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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntese e propriedades do óleo de soja funcionalizado com grupos hidroxílicos para aplicação em poliuretanos / Synthesis and properties of hydroxyl-functionalized soybean oil for application in polyurethanes

Pontel, Carlos Eduardo 27 January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a modificação de óleo de soja por meio da sua funcionalização com grupos hidroxílicos visando seu uso na síntese de poliuretanos. As reações de funcionalização foram conduzidas em duas etapas, uma de epoxidação seguida de hidroxilação utilizando álcoois de baixo peso molecular como agente hidroxilante. Na primeira etapa do processo, a epoxidação, duas amostras foram obtidas variando o grau de funcionalidade de aproximadamente 2 mol de epóxido por mol de óleo epoxidado (F2) e, aproximadamente, 2,5 mol de epóxido por mol de óleo epoxidado (F2,5). Na segunda etapa, variou-se os álcoois utilizados como agentes hidroxilantes da amostra F2 entre metanol, etanol, isopropanol e 1-butanol; enquanto que a amostra F2,5 foi hidroxilada apenas com etanol. Os óleos modificados foram caracterizados por meio de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear de prótons (RMN 1H); determinação do percentual de epóxido, índice de hidroxila e de acidez, distribuição de massa molar e viscosidade dinâmica. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os valores típicos do óleo de mamona que por ser naturalmente hidroxilado é muito usado na síntese de poliuretanos. A caracterização estrutural permitiu comprovar a eficácia da síntese, apresentando evidências claras quanto às diferenças estruturais existentes entre as amostras funcionalizadas e o óleo de mamona. As técnicas de FTIR e RMN 1H mostraram a formação do grupo beta-hidroxi-éter, vicinal à hidroxila, de acordo com o tipo de álcool usado na hidroxilação de cada uma das amostras. Variações entre a estimativa do índice de hidroxila, através do percentual de epóxido e o índice de hidroxila experimental sugeriram reações paralelas durante a síntese. A influência da acidez durante o processo e a acidez final de cada uma das amostras também foi determinada. As curvas de GPC comprovaram umas das vias paralelas sugeridas com a formação de fases oligoméricas entre os triglicerídeos. A viscosidade final apresentou grande variação, principalmente em função do grupo beta-hidroxi-éter formado em cada caso, do grau de funcionalidade, além da redução do teor de insaturações do óleo modificado. Dados sobre a energia de ativação de escoamento do fluido em função da temperatura mostraram que o fator mais significativo na variação da viscosidade é o índice de hidroxila final das amostras. As amostras sintetizadas foram usadas na polimerização de poliuretanos. A reatividade das amostras foi determinada através de ensaios de cura acompanhados por FTIR, além de uma caracterização mecânica dos poliuretanos finais feita por Análise Dinâmico Mecânica (DMA). As amostras apresentaram uma alta variação quanto à reatividade no processo de polimerização. Os ensaios de DMA mostraram a relação direta entre a temperatura de transição vítrea e o grau de funcionalidade, além do efeito plastificante gerado pelas cadeias livres contidas na fase flexível formada pelos triglicerídeos parcialmente funcionalizados. / The objective of this work was the modification of soybean oil by its functionalization with hydroxyl groups for its use in the synthesis of polyurethanes. Functionalization reactions were conducted in two steps, one epoxidation followed by hydroxylation using low molecular weight alcohols as hydroxylating agent. In the first step, two samples were obtained varying the degree of functionality of approximately 2 moles of epoxide per mole of epoxidized oil (F2) and approximately 2.5 moles of epoxide per mole of epoxidized oil (F2,5). In the second step, the process was varied using different alcohols as hydroxylating agents of the F2 sample, which were methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and 1-butanol; while the F2.5 sample was hydroxylated only with ethanol. The modified oils were characterized by Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1HNMR), determination of the percentage of epoxide, hydroxyl and acidity index, molar mass distribution and dynamic viscosity (Brookfield viscosity). The obtained results were compared to the typical values of castor oil which, because it is naturally hydroxylated, is widely used in the synthesis of polyurethanes. The structural characterization allowed proving the efficacy of the synthesis, presenting clear evidence regarding the structural differences between the functionalized samples and castor oil. The results from FTIR and 1HNMR techniques showed the formation of the beta-hydroxyl ether group, side to the hydroxyl, according to the type of alcohol used in the hydroxylation of each of the samples. Variations between the estimation of the hydroxyl number, through the percentage of epoxide and the experimental hydroxyl number, suggested parallel reactions during the synthesis. The influence of the acidity during the process and the final acidity of each of the samples were also determined. The GPC curves confirmed one of the parallel pathways suggested with the formation of oligomeric phases between the triglycerides. The final viscosity showed great variation according to the beta-hydroxyl ether group formed in each case, the degree of functionality and the reduction of unsaturation content in the modified oil. Activation energy values of fluid flow as a function of temperature showed that the most significant factor in the viscosity variation is the final hydroxyl number of samples. The synthesized samples were used in the polymerization of polyurethanes. The reactivity of the samples was determined by curing tests monitored by FTIR technique, in addition to a mechanical characterization of final polyurethanes by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The samples showed a high variation in reactivity in the polymerization process. The DMTA tests showed the relationship between the glass transition temperature and the degree of functionality in addition to the plasticizing effect generated by free chains contained in the flexible phase formed by the partially functionalized triglycerides.

Processos de hidroxilação do óxido de magnésio (MgO): sínter e magnésia cáustica / Process of hydroxylation of magnesium oxide (MgO): sinter and caustic magnesia

Arruda, Cezar Carvalho de 19 February 2014 (has links)
A principal limitação do uso de MgO em refratários é a facilidade com que reage com água formando hidróxido de magnésio (Mg(OH)2) que, devido à sua menor densidade, causa tensões destrutivas nesses materiais. Para outras aplicações, no entanto, a reação de hidroxilação do MgO é necessária, como em produção de agentes antichamas, em compósitos poliméricos e na correção de pH de solos. Observações empíricas na literatura demonstraram que diferentes fontes de MgO possuem reatividades e sensibilidades à hidroxilação distintas. Este estudo analisou o impacto de variáveis externas (por exemplo, a liberação de calor que ocorre durante a reação ou o volume das amostras) que ainda não foi completamente compreendido. O impacto auto-catalítico da temperatura reacional e da exotermia da reação foi avaliado. Por meio de medidas de temperatura in situ e de grau de hidroxilação termogravimétrico, também foram estudados os impactos do volume das amostras testadas e da concentração de sólidos nas suspensões, por meio de medidas de temperatura in situ e termogravimetria. Analisou-se também as principais diferenças estruturais entre duas principais fontes de MgO (sínter de MgO e magnésia cáustica): morfologia de partículas, densidade e área superficial específica. Em seguida, os mecanismos de hidroxilação em suspensões aquosas e seus efeitos foram avaliados por meio de testes de hidroxilação seguidos de termogravimetria, difração de raios-X, medidas de condutividade iônica, densidade, área superficial específica e microscopia eletrônica, e relacionado com as características físico-químicas e morfológicas das respectivas fontes de MgO. Pôde-se constatar que diferenças significativas entre a temperatura nominal do meio reacional e no interior da amostra podem afetar a cinética de hidroxilação do material. O volume e a concentração de sólidos variáveis também podem acentuar consideravelmente os efeitos da exotermia e gerar gradientes de hidroxilação. Também se verificou que a morfologia e a quantidade do Mg(OH)2 formado mudam significativamente dependendo do precursor e em função das condições de tempo-temperatura. / The use of MgO in refractories is restrict due to the easy reaction with water forming magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2). Its lower density causes compressive stresses that can crack their structure. On the other hand, for applications such as the production of flame retardant agents for polymer composites and pH correcting of contaminated soil, this reaction is necessary. Empirical observations in the literature have shown that different sources of MgO have district levels of chemical reactiveness. The present study analyzed the main structural differences between the two main sources of MgO (magnesia sinter and caustic magnesia): particle morphology, density and specific surface area. The mechanisms of hydroxylation of these raw materials in aqueous suspensions and their effects were followed by hydroxylation tests, X-ray diffraction, ionic conductivity, density, specific surface area and scanning electron microscopy. They were associated with the physical characteristics morphological, chemical of these MgO sources. The impact of external variables (e.g., heat release during the reaction or the sample volume), that was not yet completely understood, was also evaluated through temperature measurements carried out in situ and hydroxylation degree accessed by thermogravimetry. The effects of samples volume and solid concentration in aqueous suspension were also investigated. The results showed that differences between the ambient temperature and reaction inside sample temperature can affect the kinetics of hydroxylation of the material. The samples volume and solids concentration can also enhance significantly the effects of heat release and generate gradients of hydroxylation. It was also found out that the morphology and the amount of Mg(OH)2 formed can change depending on the precursor and on the time-temperature conditions.

Hydroxylated and sulfated metabolites of lower chlorinated PCBs bind with high affinity to human serum albumin and exhibit selective toxicity to neuronal cells

Rodriguez, Eric Alberto 01 May 2016 (has links)
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of persistent organic pollutants that have been associated with a myriad of negative human health effects. These man-made compounds were used throughout most of the 20th century and although their intentional production has since been banned and their use limited to closed systems, their prevalence in the environment remains a factor in disease states for exposed populations. The worldwide levels of PCBs has been declining, however, there is evidence for renewed sources of these compounds. The presence of PCBs with lower numbers of chlorine atoms (LC-PCBs) have been verified as unintentional byproducts in paints and pigments, the decomposition of PCB waste, or the recycling or disposal attempts of PCB-laden materials. While exposure to the higher chlorinated congeners (HC-PCBs) is often attributed to the consumption of contaminated water or fatty animal meat, a significant route of exposure to the airborne LC-PCBs is through inhalation. These semi-volatile compounds have been detected in high quantities in both indoor and outdoor air in urban and rural communities, and their presence is pronounced in older buildings (e.g., homes and schools). When compared to HC-PCBs, LC-PCBs are more highly susceptible to metabolic transformations, and recently their sulfated metabolites have gained much interest. Although the sulfation of xenobiotics often is considered a route for their removal from the body, a previous study of Sprague-Dawley rats treated with 4-chlorobiphenyl (PCB 3) resulted in the substantial formation of sulfated metabolites (i.e., hydroxylation followed by sulfation of the LC-PCB). This metabolic route accounted for more than half of the treatment dose. Furthermore, LC-PCB sulfates have been shown to bind to the human serum protein, transthyretin, in vitro. Of the health effects associated with PCB exposure, neurotoxicity has been well established through various laboratory and epidemiological studies. It is proposed that the dopaminergic system lies at the core of the observed cognitive, motor, and intellectual dysfunction observed in exposed populations, especially in children exposed perinatally. Interestingly, PCB exposure has been linked to Parkinson's disease (PD) etiology, which is marked by a substantial loss of dopaminergic neurons. This thesis describes studies on the binding of selected LC-PCBs and their hydroxylated and sulfated metabolites to human serum albumin (HSA), the most abundant protein in human serum. The displacement of fluorescent probes, selective for the two major drug binding sites of HSA, indicates that LC-PCB sulfates generally bind to HSA with such affinity that is equal to or greater than that for the LC-PCBs or OH-LC-PCBs This work also included a study of the selective toxicity of these compounds to dopaminergic neuronal cells. The selective toxicity of these compounds was studied in a series of immortalized cell lines (i.e., two neuronal cell lines: the rat midbrain-derived N27 cell line, the human neuroblastoma-derived SH-SY5Y cell line, and the human liver-derived HepG2 cell line). The assessment of toxicity by MTT reduction and LDH release in these cellular models indicated that hydroxylated and sulfated metabolites of LC-PCBs exhibited toxicity that was selective to neuronal cells and, in most cases, selective for the dopaminergic neuronal cells. Furthermore, HPLC analysis of the distribution of the compounds from the extracellular medium into the cellular milieu indicated that the observed toxicity may be due in some cases to selective transport and further metabolism. This work contributes to understanding the neurotoxicity of LC-PCB hydroxylated and sulfated metabolites and the role that binding to serum proteins may play in it. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for future studies on the effects that metabolism, particularly sulfation, may play in the disposition of LC-PCB congeners as it pertains to their metabolism, retention, and toxic effects.

Der Metabolismus der Tocopherole und Tocotrienole / The metabolism of tocopherols and tocotrienols

Pfluger, Paul Thomas January 2007 (has links)
Vitamin E ist der Überbegriff für 4 Tocopherole (α, β, γ und δ) sowie 4 Tocotrienole (α, β, γ und δ), die als gemeinsames Merkmal ein Chromanolringsystem sowie eine gesättigte (Tocopherole) bzw. ungesättigte (Tocotrienole) Seitenkette aufweisen. Neben ihrer antioxidativen Wirkung (Schutz von Membranen vor Lipidperoxidaton) konnten für einige Vitamin E - Formen auch eine Reihe von hochspezifischen, nicht-antioxidativen Wirkungen in vitro nachgewiesen werden. Meist bleibt jedoch unklar, ob ein solcher Effekt auch in vivo, also im Tiermodel oder direkt im Menschen, gefunden werden kann. In erster Linie müsste hierbei geklärt werden, ob die jeweilige Vitamin E - Form auch bioverfügbar, also in für eine Wirkung ausreichender Konzentration im Organismus vorhanden ist, oder aber vorher eliminiert und ausgeschieden wird. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden deshalb wichtige Grundlagen zum Abbau der Tocopherole und Tocotrienole erarbeitet. • In HepG2-Zellen konnte der Abbau der Tocotrienole mit Hilfe flüssig- sowie gaschromatographischer Analysemethoden vollständig aufgeklärt werden. Wie sich hierbei ergab, verläuft der Abbau weitgehend in Analogie zum Abbau der Tocopherole über eine durch Cytochrom P450 katalysierte initiale ω-Hydroxylierung mit 5 nachfolgenden β-Oxidationsschritten. • In vitro konnten in HepG2 – Zellen die Abbauraten der verschiedenen Vitamin E - Formen bestimmt werden. Dies nahmen in folgender Reihenfolge zu: α-Tocopherol < γ-Tocopherol < α-Tocotrienol < γ-Tocotrienol. • Wie sich mit Hilfe eines mit Cytochrom P450 hochangereicherten Homogenats aus Rattenlebern ergab, stellt die initiale ω-Hydroxylierung einen geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritt des Abbaus dar: α-Tocopherol wurde weit langsamer hydroxyliert als alle anderen Vitamin E – Formen. • Der unterschiedliche Abbau von α-Tocopherol und γ-Tocotrienol konnte auch im Mäuseversuch in vivo bestätigt werden. Nach Fütterung von Mäusen mit α-Tocopherol wurden nur geringe Mengen von α-Tocopherolmetaboliten im Urin der Mäuse gefunden, während nach Applikation von γ-Tocotrienol hohe Konzentrationen der γ-Tocotrienolmetabolite nachgewiesen wurden. In Plasma und Leber wiederum wurden (dem Futtergehalt entsprechende) hohe α-Tocopherolkonzentrationen entdeckt, während γ-Tocotrienol selbst nach hoher Gabe nicht oder nur in Spuren nachweisbar war. In HepG2 – Zellen konnte gezeigt werden, dass γ-Tocotrienol eine cytotoxische Wirkung auf die Hepatocarcinoma-Zelllinie HepG2 entfalten kann, indem durch die Aktivierung der proteolytischen Caspase 3 die Induktion des programmierten Zelltodes (Apoptose) ausgelöst wird. Abschliessend lässt sich festhalten, dass der Körper lediglich das natürliche α-Tocopherol vor dem Abbau bewahrt, die anderen Vitamin E – Formen jedoch als Fremdstoffe behandelt und rapide ausscheidet. Als doppelter Schutz vor Verlust des “wertvollen” α-Tocopherol dienen hierbei das α-Tocopherol Transfer Protein sowie die in dieser Arbeit gefundenen Unterschiede im ersten Schritt des Abbaus, der Cytochrom P450 - katalysierten ω-Hydroxylierung. Beides erklärt die bevorzugte Retention von α-Tocopherol im Organsimus und seine hohe Bioaktivität. Will man deshalb in vitro Ergebnisse anderer Vitamin E – Formen auf die in vivo Situation übertragen, muss man die geringe Bioverfügbarkeit dieser Substanzen berücksichtigen. / The vitamin E family is comprised of 4 different tocopherols (Toc: α, β, γ, δ) and 4 different tocotrienols (T3: α, β, χ, δ). All share a hydroxychromanol ring and a saturated (Toc) or unsaturated (T3) side chain. Apart from their role as anti-oxidants (protection of membranes from lipid peroxidation), recent attention has focused on novel molecular, non-antioxidative functions. Numerous specific effects of tocopherols and tocotrienols were uncovered by a large variety of in vitro studies, in vivo - based evidence, however, is scarce. Moreover, little information exists on the bioavailabilty of the different vitamin E - forms. To better understand the biological role of the different tocopherols and tocotrienols, this thesis therefore aimed to address the basic but important aspect of tocopherol and tocotrienol metabolism. • In HepG2 cells, the metabolic pathway of α- and γ-T3 could be elucidated by the identification of all intermediary degradation products by using high performance liquid- as well as gas-chromatography. Thus, tocotrienols are degraded in analogy to tocopherols with an initial ω-hydroxylation and 5 subsequent β-oxidation steps. • In vitro (HepG2 cells), tocotrienols were degraded to a larger extent than tocopherols, and γ-Toc to a larger extent than α-Toc. Differences reached two orders of magnitude with α-Toc < γ-Toc < α-T3 < γ-T3. • By using rat liver microsomes that were highly enriched with cytochrome P450 enzymes, the initial ω-hydroxylation was shown to be a rate limiting step in the degradation of vitamin E: α-Toc is hydrolysed to a much smaller extent than all other vitamin E forms. • The differences in vitamin E metabolism were confirmed in vivo using male mice. After supplementation with α-Toc, only little amounts of α-Toc metabolites were found in urine, while oral administration of γ-T3 led to the rapid excretion of large amounts of γ-T3 metabolites. Correspondingly, in plasma and liver α-Toc levels were high but γ-T3 could hardly be detected. • γ-T3 but no other vitamin E – form was shown to be highly cytotoxic for HepG2 cells. Immunohistochemistry stainings revealed that γ-T3 induced apoptosis by activation of the proteolytic caspase 3. To summarize, α-Toc is metabolized to a much smaller extent than all other vitamin E - forms. Both the α-tocopherol transfer protein as well as the here described differences in the ω-hydroxylation rates provide a double protection for the “valuable” α-Toc from degradation. Both phenomena explain the high retention of α-Toc in the organism and its higher bioactivity, compared to other Vitamin E forms. The differences in the metabolism of vitamin E might therefore lead to an inequivalence of biological activities found in vitro vs. in vivo.

Oxyfunctionalization of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes by unspecific peroxygenase (EC / Oxyfunktionalisierung von Alkanen, Alkenen und Alkinen durch die Unspezifische Peroxygenase (EC

Peter, Sebastian 24 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Unspecific peroxygenase (EC represents a group of secreted hemethiolate proteins that are capable of catalyzing the selective mono-oxygenation of diverse organic compounds using only H2O2 as a cosubstrate. In this study, the peroxygenase from Agrocybe aegerita (AaeUPO) was found to catalyze the hydroxylation of various linear (e.g n-hexane), branched (e.g. 2,3-dimethylbutane) and cyclic alkanes (e.g. cyclohexane). The size of n-alkane substrates converted by AaeUPO ranged from gaseous propane (C3) to n-hexadecane (C16). They were mono-hydroxylated mainly at the C2 and C3 position, rather than at the terminal carbon, and the corresponding ketones were formed as a result of overoxidation. In addition, a number of alkenes were epoxidized by AaeUPO, including linear terminal (e.g. 1-heptene), branched (2-methyl-2-butene) and cyclic alkenes (e.g. cyclopentene), as well as linear and cyclic dienes (buta-1,3-diene, cyclohexa-1,4-diene). Furthermore, the conversion of terminal alkynes (e.g. 1- octyne) gave the corresponding 1-alkyn-3-ol in low yield. Some of the reactions proceeded with complete regioselectivity and - in the case of linear alkanes, terminal linear alkenes and alkynes - with moderate to high stereoselectivity. The conversion of n-octane gave (R)-3-octanol with 99% enantiomeric excess (ee) and the preponderance of the (S)-enantiomer reached up to 72% ee of the epoxide product for the conversion of 1-heptene. Catalytic efficiencies (kcat/ Km) determined for the hydroxylation and respectively epoxidation of the model compounds cyclohexane and 2-methyl-2-butene were 2.0 × 103 M-1 s-1 and 2.5 × 105 M−1 s−1. The results obtained in the deuterium isotope effect experiment with semideuterated n-hexane and the radical clock experiment with norcarane clearly demonstrated that the hydroxylation of alkanes proceeds via hydrogen abstraction, the formation of a substrate radical and a subsequent oxygen rebound mechanism. Moreover, stopped-flow experiments and substrate kinetics proved the involvement of a porphyrin radical cation species (compound I; AaeUPO-I) as reactive intermediate in the catalytic cycle of AaeUPO, similar to other hemethiolate enzymes (e.g. cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, P450s). / Die Gruppe der Unspezifischen Peroxygenasen (EC umfasst extrazelluläre Häm-Thiolat-Enzyme, die mittels H2O2 als Cosubstrat die selektive Monooxygenierung unterschiedlicher organischer Verbindungen katalysieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die von Agrocybe aegerita sekretierte Peroxygenase (AaeUPO) verschiedene lineare (z. B. n-Hexan), verzweigte (z. B. 2,3-Dimethylbutan) und zyklische Alkane (z. B. Cyclohexan) hydroxyliert. Die Größe der von der AaeUPO umgesetzten Substrate reichte vom gasförmigen Propan (C3) bis hin zu n-Hexadekan (C16). Die Alkane wurden bevorzugt am zweiten und dritten Kohlenstoffatom (C2 und C3) hydroxyliert; eine Hydroxylierung am terminalen Kohlenstoff konnte nur vereinzelt und in geringem Umfang beobachtet werden. Die Überoxidationen der primär gebildeten, sekundären Alkohole führte außerdem zur Entstehung der entsprechenden Ketonderivate. Darüber hinaus wurde eine Vielzahl linearer terminaler (z. B. 1-Hepten), verzweigter (z. B. 2-Methyl-2-Buten) und zyklischer Alkene (z. B. Cyclopenten) sowie linearer und zyklischer Diene (1,3-Butadien, 1,4-Cyclohexadien) durch die AaeUPO epoxidiert. Die Umsetzung terminaler Alkine (z. B. 1-Octin) führte zur Entstehung der jeweiligen 1-Alkin-3-ole. Manche dieser Reaktionen verliefen ausgeprägt regioselektiv und, im Falle der linearen Alkane sowie der linearen terminalen Alkene und Alkine, mit mittlerer bis hoher Stereoselektivität. So ergab beispielsweise die Umsetzung von n-Octan einen Enantiomerenüberschuss größer 99% für (R)-3-Octanol; die Epoxidierung von 1-Hepten lieferte einen Enatiomeerenüberschuss (ee) von bis zu 72% für das (S)-Enantiomer. Die katalytischen Effizienzen, die für die Hydroxylierung bzw. Epoxidierung der Modellverbindungen Cyclohexan und 2-Methyl-2-Buten ermittelt wurden, betragen 2.0 × 103 M-1 s-1 und 2.5 × 105 M−1 s−1. Der ausgeprägte Deuterium-Isotopen-Effekt, der im Zuge der Umsetzung von semideuteriertem n-Hexan beobachtet wurde sowie die Ergebnisse des Radical-Clock-Experiments mit Norcarane als Substrat bestätigten, dass die Hydroxylierung von Alkanen über Wasserstoffabstraktion, die Bildung eines Substratradikals und anschließende direkte Sauerstoffrückbindung verläuft. Die Stopped-Flow-Experimente belegen zudem das Auftreten eines Porphyrin-Kationradikal-Intermediates (Compound I; AaeUPO-I) im katalytischen Zyklus der AaeUPO (vergleichbar mit dem reaktiven Intermediat der P450-Monooxygenasen).

Membranes des mitochondries de cortex surrénal de boeuf. Isolement, purification et propriétés enzymatiques générales. Réactivité vis-à-vis de la désoxycorticostérone.

Satre, Michel 02 May 1973 (has links) (PDF)
Les mitochondries du cortex surrénal contiennent un cytochrome P-450 impliqué dans la réaction de 11beta-hydroxylation des stéroides qui est semblable au cytochrome P-450 trouvé dans les microsomes. Les membranes externes et internes des mitochondries de cortex surrénal ont été séparées après centrifugation sur un gradient de densité de saccharose et différenciées sur la base de leur morphologie et de la distribution d'enzymes caractéristiques. Le système enzymatique de 11beta-hydroxylation est strictement confiné aux membranes internes. L'absence de cytochrome P-450 dans la membrane externe est une différence significative avec les microsomes du cortex surrénal. L'utilisation du ferricyanure comme accepteur d'électrons non pénétrant montre que le cytochrome P-450 impliqué dans la 11beta-hydroxylation de la désoxycorticostérone est situé du côté matriciel de la membrane interne mitochondriale.<br />La fixation de la désoxycorticostérone et du métyrapol, un inhibiteur de l'hydroxylation des stéroïdes, a été mesurée sur les mitochondries de cortex surrénal. Des sites de forte affinité (N = 0,5 nmol/mg de protéine et de Kd = 7,5 x 10-9 M) pour le métyrapol ont été trouvés seulement dans la membrane interne mitochondriale et ceci est en accord avec la localisation du cytochrome mitochondrial P-450 dans la même membrane. Le nombre de sites de fixation du métyrapol est semblable au nombre de sites de haute affinité trouvés pour les stéroïdes qui sont des substrats de la 11beta-hydroxylase. Cette valeur est voisine de la moitié de la quantité du cytochrome mitochondrial P-450 (1,1 nmol/mg de protéine) supportant la présence de deux types de cytochrome P-450 dans des mitochondries de cortex surrénal, un pour la 11beta-hydroxlation et un autre pour la coupure de la chaîne latérale du cholestérol.

Copper and iron complexes of linear and crosslinked polymers as catalysts for phosphoester hydrolysis and oxidative transformation of phenolic and catecholic substrates

Lykourinou, Vasiliki 01 June 2006 (has links)
The goal of this study is to utilize polymers as macromolecular ligands for the construction of catalysts by formation of coordination complexes with transition metals with the main focus on complexes of Cu(II) and Fe(III) and further determine (a) their catalytic efficiency (b) mechanism of action (c) similarities to enzymatic systems and synthetic metal complexes. The reactions of interest are (1) hydrolytic cleavage of a series of phosphoesters(2) oxidation of catechol type of substrates (3) hydroxylation of phenolic substrates and chlorinated phenols (4) activation of molecular oxygen and/ or hydrogen peroxide (5)oxidative cleavage of DNA plasmid. The major premise of the study is that by mimicking the macromolecular nature and some structural features of enzymes, polymers can in principle, catalyze chemical transformations with similar efficiencies and specificities and can offer alternatives to peptide based catalysts or simple metal complexes with the advantage of a wider range of building blocks, increased stability and the potential of reusability. The crosslinked resins used contained the functional groups iminodiacetate (chelex resin), diethylenetriamine and tris(2-aminomethylamine) and were based on styrene-divinylbenzene backbone. The catalytic proficiencies of the Fe(III) and the Cu(II) complexes of chelex resin and diethylenetriamine approached 100 and 1000 respectively towards the model phosphodiester BNPP at pH 8.0 and 25°C. Moreover, the Fe(III) complexes of linear copolymers with repeating unit of three vinylpyridines to one acrylamide (P1) showed selectivity towards phosphodiester hydrolysis over monoesters and phosphonate esters and exhibited catalytic proficiencies approaching 50,000 towards BNPP hydrolysis. Further exploration of the catalytic capabilities of copolymer P1 revealed that Cu(II) complexes of this macromolecular ligand are potentially capable of assembling to active dicopper intermediates found in the catalytic pathways of copper oxygenases like tyrosinase and catechol oxidase and thus were able to accelerate catechol oxidation to ortho-quinones with rate accelerations approaching 10,000 and hydroxylate phenols with rate accelerations close to one million. The results suggest that these Cu(II)-polymer systems can potentially be used as model systems to further understand metal centered reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in vivo and can be very promising remediation agents for the dechlorination of persistant chlorine containing pollutants.

Systemic oxidant stress and its effects on hepatotoxicity / by Paul F.A. Wright.

Wright, Paul F. A. (Paul Frank Albert) January 1988 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 162-174. / xiv, 177 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, 1989

Quinine metabolism in man : emphasis on the 3-hydroxylation as a biomarker reaction for the activity of CYP3A4 /

Mirghani, Rajaa A., January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2002. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Using NMR to study protein-ligand interactions

Abboud, Martine January 2016 (has links)
The work described in this thesis focused on the use of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) to study two classes of metallo enzymes - the Fe(II)- and 2oxoglutarate (2OG)-dependent dioxygenases and the metallo β-lactamases (MBLs). These enzymes are involved in clinically important biological processes, i.e. the hypoxic response and antimicrobial resistance, respectively. Both protein systems are interesting from an NMR perspective because they have dynamic regions involved in catalysis and ligand interactions. The work included mechanistic studies, protein-ligand interaction studies, and method development for inhibitor discovery. NMR was applied to study the human prolyl hydroxylase domain-containing protein 2 (PHD2), which is crucially involved in the chronic hypoxic response. The results reveal that binding of the C- and the N-terminus of the oxygen dependent degradation domains CODD and NODD, respectively, induce different interactions with PHD2. The substitution of a single amino acid, as occurs with PHD2 variants linked to erythrocytosis and breast cancer, can alter the selectivity of PHD2 towards its ODD substrates. Studies with the Trichoplax adhaerens PHD provide insights into the evolutionary substrate preference of the PHDs. Using <sup>13</sup>C-labelled peptidyl-substrates; NMR was applied to investigate proposed 'alternative' PHD2 substrates/interaction partners. The product release mechanism of PHD2 was investigated using NMR; the results reveal that the presence of 2OG strongly discriminates between the binding of CODD and hydroxylated CODD to PHD2. NMR was also applied to monitor PHD2 kinetics and inhibition. Competition and displacement assays were designed and applied to investigate PHD inhibitor binding modes. Comparative studies on the activities and selectivities of PHD inhibitors in clinical trials should aid in the work on the therapeutic manipulation of the natural hypoxic response. Protein-observe <sup>1</sup>9F-NMR was used to study the São Paolo MBL (SPM-1). The results provide new structural insights into SPM-1 catalysis and the requirements for inhibitor development. They also reveal that the hydrolysed β-amino acid products of MBL catalysis can bind to SPM-1. They illustrate the utility of <sup>19</sup>F-NMR for detecting metal chelation, which is not always readily tractable in studies on metallo enzyme inhibition, new binding modes, and stereoisomer binding/epimerisation in solution. The interaction of a cyclobutanone analogue, a broad-spectrum MBL inhibitor, with SPM-1 was investigated. A combination of <sup>1</sup>H, <sup>19</sup>F, <sup>13</sup>C-NMR and crystallographic analyses reveal that cyclobutanone binding may mimic formation of the oxyanion tetrahedral intermediate in β-lactam hydrolysis. The susceptibility of avibactam, the first clinically useful non-β-lactam β-lactamase inhibitor, to MBL-catalysed hydrolysis was studied. The results reveal that avibactam is not an MBL inhibitor and a poor substrate of most members of all three clinically relevant subclasses of MBLs. In some cases, avibactam undergoes slow hydrolysis in a process different from that observed with serine β-lactamases. Overall, the results illustrate the utility of NMR for studying dynamic aspects of enzyme catalysis and inhibitor binding.

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