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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Small States, Big Fish : Comparing Kuwaiti, Omani, and Qatari Foreign Policy and Engagement with Proscribed Armed Groups During Mediation in Yemen

Leene, Freke January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, more small states have entered the arena of international mediation. While research generally recognizes that small states can use international mediation to further their own foreign policy goals, the implications of that notion remain understudied. Specifically in relation to engagement with proscribed armed groups, current research is lacking. Furthermore, most research on small-state mediation views small states as a unitary group of actors, leaving out of consideration the differences between states. This study aims to address this research gap by investigating the influence of foreign policy independence on engagement with proscribed armed groups when relevant to the peace process. Through a Structured, Focused Comparison of the mediation efforts of Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar in Yemen in the post-Arab Spring era, this study found preliminary support for the stated hypothesis that the higher the level of independence in a small state’s foreign policy, the more likely it is to engage with proscribed actors. For Kuwait and Oman, their behavior in Yemen was fully in line with the hypothesis. While Qatar showed limited engagement in Yemen despite having an independent foreign policy, its choices were still influenced by a certain level of dependence on Saudi Arabia.

"Det som är bra för en är bra för alla" : En fallstudie av fritidshemmets arbete med elever i behov av stöd / "What’s good for one is good for everyone" : A case study of the leisure-time center’s work with students in need of support

Larsson, Tove, Melcherson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Begreppet inkludering är inte något som lyfts ordagrant i läroplanen. Trots detta kan man förstå läroplanens formuleringar som att personalen i skolan ska utgå från ett förhållningssätt som syftar till att inkludera alla elever. Denna fallstudies syfte är att undersöka fritidshemmets arbete med elever i behov av stöd utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. Genom att genomföra en kvalitativ fallstudie på en skola med hjälp utav metoderna intervjuer och observationer har vi kunnat undersöka fritidshemmets arbete med elever i behov av stöd utifrån detta helhetsperspektiv. Helhetsperspektivet i vår studie innebär att vi undersökt olika professioners tankar, erfarenheter och upplevelser. Den tidigare forskning vi valt att använda oss utav är forskning som lyfter förutsättningar, relationer samt begreppet inkludering ur olika perspektiv. Forskningen bidrar bland annat med att belysa innebörden av det breda begreppet inkludering ur olika synvinklar. Genom det relationella- och det psykosociala perspektivet fick vi en möjlighet att genomföra en djupare analys utifrån våra frågeformuleringar. Tillsammans ger perspektiven ett brett synsätt på hur relationer, kommunikation och miljö påverkar elever i behov av stöd. Analysen av vårt resultat har visat en genomgående röd tråd av hur relationer spelar en viktig roll i arbetet med elever i behov av stöd. Den genomgående röda tråden har bestått av att olika professioner, på olika sätt betonat vikten av att bygga relationer med elever för att gynna en inkluderande verksamhet. Resultatet har även visat att fritidspersonalens förutsättningar påverkas av ledningens förståelse för fritids huvudsakliga uppdrag. I vår diskussion har delar av resultaten blivit bekräftade av den tidigare forskningen. Men det har även påvisats att det krävs en vidareutveckling utav personalens strukturer och arbetssätt på skolorganisationsnivå. / The concept of inclusion is not something that is raised verbatim in the curriculum. Despite this, the curriculum’s wording can be understood as meaning that the staff at the school should start from an approach that aims to include all students. The purpose of this case study is to research the leisure-time center’s work with students in need of support from a holistic perspective. By carrying out a qualitative case study at one school using the methods of interviews and observations, we have been able to examine the leisure-time center’s work with students in need of support from this holistic perspective. The holistic perspective in our research means that we researched the thoughts and experiences of different professionals. The previous research we have chosen to use are research that highlight the conditions, relationships and the concept of inclusion from different perspectives. Among other things, the research contributes by elucidating the meaning of the broad concept of inclusion from different points of view. Through the relational and psychosocial perspective, we were given an opportunity to carry out a deeper analysis based on our question formulations. Together, the perspectives provide a broad view of how relationships, communication and the environment impact students in need of support. The analysis of our results has shown a consistent red thread of how relations play an important role in working with students in need of support. The consistent red thread has consisted of different professions, in different ways, emphasizing the importance of building relationships with students in order to favor an inclusive activity. The results have also shown that the leisure staff’s conditions are affected by management’s understanding of leisure’s main mission. In our discussion, parts of the results have been confirmed by the previous research. But it has also been shown that a further development of the staff’s structures and working methods at the school organization level is required.

The Intersections of Gender and Age Across Feminist Art Educators: A Study on the Meaning of Feminism in Art Education

Sherman, Carly Lauren 23 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Embodiment and the Boundaries Between Us in Virtual Reality - A critical analysis of inclusivity in social virtual reality environments

Maharaj, Claudia Maneka January 2017 (has links)
Virtual Reality (VR) is considered the next major communication tool and its potential has been described as “a ubiquitous force and as pervasive and transformative as the internet was in the 90s or the smartphone was in the 2000s” (Somasegar, 2016). Social spaces in VR (SocialVR) are at the forefront of developing new possibilities in communication that could offer greater connection and understanding between people around the world.The aim of my research is to identify the dominant discourses in SocialVR spaces, which also involve solutions for inclusivity, to reveal embedded power-relations that are currently defining bodily boundaries and identity. The research questions I pose are:1. What discourses are currently defining embodiment across different SocialVR spaces?2. How are these embodied experiences configuring notions of self?My research stance, as a woman of colour, was a fundamental feature in this study and I have used my perspective as a basis to gain a wider insight into the phenomena of SocialVR. In obtaining my empirical data, I combined the methodologies of Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis and Analytic Autoethnography. This enabled me to examine the dominant company discourses of different SocialVR spaces and assess my personally embodied experience in relation to them.The fusing of human experience with technology is implicit in virtual embodiment. Therefore, a robust theoretical lens is needed to examine the dynamics between identity and technological renderings of embodiment in SocialVR. The theory of agential realism acknowledges the vital role that techno-scientific practices play in the workings of power, and how it informs the constitution of boundaries between people. As an analytical tool, agential realism provides a fitting a framework to address how bodily boundaries and one’s sense of self come to matter in SocialVR.My findings lead to a surprising insight into the resilience of socio-historic power- relations in spite of strongly opposing intentions, and it points to the importance of understanding the historical constitution of technology and application methods, if change is going to be meaningfully enacted. The success of a SocialVR environment as an inclusive space is based on clearly structured contexts of socialising. By placing certain performance limits on what is possible in a space, the creators are able to focus on constructing meaningful experiences that can be reflected in both the type of avatar embodiment they offer, and the corresponding embodied experience.

Focusing on the Bright Sides of Innovation: Three essays on the role of National Knowledge Dynamics, Inclusive Innovation Teams and Policy Monitoring

Moujaes, Ghinwa 27 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] La teoría y las políticas de innovación son más beneficiosas cuando reflejan cambios en las prioridades sociales. Centradas tradicionalmente e inicialmente en el cambio tecnológico, vemos que las políticas de innovación actualmente enfrentan la tarea cada vez más necesaria de abordar las externalidades negativas, especialmente en el contexto de la sostenibilidad social y ambiental. Esto se materializa mejor en el caso de ejemplo de la política de innovación de especialización inteligente en Europa. Como contribución al debate actual en el campo sobre la intersección de la innovación y la sostenibilidad, esta tesis aborda tres preguntas de investigación diferentes centradas en cómo se pueden aprovechar las políticas de innovación para lograr la igualdad, la sostenibilidad y la inclusión. Cada capítulo plantea una pregunta única, se embarca en una revisión de la literatura específica y emplea una metodología personalizada para responder la pregunta en cuestión y, en consecuencia, contribuir a nuestra comprensión del amplio tema de la innovación para la sostenibilidad. La tesis finaliza con la literatura y las contribuciones metodológicas de las preguntas de investigación, además de las recomendaciones de políticas a nivel de empresa, nivel regional y nivel de diseño e implementación de políticas. / [CA] La teoria i la política de la innovació són més beneficioses quan reflecteixen canvis en les prioritats de la societat. Tradicionalment i inicialment centrada en el canvi tecnològic, veiem que la política d'innovació s'enfronta actualment a la tasca cada vegada més necessària d'abordar les externalitats negatives, especialment en el context de la sostenibilitat social i ambiental. Això s'incorpora millor en l'exemple de cas de la política d'innovació d'especialització intel·ligent a Europa. En contribució al debat actual sobre la intersecció de la innovació i la sostenibilitat, aquesta tesi s'adreça a tres qüestions de recerca diferents centrades en com es pot aprofitar la política d'innovació per aconseguir la igualtat, la sostenibilitat i la inclusió. Cada capítol fa una pregunta única, s'embarca en una revisió bibliogràfica específica i utilitza una metodologia personalitzada per respondre a la pregunta en qüestió i, per tant, contribuir a la nostra comprensió de l'ampli tema de la innovació per a la sostenibilitat. La tesi acaba amb la literatura i les contribucions metodològiques de les qüestions de recerca, a més de les recomanacions polítiques a nivell de firma, regional i de disseny i implementació de polítiques. / [EN] Innovation theory and policy are most beneficial when they reflect shifts in societal priorities. Traditionally and initially focused on technological change, we see innovation policy currently grappling with the increasingly necessary task of addressing negative externalities, especially in the context of social and environmental sustainability. This is best embodied in the case-example of the Smart Specialization innovation policy in Europe. In contribution to the current debate in the field on the intersection of innovation and sustainability, this thesis targets three different research questions focused on how innovation policy can be leveraged to achieve equality, sustainability, and inclusivity. Each chapter asks a unique question, embarks on a specific literature review, and employs a tailored methodology to answer the question at hand and accordingly contribute to our understanding of the broad theme of innovation for sustainability. The thesis ends with the literature and methodological contributions of the research questions in addition to the policy recommendations at the firm level, regional level and policy design and implementation level. / Moujaes, G. (2024). Focusing on the Bright Sides of Innovation: Three essays on the role of National Knowledge Dynamics, Inclusive Innovation Teams and Policy Monitoring [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203886

<b>Ex-Ante Capacity Building in Social Infrastructure to Improve Post-Disaster Recovery and Community Well-being</b>

Mohamadali Morshedi Shahrebabaki (18426579) 27 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Restoration of civil infrastructure is <b>not</b> equivalent to the full recovery of a community from natural hazards. Considering the recovery of only civil infrastructure in quantifying the disaster recovery of a community does not allow for capturing the long-term socio-economic impacts of natural hazards (e.g., stress, anxiety, unemployment, etc.). The role of having a robust social infrastructure in facilitating disaster recovery and addressing both short-term and long-term impacts of natural hazards needs to be explored. Social infrastructure is defined as formal entities (e.g., governmental organizations, community centers, NGOs, religious centers, etc.) as well as informal social ties such as individuals and households that assist in post-disaster recovery and alleviate the distress caused by natural hazards. Social infrastructure not only addresses post-disaster tangible needs such as shelter, food, and water but also helps alleviate disaster-induced socio-economic distress in communities.</p><p dir="ltr">This research focuses on identifying the capacity needs of the social infrastructure to facilitate disaster recovery (measured using community well-being as the recovery metric), while integrating the cascading impacts from other affected inter-dependent infrastructure systems (i.e., civil, civic, cyber, financial, environmental, and educational). Using community well-being, which is defined as the state in which the needs of a community are fulfilled, allows for incorporating both short-term and long-term impacts of natural hazards.</p><p dir="ltr">The research starts with modeling post-disaster community well-being using the indicators selected from existing community well-being models. After the selection of indicators, several data sources such as phone call, survey, and FEMA support programs data were used to 1) verify the structure of the community well-being model, and 2) quantify post-disaster community well-being. Chapter 3 elaborates on this process and its outcome, which is a framework for quantifying post-disaster community well-being based on disaster helpline and survey data.</p><p dir="ltr">Chapter 4 introduces a Bayesian Network<b> </b>modeling framework for quantifying the role of social infrastructure services in the form tangible, emotional, and informational support in enhancing post-disaster community well-being. The Bayesian model was then used to propose capacity building strategies for increasing the robustness of social infrastructure and its supporting infrastructure to foster post-disaster community well-being in the face of future hurricanes.</p><p dir="ltr"><b>Intellectual Merit</b>: the proposed research is unique in its kind as it leverages social and psychological well-being models and theories to characterize the role of social infrastructure in the recovery of communities from natural disasters. The research contributes to infrastructure and urban resilience models by considering the role of social infrastructure services using community well-being as the recovery metric. It also contributes to social sciences by introducing 2-1-1 disaster helpline data as an inexpensive and timely replacement for multiple rounds of survey questionnaires for quantifying community well-being.</p><p dir="ltr"><b>Broader Impacts</b>: the proposed model and the obtained results can serve as an Ex-Ante Capacity building tool for decision-makers to predict the status of communities in the face of future natural hazards and propose capacity building strategies to have higher post-disaster support, and thereby, community well-being.<br></p><p dir="ltr"><br></p>

Är kommunal klimatanpassning inkluderande? : En fallstudie av kommunal klimatanpassning ur ett funktionshinderperspektiv / Is municipal climate adaptation inclusive? : A case study in municipal climate change adaptation from a disability perspective

Wennström, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Klimatförändringar har en betydande inverkan på grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter. Marginaliserade grupper anses särskilt sårbara för klimatförändringarnas återverkan, där bland annat personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Denna fallstudie undersöker därför hur funktionshinderperspektivet integreras eller konkurrerar med klimatanpassning i kommunal översiktsplanering i Sveriges storstadsregioner Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö. Målet är att bedöma hur inkluderande svenska kommuners klimatanpassning är.Klimatförändringarnas påverkan på personer med funktionsnedsättningar och deras rättigheter utforskas, och en teoretisk ram byggs baserad på FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning, det sociala synsättet på funktionsnedsättning och intersektionalitet. Studien bygger på en innehållsanalys av översiktsplaner och en mindre mängd enkäter. En tematisk analys av resultaten visar skillnader i hur ett funktionshinderperspektiv integreras i kommunala planer och upplevs av personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Trots liknande förutsättningar, målsättningar och klimatrelaterade förhållanden varierar kommunernas förmåga att integrera funktionshinderperspektiv. Bristande kommunikation, skillnader i förståelse och tillämpning av tillgänglighetsåtgärder och dess upplevda funktion framträder som stora utmaningar för kommunal klimatanpassning. Den bristande kommunikationen från kommuner förvärrar problemen och understryker behovet av förbättrade åtgärder och tydligare dialoger mellan kommuner och medborgare.Vidare forskning rekommenderas för att bredda förståelsen av kunskapsluckan och i en svensk kontext ska en mer omfattande förståelse inför de utmaningar som personer med funktionsnedsättningar står inför i skuggan av klimatförändringar / Climate change is disrupting vital human rights, with marginalized groups bearing the brunt. For the marginalized group of people with disabilities, the challenges are even more pronounced. Therefore, this case study investigates the integration or potential competition between a disability perspective and climate adaptation efforts in municipal planning, focusing on Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö in Sweden. The aim being to assess the inclusivity of climate adaptation initiatives in Swedish municipalities. The study establishes a theoretical framework encompassing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the social model of disability, and intersectionality. It identifies crucial aspects within climate adaptation and disability rights, emphasizing the importance of an ecological and social sustainability perspective, adaptive versus mitigative adaptation strategies, and the political underpinnings of effective adaptation measures. By conducting a content analysis over municipal comprehensive plans and an additional smallscale survey, the outcome reveals disparities in integrating accessibility measures within municipal plans, hindering the participation and well-being of individuals with disabilities. While municipalities strive for incorporation of accessibility measures, the efforts fall short, leading to exclusionary outcomes. Insufficient communication and engagement from municipal authorities exacerbate these short-comings, highlighting the need for enhanced measures and clearer communication channels between municipalities and citizens to achieve equitable and inclusive climate adaptation. Despite similar geographic and climate-related conditions, municipalities exhibit variations in their ability to integrate disability perspectives effectively - the study exposes both progress and shortcomings in climate adaptation efforts across the municipalities, emphasizing the underrepresentation of disability perspectives. This resulted in a pin-pointed necessity for municipalities to intensify efforts to comprehensively integrate disability perspectives into climate adaptation strategies to ensure inclusivity and equity in Swedish municipalities. Further research is recommended to broaden the understanding of a disability perspective in climate change adaptation and to further clarify if adaptation initiatives are inclusive and just.

A narrative pastoral exploration into women's and men's experiences of patriarchy within business context

Quinn, Lorna 30 November 2007 (has links)
This exploration involves the influence of a system of patriarchy on both women and men in an inclusive way within business context. The work attempts to move away from dualisms that stereotypically define gender according to patriarchy. The challenge of this work is to find ways of describing women and men that is less defined by gender and more about our similarities as human beings. It has been suggested in the research that the business environment is still a male dominated environment. It is therefore the intention of this work to encourage ways of defining ourselves that one person does not hold benefit one over another in an abusive way. As the system of patriarchy has been endorsed by the church, the research considers how the pastoral therapist may be relevant to the business environment. / Practical Theology / M. Th - Specialising in Pastoral Therapy

The relevance and effectiveness of support structures available to high school learners with substance abuse problems in the Eersterus area

Dreyer, Sarah Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
The focus of this study is the relevance and effectiveness of the support structures available to high school learners with substance abuse problems. This research was confined to learners in Eersterust, a township situated to the east of Pretoria. Substance abuse, especially among high school learners in South Africa and in Eersterust, has increased in recent years. Substance abuse obviously poses a major barrier to learning. Along with poor academic motivation, this problem seriously interferes with learners’ academic performance and results in lower educational achievement. As an institution, the school is not able to provide support to these learners and so is obliged to link them with support structures such as the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependance (SANCA) and the National Youth Development Outreach (NYDO). / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Discerning an African missional ecclesiology in dialogue with two uniting youth movements

Nel, Reginald Wilfred 02 1900 (has links)
Churches are confronted with the reality of younger, mobile generations challenging existing understandings of church and witness. They seem to live according to a different (postcolonial) script. This study probes the question as to how these churches are to understand and respond meaningfully, but also missiologically, to these transformations. Coming as a missiologist from a particular ecclesiological, theological, cultural background, I had two rationales for this study, namely to review the current theories we have about church and mission, i.e., missiological ecclesiology, and in order to do this, we need to craft a sensitive and creative dialogue, in the form of a missiological methodology with younger people. I address these rationales, guided by a research question: How can I design a creative dialogue with younger generations, to pick up the impulses, in order to discern a Southern African missional ecclesiology. Working with the metaphor of ―remixing‖, this discernment process started off where I engaged my own embeddedness. These were the older ―samples‖ to work with, in order to produce something new and in tune with the sensibilities, the ―soul‖ of newer communities. I then attempt to understand the current social transformations that younger generations are responding to. Through this, I want to design a methodology for a creative dialogue with these youth movements on the basis of an intersubjective epistemology. Using this methodology, I could develop a thick description from the dialogue with the two uniting youth movements. Lastly, I present the engagement (remixing) between these rich new impulses with the old (the existing), in carving out an appropriate missional ecclesiology for the audiences I‘ve been with. Starting with an outdated and colonial gereformeerde missionary ecclesiology, but then also the anti-colonial ecclesiologies and a postmodern (predominantly Western) emerging missionary ecclesiology, I discern a particular postcolonial African ecclesiology, which I call a Southern African missional ecclesiology. Instead of exclusion, I propose remixing church in terms of five dimensions as social network, spiritual home, mobile community, movement in the Holy Spirit and as story. These can serve as a map to guide Southern African congregations in their dialogue with younger generations. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

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