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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kotona asuvien ikääntyvien itsestä huolenpito

Backman, K. (Kaisa) 13 February 2001 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study was to describe and understand the self-care of home-dwelling elderly and to produce a model of the phenomenon. In the first phase of the study, a preliminary model for the self-care of home-dwelling elderly was developed inductively. The data were collected by interviewing 40 home-dwelling elderly persons aged 75 or more and analysed using the constant comparative method of the grounded theory approach. In the second phase, the aim was to gain information of individual self-care. The original data were analysed at an individual level using deductive data analysis. The classification frame consisted of the model developed in the first phase. In the third phase, the connections between the functional ability (ADL, IADL), life satisfaction, self-esteem and self-care behaviour styles of home-dwelling elderly persons were studied. In this phase, the deductive content analysis made in the second phase was utilised while elaborating the self-care behaviour styles. The relationships between the variables were analysed by using cross-tabulation. In the fourth phase of the study, the point of interest was to describe and understand the self-care of elderly persons from a life-history point of view. New data were collected. They consisted of the oral biographies of five elderly persons aged 75 years or more. The data were analysed by using the method of inductive content analysis. In the first phase of the study, four types of self-care were constructed. Each type consists of a specific combination self-care behaviour styles, life experiences and orientations towards the future. In the next phase, six new self-care types emerged, the self-care styles being the same as in the original types, but the past experiences and/or orientations towards the future differing from the original. Functional ability, life satisfaction and self-esteem vary between persons whose self-care behaviour styles are different. The best functional ability is connected to an individual self-care behaviour style and the worst to an abandoned style. Those with an abandoned self-care behaviour style have the lowest life satisfaction and self-esteem. The highest life satisfaction is connected with formally guided self-care and the highest self-esteem with responsible behaviour. The life history study showed that individual factors, such as the turning points of life, the habitual ways to react, the resources, the meanings of self-care and the experiences of getting old orient self-care into either an internal or an external direction. This study produces new knowledge of the self-care of home-dwelling elderly, the factors associated with it and the development of self-care. The results of the study can be used to plan and implement the care of home-dwelling elderly as well as to teach geriatric care. In the course of the study, many different approaches and methods have been used and partly developed for the study. These methodological solutions can also be applied in other kinds of nursing research.

Ikääntyvä muistisairas potilas kirurgisella vuodeosastolla

Hynninen, N. (Nina) 05 December 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the care of older people with dementia in surgical wards from the viewpoints of the patients and their close relatives, nursing staff and physicians. The study was conducted in two stages. The first stage of the study was conducted with a qualitative approach, collecting the data from older people with dementia (n=7), their close relatives (n=5), nursing staff (n=19) and physicians (n=9) using individual and group interviews. The data were analysed using inductive content analysis. The approach in the second stage was quantitative: data were collected with a questionnaire from the nursing staff (n=191). The data were analysed using descriptive statistics as well as explorative factor analysis. The nursing staff stated that responding to the physical, psychological and social needs of patients with dementia requires more effort and time than usual. The nursing staff pointed out that they did not have all the required know-how to provide good care for older people with dementia. The nursing staff with longer work experience indicated doing nothing more often than other nursing staff when encountering challenge behaviour of a patient with dementia. Concerns about well-being of a patient and feeling shame about patient’s behavioural symptoms were causing exhaustion among close relatives. Relatives expected some time for personal dialogue and support from the nursing staff. The patients experienced that they did not get enough information about their own care. The study provides new information that can be used to develop the care of older people with dementia in hospital environment. The results can be utilized in basic, further and updating education in the field of health care. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää ikääntyvän muistisairaan potilaan hoitotyötä kirurgisella vuodeosastolla muistisairaiden potilaiden, omaisten, hoitohenkilökunnan ja lääkäreiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäisen vaiheen lähestymistapa oli kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen, ja aineisto kerättiin kirurgisilla vuodeosastoilla olevilta muistisairailta potilailta (n=7), omaisilta (n=5), hoitohenkilökunnalta (n=19) ja lääkäreiltä (n=9) yksilö-, pari- ja ryhmähaastatteluina. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällön analyysilla. Tutkimuksen toisen vaiheen lähestymistapa oli kvantitatiivinen eli määrällinen, ja aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella kirurgisilla vuodeosastoilla työskentelevältä hoitohenkilökunnalta (n=191). Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen kuvailevan tilastotieteen menetelmiä sekä eksploratiivista faktorianalyysia. Ikääntyvän muistisairaan potilaan hoitotyössä korostui fyysiseen, psyykkiseen ja sosiaaliseen avuntarpeeseen vastaaminen, joka vaati keskimääräistä enemmän aika- ja henkilöstöresursseja. Hoitohenkilökunta toi esille, ettei heillä ollut tarvittavaa tieto-taitoa muistisairaiden potilaiden hoitamiseen. Hoitajat, joilla oli pitkä työkokemus reagoivat muistisairaan potilaan käytösoireisiin muita hoitajia välinpitämättömämmin. Huoli potilaan voinnista ja häpeän tunne potilaan käytösoireista aiheuttivat puolestaan omaisen uupumista. Omaiset kaipasivatkin henkilökunnalta keskusteluapua ja tukea. Potilaat taas kokivat, etteivät he saaneet tarpeeksi tietoa hoitoaan koskevista asioita. Tutkimuksella tuotetaan uutta tietoa, jonka avulla voidaan kehittää ikääntyvän muistisairaan potilaan hoitotyötä sairaalaympäristössä. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää terveydenhuoltoalan perus-, jatko- ja täydennyskoulutuksessa.

Oral health among Finns aged 60 years and older:edentulousness, fixed prostheses, dental infections detected from radiographs and their associating factors

Haikola, B. (Britta) 25 November 2014 (has links)
Abstract Oral health among older people is shown to be worse compared to younger people. The aim of this study was to evaluate oral health and associating factors among ageing Finns. A cross-sectional, descriptive epidemiologic survey was performed in Kirkkonummi in southern Finland and in the Lakeus District in northern Finland. Altogether 1,191 subjects aged 60 to 78 years, 625 from Kirkkonummi and 566 from Lakeus, were examined and interviewed. Edentulousness and poor occlusal stability were recorded clinically. Gonial angle, ramus height, condylar height and the amount of residual ridge resorption in the mandible and the presence of fixed prostheses were evaluated from panoramic radiographs. Based on the radiographs the scoring of infection foci was performed with an infection focus index. The signs of infection recorded were deep caries, periapical lesions, furcal lesions, vertical bone pockets and horizontal bone loss. The prevalence of edentulousness was 37%, being significantly higher among women than among men and significantly higher in the northern compared to the southern region. Edentulousness was more prevalent among subjects with primary school education than among those with higher education. The mean of the gonial angle was smaller among dentate subjects than among edentulous ones. Dentate subjects had significantly greater ramus height and condylar height than edentulous subjects. Women had significantly more often than men severe residual ridge resorption in the mandible. Poor satisfaction with dentures associated significantly with poor occlusal stability in both genders. More than three quarters of the subjects had severe risk of infection, more in the southern than in the northern region. In the dentate sample women showed higher prevalence of fixed prostheses than men. In the Kirkkonummi region both men and women had more fixed prostheses than subjects in the Lakeus region. Edentulousness was very frequent among ageing Finns. Mandibular bone morphology changed as a consequence of tooth loss. The prevalence of fixed prostheses was low and the prevalence of signs of infection of dental origin was high. The geographical differences in oral health should be considered by health authorities in order to promote good oral health in rural areas, especially focusing on older people with low socio-economical status and poor health. / Tiivistelmä Vanhusväestön suun terveydentila on useassa tutkimuksessa todettu huonommaksi kuin nuoremmilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää suomalaisen ikääntyvän väestön suun terveydentilaa ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä. Epidemiologinen poikkileikkaustutkimus tehtiin Kirkkonummella Etelä-Suomessa ja Lakeuden terveyskeskuksen alueella Pohjois-Suomessa. Tutkimukseen ja haastatteluun osallistui yhteensä 1191 iältään 60–78-vuotiasta henkilöä, 625 Kirkkonummelta ja 566 Lakeudelta. Kliinisessä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin hampaattomuus ja proteesien purentatasapaino. Alaleuan leukakulma, nousevan haaran ja nivellisäkkeen korkeus, hammasharjanteen korkeus ja kiinteiden proteesien esiintyminen arvioitiin panoraamaröntgenkuvista. Tulehdusriskiä kuvaava indeksi arvioitiin röntgenkuvien tulehdusmuutoksista, joina rekisteröitiin syvä karies, hampaan juurenpään tulehdus, tulehdus takahampaiden juurten haarautumassa, syventyneet luutaskut ja kiinnityskudoskato usean hampaan alueella. Hampaattomuuden vallitsevuus oli 37 %. Se oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi korkeampi naisilla kuin miehillä ja pohjoisella alueella merkitsevästi korkeampi kuin eteläisellä. Hampaattomuus oli yleisempää vähiten koulutusta saaneilla kuin korkeamman koulutuksen saaneilla. Hampaallisilla oli pienempi alaleuan leukakulma kuin hampaattomilla, ja heillä oli myös korkeampi nouseva haara ja nivellisäke kuin hampaattomilla. Naisilla oli merkitsevästi useammin vakavaa hammasharjanteen madaltumista kuin miehillä. Molemmilla sukupuolilla tyytymättömyys proteeseihin liittyi merkitsevästi huonoon purentatasapainoon. Yli kolmella neljäsosalla tutkituista oli vakava tulehdusriski, eteläisellä alueella enemmän kuin pohjoisella. Hampaallisessa aineistossa naisilla oli enemmän kiinteitä proteeseja kuin miehillä. Kirkkonummen alueella tutkituilla oli enemmän kiinteitä proteeseja kuin Lakeuden alueella. Hampaattomuus oli hyvin yleistä 60–78-vuotiailla suomalaisilla. Alaleuanluun muoto muuttui hampaiden menetyksen seurauksena. Kiinteiden proteesien määrä oli vähäinen ja ikääntyvillä suomalaisilla oli röntgenkuvissa runsaasti hammasperäisten tulehdusten löydöksiä. Suun terveyden alueelliset erot tulisi ottaa huomioon suu- ja hammasterveyden edistämistyössä, jossa erityisesti tulisi huomioida alhaisen sosioekonomisen aseman ja huonon terveyden omaava vanhempi väestö.

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