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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Införandet av behovsanpassad bemanning inom neurokirurgisk slutenvård.Förbättringsarbetets relation till medarbetarnas arbetstillfredsställelse, kostnader och patientsäkerhet. : ”För mig är det fantastiskt det här, jag mår jättegott”

Folkesson, Carina January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund Många patienter i vården drabbas av vårdskador till följd av avvikelser i vården. Ett antal studier pekar på faktorer som påverkar patientsäkerheten, bland annat att hög arbetsbelastning, otillräcklig bemanning och långa arbetstider inverkar negativt. Inom intensivvård är uppmärksamhet och vaksamhet viktigt för att identifiera förändringar hos patienten. Flera studier visar att längre arbetspass och veckoarbetstid förknippas med ökad fysisk och psykisk trötthet och risk för minskad vaksamhet vilket medför ökad risk för att avvikelser inträffar. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur införandet av behovsanpassad bemanning relaterar till medarbetarnas upplevelse av stress, tid för återhämtning och arbetstillfredsställelse samt till kostnader och aspekter på patientsäkerhet. Metod Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kombination av metoder. Enkäter lämnades ut före och ett år efter införandet av bemanningsmodellen. Fem fokusgruppsintervjuer genomfördes med medarbetare och arbetsledare och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Författaren har under studien verkat som vårdenhetschef och medverkat i, samt observerat, införandet av den nya bemanningsmodellen. Resultat Enkätstudien visar att 94 % av respondenterna upplever att de har tid till återhämtning varje dag eller vecka efter införandet jämfört med 74 % innan modellen infördes. 67 % rapporterar att de inte känner sig stressade mot 50 % tidigare. Intervjuerna visar att medarbetarna upplever att de kan påverka sina arbetstider, minska arbetstiden och att de har mer tid för återhämtning. Mindre positiva upplevelser var oro för lönen då man i hög grad påverkar den själv. Flera medarbetare menar att patientsäkerheten påverkas positivt eftersom medarbetarna är gladare och mer utvilade när de arbetar, det minimerar riskerna för att medicinska avvikelser inträffar. Patientsäkerheten påverkas också av att kompetensen har stärkts eftersom det är färre vikarier i tjänst. Ekonomiskt resulterade modellen i ett underskott på 1 % av personalbudgeten under 2011, men under 2012 har vi ett positivt utfall på ca 700 t kr under årets första 4 månader. Diskussion Den behovsanpassade bemanningsmodellen resulterade i att medarbetarna upplevde en större arbetstillfredsställelse och en ökad återhämtning samtidigt som verksamheten har fått en mer balanserad bemanning. Medarbetarna upplever att patienterna påverkas positivt dels då medarbetarna är gladare på arbetet, dels då kompetensen har stärkts eftersom det är färre vikarier. Ekonomiskt har modellen visats sig vara kostnadsneutral vilket var ett krav. / Background Many patients in care suffer health damage due to adverse events in health care. A number of studies point to factors that affect patient safety, including the heavy workload, inadequate staffing and long working hours have a negative impact. In intensive care, is attention and vigilance is important to identify changes in the patient status. Several studies show that the longer the work shifts and weekly working hours are associated with increased physical and mental fatigue and the risk of reduced vigilance resulting in increased risk of adverse events. Purpose The study aims to investigate how the introduction of needs-based staffing related to employees' perception of stress, time for recovery and job satisfaction as well as costs and aspects of patient safety. Method The study was conducted using a combination of methods. Surveys were released before and one year after the introduction of the staffing model. Five focus group interviews with employees and supervisors were conducted and were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The author has during the study served as a head nurse and participated in and observed the introduction of the new staffing model. Results The questionnaire shows that 94% of respondents consider that they have time to recover every day or week after the introduction of the new model compared with 74% before its introduction. 67% report that they do not feel stressed to 50% previously. The interviews indicate that employees feel they can influence their working hours, reduced working hours and that they have more time for recovery. Less positive experiences were concerns about the salary when the employees have a significant impact on the salary by themselves. Many employees believe that patient safety is positively affected because employees are happier and more rested when they work, it minimizes the risks of adverse events. Patient safety is also affected by the skills have been strengthened because there are fewer agency staff on duty. Economic model resulted in a deficit of 1% of the personnel budget in 2011, but in 2012 we have a positive outcome of about 700 000 SEK during the first 4 months. Discussion The needs-based staffing model resulted in the employees experienced greater job satisfaction and increased recovery, and the clinic has had a more balanced staffing. Employees feel that patients are affected positively and when the employees are happier at work, partly because expertise has been strengthened because there are fewer substitutes. Economically, the model has proven to be cost-neutral, which was a requirement.

Untersuchungen zur Definition der klinischen Diagnose "Hypoglykämie-Problematik" bei Patienten mit Typ-1- Diabetes mellitus / Studies to define the clinical diagnosis of "hypoglycaemia problem" in the patients with type-1- diabetes mellitus

Härtel, Ines 09 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Aftershock vulnerability assessment of damaged reinforced concrete buildings in California

Jeon, Jong-Su 27 August 2014 (has links)
Although the knowledge and technology of seismic analysis and seismic risk assessment tools have rapidly advanced in the past several decades, current seismic design codes and damage estimation methods ignore the effect of successive earthquakes on structures. In light of recent strong seismic events, mainshock-damaged structures are shown to be more vulnerable to severe damage and collapse during subsequent events. The increase in vulnerability during aftershocks results in the likelihood of increased damage and loss-of-life and property. After a major earthquake, structural engineers must assess whether mainshock-damaged buildings can be re-occupied or not, with due consideration to the threat of aftershocks. The outcome of this post-earthquake inspection is utilized to quantifiably judge the current status of structures (so-called building tagging). This tagging criterion is closely related to the evaluation of the residual capacity of damaged buildings as well as the computation of the probability of being in a damage state after an aftershock (aftershock fragility). The increased vulnerability estimation associated with the additional damage plays a significant role in assessing potential losses to facilitate crucial decision making such as emergency response mobilization, inspection priority, recovery strategy, and re-occupancy decision. The main objective of this research is to develop a probabilistic framework for accounting for these increased vulnerabilities in terms of the extent of damage associated with mainshock ground motions. Aftershock fragility curves are developed accounting for both the uncertainty from the seismic hazard and the uncertainty from the structural capacity. This proposed approach also allows for the inherent variability, such as modeling characteristics associated with the design codes, present in non-ductile and ductile reinforced concrete frames found in California.

Utformning av en alternativ metod vid kommunal planering för ökad trygghet i städer : En studie om den upplevda otryggheten i centrala Gävle

Emilsson, Matilda, Ekström, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Trenden är att allt fler människor upplever en oro av att utsättas för brott när de vistas i stadens offentliga rum, trots att brottsligheten generellt minskar i Europeiska städer. Att känslan av otrygghet ökar är ett av de största sociala problemen i dagens städer. Målet med studien har varit att ta fram en metod som kan användas för att kartlägga otrygga platser i städer och resultatet kan sedan användas för att ta fram de trygghetsskapande åtgärder som kan behöva vidtas. Syftet har varit att utvärdera metoden för att se om den är användbar för kommuner i deras trygghetsarbete. Utifrån den forskning och litteratur som finns inom ämnet trygghet utformades den metod som kom att användas i studien. Metoden som togs fram kallas InF (Identify and Fix) då syftet är att identifiera otrygga platser för att sedan åtgärda dessa. Medborgare i Gävle fick i en undersökning markera vilka platser som de upplever otrygga och varför, detta jämfördes sedan med en karta som visar koncentrationen av anmälda brott. Detta gör det möjligt att få en förståelse för om de otrygga platserna kan kopplas ihop med hög brottslighet eller inte. Resultatet från undersökningen visade att det fanns fyra områden i centrala Gävle som flest deltagare upplevde som otrygga. Det fanns ingen koppling till koncentrerad brottslighet på dessa platser. Därför undersöktes de platserna noggrannare med hjälp av en observationsstudie. Utifrån resultatet från observationsstudien kunde förslag på trygghetsskapande åtgärder tas fram. Slutsatsen av denna studie var att InF-metoden med fördel skulle kunna användas i kommunal planering vid trygghetsarbeten, och även vid liknande projekt som exempelvis trafiksäkerhetsfrågor. / An increasing number of people are concerned about being the victim of crime in public spaces, even though the crime rate has decreased in European cities in recent decades. This feeling of insecurity is one of the biggest social problems of cities today. The research objective of this study is to develop a method that can be used to identify unsafe locations to subsequently propose measures for improving their safety and sense of security. The aim is to determine if the method can help municipalities address safety issues. A survey of existing research and literature was used to identify a suitable method. The method used in this study is called InF (Identify and Fix). The goal of this method is to identify and fix unsafe locations. Citizens of Gävle were asked to mark sites on a map where they feel insecure and to explain the reasons for their choice. The results were then compared with a map of reported crimes in the city. The comparison provides an understanding of the strength of the link between what they feel are unsafe places and those that have high crime rates. Results from the survey indicate that there are four areas in central Gävle that rates participants often identify as unsafe. However, the connections to crime rates in these places were weak. The locations were subsequently examined using observational techniques. The results from the observational study provided suggestions for measures that can increase the safety or sense of safety in key areas. The results of this study suggest that the InF-method can be used to address public safety in municipal planning. The method might also be valuable for addressing security issues in other planning areas such as transportation.

The application of selected invertebrates as indicators of ecosystem change due to veld fires / K.M. Botha

Botha, Kirstin Margret January 2008 (has links)
The quality of terrestrial invertebrates as indicators for the detection of ecological change associated with disturbance is widely acknowledged. Invertebrates, at the community level, are often more sensitive to changes than are plants or vertebrates. Both ants and beetles have been studied extensively; changes in ant community composition have been applied successfully as an indication of restoration success. Ants are ideal due to their high abundances and diversity, their ecological importance at all trophic levels, their relative sampling and sorting ease and their sensitivity to ecological change. A detailed understanding of community dynamics greatly facilitates the correct interpretation of signals provided by indicator taxa. Beetles to a great extent, are useful ecological or biodiversity indicators and have been adopted as suitable indicators in environmental monitoring and assessment, as well as to facilitate the evaluation of conservation of biodiversity in landscapes subjected to harvesting. It is well known that ground-dwelling beetle assemblages (especially ground and rove beetles) are sensitive to habitat structure, microclimate and biodiversity management strategies. The use of bio-indicators with regard to land management is becoming increasingly common in ecological studies, because the results obtained can hopefully provide a framework of reference for the prediction of ecosystem response and the means to select the best land use practices. Such predictions will become useful when considering the consequences of ecological perturbations such as fire regimes, bush encroachment, grazing, mining activity, etc. The objectives of this particular study are to determine the effect that past fire treatments may have had on vegetation structure and how ant and beetle assemblages respond to such changes, and what such changes in habitat structure mean in terms of increased bush density. It is expected that the results obtained will provide an indication of the manner in which ecosystem change affects bio-indicator community assemblages, and how this can be applied with regard to future restoration efforts. These organisms were sampled by means of pitfall traps placed within strategic sites varying in vegetation composition and sampled over a number of days. The content of each trap was sorted to genus level, and where possible, to species level and their application of selected invertebrates as indicators of ecosystem change due to veld fires, species richness, abundance and composition determined. The data obtained was analysed statistically using STATISTICA, CANOCO, PRIMER and Microsoft Excel. Four sites with different burn histories were selected: an unburnt site, one burnt in 2002, one burnt in 1997, and one burnt in 1992. Soil characteristics were found to be relatively homogenous throughout all the sample sites, while each of the burn treatment replicates could be characterised by a particular plant structural arrangement. With regards to the ant assemblages, both in terms of species composition and functional group composition, low species diversity appeared to segregate the 1997 burn treatment replicates markedly from the other three burn treatments, with a high degree of species dominance exhibited by Anaplolepis steingroeveri. The ants seem to indicate higher species diversity in the burn treatment sites that had a more diverse vegetation structure. This occurrence however seems to alter over time after a fire incident, before returning to as close to its original state as possible. The beetles, however, displayed very haphazard assemblages, and did not show any discernable significant results that may be used to describe the environmental parameters in question.The reaction of the ants seemed to occur over an extended period of time, with immediate effects of the burn being an increase in non-specialised and opportunistic species abundances, possibly due to a decrease in competition with other species and taxa. Changes in ant assemblages became more apparent after seven years of the burn incident, seemingly linked to structural changes in the plant community. Ant species diversity increased again at the twelve year recovery time, with and associated change in plant habitat structure. The ants thus, in conclusion, show significant results towards indicating a response to habitat change brought on by fire. It is a requirement that this experiment be replicated in order to establish more discernable patterns. Additional recommendations to improve on this study are also discussed. / Thesis (M. Environmental Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

The application of selected invertebrates as indicators of ecosystem change due to veld fires / K.M. Botha

Botha, Kirstin Margret January 2008 (has links)
The quality of terrestrial invertebrates as indicators for the detection of ecological change associated with disturbance is widely acknowledged. Invertebrates, at the community level, are often more sensitive to changes than are plants or vertebrates. Both ants and beetles have been studied extensively; changes in ant community composition have been applied successfully as an indication of restoration success. Ants are ideal due to their high abundances and diversity, their ecological importance at all trophic levels, their relative sampling and sorting ease and their sensitivity to ecological change. A detailed understanding of community dynamics greatly facilitates the correct interpretation of signals provided by indicator taxa. Beetles to a great extent, are useful ecological or biodiversity indicators and have been adopted as suitable indicators in environmental monitoring and assessment, as well as to facilitate the evaluation of conservation of biodiversity in landscapes subjected to harvesting. It is well known that ground-dwelling beetle assemblages (especially ground and rove beetles) are sensitive to habitat structure, microclimate and biodiversity management strategies. The use of bio-indicators with regard to land management is becoming increasingly common in ecological studies, because the results obtained can hopefully provide a framework of reference for the prediction of ecosystem response and the means to select the best land use practices. Such predictions will become useful when considering the consequences of ecological perturbations such as fire regimes, bush encroachment, grazing, mining activity, etc. The objectives of this particular study are to determine the effect that past fire treatments may have had on vegetation structure and how ant and beetle assemblages respond to such changes, and what such changes in habitat structure mean in terms of increased bush density. It is expected that the results obtained will provide an indication of the manner in which ecosystem change affects bio-indicator community assemblages, and how this can be applied with regard to future restoration efforts. These organisms were sampled by means of pitfall traps placed within strategic sites varying in vegetation composition and sampled over a number of days. The content of each trap was sorted to genus level, and where possible, to species level and their application of selected invertebrates as indicators of ecosystem change due to veld fires, species richness, abundance and composition determined. The data obtained was analysed statistically using STATISTICA, CANOCO, PRIMER and Microsoft Excel. Four sites with different burn histories were selected: an unburnt site, one burnt in 2002, one burnt in 1997, and one burnt in 1992. Soil characteristics were found to be relatively homogenous throughout all the sample sites, while each of the burn treatment replicates could be characterised by a particular plant structural arrangement. With regards to the ant assemblages, both in terms of species composition and functional group composition, low species diversity appeared to segregate the 1997 burn treatment replicates markedly from the other three burn treatments, with a high degree of species dominance exhibited by Anaplolepis steingroeveri. The ants seem to indicate higher species diversity in the burn treatment sites that had a more diverse vegetation structure. This occurrence however seems to alter over time after a fire incident, before returning to as close to its original state as possible. The beetles, however, displayed very haphazard assemblages, and did not show any discernable significant results that may be used to describe the environmental parameters in question.The reaction of the ants seemed to occur over an extended period of time, with immediate effects of the burn being an increase in non-specialised and opportunistic species abundances, possibly due to a decrease in competition with other species and taxa. Changes in ant assemblages became more apparent after seven years of the burn incident, seemingly linked to structural changes in the plant community. Ant species diversity increased again at the twelve year recovery time, with and associated change in plant habitat structure. The ants thus, in conclusion, show significant results towards indicating a response to habitat change brought on by fire. It is a requirement that this experiment be replicated in order to establish more discernable patterns. Additional recommendations to improve on this study are also discussed. / Thesis (M. Environmental Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Energy efficiency improvements of Mondi Dynäs paper mill : A survey of steam and condensate with improvement measures for increased condensate recovery

Hussein, Gadar January 2014 (has links)
This thesis has been performed at Mondi kraft pulp and paper mill located in Sweden, Kramfors Dynäs due to the low return rate of condensate. Currently, the return rate is only at 65 - 75 %. This is problematic as the demineralization process is operating on full capacity and thus requires a reduced make-up water need. The production of demineralized water is an expensive process due to large requirements of chemicals and pump-energy, but also due to the cost of raw water and maintenance. Therefore the purpose of the work was to investigate the possibility to increase the condensate return rate and thus reduce the need of make-up water. The investigation was performed during normal production rates to simplify the interpretations. The steam and condensate system was mapped and extracted flows were identified, measured and marked on map. The extracted flows were investigated in more detail and characterized as either consumed in a process or lost to sewer or atmosphere. In the work, both minor and major improvements were investigated. Minor improvements are accomplished with small intervention measures and could be done with small or no investments costs. Major improvements require large investments costs and further investigations. Six different processes were found to constitute the total production of make-up water. These are the free blowing of excess steam, soot blowing steam, paper machine 6, de-aerating process in the feed water tanks, digester process and steam- & condensate leaks along the pipe network. Improvements with the category of minor were found to reduce steam and condensate consumption by 22 - 23 ton/h. This implies a reduction by 30 - 32 % of the added make-up water, including an annual financial benefit of 3,3 - 3,9 MSEK. Additionally 0,41 - 0,82 MSEK could be gained annually by improving the insulation on the cylinder dryer heads. The make-up water would be further reduced if insulation jackets and inspection programs were implemented on equipments along the steam lines. Two major improvements are recommended. The first major improvement involves elimination of the free blowing of excess steam. This could be accomplished by drying the bark before combustion. The added make-up water would be reduced by 25 % and with the possibility to sell the dried bark during low steam production. The second major improvement involves the digester process, where the consumptions of medium pressure steam could be reduced by replacing steam with liquor-steam from the strong liquor accumulator. Medium pressure steam could instead be converted into electricity by the turbine.

Co-crystallisation of energetic materials : a step-change in the control of properties and performance of munitions

Lloyd, Hayleigh Jayne January 2017 (has links)
The research described in this thesis seeks to explore a concept that has the potential to make a step-change for the control of the properties of energetic materials (sensitivity, long-term storage, processability, performance, etc.), resulting in safer munitions with enhanced performance. This concept is co-crystallisation and involves crystallisation of the energetic material with one or more molecular components in order to modify the properties of the composition. The concept has been demonstrated in the pharmaceutical sector as a successful means of altering the physical properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients, e.g. solubility, bioavailability, stability to humidity. This project therefore aims to exploit the concepts of crystal engineering and co-crystallisation as applied to selected energetic materials in order to achieve the following objectives: (i) develop an enhanced understanding of how structure influences key properties such as sensitivity, (ii) control the sensitivity of existing, approved energetic materials, and (iii) identify new energetic materials with enhanced properties, e.g. reduced sensitivity, higher performance, and increased thermal stability. The compound 3,5-nitrotriazolone (NTO) was crystallised with a selection of co-formers to produce salts and co-crystals. The structure properties of these materials were explored using single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, and structural features were correlated with properties such as crystal density, difference in pKa of co-formers, thermal properties, and sensitivity to impact. Detonation velocities of the co-crystals were calculated based on densities, chemical composition, and heats of formation. Co-former molecules included a series of substituted anilines, substituted pyridines (including 4,4’-bipyridine, 2-pyridone), and substituted triazoles. A co-crystal was formed between NTO and 4,4’-bipyridine on crystallisation from ethanol, whilst a salt was formed when crystallised from water. Upon heating the salt to 50ºC, the co-crystal was formed. Structural differences between the salts formed by NTO with 3,5-DAT and 3,4- DAT were correlated with structural features. 3,5-DAT.NTO is substantially less impact sensitive than 3,4-DAT.NTO, and this is attributed to the layered structure of 3,5-DAT.NTO. An investigation into triazole-based NTO salts under high pressure was conducted. A new polymorph of 3,5-DAT.NTO was discovered upon increasing the pressure to 2.89 GPa. The high-pressure phase appears to retain the layered structure and remains in this phase up to 5.33 GPa, although it was not recoverable upon decompression to atmospheric pressure. The compression behaviour of the unit cell volume for phase I of 3,5-DAT.NTO has been fitted to a 3rd-order Birch- Murnaghan equation of state (EoS) with V0 = 957.7 Å3, B0 = 8.2 GPa and B’0 = 14.7. The unit cell was found to be most compressible in the a and c directions. Under high pressure 3,4-DAT.NTO does not give any indication of a phase change occurring up to 6.08 GPa. The coefficients of the 3rd-order Birch-Murnaghan EoS have been determined to be V0 = 915.9 Å3, B0 = 12.6 GPa and B’0 = 6.5.

Age Management -Nyckeln till ett längrearbetsliv? : En studie om ett hållbart arbetsliv och potentiellaeffekter till följd av en höjd pensionsålder / Age Management - The Key to a Longer Working Life? : A Study Regarding a Sustainable Work Life and the Potential Effects of an Increased Retirement Age

Berndtson, Caroline, Kjellin, Louise, Melin, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Människor lever idag allt längre. Jämfört med medellivslängden i Sverige som varit ständigt tilltagande över tid har pensionsåldern hållit sig relativt konstant vilket innebär att en pension som tjänats ihop under samma arbetslivslängd nu måste räcka till försörjning av fler levnadsår. Därav blir införandet av en höjd pensionsålder aktuellt för att behålla välståndet i Sverige. Enligt Statens offentliga utredningar (2012:28) finns god grund för antagandet att arbetstagare kommer kunna stanna kvar längre i arbetslivet. Emellertid menar Arbetsmiljöverket (2016) att vissa fysiskt krävande arbeten kan vara svårt för en äldre arbetskraft att utföra. Utvecklingen i samhället pekar mot att ett införande av en höjd pensionsålder kommer bli verklighet, ett faktum som gör att Age Management blir allt mer aktuellt i och med att människor kommer stanna kvar i arbetslivet upp i en högre ålder än tidigare. Det kan då behövas mer konkreta verktyg för att hantera en åldrande arbetskraft i praktiken av den orsaken att de potentiellt sett kan ha andra behov som bör tillgodoses för att få äldre medarbetare att stanna kvar i yrkeslivet längre. Den forskning som finns idag kring Age Management har framförallt bedrivits på individnivå, mindre forskning finns kring hur eventuella förändringar skulle hanteras på ett organisatoriskt plan, varför den här studien ämnar belysa hur organisationer skulle hantera ett scenario där äldre stannar på arbetsplatsen längre. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att genom en kvalitativ ansats analysera hur företag arbetar med Age Management idag och vilka effekter en höjd pensionsålder skulle medföra. Det för att kunna avgöra huruvida Age Management skulle kunna användas som ett verktyg för att hantera eventuella utmaningar som skulle kunna uppstå vid införandet av en höjd pensionsålder. Genomförande: Studien är fenomenologisk och karaktäriseras av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Empirin har samlats in genom ett målstyrt urval. Sammanlagt har elva fallföretag och fyra andra relevanta aktörer intervjuats. Slutsats: Studien resulterar i slutsatsen att en höjd pensionsålder kommer påverka företagen inom följande områden: kompetens, hälsa, attityder och arbetsmiljö. Den definitiva slutsatsen är att det finns ett behov av Age Management som ett managementverktyg då arbete med Age Management kommer bidra mot ett mer hållbart arbetsliv där sannolikheten är större att äldre medarbetare kommer välja att vara yrkesverksamma de extra åren en höjd pensionsålder skulle innebära. / Background: People live increasingly longer lives. Compared with the average life expectancy in Sweden, which has been steadily increasing over time, the retirement age has remained relatively constant. This means that a pension that has been earned during the same amount of working years now has to be able to cover more years of living. Hence, the introduction of an increased retirement age is timely, and required in order to maintain economic comfort in Sweden. According to the Government’s Public Investigations (2012:28), there are good grounds to make the assumption that workers will be able to stay longer in the workplace. However, the Work Environment Authority (2016) believes that some physically demanding work could become difficult for an elderly workforce to perform. Development in society points to the fact that an increased retirement age will become reality, which means that Age Management is becoming increasingly relevant as people will stay in the work life up to a higher age than before. There may be need for more concrete tools in order to handle an older workforce in practice, since they may have other needs that should be met in order to make older employees stay longer in the labor market. The research currently available on Age Management has been conducted primarily at an individual level. There is less research concerning changes that need to be made at an organizational level, therefore this study aims to illustrate how organizations would handle a scenario where elderly people stay at the workplace up to a higher age. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to, through a qualitative approach, analyze how companies work with Age Management today and what effects an increased retirement age would lead to. This is done in order to be able to determine whether Age Management could be used as a tool to handle any challenges that might arise when introducing an increased retirement age. Completion: The study is phenomenological and characterized by a qualitative approach. The empirics has been collected through goal-driven selection. Eleven case companies and four other relevant parties have been interviewed in total. Conclusion: The study results in the conclusion that an increase in retirement age will affect companies in the following areas: competence, health, attitudes and working environment. The definitive conclusion is that there is need for Age Management as a management tool as work with Age Management will contribute towards a more sustainable working life, where the likelihood will be greater that older employees will choose to stay in the working life the extra years an increase in retirement age would mean.

Alternativas para aumento de capacidade de um terminal portuário de minério de ferro. / Alternatives to increase capacity of a iron ore port terminal.

Joyce Milanez Zampirolli 15 August 2016 (has links)
O crescimento da demanda por minério de ferro e a necessidade de melhoria nos terminais portuários, forçaram os portos a pensar e criar alternativas que refletissem em aumento de capacidade. Assim como os portos, as cidades ao redor dos terminais cresceram e avançaram sobre o território portuário, dificultando e até mesmo impedindo expansões físicas. Pensar e recriar conceitos que envolvam melhorias em todo o sistema produtivo é ter um olhar inovador para o processo e oferecer soluções que permitam aumento de capacidade, utilizando os recursos já existentes. No âmbito de se avaliar tais alternativas, foi utilizado um modelo de simulação de eventos discretos que possibilitou testar cenários de aumento de capacidade sem que para isso houvesse a necessidade de interferência na estrutura física, mas sim no tipo de produto movimentado e em mudanças nas atuais variáveis do sistema. / The iron ore demand and the need for improvement at the terminals forced the ports think and create alternatives that reflected in the incensement of capacity. In addiction with this growth, the cities around the terminals have grown and start to break into the port territory, making physical expansions hard to implement. To think and recreate concepts involving improvements throughout the production system is to have an innovative look at the process and offer solutions to increase capacity, using the existing resources. In the context of evaluating such alternatives, it was used a discrete events simulation model that enabled testing scenarios of capacity increase without interference in the physical structure, but in the quantity of different products types in the terminal and also changings in the system variables.

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