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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aftershock : a cultural analysis of the Canberra Hospital implosion.

Blom, Kaaren Rhona, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Centre for Cultural Research January 2007 (has links)
The death of a child spectator at the implosion of the Royal Canberra Hospital on 13 July 1997 was an accident that had a profound impact on the local community, prompting a significant cursive response. Promoted as a public spectacle, the implosion was planned as an orchestrated collision between past and future that would enable an instantaneous obliteration of past in order to create a site of future opportunities. When it resulted instead in a failed demolition and the death of a child, the reversal of popular expectation precipitated not only shock, grief and guilt, but also a widespread state of ontological instability. If a certain fascination with death and disaster had contributed to the event’s popular appeal before the implosion, it was compounded by feelings of guilt and shame in the event’s tragic aftermath. Those feelings, shared by public and journalists alike, were given expression in the mediated discursive space of the Canberra Times and other media outlets, resulting in an extensive rhetorical performance of witness, therapy and argument. In this thesis, I use the diversity of voices that are held together in the discursive web that forms the textual fabric of this study’s empirical data, not to create a historical, single perspective narrative, but to go some way in re-creating the event, and the immediate response to it, by allowing that discourse to be re-voiced. As the product of extensive cultural labour on the parts of those who produced it, the implosion discourse, of which this thesis is now a part, stands as a significant corpus of commemorative work. This discourse is evidence of an engaged polity – one that transcended the passive role prescribed for it of an audience as consumers of entertainment to become, through its own labour, agents, creators and performers of meaning. My central thesis is that it is in this cultural performance that the true practice of ‘community’ can be discerned. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Sur l'implosion parabolique, la taille des disques de Siegel et une conjecture de Marmi, Moussa et Yoccoz

Chéritat, Arnaud 23 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Tout le contenu de ce mémoire est un travail en commun de l'auteur et de Xavier Buff.<br /><br />Pour theta nombre de Brjuno, soit r(theta) le rayon conforme du disque de Siegel de P_theta(z)=exp(i.2.pi.theta)z+z^2 et Phi(theta) la variante due à Yoccoz de la somme de Brjuno. Soit Upsilon(theta) = log r(theta) + Phi(theta). <br />Nous avons démontré précédemment que Upsilon possède un prolongement continu à R, et donné une formule explicite pour sa valeur aux rationnels.<br /><br />La conjecture de Marmi-Moussa-Yoccoz, toujours ouverte, est que la fonction Upsilon est 1/2-Höldérienne.<br /><br />Nous démontrons ici que l'exposant ne peut être amélioré : quel que soit l'intervalle I non vide, Upsilon n'est delta-Höldérienne sur I pour aucun delta>1/2. Sa variation sur I est également non bornée.<br />La preuve est basée sur un développement asymptotique en tout p/q de Upsilon(x_n) pour certaines suites de rationnels x_n tendant vers p/q.<br />L'étude d'un point parabolique et de ses perturbations se fait parfois par l'introduction d'un champ de vecteurs auquel la dynamique est comparée.<br />Nous introduisons un champ de vecteurs particulier qui permet d'une part de donner des estimations suffisamment fines pour effectuer le développement asymptotique de Upsilon(x_n) ; d'autre part de proposer une normalisation intéressante des coordonnées de Fatou d'un point parabolique, dont nous donnons quelques propriétés de base.<br />J'ai apporté un soin particulier à la rédaction de l'implosion parabolique, qu'il a fallu raffiner légèrement et adapter à notre champs de vecteurs.

Théorie de Teichmüller dynamique infinitésimale et domaines errants / Infinitesimal dynamical Teichmüller theory wandering domains

Astorg, Matthieu 09 July 2015 (has links)
Soit f une fraction rationnelle de degré d au moins 2. McMullen et Sullivan ont introduit l'espace de Teichmüller dynamique Teich(f), qui est une variété complexe de dimension au plus 2d-2 et qui paramétrise la classe de conjugaison quasiconforme de f dans l'espace des modules ratd via une application holomorphe F allant de Teich(f) dans ratd.Nous donnons une nouvelle construction élémentaire de Teich(f), et nous prouvonsque F est une immersion, ce qui répond à une question posée par McMullen et Sullivan.Ce dernier résultat nous permet d'obtenir des preuves simplifiées de résultats dus à Makienko et Levin sur la rigidité de f sous une hypothèse d'expansivité le long de l'orbite critique. Dans une seconde partie, nous construisons une famille d'exemples d'endomorphismes polynômiaux de P^2(C) ayant un domaine errant. Nos exemples sont des produits fibrés, de la forme (z,w) -> ( f(z) + aw, g(w)). De plus, on construira des exemples à coefficients réels où le domaine errant intersectera R^2. / Let f be a rational map of degree d at last 2. McMullen and Sullivan introduced the dynamical Teichmüller space Teich(f), which is a complex manifold of dimension at most 2d-2. It paramtrizes the quasiconformal conjugacy class of f in the moduli space ratdvia a holomorphic map F from Teich(f) to ratd. We give a new and elementary construction of Teich(f), and we prove that the parametrization F is an immersion, answering a question of McMullen and Sullivan. This last result enables us to give simplified proofs of rigidity results of Makienko and Levin under the assumption of expansion along the critical orbit. In a second part, we construct a family of examples of polynomial endomorphisms of¨P^2(C) with a wandering domain. Our examples are skew-products, of the form (z,w) -> (f(z)+aw, g(w)). Moreover, we will construct examples with real coefficients where the wandering domain intersects R^2.

Motions of Julia sets and dynamical stability in several complex variables / Mouvements des ensembles de Julia et stabilité dynamique en plusieurs variables complexes

Bianchi, Fabrizio 09 September 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse aux systèmes dynamiques holomorphes dépendants de paramètres. Notre objectif est de contribuer à une théorie de la stabilité et des bifurcations en plusieurs variables complexes, généralisant celle des applications rationnelles fondées sur les travaux de Mané, Sad, Sullivan et Lyubich. Pour une famille d'applications d'allure polynomiale, on prouve l'équivalence de plusieurs notions de stabilité, entre autres une version asymptotique du mouvement holomorphe des cycles répulsifs et d'un sous-ensemble de l'ensemble de Julia de mesure pleine. Cela peut etre considéré comme une généralisation mesurable à plusieurs variables du célèbre lambda-lemme et nous permet de dégager un concept cohérent de stabilité dans ce cadre. Après avoir compris les bifurcations holomorphes, on s'intéresse à la continuité Hausdorff des ensembles de Julia. Nous relions cette propriété à l'existence de disques de Siegel dans l'ensemble de Julia, et donnons un exemple de ce phénomène. Finalement, on étudie la continuité du point de vue de l'implosion parabolique. Nous établissons un théorème de Lavaurs deux-dimensionel, ce qui nous permet d'étudier des phénomènes de discontinuité pour des perturbations d'applications tangentes à l'identité. / In this thesis we study holomorphic dynamical systems depending on parameters. Our main goal is to contribute to the establishment of a theory of stability and bifurcation in several complex variables, generalizing the one for rational maps based on the seminal works of Mané, Sad, Sullivan and Lyubich. For a family of polynomial like maps, we prove the equivalence of several notions of stability, among the others an asymptotic version of the holomorphic motion of the repelling cycles and of a full-measure subset of the Julia set. This can be seen as a measurable several variables generalization of the celebrated lambda-lemma and allows us to give a coherent definition of stability in this setting. Once holomorphic bifurcations are understood, we turn our attention to the Hausdorff continuity of Julia sets. We relate this property to the existence of Siegel discs in the Julia set, and give an example of such phenomenon. Finally, we approach the continuity from the point of view of parabolic implosion and we prove a two-dimensional Lavaurs Theorem, which allows us to study discontinuities for perturbations of maps tangent to the identity.

Spatial Symbiosis and Spatial Oscillation in Jeanette Winterson's The Passion / 溫特森小說《激情》中的空間共生與空間擺盪

徐肇駿, Hsu, Chao-chun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文企圖運用三種不同之理論架構分別來詮釋詹涅特•溫特森(Jeanette Winterson)的第二本小說《激情》(The Passion)。小說中的兩位敘述者,亨利(Henri)與薇菈妮爾(Villanelle)各自在不同的城市□(Paris and Venice)遭受當權者的操縱與剝削,因此下定決心脫離宰制的空間,進而在逃亡的過程中彼此相識。不過由於諸多的因素,這對無緣的戀人終究以悲劇收場,分別在不同的空間□尋找自我生存的意義。論文第二章以克麗絲蒂娃(Julia Kristeva)的理論為基礎,探討小說人物的主體性如何受到兩種空間(the semiotic and the symbolic)的相互拉扯,而呈現出不穩定的狀態。第三章運用布希亞(Jean Baudrillard)所提出的擬像(simulation)與內爆(implosion)等觀念,分析小說人物如何在真實界與擬像界中來回擺盪。第四章從列菲弗爾(Henri Lefebvre)的空間概念為出發點,透過三種空間(spatial practice, representations of space, and representational spaces)的交互辯證關係,一方面挑戰傳統二分法的制式化對立,一方面藉由檢視小說人物與城市空間的互動,賦予空間議題某種顛覆傳統的可能性。最後在論文的結論部分,首先歸納出三位理論家一致的共通性—空間共生與空間擺盪,並以此做為貫穿理論架構與小說文本的中心概念,希冀將小說《激情》做更全面的詮釋與研究。 / This thesis aims to interpret Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion through three different theoretical frameworks, including Julia Kristeva’s feminism, Jean Baudrillard’s postmodernism, and Henri Lefebvre’s spatial theory. Interwoven with two narrators, The Passion describes the ill-starred lovers, Henri and Villanelle, both of whom undergo a series of manipulations and exploitations from those-in-power in Paris and Venice respectively, later determine to escape, and encounter each other in Russia unexpectedly. On account of the radical differences in personality and preference, this romantic story of Henri and Villanelle ends up with the permanent separation in two diverse spaces where both protagonists eventually feel the sense of belonging. Accordingly, this thesis pays much attention to the function of space in the novel, which is conducive to the dissection of Winterson’s characters and which becomes a crucial perspective penetrating these three theorists’ assertions. In Chapter Two, The Passion is first scrutinized in terms of Kristeva’s theory, particularly from the viewpoint of the semiotic and symbolic spaces, between which the subjectivity of the characters ineluctably oscillates. Chapter Three applies the operation of simulation and implosion within Baudrillard’s spectrum as the groundwork to elaborate The Passion, in which the characters again are entrapped in the oscillation of the real and simulated spaces. In Chapter Four, the focus is laid on the elucidation of how Lefebvre’s spatial trialectics, namely, spatial practice, representations of space, and representational spaces, interact with each other in the world of the novel. This dialectical relation of oscillation between the spatial triad not only challenges the oppositional rigidity of the traditional dichotomy but implies a possibility of subversion against the dominant space as well. Finally in the last chapter, I attempt to deduce the interrelation from three theorists in the scope of the novel, concluding my thesis with the concept—spatial symbiosis and spatial oscillation—as the major one probing into these four littérateurs of different fields.

Medijų visuomenės kritika J. Baudrillardo filosofijoje / The critics of the society of the mediain the philosophy of J. Baudrillard

Čepukas, Andrius 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe analizuojama J. Baudrillardo filosofija, fundamentalios problemos, iškylančios medijoms radikaliai transformavus šiuolaikinę visuomenę. / In the study we analyse Baudrillard's philosophy, Problematics of the study lies on media analysis and transformation of the society.

Deceleration Stage Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Growth in Inertial Confinement Fusion Relevant Configurations

Samulski, Camille Clement 08 June 2021 (has links)
Experimental results and simulations of imploding fusion concepts have identified the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability as one of the largest inhibitors to achieving fusion. Understanding the origin and development of the RT instability will allow for the development of mitigating measures to dampen the instability growth, thus improving the chance that fusion concepts such as inertial confinement fusion (ICF) are successful. A study of 1D and 2D simulations are presented for investigating RT instability growth in deceleration stage of imploding geometries. Two cases of laser-driven implosion geometry, Cartesian and cylindrical, are used to study late stage deceleration-phase RT instability development on the interior surface of imploding targets. FLASH's hydrodynamic (HD) and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modeling capabilities are used for different laser and target parameters in order to study the RT instability and the impact of externally applied magnetic fields on their evolution. Several simulation regimes have been identified that provide novel insight into the impact that a seeded magnetic field can have on RT instability growth and the conditions under which magnetic field stabilization of the RT instability is observable. Finally, future work and recommendations are made. / Master of Science / The direction for the future of renewable energy is uncertain at this time; however, it is known that the future of human energy consumption must be green in order to be sustainable. Fusion energy presents an opportunity for an unlimited clean renewable energy source that has yet to be realized. Fusion is achieved only by overcoming the earthly limitations presented by trying to replicate conditions at the interior of stellar structures. The pressures, temperature, and densities seen in the interior of stars are not easily reproduced, and thus human technology must be developed to reach these difficult stellar conditions in order to harvest fusion energy. There are two main branches of developmental technology geared towards achieving the difficult conditions controlled nuclear fusion presents, magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) and inertial confinement fusion (ICF)[17]. Yet in both approaches barriers exist which have thwarted the efforts toward reaching fusion ignition which must be addressed through scientific discovery. Successfully reaching ignition is only the first step in the ultimate pursuit of a self sustaining fusion reactor. This work will focus on the experimental ICF configuration, and on one such inhibitor toward achieving ignition, the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability. The RT instability develops on the surfaces of the fusion fuel capsules, targets, and causes nonuniform compression of the target. This nonuniform compression of the target leads to lower pressures and densities through the material mixing of fusion fuel and the capsule shell, which ultimately leads to challenges with reaching fusion ignition. The work presented here was performed utilizing the University of Chicago's FLASH code, which is a state-of-the-art open source radiation magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) code used for plasma and astrophysics computational modeling [11]. Simulations of the RT instability are performed using FLASH in planar and cylindrical geometries to explore fundamental Rayleigh-Taylor instability evolution for these two different geometries. These geometries provide easier access for experimental diagnostics to probe RT dynamics. Additionally, the impact of externally applied magnetic fields are explored in an effort to examine if and how the detrimental instability can be controlled.

La caméra catalytique : du transfert d’affects du corps-filmant au corps-regardant dans les films de John Cassavetes et de Philippe Grandrieux

Crépeau, Marie-Ève 10 1900 (has links)
Cette étude a pour principal objectif d’examiner l’usage de la caméra à l’épaule dans les films de fiction Faces de John Cassavetes et La Vie nouvelle de Philippe Grandrieux. Loin d’associer la caméra portée à la vision subjective d’un personnage, ces cinéastes semblent plutôt inscrire la caméra et son tremblé comme un tiers autonome qui entre néanmoins dans la zone fictionnelle. Par la position similaire qu’ils attribuent à la caméra et par l’importance qu’ils accordent à l’improvisation au tournage, ces deux cinéastes créent une proximité entre le personnage et la caméra, qui a un impact sur l’esthétique visuelle de leurs films. De par cette esthétique affectée, l’expérience vécue par le spectateur devant le film est intensifiée. En interrogeant le processus de création, l’esthétique de la caméra à l’épaule ainsi que la réception spectatorielle, nous verrons comment un tel transfert d’affect est rendu possible par cette tripartition. Pour faire l’analyse de ce transfert affectif, phénomène causé par ce que nous pourrons appeler la caméra catalytique, nous nous appuierons sur quelques philosophies choisies. / This study has as its main goal the examination of the use of the handheld camera in the films Faces by John Cassavetes and La vie nouvelle by Philippe Grandrieux. Far from associating the handheld camera to a character’s point of view these filmmakers seem to inscribe the camera and its shake as an autonomous third person which is part of the fictional space. By the similar position these filmmakers give to the camera and by the importance they attribute to improvisation during the shoot they create a proximity between the character and the camera which has an impact on the visual aesthetic of their films; this affected aesthetic intensifies the experience felt by the audience. By examining the process of making the film, the handheld aesthetic as well as the audience response, we will see how this transfer of affect is made possible. To analyse this affective transfer, caused by what one would call the catalytic camera, we will rely on a selection of chosen philosophies.

Tikrovės problema Jean'o Baudrillard'o filosofijoje / The problem of reality: in Jean Baudrillard’s philosophy

Skrudupis, Patrikas 02 June 2005 (has links)
The study deals with J. Baudrillad’s conception of reality as hyper reality. J. Baudrillad’s conception of hyper reality and the lost of referential reality is presented through the analysis of numerous writings, articles as well as critical texts. First of all, the author’s conception of simulated and non-referential reality is compared with the classical understanding of reality, which contains dualistic tension, whereas the other is nuclear and the distinctions between object/subject, true/false, real/unreal are no longer possible. Then the author of the study also brings the theme of ‘produced reality’ and mass mediated life as it is represented in J. Baudrillad’s philosophical writings. The influence of hyper reality on the practical way of life is also analyzed. Finally, the themes of non-referential language, philosophical dialogue and possibility for classical philosophy are considered.

Investigation of the plate-impact method as a precursor of physical phenomena and chemical processes / L'étude de la méthode de l'impact par plaque comme précurseur des phénomènes physiques et des processus chimiques

Daou, Maya Mounir 05 October 2017 (has links)
Ce manuscrit a pour but d'étudier un nouveau dispositif générateur de cavitation dont le potentiel favorable à l'intensification de réactions chimiques est évalué. Ce dispositif est constitué d'une plaque mobile qui frappe un liquide contenu dans un réacteur. L'impact génère une forte augmentation de pression dans le milieu suivi d'une dépressurisation. Nous montrons que la couche de gaz/vapeur piégée entre le piston et la surface du liquide influence les pics de pression et les fréquences générées dans le milieu. La visualisation à l'aide d'une caméra rapide montre que la dépressurisation active les sites de nucléation à l'origine des bulles de cavitation qui grandissent et implosent en générant occasionnellement des jets de grande vitesse. Nous étudions aussi la réponse de bulles préexistantes. Nous identifions un rayon de bulle critique qui dépend de la hauteur d'impact, de la pression extérieure et des caractéristiques du piston. Les bulles dont le rayon initial est supérieur à la valeur critique implosent au moment de l'impact, tandis que les petites bulles ne sont activées qu'après (sous tension). Des évolutions de pression différentes sont observées après l'impact en fonction de la présence/absence de grandes bulles. Nous étudions enfin l'oxydation du phénol en montrant que l'impact sur l'eau pure est incapable de générer des espèces radicalaires responsables de la dégradation. En ajoutant du peroxyde d'hydrogène comme oxydant, la molécule est décomposée sous certaines conditions. En général, la quantité d'oxydant requise pour déclencher une oxydation significative diminue lors de l'augmentation de l'intensité de l'impact sur lequel dépend le taux de dégradation. / This manuscript aims at characterizing a new device based on a plate impact on a liquid surface to generate cavitation and evaluate its potential to induce chemical reactions. The device is composed of a reactor containing a liquid that a piston hits due to pressure difference. This impact generates a strong and uniform pressure increase in the medium followed by a depressurization. We show that the gas/vapor layer trapped between the piston and the liquid free surface influences the pressure peaks and frequencies generated in the medium. High-speed camera visualization shows that depressurization activates nucleation sites leading to bubble appearance in the solution. Bubbles expand and collapse intensively generating high velocity jets under some conditions. We also investigate the response of pre-existing bubbles. We identify a critical bubble radius that depends on the impact height, external pressure and piston’s characteristics. Bubbles with an initial radius larger than the critical one collapse at the moment of impact while smaller bubbles are only activated after it (under tension). Significant differences are observed in the pressure recordings after the impact depending on the presence/absence of large bubbles. We finally study the oxidation of phenol. We show that impacting on pure water is incapable of generating radical species responsible of the degradation. By adding hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant we show that the molecule is decomposed under certain conditions. In general, the amount of hydrogen peroxide required to initiate a significant oxidation decreases when increasing the intensity of the impact on which the degradation rate mainly depends.

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