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La construction de la crise environnementale. Thèmes, stratégies et représentations / The construction of the environmental crisis Themes, strategies and representationsAllik, Amel 09 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la construction de la crise environnementale à travers la circulation des discours qui en parlent. Nous avons défini cette crise comme un ensemble de manifestations, à la fois physiques, sociales et discursives, qui ont trait à l’environnement. Ces manifestations ont été rendues possibles par une relation de disjonction entre l’homme et la nature dont les racines remontent à l’invention de la phusis chez les Grecs. Elles oscillent entre dysfonctionnements et incertitudes d’une part, et recherche de solutions pour atteindre un nouvel état d’équilibre d’autre part. La crise environnementale est constituée de plusieurs problèmes publics « environnementaux », ainsi que de plusieurs autres questions qui sont en « gestation ».L’étude des discours constitutifs de cette crise en contexte nous a permis d’appréhender ces différents problèmes et questions comme une globalité. À travers l’analyse d’un corpus de textes fondateurs du droit de l’environnement français et international, et de rapports RSE, nous avons reconstitué quelques-uns des contenus de cette crise et leur organisation. Pour ce faire, nous avons eu recours à la combinaison de trois méthodes d’analyse. Nous avons d’abord utilisé une méthode d’analyse du discours quantitative pour définir les thèmes de la crise environnementale. Nous avons ensuite fait appel à une méthode d’analyse du discours qualitative, afin de déterminer les stratégies discursives utilisées par les différents émetteurs pour mettre en scène ces différents thèmes. Enfin, nous avons eu recours à une analyse des représentations au niveau sémiotique sous-jacent, dans le but de mettre au jour les récits qui constituent cette crise. / This thesis focuses on the construction of the environmental crisis through the flow of environmental discourses. We define the environmental crisis as a range of physical, social and discursive manifestations that are related to the Environment. They are caused by the separation of Man and nature, a relationship that derives from the Hellenistic concept of phusis. These manifestations oscillate between disruptions and uncertainties on the one hand, and on the other, the research of solutions whose objective is to find a new balance. The environmental crisis is composed of a set of public problems, as well as of numerous issues that have yet to be problematized or publicized in the public sphere. Through the careful study of some of environmental crisis discourses, we were able to examine these public problems and non-publicized issues as a wholeness. We analyzed a corpus of French and international environmental law foundation texts and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports, and reconstructed some of the contents of this crisis. As we had three research objectives, we combined three methods of analysis. The first, a quantitative method, allowed us to define the themes of the environmental crisis. The objective of the second, a qualitative discourse analysis method, was to identify and describe the different strategies used by the different issuers of both institutional texts and CSR reports. Finally, narrative and cultural semiotics facilitated the comprehension of the organization of environmental representations, by reconstructing the underlying narratives behind the environmental crisis discourses.
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Antichagásicos potenciais: síntese e modelagem molecular de híbridos de hidrazonas e liberadores de óxido nítrico / Potential antichagasic agents: synthesis and molecular modeling of hydrazones and nitric oxide releasing hybrids.Serafim, Ricardo Augusto Massarico 05 May 2016 (has links)
A doença de Chagas é uma parasitose extremamente negligenciada, cujo agente etiológico é o protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi. Atualmente, 21 países da América Latina são considerados regiões endêmicas, onde 75-90 milhões de pessoas estão expostas à infecção, 6-7 milhões estão infectadas e mais de 41 mil novos casos surgem por ano. Entretanto, apenas os fármacos nifurtimox e benznidazol estão disponíveis no mercado. Estes, além da baixa eficácia na fase crônica da parasitose, apresentam diversos efeitos adversos, sendo que no Brasil apenas o benznidazol é utilizado. Este fato mostra a importância de se ampliar o número de fármacos disponíveis e propor quimioterapia mais eficaz para o tratamento da doença de Chagas. Como forma de contribuir para essa busca, este trabalho objetiva a síntese de compostos híbridos bioisostéricos N-acilidrazônicos e sulfonilidrazônicos, contendo grupo liberador de óxido nítrico, com potencial de interação com cisteíno-proteases parasitárias, tais como a cruzaína. Nestes derivados, os grupos liberadores de óxido nítrico utilizados foram os grupos furoxano (contendo substituinte metílico e fenílico) e éster nitrato. Propôs-se a variação de anéis aromáticos substituídos e não-substituídos, com o intuito de avaliar a possível relação estrutura-atividade (REA) desses análogos. Até o momento, somente os compostos da série N-acilidrazônica tiveram avaliação biológica realizada. Os valores de IC50 dos compostos na forma amastigota do parasita variaram entre >100 a 2,88 µM, sendo este último valor comparável ao fármaco de referência. A atividade inibitória frente à cruzaína foi de 25,2 µM a 2,2 µM. Já a liberação de óxido nítrico foi avaliada pelo método indireto de detecção de nitrato e os valores variaram entre 52,0 µM e 4.232,0 µM. Estes são bem inferiores ao composto padrão, além de não se identificar correlação direta entre a atividade biológica e a liberação de NO. Na sequência, os dois compostos mais ativos (6 e 14) foram submetidos a estudos de permeabilidade e de citotoxicidade. O composto 6 foi considerado o de maior permeabilidade segundo o Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica (SCB) e todos os compostos apresentaram a taxa de fluxo menor que 2, indicando a ausência de mecanismo de efluxo. Na avaliação do potencial citotóxico desses compostos em células humanas, o derivado 6 apresentou índice de seletividade superior ao do benznidazol. Em estudos de modelagem molecular usando análise exploratória de dados (HCA e PCA), propriedades estéricas/geométricas e eletrônicas foram consideradas as mais relevantes para a atividade biológica. Além disso, estudos de docking mostraram que a posição do grupo nitro no anel aromático é importante para a interação com a cruzaína. Ademais o composto 6 não provocou mudanças significativas no ciclo celular e na fragmentação de DNA em células humanas, mostrando-se como líder promissor para futuros estudos in vivo. Atividade tripanomicida, citotoxicidade, potencial de liberação de NO e estudos de permeabilidade dos 23 derivados sulfonilidrazônicos e ésteres nitrato estão sendo avaliados. / Chagas disease is an extremely neglected parasitic disease whose etiologic agent is the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. Currently 21 Latin American countries are considered endemic regions, where 75-90 million people are exposed to infection, 6-7 million are infected and more than 41,000 new cases occur annually. However only nifurtimox and benznidazole are available on the market. These drugs, besides low efficacy in the chronic phase of the parasite have numerous adverse effects, and in Brazil only benznidazole is used. This fact shows the importance of increasing the number of drugs available and propose more effective chemotherapy for the Chagas disease treatment. As a contribution to the problem, this study aims the synthesis of biososteric compounds from N-acylhydrazone and sulfonylhydrazone, which have the potential to interact with parasitic cysteine protease, such as cruzain, containing nitric oxide releasing groups, which also has inhibitory activity in this enzyme class. In these derivatives nitric oxide releasing groups used were furoxan (containing methyl and phenyl substituent) and nitrate ester groups. The variation of aromatic rings substituted and unsubstituted was proposed in order to evaluate the possible structure-activity relationship (SAR) of these analogs. Only N-acylhydrazone series had its biological profile evaluated up to now. The IC50 values of the compounds against the amastigote form of the parasite ranged from >100 µM to 2.88 µM, the last value being comparable to that of reference drug. Cruzain inhibitory activity ranged from 25.2 µM to 2.2 µM. The nitric oxide releasing potential was evaluated using the indirect method of detection and nitrate values ranged between 52.0 µM and 4,232.0 µM. These results are below than those of the standard compound, and there is no direct correlation between the biological activity and nitric oxide releasing potential as well. Further, the two most active compounds (6 and 14) were submitted to permeability and cytotoxicity studies. Compound 6 showed the highest permeability value according to Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS), and both compounds showed flow rate lower than 2, indicating no efflux mechanism. In the cytotoxicity studies of these compounds in human cells, the derivative 6 showed selectivity index greater than benznidazole. In molecular modeling studies using exploratory data analysis (HCA and PCA) steric/geometric and electronic properties were considered the most relevant for biological activity. In addition, docking studies were performed and showed that the position of the nitro group on the aromatic ring is important for the interaction with cruzain. Compound 6 did not cause significant changes in cell cycle and DNA fragmentation in human cells, showing to be a promising lead compound for future in vivo studies. Trypanocidal activity, cytotoxicity assay, NO releasing potential and permeability studies of the 23 sulfonylhydrazones and nitrate ester derivatives are being evaluated.
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Caracterização biológica e molecular de cepas híbridas Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis/Leishmania (Viannia) shawi shawi isoladas de pacientes com leishmaniose tegumentar oriundos da região amazônica, Santarém, PA-Brasil / Biological and molecular characterization of hybrid strains Leishmania (V.) guyanensis / Leishmania (V.) shawi shawi isolated from patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis from Amazon region, Santarém, Pará - BrazilLima, Ana Carolina Stocco de 03 November 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento a respeito de mecanismos de reprodução e geração de diversidade genética de organismos do gênero Leishmania vem sendo alterado com o advento de novas tecnologias. Estudos de laboratório demonstraram ocorrência de reprodução sexuada experimentalmente em organismos do gênero Leishmania. Relatos na literatura mostram a ocorrência de híbridos no ambiente natural, associada a casos de leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA). A partir da caracterização fenotípica realizada utilizando anticorpos monoclonais e eletroforese de isoenzimas em linhagens isoladas de pacientes com LTA na região Amazônica do Brasil, sete isolados (M15983, M15984, M15987, M15988, M19672, M19676 e M19697) apresentaram um padrão intermediário entre as espécies L. (V.) shawi shawi e L. (V.) guyanensis. O presente estudo visou realizar a confirmação da identidade híbrida desses parasitas através da clonagem dos isolados, seguida da análise do polimorfismo pela clivagem do produto da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR RFLP) tendo como alvo a enzima de choque térmico de 70 quilodaltons (hsp70). O hsp70 PCR RFLP também foi utilizado para análise comparativa da intensidade dos produtos de digestão, para estimar a ploidia dos híbridos e a proporção da herança dos alelos de hsp70. Foi realizada ainda, avaliação do comportamento biológico in vitro e experimental in vivo desses parasitas. A curva de crescimento foi realizada na 4° e 12° passagem após isolamento do parasita. Infecções experimentais de BALB/c foram realizadas para avaliação da evolução da infecção causada pelo isolado híbrido selvagem M19672 e sua comparação com as cepas parentais L. (V.) guyanensis e L. (V.) s. shawi. Foi determinada a carga parasitaria em pele, linfonodo e baço dos animais infectados e análise histopatológica das lesões. Os resultados obtidos a partir da clonagem dos isolados demonstraram que se tratavam de populações homogêneas de parasitas. Três isolados apresentaram padrão heterozigoto de L. (V.) guyanensis/L. (V.) s. shawi e quatro isolados apresentaram padrão homozigoto, apresentando somente os alelos de L. (V.) s. shawi. O ensaio de clivagem de sequências polimórficas amplificadas (SNP-CAPS) mostrou que os homozigotos apresentaram o mesmo número de cópias de hsp70 de L. (V.) s. shawi, enquanto que nos heterozigotos os alelos de L. (V.) guyanensis são mais representativos. Os parasitas híbridos apresentaram uma maior plasticidade fenotípica no crescimento in vitro. A infeção de BALB/c pelos parasitas híbridos apresentou uma evolução rápida tendo seu maior pico entre 14 e 28 dias pós-infecção, com regressão posterior da lesão. Esse período foi acompanhado da maior carga parasitária na pele e linfonodo. A infecção causada pelas cepas parentais mostrou aumento progressivo da lesão a partir do 21° dia de infecção para L. (V.) guyanensis e 35° dia para L. (V.) s.shawi. As alterações histopatológicas da lesão causada pelo híbrido apresentaram um padrão intermediário entre as de L. (V.) s. shawi e L. (V.) guyanensis, guardando, no entanto, mais características desta última. Nossos achados confirmam que as cepas analisadas são híbridas entre L. (V.) guyanensis e L. (V.) s. shawi da região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará, área com alta ocorrência de casos de LTA na Brasil e grande diversidade de espécies do parasita, vetores e reservatórios / Knowledge about the mechanisms of reproduction and generation of genetic diversity of the genus Leishmania organisms has been changed with the advent of new technologies for it studies. Laboratory researches have shown the occurrence of experimentally sexual reproduction in the genus Leishmania. Reports in the literature shows the occurrence of hybrids in the natural environment, associated with cases of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). From the phenotypic characterization performed using monoclonal antibodies and isozymes in strains isolated from patients with ACL in the Amazon region of Brazil, seven isolates (M15983, M15984, M15987, M15988, M19672, M19676 and M19697) showed an intermediate pattern between species L. (V.) shawi shawi and L. (V.) guyanensis. This study aimed to perform the confirmation of the hybrid identity of these parasites by performing cloning of the isolated, followed by analysis of polymorphism by cleavage of the polymerase chain reaction product (PCR RFLP) targeting heat shock enzyme 70 kilodaltons (hsp70). The hsp70 PCR RFLP was also used for comparative analysis of the intensity of the digestion products to estimate the ploidy of the hybrids and the proportion of the inheritance of hsp70 alleles. It was also observed in this study the biological in vitro behavior of these parasites. The growth curve in vitro was held at 4° and 12° passage after the isolation of mammalian host. Experimental infections of BALB /c mice were carried out to evaluate the evolution of the infection caused by the hybrid wild strain M19672 compared to the parental strains L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (V.) s. shawi. The parasitic load was determined on the skin, lymph nodes and spleen of infected animals and histopathology of the lesions. The results from the cloning of the isolates showed that these are homogeneous populations of parasites. Three isolates presented heterozygous L.(V.) guyanensis/ L.(V.) s. shawi pattern and four presented homozygous pattern with only the L.(V.) s. shawi alleles. The cleavage amplified polymorphic sequences assay (SNP-CAPS) showed that the homozygous had the same number of copies of hsp70 L. (V.) s. shawi, whereas in the heterozygous alleles L. (V.) guyanensis are more representative. Hybrid parasites demonstrated a higher phenotypic plasticity growth in vitro. BALB /c infection by M19762 hybrids showed a rapid evolution with a peak between 14 and 28 days post-infection, with subsequent lesion regression. The period of greatest development of the lesion was accompanied by higher parasite burden in the skin and lymph nodes. The infection caused by parental strains showed a progressive increase in the lesion from the 21th day of infection for L. (V.) guyanensis, and day 35 PI for L. (V.) s. shawi The alteration in the histopathological lesions caused by the hybrid strain showed an intermediate pattern between those of L. (V.) s. shawi and L. (V.) guyanensis, keeping, however, more characteristics of the latter. Our findings confirm that the strains analyzed are true hybrids between L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (V.) s. shawi from Amazon region, Pará state, an area with high occurrence of ACL in Brazil and diversity of parasite species, vectors and reservoirs
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Ação do pré-tratamento com ácido sulfúrico diluído em híbridos de cana-de-açúcar e seus efeitos na conversão enzimática da glucana / Action of the dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment in sugarcane hybrids and their effects in the enzymatic conversion of glucanSantos, Victor Tabosa de Oliveira 12 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o comportamento de três híbridos de cana-de-açúcar, contrastantes quanto aos teores de hemicelulose e lignina, diante do pré-tratamento com ácido sulfúrico diluído e da subsequente conversão enzimática da glucana à glicose. Os híbridos 89, 140 e 321 (H89, H140 e H321) foram submetidos à diferentes condições de pré-tratamento ácido: 150 ºC; 13 g ácido sulfúrico/100 g material; e tempos de reação que variaram entre 20 e 90 min. Os rendimentos de sólidos residuais diminuíram progressivamente em função do aumento da severidade do pré-tratamento. O H89 apresentou rendimentos nitidamente menores, comparados ao dos híbridos H140 e H321; reflexo da maior solubilização de todos os três constituintes estruturais deste híbrido. A hemicelulose foi o componente da parede celular removido com maior eficiência pelo pré-tratamento ácido. Além disso, o pré-tratamento modificou a proporção molar dos constituintes iniciais da hemicelulose (xilose, ácido acético e arabinose), resultando em estruturas residuais menos ramificadas. Paralelamente, também foi observada uma pequena remoção de lignina (entre 21% e 31%, dependendo do híbrido) e de glucana (entre 4% e 15%, dependendo do híbrido) durante o pré-tratamento. Os carboidratos detectados nos hidrolisados ácidos dos híbridos foram predominantemente monoméricos quando os tempos de reação foram maiores do que 40 min. No entanto, os híbridos H140 e H321 se diferenciaram do H89, pois apresentaram oligossacarídeos (DP>=2) nos hidrolisados obtidos em tempos de reação entre 20 e 30 min. Os rendimentos de conversão enzimática da glucana contida nos sólidos pré-tratados aumentaram substancialmente após o pré-tratamento ácido (principalmente devido à remoção de hemicelulose). No entanto, as conversões máximas de glucana em glicose não ultrapassaram 65%. A deslignificação parcial das amostras pré-tratadas com ácido (90 min), empregando soluções de clorito de sódio/ácido acético, permitiu aumentar a conversão enzimática de glucanas até valores próximos a 100%. De forma geral, o pré-tratamento ácido e a subsequente deslignificação proporcionaram maiores ganhos de conversão enzimática àqueles híbridos inicialmente mais recalcitrantes (H321 e H140). Os rendimentos de pré-tratamento (ácido diluído e clorito-ácido) e da conversão enzimática demonstraram que a maior obtenção de glicose por área plantada (Kg/hectare) ou por material processado (Kg/ton material) seria alcançada com a utilização dos híbridos H89 e H321, respectivamente. A investigação das características microestruturais das paredes celulares dos híbridos permitiu compreender como as etapas de tratamento químico afetaram a conversão enzimática da glucana. O pré-tratamento ácido diminuiu substancialmente o volume total de poros dos três híbridos, enquanto a subsequente deslignificação não retornou a porosidade aos níveis originalmente detectados nas amostras não tratadas. Por outro lado, a área superficial acessível de glucana dos substratos apresentou relação direta com os rendimentos de conversão enzimática da glucana à glicose (R2=0,92). A compilação dos dados analíticos, aliada às determinações de glucana acessível, permitiu propor um parâmetro empírico (relação do teor de glucana com a soma de hemicelulose+lignina+extraíveis), útil para predizer os níveis de conversão enzimática de glucana nas amostras estudadas. / This study evaluated the performance of three sugarcane hybrids, contrasting for lignin and hemicellulose contents, under dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment and subsequent enzymatic conversion of glucan to glucose. The hybrids 89, 140 and 321 (H89, H140, and H321) were pretreated at different reaction conditions: 150 °C; 13 g sulfuric acid/100 g material; and reaction time ranging from 20 to 90 min. Residual solid yields gradually decreased according to increasing of pretreatment severity. H89 showed the lowest yields compared to the H140 and H321 hybrids, due to the highest solubilization of all the three structural components. Hemicellulose was the major cell wall component removed by the acid pretreatment. Furthermore, acid pretreatment modified the molar ratio of the initial hemicellulose constituents (xylose, arabinose and acetic acid), resulting in less branched structures. Lignin (between 21% and 31%, depending on the hybrid) and glucan (between 4% and 15%, depending on the hybrid) removal were also observed during the pretreatment. Carbohydrates in liquid hydrolysates were predominantly detected as monomers at reaction times greater than 40 min. However, H140 and H321 hybrids differed from H89, since they presented oligosaccharides (DP>=2) in the hydrolysates obtained at short reaction time (20 and 30 min). Enzymatic conversion of glucan from pretreated solids was substantially increased after the acid pretreatment (mainly due to the hemicellulose removal). Nevertheless, maximum conversion of glucan to glucose did not exceed 65%. Partial delignification of the acid pretreated samples (90 min), employing sodium chlorite/acetic acid solutions, increased the enzymatic conversion of glucan to values near to 100%. In general, acid pretreatment and subsequent delignification provided higher gains of enzymatic conversion to the hybrids originally more recalcitrant (H321 and H140). The pretreatment (dilute acid and chlorite-acid) and enzymatic conversion yields demonstrated that to obtain higher amounts of glucose, taking into account the planted area (Kg/ha) or raw material processed (Kg/ton), would be achieved by using H89 and H321 hybrids, respectively. Analysis of the micro-structural features of the hybrids allowed understanding the effect of the chemical treatment step in the enzymatic conversion of glucan. Acid pretreatment significantly decreased the total pores volume of these hybrids, while the subsequent delignification do not returned the porosity to the original levels detected in raw samples. On the other hand, the accessible surface area of glucan showed a direct correlation with the enzymatic conversion levels of glucan to glucose (the model including several substrates presented R2=0.92). The compilation of analytical data, combined with the accessible glucan, allowed proposing an empirical parameter (ratio of the glucan content with the sum of hemicellulose+lignin+extractives), that was useful for predicting the enzymatic conversion levels of glucan for all the evaluated samples.
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Conducteurs ioniques transparents et matériaux fluorescents à base de mélanges hybrides PEO/PPO-Siloxane / Transparent ionic conductors and fluorescent materials based on hybrid PEO/PPO siloxanesPalácio, Gustavo 21 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse présente une méthode de synthèse par le procédé sol-gel pour la préparation de matériaux hybrides organiques-inorganiques (OIH) basés sur le mélange de deux polyéthers différents, le poly (oxyde d´éthylène) (PEO) et le poly (oxyde de propylène) (PPO) liées de façon covalente avec l´agent de réticulation ureasil (U). Dû aux différents sites actifs présents dans la structure du matériau OIH, plusieurs cations métalliques peuvent être introduits dans la matrice hybride par complexation soit avec l´oxygène de type éther, soit avec l´oxygène du type carbonyle. Suite à ce constat, différentes matrices hybrides ont été synthétisées en introduisant des ions Eu3+ ou Li+ afin de conférer aux matériaux des propriétés optiques ou électriques. La compréhension des propriétés structurales et thermiques des différents polymères, l´ajout de différents cations Eu3+/Li+, et l'effet du plastifiant (PPO2000) dans la mélange hybride U-xPEO1900:/U-1-xPPO2000 (ratio de PPO2000 dans la mélange, x = 0.2, 0.5 et 0.8), ont été étudiés par DSC et SAXS. Les résultats de DSC ont révélé une unique température de transition vitreuse (Tg) pour tous les matériaux étudiés. L´ajout des ions Eu3+ dans le matrice n´a pas causé de variations dans les valeurs de Tg tandis que l´insertion de cations Li+ a provoqué une augmentation dans les valeurs de Tg, indiquant l´existence d’interactions entre les cations Li+ et la phase polymérique du matériau OIH. Les courbes de calorimètrie de l´U-PEO1900 ont aussi révélé la présence d´une pic endothermique à 25 °C, associé à la fusion des domaines cristallins du PEO1900. La présence d´un deuxième maximum dans les courbes de diffusion des rayons X à petits angles (SAXS) a confirmé l’existence de la structure semi-cristalline du PEO1900 dans une région de température entre -100 °C < T < Tf. Tous les échantillons, non-dopés et dopés avec les ions Li+ et Eu3+, ont montré un pic de corrélation indiquant que la nano-structure de la matrice hybride n´est pas affecté par le dopage avec les cations métalliques. Les études par Spectroscopie Infrarouge à Transformée de Fourier (FTIR) et par spectroscopie Raman ont confirmé l´interaction des ions Eu3+ avec l´oxygène du type carbonyle présent dans les groupes urées de la matrice hybride, et des ions Li+ avec l´oxygène du type éther. La photodégradation accélérée a révélé une perte des performances de la photo-luminescence (PL) associée à des changements dans la coordination des ions Eu3+ avec la matrice hybride. La photodégradation induit la formation de photo-produits venant de la β-scission du macroradical formé dans la portion organique de la matrice hybride. La β-scission peut-être responsable pour la diminution de la PL du matériau dû la perte de l´efficacité de l´effet antenne du ligand organique pour le centre luminescent. La transition dans la région visible du rouge vers le bleu avec la photodégradation qualifie ces matériaux de bons candidats pour l'application comme capteurs et marqueurs optiques. La conduction ionique des matrices hybrides dopés avec Li+ a été évaluée par Spectroscopie d´Impédance en fonction de la température et les résultats ont révélé des corrélations entre la superstructure lamellaire du PEO1900 et le mécanisme de conduction. L´addition d´un plastifiant, le PPO2000, a permis l´augmentation de la conductivité ionique dans une région de température entre -100 °C < T < 10 °C dû à l´augmentation de la portion amorphe utilisée comme chemin de transport ionique efficace dans le mélange polymère hybride U-xPEO1900/U-1-xPPO2000. / In this PhD thesis a greener synthesis route via sol-gel reactions aiming to prepare multifunctional organic-inorganic hybrid (OIH) materials based on blending of two polyether amine end chains (i.e., Jeffamine® compounds) Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and Poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) covalently bonded with an ureasil cross-linking agent (U) is reported. Due to the different polar oxygen sites present in this OIH material, several metallic cations can to be introduced into the OIH matrix via ether- or carbonyl-type oxygen. So, different OIH matrices containing Eu3+ or Li+ cations were synthetized to evaluate their potential as photoluminescent or ionic conductor material, respectively. The thermal and structural characteristics of the Eu3+ or Li+ – loaded OIH materials, as well as the plasticizer effect of PPO2000 at the U-xPPO2000:/U-1-xPEO1900, (PPO2000 fraction x = 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8) blends, were carried out by DSC and SAXS. DSC results revealed a unique glass transition temperature (Tg) for all the studied OIH materials. The addition of Eu3+ cations do not change the Tg values while the Li+ cations caused an increase in the values of Tg, due to the Li+ interaction with the polymeric phase of the material. The U-PEO1900 calorimetric curves also showed the presence of an endothermic peak at 25 °C associated to the fusion of the crystalline domains of PEO1900. The second maxima observed in the curves of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) confirmed the presence of the crystalline structure of PEO1900 in a temperature range of -100 < T < Tf. All the samples, undoped and Li+ or Eu3+ doped ones, showed a correlation peak indicating that the OIH nano-structure is not affected by the metallic cations doping. Analysis carried out by Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) and Raman Spectroscopy confirmed the Eu3+ cations interaction via the oxygen carbonyl-type present in the urea groups of the hybrid matrix, and that of Li+ cations with the oxygen ether-type. The accelerate photo-degradation revealed a loss of the photo-luminescence (PL) efficiency due to the changes in the Eu3+ cations coordination with the hybrid matrix. The photo-degradation induces the formation of photo-products from the macro-radical β-scission formed in the organic fraction of the hybrid matrix. The β-scission can be responsible for the material PL decrease due to the drop in the antenna effect from organic ligand to luminescent center. The visible emission transition from red → blue with the photo-degradation qualify these materials as good candidates to be applied as sensors and optical markers. The ionic conduction of the Li+-loaded hybrid matrices was investigated by Impedance Spectroscopy as a function of the temperature. Results showed a correlation between the lamellar superstructure of the PEO1900 and the conducting process. The plasticizers addition (PPO2000) alloyed to improve the value of the ionic conductivity in the low temperature range, -100 °C < T < 10 °C due to the increase of the amorphous fraction used as effective ionic transport pathway in the U-xPEO1900/U-1-xPPO2000 polymeric hybrid blend.
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Ação do pré-tratamento com ácido sulfúrico diluído em híbridos de cana-de-açúcar e seus efeitos na conversão enzimática da glucana / Action of the dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment in sugarcane hybrids and their effects in the enzymatic conversion of glucanVictor Tabosa de Oliveira Santos 12 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o comportamento de três híbridos de cana-de-açúcar, contrastantes quanto aos teores de hemicelulose e lignina, diante do pré-tratamento com ácido sulfúrico diluído e da subsequente conversão enzimática da glucana à glicose. Os híbridos 89, 140 e 321 (H89, H140 e H321) foram submetidos à diferentes condições de pré-tratamento ácido: 150 ºC; 13 g ácido sulfúrico/100 g material; e tempos de reação que variaram entre 20 e 90 min. Os rendimentos de sólidos residuais diminuíram progressivamente em função do aumento da severidade do pré-tratamento. O H89 apresentou rendimentos nitidamente menores, comparados ao dos híbridos H140 e H321; reflexo da maior solubilização de todos os três constituintes estruturais deste híbrido. A hemicelulose foi o componente da parede celular removido com maior eficiência pelo pré-tratamento ácido. Além disso, o pré-tratamento modificou a proporção molar dos constituintes iniciais da hemicelulose (xilose, ácido acético e arabinose), resultando em estruturas residuais menos ramificadas. Paralelamente, também foi observada uma pequena remoção de lignina (entre 21% e 31%, dependendo do híbrido) e de glucana (entre 4% e 15%, dependendo do híbrido) durante o pré-tratamento. Os carboidratos detectados nos hidrolisados ácidos dos híbridos foram predominantemente monoméricos quando os tempos de reação foram maiores do que 40 min. No entanto, os híbridos H140 e H321 se diferenciaram do H89, pois apresentaram oligossacarídeos (DP>=2) nos hidrolisados obtidos em tempos de reação entre 20 e 30 min. Os rendimentos de conversão enzimática da glucana contida nos sólidos pré-tratados aumentaram substancialmente após o pré-tratamento ácido (principalmente devido à remoção de hemicelulose). No entanto, as conversões máximas de glucana em glicose não ultrapassaram 65%. A deslignificação parcial das amostras pré-tratadas com ácido (90 min), empregando soluções de clorito de sódio/ácido acético, permitiu aumentar a conversão enzimática de glucanas até valores próximos a 100%. De forma geral, o pré-tratamento ácido e a subsequente deslignificação proporcionaram maiores ganhos de conversão enzimática àqueles híbridos inicialmente mais recalcitrantes (H321 e H140). Os rendimentos de pré-tratamento (ácido diluído e clorito-ácido) e da conversão enzimática demonstraram que a maior obtenção de glicose por área plantada (Kg/hectare) ou por material processado (Kg/ton material) seria alcançada com a utilização dos híbridos H89 e H321, respectivamente. A investigação das características microestruturais das paredes celulares dos híbridos permitiu compreender como as etapas de tratamento químico afetaram a conversão enzimática da glucana. O pré-tratamento ácido diminuiu substancialmente o volume total de poros dos três híbridos, enquanto a subsequente deslignificação não retornou a porosidade aos níveis originalmente detectados nas amostras não tratadas. Por outro lado, a área superficial acessível de glucana dos substratos apresentou relação direta com os rendimentos de conversão enzimática da glucana à glicose (R2=0,92). A compilação dos dados analíticos, aliada às determinações de glucana acessível, permitiu propor um parâmetro empírico (relação do teor de glucana com a soma de hemicelulose+lignina+extraíveis), útil para predizer os níveis de conversão enzimática de glucana nas amostras estudadas. / This study evaluated the performance of three sugarcane hybrids, contrasting for lignin and hemicellulose contents, under dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment and subsequent enzymatic conversion of glucan to glucose. The hybrids 89, 140 and 321 (H89, H140, and H321) were pretreated at different reaction conditions: 150 °C; 13 g sulfuric acid/100 g material; and reaction time ranging from 20 to 90 min. Residual solid yields gradually decreased according to increasing of pretreatment severity. H89 showed the lowest yields compared to the H140 and H321 hybrids, due to the highest solubilization of all the three structural components. Hemicellulose was the major cell wall component removed by the acid pretreatment. Furthermore, acid pretreatment modified the molar ratio of the initial hemicellulose constituents (xylose, arabinose and acetic acid), resulting in less branched structures. Lignin (between 21% and 31%, depending on the hybrid) and glucan (between 4% and 15%, depending on the hybrid) removal were also observed during the pretreatment. Carbohydrates in liquid hydrolysates were predominantly detected as monomers at reaction times greater than 40 min. However, H140 and H321 hybrids differed from H89, since they presented oligosaccharides (DP>=2) in the hydrolysates obtained at short reaction time (20 and 30 min). Enzymatic conversion of glucan from pretreated solids was substantially increased after the acid pretreatment (mainly due to the hemicellulose removal). Nevertheless, maximum conversion of glucan to glucose did not exceed 65%. Partial delignification of the acid pretreated samples (90 min), employing sodium chlorite/acetic acid solutions, increased the enzymatic conversion of glucan to values near to 100%. In general, acid pretreatment and subsequent delignification provided higher gains of enzymatic conversion to the hybrids originally more recalcitrant (H321 and H140). The pretreatment (dilute acid and chlorite-acid) and enzymatic conversion yields demonstrated that to obtain higher amounts of glucose, taking into account the planted area (Kg/ha) or raw material processed (Kg/ton), would be achieved by using H89 and H321 hybrids, respectively. Analysis of the micro-structural features of the hybrids allowed understanding the effect of the chemical treatment step in the enzymatic conversion of glucan. Acid pretreatment significantly decreased the total pores volume of these hybrids, while the subsequent delignification do not returned the porosity to the original levels detected in raw samples. On the other hand, the accessible surface area of glucan showed a direct correlation with the enzymatic conversion levels of glucan to glucose (the model including several substrates presented R2=0.92). The compilation of analytical data, combined with the accessible glucan, allowed proposing an empirical parameter (ratio of the glucan content with the sum of hemicellulose+lignin+extractives), that was useful for predicting the enzymatic conversion levels of glucan for all the evaluated samples.
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aluminum toxicity has limited the potential yield in most crops, especially damage caused by the root system as inhibiting the growth, elongation and absorption of nutrients. The objectives were to standardize the concentration of aluminum and exposure of the roots of seedlings in minimal solution (Ca2+ + Al3+) and subsequently characterize the genetic variability of tolerance to the element in different germplasm (hybrids and landraces). The experiments of the approach of minimal solution in DBC were implanted with three replications. The treatments were arranged in a split plot where the plot studied the effect of doses of Al3+ (0, 2, 4 and 6 mg L-1) and the subplot effect of hybrids, which were exposed for a period of 96 h (1 and 2 experiments) and 48 h (experiment 3). The variables analyzed were the DIF1 (root net growth), DIF2 (root final growth) and their relative differences (DIFR1 and DIFR2). The variables analyzed were effective for assessing the tolerance / sensitivity to aluminum in minimal solution. The results revealed dramatic decline in root growth of all the hybrids with increasing doses of Al3+, based on the square root regression model. The starting dose of 4 mg L-1 the damage is so pronounced that virtually paralyzed the root growth when exposed for 96 h. On the other hand, when the hybrids were exposed for 48 h and the differences in tolerance or sensitivity were seen. In this sense, we standardized for the other experiments (characterization of germplasm), the minimal solution containing 4 mg L-1 + Al3+ + 40 mg L-1 Ca2+ implanted in the DBC with three replications. Germplasm in hybrid maize were carried out two experiments (48 and 96 h of exposure) with a total of 52 hybrids and germplasm experiment with landraces, with 54 treatments: 50 landraces + 4 hybrid control (48 h exposure). The genotypes were evaluated for the same variables as well as classified for the tolerance on the aluminum (ITRAl). Germplasm in hybrid, the analysis showed genetic variability for tolerance or sensitivity to, and Al+3. In general, the exposure period of 96 h significantly reduced the growth / root regrowth. The majority of the hybrids (35) showed a reduction in the value of ITRAl due to the increase of the exposure period, while 15 hybrids responded with an increase in this index. The evaluation of landraces showed very high values of growth / root regrowth as well as a predominance of genotypes (50%) classified as ITRAl ≥ 4, are considered excellent sources of aluminum tolerance. Featured very positive for the landrace Dente de Ouro 2 that showed a value of more than control ITRAl tolerant H 44. Estimates of genetic parameters in two maize germplasm showed high levels of genetic variance and heritability coefficients. These indices indicate very favorable conditions for development and selection of populations improved with increase in frequency of alleles of aluminum tolerance. / A toxidez pelo alumínio tem limitado o potencial de rendimento de grãos na maioria das culturas, principalmente pelos danos ocasionados no sistema radicular como: inibição do crescimento, da elongação e da absorção dos nutrientes. Os objetivos foram padronizar a concentração de alumínio e o tempo de exposição das raízes de plântulas em solução mínima (Al3+ + Ca2+) e posteriormente caracterizar a variabilidade genética para tolerância ao elemento em diferentes germoplasmas (híbridos e variedades crioulas). Os experimentos de adequação da metodologia de solução mínima foram implantados no DBC com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema de parcela subdividida, onde na parcela estudou-se o efeito de doses de Al3+ (0, 2, 4 e 6 mg L-1) e na subparcela o efeito de híbridos, que foram expostos por período de 96 h (1° e 2° experimentos) e de 48 h (3° experimento). As variáveis analisadas foram o DIF1 (crescimento radicular líquido), DIF2 (crescimento radicular final) e as respectivas diferenças relativas (DIFR1 e DIFR2). As variáveis analisadas foram eficientes para a avaliação da tolerância/sensibilidade ao alumínio em solução mínima. Os resultados revelaram queda drástica no crescimento radicular de todos os híbridos avaliados com o aumento das doses de Al3+, baseados no modelo de regressão raiz quadrada. A partir da dose 4 mg L-1 os danos são tão acentuados que praticamente paralisaram o crescimento radicular quando expostos por 96 h. Por outro lado, quando os híbridos foram expostos por 48 h as diferenças de tolerância e ou sensibilidade foram visualizadas. Neste sentido, padronizou-se para os demais experimentos (caracterização de germoplasma), a solução mínima contendo 4 mg L-1 de Al3+ + 40 mg L-1 de Ca2+ implantados no DBC com três repetições. No germoplasma de milho híbrido foram realizados dois experimentos (48 e 96 h de exposição) com total de 52 híbridos e um experimento com germoplasma crioulo, com 54 tratamentos: 50 variedades crioulas + 4 híbridos testemunhas (48 h exposição). Os diferentes genótipos foram avaliados para as mesmas variáveis bem como classificados para o índice de tolerância relativa ao alumínio (ITRAl). Na avaliação dos híbridos, a análise revelou variabilidade genética para tolerância e ou sensibilidade ao Al+3. De maneira geral, a exposição por período de 96 h reduziu sensivelmente o crescimento/recrescimento radicular. A grande maioria dos híbridos (35) apresentou redução no valor do ITRAl em função do aumento do período de exposição, embora 15 híbridos responderam com incremento neste índice. A avaliação das variedades crioulas demonstrou valores bastante elevados de crescimento/recrescimento radicular bem como um predomínio de genótipos (50%) classificados com ITRAl ≥ 4, sendo consideradas excelentes fontes de tolerância ao alumínio. Destaque muito positivo para a variedade Dente de Ouro 2 que apresentou valor de ITRAl superior a testemunha tolerante H 44. As estimativas dos parâmetros genéticos nos dois germoplasmas de milho demonstraram elevados valores de variância genética e dos coeficientes de herdabilidade. Estes índices indicam condição muito favorável para o desenvolvimento e seleção de populações melhoradas com incremento na frequência de alelos de tolerância ao alumínio.
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Comportement multifonctionnel des composites comportant des nano/micro renforts / Preparation and characterization of carbon micro/nano hybrids and their functional compositesZhao, Hang 16 November 2015 (has links)
En raison de leurs propriétés mécaniques, électriques et thermiques exceptionnelles, les nanotubes de carbone (NTC) ont reçu une importante attention mondiale. Les NTC ont un grand potentiel dans différents domaines d'applications tels que le stockage d'énergie et la microélectronique. Grâce à leur structure unidimensionnelle, leur important facteur d'aspect et leur faible densité, les NTC servent comme charges dans les composites. Par contre, en raison des fortes interactions entre eux, il est difficile de les disperser et de les aligner dans une matrice de polymère.Il est connu qu'une bonne conception d'hybrides, constitués de NTC verticalement lignés sur des substrats, améliore de manière significative la dispersion de ces derniers dans la matrice. Ces hybrides sont préparés par le procédé de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD). Une fois, ces hybrides sont dispersés dans la matrice du composite cela conduit à une nette amélioration des propriétés multifonctionnelles de ce composite. Les substrats utilisés dans cette thèse sont les nanoplaquettes de graphite (NPG) pour donner des hybrides NPG-NTC que nous appellerons par la suite GCHs. Les GCHs ont l'avantage d'avoir une faible densité et une structure totalement conductrice qui améliore les propriétés diélectriques et électriques des composites.Dans l'état de l'art, les relations entre l'organisation des GCHs et les conditions de synthèse par CVD et entre l'ajout des GCHs dans les composites et les réseaux conducteur interne dans les composites n'ont jamais été étudiées. Pour cela, dans cette thèse, nous allons soigneusement étudier et discuter ces problèmes mentionnés.Dans le premier chapitre, nous présentons une revue générale de la structure, des propriétés, des applications et de la synthèse des NTC et des NPG. Nous présentons aussi les procédures de l'intégration des nanoparticules dans des matrices polymères et les méthodes de fonctionnalisation des NTC. Nous discutons aussi des états électriques et les caractéristiques (di)électriques des composites en fonction de la quantité de la charge conductrice.Le deuxième chapitre présente tout d'abord la synthèse des NTC sur les NPG par CVD. Ensuite, l'influence des paramètres de la CVD, la température, la composition du gaz et le temps de la réaction, ont été étudié. Les résultats qualitatifs et quantitatifs obtenus d'après les caractérisations des ces hybrides peuvent servir comme base de données pour l'intégration et l'influence des ces hybrides dans les composites.Le troisième chapitre présente les composites binaires polyvinylidene fluoride/GCHs et leurs propriétés diélectriques qui sont nettement améliorées par rapport aux composites ternaires composés de polyvinylidene fluoride/NPG/NTC. Les composites obtenus par dispersion des GCHs dans la matrice à l'aide du procédé d'extrusion-injection, présentent un seuil de percolation fortement réduit (5,53 vol%) et une stabilité thermique relativement élevée. Leurs propriétés diélectriques améliorées peuvent être attribuées à des réseaux sous forme de micro-condensateurs et le changement de la cristallinité de la matrice peut être attribué à la bonne conception des hybrides.Le quatrième chapitre étudie les composites GCHs/polydiméthylsiloxane (PDMS) avec la haute performance piézo-résistive dans une large gamme de température. Le composite présente un seuil de percolation ultra-bas et une grande sensibilité piézo-résistive. En particulier, les autres améliorations des propriétés électriques obtenues dans les composites GCHs/PDMS par rapport à celles des composites à base de NTC/PDMS, de NPG/PDMS ou encore de NTC-NPG/PDMS. Les légers mouvements des doigts peuvent être détectés grâce à l'usage de ces films composites en tant que capteurs de mouvement. / Due to the outstanding mechanical electrical and thermal properties, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) received worldwide attentions and intensive investigations in last decades. CNTs are greatly potential in applications such as energy storage and microelectronics. The one dimensional structure, high aspect ratio and low density, promote CNTs serving as the excellent fillers in composites field. However, due to the strong interactions, CNTs are usually difficult to be dispersed and aligned in a polymer matrix. Designing the CNTs construction reasonably is an effective way to ameliorate the dispersion states of CNTs in matrix. These specific hybrid constructions allowed CNTs arrays synthesized vertically onto the substrates through catalyst chemical vapor deposition method. These CNT arrays effectively overcome the problem of CNTs aggregation and promote the interconnection among CNTs, leading to a considerable improvement of multi-functional properties of composites. Graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs) served as substrate make their synthesizing products-GNP-CNTs hybrids (GCHs) possess distinct merits of all-carbon composition, totally-conductive coupling structure and the low intrinsic density. These GCHs constructions provide a great improvement in the dielectric and electrical properties of composites. However, the relationship between GCHs organization and synthesizing conditions during CVD process and the influence of the addition of GCHs to internal conductive networks have not been reported in detail. These mentioned issues will be investigated and discussed in this thesis, which is divided into four chapters:The first chapter makes a general review of the structure, properties, application and synthesis of CNTs and GNP substrates, and the main procedures of fabricating composites and surface functionalization of CNTs. Moreover, a short introduction of the development of micro-nano hybrids applied to the functional composites is made. Most importantly, the developing electrical states and (di) electrical characteristics of composites with ever-increasing conducting filler loading are reviewed in detail at the last part.The second chapter discusses firstly the synthesis process through the CCVD approach and the relationship between CVD parameters and the corresponding construction of GCHs, where the temperature, gas composition and reaction time were controlled. The constructions CNT arrays are dependent on the synthesis conditions. Furthermore, the results obtained from analysis can provide a structural foundation for the huge application potential of GCHs constructions. The third chapter introduces the poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based nanocomposites containing GCH particles, the dielectric properties of which are improved more greatly than the ternary composites loading equivalent mixture of GNPs and CNTs. The composites achieved by dispersing GCH particles into matrix using the mechanical melt-mixing process, showing a strongly reduced percolation threshold (5.53 vol %) and the relatively high thermal stability. Their improved dielectric properties can be attributed to the formed microcapacitor networks and the change of crystalline formation of matrix, caused by well-designed CNT arrays constructions. The fourth chapter investigates the advanced GCHs/ polydimethylsilicone (PDMS) composites with high piezo-resistive performance at wide temperature range. The synthesized GCHs can be well dispersed in the matrix through the mechanical blending process. The flexible composite shows an ultra-low percolation threshold (0.64 vol%) and high piezo-resistive sensitivity (gauge factor ~103 and pressure sensitivity ~ 0.6 kPa-1). Particularly, the much improvements of electrical properties achieved in GCHs/PDMS composites compared with composites filled with equivalent CNT, GNP or mixture of CNTs/GNPs. Slight motions of finger can be detected and distinguished accurately using the composites film as typical wearable sensor.
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Diversité des réponses écophysiologiques et moléculaires pour un complexe de frênes européens (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl et Fraxinus excelsior L. et leurs hybrides) face à la contrainte hydrique / Diversity of ecophysiological and molecular responses for a complex of European ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl and Fraxinus excelsior L.) and their relative hybrids facing water constraint.Joseph, Romain 09 December 2013 (has links)
Les derniers scénarios du changement climatique, prévoient une élévation de température (Europe, +2 à +4°C en moyenne en 2099, IPCC, 2007) associée à des épisodes extrêmes, sécheresses sévères par exemple. Connaître les potentialités d'adaptation des espèces forestières s'avère crucial afin de comprendre leurs réponses et le devenir des écosystèmes forestiers, dans un futur proche. Dans ce cadre, nous nous sommes intéressés à un complexe d'espèces du genre Fraxinus, (frêne, Oléacées). En France F. excelsior L., et F. angustifolia, Vahl, sont des espèces autochtones présentant une plasticité phénotypique et écologique remarquable. L'hybridation, suspectée depuis longtemps a été prouvée en conditions contrôlées et naturelles. Les principales zones documentées sont la vallée de la Saône et de la Loire. Cette hybridation entre les deux espèces de frênes européens, pourrait favoriser l'apparition d'individus (génotypes) plus aptes que les espèces parentales à faire face à un environnement changeant. Notre objectif est de caractériser les potentialités d'adaptations de différentes populations de frêne (espèces parentales et de statut hybride) sous une contrainte abiotique (contrainte hydrique). Pour répondre à cet objectif, nous avons testé les réponses à la fois écophysiologiques et génétique de jeunes plants à une contrainte légère (-0,9 MPa). Une seconde expérimentation, centré sur l'écophysiologie a eu pour objet de mesurer la perte de conductivité hydraulique des frênes, sous une forte contrainte (-4 MPa). Le principal résultat de ces travaux est le comportement souvent intermédiaire et très variable des populations de frênes hybrides testés dans ces 2 expérimentations (A, gs, WUEi, PLC), que ce soit en conditions avec ou sans contrainte hydrique. Ce comportement intermédiaire est en lien avec le degré d'introgression respectif des hybrides de frênes (plus proche de F.excelsior ou de F.angustifolia). Ces arbres hybrides pourraient servir de ressources et d'assurance contre des évènements de dépérissement catastrophiques pour les forestiers pour un environnement climatique futur. / The latest climate change scenarios predict a rise in mean temperature in Europe of 2 to 4°C for 2099 (IPCC, 2007), associated with extreme climatic events such as severe droughts. Knowing adaptation capabilities of tree species is crucial for understanding their responses and forest ecosystem fate in the near future. Our study object is a species complex inside the Fraxinus genus (ash, Oleaceae). In France, F. excelsior and F. angustifolia are autochthonous, form natural hybrid populations and show remarkable phenotypic and ecological plasticity. This could promote the emergence of new individuals (genotypes) more able to deal with fluctuating environments. Our objective is to characterise the capability of adaptation of different Fraxinus populations, representing the three statuses (F.excelsior, F.angustifolia and hybrids) under abiotic constraints (water constraint). To solve this issue, we examine in a low water constraint experiment (-0.9 MPa) ecophysiological and genetic response, using saplings. A second and more severe water constraint experiment (-4 MPa) was used to investigate ash response to the loss of hydraulic conductivity. The most noticeable result was an intermediate and highly variable behaviour of hybrid ash populations in the two experiments (A, gs, WUEi, PLC) linked with they respective introgression degree (closer to F.excelsior or F.angustifolia). This hybrid trees could be used for foresters as a resource and insurance against catastrophic forest stand decline, for a future climate.
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Caracterização biológica e molecular de cepas híbridas Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis/Leishmania (Viannia) shawi shawi isoladas de pacientes com leishmaniose tegumentar oriundos da região amazônica, Santarém, PA-Brasil / Biological and molecular characterization of hybrid strains Leishmania (V.) guyanensis / Leishmania (V.) shawi shawi isolated from patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis from Amazon region, Santarém, Pará - BrazilAna Carolina Stocco de Lima 03 November 2016 (has links)
O conhecimento a respeito de mecanismos de reprodução e geração de diversidade genética de organismos do gênero Leishmania vem sendo alterado com o advento de novas tecnologias. Estudos de laboratório demonstraram ocorrência de reprodução sexuada experimentalmente em organismos do gênero Leishmania. Relatos na literatura mostram a ocorrência de híbridos no ambiente natural, associada a casos de leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA). A partir da caracterização fenotípica realizada utilizando anticorpos monoclonais e eletroforese de isoenzimas em linhagens isoladas de pacientes com LTA na região Amazônica do Brasil, sete isolados (M15983, M15984, M15987, M15988, M19672, M19676 e M19697) apresentaram um padrão intermediário entre as espécies L. (V.) shawi shawi e L. (V.) guyanensis. O presente estudo visou realizar a confirmação da identidade híbrida desses parasitas através da clonagem dos isolados, seguida da análise do polimorfismo pela clivagem do produto da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR RFLP) tendo como alvo a enzima de choque térmico de 70 quilodaltons (hsp70). O hsp70 PCR RFLP também foi utilizado para análise comparativa da intensidade dos produtos de digestão, para estimar a ploidia dos híbridos e a proporção da herança dos alelos de hsp70. Foi realizada ainda, avaliação do comportamento biológico in vitro e experimental in vivo desses parasitas. A curva de crescimento foi realizada na 4° e 12° passagem após isolamento do parasita. Infecções experimentais de BALB/c foram realizadas para avaliação da evolução da infecção causada pelo isolado híbrido selvagem M19672 e sua comparação com as cepas parentais L. (V.) guyanensis e L. (V.) s. shawi. Foi determinada a carga parasitaria em pele, linfonodo e baço dos animais infectados e análise histopatológica das lesões. Os resultados obtidos a partir da clonagem dos isolados demonstraram que se tratavam de populações homogêneas de parasitas. Três isolados apresentaram padrão heterozigoto de L. (V.) guyanensis/L. (V.) s. shawi e quatro isolados apresentaram padrão homozigoto, apresentando somente os alelos de L. (V.) s. shawi. O ensaio de clivagem de sequências polimórficas amplificadas (SNP-CAPS) mostrou que os homozigotos apresentaram o mesmo número de cópias de hsp70 de L. (V.) s. shawi, enquanto que nos heterozigotos os alelos de L. (V.) guyanensis são mais representativos. Os parasitas híbridos apresentaram uma maior plasticidade fenotípica no crescimento in vitro. A infeção de BALB/c pelos parasitas híbridos apresentou uma evolução rápida tendo seu maior pico entre 14 e 28 dias pós-infecção, com regressão posterior da lesão. Esse período foi acompanhado da maior carga parasitária na pele e linfonodo. A infecção causada pelas cepas parentais mostrou aumento progressivo da lesão a partir do 21° dia de infecção para L. (V.) guyanensis e 35° dia para L. (V.) s.shawi. As alterações histopatológicas da lesão causada pelo híbrido apresentaram um padrão intermediário entre as de L. (V.) s. shawi e L. (V.) guyanensis, guardando, no entanto, mais características desta última. Nossos achados confirmam que as cepas analisadas são híbridas entre L. (V.) guyanensis e L. (V.) s. shawi da região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará, área com alta ocorrência de casos de LTA na Brasil e grande diversidade de espécies do parasita, vetores e reservatórios / Knowledge about the mechanisms of reproduction and generation of genetic diversity of the genus Leishmania organisms has been changed with the advent of new technologies for it studies. Laboratory researches have shown the occurrence of experimentally sexual reproduction in the genus Leishmania. Reports in the literature shows the occurrence of hybrids in the natural environment, associated with cases of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). From the phenotypic characterization performed using monoclonal antibodies and isozymes in strains isolated from patients with ACL in the Amazon region of Brazil, seven isolates (M15983, M15984, M15987, M15988, M19672, M19676 and M19697) showed an intermediate pattern between species L. (V.) shawi shawi and L. (V.) guyanensis. This study aimed to perform the confirmation of the hybrid identity of these parasites by performing cloning of the isolated, followed by analysis of polymorphism by cleavage of the polymerase chain reaction product (PCR RFLP) targeting heat shock enzyme 70 kilodaltons (hsp70). The hsp70 PCR RFLP was also used for comparative analysis of the intensity of the digestion products to estimate the ploidy of the hybrids and the proportion of the inheritance of hsp70 alleles. It was also observed in this study the biological in vitro behavior of these parasites. The growth curve in vitro was held at 4° and 12° passage after the isolation of mammalian host. Experimental infections of BALB /c mice were carried out to evaluate the evolution of the infection caused by the hybrid wild strain M19672 compared to the parental strains L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (V.) s. shawi. The parasitic load was determined on the skin, lymph nodes and spleen of infected animals and histopathology of the lesions. The results from the cloning of the isolates showed that these are homogeneous populations of parasites. Three isolates presented heterozygous L.(V.) guyanensis/ L.(V.) s. shawi pattern and four presented homozygous pattern with only the L.(V.) s. shawi alleles. The cleavage amplified polymorphic sequences assay (SNP-CAPS) showed that the homozygous had the same number of copies of hsp70 L. (V.) s. shawi, whereas in the heterozygous alleles L. (V.) guyanensis are more representative. Hybrid parasites demonstrated a higher phenotypic plasticity growth in vitro. BALB /c infection by M19762 hybrids showed a rapid evolution with a peak between 14 and 28 days post-infection, with subsequent lesion regression. The period of greatest development of the lesion was accompanied by higher parasite burden in the skin and lymph nodes. The infection caused by parental strains showed a progressive increase in the lesion from the 21th day of infection for L. (V.) guyanensis, and day 35 PI for L. (V.) s. shawi The alteration in the histopathological lesions caused by the hybrid strain showed an intermediate pattern between those of L. (V.) s. shawi and L. (V.) guyanensis, keeping, however, more characteristics of the latter. Our findings confirm that the strains analyzed are true hybrids between L. (V.) guyanensis and L. (V.) s. shawi from Amazon region, Pará state, an area with high occurrence of ACL in Brazil and diversity of parasite species, vectors and reservoirs
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