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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Saltanvändning i skidbackar : Utbredning och påverkan av natriumklorid i den lokala miljön / Salt use in ski slopes : Distribution and impact of sodium chloride in the local environment

Leidermark, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Natriumklorid sprids i ca. 20 skidbackar inom Åres skidsystem. Natriumklorid sänker vattens fryspunkt och gör att snön kan hållas hård under tävlingar, vilket ger de tävlande så lika förutsättningar som möjligt. Studiens främsta syfte var att undersöka om spridning av natriumklorid i Åres skidbackar är skadlig för vegetation i dess område och Indalsälvens vattenmiljö. Huvudsakligen utfördes detta genom en kartläggning av natriumkloridets väg via mark och vatten. Men hjälp av kartläggningen beräknades mängden kloridjoner som når Indalsälven från spridningen samt bidraget till koncentrationen av kloridjoner i Indalsälven. Genom en litteraturundersökning och fältstudie har natriumkloridets påverkan på vegetation och mark undersökts. Resultaten visar att de flesta kloridjoner från saltning med natriumklorid i skidbackarna når Indalsälven genom ytavrinning och att kloridjonernas uppehållstid i backarna är mindre än ett år. På grund av utspädningseffekten bedöms bidraget till koncentrationen av kloridjoner i Indalsälven vara försumbar. Ingen påverkan på markvegetation i eller nedanför backarna kunde identifieras. Markens fysikaliska egenskaper och struktur inom de saltade områdena och 25 m nedanför bedöms kunna försämras, vilket kan skapa ökad erosion. Det är däremot inte fastställt att så är fallet. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar resultaten i studien en begränsad påverkan på miljön av saltanvändningen i Åres skidbackar. Det fordras ytterligare undersökningar för att kunna få en djupare förståelse av saltningens miljöpåverkan på kort och lång sikt. / Sodium chloride is spread in approx. 20 ski slopes within the ski system of Åre. Sodium chloride lowers the waters freezing point and can keep the snow stable during ski competitions, which gives the contestants as similar conditions as possible. The primary purpose of the study were to examine if the distribution of sodium chloride in ski slopes is harmful to vegetation in the area and in the aquatic environment of Indalsälven. Mainly, this was done through a mapping of the sodium chloride transport through the soil and water. By using the mapping, calculations were done to know which amount of chloride ions that reaches Indalsälven from the spreading and the contribution to the concentration of chloride ions in Indalsälven. Through a literature- and field study, the sodium chloride impact on vegetation and soil were investigated. The results shows that the most of the chloride ions from the salting of sodium chloride in ski slopes reaches Indalsälven through surface runoff and the chloride ions residence time in the slopes is less than a year. Because of the dilution effect, the contribution to the concentration of chloride ions in Indalsälven deemed negligible. No impact on ground vegetation in or below the slopes were identified. The soil physical properties and structure within the salted area and 25 m below, is expected to deteriorate which can cause increased erosion. However, it is not established that this is the case. Summarize, the results of the study shows limited impact on the environment by the use of salt in the ski system of Åre. It requires further investigation in order to gain deeper understanding of the environmental impacts in short and long term of salt use.

Variations in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide within the Indalsälven River system : An analysis of multi-year data of several parameters to get an insight into the functioning of sub-artic river pCO2 spikes.

Cuijpers, David Leon January 2023 (has links)
Climate change has, in recent decades, warmed the climate and changed carbondynamics in land and water systems. For example, temperature and precipitation canchange carbon dynamics and cause largely unknown consequences. This researchuses data from a unique measuring station near Kattestrupeforsen, Jämtland, Sweden, in order to answer the question of how the pCO2 (ppm) concentration of the water in the local area reacts to changes in the factors of air/water temperature, solar irradiation, precipitation, turbidity, water level and water inflow into the area. This was analysed using a visual analysis of the peaks that occur in the pCO2 and a statistical regression analysis of peak pCO2 events and for each yearly quarter as well as for the identified peak events. Moreover, the limited amount of available turbidity data was visually analysed to comprehend how it correlates with the pCO2 values. The results indicate that the turbidity data available has no visible correlation, possibly due to a lack in data. Temperature data appeared to be responsible for some of the variation seen, although likely more as a conditional value. Irradiation and precipitation data gave inconsequent results and are not deemed likely to influence the peaks in pCO2 in the time scale analysed. Water level and streamflow showed the most stable and significant correlation of all parameters analysed, although they remained relatively inconsistentin their ability to explain pCO2 peaks seen. / <p>2024-03-06</p>

Remote sensing for water quality monitoring in oligotrophic rivers : Using satellite-based data and machine learning

Schweitzer, Greta January 2024 (has links)
Water quality monitoring is crucial globally due to the vital role of freshwater in providing drinking water, irrigation, and ecosystem services. Highly polluted water poses risks to both ecosystems and human health. Current water quality monitoring methods deployed in the field are often expensive, labor-intensive, and invasive. To overcome these issues, this degree project investigated the use of remote sensing to assess critical water quality parameters in the Swedish river Indalsälven. The research questions focus on determining the accuracy of predicting chemical oxygen demand (COD), river color, turbidity, and total phosphorus (TP) using satellite data and machine learning algorithms. The findings revealed that COD can be predicted with a cross-validated coefficient of determination (R²CV) of 0.7, indicating a robust predictive capability. The study suggests that while approximate quantitative prediction of COD in oligotrophic rivers is feasible using Sentinel-2 imagery, predictions for the other parameters remain challenging in the context of Indalsälven. Improvements in prediction accuracy were achieved through optimized band combinations, reduced datasets encompassing satellite data collected within two days of field measurements, and suitable pre-processing methods. / Airborne Monitoring of Water Quality in Remote Regions

Temperatur- och flödesberoende beteende i anslutning till lek hos harr (Thymallus thymallus) i Indalsälven / Temperature- and flow dependent behaviour of grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in Indalsälven during spawning season

Sjöström, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Vattenkraftens påverkan på rinnande vatten är välbeskriven i litteraturen. Med ökat intresse för vindkraft och andra energislag med begränsad klimatpåverkan, ökar även behovet av reglerkraft. Effekten av korttidsreglerad vattenkraft på ekosystem är ett aktuellt ämne med kunskapsluckor i stort behov av fler studier. Indalsälven passerar Järkvissle kraftverk några mil norr om Sundsvall. Den lokala harrpopulationen har minskat kraftigt och misstankar finns om kopplingar till korttidsregleringen i Järkvissle kraftverk. Vid förvaltning av ekosystem och djuren i dem är kunskapen om interaktioner och beteenden bland det viktigaste att etablera. Detta för att kunna avgöra om artens beteende påverkas av korttidsreglering. Bristande kunskap om lokala lekbeteenden innebar således att harren nedan Järkvissle kraftverk studerades inför förväntad lekperiod. Studien baserades på två antaganden 1) harr förflyttar sig uppströms mot grundområden, lämpade för lek, när vattentemperaturen ökar. 2) harr är mer aktiv när flödesvariationen är hög, eftersom lekplatsernas beskaffenhet påverkas av flödesförhållanden. Harr (n = 20) från sträckan nedan Järkvissle kraftverk märktes med radiosändare, för att studera rörelsemönster och beteenden i anslutning till lek under perioden 28 april till 29 maj 2022. Vid 24 handpejlingstillfällen registrerades de märkta individernas position och djup. En Multipel linjär regression med bakåtvänd eliminering gav tre signifikanta resultat. Det observerades en ökad aktivitet i form av euklidisk förflyttning vid höga flöden motsvarande en förflyttning om 1,0 m (± 1 m) för varje 1,0 m3 s-1 ökat flöde. Det observerades även ett temperaturberoende val av ståndplats där en ökning om 1,0 ºC resulterade i en förflyttning till en ståndplats som var 0,21 ± 0,03 m grundare, på ett avstånd som var 65,2 ± 12,5 m längre bort från dammen. Studien bör kompletteras med kartläggning av optimala värden för flödesförändring som gynnar harr, samt om det finns andra variabler som bättre kan förutse tidpunkt och plats för lek. Om avsikten är att stoppa minskandet av harrbeståndet i Järkvissle, bör Järkvissle kraftstation övervaka vattentemperatur och anpassa sin flödesregim. Detta för mjukare övergångar mellan högt och lågt flöde samt att flödet hålls stabilt under lek med fyra extra veckors utrymme för inkubering. / The effect of hydroelectric powerplants (HEP) on waterways is extensive and has been well documented in the literature. But with an increased interest in wind power and other green alternatives, a higher demand for regulated hydroelectric power has emerged, so as not to put stress on the electric grid. Hydropeaking and its effect on ecosystems are a hot topic with gaps in knowledge calling for more research. Indalsälven runs through Järkvissle HEP a few miles north of Sundsvall. The local grayling population has seen a large decline and there are suspicions of a connection to the hydropeaking at Järkvissle HEP. When managing ecosystems and the animals within them it is vital to establish a firm understanding of interactions and behaviour. This can be used to determine the effect of hydropeaking on the behaviours of grayling. A lack in knowledge of local spawning behaviour thus led to a study of the grayling2population below Järkvissle HEP leading up to the expected spawning period. The study was based around two assumptions: 1) grayling move upstream towards shallower areas suitable for spawning as the temperature in the water rises, and 2) grayling are more active when the variation in flow is high, because the number of suitable spawning grounds are limited by flow. Graylings (n = 20) in the area below the Järkvissle HEP were tagged with radio transmitters, to study the movement and behaviour exhibited before the expected spawning period between April 28th and May 29th, 2022. On 24 occasions hand tracking was performed and position and depth of the marked individuals were recorded. Through a multiple linear regression with backwards stepwise elimination three significant results were found. There was an observed increase in activity in the form of Euclidean movement represented by a 1,0 m (± 1 m) movement for every 1,0 m3 s-1 of increased flow. We also observed a temperature dependency when it came to habitat choice, where an increase of 1,0 ºC in water temperature resulted in a movement to an area 0,21 ± 0,03 m shallower, at a distance that was 65,2 ± 12,5 m further from the dam. The findings of this study should be expanded upon with further research into optimal values for flow variation that best suit grayling, and additionally explore whether there are other variables to better predict time and place for spawning. If the intention is to stop the decline of the grayling population, Järkvissle HEP should monitor the water temperature and adapt their flow regime to make softer transitions between high and low flow and keeping the flow at a stable interval during spawning and an additional four weeks to leave room for incubation.

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