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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti zvyšování produkce kvalitních násad lipana podhorního (Thymallus thymallus L.) pro zarybňování volných vod / Possibilities of increasing of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) quality stock production for running waters

NEBESKÝ, Václav January 2007 (has links)
European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) is important and ancestral kind of fish in Czech Republic. Today number of grayling in open waters is decreasing. It caused many reasons. Mainly increasing fishing pressure, unfavourable regulation of streams, water pollutinon, raising occurrence of predators etc. That is why is necessarily devote care to this problem. Main goals of this work were optimalization of technologies to decrease post-spawning mortality of grayling spawners. Optimalization of technologies for breedig offspring of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.). Use artificially propagated stock of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) in conditions of open waters. Experiments were done in Blanice River in South Bohemia (Czech Republic) and a hatchery of the Czech Anglers´ Union in Husinec. Part works were done in 2005, but majority in 2006. Results of this work indicate that is possible decrease post-spawning mortality of grayling spawners with using antibiotics. Also using stockfish from controlled conditions for restocking the open waters is conditionally possible. Problem is however with high losses after release.

Genetická diverzita lipana podhorního (Thymallus thymallus) a její vztah ke stavu jeho populací v ČR / Genetic diversity of European greyling (Thymallus thymallus) in the Czech Republic based on mitochondrial DNA variation

HAVELKA, Miloš January 2009 (has links)
Goal of this Thesis is the comparison of the Grayling˘s genetic diversity. The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (1083 base pairs) and gene for cytochrom B (1076 base pairs) were sequenced in 147 European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), from 21 populations in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bosnia. In samples, 17 haplotypes were detected with average haplotype diversity Hd = 0,5480 and genic differentiation (FST) from 0,001 to the 0.9341. The most common haplotype TH1 was detected in 92 samples. An inferred intraspecific phylogenetic tree revealed three well-separated clades. One clade was represented by Danubian haplotypes from Slovakia. Second highly divergent clade contained individuals from river Vrbas in Bosnia, and the last biggest clade included haplotypes of all three sea basins from Czech Republic. We suppose that the gained results will be later utilized to the choice of suitable conservation measures that will lead to stabilization of the state of ancestral population of this ever more rare species in our region.

Effekter av korttidsreglering och habitatrestaurering på simaktivitet hos harr (Thymallus thymallus) / Effects of hydropeaking and habitat restoration on the swimming activity of grayling (Thymallus thymallus)

Lundberg, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Användningen av korttidsreglering av vattenkraftverk kommer troligen öka då det är kostnadseffektivt och efterfrågan av förnybar energi är hög. Jag undersökte effekten av habitatkomplexitet och flödesändringar på simaktiviteten hos harr (Thymallus thymallus) i experimentella vattenrännor. Två olika habitat användes, ett beståendes av bara en grusbotten och en med större stenar placerade på grusbotten. I experimentet användes en behandling där flödet var stabilt och en där flödet varierade. Det fanns en signifikant interaktionseffekt mellan en ändring i flödet och habitat, som visade att simaktivitet ökade i samband med flödesändring, men endast i habitatet utan större stenar. I jämförelse av två konstanta flöden visade också studien att simaktivitet minskade med högre vattenhastighet. Effekter som dessa bör uppmärksammas för att bättre förstå påverkan korttidsreglering kan ha på fiskar i rinnande vatten. / Abstract The use of hydropeaking by hydropower plants will probably increase due to it being cost-effective and the demand for renewable energy being high. I examined the effect of habitat complexity and changes in flow on the swimming behaviour of graylings (Thymallus thymallus) in experimental flumes. Two types of habitats were used, one consisting only of a bed of gravel and the other with large stones added to the gravel bottom. In the experiment, one treatment with stable flow and one with variable flow were used. There was a significant interaction effect between change of the flow and type of habitat, indicating that swimming activity increased in changing flow, but only in the habitat without large stones. When comparing two constant flows the study also showed that swimming activity decreased with increased water velocity. Effects such as these should be considered when trying to understand how hydropeaking affects riverine fishes.

Věk a růst lipana podhorního (Thymallus thymallus L.) původem z různých lokalit - hodnocení na základě analýzy šupin / Age and growth of the European grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.) originally from different localities - assessment based on the scale analysis

CHYTRÝ, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate and to compare the age and length growth of European grayling in selected watercourse in the South Bohemia (Blanice vodňanská, Volyňka, Teplá Vltava a Otava) and in Austria (the Traun River and the Salzach River), focusing on the watersources of the Teplá Vltava River and the Traun River. Possible rules adjustment of sport fishing can give reasons eventually to be done on the basis of results in order to protect and to strenghten natural populatin of grayling. 53 individuals (fish) were studied in total which were in observed localities fished from 2011 to 2015 using power generator or fishing rods. The determination of age and growth were based on analysis of scales of the biggest individuals. The method of Rosa Lee (1920) was used for back-calculation of length growth. The oldest fish, 8 years old, was found among graylings in the Teplá Vltava River. The oldest fish from studied group of fish in Austrian Traun River where graylings trophy are occured belonged to the age group 5+. Graylings from the Traun River came up to faster growth distinctly which is related to more optimal living conditions (water temperature, the amount of food) in the pariticular watersource. Furthermore graylings from observed watersources in the South Bohemian region already grow up to minimum fishing length (30 cm) at the age of 3 4 years old. They can participate in natural reproduction only once or twice a life. Increase of miminal fishing length is absolutely eligible and it is the reason for increasing number of natural spawning and strenghtening of indigenous population of grayling.

Citlivost adultních ryb různých druhů k anestetiku hřebíčkový olej / Sensitivity to anesthetic clove oil different species of adult fish

ŠKEŘÍK, Jindřich January 2007 (has links)
Nomenclature: Sensitivity to anesthetic clove oil different species of adult fish Sensitivity of breeding fishes of various species (Siberian sturgeon, Brook trout, Black carp- young breeding fishes) for anesthetic clove oil was probed by the tests performed at temperature in the period of stripping (apart from Brook trout and Black carp). The tests were carried out with 17 fish species- with cyprinids (Ide- golden form, Common dace, European Chub, Sneep, Barbel, Grass carp, Black carp, bighead carp), salmonids (Brown trout, Rainbow trout, Brook trout), thymallinae (Grayling), pikes (Northern pike), perches (Pike-perch), sturgeons (Siberian sturgeon, Beluga) and airbreathing catfishes (North African catfish). Using concentration of 0,03ml.l-1 (Brown trout, Rainbow trout, Brook trout, Grayling, Pike, Pike perch, Ide, Dace, Chub, Barbel and Sneep), 0,04ml.l-1 (Grass carp, Black carp, Bighead carp), 0,05ml.l-1 (North African catfish) and 0,07ml.l-1 (Siberian sturgeon, Beluga) the IIb. Phase has been achieved, which is sufficient for manipulation with fishes during stripping. The anesthesia subsided after time period of 10-17 minutes (12 species) at the majority of fishes and at others after interval of 20-26 minutes (5 species). The results confirmed concentrations recommended for salmodis and Grayling (0,025-0,03ml.l-1), sturgeons (0,07ml.l-1), and North African catfish (0,05ml.l-1). At the majority of cyprinids (apart from Grass carp, Black carp and Bighead carp), the concentration used was lower than recommended (0,04-0,05ml.l-1)

Temperatur- och flödesberoende beteende i anslutning till lek hos harr (Thymallus thymallus) i Indalsälven / Temperature- and flow dependent behaviour of grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in Indalsälven during spawning season

Sjöström, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Vattenkraftens påverkan på rinnande vatten är välbeskriven i litteraturen. Med ökat intresse för vindkraft och andra energislag med begränsad klimatpåverkan, ökar även behovet av reglerkraft. Effekten av korttidsreglerad vattenkraft på ekosystem är ett aktuellt ämne med kunskapsluckor i stort behov av fler studier. Indalsälven passerar Järkvissle kraftverk några mil norr om Sundsvall. Den lokala harrpopulationen har minskat kraftigt och misstankar finns om kopplingar till korttidsregleringen i Järkvissle kraftverk. Vid förvaltning av ekosystem och djuren i dem är kunskapen om interaktioner och beteenden bland det viktigaste att etablera. Detta för att kunna avgöra om artens beteende påverkas av korttidsreglering. Bristande kunskap om lokala lekbeteenden innebar således att harren nedan Järkvissle kraftverk studerades inför förväntad lekperiod. Studien baserades på två antaganden 1) harr förflyttar sig uppströms mot grundområden, lämpade för lek, när vattentemperaturen ökar. 2) harr är mer aktiv när flödesvariationen är hög, eftersom lekplatsernas beskaffenhet påverkas av flödesförhållanden. Harr (n = 20) från sträckan nedan Järkvissle kraftverk märktes med radiosändare, för att studera rörelsemönster och beteenden i anslutning till lek under perioden 28 april till 29 maj 2022. Vid 24 handpejlingstillfällen registrerades de märkta individernas position och djup. En Multipel linjär regression med bakåtvänd eliminering gav tre signifikanta resultat. Det observerades en ökad aktivitet i form av euklidisk förflyttning vid höga flöden motsvarande en förflyttning om 1,0 m (± 1 m) för varje 1,0 m3 s-1 ökat flöde. Det observerades även ett temperaturberoende val av ståndplats där en ökning om 1,0 ºC resulterade i en förflyttning till en ståndplats som var 0,21 ± 0,03 m grundare, på ett avstånd som var 65,2 ± 12,5 m längre bort från dammen. Studien bör kompletteras med kartläggning av optimala värden för flödesförändring som gynnar harr, samt om det finns andra variabler som bättre kan förutse tidpunkt och plats för lek. Om avsikten är att stoppa minskandet av harrbeståndet i Järkvissle, bör Järkvissle kraftstation övervaka vattentemperatur och anpassa sin flödesregim. Detta för mjukare övergångar mellan högt och lågt flöde samt att flödet hålls stabilt under lek med fyra extra veckors utrymme för inkubering. / The effect of hydroelectric powerplants (HEP) on waterways is extensive and has been well documented in the literature. But with an increased interest in wind power and other green alternatives, a higher demand for regulated hydroelectric power has emerged, so as not to put stress on the electric grid. Hydropeaking and its effect on ecosystems are a hot topic with gaps in knowledge calling for more research. Indalsälven runs through Järkvissle HEP a few miles north of Sundsvall. The local grayling population has seen a large decline and there are suspicions of a connection to the hydropeaking at Järkvissle HEP. When managing ecosystems and the animals within them it is vital to establish a firm understanding of interactions and behaviour. This can be used to determine the effect of hydropeaking on the behaviours of grayling. A lack in knowledge of local spawning behaviour thus led to a study of the grayling2population below Järkvissle HEP leading up to the expected spawning period. The study was based around two assumptions: 1) grayling move upstream towards shallower areas suitable for spawning as the temperature in the water rises, and 2) grayling are more active when the variation in flow is high, because the number of suitable spawning grounds are limited by flow. Graylings (n = 20) in the area below the Järkvissle HEP were tagged with radio transmitters, to study the movement and behaviour exhibited before the expected spawning period between April 28th and May 29th, 2022. On 24 occasions hand tracking was performed and position and depth of the marked individuals were recorded. Through a multiple linear regression with backwards stepwise elimination three significant results were found. There was an observed increase in activity in the form of Euclidean movement represented by a 1,0 m (± 1 m) movement for every 1,0 m3 s-1 of increased flow. We also observed a temperature dependency when it came to habitat choice, where an increase of 1,0 ºC in water temperature resulted in a movement to an area 0,21 ± 0,03 m shallower, at a distance that was 65,2 ± 12,5 m further from the dam. The findings of this study should be expanded upon with further research into optimal values for flow variation that best suit grayling, and additionally explore whether there are other variables to better predict time and place for spawning. If the intention is to stop the decline of the grayling population, Järkvissle HEP should monitor the water temperature and adapt their flow regime to make softer transitions between high and low flow and keeping the flow at a stable interval during spawning and an additional four weeks to leave room for incubation.

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