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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of light weight deflectometer for low volume roads experiencing rapidly increased traffic levels

Ordaz, Margarita 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
When evaluating low volume roads (LVRs), structural capacity emphasis is minimal since deterioration typically results from environmental factors. However, in cases where LVR’s experience rapidly increased traffic loading, structural condition becomes important. The research objective was to determine whether the Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) can be used as a structural evaluation tool for LVRs in the aforementioned conditions. This study explored the capability of LWD equipment in evaluating major factors that influence flexible pavement structural capacity: load induced deterioration, soil moisture, and asphalt temperature. Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and LWD tests were performed to measure pavement structural condition. LWD was shown applicable for LVRs experiencing accelerated traffic. The LWD is portable and efficient for LVRs when high rut depths are permitted. The LWD and FWD produced similar trends. The LWD, based on this thesis, can be recommended for use in lieu of FWD to assess structural condition of LVRs for rapidly increased traffic loading.


Philipson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
This thesis primary aim is to examine specific deterrence; the fear of punishment experienced by individuals who have committed crimes and subsequently received a punishment. Specific deterrence is assumed to deter criminals from reoffending. The secondary aim of this thesis is to examine the perceptions of increased punishments as a measure to prevent crime, as deterrence theory predicts that increased punishment correlates to decreased criminality. The Swedish government has continually proposed and implemented increased punishments. As such, the validity of specific deterrence and the effectiveness of increased punishments requires examination in a Swedish context. Perceptions and experiences of specific deterrence, and perceptions of the deterring effect of increased punishments, was examined in 12 semi-structured interviews with people who have committed a crime and received subsequent punishment. The material was analysed using thematic analysis, and the results found that the participants did not experience deterrence, as drug addiction, fear of consequences from other criminals, and perceptions of apprehension and severity of punishment inhibited, or eliminated, specific deterrence. Increased punishments were not thought to have affected past criminal actions, but opinions on increased punishments to combat current criminality were both positive and negative. By applying General Strain theory, the study found that the presence of a stronger experience of strain eliminated or diminished specific deterrence.

A District-Wide Study Confirming the Relationship Between Professional Learning Communities and Student Achievement in Elementary Schools

Backman, Joseph Samuel 22 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Researchers have studied professional learning communities for over two decades. Educators have utilized the elements of professional learning communities in their schools to improve instruction and student learning. Yet, there is limited empirical evidence that establishes, describes, and confirms this relationship. This study was completed to better understand the nature, strength, and types of relationships between the individual elements of professional learning communities and student achievement. The sample for this study was 26 elementary schools, 439 teachers, and nearly 11,000 students. An analysis of professional learning communities and student achievement data through hierarchical linear modeling indicated that each of the eight clearly defined elements of professional learning communities have a significant relationship with student achievement.

Adding Increased Value to Strawberry Puree by Adding Xylo-oligosaccharides to Improve Health

Dai, Haochen 25 October 2018 (has links)
Cancer is a global risk for human wellness and health. Dietary habits could profoundly affect the risk of certain cancer, such as colorectal cancer (CRC) (Platz, 2000). CRC has listed the third leading cancer among male and female in the United States (Stewart, 2014). Surprisingly, the consumption of dietary fiber has an inverse correlation with the mortality of CRC (Song, 2018). However, most Americans do not consume enough dietary fiber to meet the recommended level of dietary fiber intake (Clemens, 2012; Lee-Kwan, 2017). Hence, it is reasonable to increase the nutrient density, i.e., dietary fiber, of current food model. Xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS), an emerging prebiotics, showed multiple advantages over fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin. For example, Hsu et al. (2004) reported XOS are more effective than FOS on increasing Bifidobacterium level in rat cecum (Hsu, 2004). It is also suggested that dietary fiber and phenolic compounds have synergistic effect on promoting gut health (Uehara, 2001; Matsukawa, 2009). Therefore, the application of XOS into a polyphenol-dense food vehicle (strawberry puree) could be a viable way to promote gastrointestinal health and help reduce CRC risk. First, the effect of xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) incorporation on the quality attributes of strawberry puree was investigated. Rheological properties, color and physicochemical characteristics and composition such as water activity, pH, and total soluble solids, were investigated to determine the maximum XOS content that can be incorporated into the strawberry pure without significantly altering the original properties of samples. Based on the collected data, adding xylo-oligosaccharides greater than 7.5% w/w will significantly change the quality attributes of the strawberry puree including its rheological characteristics, color profile, water activity, and total soluble solids. The addition of XOS at 2.5% and 5% w/w did not significantly alter overall quality attributes of strawberry puree. Second, the effects of heat treatment (HTST, 75℃, 15s and UHT, 121℃, 2s) and storage condition (storage time: 1, 15, and 36 days; storage temperature: 4℃ and 55℃) on the quality attributes of xylo-oligosaccharides enhanced strawberry puree was studied (texture, color water activity, total soluble solids, and pH). In addition, the physicochemical (total phenolic, tannin, flavonoids contents, and antioxidant activity) evolution was studied. A 9-point Hedonic test was conducted to evaluate the sensory properties (overall, texture, color, appearance, sweetness, aroma, flavor) of purees (with and without XOS, 5%w/w) under different thermal treatments. Briefly, all nutritional attributes were retained better under cold storage (4 ℃) as compared to high-temperature storage (55 ℃). The result revealed that thermal treatment and high storage temperature showed an inverse correlation with puree consistency. As for chemical analysis, intense thermal treatment (UHT) caused the most degradation in TPC, TFC and tannin level. However, such treatments (UHT) helped significantly increase the measurable antioxidant level. For other physicochemical properties, processing methods (HTST / UHT) and high storage temperature exhibited more significance in changing the color profiles of the specimen than XOS incorporation. Overall, the addition of XOS up to 5% w/w could increase nutritional value of strawberry puree as well as consumer preference without significantly compromising quality attributes. Based on instrumental and sensory analysis, HTST treated strawberry puree with XOS incorporation (5% w/w) meet the standard of sensorial attributes of fresh puree with improved shelf-life stability and fiber concentration.

Åt helvete med afrikanerna, låt dem dö!

Höst, Mariette, Prieto, Nicole January 2017 (has links)
Den negativa attityden kring palmolja har uppkommit för att industrin ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv brister i sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska aspekter. Produktionen finns i utvecklingsländerna, främst i Malaysia och Indonesien. Intresset för palmolja har ökat i Liberia, som tillsammans med Sverige är studieländer i den här undersökningen. Industrin har en stor miljöpåverkan, det förekommer dåliga arbetsförhållanden med låga löner och brist på rättigheter. Palmoljeindustrin har samtidigt i utvecklingsländerna gett möjlighet till ökad välfärd, då industrin är det som primärt ger inkomst för lokalbefolkningen.Studiens resultat visar att en uteslutning av palmolja i produkter inte är en lösning på problemet. En möjlig lösning till problemet är istället att samarbeta och jobba för hållbar odling av palmolja. / The negative attitude towards palm oil has arisen because of the sustainability of industry in social, economic and ecological aspects. Production is in developing countries, mainly in Malaysia and Indonesia. The interest in palm oil has increased in Liberia, which together with Sweden are study countries in this survey. The industry has a major environmental impact, there are poor working conditions with low wages and lack of rights. At the same time, in the developing countries, the palm oil industry has provided an opportunity for increased welfare, as the industry is the primary source of income for the local population.The study results show that an exclusion of palm oil in products is not a solution to the problem. A possible solution to the problem is instead to cooperate and work for sustainable cultivation of palm oil.

Har belöningar betydelse för revisorers motivation under perioder med hög arbetsbörda? / Do rewards have significance for auditors' motivation during periods of high workload?

Toräng, Julia, Wulkan, Paulina January 2024 (has links)
Revisorsyrket kännetecknas av perioder med hög arbetsbörda på grund av att många företag har kalenderår som räkenskapsår. Tidigare forskning visar att hög arbetsbörda i revisorsyrket medför negativa effekter för enskilda revisorer såväl som för revisionsbyråer, eftersom många revisorer väljer att lämna yrket. Revisorer antas därmed inte vara tillräckligt motiverade att utföra den ansträngning som krävs under perioder med hög arbetsbörda. Vidare saknar tidigare forskning en förståelse för hur revisionsbyråerna kan hantera problemet med låg motivation under hög arbetsbörda. Belöningar är en styrmekanism som kan öka motivation hos individer, vilket medför att syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för om belöningar har betydelse för revisorers motivation till att anstränga sig mer under perioder med hög arbetsbörda. För att uppfylla syftet har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi tillämpats, bestående av 13 semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorer verksamma inom en av de största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige.  Studien visar att revisorer har olika inställning till revisorsyrket vilken konstateras bero på vilken typ av motivation revisorerna i huvudsak har till revisorsyrket. Följaktligen har den huvudsakliga motivationen till revisorsyrket betydelse för om och på vilket sätt revisorer motiveras av belöningar. I studien framkommer att monetära belöningar har betydelse för revisorers motivation till ökad ansträngning under perioder med hög arbetsbörda. Icke- monetära belöningar visade sig inte ha någon direkt betydelse för revisorers motivation till ökad ansträngning, däremot ansågs de vara viktiga som hygienfaktorer för en del revisorer för att inte skapa missnöje på arbetsplatsen. Vidare återfanns ett fåtal revisorer där varken monetära eller icke-monetära belöningar hade någon betydelse för motivation till ökad ansträngning under hög arbetsbörda, vilket förklaras med att dessa revisorer har en inre motivation till revisorsyrket. För de revisorer där monetära belöningar hade betydelse för motivation till ökad ansträngning under hög arbetsbörda noterades även en potential att nå inre motivation då inställningen till revisorsyrket utlästes bli mer positiv av monetära belöningar. Avslutningsvis kan revisorers preferens för monetära belöningar förklaras med att lönen upplevs vara för låg i revisorsyrket för det merarbete som krävs under perioder med hög arbetsbörda. / The audit profession is characterized by periods of high workload due to the fact that many companies have calendar year as accounting year. Previous research shows that high workload within the audit profession has negative effects for individual auditors as well as for the audit firms, since many auditors choose to leave the profession. Auditors are thus assumed to be insufficiently motivated to perform the required effort during periods of high workload. Furthermore, previous research lacks an understanding of how audit firms can handle the problem of low motivation during high workload. Rewards are a control mechanism that can increase individuals' motivation, the purpose of the study is therefore to create an understanding of whether rewards have significance for auditors' motivation to increase effort during periods of high workload. To fulfill the purpose, a qualitative research strategy has been applied, consisting of 13 semi-structured interviews with auditors working within one of the largest audit firms in Sweden.  The study shows that auditors have different attitudes towards the audit profession, which are found to depend on the main type of motivation the auditors have towards the audit profession. Consequently, the main motivation towards the audit profession have significance for if and in what way auditors are motivated by rewards. The study concludes that monetary rewards have significance for auditors' motivation to increase effort during periods of high workload. Non-monetary rewards were found to have no direct effect on auditors' motivation for increased effort, on the other hand, they were considered important as hygiene factors for some auditors in order not to create dissatisfaction at the workplace. Furthermore, a few auditors were found where neither monetary nor non- monetary rewards had any significance for motivation to increase effort during high workload, which is explained by the fact that these auditors have an intrinsic motivation towards the audit profession. For those auditors where monetary rewards had significance for motivation to increase effort during high workload, a potential to achieve intrinsic motivation was also noted as the attitude towards the audit profession became more positive due to monetary rewards. In conclusion, auditors' preference for monetary rewards can be explained by the fact that the salary is experienced as being too low in the audit profession for the additional work that is required during periods of high workload.

Ämnesintegrera för en hållbar utveckling : En kvantitativ studie om hem-och konsumentkunskapslärares erfarenheter av ämnesintegrerad undervisning och syn på hållbar utveckling / Integrated Curriculum for Sustainability : A questionnaire study about the Home and Consumer Studies teachers’ experience of teaching using integrated curriculum and views on sustainability.

Wallace, Eva-Lena January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund Undervisningen i skolan möjliggörs bland annat av de ramfaktorer som finns. Här lyfts speciellt ämnets tilldelade timmar i timplanen, läroplanens centrala innehåll och kunskapskrav samt dess övergripande fostringssträvan att få kommande generationer att anamma hållbar utveckling. Hem- och konsumentkunskapslärarnas situation är svår då kursplanens ambition överskrider dess tilldelade timmar. En möjlig lösning på problemet skulle kunna vara att ämnesintegrera undervisning. Syfte Undersökningens syfte var att studera hem- och konsumentlärares erfarenhet av och syn på ämnesintegrerad undervisning och hållbar utveckling. Metod Studien var en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en elektronisk enkät som skickades ut till alla yrkesaktiva HKK-lärare i Sverige, höstterminen 2016. Resultat Enkäten besvarades av 5 % av Sveriges HKK-lärare och visade att de allra flesta (91 %) av deltagarna hade prövat att ämnesintegrera och att samarbetsparterna fanns bland alla andra skolans ämnen. Fördelarna med ämnesintegrering ansågs överväga nackdelarna. Arbetssättet hindrades allra mest av brist på tid, främst planeringstid. Studien visade också att HKK-lärarna ansåg att ämnesintegrering ökade tidseffektiviteten med ökad måluppfyllelse och arbetsglädje som resultat. Det framkom också att lärarna behövde öka sina kunskaper i hållbar utveckling. Slutsats Skolledningen skulle kunna bidra till ökad ämnesintegrering genom att påverka lokala ramfaktorer och då främst genom att få till schematekniskt gynnsamma lösningar samt att tillgodose fortbildningsbehoven. Detta skulle kunna förbättra HKK-lärarnas arbetsbörda, öka professionalismen och höja ämnets status. / Background The teaching at School is, among other things, dependent on frame factors. This study is specifically looking at the allocated teaching hours, the subject content and the indicators for grading that the curriculum dictates as well as the overall aim of the Swedish school system to generate future generations of sustainability minded citizens. The Home and Consumer Studies (HCS) teachers’ situation is difficult with an overambitious curriculum compared to its allocated hours. One possible solution to that problem could be an integrated curriculum. Objective The aim for this study was to study the Swedish HCS teachers’ experience of and attitudes towards integrated curriculum and sustainable development. Method The study had a quantitative approach and a digital questionnaire was sent out to all active HCS teacher in Sweden, at the beginning of the autumn term of 2016. Results The questionnaire was answered by 5 % of the Swedish HCS teachers and showed that a large majority (91 %) of the teachers had experienced integrated curriculum and that teamwork including all other school subjects had been done. The advantages of integrated curriculum outweighed the disadvantages. Lack of time, mainly lack of allocated planning time, was the greatest hindrance to integrated curriculum. The study showed that the HCS teachers saw that integrated curriculum has the potential to contribute to improved time efficiency with increased goal completion and job satisfaction as a result. The study also showed that the teachers need to improve their knowledge of sustainability. Conclusion The head of schools could contribute to increased integrated curriculum activities by influencing the local frame factors, for most by enforcing satisfactory timetable solutions that ensures the possibilities of cooperation and ensuring adequate in-service programs for educators. This could contribute to better work situation for the teachers, increased professionalism and improved status of the subject.

Manejo da adubação nitrogenada com misturas de ureia revestida com NBPT e ureia revestida com enxofre e polímeros em sistemas de produção de milho / Management of nitrogen fertilization with mixtures of NBPT-treated urea and polymer sulfur coated urea in corn production systems

Moschini, Bruno Paulo 27 February 2019 (has links)
O uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados de eficiência aumentada, em especial o blend de ureia convencional tratada com NBPT e ureia revestida com enxofre elementar e polímeros (U+UREP) consiste em uma alternativa para fornecer nitrogênio (N) nos estádios fenológicos do milho garantindo a sustentabilidade agrícola, além de ser uma opção válida para reduzir os custos em comparação ao uso exclusivo de fertilizantes de liberação controlada. Os objetivos do trabalho foram: (1) avaliar o manejo da adubação nitrogenada em um sistema de sucessão cana-de-açúcar/milho com blend de U+UREP, comparados com fertilizantes nitrogenados convencionais, além de avaliar a viabilidade econômica do custo da adubação nitrogenada e a margem de lucratividade nesse sistema de manejo; (2) avaliar os modos de aplicação e doses de N utilizando o blend de U+UREP no mesmo sistema de cultivo anteriormente citado, além de avaliar o custo e a rentabilidade desse manejo; (3) avaliar o destino do N-fertilizante dentro das plantas de milho proveniente do blend de U+UREP por meio do método isotópico (15N) e do método da diferença, além de avaliar a volatilização de NH3, a viabilidade econômica do custo da adubação e outros parâmetros de crescimento das plantas quando comparados com a U e o NA em um sistema de sucessão Brachiaria ruziziensis/milho. No primeiro estudo, a conversão de um sistema de cultivo de cana-de-açúcar para milho com alto aporte de palha tem influência marcante nas transformações do N no sistema solo-planta-atmosfera, sendo que a produção de biomassa seca (BS) foi pouco influenciada entre os fertilizantes avaliados aplicados no estádio V4 do milho, diferindo-se apenas do tratamento controle. As condições climáticas (intensidade e distribuição das chuvas) se apresentaram como um fator limitante para o rendimento da cultura. No segundo estudo, a viabilidade econômica no sistema de sucessão cana-de-açúcar/milho mostrou que o custo da adubação nitrogenada foi impulsionada pelo preço dos fertilizantes nitrogenados e aumento das doses de N, sendo que a adubação com o blend de U+UREP não mostrou-se ser uma alternativa economicamente viável no cultivo do milho, independentemente das doses e dos anos de cultivo avaliados. A adubação com 300 kg de N ha-1 na forma de U promoveu a maior margem de lucratividade. No terceiro estudo, quando o blend de U+UREP foi aplicado em cobertura no sistema de cultivo de cana-de-açúcar/milho foi observado as maiores médias de produção de BS e acumulo N, independentemente da dose de N avaliada, sendo que a aplicação de 194 kg de N ha-1 do blend de U+UREP proporcionou a máxima produtividade de grãos de milho. No quinto capítulo, o estudo do custo e rentabilidade do modo de aplicação do blend de U+UREP mostrou que a aplicação em cobertura de 300 kg de N ha-1 proporcionou os maiores valores de produtividade de grãos, receita bruta e custo operacional total, enquanto que o maior lucro operacional e índice de lucratividade foi obtido com a aplicação incorporada de 150 kg de N ha-1. No sexto capítulo, o blend de U+UREP foi capaz de reduzir as perdas por volatilização de NH3, entretanto, as condições climáticas podem ter influenciado a produção de BS, o acumulo de N e a ausência de resposta na produtividade de grãos em ambas as safras. O N proveniente do solo foi a principal fonte de N para as plantas durante o ciclo de cultivo, sendo que a % NBPTUplanta foi de 14% e a % URPplanta de 23%. / The use of nitrogen fertilizers of increased efficiency, especially the blend of conventional urea treated with NBPT and urea coated with elemental sulfur and polymers (U+UREP), is an alternative to provide nitrogen (N) in the phenological phases of maize, guaranteeing sustainability agriculture, as well as being a valid option to reduce costs compared to the exclusive use of controlled release fertilizers. The objectives of the study were: (1) to evaluate the management of nitrogen fertilization in a sugarcane/corn succession system with blend U+UREP, compared to conventional nitrogen fertilizers, and to evaluate the economic viability of fertilization cost nitrogen balance and profit margin in this management system; (2) to evaluate the application modes and N doses using the blend U+UREP in the same cultivation system mentioned above, besides evaluating the cost and profitability of this management; (3) to evaluate the fate of the N-fertilizer within the corn plants from the blend U+UREP using the isotopic method (15N) and the difference method, besides evaluating NH3 volatilization, the economic feasibility of the cost of fertilization and other plant growth parameters when compared to U and NA in a Brachiaria ruziziensis/maize succession system. In the first study, the conversion of a sugarcane cultivation system to corn with high straw yields had a marked influence on N transformations in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, and the production of dry biomass (DB) was little influence among the evaluated fertilizers applied in the stage V4 of the corn, differing only from the control treatment. The climatic conditions (intensity and distribution of rainfall) were presented as a limiting factor for crop yield. In the second study, economic viability in the sugarcane/corn succession system showed that the cost of nitrogen fertilization was driven by the price of nitrogen fertilizers and increase of N rates, and the fertilization with the blend U+UREP did not prove to be an economically viable alternative to maize cultivation, regardless of the doses and the years of cultivation evaluated. Fertilization with 300 kg of N ha-1 in the U-form promoted the highest profit margin. In the third study, when the blend U+UREP was applied under cover in the sugarcane/maize cultivation system, the highest production averages of DB and N accumulation were observed, regardless of the N dose evaluated, and the application of 194 kg of N ha-1 from the blend U+UREP provided the maximum yield of corn grains. In the fifth chapter, the study of the cost and profitability of the application of the blend U+UREP showed that the application in coverage of 300 kg of N ha-1 provided the highest values of grain yield, gross revenue and total operating cost, while the highest operating profit and profitability index was obtained with the incorporated application of 150 kg of N ha-1. In the sixth chapter, the blend U+UREP blend was able to reduce NH3 volatilization losses; however, climatic conditions may have influenced DB production, N accumulation and lack of response in grain yield in both crops. N from the soil was the main source of N for the plants during the growing cycle, with the % NBPTUplant was 14% and the % UREPplant was 23%.

The central regulation of blood pressure and salt appetite by brain 11β- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 : a novel gene targeting technique

McNairn, Julie Anne January 2018 (has links)
Hypertension is the chronic elevation in blood pressure that is regulated in part through the retention and regulation of sodium retention and excretion in the kidneys. Hence the kidney has been considered the organ that regulates blood pressure. There are a cohort of patients that suffer with high blood pressure due to lack of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-type 2 (11β-HSD2) expression (which inactivates glucocorticoids (GCs), allowing selective activation of mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) by aldosterone) that results in hypertensive and increased salt appetite phenotypes - a condition known as syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess (SAME). This disorder can be recapitulated in the mouse through the global deletion of 11β-HSD2, which results in over activation of the MR driving an elevation in blood pressure. However, the distinction between blood pressure elevation because of kidney dysfunction with loss of 11β-HSD2 or increased salt appetite due to loss of brain 11β-HSD2 expression is not clear from the global 11β-HSD2 knockout model. Salt appetite is regulated by regions of the brain out-with the blood-brain barrier, known as circumventricular organs. In the mouse, salt appetite is controlled by aldosterone-sensitive cells in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in the brain stem, where 11β-HSD2 is expressed to provide mineralocorticoid selectivity. However, in the fetal brain, 11β-HSD2 is widely expressed, protecting against adverse GC action that alters brain development and increases susceptibility to psychiatric disorders as adults. 11β-HSD2 deletion solely in the brain from embryonic day 12 resulting in GC fetal programming (HSD2BKO) causes effects on both behaviour and salt appetite. To determine the role of developmental versus adult expression of brain 11β- HSD2, mice with deletion of brain 11β-HSD2 from mid gestation (HSD2BKO) and mice with adult deletion of 11β-HSD2 in the NTS using lentivirus (HSD2.v- BKD) were compared. The phenotypes (salt appetite, blood pressure (BP), baroreceptor response (BRR) and cognition), can be categorised as either due to GC fetal programming (as indicated by HSD2BKO groups), or increased activation of MR in adult 11β-HSD2 expressing neurons (recapitulated in the HSD2.v-Cre groups). Salt appetite increased in both HSD2BKO and HSD2.v-BKD cohorts (mean percentage increase 65% n=8 and 46% n=6, compared to their respective controls), leading to an increased BP in both groups (+12% and +8%, respectively) as well as an impaired BRR, indicating all phenotypes are mediated by adult NTS neurons. However, spatial recognition memory (Object-in-Place task) is abolished in HSD2BKO mice, whereas, HSD2.v-BKD mice still retain short-term memory. Our data suggest that neural 11β-HSD2 protects against inappropriate activation of MR by corticosterone to regulate salt appetite and salt-induced rises in blood pressure. However, spatial recognition memory is not influenced by deletion of 11β-HSD2 in the adult brain, confirmation that this phenotype is underpinned by developmental programming by GCs, which is observed in the 11β-HSD2 brain KO. Salt appetite has been shown to be centrally regulated through the adult deletion of 11β-HSD2. From this, our data suggest that an increased salt appetite is due to adult loss of function of 11β-HSD2 rather than GC programming during development. Highlighting the NTS as a region for drug delivery to try and control salt appetite in salt sensitive individuals who struggle with administering a recommended change in diet. To develop this further, minimally invasive modes of delivery of viruses and drugs into the brain were investigated. In so doing, a non-invasive and reversible method to temporarily disrupt the blood brain barrier (BBB) was optimised. The technique required acoustic insonation of ultrasonic contrast agents (CAs) (gas microbubbles) adjacent to the BBB. These microbubbles (SonoVueTM, Bracco) were delivered via tail vein injection into the vasculature. To target the BBB, an ultrasonic transducer was suspended and focused through coupling gel onto the area of interest in the brain with skull the intact. The optimisation of this technique required determination of the focal position of the 3.5MHz transducer that was utilised, in addition to optimisation of the pulse length, pulse repetition frequency and power output of the ultrasound beam to enable the BBB to be disrupted. In addition, measurement of the attenuation of the ultrasound beam through ex vivo mouse skulls were measured. These results showed a 50% reduction in pressure amplitude from the baseline of 335.2mV (Baseline mean = 100% +/-SEM 0 n=3 (No skull), five regions across the skull averaged 47.79% +/-SEM 1.913 n=25 (using 5 different animals). In in vivo mice, after co-injection of the microbubbles with Evans Blue and insonation of the brain, disruption of the BBB was confirmed by the presence of Evans Blue dye in the brain, with no measurable damage occurring in the brain. This was confirmed by cell and nuclear morphology with no red blood cell extravasation into the surrounding tissue. The parameters used to open the BBB used a peak negative pressure of 2.1MPa (single pulse), transducer frequency 3.5MHz, 35,000 cycles over a 10ms burst at a pulse repetition frequency of 10Hz. The technique when applied in vivo in recovery animals is speculated to work by the focused ultrasound causing the microbubbles to oscillate within the vasculature adjacent to the BBB, resulting in high-shear stresses being generated on the tight junctions within the BBB. The resultant gaps in the BBB allow free circulating compounds (e.g. large dye molecules (Evans Blue - 960.8g/mol molecular weight) and adeno-associated-viruses (25nm with a packing capacity of 4.5kb) within the blood to pass into the brain, but there is no penetration of red blood cells (7μm). Longitudinal mouse experiments demonstrated that within 12-hours these gaps close with no long-term damage observed. Currently, utilising this technique, successful passage of an adeno-associated virus expressing GFP (as a marker) has been shown to pass into the brain (n=6 for each cohort including control) - indicating that the virus requires the ultrasound and microbubbles to facilitate its movement into the brain. Further technique optimisation is being explored looking at the role of CAs used in the opening and disruption of the BBB, comparing composition and size of the CAs. Microbubbles (2-3μm) and nanobubbles (200nm) were compared as well as lipid and non-ionic surfactant surface compositions, using volume of drug delivery and degree of disruption as outputs. Using this technique, the hydrophilic drug mimic calcein was delivered into the brain (n=5 non-ionic surfactant nanobubble, n=5 lipid nanobubble). Results have indicated that the delivery of calcein is most efficient when using non-ionic surfactant nanobubbles as opposed to lipid nanobubbles - with a greater volume of the drug being delivered into the cerebral tissue. Furthermore, the concentration and surface composition of the nanobubble have an effect as to the size and potential damage to the brain when opening the BBB. In conclusion, it has been shown that it is possible to non-invasively open the BBB and deliver viruses and dye into the brain. In addition, this thesis has investigated the use of nanobubbles as both facilitators to opening the BBB and delivery vectors for potentially therapeutic drugs. Finally, a non-invasive opening of the BBB has been achieved using focused ultrasound. Ultimately this non-invasive opening of the BBB can be used to achieve delivery of larger molecules (such as antibodies and viruses) into the brain to target treatments. Focused ultrasound brain targeting can be applied to the potential treatment of salt appetite regulation in the NTS. For the individuals who suffer from salt sensitive hypertension, the NTS can be targeted to reduce the drive to ingest high salt diets. Furthermore, the continuation of research into the central control of BP, salt appetite and baroreceptor reflex control can become better understood, using less invasive delivery techniques to the brain.

Mellan löften om särart och krav på evidens : En studie av kunskap och kunskapssyn i socialt inriktade ideella, privata och offentliga organisationer

Hammare, Ulf January 2013 (has links)
Between the Promise of Specificity and the Demand for Evidence – A study of knowledge and the approach to knowledge in socially oriented non-profit, private and public sector organizations In the social work field it is possible to identify two parallel processes in time. On the one hand a qualitative developmental process―even towards a form of standardization―where central concepts are academisation, professionalization, scientifically produced knowledge, expertise and evidence based methods. Simultaneously, there is a drive to create the conditions for increased diversity, where hopes are especially being pinned on the non-profit sector. In spite of representations and expectations concerning the non-profit sector and its so-called specificity, however, much of existing research lacks a comparative perspective, i.e., studies where non-profit organizations are related to comparable activities in the private and public sector. The aim of the study―with special focus on issues concerning evidence based knowledge in social work―is to compare and analyse whether and in that case how employee conceptions differ between the sectors, and whether and in what way non-profit employees and their activities can be said to fulfil the expectations of contributing to increased diversity. Data is from a questionnaire directed to about 1300 social work employees. The results show a greater interest in research and more marked efforts at professionalization in the public sector, while above all in the non-profit sector there was skepticism about science paired with reservations about work carried out in a professional way. In the non-profit, but also in the private sector, issues of ethics, views of humanity and values were paid greater attention. Also stressed here was the importance of creating relationships, the unique human encounter, genuine commitment, and human kindness.  However, there was significant uniformity across all sectors in the use of methods, where three dominated: solution focused measures, network support/therapy, and psychosocial work.

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