen Share my meal med syftet att genom mat, underlätta interaktionen mellan internationella studenter för att upptäckta av nya ingredienser och kulinariska upplevelser, men även främjar socialiseringen med andra människor.
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