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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterisation and application of photon counting X-ray detector systems

Norlin, Börje January 2007 (has links)
This thesis concerns the development and characterisation of X-ray imaging systems based on single photon processing. “Colour” X-ray imaging opens up new perspectives within the fields of medical X-ray diagnosis and also in industrial X-ray quality control. The difference in absorption for different “colours” can be used to discern materials in the object. For instance, this information might be used to identify diseases such as brittle-bone disease. The “colour” of the X-rays can be identified if the detector system can process each X-ray photon individually. Such a detector system is called a “single photon processing” system or, less precise, a “photon counting system”. With modern technology it is possible to construct photon counting detector systems that can resolve details to a level of approximately 50 µm. However with such small pixels a problem will occur. In a semiconductor detector each absorbed X-ray photon creates a cloud of charge which contributes to the image. For high photon energies the size of the charge cloud is comparable to 50 µm and might be distributed between several pixels in the image. Charge sharing is a key problem since, not only is the resolution degenerated, but it also destroys the “colour” information in the image. This thesis presents characterisation and simulations to provide a detailed understanding of the physical processes concerning charge sharing in detectors from the MEDIPIX collaboration. Charge summing schemes utilising pixel to pixel communications are proposed. Charge sharing can also be suppressed by introducing 3D-detector structures. In the next generation of the MEDIPIX system, Medipix3, charge summing will be implemented. This system, equipped with a 3D-silicon detector, or a thin planar high-Z detector of good quality, has the potential to become a commercial product for medical imaging. This would be beneficial to the public health within the entire European Union. / Denna avhandling berör utveckling och karaktärisering av fotonräknande röntgensystem. ”Färgröntgen” öppnar nya perspektiv för medicinsk röntgendiagnostik och även för materialröntgen inom industrin. Skillnaden i absorption av olika ”färger” kan användas för att särskilja olika material i ett objekt. Färginformationen kan till exempel användas i sjukvården för att identifiera benskörhet. Färgen på röntgenfotonen kan identifieras om detektorsystemet kan detektera varje foton individuellt. Sådana detektorsystem kallas ”fotonräknande” system. Med modern teknik är det möjligt att konstruera fotonräknande detektorsystem som kan urskilja detaljer ner till en upplösning på circa 50 µm. Med så små pixlar kommer ett problem att uppstå. I en halvledardetektor ger varje absorberad foton upphov till ett laddningsmoln som bidrar till den erhållna bilden. För höga fotonenergier är storleken på laddningsmolnet jämförbar med 50 µm och molnet kan därför fördelas över flera pixlar i bilden. Laddningsdelning är ett centralt problem delvis på grund av att bildens upplösning försämras, men framför allt för att färginformationen i bilden förstörs. Denna avhandling presenterar karaktärisering och simulering för att ge en mer detaljerad förståelse för fysikaliska processer som bidrar till laddningsdelning i detektorer från MEDIPIX-projekter. Designstrategier för summering av laddning genom kommunikation från pixel till pixel föreslås. Laddningsdelning kan också begränsas genom att introducera detektorkonstruktioner i 3D-struktur. I nästa generation av MEDIPIX-systemet, Medipix3, kommer summering av laddning att vara implementerat. Detta system, utrustat med en 3D-detektor i kisel, eller en tunn plan detektor av högabsorberande material med god kvalitet, har potentialen att kunna kommersialiseras för medicinska röntgensystem. Detta skulle bidra till bättre folkhälsa inom hela Europeiska Unionen.

Μέθοδος ανάλυσης απεικονιστικών παραμέτρων τομογραφικών συστημάτων πυρηνικής ιατρικής (SPECT, PET) με τη χρήση της συνάρτησης διασποράς γραμμής (LSF) / A method for the accessment of the imaging properties of tomographic nuclear medicine systems (SPECT, PET) by using the line spread function (LSF)

Σαμαρτζής, Αλέξανδρος 02 March 2015 (has links)
The aim of our work was to provide a robust method for evaluating imaging performance of positron emission tomography (PET) systems and particularly to estimate the modulation transfer function (MTF) using the line spread function (LSF) method. A novel plane source was prepared using thin layer chromatography (TLC) of a fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) solution. The source was placed within a phantom, and imaged using the whole body (WB) two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) standard imaging protocols in a hybrid PET/CT scanner. Modulation transfer function was evaluated by determining the LSF, for various reconstruction methods and filters. The proposed MTF measurement method was validated against the conventional method, based on point spread function (PSF). Higher MTF values were obtained with 3D scanning protocol and 3D iterative reconstruction algorithm. All MTF obtained using 3D reconstruction algorithms showed better preservation of higher frequencies than the 2D algorithms. They also exhibited better contrast and resolution. MTF derived from LSF were more precise compared with those obtained from PSF since their reproducibility was better in all cases, providing a mean standard deviation of 0.0043, in contrary to the PSF method which gave 0.0405. By using our novel plane source we developed a method for measuring the image registration shift between the CT and the PET images in fusion. The method gave results that are comparable to the manufacturers’ method for image registration and has the advance that is applicable to all scanner models. Through the MTF it is also feasible to compare commercially available scanners in terms of image quality. In conclusion, the proposed method is novel and easy to implement for characterization of the signal transfer properties and image quality of PET/CT systems. It provides an easy way to evaluate the frequency response of each kernel available. The proposed method requires cheap and easily accessible materials, available to the medical physicist in the nuclear medicine department. Furthermore, it is robust to aliasing and since this method is based on the LSF, is more resilient to noise due to greater data averaging than conventional PSF-integration techniques. In this study was used to assess the image quality. But it can also be used as a method of quality control and stability of system performance over time. / Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν να εισαγάγει μια νέα μέθοδο για την αξιολόγηση των χαρακτηριστικών της ποιότητας εικόνας στην τομογραφία εκπομπής ποζιτρονίων (PET). Ειδικότερα, έγινε εκτίμηση της συνάρτησης διαμόρφωσης μεταφοράς (MTF) σε PET εικόνες με χρήση της συνάρτησης διασποράς γραμμής (LSF). Κατασκευάστηκε μία πρότυπη επίπεδη πηγή, Λεπτού Χρωματογραφικού Χάρτη (TLC), υψηλής ομοιογένειας. Οι καμπύλες της MTF υπολογίστηκαν από την ανακατασκευή των εγκάρσιων τομών της επίπεδης πηγής. Η ανακατασκευή έγινε για όλους τους διαθέσιμους αλγόριθμους ανακατασκευής και φίλτρα καθώς και για τους δύο τρόπους σάρωσης (2D και 3D). Τα αποτελέσματα συγκρίθηκαν με την MTF που προκύπτει μέσω της συνάρτησης διασποράς σημείου (PSF). Με την χρήση της επίπεδης πηγής αναπτύχθηκε μέθοδος με την οποία μπορεί να ελεγχθεί η σύμπτωση της εικόνας του CT και της εικόνας του PET κατά την σύντηξη. Η μέθοδος συγκρίθηκε με τον τρόπο ελέγχου που καθορίζει ο κατασκευαστής του συστήματος. Επιπλέον, πραγματοποιήθηκε σύγκριση μεταξύ δύο εμπορικών συστημάτων από διαφορετικούς κατασκευαστές. Η σύγκριση πραγματοποιήθηκε για τα διαθέσιμα πρωτόκολλα σάρωσης και τους προτεινόμενους αλγόριθμους ανακατασκευής κάθε συστήματος. Η σάρωση του αντικειμένου σε 3D και η χρήση τρισδιάστατων αλγορίθμων ανασύστασης είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την δημιουργία εικόνων με υψηλότερες τιμές MTF. Όλες οι καμπύλες MTF που προέκυψαν από τρισδιάστατους αλγόριθμούς ανασύστασης έδειξαν καλύτερη απόκριση στις υψηλότερες συχνότητες από τους δισδιάστατους αλγόριθμους. Οι εικόνες που προέρχονται από τρισδιάστατους αλγόριθμους έχουν καλύτερη αντίθεση (contrast) και διακριτική ικανότητα (resolution). Οι καμπύλες MTF που προέρχονται από την LSF έχουν καλύτερη ακρίβεια σε σχέση με τις καμπύλες MTF που προέρχονται από την PSF και η επαναληψιμότητα τους ήταν καλύτερη σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις. Η μέση τιμή της τυπικής απόκλισης των καμπυλών MTF που προέρχονται από την LSF βρέθηκε ίση με 0,0043, ενώ η μέση τιμή της τυπικής απόκλισης των καμπυλών MTF που προέρχονται από την χρήση της PSF ήταν 0,0405. Με την προτεινόμενη μέθοδο αξιολόγησης είναι δυνατόν να συγκριθούν δύο ή περισσότερα εμπορικά διαθέσιμα συστήματα ως προς τα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά της εικόνας τους. Τέλος, η μέτρηση της απόκλιση της εικόνας του CT και του PET στην εικόνα σύντηξης με την μέθοδο που αναπτύχθηκε ήταν συγκρίσιμη με την τιμή που μετρήθηκε εφαρμόζοντας την μέθοδο του κατασκευαστή. Συμπερασματικά, η παρούσα εργασία έδειξε ότι η χρήση της MTF, που προέρχεται από την LSF, μπορεί να χαρακτηρίσει πλήρως την ποιότητα εικόνας PET. Με τη προτεινόμενη μέθοδο αξιολόγησης της ποιότητας εικόνας, η διερεύνηση των διαφόρων στοιχείων της αλυσίδας απεικόνισης μπορεί να γίνει πιο απλή και να βελτιωθεί περαιτέρω και η συνολική απόδοση συστημάτων PET. Η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος αξιολόγησης απαιτεί υλικά που είναι συνηθισμένα στο κλινικό περιβάλλον, μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί πειραματικά και να χρησιμοποιηθεί στην κλινική πράξη. Επιπλέον, επειδή η μέθοδος βασίζεται στην LSF, είναι πιο ανθεκτική στο θόρυβο από τις συμβατικές τεχνικές που κάνουν χρήση της συνάρτησης διασποράς σημείου. Σε αυτή τη μελέτη χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την εκτίμηση της ποιότητας εικόνας. Μπορεί όμως να χρησιμοποιηθεί και ως μέθοδος ελέγχου ποιότητας και σταθερότητας της απόδοσης του συστήματος στον χρόνο.

Elaboração de um guia de referência com imagens radiográficas para aplicação em exames extraorais odontológicos / Elaboration of a reference guide with radiograpich images for application in dental extraoral exams

Mickus, Joice 27 October 2017 (has links)
Os exames radiológicos são importantes recursos no auxílio da elaboração um diagnóstico odontológico preciso. Contudo, só devem ser realizados quando houver uma real indicação clínica, visto que os efeitos das radiações ionizantes no organismo humano são cumulativos. Falhas na execução de procedimentos radiológicos resultam em imagens com qualidade diagnóstica duvidosa, sendo necessária, muitas vezes, a repetição de exames. Desta forma, métodos para minimizar a rejeição imagens radiológicas devem ser observados. A fim de colaborar para a diminuição dos erros de posicionamentos e consequente rejeição de exames de imagem na área da odontologia, este estudo teve por objetivo a criação de um guia de referência para aplicação em exames extraorais odontológicos. Para a elaboração e estruturação deste guia, foi realizado um estudo com o intuito de identificar os motivos de rejeição de radiografias panorâmicas em um serviço de radiologia odontológica digital. O estudo foi retrospectivo e por meio de uma busca no software de aquisição de imagens, foram selecionadas 2306 radiografias panorâmicas digitais, correspondentes a 10% do total de exames realizados entre os anos de 2013 a 2015. A partir da amostra, foram identificados os exames rejeitados e as causas da rejeição. Ainda para colaborar com o desenvolvimento do guia de referência, foi aplicado um questionário aos profissionais técnicos/tecnólogos atuantes no setor de radiologia onde a pesquisa foi realizada. O questionário contou com nove perguntas relacionadas à rotina de trabalho do setor. Com os resultados obtidos na pesquisa foi possível a elaboração do guia de referência com imagens radiográficas para aplicação em exames odontológicos. / The radiological exams are important resources in aid of drafting a dental diagnosis. However, should only be performed when there is a real clinical indication, since the effects of ionizing radiation on the human body are cumulative. Flaws in the implementation of radiological procedures result in doubtful quality diagnostic images, being necessary, many times, the repetition of exams. In this way, methods to minimize radiological images rejection must be observed. In order to contribute to the reduction of errors of positioning and consequent rejection of imaging examinations in the area of dentistry, this study had as its objective the creation of a reference guide for application in dental extraoral examinations. For the preparation and structuring of this guide, a study was conducted with the aim of identifying the reasons for the rejection of panoramic radiographs in a digital dental radiology service. The study was retrospective and by means of a search in the software of image acquisition, were selected 2306 digital panoramic radiographs, corresponding to 10% of the total number of examinations performed between the years of 2013 and 2015. From the sample, were identified the rejected exams and the causes of rejection. To collaborate with the development of the reference guide, a questionnaire was applied at technical professionals working in the radiology sector where the research was conducted. The questionnaire was attended by nine questions related to routine work in the sector. With the results obtained in the study it was possible to do the preparation of the guide of reference with radiographic images for application in dental examinations.

Avaliação da dose em pacientes pediátricos submetidos a exame de tomografia computadorizada

Porto, Lorena Elaine 11 December 2014 (has links)
CAPES / A dosimetria em tomografia computadorizada (TC) envolve desde a determinação de grandezas dosimétricas específicas de TC até a estimativa de dose absorvida e dose efetiva. Entretanto, deve-se considerar que por envolver radiação ionizante no seu processo, este procedimento apresenta riscos inerentes e sua utilização deve ponderar o custo e o benefício propiciado pelo procedimento. A proteção de pacientes submetidos a exames radiológicos, de uma maneira geral, é determinada pelos princípios da “justificação” e “otimização”. Desta forma, torna-se importante o conhecimento dos níveis de radiação nas exposições durante um procedimento tomográfico. Estes níveis foram observados através da estimativa das grandezas específicas para tomografia computadorizada, tais como o Índice de kerma no ar (C100,ar), o Índice de kerma ponderada (Cw) e o produto kerma comprimento (PKL,CT), e em estimados os níveis de dose efetiva e risco para o estudo tomográfico computadorizado de crânio, tórax e abdômen realizado com múltipla varredura. Os valores obtidos foram comparados com os obtidos por simulação computacional por Monte Carlo. Eles foram utilizados, neste estudo, no cálculo da Dose Efetiva e risco e para comparação com o nível de referência de dose estabelecido pela Comunidade Européia. Utilizando-se o programa de simulação computacional Dosecal X_CT e o protocolo ICRP 103, foram determinadas as grandezas de radioproteção relevantes para o estudo que são os valores de dose efetiva referente ao procedimento. O nível do Produto kerma comprimento (PKL,CT), utilizando-se o C100,ar previamente estabelecido, foi também obtido e comparado com o nível de referência de dose estabelecido pela comunidade europeia. Os valores encontrados até agora estão dentro dos limites dos Níveis de Referência. / The computed tomography (CT) dosimetry involves measurements of specific quantities of CT, which are part of CT quality control procedures, as well as calculation of absorbed and effective doses to a patient submitted to CT examinations. Since CT uses ionizing radiation, it should be considered that a precise balance between risks and benefits must be achieved in order to justify the adoption of such technique. Radiation protection of patients undergoing radiological exams is established based on the justification and optimization principles. Nowadays, it is important to know the dose radiation levels to which a patient is exposed during a tomographic procedure. Those are given by the estimation of specific dosimetric quantities called the computed tomography kerma index in air, C100,air, the weighted computed tomography kerma index Cw, kerma length product, PKL,CT and then the levels of effective dose and risk to the computerized CT scan study of skull, thorax and abdomen with a multiple scanning. The values obtained were compared with those obtained by computer simulation using Monte Carlo method. The protection quantities organ absorbed dose, effective dose and risk for comparison with the reference dose level established by the European Community. Using computational simulation program of the Dosecal X_CT and the ICRP 103 Protocol, were certain quantities of radiation protection relevant to study which are the values of effective dose for the procedure. The dose length product PKL,CT level was calculated from the C100,air and compared to the reference dose level established by the European Community. The values found so far are within the limits of the reference levels.

Caracterização elementar de filtros de alumínio de equipamentos de raios X odontológicos intrabucais

França, Alana Caroline 19 February 2014 (has links)
A busca pela qualidade radiográfica com a menor dose de radiação absorvida é uma constante na comunidade radiológica. Juntamente com o princípio ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable), os filtros de alumínio são peças fundamentais para barrar os fótons de baixa energia que não contribuem para a imagem e depositam dose de radiação para o paciente. De acordo com a Portaria n°453, a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária decretou que todos os equipamentos de raios X odontológicos intrabucais devem possuir a filtração adicional. Nesse sentido, os filtros são peças fundamentais para a proteção radiológica do paciente. Este estudo tem por objetivo caracterizar a composição elementar dos filtros de raios X de equipamentos de raios X odontológicos intrabucais. O estudo também relaciona a composição elementar com a qualidade das imagens radiográficas. A análise dos filtros foi realizada por meio do método de Espectroscopia de Fluorescência de raios X por Energia Dispersiva (EDXRF). Foram analisados, qualitativa e quantitativamente, dez filtros de alumínio. Para avaliar a qualidade das imagens, foram realizadas 30 radiografias periapicais dos dentes molares com 0,3 s de tempo de exposição (dez radiografias) e incisivos com 0,2 s e 0,3 s (vinte radiografias) com os diferentes filtros em um equipamento com os parâmetros de 66 kV e 6,5 mA. Os filtros e as radiografias foram identificadas, para que fosse possível distinguir a que filtro cada radiografia pertencia no momento das avaliações. Todas as radiografias foram feitas sob as mesmas condições. As radiografias foram submetidas à análise das densidades óticas por um densitômetro e posteriormente, enviadas a cirurgiões dentistas radiologistas que fizeram a análise subjetiva. Foram selecionadas três regiões para análise do densitômetro (diferenciadas entre dentes molares e incisivos) e uma região para análise subjetiva (diferentes regiões para dentes molares e incisivos). Os dados obtidos foram correlacionados com a avaliação dos efeitos da composição elementar dos filtros na qualidade das imagens radiográficas. Os elementos encontrados na análise dos filtros foram: Al, S, Cl, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn e Zr. Os filtros apresentaram maiores concentrações de alumínio, com mais de 96% sendo os outros elementos contaminantes ou elementos que foram adicionados para melhorar a estabilidade mecânica do filtro. As densidades óticas das radiografias seguiram um padrão nas regiões analisadas, exceto as regiões enegrecidas do filme. A análise subjetiva revelou que muitas das radiografias realizadas poderiam ser aceitas para diagnóstico. Porém, imagens consideradas com baixo contraste obtiveram o mesmo valor de densidade ótica. Os resultados mostraram que a composição elementar dos filtros não modificou a qualidade da imagem. Por conseguinte, os filtros convencionais pesquisados oferecem uma opção aceitável para a produção de imagens de qualidade em radiologia odontológica, apesar das diferenças na composição das ligas. / The quest for radiographic quality with the lowest dose of radiation absorbed is a constant in the radiology community. Along with the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable), the aluminum filters are essential parts to bar the low energy photons do not contribute to the image and cause radiation dose to the patient. According to standard Portaria No. 453, the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária decreed that all equipment intraoral dental X-rays must have an additional filtration. Acording this, the filters are essential parts to radiological protection of patients. This study aims to characterize the elemental composition of filters used in intraoral X-ray equipment. We also intend to relate them to the quality of the radiographic images. The analysis of the filters was made using the method Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). Ten aluminum filters were analyzed (qualitatively and quantitatively). To evaluate the quality of images, 30 periapical radiographs of molars to 0.3 s (ten radiographs) and the incisor teeth 0.2 and 0.3 s (twenty radiographs) were performed with different filters. All filters and all radiographs were identified, it was possible to distinguish which folder each radiograph belonged at the time of the evaluations. All radiographs were performed under the same conditions. Radiographs were subjected to analysis of optical density by a densitometer and later, two dentists radiologists realized a subjective analysis. Three regions for analysis of the densitometer (differentiated between molars and incisors) and a region for subjective analysis (for different regions molars and incisors) were selected. The data were correlated with the assessment of the effects of the elemental composition of all filters in the quality of radiographic images. From the results, the elements of the filters in the analysis were: Al, S, Cl, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and Zr. The filters had higher aluminum concentrations (over 96%), other elements were contaminants or components that are added to improve the mechanical stability of the filter. The optical densities of radiographs followed a pattern for the regions analyzed except blackened regions of the film. Subjective analysis revealed that many of the radiographs were accepted for diagnosis. But considered low-contrast images obtained the same value of optical density. Therefore, it is concluded that the elemental composition of filters do not change the image quality. Consequently, conventional filters were evaluated option to produce an acceptable image quality in dental radiology, despite differences in the composition of the alloys.

Qualidade da imagem, limiar de contraste e dose glandular média em mamografia digital CR

Jakubiak, Rosangela Requi 30 January 2013 (has links)
Em muitos países, os sistemas de radiologia computadorizada (CR) representam a maioria dos equipamentos usados em mamografia digital. Este estudo apresenta um método para a otimização da qualidade da imagem e da dose em mamografia digital CR para pacientes com mamas de espessuras entre 45 e 75. As espessuras das mamas foram simuladas com placas de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA). Técnicas de exposição otimizadas (tensão (kV), produto corrente-tempo (mAs) e combinação alvo/filtro) foram definidas como aquelas que fornecem uma razão contraste-ruído (CNR) ideal, denominada CNR alvo, que permite atingir o limiar de contraste das imagens do detalhe de diâmetro de 0,10 mm no simulador CDMAM (versão 3.4 Artinis Medical Systems, Netherlands) com um padrão de Dose Glandular Média (DGM) aceitável. Os resultados foram utilizados para os ajustes do Controle Automático de Exposição (CAE) pela equipe de manutenção. Um estudo retrospectivo de dois grupos de pacientes (Grupo 1-antes do ajuste do CAE e Grupo 2- após o ajuste do CAE) foi realizado. Os parâmetros de exposição foram reproduzidos nos simuladores para a determinação da CNR, da DGM e do limiar de contraste. As imagens clínicas destes pacientes foram analisadas por três radiologistas especialistas em mamografia que responderam questões sobre as estruturas anatômicas, ruído e contraste em áreas de valores de pixels altos ou baixos, sobre nitidez e contraste da imagem. Os resultados mostram que o método proposto foi efetivo para todas as espessuras de mama avaliadas. O ajuste do CAE proporcionou a concentração de valores da CNR no Grupo 2 mais próximas ao CNR alvo e que, mesmo como aumento do nível de ruído nas imagens clínicas, as análises do CDMAM mostraram que não houve prejuízo na identificação do objeto de 0,10 mm de diâmetro. Finalmente, este estudo conclui que o uso dos CAE das unidades de raios X baseados em fornecer uma dose constante ao detector pode ocasionar algumas dificuldades para alguns sistemas CR operarem nas condições ótimas. / In many countries, computed radiography (CR) systems represent the majority of equipments used in digital mammography. This study presents a method for optimizing image quality and dose in CR mammography of patients with breast thicknesses between 45 to 75mm. The breast thicknesses were simulated with polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA). Optimazed exposure parameters ((voltage (kV), mA and time product (mAs) and target/filter combination)) was defined as giving an ideal contrast to noise ratio (CNR), defined as target CNR, to reach the threshold contrast of CDMAM (version 3.4) phantom (Artinis Medical Systems, Netherlands) images for acceptable mean glandular dose (MGD). These results were used for adjustments in the automatic exposure control (AEC) by the maintenance team. A retrospective study of two groups of patients (Group 1-before AEC adjustment and Group 2- after AEC adjustment) were done. The exposure parameters were reproduced in the phantoms to determine of CNR, MGD and threshold contrast. The clinical images of these patients were analyzed by three experienced radiologists who answered questions about anatomical structures, noise and contrast in low and high pixel value areas and image sharpness and contrast. The results showed that the proposed method was effective for all breast thickness evaluated. The AEC adjustment showed a concentration of CNR in Group 2 nearer of target CNR, and that the increasing of noise in clinical images, the CDMAM analysis showed that this level of noise did not disturb the detail of 0,1 mm diameter. Finally, this study also concluded that the use AEC of X rays unit based on constant dose to the detector may bring some difficulties to CR systems operate in optimal conditions.

Qualidade da imagem, limiar de contraste e dose glandular média em mamografia digital CR

Jakubiak, Rosangela Requi 30 January 2013 (has links)
Em muitos países, os sistemas de radiologia computadorizada (CR) representam a maioria dos equipamentos usados em mamografia digital. Este estudo apresenta um método para a otimização da qualidade da imagem e da dose em mamografia digital CR para pacientes com mamas de espessuras entre 45 e 75. As espessuras das mamas foram simuladas com placas de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA). Técnicas de exposição otimizadas (tensão (kV), produto corrente-tempo (mAs) e combinação alvo/filtro) foram definidas como aquelas que fornecem uma razão contraste-ruído (CNR) ideal, denominada CNR alvo, que permite atingir o limiar de contraste das imagens do detalhe de diâmetro de 0,10 mm no simulador CDMAM (versão 3.4 Artinis Medical Systems, Netherlands) com um padrão de Dose Glandular Média (DGM) aceitável. Os resultados foram utilizados para os ajustes do Controle Automático de Exposição (CAE) pela equipe de manutenção. Um estudo retrospectivo de dois grupos de pacientes (Grupo 1-antes do ajuste do CAE e Grupo 2- após o ajuste do CAE) foi realizado. Os parâmetros de exposição foram reproduzidos nos simuladores para a determinação da CNR, da DGM e do limiar de contraste. As imagens clínicas destes pacientes foram analisadas por três radiologistas especialistas em mamografia que responderam questões sobre as estruturas anatômicas, ruído e contraste em áreas de valores de pixels altos ou baixos, sobre nitidez e contraste da imagem. Os resultados mostram que o método proposto foi efetivo para todas as espessuras de mama avaliadas. O ajuste do CAE proporcionou a concentração de valores da CNR no Grupo 2 mais próximas ao CNR alvo e que, mesmo como aumento do nível de ruído nas imagens clínicas, as análises do CDMAM mostraram que não houve prejuízo na identificação do objeto de 0,10 mm de diâmetro. Finalmente, este estudo conclui que o uso dos CAE das unidades de raios X baseados em fornecer uma dose constante ao detector pode ocasionar algumas dificuldades para alguns sistemas CR operarem nas condições ótimas. / In many countries, computed radiography (CR) systems represent the majority of equipments used in digital mammography. This study presents a method for optimizing image quality and dose in CR mammography of patients with breast thicknesses between 45 to 75mm. The breast thicknesses were simulated with polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA). Optimazed exposure parameters ((voltage (kV), mA and time product (mAs) and target/filter combination)) was defined as giving an ideal contrast to noise ratio (CNR), defined as target CNR, to reach the threshold contrast of CDMAM (version 3.4) phantom (Artinis Medical Systems, Netherlands) images for acceptable mean glandular dose (MGD). These results were used for adjustments in the automatic exposure control (AEC) by the maintenance team. A retrospective study of two groups of patients (Group 1-before AEC adjustment and Group 2- after AEC adjustment) were done. The exposure parameters were reproduced in the phantoms to determine of CNR, MGD and threshold contrast. The clinical images of these patients were analyzed by three experienced radiologists who answered questions about anatomical structures, noise and contrast in low and high pixel value areas and image sharpness and contrast. The results showed that the proposed method was effective for all breast thickness evaluated. The AEC adjustment showed a concentration of CNR in Group 2 nearer of target CNR, and that the increasing of noise in clinical images, the CDMAM analysis showed that this level of noise did not disturb the detail of 0,1 mm diameter. Finally, this study also concluded that the use AEC of X rays unit based on constant dose to the detector may bring some difficulties to CR systems operate in optimal conditions.

La qualité d'image dans le contexte de la numérisation de livres anciens / Image quality in document scanner

Vinsonneau, Emile 30 March 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des méthodes ou des outils de calibration permettant d'améliorer la qualité d'image dans le cadre de la numérisation de livres anciens.Le premier chapitre concerne la mise en oeuvre d'un "scanner sans éclairage". Ce scanner est matriciel et il ne contrôle pas la lumière via un éclairage artificiel. L'objectif du projet est de pouvoir corriger, par calibration ou par la mise en place d'un traitement d'image les défauts d'éclairage apparaissant sur le document. Nous verrons dans un premier chapitre les solutions possibles pour y répondre. Nous y proposerons également un moyen de segmenter le fond du document en se basant sur des pixels caractérisants le fond du document. Ce résultat permettra de reconstruire le fond puis de corriger les non-uniformités.Le deuxième chapitre concerne la mise en place d'un contrôle qualité de numérisation de livres anciens. Effectivement, la manipulation du matériel dans le contexte de la numérisation industrielle engendre des erreurs possibles de réglage. De ce fait, nous obtenons une numérisation de moindres qualités. Le contrôle se focalisera sur le flou de focus qui est le défaut le plus présent. Nous proposons dans ce chapitre de combiner différentes approches du problème permettant de le quantifier. Nous verrons que la combinaison de ces informations permet d'estimer avec précision la qualité de netteté de l'image.Le troisième chapitre évoque les problématiques de la gestion de la couleur. Pour avoir une homogénéité colorimétrique entre tous les appareils, il est indispensable que la calibration soit inférieure à un seuil visuel. Les contraintes industrielles ont de nombreux critères et il est difficile de tous les respecter. L'objectif de ce chapitre est de récapituler comment mettre en place un système permettant de calibrer la couleur avec toutes ces contraintes. Puis, il s'agit de comprendre comment créer une transformation entre l'espace de couleur de l'appareil et l'espace de couleur de connexion (l'espace L*a*b*). Nous verrons que la solution de ce problème se résout par une régression polynomiale dont le degré du polynôme varie en fonction du nombre de mesures faite sur la mire colorimétrique. / The goal of this thesis is to add some tools in order to upgrade image quality when scanning with book digitization.First Chapter talks about image scanner whitout lighting control. This problem focuses to document camera. The goal is to correct lighting. We will see some corrections and we will suggest our method. For this part, we detect pixel's background document and we will rebuild the background of the image by them. With this information, we can correct lighting.Second chapter presents some way to do quality control after digitization, specially out of focus problem. We will enumerate different point of view to analyse and to estimate this information. To validate descriptors, we suggest to blur any picture and to compute blur estimation in order to evaluate precision. After that, we propose to combinate descriptors by machine learning.Third chapter mentions color management problem. Every image devices need to be calibrated. This chapter will expose how to calibrate scanner and explain it. We will see that L*a*b* color space is the connection profil space. To calibrate color, we must transform scanner color space to L*a*b*. We will see, in order to convert information, solution depends color chart used but we show a link between the function and thenumber of patch.

Filtrage de segments informatifs dans des vidéos / Informative segment filtering in video sequences

Guilmart, Christophe 20 December 2011 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse ont pour objectif d’extraire les différents segments informatifs au sein de séquences vidéo, plus particulièrement aériennes. L’interprétation manuelle de telles vidéos dans une optique de renseignement se heurte en effet au volume des données disponibles. Une assistance algorithmique fondée sur diverses modalités d’indexation est donc envisagée, dans l’objectif de repérer les "segments d’intérêt" et éviter un parcours intégral de la vidéo. Deux approches particulières ont été retenues et respectivement développées au sein de chaque partie. La partie 1 propose une utilisation des conditions de prise de vue (CPDV) comme modalités d’indexation. Une évaluation de la qualité image permet ainsi de filtrer les segments temporels de mauvaise qualité et donc inexploitables. La classification du mouvement image apparent directement lié au mouvement caméra, fournit une indexation de séquences vidéo en soulignant notamment les segments potentiels d’intérêt ou au contraire les segments difficiles présentant un mouvement très rapide ou oscillant. La partie 2 explore le contenu dynamique de la séquence vidéo, plus précisément la présence d’objets en mouvement. Une première approche locale en temps est présentée. Elle filtre les résultats d’une première classification par apprentissage supervisé en exploitant les informations de contexte, spatial puis sémantique. Différentes approches globales en temps sont par la suite explorées. De telles approches permettent de garantir la cohérence temporelle des résultats et réduire les fausses alarmes. / The objective of this thesis is to extract the informative temporal segments from video sequences, more particularly in aerial video. Manual interpretation of such videos for information gathering faces an ever growing volume of available data. We have thus considered an algorithmic assistance based on different modalities of indexation in order to locate "segments of interest" and avoid a complete visualization of the video. We have chosen two methods in particular and have respectively developed them in each part of this thesis. Part 1 describes how viewing conditions can be used as a method of indexation. The assessment of image quality enables to filter out the temporal segments for which the quality is low and which can thus not be exploited. The classification of global image motion, which is directly linked to camera motion, leads to a method of indexation for video sequences. Indeed, it emphasizes possible segments of interest or, conversely, difficult segments for which motion is very fast or oscillating. Part 2 focuses on the dynamic content of video sequences, especially the presence of moving objects. We first present a local (in time) approach. This approach refines the results obtained after a first classification by supervised learning by using contextual information, spatial then semantic information. We have then investigated several methods for moving object detection which are global in time. Such approaches aim to enforce the temporal consistency of the detected objects and to reduce false detections.

A Java image editor and enhancer

Darbhamulla, Lalitha 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to develop a Java Applet that provides all the tools needed for creating image fantasies. It lets the user pick a template and an image, and combine them together. The user can then apply image processing techniques such as rotation, zooming, blurring etc according to his/her requirements.

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