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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Well-being Technologies: Meditation Using Virtual Worlds

Downey, Laura 01 January 2015 (has links)
In a technologically overloaded world, is it possible to use technology to support well-being activities and enhance human flourishing? Proponents of positive technology and positive computing are striving to answer yes to that question. However, the impact of technology on well-being remains unresolved. Positive technology combines technology and positive psychology. Positive psychology focuses on well-being and the science of human flourishing. Positive computing includes an emphasis on designing with well-being in mind as a way to support human potential. User experience (UX) is critical to positive technology and positive computing. UX researchers and practitioners are advocating for experience-driven design and third wave human-computer interaction (HCI) that focuses on multi-dimensional, interpretive, situated, and phenomenological aspects. Third-wave HCI goes beyond cognition to include emotions, values, culture, and experience. This research investigated technology-supported meditation in a three-dimensional (3D) virtual world from a positive technology perspective to examine how technology can support engagement, self-empowerment, and well-being. Designing and evaluating technology for well-being support is complex and challenging. Further, although virtual worlds have been used in positive technology applications, little research exists that illuminates the experience of user engagement in virtual worlds. In this formative exploratory study, experienced meditators (N = 12) interacted with a virtual meditation world titled Sanctuarium that was developed for this research. Using a third wave HCI approach, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to understand the nature of engagement with a virtual world and the experiential aspects of technology-supported meditation. Results supported using virtual worlds to produce restorative natural environments. Participants overwhelmingly reacted positively to the islandscape including both visual and sound elements. Findings indicated that Sanctuarium facilitated the meditation experience, similar to guided meditation – although participants remarked on the uniqueness of the experience. Aspects of facilitation centered on the concepts of non-distraction, focus, and simplicity of design and instructions. Participants also identified Sanctuarium as a good tool for helping those new to meditation. Meditators described positive effects of their meditation experience during interviews and also rated their experience as positive using the scale titled Effects of Meditation During Meditation. Phenomenological analysis provided a rich description of the nature of engagement while meditating with Sanctuarium. Meditators also rated engagement as high via an adapted User Engagement Scale. This interdisciplinary work drew from multiple fields and contributes to the HCI domain, virtual worlds’ literature, information systems research, and the nascent areas of positive technology and positive computing.

Why are those computers sitting over there gathering dust

Austin, Bradford Ralph 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to create electronic books (E-books) for kindergartens to read during their center time. The E-books are intended for kindergarten teachers to use to help their students learn to read while utilizing the technology resources in their classroom. These E-books are teacher created so the cost is minimal and they can be copied and distributed to each student without worrying about copyright laws. Teachers can customize them to fit the current thematic unit they are teaching and once created, they can be used repeadedly without being damaged like paper books.

Toward the Development and Implementation of Personalized, Adaptive, and Comprehensive E-learning Systems

Samwel, Emad 01 January 2016 (has links)
Enrollment in online courses is increasing at a much higher rate than enrollment in on campus courses. Initially, online systems were developed by moving course content from in-class courses as is to an online platform. Later, Web 2.0 technology was implemented in order to improve students’ online engagement. These systems considered all students as one homogeneous group and ignored the fact that different students learn in different ways and at different speeds. Later, adaptive online learning systems were developed based on the assumption that if the instructional approach matches the student learning style, student performance and experience will improve. The use of these systems yielded mixed results because there is no agreement on what, how, and when to adapt instructions. The problem is that there is still a lack of empirical evidence about which online learning system’ design is the most effective, efficient, and engaging. There were two goals for this study. The first was to develop a new instructional theory and design model suitable for personalizing and adapting online learning. The first goal was achieved by developing student personalized, adaptive, and comprehensive e-learning spaces instructional theory and design model. This theory is based on finding the best fit among student characteristics, knowledge domain objectives, and technology used in delivering the online course. The second goal was to implement the newly developed theory and design model in an e-learning system prototype. This goal was achieved by developing and internally validating the e-learning system prototype by utilizing a panel of five instructional design experts. The Delphi method was used to solicit input from the expert panel in three rounds of validation. The validation process resulted in the experts’ consensus that the prototype incorporated the instructional theory and design model well and that this instructional theory holds the promise of increasing online learning courses’ effectiveness, efficiency, and student engagement.

Misheard Me Oronyminator: Using Oronyms to Validate the Correctness of Frequency Dictionaries

Hughes, Jennifer G 01 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In the field of speech recognition, an algorithm must learn to tell the difference between "a nice rock" and "a gneiss rock". These identical-sounding phrases are called oronyms. Word frequency dictionaries are often used by speech recognition systems to help resolve phonetic sequences with more than one possible orthographic phrase interpretation, by looking up which oronym of the root phonetic sequence contains the most-common words.Our paper demonstrates a technique used to validate word frequency dictionary values. We chose to use frequency values from the UNISYN dictionary, which tallies each word on a per-occurance basis, using a proprietary text corpus, to calculate word frequency.In the first phase of our user study, we generated oronym strings for the phrase "a nice cold hour", and had over a dozen people make 62 of the most-common oronyms for that phrase. In the second phase, we selected 15 of the phase one recordings, and had 74 different people transcribe each one, for a total of 953 transcriptions overall. If the frequency dictionary values for our test phrases accurately reflected the real-world expectations of actual listeners, we would expect that the most-commonly transcribed phrases in our user study would roughly correspond with our metric for the most likely oronym interpretation of the root phrase. During the course of our study, we found that using per-occurance frequency values, like those found in the UNISYN dictionary, when computing our overall-phrase-frequency metric caused the end result to be thrown off by excessively common words, such as "the", "is", and "a" These super-common words had such high per-occurance tallies that they overpowered any effect that any regular word had on a frequency metric. When we used frequency values from the COCA dictionary, which has word frequency values tallied on a document-count basis instead of a UNISYN-like per-occurance basis, we found that this effect was mitigated. As a result, we do not recommend using the UNISYN dictionary for word frequency purposes.

Significance of Presence: Educationally Motivating Virtual Reality Worlds

Canniff, Keely 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This quantitative research aims to explore how fostering a sense of presence in a virtual reality learning environment (VRLE) affects students' motivation to learn a topic, specifically by examining the mediating roles of engagement and motivation for exploration within the VLRE in influencing the motivation to learn a given topic. To evaluate these relationships, users' sense of presence was experimentally manipulated using two VRLE versions: one for high-presence and one for low-presence. The research uses the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) to measure VR presence, and an original motivational learning questionnaire designed by the researcher to assess student engagement, motivation to explore the VR environment, and motivation to learn the VRLE topic. Data was analyzed using SPSS, including correlations, t-tests, and multiple regression. The findings from this study suggest that there are positive correlations between the sense of presence, engagement, motivation to explore, and motivation to learn. While there was not significant evidence to support engagement as a mediator, there was significant evidence to support motivation to explore as a mediator in the relationship between the sense of presence and motivation to learn the VRLE topic. User comments suggested VRLE improvements and expressed enjoyment from the VRLE. Recommendations for future research are included and practical implications for incorporating VRLEs to motivate students are noted.

Patient Portals: Achieving Technology Acceptance and Meaningful Use in Independent Physician-Managed Practices

Bartholomew, Kimberly W. 01 January 2016 (has links)
As the bulk of medical health records shift from paper-based file systems to electronic formats, the promise of the transformation process called healthcare reform included adding efficiencies to medical practice workflows, lower costs, improved quality of care and most important, and the freeing of patient information from traditional propriety silos. With this incoming largess of protected health information data now viewable through online patient portals, patients can be empowered to become educated and active in their own health care decisions, but only if they have admission to their information. A digital divide currently exists in many medical practices where only a very few patients have access to their personal health information. The primary goal was to facilitate organizational change needed for physician-managed practices to increase patient adoption and meaningful use of patient portals for secure communication, wellness education, review of labs and other tests, and receipt of clinical summaries. The methodology utilized the appreciative inquiry 4-D model as the underlying basis of three phases: Phase 1-fundamental study, Phase 2-strategic action plan, and Phase 3 supporting organizational change. The physicians or providers in independent medical practices are the key determinate of the organizational workflows. The results have added significantly to the understanding of organizational change as related to patient engagement and the adoption and meaningful use of patient portals in independent physician-managed clinics. As medical practices and their physician leaders raise patient portal workflow processes to a higher level of importance, it is expected that patients will begin to adopt these procedures as their preferred methods and bring about a change in the patient-provider relationship.

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Accessibility Awareness Among Faculty in Online Learning Environments

Sessler Trinkowsky, Rachael 01 January 2015 (has links)
Although all organizations and institutions should consider accessibility when developing online content, inaccessibility is a recurring issue in recent literature pertaining to online learning environments (OLEs) and faculty accessibility awareness. The goal was to describe how online faculty gain knowledge regarding accessibility, to explore the lived experiences of online faculty who have worked with students who have disabilities, and to gain a better understanding of how faculty experience the process of accessibility implementation. The following research questions guided this study: How do faculty in OLEs experience encounters regarding accessibility for students who have print related disabilities? How do faculty in OLEs experience the journey of developing the skills needed to provide accessibility for students with print related disabilities? What aspects of accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) do faculty members practice in OLEs and what meaning do they ascribe to the lived experience of providing these accommodations? An interview guide was used to address the research questions. Participants were recruited from the Online Learning Consortium and Assistive Technology Industry Association for participation in phenomenological interviews, which were recorded and then transcribed verbatim. The transcripts of these interviews were analyzed to determine eight super-ordinate themes: Accessibility and usability awareness of online faculty; interactions and relationships between faculty, students, various departments, and outside organizations relating to SWDs and accessibility; different perspectives and experiences of faculty who teach courses within programs that have an emphasis on accessibility, AT, or working with people with disabilities; faculty experiences and perspectives of working with SWDs and providing accessible materials in OLEs; faculty training and experience with accessibility and people with disabilities; faculty autonomy within OLEs as it relates to creating accessible content; accommodations and accessibility features used in OLEs; as well as LMS accessibility and usability. The results of this study led to several implications regarding training and support services for faculty, students, other staff, and administration within online programs, best practices for implementing accessibility, as well as recommendations for future studies.

A Study of Assistive Technology Competencies of Specialists in Public Schools

Burgos, Betsy B. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Despite the rapid proliferation of assistive technology implementation, studies have revealed that a number of professionals that provide assistive technology services do not have adequate competencies to recommend and deliver assistive technologies in school settings. The purpose of the study was to examine the competencies of assistive technology specialists in Florida K-12 public schools, and identify training opportunities that may have helped them achieve professional competence in the evaluation and provision of assistive technology devices and services across AT service providers from different preparations. The study applied quantitative and qualitative methods to determine answers to the following six research questions: (1) to what extent does the perceived level of AT knowledge differ among AT specialists from different occupations in the Florida public school setting, (2) to what extent does the perceived level of AT skills differ among AT specialists from different occupations in the Florida public school setting, (3) what are the AT specialists’ perceptions about their AT knowledge and skill levels, (4) what common competency sets are needed for the AT specialist, regardless of their occupational role, (5) what are the training opportunities among AT specialists from different occupations in the Florida public schools setting, and (6) what type of training opportunities are essential among AT specialists from different occupations in the Florida school setting. In order to gather data of breadth and depth, the researcher disseminated an online survey, which 39 AT providers from the five Florida school regions completed. Interviews were conducted with seven of the survey respondents to triangulate interview data with the survey data. Results suggested that assistive technology specialists possess different levels of assistive technology knowledge and skills. Assistive technology specialists from different professional backgrounds and years of experience identified a lack of competence in several areas where they currently provide AT services. Assistive technology specialists should seek continuous in-service training to increase their assistive technology knowledge in the evaluation and recommendation of AT equipment and services for students with special needs in schools. This training is vital to meet their students’ assistive technology needs and legislation requirements for assistive technology services for students with disabilities. Recommendations for the improvement of assistive technology professional practice in schools are included in the study.

A Usability and Learnability Case Study of Glass Flight Deck Interfaces and Pilot Interactions through Scenario-based Training

De Cino, Thomas James 01 January 2016 (has links)
In the aviation industry, digitally produced and presented flight, navigation, and aircraft information is commonly referred to as glass flight decks. Glass flight decks are driven by computer-based subsystems and have long been a part of military and commercial aviation sectors. Over the past 15 years, the General Aviation (GA) sector of the aviation industry has become a recent beneficiary of the rapid advancement of computer-based glass flight deck (GFD) systems. While providing the GA pilot considerable enhancements in the quality of information about the status and operations of the aircraft, training pilots on the use of glass flight decks is often delivered with traditional methods (e.g. textbooks, PowerPoint presentations, user manuals, and limited computer-based training modules). These training methods have been reported as less than desirable in learning to use the glass flight deck interface. Difficulties in achieving a complete understanding of functional and operational characteristics of the GFD systems, acquiring a full understanding of the interrelationships of the varied subsystems, and handling the wealth of flight information provided have been reported. Documented pilot concerns of poor user experience and satisfaction, and problems with the learning the complex and sophisticated interface of the GFD are additional issues with current pilot training approaches. A case study was executed to explore ways to improve training using GFD systems at a Midwestern aviation university. The researcher investigated if variations in instructional systems design and training methods for learning glass flight deck technology would affect the perceptions and attitudes of pilots of the learnability (an attribute of usability) of the glass flight deck interface. Specifically, this study investigated the effectiveness of scenario-based training (SBT) methods to potentially improve pilot knowledge and understanding of a GFD system, and overall pilot user experience and satisfaction. Participants overwhelmingly reported positive learning experiences from scenario-based GFD systems flight training, noting that learning and knowledge construction were improved over other training received in the past. In contrast, participants rated the usability and learnability of the GFD training systems low, reporting various problems with the systems’ interface, and the learnability (first-time use) of the complex GFD system. However, issues with usability of the GFD training systems did not reduce or change participant attitudes towards learning and mastering GFD systems; to the contrary, all participants requested additional coursework opportunities to train on GFD systems with the scenario-based flight training format.

Leveling the Playing Field: Gender Inclusive Design for Single and Multiplayer Computer Role-Playing Games

Armstrong, Sandra N. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Women represent 45% of the entire workforce in the United States, but only comprise 26% of the high-tech industry. Early introduction and interest in video games, contributes to computer literacy and self-confidence in terms of computing skills. Socially pervasive gender stereotypes, found in ubiquitous software, specifically games, factor in the alienation of young girls from active participation in computing. Currently marketed gaming software perpetuate this societal bias in the guise of overly-sexualized game avatars, and fail to adequately address documented female gaming preferences. Gender inclusive design is more a pragmatic approach to ameliorating gender bias, than creating a pink box “girl’s game.” Such games cater solely to stereotypical “female” interests, and are uncomfortably close to the concept of “separate but equal.” In the scope of this research a gender inclusive computer role playing game (CRPG) interface was designed and evaluated. The advantage of a CRPG is that it may be played individually or single player mode, as in the prototypic interface, or allow collaborative game play within a smaller group (2-12) when migrated to a multiplayer online environment. Small groups, involved in CRPG collaborative play, may reduce the incidence of online harassment or intimidation by male players, often encountered by experienced female gamers when engaged in Massively Online Multiplayer games. The Xanthia: A Fae’s Battle CRPG, was designed with the intent of studying key female preferences outlined in this research. The design utilized a stylized “cute” but strong female protagonist, featured a compelling storyline, and a backstory narrative. The game broached real world environmental issues with an underpinning of moral dilemma in the guise of good versus evil. Competitive but not combat-centric play was utilized in the game design, which enabled leveling up without the demise of the central protagonist. Fantasy-themed conflict resulted in transformations of both protagonist and antagonists when a change of state occurred during battle, thus eliminating the violence of gory death scenarios. This formative study endeavored to examine the underlying reasons for female underrepresentation in the high-tech and computing fields. The CRPG used in the study, incorporated key gender inclusive game elements found in current literature, in order to acquire insight into female gaming preferences. Two survey instruments were utilized to gather data from 35 female Barry University students, who had disparate gaming experience, comfort with computers, and academic majors. A pre-game questionnaire pertained to motivations for play, level of gaming expertise, and self-perceived comfort with computing. Additional data were gathered regarding access in early childhood to a gaming console or computer in the participants’ childhood homes and the incidence of tinkering. The female sample pool provided CRPG feedback post-game engagement. Examination of survey responses indicated that identification with the central female protagonist was a key element in positive game engagement for the majority of the study’s participants. In general, experienced gamers were more apt to tinker with the hidden features of the game. Experienced gamers also enjoyed competiveness and challenge more than their inexperienced or non-gamer counterparts. The primary component of positive engagement for this female sample group was “fun.” Social interaction was a key motivator for engagement in video game play for the majority of the participants. Empirical data collected from survey instrumentation suggested that individuals who had the easiest access to video game consoles and computing equipment, participated at greater rate in tinkering in childhood. The participants who tinkered, had a higher self-perception of comfort with computing.

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