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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation de l'influence des sollicitations mécaniques dynamiques sur les phénomènes de remodelage et de croissance des vaisseaux sanguins des membres supérieurs / Modeling the influence of dynamic sollicitations on the growth and on the remodeling of the upper limb blood vessels

Hua, Yue 22 September 2017 (has links)
Le syndrome de vibration main-bras (HAVS) est généralement provoqué par l'utilisation d'outils électriques portatifs sur le long terme ; il se manifeste après une exposition au froid, en provoquant une forte et anormale vasoconstriction des vaisseaux sanguins. L'objectif de la thèse est d'établir un nouveau modèle prédictif des changements géométriques et structurels des parois des capillaires causés par l'exposition des membres supérieurs aux vibrations. Le contexte médical du HAVS est rappelé en premier lieu, en particulier les mécanismes pathologiques sous-jacents. Les modèles constitutifs des tissus mous de la pulpe de doigt et de la paroi du vaisseau en croissance issus de la littérature sont rappelés. Dans la troisième partie de la thèse, les paramètres élastiques et visqueux de la pulpe du doigt sont identifiés par le recalage des résultats de la simulation d'un modèle 2D d'une section transversale du bout du doigt avec des données expérimentales. La dernière partie de la thèse aborde la modélisation de la croissance des capillaires induite par la vibration de l'outil, en considérant des échelles spatiales et temporelles macroscopique et microscopique. Le problème spatial multi-échelles est résolu par une méthode de zoom structural, le champ de déformation calculé à l’échelle macroscopique définissant la condition limite appliquée ensuite à l’échelle microscopique. Le problème multi-échelle de temps est résolu en transformant le problème dynamique en un problème équivalent quasi-statique. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les vibrations induisent l'épaississement de la paroi du capillaire, l’effet étant maximum au voisinage de la fréquence de résonance. Des analyses paramétriques sont réalisées pour étudier la relation entre la croissance des capillaires en fonction de la localisation dans la pulpe du doigt, la fréquence de la vibration, l’amplitude de la pré-charge statique, et la dose de vibrations / Hand-Arm Vibration syndrome (HAVS) is usually caused by long-term use of hand-held power tools. It typically occurs after exposure to cold, causing an abnormally strong vasoconstriction of blood vessels. A model predicting the geometrical and structural changes of the arterial walls caused by vibration exposure is developed for the first time in this thesis. The medical context of HAVS is first recalled, especially the underlying pathological mechanisms. The constitutive models for the finger pulp and the growth of the vessel wall from the literature are used as a basis for the modeling of the arterial wall remodeling under exposure to vibration. The elastic and viscous parameters of the fingertip have been identified by adjusting the simulation results of a 2D model of fingertip cross-section to available experimental data. The last part of the thesis develops a first attempt to build the growth model of capillary induced by the tool vibration, considering multiscale spatial and temporal aspects. The two-scale spatial problem is solved by a structure focus, the deformation field computed at the macro level defining the boundary condition next applied at the microscopic level. The two-scale time problem is solved by transforming the dynamic problem into a quasi-static problem. The results obtained show that vibration induces an increase of the thickness of the capillary's wall. Parametric analyses were carried out to study the relationships between the capillary growth and their localization within finger’s pulp, the vibration frequency, the magnitude of the static preload and the vibration dose

Identification du risque individuel de rupture des anévrysmescérébraux intra crâniens : une approche biomécanicienne / Identification of individual risk of rupture of intra cranial cerebral aneurysm : a biomechanical approach.

Sanchez, Mathieu 28 November 2012 (has links)
Le risque individuel de rupture des anévrismes cérébraux est un enjeu majeur dans la prise en charge clinique des anévrismes asymptomatiques. La rupture anévrismale se produit lorsque la contrainte intra-pariétale dépasse la contrainte à rupture du matériau composant la paroi. Notre étude a pour objectif d'être un pas vers une nouvelle mesure biomécanique du risque individuel de rupture des anévrismes cérébraux. Dans un premier temps, une étude expéri- mentale fut menée pour caractériser le comportement biomécanique de la paroi anévrismale sur 16 échantillons d'anévrismes prélevés chirurgicalement. L'expérimentation sur les échan tillons de poche anévrismale a permis de dégager trois grandes classes de tissus pour chaque sexe (homme et femme) : souple, rigide et intermédiaire. Il apparaît que tous les anévrismes non rompus appartiennent à la catégorie rigide ou intermédiaire et que tous les anévrismes rompus correspondent à la catégorie souple. Ceci permet de mettre en évidence une corrélation entre le risque de rupture et les propriétés du matériau composant la paroi anévrismale. Dans un deuxième temps, des simulations d'interaction fluide/structure (FSI) ont été réalisées pour comparer les déformations d'un anévrisme " patient spécifique " constitué d'un matériau dégradé et non dégradé. Les résultats montrent que les propriétés du matériaux ont un impact majeur sur l'ampleur de la variation de volume anévrismale diastolosystolique. Les changements en terme de variations de volume en fonction des caractéristiques du tissu sont potentiellement visualisables à l'aide de l'imagerie médicale. Une analyse des incertitudes des paramètres est aussi présentée et montre la robustesse des résultats aux incertitudes des données d'entrée. Il a ensuite été démontré sur 12 cas " patient-spécifique " d'anévrismes différents (forme, taille, localisation et conditions aux limites différentes) qu'il existe toujours une différence significative en terme de variation de volume au cours du cycle cardiaque entre un anévrisme dont la paroi est composé d'un matériau rigide et d'un matériau souple. Cette étude suggère donc que la variation de volume anévrismale pourrait être utilisée comme une base pour une évaluation individuelle du risque de rupture des anévrismes cérébraux. / The individual risk of rupture of cerebral aneurysm is a major stake in the clinical treatment. The aneurismal rupture occurs when the intra-parietal stress exceeds the rupture stress of the material of the aneurismal wall. The goal of our study is to be a step toward a new biomechanical measure of an individual risk of rupture of cerebral aneurysm. First, an experimental study was performed to characterize the biomechanical behavior of the aneurismal wall on 16 samples of aneurysms removed by neurosurgery. The experimentation on the samples allowed us to reach three main categories of tissues for each sex (female and male): soft, intermediate and stiff. All the unruptured aneurysms belong to the stiff category or the intermediate category and all the ruptured aneurysms belong to the soft category. This is allowed us to give prominence to the correlation between the risk of rupture and the properties of the material of the aneurismal wall. Then, Fluid/Structure interaction computations (FSI) were performed to compare the strain of a “patient-specific” aneurysm composed of a degraded and undegraded material. The results show that the properties of the material have a major impact on the scope of the aneurismal volume variation over the cardiac cycle. The volume variation changes depending on the properties of the tissue are potentially viewable by medical imaging. A study of the uncertainties of the parameters is also proposed and shows the robustness of the results. We also demonstrated on 12 cases of “patient-specific” aneurysms that a significant difference stiff exists in terms of volume variation over the cardiac cycle between an aneurysm composed of a stiff and a soft material. This study suggests that the aneurismal volume variation could be used as a basis for an evaluation of the individual risk of rupture of cerebral aneurysms.


STEFANE RODRIGUES XAVIER LOPES 21 January 2004 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento estático não-linear e possíveis instabilidades de membranas e cascas hiperelásticas. Uma análise experimental detalhada de membranas e cascas com diferentes geometrias e submetidas à tração axial e pressão interna uniforme é realizada. Um aparato foi desenvolvido para possibilitar a tração da estrutura enquanto a mesma era preenchida por ar. As cascas e membranas utilizadas na análise experimental são compostas por elastômero isotrópico, homogêneo e hiperelástico, o qual é modelado como um material Neo- Hookeano incompressível, descrito por uma única constante elástica, ou por material do tipo Mooney-Rivlin ou Ogden, descritos por duas constantes elásticas. Estas constantes são obtidas pela comparação de resultados experimentais e numéricos para a estrutura sob tração axial uniforme. A estrutura foi discretizada utilizando-se elementos finitos de casca ou membrana mais apropriados e as equações de equilíbrio não-lineares resultantes resolvidas usando-se o programa de elementos finitos ABAQUS. Quando a estrutura tracionada é preenchida com ar observa-se que a pressão inicialmente cresce juntamente com o volume interno até um certo valor crítico. Após atingir este valor crítico um bulbo de deformação é formado subitamente num local ao longo do comprimento da estrutura e a pressão interna decresce subitamente, entretanto o volume interno da estrutura continua a crescer. Os resultados experimentais aproximam-se de maneira satisfatória aos resultados numéricos. Uma análise paramétrica detalhada é desenvolvida para estudar a influencia da tração inicial bem como dos parâmetros geométricos no comportamento não-linear e na capacidade de carga da estrutura. A influencia de diferentes tipos de imperfeições locais também é detalhadamente analisada. / [en] This thesis investigates the large deformations of hyperelastic membranes and shells. The static nonlinear behavior and possible instabilities of the membrane are both analyzed. A detailed experimental analysis was carried out involving cylindrical membranes and shells with different geometries and initial axial forces and the influence of the axial force and the internal pressure were investigated. An apparatus was developed to support vertically the extended structure while it is filled with air. The membranes and shells used in the experiments are composed of an isotropic, homogeneous and hyperelastic rubber, which is modeled as a Neo-Hookean incompressible material, described by a single elastic constant, or a Mooney-Rivlin or Ogden material, described by two elastic constants. Theses constants were obtained by comparing the experimental and numerical solutions for the structure under traction. The structure was discretized using appropriate membrane or shell finite elements and the resulting nonlinear equilibrium equations solved using the FE software ABAQUS. When the extended structure was filled with air, it was observed that the pressure increased initially as the volume increased until a certain critical value was reached, after which a bubble was suddenly formed along the structure and the internal pressure decreased markedly with increasing volume. The experimental results are, as shown in the thesis, in satisfactory agreement with the theory. A detailed parametric analysis was also carried out to study the influence of the initial traction and geometric parameters on the non-linear behavior and load carrying capacity of the structure. The influence of different types of local imperfections was also studied in detail.

Modélisation et simulation de l’interaction fluide-structure élastique : application à l’atténuation des vagues / Modelisation and simulation of fluid-structure interaction : application to the wave damping phenomena

Deborde, Julien 12 June 2017 (has links)
Une méthode complètement Eulérienne reposant sur un modèle 1-fluide est présentée afinde résoudre les problèmes d’interaction fluide-structure élastique. L’interface entre le fluideet la structure élastique est représentée par une fonction level-set, transportée par le champde vitesse du fluide et résolue par un schéma d’ordre élevé WENO 5. Les déformationsélastiques sont calculées sur la grille eulérienne à l’aide des caractéristiques rétrogrades.Nous utilisons différents modèles d’hyperélasticité, afin de générer puis d’intégrer les forcesélastiques comme terme source des équations de Navier Stokes. Le couplage vitesse/pressionest résolu par une méthode de correction de pression et les équations sont discrétisées parla méthode des volumes finis sur la grille eulérienne. La principale difficulté réside dansles grands déplacements de fluide autour du solide, source d’instabilités numériques. Afind’éviter ces problèmes, nous effectuons périodiquement une redistanciation de la level-setet une extrapolation linéaire des caractéristiques rétrogrades. Dans un premier temps,nous effectuons la vérification et la validation de notre approche à l’aide de plusieurs castests comme celui proposé par Turek. Ensuite, nous appliquons notre méthode à l’étudedu phénomène d’atténuation des vagues par des structures élastiques. Il s’agit d’une desvoies possibles pour réduire l’impact des fortes houles sur notre littoral. De plus dans lalittérature et à notre connaissance, seules des structures élastiques rigides ou élastiquesmais monodimensionnelles ont été utilisées pour réaliser ces études. Nous proposons deplacer des structures élastiques sur les fonds marins et analysons leur capacité d’absorptionde l’énergie produite par les vagues. / A fully Eulerian method is developed to solve the problem of fluid-elastic structure interactionsbased on a 1-fluid method. The interface between the fluid and the elastic structureis captured by a level set function, advected by the fluid velocity and solved with a WENO5 scheme. The elastic deformations are computed in an Eulerian framework thanks to thebackward characteristics. We use the Neo Hookean or Mooney Rivlin hyperelastic modelsand the elastic forces are incorporated as a source term in the incompressible Navier-Stokesequations. The velocity/pressure coupling is solved with a pressure-correction methodand the equations are discretized by finite volume schemes on a Cartesian grid. The maindifficulty resides in that large deformations in the fluid cause numerical instabilities. Inorder to avoid these problems, we use a re-initialization process for the level set and linearextrapolation of the backward characteristics. First, we verify and validate our approachon several test cases, including the benchmark of FSI proposed by Turek. Next, we applythis method to study the wave damping phenomenon which is a mean to reduce thewaves impact on the coastline. So far, to our knowledge, only simulations with rigid orone dimensional elastic structure has been studied in the literature. We propose to placeelastic structures on the seabed and we analyse their capacity to absorb the wave energy

Análise dinâmica não-linear de uma membrana hiperelástica esférica / Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a hyperelastic spherical membrane

Amaral, Pedro Felipe Tavares do 05 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-05-03T11:57:05Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Pedro Felipe Tavares do Amaral - 2018.pdf: 5863877 bytes, checksum: 084454dc18411f245114eb910cfa2474 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-05-03T13:20:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Pedro Felipe Tavares do Amaral - 2018.pdf: 5863877 bytes, checksum: 084454dc18411f245114eb910cfa2474 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-03T13:20:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Pedro Felipe Tavares do Amaral - 2018.pdf: 5863877 bytes, checksum: 084454dc18411f245114eb910cfa2474 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In the present work, studies about the nonlinear static and dynamic behavior of a spherical membrane are presented. This membrane is composed by a hyperelastic, incompressible homogeneous and isotropic material, which is defined by either of the two distinct constitutive models: Mooney-Rivlin or the Neo-Hookean model. The equilibrium equations are obtained from the large-strain theory, by utilizing a variational formulation and by subjecting the membrane to an uniformly distributed internal radial pressure differential. From the nonlinear static analysis, internal membrane tensions and strains are obtained. From the dynamic analysis, the frequency-amplitude relation, the linear stability analysis, the time response, bifurcation diagrams, resonance curves and basins of attraction are obtained. As a first step, there is an analysis on a membrane composed by the same experimental material, which is described by the two different constitutive models presented in this work. It is observed that the dynamic responses are considerably distinct, due to the difference between the geometrical nonlinearities that each constitutive model insert on the equilibrium equation. The Neo-Hookean model has a lower pre-stretching limit, and its attraction basins are more eroded and irregular than the Mooney-Rivlin, that is still stable on regions of larger vibration amplitudes. Then, the influence of the Mooney-Rivlin parameter (α) is evaluated, and it is found that this parameter is the main source of the differences between the constitutive models, modifying the stability, nonlinear vibrations and also influencing on the loss or gain of the global rigidity of the membrane. / Neste trabalho são apresentados estudos dos comportamentos não lineares, estático e dinâmico, de uma membrana de geometria esférica composta por um material hiperelástico, incompressível, homogêneo e isotrópico definido por um entre esses dois modelos constitutivos: Mooney-Rivlin ou Neo-Hookeano. As equações de equilíbrio são obtidas a partir da teoria de grandes deformações, utilizando uma formulação variacional e considerando a membrana esférica submetida a uma pressão interna na direção radial uniformemente distribuída. A partir da análise não linear estática, encontram-se as tensões e as extensões radiais da membrana e da análise dinâmica obtêm-se as relações frequência-amplitude, a análise não linear da estabilidade, as respostas no tempo, os diagramas de bifurcação, as curvas de ressonância e as bacias de atração da membrana. Primeiramente, analisa-se a membrana composta por um mesmo material experimental e descrita pelos dois modelos hiperelásticos avaliados nesta dissertação. Observa-se que as respostas dinâmicas são consideravelmente distintas entre si devido à diferença entre as não linearidades geométricas que cada modelo constitutivo insere na equação de equilíbrio, sendo que o modelo Neo-Hookeano apresenta menor limite de pré-carregamento com bacias de atração mais erodidas e menos uniformes quando comparado ao modelo de Mooney-Rivlin, que ainda apresenta estabilidade em regiões de maior amplitude de vibração. Posteriormente, avalia-se a influência do parâmetro do material do tipo Mooney-Rivlin (α), que é a principal fonte das diferenças entre os modelos constitutivos, na estabilidade e nas vibrações não lineares da membrana esférica, observando-se que o parâmetro influência na perda ou no ganho de rigidez global do problema.

Geometric And Material Stability Criteria For Material Models In Hyperelasticity

Patil, Kunal D 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In the literature, there are various material models proposed so as to model the constitutive behavior of hyperelastic materials for example, St. Venant-Kirchho_ model, Mooney-Rivlin model etc. The stability of such material models under various states of deformation is of important concern, and generally stability analysis is conducted in homogeneous states of deformation. Within hyperelasticity, instabilities can be broadly classified as geometrical and material types. Geometrical instabilities such as buckling, symmetric bifurcation etc. are of physical origin, and lead to multiple solutions at critical stretch. Material instability is a aw in the material model and leads to unphysical solutions at the onset. It is required that the constitutive model should be materially stable i.e., should not give unphysical results, and be able to predict correctly the onset of geometrical instabilities. Certain constitutive restrictions proposed in the literature are inadequate to characterize such instabilities. In the work, we propose stability criteria which will characterize geometrical as well as material instabilities. A new elasticity tensor is defined, which is found to characterize material instability adequately. In order to investigate the validity of proposed stability criteria, three important constitutive models of hyperelasticity viz., St. Venant-Kirchho_, compressible Mooney-Rivlin and compressible Ogden models are investigated for stability.

Výpočtové modelování napjatosti ve výdutích mozkových tepen / Computational modelling of stresses in intracranial aneurysms

Turčanová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the prediction of brain aneurysm rupture based on its geometrical and material properties. In the first part of the thesis there is a~detailed research study of cardiovascular systems with a focus on the cerebral artery and aneurysm occurring on their bifurcates. The second part of the thesis is focused on the creation of two models of arterial cerebral bifurcation with the presence of aneurysm and on obtaining their geometry in unloaded state. Emphasis is placed on the most realistic constitutive model of the artery wall material based on real data from uniaxial tensile tests and on a suitably chosen blood pressure load. This blood pressure may be step-changed, for example, in bungee jumping. In the work, a calculation of the increase in blood pressure during the step-change is performed, which is subsequently used in calculations of tension in the wall of the cerebral aneurysm. In conclusion, the risk of rupture is evaluated in two model idealized brain aneurysms and a discussion of the credibility of the results is given.

Výpočtové modelování deformačně-napěťových stavů pneumatik / Computational modelling of stress-strain states in tyres

Lavický, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
Work occupies computational modelling mechanical behavior elastomers and composits with rubber matrix and their utilization for compute model of tire creation. MATADOR tire 165/65 R13 Axisymetric 2D model was created in two geometric variants. For the computational modeling is applying the Finite element method (FEM). The model was in different variants distinctive grade of modeling material. At first was done inner pressure analyst impact on deformation of each of model. Then was count influence on tire load with angular velocity meanwhile with inner pressure. The impact thickness of tire protector layer on global deformation tyre casing was verified too.

Deformačně napěťová analýza aortálních výdutí / Stress-strain analysis of aortic aneurysms

Man, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on stress-strain analysis abdominal aortic aneurysm using ANSYS software. The model of abdominal aortic aneurysm are based on CT scans of five specific patients. The branching arteries are included to the model and one goal of this thesis is decision about their influence of the wall stress. In this thesis was used a hyperelastic materiál model, which is based on mechanical tests done on human arterial samples.

Analýza zbytkových napětí ve stěně tepny / Analysis of residual stresses in arterial wall

Novák, Kamil January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with computational modeling of the influence of residual stresses in idealized geometry of blood vessels and subsequent application of acquired knowledge to abdominal aortic aneurysm. In the terms of quality of the computational model, we reduced the uncertainties that are included in the computational model without considering the influence of residual stresses. The basic assumption of homogenization significant peaks of the stress between inner and outer vessel wall was met for each level of the computational model Methods that have been used are: deformation method (opening angle method), inverse mechanics of large deformations, fictitious temperature – for linear elastic material and hyperelastic material defined by the constitutive model. Numerical verification was carried out using program ANSYS.

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