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Voluntários: um estudo sobre a motivação de pessoas e cultura em uma organização do terceiro setor / Volunteers: a study of people motivation and culture from a third sector organization.Jáder dos Reis Sampaio 14 April 2004 (has links)
Para este trabalho realizou-se um estudo de caso em uma creche visando a identificar novas categorias de análise de cultura organizacional e motivação de voluntários em organizações de Terceiro Setor. O Terceiro Setor é concebido como o conjunto de organizações sem fins lucrativos, autogerenciadas, integrantes da sociedade civil, com finalidade pública ou coletiva. Foram revistas as teorias de motivação de Abraham Maslow, David McClelland e Joseph Nuttin, a partir das quais se desenvolveu um modelo complexo para o estudo deste fenômeno, que contempla necessidades fisiológicas, tendências e schematas, além dos próprios motivos. Os motivos são concebidos como projetos de ação baseados em relações exigidas entre indivíduo e ambiente. Após a revisão das teorias de cultura organizacional de Hofstede, Schein e Fleury, adotou-se o modelo de cultura organizacional de Fleury, acrescido da análise de ethos e visão de mundo (oriundas dos trabalhos de Clifford Geertz) de movimentos políticos, religiosos ou sociais subjacentes à organização. O estudo de caso contou com o recurso de triangulação de dados, a partir de múltiplas técnicas de pesquisa: observação participante, análise de documentos, história de vida e descrição de atividades. Na análise do movimento religioso subjacente à creche, encontra-se uma proposta de ethos e visão de mundo do Espiritismo depreendidos da leitura da obra de Allan Kardec e da revisão bibliográfica de estudos antropológicos em organizações espíritas brasileiras. A análise da história da organização mostrou existir um conflito entre um projeto de promoção social, idealizado pelo fundador, e uma obra social preocupada com o desenvolvimento pessoal e a oportunidade de realização de atividades humanitárias pelo voluntário, própria do movimento espírita, assim como convênio com o poder público municipal, que descaracterizou as atividades de creche como espaço de ação voluntária. Observou-se que os voluntários de um dos territórios da creche associam seus motivos não apenas às tendências a estabelecer contatos interpessoais afetuosos como também à consistência interna, com a construção de uma auto-imagem mais valorizada, e justificada por muitos dos schematas estudados. Observou-se também que o trabalho voluntário é, paradoxalmente, fonte de prazer, de desligamento de problemas oriundos de outros espaços de experiência e de sofrimento. Há, ainda, o desenvolvimento de alguns mecanismos de defesa individuais e coletivos para atenuar os efeitos desses aspectos negativos. O estudo corrobora a tese que advoga a necessidade de conhecimento mais substancial da cultura das organizações de Terceiro Setor, antes de se propor a adoção de técnicas de gestão oriundas do meio empresarial. / A kindergarten case study was done in order to identify new analysis categories from organizational culture and volunteer motivation for ?third sector? organizations. Third sector is defined as the cluster of non-profitable, self governed, civil society organizations, with public or collective goals. Abraham Maslow, David McClelland and Joseph Nuttin?s theories of motivation were revised. They were the base for a complex theoretical model that comprehends physiological necessities, tendencies and schemata, besides the motives, for the motivation study. Motives are action projects based upon required relationship between the individual and the environment. Hofstede, Schein and Fleury?s theories of organizational culture were reviewed. This study adopted Fleury?s model of organizational culture increased with the analysis of ethos and world-view (from Clifford Geertz studies), from political, religious or social movements subjacent to the organization. Case study was done using data triangulation techniques dealing with information obtained by participant observation, document analysis, life history and activities description. Allan Kardec?s books and articles were used to build the ethos and world view of Brazilian Spiritism, besides the review of anthropological studies of spirit Brazilian organizations. Spiritism is the religious movement related to the kindergarten?s volunteers. Organization?s history analysis revealed a conflict between the founder?s social promotion project and the conception beheld by the spiritist volunteers that is worried with the personal development and generating opportunities of humanitarian service. It showed an alliance with municipal public power that putted away the volunteer workforce from the kindergarten?s activities. The volunteers from one of the influence territories of the organization affirmed the association between gratification and the tendency to realize interpersonal affective contacts and the tendency to internal consistency, with a valorized self-image. There is a connection between the schemata identified and this internal consistency. Volunteer work is paradoxically a source of pleasure, distance from outsider problems and pain. It was observed some individual and collective defense mechanisms to protect volunteers from pain effects. This study corroborates the thesis that defends the necessity of third sector organization?s substantive cultural knowledge before the proposal of management techniques from enterprises.
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O labirinto organizacional e o fio da razão: os processos de seleção interna como via de reflexividade institucionalCarlos Alberto Araujo Netto 21 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivo investigar a reflexividade como componente estratégico na prática de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) e na contribuição crítica da Psicologia das Organizações e do Trabalho (POT) frente aos desafios da alta modernidade. Tomando como referencial a Sociologia de Anthony Giddens, os atores são capazes de elaborar, no contexto das relações sociais em que estão inseridos, as condições da sua própria ação e a do outro, confrontando aquilo que a organização diz ser da forma como é compreendida. Ao mesmo tempo, o estudo revelou que os atores esperam poder contribuir e agregar valor para a organização, pela dimensão cognitiva que possuem. Isso porque os atores produzem reflexão sobre os processos nos quais estão envolvidos, queira a empresa ou não, construindo experiências pessoais com alta potencialidade de informações e conhecimentos para a GRH realizar o auto-monitoramento contínuo, identificar gaps existentes e aperfeiçoar as práticas adotadas que podem ser, assim, reconstituídas ou reorganizadas. O presente estudo, tomando como objeto de investigação empírica o processo interno de seleção de pessoas de uma empresa, analisou o quanto o conhecimento produzido pelos atores, uma vez ignorados diante da ênfase dada aos sistemas técnicos especialistas, fechados à participação pela ausência deliberada de espaços dialógicos, pode levar a perdas de referenciais e sentido, levando a uma situação denominada neste estudo como labirinto organizacional. O estudo conclui que um processo interno de seleção de pessoas vai além da escolha do candidato mais habilitado para exercer uma determinada função, pois é capaz de revelar também a forma de ser da própria organização, seu auto-retrato, na visão dos diversos atores envolvidos no processo. O quadro teórico elaborado com os conceitos de Giddens foi aplicado, neste estudo, às experiências elaboradas pelos atores quando questionados. A pesquisa demonstrou a condição e o potencial dos atores de transformarem a estrutura existente, como um Teseu contemporâneo que entra no labirinto com um projeto, agente ativo no uso reflexivo da razão como fio lógico para si que move os seus passos dentro da organização. Trata-se da experiência oposta à figura do Minotauro, submetido de forma passiva aos limites impostos pela estrutura. Ligar essas experiências é um exercício de construção que remonta ao hipertexto, como contra-labirinto, que conecta experiências e oferece um sentido para o agir organizacional. O resultado da investigação sobre a visão dos candidatos e psicólogos selecionadores mostrou que criação e análise das práticas, exploração e leitura das experiências vividas, potencializa a reflexividade institucional como condição para modernização das organizações ao fortalecer o papel dos atores como agentes ativos / This thesis aimed at investigating reflexivity as a strategic feature of Human Resources Management (HRM) linked to the critical contribution of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) within the facing up to the high modernity organizational challenges. Grounded in the Anthony Giddens Sociology, it scrutinized actors capacity to elaborate the conditions related to their own and others actions within the social contexts they are settled in by withstanding organizational narratives about what is being done by management. Additionally, it analyzed actors expectations of their own contribution to the organization by adding value through the offering of their own cognitions to the organization. Their expectations stem from their reflexivity on the processes they are involved in through which, be recognized or not by the enterprise, they produce a wide range of knowledge and information potentially fertile for the accomplishment of HRM selfappraisal, the identification of existing gaps and the amelioration of its practices. Taking the process of personnel selection as the target of scrutiny, this study analyzed the extent to which the knowledge produced by organizational actors is ignored by the organizational preference for the information produced by expert systems which are hemmed in to any kind of participation due to the lack of dialogical spaces. This situation produces loss of meaning and of references thus creating a kind of organizational maze. The empirical findings disclosed that an internal process of personnel selection goes beyond the choice of the most competent applicant for a particular position since it is enabled to disclose the way the organization works and its self-portrait according to actors views. Actors experiences were matched to the theoretical framework. Yet the findings confirmed actors potential competence to contribute to the transformation of the existing organziaitonal structure, as contemporary Teseus enter into the maze having a project as an active agents enabled to apply reflexivity by using the logical thread to move within the organization. Actors experience withstand Minotauros situation which was passive within the boundaries imposed by the maze structure. The scrutiny of those experiences hints at the hypertext as a sort of counter maze since it relates and offers meanings to the organizational action. Finally, the findings which emerged from the comparison of applicants with psychologists views put into light the potentiality of the analysis of procedures and the reading of experiences to enhance institutional reflexivity as inputs for organizational development since it gives momentum to actors roles as active agents
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Návrh změn konceptu motivačního systému v podniku / Concept for Motivational System Change in a CompanyZelinková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with suggestions of appropriate changes in a concept of incentive system in the particular company. Changes will be suggested based on the theoretical background and the current state in the company. The proposed solutions will be used as a concept for increasing the satisfaction and loyalty of workers, to reduce the sickness and fluctuation and on the basis of these sub-goals to improve performance throughout the organization.
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Proces adaptace zaměstnanců / Adaptation Process of EmployeesŠebestová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focusing on work process and process of social adaptation of new employees. The theoretical part explains the related concepts. I’m describing human resources strategy, processes and also corporate culture which is very important not only for the adaptation of employees. In the practical part will be assessed the proces of adaptation in the company. Focusing to both work, social environment and also to integration on corporate culture. Then will be on the base on the results of the analyzes as well as my experiences will be voiced suggestions to improve the proces of adaptation in company.
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Voluntários: um estudo sobre a motivação de pessoas e cultura em uma organização do terceiro setor / Volunteers: a study of people motivation and culture from a third sector organization.Sampaio, Jáder dos Reis 14 April 2004 (has links)
Para este trabalho realizou-se um estudo de caso em uma creche visando a identificar novas categorias de análise de cultura organizacional e motivação de voluntários em organizações de Terceiro Setor. O Terceiro Setor é concebido como o conjunto de organizações sem fins lucrativos, autogerenciadas, integrantes da sociedade civil, com finalidade pública ou coletiva. Foram revistas as teorias de motivação de Abraham Maslow, David McClelland e Joseph Nuttin, a partir das quais se desenvolveu um modelo complexo para o estudo deste fenômeno, que contempla necessidades fisiológicas, tendências e schematas, além dos próprios motivos. Os motivos são concebidos como projetos de ação baseados em relações exigidas entre indivíduo e ambiente. Após a revisão das teorias de cultura organizacional de Hofstede, Schein e Fleury, adotou-se o modelo de cultura organizacional de Fleury, acrescido da análise de ethos e visão de mundo (oriundas dos trabalhos de Clifford Geertz) de movimentos políticos, religiosos ou sociais subjacentes à organização. O estudo de caso contou com o recurso de triangulação de dados, a partir de múltiplas técnicas de pesquisa: observação participante, análise de documentos, história de vida e descrição de atividades. Na análise do movimento religioso subjacente à creche, encontra-se uma proposta de ethos e visão de mundo do Espiritismo depreendidos da leitura da obra de Allan Kardec e da revisão bibliográfica de estudos antropológicos em organizações espíritas brasileiras. A análise da história da organização mostrou existir um conflito entre um projeto de promoção social, idealizado pelo fundador, e uma obra social preocupada com o desenvolvimento pessoal e a oportunidade de realização de atividades humanitárias pelo voluntário, própria do movimento espírita, assim como convênio com o poder público municipal, que descaracterizou as atividades de creche como espaço de ação voluntária. Observou-se que os voluntários de um dos territórios da creche associam seus motivos não apenas às tendências a estabelecer contatos interpessoais afetuosos como também à consistência interna, com a construção de uma auto-imagem mais valorizada, e justificada por muitos dos schematas estudados. Observou-se também que o trabalho voluntário é, paradoxalmente, fonte de prazer, de desligamento de problemas oriundos de outros espaços de experiência e de sofrimento. Há, ainda, o desenvolvimento de alguns mecanismos de defesa individuais e coletivos para atenuar os efeitos desses aspectos negativos. O estudo corrobora a tese que advoga a necessidade de conhecimento mais substancial da cultura das organizações de Terceiro Setor, antes de se propor a adoção de técnicas de gestão oriundas do meio empresarial. / A kindergarten case study was done in order to identify new analysis categories from organizational culture and volunteer motivation for ?third sector? organizations. Third sector is defined as the cluster of non-profitable, self governed, civil society organizations, with public or collective goals. Abraham Maslow, David McClelland and Joseph Nuttin?s theories of motivation were revised. They were the base for a complex theoretical model that comprehends physiological necessities, tendencies and schemata, besides the motives, for the motivation study. Motives are action projects based upon required relationship between the individual and the environment. Hofstede, Schein and Fleury?s theories of organizational culture were reviewed. This study adopted Fleury?s model of organizational culture increased with the analysis of ethos and world-view (from Clifford Geertz studies), from political, religious or social movements subjacent to the organization. Case study was done using data triangulation techniques dealing with information obtained by participant observation, document analysis, life history and activities description. Allan Kardec?s books and articles were used to build the ethos and world view of Brazilian Spiritism, besides the review of anthropological studies of spirit Brazilian organizations. Spiritism is the religious movement related to the kindergarten?s volunteers. Organization?s history analysis revealed a conflict between the founder?s social promotion project and the conception beheld by the spiritist volunteers that is worried with the personal development and generating opportunities of humanitarian service. It showed an alliance with municipal public power that putted away the volunteer workforce from the kindergarten?s activities. The volunteers from one of the influence territories of the organization affirmed the association between gratification and the tendency to realize interpersonal affective contacts and the tendency to internal consistency, with a valorized self-image. There is a connection between the schemata identified and this internal consistency. Volunteer work is paradoxically a source of pleasure, distance from outsider problems and pain. It was observed some individual and collective defense mechanisms to protect volunteers from pain effects. This study corroborates the thesis that defends the necessity of third sector organization?s substantive cultural knowledge before the proposal of management techniques from enterprises.
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A Development & Testing Project on a New Proposed Method to Produce Technical Documentation for Use in Training & Work Performance by the United States ArmyBurleson, Charles 01 May 1978 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the development, evaluation, and testing of a technical manual produced by the new United States Army Improved Technical Documentation and Training concept. The concept involved a complete systems analysis of the hardware being considered prior to the actual writing of the manual. The manuals were validated and verified by actual soldiers performing maintenance tasks using only the manuals.
A comparison of the new manual with the old manual was Performed using untrained and trained soldiers.
Conclusions formulated were that the new manual seemed to be a great improvement over the old manual and may assist in improving the present maintenance system.
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An Analysis of Selected Personnel Managers for Company Attitudes Toward Industrial Recreation in North CarolinaDean, Cynthia 01 November 1980 (has links)
This study was made in attempt to assess company attitudes toward industrial recreation in order to draw conclusions concerning present and future trends in employee recreation. A survey instrument was devised with the aid of a jury of experts to validate and improve upon the questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed through the mail to the one hundred largest manufacturing firms in North Carolina. Personnel managers were asked to answer the survey as to reflect company attitudes and not necessarily thelr own. The questions pertained to areas such as recreational opportunities, amount of participation, utilization of recreational personnel, the availability of facilities and land, future plans, and recreational objectives. Fifty-six companies responded to the surveys and returned the questionnaires to the investigator. The surveys were tabulated and data were accumulated. The survey indicated a trend toward growth in recreational opportunities and programs, but a stabilization in the area of facilities and land provided. Attitudes toward recreation were found to he positive for the most part. However, attitudes towards objectives of employee recreation were generally negative. Recommendations, based upon the analysis of the study, were made in order to allow companies a basis of comparison for the development of their programs. It was suggested, according to the findings of the study, that area in order for companies to remain competitive in the of industrial recreation programs offered, recreational opportunities should be made available to employees, a recreational director or part time director should be hired, and use of volunteers should be increased. Extensive facilities and land were not found to be essential to a competitive program. Continuation or expansion of recreational programs was recommended. An awareness of objectives of employee recreation or a set of goals for the company program is highly recommended for a successful industrial recreation program.
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The changing nature of work, leadership, and organizational culture in future ready organizationsDhir, Saloni 01 January 2019 (has links)
The relationship between individual and organizational performance is a key challenge for leaders in modern organizations, especially with the current disruption in technology and innovation. This thesis is a literature review and compilation of the relevant empirical evidence on various processes of industrial groups and organizational characteristics such as the changing nature of work, leadership, and company culture in detail. I investigate the complex challenges that millennials and organizations are facing in the current VUCA work environment as well as their potential responses to these changes. I map out the evolution of the concept of work and compare changes in the workplace environment of the past, present, and future. Additionally, this thesis reviews the literature on organizational culture models, cultural fit and clash. I explore the intertwined differences and commonalities between management and leadership and also consider a gradual shift to a model of managerial-leadership in 21st century organizations. Furthermore, the research closely examines cultural change management through the lens of mergers and acquisitions. It also discusses next steps, like job redesign, team reorganization, and cultural reconciliation, to increase job satisfaction, employee motivation, and performance in future-ready organizations.
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Responsabilidade social em projetos de construção civil. / Social responsability in construction projects.Coutinho, Michelle de Oliveira 25 February 2019 (has links)
Os projetos de construção civil são de modo geral impactantes na sociedade, uma vez que afetam a vida das pessoas envolvidas, tanto positiva quanto negativamente. Os benefícios de projetos deste tipo são inegáveis, visto que geram emprego, renda e desenvolvimento. Todavia, os aspectos negativos também são consideráveis, pois alteram dramaticamente o meio ambiente. Hoje, vários autores defendem a ideia de que os projetos de construção civil devem incorporar valores éticos e sociais, porque deste modo, podem manter os melhores funcionários, melhorar a produtividade e evitar problemas legais. Dentro desta visão, o objetivo desta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal entender como empresas ligadas a projetos de construção civil desenvolvem e operacionalizam o tema responsabilidade social em seus projetos. Traçando um panorama das ações desenvolvidas, das dificuldades encontradas e avaliando se o tema está inserido no planejamento e orçamento dos projetos. O desenvolvimento do trabalho foi realizado em três etapas: a primeira, uma revisão sistemática da literatura; a segunda, a aplicação de questionários online (survey) sobre o tema e a terceira etapa foi o tratamento análises estatísticas dos dados obtidos. Como resultado, foi identificado que as empresas ligadas a projetos de construção civil seguem a tendência empresarial geral, ou seja, atuam fortemente no entorno de suas obras. Em seus projetos, as ações de responsabilidade social são endereçadas aos funcionários e às comunidades locais, com grande atenção para questões de capacitação e educação; em seguida, há destaque para questões de direitos humanos; e, por último, questões de meio ambiente. As ações de responsabilidade social são contempladas no planejamento e orçamento de 51% dos projetos. Verificou-se que existem diferentes motivações iniciais para a atuação na área social dos projetos, variando de acordo com a localização geográfica do respondente. No Brasil, a grande maioria das empresas ligadas à projetos são motivadas pela crença de que as suas ações podem fazer a diferença nas comunidades dos entornos das obras. / Construction projects are generally impacting on society as they affect the lives of the people involved, both positively and negatively. The benefits of such projects are undeniable as they generate jobs, income and development. However, the negative aspects are also considerable, as they dramatically change the environment. Today, several authors defend the idea that civil construction projects must incorporate ethical and social values, because in this way, they can maintain the best employees, improve productivity and avoid legal problems. Within this vision, the main objective of this research was to understand how companies linked to civil construction projects develop and operationalize the theme social responsibility in their projects. Outlining the actions developed, the difficulties encountered and evaluating whether the theme is part of the planning and budgeting of the projects. The development of the work was carried out in three stages: the first, a systematic review of the literature; the second, the application of online questionnaires (survey) on the subject and the third stage was the statistical analysis of the data obtained through the survey. As a result, it was identified that the companies involved in civil construction projects follow the general business trend, that is, they act strongly in the surroundings of their works. In their projects, social responsibility actions are addressed to employees and local communities, with great attention to training and education issues; then there is a focus on human rights issues; and, finally, environmental issues. The social responsibility actions are contemplated in the planning and budgeting of 51% of the projects. It was verified that there are different initial motivations for the performance in the social area of the projects, varying according to the geographical location of the respondent. In Brazil, the great majority of the companies involved with projects are motivated by the belief that their actions can make a difference in the communities of the work environment.
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Personalpolitik in der Landesverwaltung und demografischer Wandel : unausgewogene Altersstrukturen als Handlungsfeld des strategischen Personalmanagements in den Landesverwaltungen Berlin und Hamburg / Human resources management and demographic change : unbalanced age structures as a key issue of strategic human resources management in the civil service of Berlin and HamburgKunath, Marcus January 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht am Beispiel der Stadtstaaten Berlin und Hamburg konkrete Handlungsoptionen des strategischen Personalmanagements angesichts unausgewogener Altersstrukturen in der Landesverwaltung unter den Rahmenbedingungen des öffentlichen Dienstes. Vor dem Hintergrund einer abnehmenden Erwerbsbevölkerung und der sinkenden Attraktivität des öffentlichen Dienstes als Arbeitgeber wird das Thema „Personal“ als die Schlüsselressource für die Leistungsfähigkeit der deutschen Verwaltung identifiziert. Die Untersuchung zeigt auf, wie eine absehbare Überalterung des Personalkörpers die Leistungserbringung der öffentlichen Verwaltung beeinträchtigen wird. Sie weist nach, dass sich beide Stadtstaaten bereits heute mit punktuellem Fachkräftemangel in technischen und Spezialisten-Berufen, aber auch bei Lehren und Ärzten, konfrontiert sehen. Diese Herausforderungen werden sich durch massive Altersabgänge ab dem Jahr 2015 und eine Alterung des bleibenden Personalkörpers noch erheblich verstärken. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen jedoch, dass die hamburgische Verwaltung, aufbauend auf einer langen Modernisierungshistorie und erleichtert durch Akteurszentralismus und eine ressortübergreifend abgestimmte quantitative und qualitative Personalbedarfsplanung, über einen gut institutionalisierten und gelebten Strategiekreislauf verfügt. Dies lässt den Schluss zu, dass die Hansestadt mit ihrem strategischen Personalmanagement gut für die Bewältigung der demografischen Herausforderungen aufgestellt ist. Dagegen wird beleuchtet, wie der Umgang mit dem Thema Personal in Berlin noch immer von chronischen Sparzwängen und einem Pluralismus der Akteure geprägt ist. Die daraus resultierende, hauptsächlich quantitativ agierende Personalwirtschaft und das Fehlen einer auch nur mittelfristigen Personalstrategie werfen erhebliche Bedenken bezüglich der zukünftigen Leistungsfähigkeit der Berliner Verwaltung auf. / The present study examines the potential and limits of strategic human resources management in the German civil service by analyzing the cases of the länder of Berlin and Hamburg. Against the background of a decline in the working population and the diminishing attractiveness of careers in the civil service, only a state-of-the-art human resources management can ensure the performance of the public sector in the long run. The study demonstrates how an ageing workforce is bound to lead to a reduced performance of the civil service sector. Both of the länder analyzed are already confronted with a shortage of skilled labour for technical posts, but also for teachers and doctors. These challenges are going to be further exacerbated by massive waves of retirement and a constantly ageing employee workforce in the years from 2015 forward. The study reveals, however, that the civil service of Hamburg has developed and successfully applies a progressive human resources management strategy, due in part to the city’s rather long history of civil service modernization and the relative power of its human resources planners. Hamburg therefore seems to be rather well adjusted to face the future demographic challenges. Human resources management in Berlin, on the contrary, is continually limited by the city’s chronic budget deficit and the plurality of human resources planners. The subsequent lack of a long-term human resources strategy casts considerable doubt on the future performance of Berlin’s civil service.
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