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An exploratory study on anticipatory grieving : case studies of spouses of terminally ill patients /Choy, Yin-san, Catherine. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1987.
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An exploratory study on an interventive approach to work with the spouse of patients with terminal illness /Ng, Lai-nga. January 1987 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1987.
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Applying enrich marital inventory in Hong Kong : implications for preventive services in enhancing marital satisfaction of couples at different stages of family life cycle /Tang, Yuk-wai, Maggie. January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1992.
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Marital satisfaction in couples with chronic illness in later adulthood: The case of diabetesCampbell, Lara Lynn 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Male's expectations of their female partner's rolesTejeda, Lorena 01 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of foster care on Hispanic/Latino foster mothers' marital relationshipCopenhaguen, Mario David 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of foster care services on Hispanic/Latino foster mothers' marital relationship.
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Perceptions and attributions of child, spousal, and elder abuse.Altman, Adrianne 08 1900 (has links)
Although researchers have studied perceptions regarding sexually abused children, little was known about how other types of abusive events were perceived. This study examined 480 college students' abuse history and perceptions of child, spousal, and elder abuse by varying the respondent, victim, and perpetrator genders. Physical abuse, psychological abuse, and neglect were investigated. Perceptions of abusiveness, seriousness, harm, and responsibility were examined, along with the extent of identification with the victims/perpetrators. Participants viewed spousal abuse as less serious and harmful than other abuse types, especially when perpetrated against a male or by a female. Although able to recognize psychological abuse, students did not fully understand what other abuse types entailed. Individuals also showed a considerable amount of blame toward victims. Results further demonstrated important findings about how ethnic identity/orientation, religious affiliation, and history of abuse related to perceptions of abusive events.
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Die invloed van 'n mastektomie op die man-vrou verhouding : 'n pastorale ondersoekGrobbelaar, Frederik Russouw 09 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 1993 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Seeing that breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and that it has such a high
incidence that every woman should be aware of it, time has come for the theology, and
especially for pastoral care, to provide some answers on the possible problems that
accompany the illness. Treatment of breast cancer almost always include a degree of
surgical intervention through which part of or a whole breast, and in extreme cases even
the underlying tissue, is being removed. This procedure, to some extent, influences a
woman's experience of her physique which in turn has an effect on the intimate space of
her marriage.
The mastectomy patient may experience that the operation, with all the psychological
affects it has, disturbs her inner life rythm and that results in her relationships also being
pressurised. The crisis of a mastectomy should be handled as a relationship crisis within a
marriage, in which the husband can play an important therapeutic role. The husbands
contribution will be greatly effected by: a) His commitment to the relationship and b)
The correlation between his male identity, his sexuality and his perceptions of the female
Within the crisis of mastectomy, the woman's body-image should not be separated from
her faith identity and the quality of her marriage - there exists a dynamic interaction
between these three, which means that the handling of the crisis of a mastectomy is
directly dependent on the quality if her loving relationship and on the way in which she
experiences her faith. The faith factor plays an important role in the handling of the
crisis, by creating a distance between the trauma of the loss and the way in which she
experiences her identity.
Pastoral care can play a vital role in the handling of the crisis of a mastectomy by means
of guidance and support, as it proclaims the active presence of God through the marrid
body of Jesus Christ. The husband of the mastectomy patient can, in his therapeutic role,
be guided to be much more sensitive for the emotional needs of his wife, in regard to
aspect of sexuality. This would give her the support she needs and work constructively
towards the goal of healing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aangesien borskanker die algemeenste kanker onder vroue is en dit sulke geweldige
afmetings aangeneem het dat elke vrou daarmee moet rekening hou, het dit tyd geword dat
die teologie, en met name die pastoraat, ditself ook ten opsigte van die moontlike
problematiek wat daarmee saamgaan, moet verantwoord. Die behandeling van borskanker
behels in die meerderheid van gevalle 'n mate van chirurgiese ingrepe waardeur 'n deel
van of die hele bors, en in ekstreme gevalle ook die onderliggende weefsel, verwyder
word. Hierdie prosedure oefen, in 'n mindere of meerdere mate, 'n invloed op die vrou
se belewing van haar liggaamlikheid uit wat weer na die intieme band van die huwelik kan
Die mastektomiepasiënt kan ervaar dat die operasie, met al die sielkundige effekte wat dit
inhou, haar innerlike lewensritme versteur sodat die verhoudinge waarin sy leef ook onder
druk geplaas word. Binne die huwelik sou 'n mens dan die krisis van 'n mastektomie as
'n verhoudingskrisis moet hanteer, waarin die eggenoot 'n belangrike terapeutiese funksie
kan vervul. Die man se bydrae word egter deurslaggewend bepaal deur: a) Sy
verbintenis aan die verhouding en b) Die korrelasie tussen sy manlike identiteit,
seksualiteit en die persepsies met betrekking tot die liggaamlikheid van die vrou.
Binne die krisis van 'n mastektomie kan die vrou se liggaamsbeeld nie van haar
geloofsidentiteit en die kwaliteit van haar huwelik losgemaak word nie - hierdie drie staan
in 'n interdinamiese verband en beteken dat die verwerking van die krisis van 'n
mastektomie direk van die kwaliteit van die liefdesverhouding en die ervaring van geloof,
afhang. In die verwerking van die krisis vervul die geloofsfaktor 'n deurslaggewende rol
om afstand tussen die emosionele trauma van die verlies en die ervaring van identiteit te
Die pastoraat kan 'n belangrike funksie vervul ten opsigte van begeleiding en
ondersteuning in die verwerking van die krisis van 'n mastektomie deurdat dit God se
aktiewe betrokkenheid by die situasie, aan die hand van die liggaamlikheid van Jesus
Christus, verkondig. As terapeut kan die eggenoot begelei word om, op die gebied van
die seksuele, baie sterker op die emosionele behoeftes van die mastektomiepasiënt ingestel te wees, om haar sodoende te ondersteun en in die proses van heling mee te werk.
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'n Kwalitatiewe ondersoek na huweliksgeweld teenoor wit Suid-Afrikaanse mansRautenbach, Etienne Aubrey 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation looks at husbands as victims of family violence at the hands of their
spouses. Four white Afrikaans speaking persons from Pretoria were interviewed in case
studies focusing on the problem of husband abuse. During the interviews use was made of
an interview schedule based on contemporary theoretical explanations for the
phenomenon. Three of the participants were white males who elaborated on their own
experiences as victims of marital violence. A fourth participant was a white female who
elaborated on her father’s experiences as a victim of marital violence.
The taped recordings of the interviews were transcribed and a data set developed by using
AtlasTi. The data set was used to construct the social worlds of men as victims of marital
violence by focusing on eight categories: definitions of violence, frequency of violence,
causes of violence, violent insidents, effects of violence, disintegration of the relationship,
remaining in a violent relationship and men and women’s propensity for violence.
The data set was further used to examine the contemporary theoretical explanations for
family violence at the micro, meso and macro levels. Regarding the micro level constructs,
there seems to be application value for the psychobiological and psychodynamic
perspectives. The victim theory does not seem to have much apllication value.
With regard to the meso level constructs, it seems as if stress theory and traumatic bonding
theory, exchange/social control theory and social learning theory may be useful in
explaining marital violence. Power theory and resource theory, in an amended form, may
also be of value. The application of conflict theory seems problematic since it is not clear
whether violence leads to isolation or vice versa. Regarding the macro level analysis, it seems as though the culture of violence theory and
the subculture of violence theory have strong application value. General systems theory is
difficult to apply, but theoretically specific questions to the participants brought to light that
support networks for male victims are inadequate or even absent. The patriarchal feminist
theory seems to have no apllication value seeing that three of the main assumptions of this
theory collapsed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif kyk na getroude mans as slagoffers van gesinsgeweld aan die hand van
hul vroue. Onderhoude is gevoer met vier wit Afrikaanssprekende persone van Pretoria in
gevallestudies met die fokus op die probleem van eggenoot-misbruik. Gedurende die
onderhoude is gebruik gemaak van ‘n onderhoudskedule wat gebaseer is op kontemporêre
teoretiese verduidelikings vir die verskynsel. Drie van die deelnemers was blanke mans
wat uitgebrei het oor hul eie ervarings as slagoffers van huweliksgeweld. ‘n Vierde
deelnemer was ‘n blanke vrou wat uitgebrei het op haar vader se ondervindings van
Die bandopnames van die onderhoude is getranskribeer en ‘n datastel ontwikkel deur
gebruik te maak van AtlasTi. Die datastel is gebruik om die sosiale wêrelde van mans, as
slagoffers van huweliksgeweld, te konstrueer deur te fokus op agt kategorieë:
geweldsomskrywings, geweldsfrekwensie, geweldsoorsake, geweldsinsidente,
geweldseffek, verhoudingsdisintegrasie, aanbly in die geweldsverhouding en mans en
vroue se geneigdheid tot geweld.
Die data is verder gebruik om die kontemporêre teoretiese verduidelikings vir gesinsgeweld
op die mikro-, meso- en makrovlakke mee te eksamineer. Onder die mikrovlak-konstrukte
skyn daar sterk toepassingsmoontlikhede te wees vtr die psigo-biologiese en psigodinamiese
perspektiewe. Die blameer-die -slagoffer-perspektief skyn nie veel
toepassingswaarde te hê nie.
Onder die mesovlak-konstrukte blyk stresteorie en traumatiese bindingsteorie, ruil-/sosiale
beheerteorie en sosiale leerteorie bruikbaar te wees in die verklaring van
huweliksgeweld. Magsteorie en hulpbronteorie kan ook van waarde wees.
Die toepassing van konflikteorie skyn problematies te wees, want dit is nie seker of die
geweld lei tot isolasie van die gesin of omgekeerd nie. Wat die makrovlak-konstrukte aanbetref blyk geweldskultuurteorie en die subkultuur van
geweldsteorie ook sterk toepassingsmoontlikhede te hê. Algemene sisteemteorie is moeilik
toepasbaar, maar teoreties-spesifieke vrae aan die deelnemers het aan die lig gebring dat
ondersteuningsnetwerke vir manslagoffers gebrekkig of selfs afwesig is. Die patriargale
feministiese teorie skyn geen toepassingswaarde te hê nie aangesien die drie
hoofaannames van hierdie teorie platval.
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With a little help from my spouse: the role of trust in family businessAbraham, Martin 25 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Empirically, self-employed persons often operate with the support of their partners or other household members as co-workers in the firm. The formal or informal employment of the marriage partner in particular seems to have a lot of advantages, such as fiscal benefits and low wage costs. But from a theoretical point of view, these advantages are
jeopardized by serious cooperation problems: If the spouse of the self-employed decides to work in the jointly-run business, former qualifications are lost. Hence a one-sided dependence on the part of the co-working spouse arises, which increases with the amount of relation-specific investments. Hence the actors are confronted with a cooperation problem, because the decision for co-working requires trust concerning the future action of the self-employed. Within this framework, this paper is focused on the determinants which influence the decisions concerning collaborating in the business of a self employed life’s companion as well as the extent of labor provided in the case of co-working. It can be assumed that the three types of determinants investigated in this paper affect the assignment of a spouse or cohabitation partner in the business of a self-employment person: (1) economic determinants which are individual productivity and human capital of the life’s companion, (2) the situation of the family and the household, and (3) characteristics of the entrepreneur and the firm. Based on a sample of self-employed empirical analysis indicates that trust and specialization play a crucial role in explaining co-working of the life’s companions of self-employed persons. However, economic determinants like productivity and human capital do not show the expected effects on collaboration.
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