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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Under radarn, mellan stolarna? : Ett HR-perspektiv på rekryteringsprocesser och dolda funktionsnedsättningar som Aspergers syndrom / Under the Radar, Through the Cracks? : A HR-perspective on Recruitment Processes and Hidden Disabilities such as Asperger Syndrome

Lif, Zophie January 2020 (has links)
Inom Human Resource Management är en av de viktigaste uppgifterna att rekrytera och behålla kompetent personal. Under senare år har ett ökat intresse för arbetsplatser präglade av mångfald även ökat intresset för Diversity Management. Samtidigt visar statistik att personer med funktionsnedsättningar fortfarande är underrepresenterade på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Särskilt utsatta är personer med dolda funktionsnedsättningar, som exempelvis Aspergers syndrom. Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån ett organisationsperspektiv besvara tre frågeställningar: vilka typiska egenskaper efterfrågas som av den sökande vid en rekryteringsprocess och på vilket sätt det påverkar det sökanden med Aspergers syndrom, betydelsen av rekryteringsprocessen som helhet för om potentiella kandidater med Aspergers syndrom inkluderas eller exkluderas, samt vilken betydelse HR-strategin gällande mångfald och social hållbarhet påverkar potentiella kandidater med dold funktionsnedsättning. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ ansats och ett tolkande synsätt, med tematisk analys av semistrukturerade intervjuer samt kvalitativ textanalys av skriftliga källor. Det empiriska materialet inkluderade intervjusvar från tio respondenter fördelade på sammanlagt åtta organisationer och tio platsannonser från vardera sex större organisationer med många anställda. Resultatet visade att rekryteringsprocessen riskerar att exkludera sökande med Aspergers syndrom, både på grund av att de nedsättningar som diagnosen medför innebär en nedsatt arbetsförmåga, men också på grund av hur rekryteringsprocessen är utformad. Resultatet visar också att rekryteringsprocessen och organisationens HR-strategi har betydelse för att inkludera potentiell arbetskraft med dolda funktionsnedsättningar som Aspergers syndrom i urvalsprocessen, samt att det finns potential för att förbättra rekryteringsprocessen på så sätt att rätt kompetenser identifieras, eftersöks och inkluderas i urvalsprocessen. I sammanhanget kan HR och Diversity Management användas som stödfunktion och verktyg för att skapa en inkluderande arbetsplats och en personalstyrka med ett omfattande kompetensspektrum. / In Human Resource Management, one of the most important functions is the recruitment and retainment of competent personnel. Recent years has brought an increased interest in workplaces characterized by diversity, and thereby an increased interest in Diversity Management. At the same time, statistics show that people with disabilities are underrepresented on the regular labour market. People with hidden disabilities, like Asperger Syndrome, are particularly exposed. The purpose of this study was to, through the perspective of HR, examine which typical characteristics are requested of the applicants during the recruitment process and how this affect applicants with Asperger Syndrome, the importance of the recruitment process regarding if potential candidates with Asperger Syndrome is included or excluded from the selection of candidates, and the importance of the HR-strategy for diversity and social sustainability regarding potential candidates with hidden disabilities. From a qualitative and interpretive approach, the study was conducted through a thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews and a content analysis of written sources. The empirical content included interview answers from ten respondents from eight organizations in total, and ten job advertisements each from six larger organizations with many employees. The results show that the recruitment process entails a risk of excluding applicants with Asperger Syndrome, because of the reduced functional capacity due to the diagnosis, but also due to how the recruitment process is designed. The results also show that the recruitment process and the HR-strategy of the organization affects the inclusion of protentional manpower with hidden disabilities like Asperger Syndrome from the selection process, and that there is potential in improvement of the recruitment process regarding identifying, searching and including the right kind of qualities. In this context, HR and Diversity Management can be used as supportive function and a tool for creating an inclusive workplace and a workforce with a comprehensive competence spectrum.

Kunskapsföretags arbete med att behålla personal / Knowledge companies´work with retaining their employees

Nilsson, Alida, Falk, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: På dagens arbetsmarknad är det vanligt förekommande att ofta byta jobb. Att medarbetare själva väljer att lämna ett arbete är kostsamt ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv och företag som definieras som kunskapsföretag är extra sårbara när personal väljer att lämna företaget. Därmed är företagens arbete med Employee Retention betydelsefullt. En studie gjord av Randstad (2018) undersökte de främsta orsakerna till att svenska medarbetare väljer att avsluta sin anställning. Dessa tre orsaker har i denna studie definierats som lön, arbetsengagemang och kompetensutveckling. Problemformulering: Hur arbetar kunskapsföretag för att behålla sin personal utifrån lön, arbetsengagemang och kompetensutveckling? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse för hur kunskapsföretag arbetar med att behålla personal utifrån de tre främsta orsakerna till att svenska medarbetare säger upp sig, enligt Randstads Employer Brand Research 2018. Metod: En kvalitativ studie av sex stycken kunskapsföretag. Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar som används i syfte för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställning. Den teoretiska referensramen har sammanställts i en analysmodell. Empiri: Insamlingen av empiriska data har skett genom kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer med personalansvariga på respektive företag. Analys: Det empiriska materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en analysmodell samt med stöd av vetenskaplig litteratur om respektive orsak. Slutsats: Studiens resultat påvisar att ingen av företagen arbetar efter uttalade och väl integrerade strategier av Employee retention. Dock uppges diverse Human Resource Management-metoder i syfte att behålla företagens personal. Samtliga företag arbetar för att behålla sin personal utifrån orsakerna lön, arbetsengagemang och kompetensutveckling på liknande tillvägagångssätt, dock förekommer vissa skillnader. I slutsatsen besvaras den ställda frågeställningen samt studiens syfte. / Background: In today's labor market it is common to often change jobs. The fact that employees choose to leave a job is costly from an organization's perspective, and companies defined as knowledge companies are particularly vulnerable when employees choose to leave the company. Thus, corporate work with Employee retention is important. A study conducted by Randstad (2018) examined the main reasons why Swedish employees choose to terminate their employment. These have been defined in this study as salary, work engagement and skills development. Problem: How do knowledge companies work to keep their staff based on salary, work engagement and competence development? Purpose: The aim of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how knowledge companies work to retain staff based on the three main reasons why Swedish employees quit their jobs, according to Randstad Employer Brand Research 2018. Method: A qualitative study of six knowledge companies. Theory: The theoretical frame of reference includes literature and scientific articles used for the purpose of answering the study's purpose and problem. The theoretical frame of reference has been compiled in an analysis model. Empiricism: The collection of empirical data has been done through qualitative and semistructured interviews with the personal manager of the respective companies. Analysis: The empirical material has been analysed using an analysis model and with the support of scientific literature on the respective cause. Conclusion: The study's findings show that none of the companies are working according to pronounced and well-integrated strategies of Employee retention. However, various Human Resource Management methods are reported in order to retain the company's personnel. All case companies work to maintain their staff based on the reasons salary, work engagement and competence development on similar approaches, however, there are some differences. The study's conclusion answers the problem and the purpose of the study.

Is talent management just old wine in new bottles? : the case of multinational corporations in Beijing

Chuai, Xin January 2008 (has links)
Talent Management (TM), as a new managerial concept with regard to Human Resource Management (HRM), has increasingly gained concern and attention from the academic as well as business world, but there are many gaps and omissions left for further theoretical development and empirical study. Hence, understanding the differences between TM and HRM becomes necessary. Given an absence of clarity in the literature, the aim of the present study is to gain a thorough understanding of TM among Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Beijing, to explore to what extent this managerial idea represents anything new, and to find out why organisations adopt TM. A case study method was selected as the main research methodology. The study was undertaken in Beijing, and the target companies were limited to four MNCs, respectively from the IT (two organisations), health care and education industries, and three consultancy companies. The theoretical perspective largely draws upon the literature on TM, management fashion and institutional theory. Findings show that the topic of TM has been enthusiastically pursued. However, there is not a single concise definition shared by all the case study organisations, even though different strands of understanding regarding TM are explored in this study. The thesis has also explored what is distinctive about TM, and the factors and purposes influencing the adoption of TM in China. Through comparing HRM with literature and empirical findings relating to TM, this thesis has found that TM seems to presage some new approaches to the management of the people resource in organisations, rather than a simple repackaging of old techniques and ideas with a new label. Meanwhile, this thesis strongly challenges the idea that TM is another struggle by HR professionals to enhance their legitimacy, status and credibility. Therefore, TM should not be considered as ‘old wine in new bottles’, at least with respect to the case of MNCs in China.

E-performance assessment system in governmental organizations in the United Arab Emirates

Al-Raisi, A. A. N. January 2011 (has links)
This research examines the introduction of e-performance assessment systems in governmental organizations in the United Arab Emirates. The research also examines the influence of cultural forces in accepting the implementation of technology systems that deal with assessment and evaluation of government employees to facilitate the transitional process from manual to e-performance assessment. The methodology used in this research can be described as follows: first a descriptive method to explain the main management theories underlying employee e-performance, followed by an illustration of the concept of electronic tools, based on what has been written in the relevant literature, then conducting a pilot study. A pilot study was made to reduce uncertainty in survey questions, increase clarity, enhance questionnaire validity, and expand on factors that might affect data analysis, improve research design, and confirm the feasibility of this research study. The conceptual model of this study is determined on the based of literature analysis, the pilot study, and the empirical collection of data. A model for a performance appraisal assessment system is proposed, which shows a statistical significance between performance management, e-performance management, performance assessment, e-performance assessment, and performance standards with both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. This study finds that there are numerous factors shapes ethics and norms at the workplace. This study suggests that the United Arab Emirates enjoys highly structured governmental organizations. This primarily results from the naturally inherited characteristics of being a high-context society. The major findings of this research aim to contribute to available literature, as there is currently a distinct shortage of relevant academic work targeting the issue of governmental e-performance systems. Similarly no papers concerning e-performance in a UAE context actually existed prior to this investigation. Therefore, much of the available literature was found to be only semi-relevant.

Talent Management : Utan Talent Management? / Talent Management : Without Talent Management?

Thilén, Frida, Pettersson, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att kontrastera en utvald organisations strategier för att attrahera, behålla, utveckla och avveckla de viktigaste resurserna mot Talent Management och dess komponenter. Studien ämnar således mot att göra en kontrastering mellan traditionellt kompetensförsörjningsarbete mot det mer moderna konceptet Talent Management. Författarna har valt att undersöka detta genom att samla empiri från intervjuer med sex medarbetare kombinerat med analys av interna dokument. Resultatet visar att delar av myndighetens arbete med kompetensförsörjning kan likställas med Talent Management men att vissa komponenter är uteblivna. Baserat på resultatet framhålls i resultatdiskussionen att myndigheten möter stora utmaningar gällande enhetligt arbete med kompetensutveckling, kompetensförsörjning och ledarskap på grund utav det delegerade ansvaret från central nivå. I slutskedet av avsnittet för resultatdiskussion redovisas även en sammanfattande slutsats som grundar sig i ett framgångsrikt arbete inom blocken attrahera och avsluta samtidigt som arbete inom blocket behålla och utveckla varierar inom organisationen, dels på grund av delegerat ansvar. Slutligen presenteras förbättringsförslag inom organisationen och vidare forskning inom ämnet. / The purpose of this bachelor level thesis is to compare a Swedish public authority’s practical work with competence supply towards the components of Talent Management. The study is aiming to contrast traditional competence supply operations with the more modern concept of Talent Management. The writers have chosen to collect empirical data through interviews with six employees combined with analysis of internal documents. The result shows that parts of the public authority’s work with competence supply have similarities to Talent Management, but some of the components are left out. Based on the results, the discussions shows that this public authority is struggling with united approaches towards competence development, competence supply and leadership because of delegated responsibilities from a central level. In the end the writers are presenting an overall conclusion that is based on the organizations successful work within the blocks of attract and terminate while the work within the block of retain and develop varies within the organization, partly because of delegated responsibility. Finally suggestions for improvement within the organization and further research are presented.

Career dynamics within the construction industry : a trade and craft perspective

Kappia, Joseph Gaiva January 2006 (has links)
Recruiting and retaining an adequate share of the UK workforce is vital to meeting the construction industry's demands and sustaining its current growth. This requires the industry to attract new employees, adopt a proactive approach to Human Resource Development (HRD) and the formulation of effective retention strategies. Career development programmes are required which can align the industry's needs with the career expectations of the individual employee. However, despite the importance of such schemes to the trade and craft occupations, most research devoted to career development has a professional and managerial focus. A need to redress this imbalance has been compounded by a variety of factors such as the scarcity of skilled people, falling recruitment levels and high employee turnover rates. The overall aim of the work reported in this thesis is to develop an understanding of trade and craft career dynamics. The information can be used as a framework for supporting specific career management and career development initiatives, which in turn will serve to actively encourage skill development, attract new employees and retain the services of the current workforce. Drawing on the conceptual languages of extant "Careers" and "Human Resource Management" theory, the research adopted an ethnographic research approach. An iterative multiphase research design framework was utilised, involving a combination of research paradigms. These quantitative and qualitative methods included: a questionnaire of 563 informants; discussions with 54 groups of trainees; and 88 indepth interviews with both New Entrant Trainees (NETs) and Qualified and Experienced (QE) construction workers. By encouraging systematic narrative accounts of the attitudes, behaviours and idea systems of the actors involved a better understanding of the nature of trade and craft employment was developed. Combining and comparing the fmdings of both datasets (NETs and QEs) and relating this to the outlined theoretical perspectives sheds new light on the career dynamics within the industry. The resear_c~-. found that although employees are not comprehensive in their information and search of career options; they do place a high priority on career development. However, career development is limited due to the realities (opportunities and operational conditions) of the industry; which influence attitudes of individuals and their peers. Employees often further encounter a series of career decision errors which affect the employment relationship. The fmdings suggest that good career development practice is capable of helping to attract, recruit and retain a sustainable share of the UK workforce. As such, the fmdings provide a platform from which effective employment strategies can be developed in the future.

Ledaren - Företagets juvel? : En fallstudie om ledarens betydelse för företagets internationella framgång

Stendahl, Emma, Tideman, Lovisa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera det växande behovet av International Human Resource Management (IHRM) i syfte att skapa förståelse för företagets interna resurser och hur dessa kan bidra till företagets utveckling. För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte har vi utformat följande huvudproblem; I vilken utsträckning kan ett företags strävan efter internationell framgång förstås genom dess ledare<em>?</em> För att besvara det formulerade huvudproblemet har vi valt att använda en kvalitativ ansats och tillämpat fallstudie som forskningsstrategi.</p><p>Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar en beskrivning av olika etableringsstrategier och medföljande ledarpositioner samt behandlar det resursbaserade synsättet vilket är relevant för vårt ämnesval och vår frågeställning. Vidare består av teorikapitlet av en deskription av IHRM och tillsättningsstrategier. Det empiriska kapitlet behandlar den information som tillhandahållits genom fallföretaget och dess informanter rörande ledarpositioner och efterfrågade kompetenser hos en internationell ledare. Kapitlet är strukturerat utefter de informanter vi utsett; företagets VD, marknadschef samt försäljningschefer.</p><p>I analyskapitlet diskuteras och analyseras den teoretiska referensramen tillsammans med det empiriska utfallet. Kapitlet belyser de olika ledarpositioner som medför de valda etableringsstrategier samt vilka kompetenser som prioriteras vid tillsättning av den internationella ledaren. Från vår analys framgår det att de främsta kompetenser en kvalificerad försäljningschef bör besitta är förmågan till social kompetens och ett tekniskt kunnande, goda förhandlingskunskaper samt en stark drivkraft. Vidare i kapitlet analyseras de faktorer som kan bidra till företagets internationella framgång.</p><p>Uppsatsens slutsats visar att NORDENs ledande position inom tubfyllningsbranschen har uppkommit tillföljd av försäljningschefernas ovärderliga erfarenhetsbaserade kunskaper samt förmågan att anpassa företagets globala strategi till lokala kunders önskemål. Avslutningsvis presenteras förslag till fortsatt forskning inom IHRM samt rekommendationer till fallföretaget.</p>

Human Resource Management Concepts Within Micro Businesses : The study of Thai micro businesses

De Barros, Jerome, Chanboonyawat, Panut January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Micro businesses are the most common form of business in the world and they play an important role in the economic growth of every country. They are usually characterized by a lack of financial resources, which influences the management of such firms. The role of the owner manager is crucial in micro businesses and has a strong influence on every aspects of the business and one of these aspects is human resource management.</p><p>Compared to the research about larger companies, the number of researches in the scope of human resource management (HRM) specifically within micro businesses is very small. Another fact which caught the attention of the authors is that the situation in Thailand regarding HRM within micro businesses remains a blank spot. This master thesis will try to provide more information about the situation on the Thai micro businesses and human resource management within them.</p><p>In order to do so, a theoretical framework was created based on the literature available about human resource management within micro businesses. The second step was to interview the owners of nine Thai micro businesses and discover what their HRM practices are. After these steps we compared the literature and the data provided by the owners of micro businesses in order to find similarities and differences between the two.</p><p>The conclusions of this study were that many similarities could be found between the theory chosen in our frame of reference and the reality of the nine Thai micro firms. Some differences were noticed but those could not overshadow the fact that the frame of reference was able to describe the situation of the Thai businesses. This thesis obviously evidences some limitations and recommends that more studies should be performed in order to generalize human resource management within micro businesses in Thailand.</p><p> </p>

'n Onderwysregtelike perspektief op die skoolhoof se taak as menslike hulpbronbestuurder / Josef Adriaan Breed

Breed, Josef Adriaan January 2003 (has links)
For many years the traditional point of view about principals was that they were the so-called teachers in a leadership role. They took the lead with the teaching of the curriculum and they had to be responsible for controlling the whole educational process. With the changes over the past few years, not only over the entire globe, but also specifically here in South Africa, the role of the principal has also changed. In terms of the new Schools Act and changing education legislation, the principal has many more responsibilities being a representative of the department at the school and a member of the school’s governing body. Human resource management is one of the most important aspects of school management. The purpose of this research is to determine which educational juridical determinants play a role in human resource management at schools. To succeed in the purpose of this research it is firstly determined which statutory common-law and judicial determinants are applicable and secondly the determinants’ implications for human resource management in education are emphasized. Subsequently a literature study was done about the work environment of the principal in the management of human resources at a school. The specific areas of human resource management at a school and the related role of the principal formed an essential pall of the research. After a questionnaire had been sent to a sample of principals and their responses had been statistically analysed, it was possible to deduce findings and compile recommendations. The general impression that came to the fore from the responses was that school principals experience a critical lack of competence as managers of human resources. This is possibly caused by a shortage of proper empowerment in the basic elements of human resource management as well as in the aspects of policy as determined by the Department of Education. The conclusion can justly be made that it will not only presently, but also in the future be absolutely necessary to pay formal attention to this important aspect. The training of teachers must without doubt include elements of human resource management as well as related educational legislation. When the preceding requirements are met and when the Department of Education continuously present empowerment workshops on this crucial subject, it will definitely lead to more effective and purposive management of schools. Furthermore it will also probably lessen the pressure on principals that will lead to a more stable management environment. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2003

An emprical evaluation of strategic human resource management within construction sites

Naismith, Nicola January 2007 (has links)
Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) offers a peoplemanagement framework which promotes improved performance, innovation and competitiveness. However, little research has considered how such practices are implemented within Construction SMEs, and whether they complement overall business strategy. The nature of the UK construction industry requires construction organisations to balance project requirements with competing organisational and individual employee expectations, priorities and needs. This conflict raises several complex and problematic issues for SHRM within the construction industry as well as opportunities for improvement. However to date, despite this sector exhibiting the well-known `labour-intensive' and `people oriented' characteristics, there is little informed understanding of the complex interplay of factors that shape strategic decision making processes, and approaches to SHRM within construction SMEs. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the types of HRM strategies used by construction SMEs and develop a framework to improve their organisational performance. The objectives of the research were: 1) To establish whether construction SMEs undertake strategic management, the types of strategies employed and how they implement their strategies, 2) To establish whether construction SMEs undertake SHRM, the types of strategies employed, how they implement their strategies and whether size of firm influences their practices; 3) Examine the relationship between the different SHRM approaches, the associated strategic organisational goals, in order to establish whether the approaches and goals are mutually supportive; and 4) To develop a framework linking SHRM approaches to specific organisational goals for construction SMEs. (Continues ...).

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