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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ETT JÄMSTÄLLTKLASSRUM? : En kvalitativ undersökning avvilken förmåga lärare har att jobba med jämställdhet i sina klassrum / The equality between sexes in the classroom. : A qualitative study of teacher's ability to work with equality between sexes in their classroom.

Wass, Johan January 2022 (has links)
The equality between sexes in the classroom. A qualitative study of teacher’s ability to work with equality between sexesin their classroom. This essay looks at how teachers reflect over their own knowledge about equality betweenthe sexes and how that impacts the work they do in the classroom. It’s a qualitative studythat uses interviews as the method of gathering information. To analyze the results this essay combines two theories; the socio-cultural perspective that explains how children acquirenew knowledge and the gender contract theory from Yvonne Hirdman that explains how gender roles gets reproduced in society. The result shows that there is a significant difference between teachers depending on what subject they teach. The teachers that teachsocial science has the best knowledge of equality between sexes. The result furthermore shows that the education that is offered to the teachers is too theoretic which makes it hardfor them to transform the information into something they can use in the classroom.Therefore, the teachers wanted to change the education they are offered. Instead of the theoretical education they wanted a more practical education. This would help them use theinformation inside the classrooms.

Economic Distress and the Demand for Gender Equality Policies

Cardebring, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the causal relationship between economic distress and the demand for gender equality policies using survey data from Sweden and the EU. By employing Bartik instru- ments to address endogeneity concerns, the study estimates the effect of economic distress on the demand for gender equality policies. The findings indicate that negative economic shocks have no significant effect on the demand for gender equality policies in Sweden, while in the EU, the effect is statistically insignificant and slightly positive. Additionally, the analysis suggests that individuals’ political preferences might not only be shaped during individuals’ formative years but can also evolve beyond impressionable ages. These results contribute to the existing literature by shedding light on the intricate dynamics between economic circumstances, political preferences, and gender equality policies. Further research is needed to fully understand the variation in the relationship across different political and geographical contexts.

Jämställdhetspolitik i Kristdemokraterna och Liberalerna: En analys av likhets- och särartsfeminism : En kvalitativ studie av två regeringspartiers jämställdhetspolitik

Bååth, Mikaela January 2023 (has links)
This essay examines the stance of the current Swedish government parties, Kristdemokraterna and Liberalerna, towards Sweden's six sub-goals in gender equality policy; power, economy, education, unpaid domestic work, health and violence against women. Through a qualitative idea analysis, the focus will be on investigating the parties' positions and political actions through two different feminist perspectives, namely equality feminism and difference feminism. By studying Kristdemokraterna and Liberalerna own political documents on gender equality, this study seeks to answer whether their policies predominantly align with equality feminism or difference feminism, and whether there are any contradictions between the parties' gender equality policies based on these two different feminist approaches.

The Inflation Sensitivity of the Swedish Pension System : A study on how inflation affects the equality of consumption between Swedish pensioners

Torstensson, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The much-debated topic of the pension system together with the currently elevated levels of inflation give rise to the question of how well the pension system is equipped to deal with a prolonged period of inflation. The current system was introduced in the 1990s and since then it has been operating in a period of low and stable inflation. The purpose of this project is therefore to study the inflation sensitivity of the Swedish pension system and the purchasing power of Swedish pensioners. Since the Swedish pension system consists of different parts and each part has a different inflation sensitivity, this allows me to study the inflation sensitivity of some typical cases of pensioners who has their own unique mix of pension income. I measure inflation sensitivity through the concept of equality of consumption, where utility from consumption is derived primarily from the discretionary spending that exceeds necessary expenses for survival such as food and shelter. Through this, I analyse economic inequality as measured by the amount of discretionary spending and evaluate how inflation affects these amounts for different typical cases of pensioners. The data in this study is gathered from official sources such as Pensionsmyndigheten and Statistiska Centralbyrån. I find that the nominal inflation protection provided by the Swedish pension system is high for most theoretical cases. However, inflation erodes real purchasing power for Swedish pensioners, especially for those not eligible for the housing supplement and for those who lack an occupational pension. The basic protection adds inflation protection for pensioners with a relatively low income, while occupational pensions add inflation protection for pensioners with a relatively high income. The findings suggest that the median pensioner is more adversely affected by inflation when compared to other income levels, as measured through discretionary spending.

Context matters: Problematizing the policy-practice interface in the enactment of gender equality action plans in universities

Ní Laoire, C., Linehan, C., Archibong, Uduak E., Picardi, I., Udén, M. 20 January 2021 (has links)
Yes / This study argues for recognition of the constitutive role of context in shaping the dynamics of the policy‐practice interface in the field of gender equality in universities. Using a comparative and reflective case‐study approach, we draw on our experiences, as action‐researchers, of developing and implementing Gender Equality Action Plans (GEAPs) in four universities in four different European countries and we explore the role of national and local context in the mediation and translation of the GEAP model. Drawing on the concepts of gendered organizations, dialogic organizational change, and policy mobilities, we argue for the need to be critical of approaches to gender equality in higher education (HE) that presume policy measures and good practice models transfer unproblematically to different HE organizations in different international contexts; instead, we draw attention to the contingent ways in which uneven gender relations articulate and manifest in different contexts, shaping possibilities for, and obstacles to, gender equality intervention. Thus, we argue that context plays a crucial constitutive role in the interpretation, enactment, and impact of gender equality policy in HE. / FP7 Science in Society. Grant Number: 321378

A critical and systematic analysis of the democratic values of freedom and equality

Kant, Sarita-Louise 10 1900 (has links)
This study critically and systematically analyses the purported democratic values of freedom and equality with a view to clarifying the meaning of the concepts of democracy, freedom and equality; and examining the nature of the relations between kinds of freedom and kinds of equality, their association with democracy, and assessing their reconcilability within the two broad schools of democratic theory, namely, Anglo American democratic theory and Continental democratic theory. Put slightly differently, the issue is whether freedom and equality are mutually compatible or incompatible within democratic contexts. The analysis necessitates exploring the possible reason or reasons for the reconcilability or incompatibility of freedom and equality. Hence, the arguments in democratic literature relevant to the meanings of freedom and equality, and the relations between them will be examined. The first set of arguments concern the question of whether kinds of freedom endanger kinds of equality, and conversely, whether kinds of equality erode or hamper kinds of freedom. The relation existing between freedom and equality, and equality and freedom, in both instances purport to demonstrate the tension existing between them in theory as well as in practice. The second set of arguments concern the question of whether kinds of freedom promote kinds of equality, and conversely, whether kinds of equality further kinds of freedom. The relation in both instances is deemed to demonstrate the affinity between freedom and equality, and equality and freedom. An attempt will thus be made to address the issue of the seemingly confusing array of meanings of democracy, freedom and equality, and the potentially problematic relations between them, and particularly those between freedom and equality as represented by the two sets of arguments within appropriate democratic contexts. The study will endeavour to examine the analytic and synthetic interplay of meanings and relations, their nature and compatibility or incompatibility, and the possible reasons for this state of affairs, in an attempt to identify and address the perceived misapprehensions concerning their meanings and relations in democratic literature. / Political Sciences / D. Litt. et Phil. (Politics)

Igualdade tributária e margens de lucro presumidas na aferição do preço de transferência segundo a Lei n. 9.430/96

Marroni Neto, Roberto Medaglia January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a teoria da igualdade tributária e sua aplicação em face da técnica das margens de lucro presumidas, como um dos elementos de cálculo dos preços de transferência, consoante previsto na Lei n. 9.430/96. Parte-se de um estudo analítico da isonomia tributária, esmiuçando-se seus elementos, natureza e dimensão normativa, para, posteriormente, passar-se à análise de sua influência sobre a arm’s legth theory e a técnica dos preços de transferência, em especial sobre a presunção das margens de lucro. Mediante esta perspectiva, busca-se averiguar a possibilidade ou não de flexibilização daquelas margens de lucratividade, de molde a desvendar se o contribuinte possui legitimidade de utilizar margens de lucro diversas daquelas predefinidas, a forma que poderá valer-se deste direito e respectivo momento. / This work aims to analyze the tax equality theory and its application in the face of the presumed profit margins technique, as one of the elements of the calculation of transfer pricing, according to law number 9.430/96. It starts with an analytical study of tax equality theory, scrutinizing its elements, nature and normative dimension, and subsequently moves to an analysis of its influence on the „arm‟s length‟ principle and the technique of transfer pricing, especially on the presumption of profit margins. With this perspective, it seeks to investigate the possibility of the relaxation of those profit margins, which could unravel if the taxpayer has the right to use different profit margins than those pre-defined, however the taxpayer can avail themselves of this right and when is the appropriate moment.

Jämställdhetsarbete på en akademisk institution, från ord till handling

Gustafsson, Veronica, Helmersson, Jessica January 2008 (has links)
<p>The essay discusses how to look at a equality plan of a academic department experiences the, gender equality in general and how power is portrayed from a gender perspective in the academic department. Through the use of qualitative interviews and a short survey the results have shown that few of the staff members have knowledge about the equality plan and few are familiar with its contents. Furthermore results show that the academic department is run hierarchyilly and that both vertical and horizontal gender segregation exists.</p><p>The climate at the academic department is characterized by the will to work with gender equality but so far there have only been few exercised or planned efforts to do so. The gap between theory and practise is wide, the will to be seen as an equal academic department concerning equality of men and women seems important. The conscious or unconscious strategy of covering up the real gender equality seems to be done by focusing on the numerical equality.</p> / <p>Syftet i uppsatsen är att se på hur jämställdhetsplanen, jämställdhet upplevs och hur makt yttrar sig på institutionen ur ett genusperspektiv. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer och en kortare enkät visade det sig att institutionen har problem med att jämställdhetsplanen är ointegrerad och att ytterst få i personalen har kunskap om den eller är insatta i dess innehåll. Vidare visade det sig att institutionen är väldigt hierarkiskt styrd och att vertikal och horisontell könssegregering finns.</p><p>Klimatet på institutionen präglas av en vilja till jämställdhetsarbete men med hittills endast ett fåtal utförda eller planerade punktinsatser. Glappet mellan teori och praktik verkar existera och att vilja vara numeriskt jämställda utåt sett förefaller vara av stor vikt. Att täcka upp den reella ojämställdheten med en jämn könsfördelning verkar vara en medveten eller omedveten strategi.</p>

Jämställdhetsarbete på en akademisk institution, från ord till handling

Gustafsson, Veronica, Helmersson, Jessica January 2008 (has links)
The essay discusses how to look at a equality plan of a academic department experiences the, gender equality in general and how power is portrayed from a gender perspective in the academic department. Through the use of qualitative interviews and a short survey the results have shown that few of the staff members have knowledge about the equality plan and few are familiar with its contents. Furthermore results show that the academic department is run hierarchyilly and that both vertical and horizontal gender segregation exists. The climate at the academic department is characterized by the will to work with gender equality but so far there have only been few exercised or planned efforts to do so. The gap between theory and practise is wide, the will to be seen as an equal academic department concerning equality of men and women seems important. The conscious or unconscious strategy of covering up the real gender equality seems to be done by focusing on the numerical equality. / Syftet i uppsatsen är att se på hur jämställdhetsplanen, jämställdhet upplevs och hur makt yttrar sig på institutionen ur ett genusperspektiv. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer och en kortare enkät visade det sig att institutionen har problem med att jämställdhetsplanen är ointegrerad och att ytterst få i personalen har kunskap om den eller är insatta i dess innehåll. Vidare visade det sig att institutionen är väldigt hierarkiskt styrd och att vertikal och horisontell könssegregering finns. Klimatet på institutionen präglas av en vilja till jämställdhetsarbete men med hittills endast ett fåtal utförda eller planerade punktinsatser. Glappet mellan teori och praktik verkar existera och att vilja vara numeriskt jämställda utåt sett förefaller vara av stor vikt. Att täcka upp den reella ojämställdheten med en jämn könsfördelning verkar vara en medveten eller omedveten strategi.

Igualdade tributária e margens de lucro presumidas na aferição do preço de transferência segundo a Lei n. 9.430/96

Marroni Neto, Roberto Medaglia January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a teoria da igualdade tributária e sua aplicação em face da técnica das margens de lucro presumidas, como um dos elementos de cálculo dos preços de transferência, consoante previsto na Lei n. 9.430/96. Parte-se de um estudo analítico da isonomia tributária, esmiuçando-se seus elementos, natureza e dimensão normativa, para, posteriormente, passar-se à análise de sua influência sobre a arm’s legth theory e a técnica dos preços de transferência, em especial sobre a presunção das margens de lucro. Mediante esta perspectiva, busca-se averiguar a possibilidade ou não de flexibilização daquelas margens de lucratividade, de molde a desvendar se o contribuinte possui legitimidade de utilizar margens de lucro diversas daquelas predefinidas, a forma que poderá valer-se deste direito e respectivo momento. / This work aims to analyze the tax equality theory and its application in the face of the presumed profit margins technique, as one of the elements of the calculation of transfer pricing, according to law number 9.430/96. It starts with an analytical study of tax equality theory, scrutinizing its elements, nature and normative dimension, and subsequently moves to an analysis of its influence on the „arm‟s length‟ principle and the technique of transfer pricing, especially on the presumption of profit margins. With this perspective, it seeks to investigate the possibility of the relaxation of those profit margins, which could unravel if the taxpayer has the right to use different profit margins than those pre-defined, however the taxpayer can avail themselves of this right and when is the appropriate moment.

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