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[pt] dispensou à questão da relação entre filosofia e retórica
(sabedoria e eloqüência) unindo
novamente as duas disciplinas anteriormente separadas por
Platão. Erasmo de Rotterdam,
como um dos principais humanistas do século XVI, não
apenas não ficou imune ao peso
desta tradição, como foi um dos seus mais influentes
catalizadores, revalorizando a
necessidade de um amplo saber para a formação do homem e
para a instauração da sua
dignidade. Para Erasmo, o homem no momento do nascimento
ainda é uma matéria bruta,
sendo a educação a maior responsável por sua formação
moral e intelectual. Deste modo, o
aprendizado dos studia humanitatis, cuja defesa aparece
expressa já em suas primeiras
obras, era condição fundamental tanto para a plena
realização de seus ideais de renovação
da cristandade e da instauração de uma fé mais pura,
quanto para a elaboração de uma
reforma educacional. A partir da centralidade da linguagem
retórica em seus trabalhos,
elegemos como problema central desta tese a análise de
duas obras em que Erasmo
explicita claramente a importância desse preceito antigo,
ou seja, da união entre res e
verba, representado especialmente no Ratio studii e no De
copia rerum ac verborum,
publicados respectivamente em 1511 e 1512. Nelas Erasmo
desenvolve seu interesse pela
pureza do latim, ensinando sob os moldes de Cícero e
Quintiliano, como escrever e ler bem
os clássicos. Considerados por muitos analistas os
primeiros e mais importantes manuais
educacionais da Renascença, sua importância deriva não
apenas do tratamento de uma
correta apreensão das línguas clássicas, mas também da
necessidade iminente de sua
apreensão prévia para que o leitor estabeleça a maior
proximidade possível com a palavra
das Escrituras em seu estado mais puro, principal meio
para persuadir os homens da
importância dos princípios de uma filosofia cristã. / [en] Perhaps Cicero had been the unique orator among classical
writers that gave
especial attention to the relation between philosophy and
rhetoric (wisdom and eloquence)
linking these two disciplines once separated by Plato.
Erasmus of Rotterdam, one of the
most important humanists in sixteenth century, didn´t stay
unaware of this tradition, but
was also one of its most influent catalysts, pointing the
necessity of vast knowledge for the
dignity of human being. Erasmus consider that man at birth
is still a substance rude,
education is the major responsible for his moral and
intellectual formation. Thus, the
learning of studia humanitatis, whose defense is clearly
in his early books, was a
fundamental condition for complete realization of the
ideals of Erasmus about renovation of
Christianity, appearing of pure faith and educational
reform. Considering the importance of
rhetorical language in Erasmus works, we have chosen for
the central purpose of this tesis
the analysis of these two books that reveals the
importance of classical precepts, that is, the
union between res and verba in Ratio studii and De copia
rerum ac verborum, respectively
published in 1511 and 1512. In these two books Erasmus
develops his interest on the purity
of Latin, taught with ideas of Cicero and Quintilian, how
to read and write the classics.
Considered by many the first and the best educational
manuals of Renaissance, these works
are important not only for the correct apprehension of
classical tongues, but also to the
necessity of their imminent apprehension to the reader and
correct understanding of the
Scriptures in its purest state, the principal step to
convince men about Christian philosophy.
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The amtal rule: testing to define in Frank Herbert's DuneUnknown Date (has links)
In this project, I focus on the function of the "amtal" or test of definition or destruction, in Frank Herbert's Dune. It is my argument that these tests "to destruction" determine not only the limits or defects of the person being tested, but also - and more crucially - the very limits and defects of the definition of humanity in three specific cultural spheres within the novel: the Bene Gesserit, the Fremen, and the Faufreluches. The definitions of "amtal" as well as "humanity," like all definitions, are somewhat fluid, changing depending on usage, cultural context, and the political and social needs of the society which uses them. Accordingly, Dune remains an instructive text for thinking through contemporary and controversial notions about the limits of humanism and, consequently, of animalism and posthumanism. / by Adella Irizarry. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.
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O De voluptate de Lorenzo Valla: tradução e notas / The De voluptate by Lorenzo Valla: translation and notesBatista, Ana Letícia Adami 29 September 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa de mestrado consiste na tradução da obra De Voluptate de Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457), publicada pela primeira vez em 1431. Nesta obra, alvo de inúmeras polêmicas entre os pensadores humanistas da Europa do Renascimento, Valla inicia discussão que prosseguirá na obra De Libero Arbítrio (1439) sobre os conceitos de honestas e voluptas no debate entre epicuristas e estóicos, opondo-se às teses de Boécio (480-524) inscritas nos livros de I a IV da Consolação da Filosofia (século VI). Para Valla e os demais humanistas, segundo corrente bibliográfica inaugurada na década de 50 por Hans Baron, Eugênio Garin e Paul O. Kristeller, estes temas estavam intimamente relacionados ao seu modo de pensar e agir sobre a vida civil no contexto das repúblicas italianas do quattrocento, onde encontraram espaço para forjar uma cosmovisão autêntica dentro da historiografia denominada de Humanismo. / The present research consists of a translation of Lorenzo Vallas (1407-1457) De Voluptate, published for the first time in 1431. In this work which suffered many attacks from humanistic thinkers in Renaissance Europe Valla starts a discussion, carried on De Libero Arbitrio (1439), about the epicurean and stoic debate on the concepts of honestas and voluptas, where he opposes Boethiuss (480-524) theses as expressed on books I and IV of his Consolation of Philosophy (6th century). A current of historians founded in the 1950s by Hans Baron, Eugênio Garin and Paul O. Kristeller states that these themes expressed by Valla and others humanistic thinkers were intimately related to the way of thinking and the civil life in quattrocento Italian Republics, where they found a proper place to forge an authentic worldview named by the Historians as Humanism.
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Divulgação científica como literatura e o ensino de ciências. / Scientific spreading as literature and the science teaching.Pinto, Gisnaldo Amorim 19 September 2007 (has links)
Esta tese versa sobre as potencialidades da divulgação científica como literatura para o ensino de ciências. Fundamenta-se em autores que contribuem para problematizar a divulgação científica, como Ana Maria Sanchéz Mora, José Reis, João Zanetic, Mônica Teixeira e Ângelo Machado. Fundamenta-se, também, nos pressupostos de uma educação humanizadora e ancora-se, quanto a esse aspecto, nas contribuições de Paulo Freire. Para reflexão sobre o resgate do sentido do trabalho escolar, foram fundamentais as contribuições de Bernard Charlot. A partir das reflexões geradas pelo diálogo com a bibliografia consultada, a discussão prioriza obras que têm como centralidade uma concepção de ciência pautada pela presença de contradições e conflitos, uma ciência inserida no plano da cultura e compreendida como processo vivenciado por cientistas - sujeitos também inseridos em contextos - uma ciência, portanto, marcada por dilemas humanos. Diferenciando a divulgação científica canônica da divulgação científica não canônica, este trabalho realiza uma análise de narrativas presentes em obras não canônicas de literatura, a saber, 2001- odisséia no espaço, de Arthur Clarke, O dilema do bicho-pau, de Ângelo Machado, Contato, de Carl Sagan e Os meninos da Planície, de Cástor Cartelle. Na análise das obras foram priorizadas as contribuições específicas para a compreensão da ciência como produção cultural e das potencialidades humanizadoras que tem o ensino de ciências voltado para compreensão de aspectos da subjetividade humana e dos conflitos da existência. Nas obras analisadas, foi possível perceber uma ênfase narrativa tipicamente mitológica, marcada por situações conflitantes, em, por exemplo, se realiza a polarização entre medo e encanto, desejo e possibilidade, sonho e experiência. Foi possível localizar também uma opção narrativa pela imaginação criadora, pela capacidade humana e por sua potencialidade criativa, elementos que são, nesse caso, motes fundamentais para reflexão sobre a vida humana e também sobre a ciência; uma ciência produzida a partir de injunções sociais e contextuais, levada a cabo por pessoas reais, também, portadoras de uma dimensão humana e subjetiva. Nas obras selecionadas, foi possível perceber uma provável contribuição para renovação do ensino de ciências, pois sua centralidade recai sobre a reflexão acerca da humanização dos sujeitos e não sobre a transmissão de conteúdos da ciência, embora essa dimensão, a da formação científica, esteja inequivocamente presente em todas elas, sem prejuízos. / This study is about scientific spreading potentiality as literature for science teaching. It is based on authors who have contributed to discuss the scientific spreading, such as Ana Maria Sanchéz Mora, José Reis, João Zanetic, Mônica Teixeira, and Ângelo Machado. It is also based on the presupposition of a humanizing education, and is anchored, in relation to this aspect, in Paulo Freire\'s contributions. From the reflections which have arisen through the dialogue with the consulted bibliography, it prioritizes the ones which have as centrality a conception of science related to the presence of contradictions and conflicts, a science inserted in the culture plan and understood as a process lived by scientists - also subjects inserted in contexts - a science, therefore, marked by human dilemma. Differing the canonical scientific spreading from the non-canonical scientific spreading, this study makes analysis of the narratives present in non-canonical works of literature, to know, 2001: A space odyssey, by Arthur Clarke, Os meninos da planície, by Cástor Cartelle, O dilema do bicho-pau, by Ângelo Machado, and Contact, by Carl Sagan. In the analysis of the works, specific contributions were prioritized in order to understand science as cultural production and the humanizing potentialities which have science teaching turned to the comprehension of human subjectivity aspects and of existence conflicts. It was possible to notice a typically mythological narrative emphasis in the analyzed works, marked by conflicting situations, as, for example, where the polarization between fear and enchant, desire and possibility, and dream and experience are carried out. It was also possible to localize one narrative option through the creative imagination, the human capacity and its creative potentiality, elements which are, in this case, fundamental motivations for the reflection about human life and also about science, a science produced from the social and contextual injunctions on, carried out by real people; these ones also having a human and subjective dimension. It was possible to suppose a likely contribution to the renewal of science teaching in the selected works, because its centrality remains over the reflection about the humanizing of the subjects and not over the transmission of science contents, although such dimension, the one of scientific formation, is undoubtedly present in all of them, without any harm.
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宗璞小說硏究. / Zong Pu xiao shuo yan jiu.January 1998 (has links)
黃小梅. / 論文(哲學碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院中國語言及文學學部, 1998. / 附參考文獻. / 中英文摘要. / Huang Xiaomei. / Chapter 上編 --- 硏究目的、方法與理念 / Chapter 第一章 --- 緖論 / Chapter 第一節: --- 硏究目的 / Chapter 第二節: --- 硏究範圍與方法 / Chapter 第二章 --- 人文精神的理念 / Chapter 第一節: --- 人文精神的基本槪念 / Chapter 第二節: --- 近年有關人文精神的論爭 / Chapter 第三章 --- 宗璞的小說創作理念與人文精神的關係 / Chapter 第一節: --- 宗璞的小說觀與人文精神的關係 / Chapter 1) --- 小說須具社會性、可讀性和啓示性 / Chapter 2) --- 小說須雅俗共賞 / Chapter 第二節: --- 宗璞的小說創作要求與人文精神的關係 / Chapter 1) --- 內容方面 / Chapter 2) --- 表達手法方面 / Chapter 3) --- 作家學養方面 / Chapter 下編 --- 宗璞小說體現的人文精神 / Chapter 第一章 --- 宗璞的人文精神思想形成 / Chapter 第一節: --- 耕讀世家的學術薰陶 / Chapter 1) --- 家族良好的學術風氣 / Chapter 2) --- 中日戰爭時期的家庭敎育 / Chapter 第二節: --- 外國文學的啓迪 / Chapter 第二章 --- 宗璞小說對人的“生命´ح的理解 / Chapter 第一節: --- 生命是脆弱的 / Chapter 第二節: --- 生命擁有靈魂一一愛 / Chapter 第三節: --- 生命必須受尊重 / Chapter 第三章 --- 宗璞小說對人格素質的思考 / Chapter 第一節: --- 一般人格素質:建立眞、善、美的人格 / Chapter 1) --- 個人修身要求克己眞誠 / Chapter 2) --- 待人處事要求寬容友善 / Chapter 3) --- 以美的人格建立美的世界 / Chapter 第二節: --- 知識分子的獨特人格素質 / Chapter 1) --- 宗璞小說裏“知識分子´ح的涵義 / Chapter 2) --- 知識分子的獨特人格素質一一對政治的自覺 / Chapter [I] --- 團結愛國的情操 / Chapter [II] --- 具氣節以嫌棄奸邪的處事態度 / Chapter [III] --- 捨身貢獻的精神 / Chapter 第三節: --- 女性知識分子的獨特人格素質一一剛柔並濟 / Chapter 1) --- 宗璞對女性知識分子的看法 / Chapter 2) --- 女性知識分子的獨特人格素質 / Chapter [I] --- 剛一一面對磨難堅強勇敢 / Chapter [II] --- 柔一一面對愛情深厚專一 / Chapter 第四章 --- 宗璞小說對人生的探索 / Chapter 第一節: --- 人生充滿遺憾與不如意 / Chapter 1) --- 人生受著命運的播弄 / Chapter 2) --- 人生須面對困惱的抉擇 / Chapter 3) --- 人的愛情充滿災劫與苦痛 / Chapter 4) --- 人與人溝通時有阻礙 / Chapter 第二節: --- 人生意義的思考與追尋 / Chapter 1) --- 宗璞小說展現的人生意義 / Chapter [I] --- 人生的意義在於建設國家 / Chapter [II] --- 人生的意義在於追求眞理 / Chapter [III] --- 人生的意義在於擁有富足的精神境界 / Chapter 2) --- 宗璞小說展現不同人生意義的原因 / Chapter [I] --- 敎育政策的影響 / Chapter [II] --- 作家經歷文革的磨難 / Chapter [III] --- 作家心靈的練達 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論
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The Ontological Imagination: Living Form in American LiteratureBarasch, Benjamin W. January 2019 (has links)
“The Ontological Imagination: Living Form in American Literature” proposes a new theory of the imagination as a way forward from the long academic critique of the human subject. It is unclear how we should conceive of the human—of our potential, for example, for self-knowledge, independent thought, or moral choice—after the critiques of self-presence, intentionality, and autonomy that have come to define work in the humanities. This dissertation offers an image of the human responsive to such challenges. I argue that a set of major nineteenth-century American writers (Ralph Waldo Emerson, William James, Henry James, and Walt Whitman) held a paradoxical conception of the imagination as both the mark of human uniqueness—the faculty that raises the mind above the world’s sheer givenness, allowing for creative action—and the space of our greatest intimacy with the nonhuman world. For these writers, the highest human achievements simultaneously differentiate us from the rest of nature and abolish our difference from it.
Chapter 1, “Emerson’s ‘Doctrine of Life’: Embryogenesis and the Ontology of the Fragment,” presents an Emerson whose investigations of emotional numbness reveal a disintegrative force immanent to living beings. In the new science of embryology—a model of life at its most impersonal—he finds a non-teleological principle of growth by which a human life or an imaginative essay might attain fragile coherence. Chapter 2, “‘Concrete Imagination’: William James’s Post-Critical Thinking,” claims that James’s multifaceted career is best understood as a quest for an intellectual vitality that would not abandon self-consistency. I argue that an ontology of thinking underlies his seemingly disparate projects: his theory of the will as receptivity, his conception of faith as mental risk, and his late practice of exemplification over sequential argument. Chapter 3, “‘The Novel is a Living Thing’: Mannerism and Immortality in The Wings of the Dove,” argues that Henry James envisions the novel as an incarnation, a means of preserving the life of a beloved young woman beyond her death. Through formal techniques inspired by painterly mannerism, James creates a novelistic universe that unfixes the categories of life and death. Chapter 4, “‘Like the Sun Falling Around a Helpless Thing’: Whitman’s Poetry of Judgment,” emphasizes the figural and perspectival features of Whitman’s poetry at even its most prosaic in order to show how the imagination grounds us in a common world rather than detaching us from it. In opposition to an ethics for which realistic recognition of the world demands suppression of the imagination, Whitman’s realism requires acts of imaginative judgment.
In sum, “The Ontological Imagination” hopes to reorient study of nineteenth-century American literature by revising both its traditional humanist reading and its recent posthumanist critique. On the level of the discipline, by defining literary form as a singular space in which the human imagination and impersonal life are revealed as indivisible, I make a case for the compatibility of the new formalist and ontological approaches to literary study.
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Cyborg and human: when a postmodern myth meets humanism. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2004 (has links)
Yeung, Yang. / "August 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 314-321). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Divulgação científica como literatura e o ensino de ciências. / Scientific spreading as literature and the science teaching.Gisnaldo Amorim Pinto 19 September 2007 (has links)
Esta tese versa sobre as potencialidades da divulgação científica como literatura para o ensino de ciências. Fundamenta-se em autores que contribuem para problematizar a divulgação científica, como Ana Maria Sanchéz Mora, José Reis, João Zanetic, Mônica Teixeira e Ângelo Machado. Fundamenta-se, também, nos pressupostos de uma educação humanizadora e ancora-se, quanto a esse aspecto, nas contribuições de Paulo Freire. Para reflexão sobre o resgate do sentido do trabalho escolar, foram fundamentais as contribuições de Bernard Charlot. A partir das reflexões geradas pelo diálogo com a bibliografia consultada, a discussão prioriza obras que têm como centralidade uma concepção de ciência pautada pela presença de contradições e conflitos, uma ciência inserida no plano da cultura e compreendida como processo vivenciado por cientistas - sujeitos também inseridos em contextos - uma ciência, portanto, marcada por dilemas humanos. Diferenciando a divulgação científica canônica da divulgação científica não canônica, este trabalho realiza uma análise de narrativas presentes em obras não canônicas de literatura, a saber, 2001- odisséia no espaço, de Arthur Clarke, O dilema do bicho-pau, de Ângelo Machado, Contato, de Carl Sagan e Os meninos da Planície, de Cástor Cartelle. Na análise das obras foram priorizadas as contribuições específicas para a compreensão da ciência como produção cultural e das potencialidades humanizadoras que tem o ensino de ciências voltado para compreensão de aspectos da subjetividade humana e dos conflitos da existência. Nas obras analisadas, foi possível perceber uma ênfase narrativa tipicamente mitológica, marcada por situações conflitantes, em, por exemplo, se realiza a polarização entre medo e encanto, desejo e possibilidade, sonho e experiência. Foi possível localizar também uma opção narrativa pela imaginação criadora, pela capacidade humana e por sua potencialidade criativa, elementos que são, nesse caso, motes fundamentais para reflexão sobre a vida humana e também sobre a ciência; uma ciência produzida a partir de injunções sociais e contextuais, levada a cabo por pessoas reais, também, portadoras de uma dimensão humana e subjetiva. Nas obras selecionadas, foi possível perceber uma provável contribuição para renovação do ensino de ciências, pois sua centralidade recai sobre a reflexão acerca da humanização dos sujeitos e não sobre a transmissão de conteúdos da ciência, embora essa dimensão, a da formação científica, esteja inequivocamente presente em todas elas, sem prejuízos. / This study is about scientific spreading potentiality as literature for science teaching. It is based on authors who have contributed to discuss the scientific spreading, such as Ana Maria Sanchéz Mora, José Reis, João Zanetic, Mônica Teixeira, and Ângelo Machado. It is also based on the presupposition of a humanizing education, and is anchored, in relation to this aspect, in Paulo Freire\'s contributions. From the reflections which have arisen through the dialogue with the consulted bibliography, it prioritizes the ones which have as centrality a conception of science related to the presence of contradictions and conflicts, a science inserted in the culture plan and understood as a process lived by scientists - also subjects inserted in contexts - a science, therefore, marked by human dilemma. Differing the canonical scientific spreading from the non-canonical scientific spreading, this study makes analysis of the narratives present in non-canonical works of literature, to know, 2001: A space odyssey, by Arthur Clarke, Os meninos da planície, by Cástor Cartelle, O dilema do bicho-pau, by Ângelo Machado, and Contact, by Carl Sagan. In the analysis of the works, specific contributions were prioritized in order to understand science as cultural production and the humanizing potentialities which have science teaching turned to the comprehension of human subjectivity aspects and of existence conflicts. It was possible to notice a typically mythological narrative emphasis in the analyzed works, marked by conflicting situations, as, for example, where the polarization between fear and enchant, desire and possibility, and dream and experience are carried out. It was also possible to localize one narrative option through the creative imagination, the human capacity and its creative potentiality, elements which are, in this case, fundamental motivations for the reflection about human life and also about science, a science produced from the social and contextual injunctions on, carried out by real people; these ones also having a human and subjective dimension. It was possible to suppose a likely contribution to the renewal of science teaching in the selected works, because its centrality remains over the reflection about the humanizing of the subjects and not over the transmission of science contents, although such dimension, the one of scientific formation, is undoubtedly present in all of them, without any harm.
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Self-Identity and Alterity in Renaissance Humanism between Elite and Popular DiscoursesLesiuk-Cummings, Anna 29 September 2014 (has links)
There are two parallel discourses on humanism nowadays. One conceives of humanism as a worldview and a philosophical position. The other takes it to be a cultural phenomenon typical of the European Renaissance. The critics interested in considering humanism conceptually, as a rule, are not Renaissance scholars. Operating from either a postmodern or a postcolonial perspective, they often speak of humanism as the backbone of Western thought or the mainstay of European modernity and, in any case, as a bankrupt ideology of the West. Conversely, the Renaissance scholars are more concerned with the task of making sense of the idea of humanism in its original historical context than with considering it in relation to its other, later developments and remain, for the most part, unwilling to address the broader questions posed by humanism.
This dissertation purports to bring the philosophical and the historical discourses on humanism together. I focus specifically on Renaissance humanism and ground my reflection firmly in textual analyses of late XV and XVI century sources. More concretely, I put forward a reading of two groups of texts. The first group includes three works exploring the arch-theme of the Renaissance, dignitas hominis, from the perspective of a relational concept of identity formation. These are: Pico della Mirandola's Oratio (1486), Bovelles's De sapiente (1511) and Vives's Fabula de homine (1518). The second group of texts contains three works which fall into the category of Renaissance Americanist literature: Cabeza de Vaca's Naufragios (1542), Galeotto Cei's Viaggio e relazione delle Indie (written after 1553) and Jean de Léry's Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre du Brésil (1578).
The bridge between these two bodies of texts is the idea, found in Pico, Bovelles and Vives, that arriving at a sense of self always involves a detour through otherness, as experienced in one's community, Nature and God. The encounter narratives, in illustrating the impact of America on the Renaissance European traveler, bring to life what philosophers theorized in the peace and quiet of their studies - the essential indefiniteness of the self unless inhabited by meanings drawn from without. / 2016-09-29
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Francisci Robortelli Vtinensis in librum Aristotelis De arte poetica explicationes : introduction, édition, traduction / Francisci Robortelli Vtinensis in librum Aristotelis De arte poetica explicationes : introduction, edition, translationPoujade Baltazard, Sylvaine 08 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail présente une édition et une traduction de l'ouvrage d’une des figures marquantes de l’humanisme italien de la Renaissance, Francesco Robortello, intitulé Francisci Robortelli Vtinensis in librum Aristotelis De arte poetice explicationes. Il s'agit du premier commentaire à être publié de la Poétique d'Aristote. L'ouvrage paraît à Florence en 1548, et fait l’objet d’une deuxième édition, révisée par ses soins, à Bâle en 1555 : le commentaire est précédé du texte grec de l’édition aldine des Rhetores Graeci de 1508, accompagné d'une traduction latine d’Alessandro Pazzi qui date de 1536. Robortello est à l'origine de la redécouverte, voire de la découverte en Italie des analyses aristotéliciennes sur l'art poétique, texte difficile qu'il cherche à rendre accessible aux lettrés de son époque. Cette étude a consisté à établir le texte par la confrontation des deux imprimés de Florence et de Bâle, et permet, en découvrant l’ensemble des analyses de l’auteur, de montrer que cecommentaire, loin d’être une interprétation erronée du texte d’Aristote, est une première lecture sur la voie de notre compréhension moderne des lois de la création poétique / This work is an edition and a translation in French of Robortello’s text untitled Francisci Robortelli Vtinensis in librum Aristotelis De arte poetice explicationes. It is the first published commentary on the Poetics, edited in 1548 in Florence, and revised for a second edition in Basel in 1555. The book contains an edition of the Greek text of the Poetics, based onthat of Aldine edition of 1508, but with several emendations, followed by Pazzi’s Latin translation dated from 1536, and his own commentary. This study, by discovering the whole of the author's analyzes, shows that this comment, far from being anerroneous interpretation of Aristotle's text, is a first reading on the path of our modern understanding of the laws of poetic creation.
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