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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fault-tolerance and noise and vibration aspects of electrical drives: Application to wind turbines and electrical vehicle traction

Mollet, Yves 06 November 2017 (has links)
The awareness of the human responsibility in global warming has led to various private and public initiatives to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, up to international level. In this context the development of renewable technologies in two sectors having an important ecological footprint, i.e. production of electricity and transportation, is targeted.In the firstly mentioned sector, the progression of wind energy is at present the most rapid among all renewable energies. But wind turbines still suffer from a global lack of reliability and accessibility compared to classical power plants, leading to potentially important production losses and repair costs. The first part of the present work focuses on the improvement of the electrical chain reliability by the combination of an estimator and a fault-detection algorithm to achieve sensor-fault tolerance, taking benefit from the already available measurement redundancies on doubly-fed-induction-machine (DFIG) drives.Estimators and sensor-fault detection and isolation (FDI) in DFIGs have been the object of many research papers. However, most of them only consider one unique type of measurement and only a few works consider magnetic saturation. A new combination of a closed-loop observer with a cumulative-sum-based FDI technique, considering magnetic saturation and using limited computational resources is proposed here to estimate electromagnetic torque, rotor currents and position for sensor-fault detection and tolerance. This algorithm is then validated in steady state and in case of moderate transients, unbalanced conditions and misestimation of DFIG parameters. The estimator can also start on the fly during the start-up process of the generator.In the transportation sector, new hybrid and full-electric vehicles start to be visible on the roads, but still need important technological improvements in terms of autonomy, performances, but also produced noise and vibrations. The objectives of the second part of this doctoral thesis are related to this last challenge and consist of the experimental investigation of noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) aspects of an 8/6 switched-reluctance machine (SRM) designed for an electrical vehicle (EV).The NVH issues of SRMs, limiting their usage in automotive and other domains, have been the subject of various papers. However, most of them focus on modal analysis or detailed phenomena, while a global evaluation of NVH aspects of SRMs in normal working conditions is rarely made, as well as the use of reproducible sound metrics. A global and relatively fast experimental method to assess the evolution of noise and vibration is proposed. Tests are performed in transient regime, using continuously varying working conditions when possible, for the excitation of a large band of frequencies. The resulting current, radial vibration and acoustic noise are presented as spectrograms for an easy distinction of affected and unaffected frequencies and compared with the associated loudness and sharpness.Furthermore, the implementation of a new faster-sampled current-hysteresis controller has allowed to improve the quality of the control and of the acoustic noise by reducing the current-ripple amplitude and the excitation of resonances. The various tests show that the switching frequency has to be high enough to avoid exciting the ovalization mode of the SRM, but not too high to avoid producing a too sharp noise. The ripple amplitude also has to be considered to limit the loudness. Therefore, soft chopping, or a reduced DC-bus voltage at low speeds, has to be preferred with a relative small hysteresis bandwidth. Finally, the case of an open-phase fault has been investigated showing amplified even current orders in the vibration and acoustic-noise plots. / La prise de conscience de la responsabilité humaine dans le réchauffement climatique est à la source de nombreuses initiatives publiques et privées parfois internationales pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Dans ce contexte, le développement de technologies durables dans deux secteurs à forte empreinte écologique est visé: la production d'énergie électrique et les transports. Dans le premier secteur, la progression de l'éolien est à présent la plus rapide parmi toutes les énergies renouvelables. Cependant, les éoliennes souffrent d'un manque global de fiabilité et d'accessibilité par rapport aux centrales électriques classiques, ce qui conduit potentiellement à des pertes de production et des coûts de réparation importants. La première partie de ce travail se focalise sur l'amélioration de la chaîne électrique en la rendant tolérante aux défauts de capteurs au moyen de la combinaison d'un estimateur et d'un algorithme de détection de défauts, tirant avantage de la redondance de mesures déjà présente sur les entraînements à machines asynchrones à double alimentation (MADA). Les estimateurs et la détection et l'isolation de défauts de capteurs sur les MADA a fait l'objet de nombreuses publications scientifiques. Cependant, la plupart d'entre elles considèrent un seul type de mesure et peu de travaux prennent en compte la saturation magnétique. Une nouvelle combinaison d'un observateur et d'un algorithme de détection de défauts de type ‘CUSUM', considérant la saturation magnétique et nécessitant une puissance de calcul limitée, est proposée dans cette thèse pour l'estimation du couple électromagnétique, des courants et de la position rotoriques en vue d'obtenir la tolérance aux défauts de capteurs. Cet algorithme est validé en régime permanent et cas de transitoires modérés, de tensions du réseau déséquilibrées et d'erreurs d'estimation des paramètres de laMADA. L'estimateur est aussi capable de démarrer seul lors du démarrage de la génératrice. Dans le secteur des transports, des véhicules hybrides et électriques commencent à être visibles sur les routes, malgré que des progrès technologiques importants en termes d'autonomie, de performances, mais aussi de bruits et vibrations soient encore nécessaires pour une utilisation plus intensive. L'objectif de la deuxième partie de cette thèse se rapporte à ce dernier défi et consiste à analyser les aspects acoustiques et vibratoires d'une machine à réluctance variable 8/6 conçue pour propulser un véhicule électrique. Ces problèmes acoustiques et vibratoires, qui limitent notamment l'usage de telles machines dans des applications de propulsion, ont été l'objet de divers articles scientifiques. Cependant, la plupart d'entre eux sont focalisés sur des analyses modales ou de phénomènes particuliers, alors qu'une évaluation globale des problèmes de bruit et de vibration des machines à réluctance variable en conditions normales de fonctionnement est rarement proposée, de même que l'utilisation de critères de qualité sonore. Une méthode expérimentale globale et relativement rapide pour évaluer l'évolution du bruit et des vibrations est proposée dans ce travail. Les essais sont réalisés en régime transitoire pour exciter une large bande de fréquences et en faisant varier continuellement, quand cela est possible, les conditions de fonctionnement. Les courants, vibrations radiales et bruits acoustiques résultants sont présentés sous formes de cartographies couleur pour une distinction aisée des fréquences affectées et non-affectées et comparés aux niveaux calculés de bruyance et d'acuité correspondants. Par ailleurs, la mise en place d'un nouveau régulateur à hystérèse en courant à plus grande fréquence d'échantillonnage a permis d'améliorer la qualité de la commande et du bruit acoustique associé en réduisant l'amplitude des oscillations de courant et l'excitation des fréquences de résonance. Les essais montrent que la fréquence de commutation doit être suffisamment élevée pour éviter l'excitation du mode d'ovalisation de la machine, mais pas trop pour éviter une trop grande acuité du son produit. L'amplitude des oscillations doit aussi être considérée pour limiter la bruyance. En conséquence, une commande en ‘soft chopping', ou une tension réduite du bus continu à basse vitesse, doit être combinée à une bande d'hystérèse relativement faible. Enfin, le cas d'un défaut de phase ouverte a été étudié et a montré une amplification des ordres pairs du courant dans les spectres vibratoires et acoustiques. / De bewustwording van de menselijke verantwoordelijkheid in de opwarming van de aarde heeft tot verschillende private en publieke initiatieven geleid om de uitstoot van broeikasgassen te verminderen. In deze context is de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare technologieën hoofdzakelijk gericht op twee sectoren met een belangrijke ecologische impact: elektriciteitsproductie en transport.In de eerste sector ontwikkelt windenergie zich op dit moment sneller dan alle andere hernieuwbare energieën. Maar windturbines lijden nog steeds aan een gebrek aan betrouwbaarheid en toegankelijkheid, en dus aan potentieel hogere productieverliezen en herstelkosten, als ze met klassieke krachtcentrales worden vergeleken. In het eerste deel van deze doctoraatsthesis wordt op de verbetering van de elektrische keten geconcentreerd door de combinatie van een schatter en een foutdetectie- en -isolatiealgoritme (FDI-algoritme) om sensorfouttolerantie te verkrijgen dankzij de reeds aanwezige meetovertolligheid op dubbelgevoede inductiemachine (DFIG) aandrijvingen.Schatters en sensor-FDI-algoritmen zijn het onderwerp van vele wetenschappelijke artikelen geweest. Meestal wordt maar één sensortype beschouwd en met de magnetische verzadiging wordt niet vaak rekening gehouden. Een nieuwe combinatie van een schatter met gesloten terugkoppeling en een FDI-techniek gebaseerd op het ‘cumulative-sum' principe is voorgesteld. Zo kan het elektromagnetische koppel, de rotorstromen en positie worden geschat voor sensor FDI en fouttolerantie met beperkte rekenkosten en zonder de magnetische verzadering te verwaarlozen. Het algoritme wordt in stabiele toestand gevalideerd, maar ook in het geval van gematigde transiënte situaties, onevenwichtige netwerkomstandigheden en een verkeerde schatting van DFIG parameters. Het kan ook vanzelf starten tijdens de startprocedure van de generator.In de vervoersector beginnen hybride en elektrische voertuigen op de wegen te rijden. Maar vooreen intensiever gebruik van zo'n wagens zijn er nog technologische verbeteringen nodig met betrekking tot autonomie, prestaties en ook geluid en trillingen (NVH). Het tweede deel van de thesis betreft die laatste uitdaging en bestaat uit het experimentele onderzoek van geluid en trillingen op een 8/6 variabelereluctantiemachine (SRM) ontwikkeld voor elektrische voertuigen.De NVH-problemen van SRM's beperken hun gebruik in automobiele en andere toepassingen enonderzoek wordt erover voortgezet. Vele wetenschappelijke artikelen focussen toch op modale analyse of gedetailleerde fenomenen terwijl een globale evaluatie van NVH aspecten in SRM's in gewone operatiecondities nauwelijks wordt gemaakt. Hetzelfde geldt voor het gebruik van reproduceerbare geluidsmetrieken. Een globale en vrij vlugge experimentele methode is hier voorgesteld om het NVH gedrag te schatten. Testen worden in transiënte situaties uitgevoerd om een brede frequentieband te exciteren, indien mogelijk met voortdurend variërende condities. De gemeten fasestroom, trilling en geluid worden als kleurmappen geplot om het verschil tussen beïnvloede en niet geaffecteerde frequenties te vergemakkelijken en met de berekende akoestische luidheid en scherpte vergeleken.Bovendien heeft de implementatie van een sneller bemonsterd stroomhysteresisregelaar geleid tot een verbetering van de regulatie- en akoestische kwaliteit door de amplitude van de stroomrimpeling en de excitatie van resonantiefrequenties te verminderen. De testresultaten tonen dat de schakelfrequentie voldoende hoog moet zijn om de excitatie van de ovale vervormingsmode te vermijden, maar niet te hoog om de scherpte van het geluid te beperken. De amplitude van de rimpel beïnvloedt ook de luidheid en daarvoor moet in aanmerking worden genomen. Bijgevolg zou ‘soft chopping'mode, of een lagere spanning op de DC-bus bij lage toerentallen, met een relatief klein hysteresisband beter worden gebruikt. Uiteindelijk wordt het geval van een openfasefout bestudeerd en onthult versterkte gelijke frequentievolgorden in de trilling- en geluidplots. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Controlador por modos deslizantes de segunda ordem aplicado a um compensador síncrono estático de distribuição / Discrete-time super-twisting sliding-mode control applied to a dstatcom-based voltage regulator for a self excited induction generator

Silva, Maurício Mendes da 13 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the recent years we have seen that due scarcity of fossil fuels it becomes increasingly important the improvement of renewable energy such as micro hydro generation, solar energy, wind power and others. The reason for such importance is related to the consolidation of what has being called future in terms of power generation, which is based on power generation through decentralization of interconnected small generators and consumer centers. The distribution level, distributed on generation sources along with the loads connected to its bus, creates a microgrid. Depending on the instantaneous load and installed generation capacity a microgrid can behave as a consumption point or power generation at different times, being able to operate also connected to the network or isolated form according to the provided power quality or system needs in case of failure. A generation system based on a self-excited induction generator operates isolated meeting the microgrid demands. This type of electricity micro generation can answer a series of small loads by taking the advantage of the use of small waterfalls and also wind turbines, located outside major urban centers, mainly due to its characteristics of mechanical robustness and low cost when compared to synchronous machines. These energy resources can meet the need of rural properties that are not next to the electrical system, can also be a great solution for people living on islands and oil platforms. In this fashion this Master s Thesis deals with the study of a robust control based on sliding mode of a GIAE system for regulating voltage based on a static converter reactive distributed DSTATCOM. The frequency control was not covered in this in this research; however, the voltage regulation is performed from the control of reactive power assembly. This way the use of an implemented system containing a coupling motor-generator and a PWMinverter emulates the behavior of a hydro or wind micro power plant. The GIAE terminals feed a bus where are connected loads with different characteristics, featuring a microgrid, which aims to control the supply voltage stability from the generator to the isolated system. Throughout this dissertation, simulation and experimental results are presented in order to demonstrate the applicability method to control its performances and the technical feasibility of the system. / Nos últimos anos se viu que a escassez dos combustíveis fosseis se torna cada vez mais importante o aprimoramento das energias renováveis, tais como: micro hidro geração, energia solar, energia eólica e outras. A razão para tal importância se deve a consolidação do que é chamado futuro em termos de geração de energia, sendo este baseado na descentralização da geração de energia através de redes interligadas de pequenos centros geradores/consumidores. A nível de distribuição, as fontes de geração distribuída, juntamente com as cargas conectadas ao seu barramento, formariam o que é definido como uma micro-rede. Dependendo da carga instantânea e da capacidade de geração instalada, uma microrede pode comportar-se como um ponto de consumo ou de geração de energia em diferentes momentos, sendo capaz também de operar conectada à rede ou de forma ilhada de acordo com a qualidade da energia fornecida ou necessidade do sistema em caso de falta. Um sistema de geração baseada em um gerador de indução auto excitado (GIAE) operando isolado (ilhado) o que vem a atender estas demandas das chamadas micro-redes. Este tipo de microgeração de energia elétrica pode atender uma série de pequenas cargas se valendo da utilização de pequenas quedas d água e também turbinas eólicas, localizadas fora dos grandes centros urbanos, devido basicamente as suas características de robustes mecânica e baixo custo, quando comparadas às máquinas síncronas. Estes recursos energéticos podem suprir a necessidade de propriedades rurais ou comunidades isoladas, tais como na região Amazônica, que não estejam próximas do sistema elétrico. Algumas técnicas de controle foram utilizadas para o sistema GIAE, tais como controladores por histerese e controladores proporcionais-integrais, as quais apresentaram a vantagem relacionada a simplicidade estrutural, porém os controladores não apresentam um grau de robustez adequado. Neste sentido, a presente Dissertação de Mestrado trata do estudo de um controle robusto baseado em modos deslizantes de um sistema GIAE para regulação de tensão baseado em um conversor estático de reativos distribuído DSTATCOM. Este controlador busca incrementar o grau de robustez se comparado aos controladores anteriormente propostos. O controle de frequência não foi abordado nesta dissertação, porém, a regulação de tensão é realizada a partir do controle da potência reativa do conjunto. Utilizando um sistema implementado contendo um acoplamento motor/gerador e um inversor pwm que pode emular o comportamento de uma micro central hidrelétrica ou eólica. Os terminais do GIAE alimentam um barramento onde são conectadas cargas com características distintas, caracterizando uma micro-rede, tendo como objetivo a regulação de tensão fornecida pelo gerador ao sistema isolado. Ao longo desta dissertação, resultados de simulações e experimentais são apresentados, a fim de que, seja demonstrada a aplicabilidade dos métodos de controle, seus desempenhos e a viabilidade técnica do sistema.

Modeling, Advance Control, and Grid Integration of Large-Scale DFIG-Based Wind Turbines during Normal and Fault Ride-Through Conditions

Alsmadi, Yazan M. 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Increasing wind power penetration and voltage stability limits using energy storage systems

Le, Ha Thu 22 September 2010 (has links)
The research is motivated by the need to address two major challenges in wind power integration: how to mitigate wind power fluctuation and how to ensure stability of the farm and host grid. It is envisaged that wind farm power output fluctuation can be reduced by using a specific type of buffer, such as an energy storage system (ESS), to absorb its negative impact. The proposed solution, therefore, employs ESS to solve the problems. The key research findings include a new technique for calculating the desired power output profile, an ESS charge-discharge scheme, a novel direct-calculation (optimization-based) method for determining ESS optimal rating, and an ESS operation scheme for improving wind farm transient stability. Analysis with 14 wind farms and a compressed-air energy storage system (CAES) shows that the charge-discharge scheme and the desired output calculation technique are appropriate for ESS operation. The optimal ESSs for the 14 wind farms perform four or less switching operations daily (73.2%-85.5% of the 365 days) while regulating the farms output variation. On average, the ESSs carry out 2.5 to 3.1 switching operations per day. By using the direct-calculation method, an optimal ESS rating can be found for any wind farm with a high degree of accuracy. The method has a considerable advantage over traditional differential-based methods because it does not require knowledge of the analytical form of the objective function. For ESSs optimal rating, the improvement in wind energy integration is between 1.7% and 8%. In addition, a net increase in grid steady-state voltage stability of 8.3%-18.3% is achieved by 13 of the 14 evaluated ESSs. For improving wind farm transient stability, the proposed ESS operation scheme is effective. It exploits the use of a synchronous-machine-based ESS as a synchronous condenser to dynamically supply a wind farm with reactive power during faults. Analysis with an ESS and a 60-MW wind farm consisting of stall-regulated wind turbines shows that the ESS increases the farm critical clearing time (CCT) by 1 cycle for worst-case bolted three-phase-to-ground faults. For bolted single-phase-to-ground faults, the CCT is improved by 23.1%-52.2%. / text

Electromechanics of an Ocean Current Turbine

Tzelepis, Vasileios 18 December 2015 (has links)
The development of a numeric simulation for predicting the performance of an Ocean Current Energy Conversion System is presented in this thesis along with a control system development using a PID controller for the achievement of specified rotational velocity set-points. In the beginning, this numeric model is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink® and it is used to predict the performance of a three phase squirrel single-cage type induction motor/generator in two different cases. The first case is a small 3 meter rotor diameter, 20 kW ocean current turbine with fixed pitch blades, and the second case a 20 meter, 720 kW ocean current turbine with variable pitch blades. Furthermore, the second case is also used for the development of a Voltage Source Variable Frequency Drive for the induction motor/generator. Comparison among the Variable Frequency Drive and a simplified model is applied. Finally, the simulation is also used to estimate the average electric power generation from the 720 kW Ocean Current Energy Conversion System which consists of an induction generator and an ocean current turbine connected with a shaft which modeled as a mechanical vibration system.

Contribution to adaptative sliding mode, fault tolerant control and control allocation of wind turbine system / Contribution à la commande par modes glissants adaptative et tolérantes aux défauts : Application au système éolien

Liu, Xinyi 25 November 2016 (has links)
Les principaux défis pour le déploiement de systèmes de conversion de l'énergie éolienne est de maximiser la puissance électrique produite, malgré les variations des conditions météorologiques, tout en minimisant les coûts de fabrication et de maintenance du système. L'efficacité de la turbine éolienne est fortement dépendante des perturbations de l'environnement et des paramètres variables du système, tels que la vitesse du vent et l'angle de tangage. Les incertitudes sur le système sont difficiles à modéliser avec précision alors qu'ils affectent sa stabilité.Afin d'assurer un état de fonctionnement optimal, malgré les perturbations, le commande adaptative peut jouer un rôle déterminant. D'autre part, la synthèse de commandes tolérantes aux défauts, capables de maintenir les éoliennes connectées au réseau après la survenance de certains défauts est indispensable pour le bon fonctionnement du réseau. Le travail de cette thèse porte sur la mise en place de lois de commande adaptatives et tolérantes aux défauts appliqués aux systèmes de conversion de l'énergie éolienne. Après un état de l'art, les contributions de la thèse sont :Dans la première partie de la thèse, un modèle incertain non linéaire du système de conversion d'énergie éolienne avec un générateur à induction à double alimentation est proposé. Une nouvelles approches de commande adaptative par mode glissant est synthétisée et ensuite appliquée pour optimiser l'énergie issue de l'éolienne.Dans la deuxième partie, une nouvelle commande par modes glissants tolérante aux défauts et basée sur les modes glissants intégrales est présentée. Puis, cette méthode est appliquée afin de forcer la vitesse de la turbine éolienne à sa valeur optimale en prenant en compte des défauts qui surviennent sur l'actionneur. / The main challenges for the deployment of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) are to maximize the amount of good quality electrical power extracted from wind energy over a significantly wide range of weather conditions and minimize both manufacturing and maintenance costs. Wind turbine's efficiency is highly dependent on environmental disturbances and varying parameters for operating conditions, such as wind speed, pitch angle, tip-speed ratio, sensitive resistor and inductance. Uncertainties on the system are hard to model exactly while it affects the stability of the system. In order to ensure an optimal operating condition, with unknown perturbations, adaptive control can play an important role. On the other hand, a Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) with control allocation that is able to maintain the WECS connected after the occurrence of certain faults can avoid major economic losses. The thesis work concerns the establishment of an adaptive control and fault diagnosis and tolerant control of WECS. After a literature review, the contributions of the thesis are:In the first part of the thesis, a nonlinear uncertain model of the wind energy conversion system with a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is proposed. A novel Lyapunov-based adaptive Sliding Mode (HOSM) controller is designed to optimize the generated power.In the second part, a new output integral sliding mode methodology for fault tolerant control with control allocation of linear time varying systems is presented. Then, this methodology has been applied in order to force the wind turbine speed to its optimal value the presence of faults in the actuator.

Modelling, Analysis, and Control Aspects of a Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator

Malik, Naveed ur Rehman January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the modeling, analysis and control of a novel brushlessgenerator for wind power application. The generator is named as rotatingpower electronic brushless doubly-fed induction machine/generator (RPEBDFIM/G). A great advantage of the RPE-BDFIG is that the slip power recoveryis realized in a brushless manner. This is achieved by introducing an additionalmachine termed as exciter together with the rotating power electronicconverters, which are mounted on the shaft of a DFIG. It is shown that theexciter recovers the slip power in a mechanical manner, and delivers it backto the grid. As a result, slip rings and carbon brushes can be eliminated,increasing the robustness of the system, and reducing the maintenance costsand down-time of the turbine. To begin with, the dynamic model of the RPE-BDFIG is developed andanalyzed. Using the dynamic model, the working principle of the generatoris understood and its operation explained. The analysis is carried out atspeeds, ±20% around the synchronous speed of the generator. Moreover, thedynamics of the generator due to external load-torque disturbances are investigated.Additionally, the steady-state model is also derived and analyzed forthe machine, when operating in motor mode. As a next step, the closed-loop control of the generator is considered indetail. The power and speed control of the two machines of the generator andthe dc-link voltage control is designed using internal model control (IMC)principles. It is found that it is possible to maintain the stability of thegenerator against load-torque disturbances from the turbine and the exciter,at the same time maintain a constant dc-link voltage of the rotor converter.The closed-loop control is also implemented and the operation of the generatorwith the control theory is confirmed through experiments.In the third part of the thesis, the impact of grid faults on the behaviourof the generator is investigated. The operation of the generator and its responseis studied during symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults. An approachto successful ride through of the symmetrical faults is presented, using passiveresistive network (PRN). Moreover, in order to limit the electrical and mechanicaloscillations in the generator during unsymmetrical faults, the dualvector control (DVC) is implemented. It is found that DVC to a certain extentcan be used to safeguard the converter against large oscillations in rotorcurrents. Finally, for completeness of the thesis, a preliminary physical design ofthe rotating power electronic converter has been done in a finite elementsoftware called ANSYS. The thermal footprint and the cooling capability,with estimates of the heatsink and fan sizes, are presented. Besides, another variant of a rotating electronic induction machine whichis based on the Lindmark concept and operating in a single-fed mode is also investigated. It’s steady-state model is developed and verified through experiments. / <p>QC 20151006</p>

Algorithmes de conception de lois de commande prédictives pour les systèmes de production d’énergie / Control design algorithms for Model-Based Predictive Power Control. Application for Wind Energy

Ngo, Van Quang Binh 22 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à élaborer de nouvelles stratégies de commande basées sur la commande prédictive pour le système de génération d’énergie éolienne. La topologie des systèmes de production éolienne basées sur le Générateur Asynchrone à Double Alimentation (GADA) qui convient à des plateformes de génération dans la gamme de puissance de 1.5 à 6 MW est abordée. Du point de vue technologique, le convertisseur à trois niveaux et clampé par le neutre (3L-NPC) est considéré comme une bonne solution pour une puissance élevée en raison de ses avantages: capacité à réduire la distorsion harmonique de la tension de sortie et du courant, et augmentation de la capacité du convertisseur grâce à une tension réduite appliquée à chaque semi-conducteur de puissance. Une description détaillée de la commande prédictive à ensemble de commande fini (FCS-MPC) avec un horizon de prédiction de deux pas est présentée pour deux boucles de régulation: celle liée au convertisseur connecté au réseau et celle du convertisseur connecté au GADA. Le principe de la commande repose sur l’utilisation d’un modèle de prédiction permettant de prédire le comportement du système pour chaque état de commutation du convertisseur. La minimisation d’une fonction de coût appropriée prédéfinie permet d’obtenir la commutation optimale à appliquer au convertisseur. La thèse étudie premièrement les problèmes liées à la compensation du temps de calcul de la commande et au choix et aux pondérations de la fonction de coût. Ensuite, le problème de stabilité de la commande FCS-MPC est abordé en considérant une fonction de Lyapunov dans la minimisation de la fonction de coût. Finalement, une étude sur la compensation des effets des temps morts du convertisseur est présentée. / This thesis aims to elaborate new control strategies based on Model Predictive control for wind energy generation system. We addressed the topology of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind generation systems which is suitable for generation platform power in the range in 1.5-6 MW. Furthermore, from the technological point of view, the three-level neutral-point clamped (3L-NPC) inverter configuration is considered a good solution for high power due to its advantages: capability to reduce the harmonic distortion of the output voltage and current, and increase the capacity of the converter thanks to a decreased voltage applied to each power semiconductor.In this thesis, we presented a detailed description of finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) with two step horizon for two control schemes: grid and DFIG connected 3L-NPC inverter. The principle of the proposed control scheme is to use system model to predict the behaviour of the system for every switching states of the inverter. Then, the optimal switching state that minimizes an appropriate predefined cost function is selected and applied directly to the inverter.The study of issues such as delay compensation, computational burden and selection of weighting factor are also addressed in this thesis. In addition, the stability problem of FCS-MPC is solved by considering the control Lyapunov function in the design procedure. The latter study is focused on the compensation of dead-time effect of power converter.

Analysis and Control Aspects of Brushless Induction Machines with Rotating Power Electronic Converters

Malik, Naveed ur Rehman January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the steady-state, dynamic and control aspects of new type of brushless configuration of a doubly-fed induction machine in which the slip rings and carbon brushes are replaced by rotating power electronics and a rotating exciter. The aim is to study the stability of this novel configuration of the generator under mechanical and grid disturbances for wind power applications. The derivation, development and analysis of the steady-state model of the brushless doubly-fed induction machine with a rotating excitor and the power electronic converters mounted on the shaft and rotating with it, is studied. The study is performed at rated power of the generator between ±20% slip range. Moreover unity power factor operation between ±20% speed range is also discussed. Furthermore dynamic modeling and control aspects of the generator are also analyzed. The controllers were designed using Internal Model Control principles and vector control methods were used in order to control the generator in a closed-loop system. It is shown that through the use of proper feedback control, the generator behaves in a stable state both at super-synchronous and sub-synchronous speeds. Moreover Low Voltage Ride Through of the generator during symmetrical and unsymmetrical voltage dips is also investigated. Passive Resistive Network strategy is employed for Low Voltage Ride Through of the generator during symmetrical voltage dips. On the other hand, Extended Vector Control is used in order to control the negative sequence currents during unsymmetrical voltage dips. Suppression of negative sequence currents is important as they cause extra heating in the windings and affects the lifetime of the mechanical and electrical components of the generator and system due to oscillations in power and torque. In addition to the above studies a steady-state model of a single-fed induction machine is also developed and investigated where the rotating exciter is removed and the rotor windings are short-circuited through the two rotating power electronic converters. In this way the slip power circulates in the rotor and with the help of the two rotating electronic converters, rotor current is used to magnetize the induction machine thereby improving the power factor. The steady state model is verified through experimental results. / <p>20120914</p> / Brushless Wind Generator with Rotating Power Electronic Converters

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