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Návrh a realizace vylepšeného měřicího zařízení pro testování induktivních snímačů v klimatické komoře / Design and implementation of improved measuring device for inductive sensors testing in temperature chamberŠimůnek, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the measuring equipment for the testing of inductive sensors in the climatic chamber, which mainly highlights the faults and deficiencies of this device. Based on this analysis, a new measurement system is designed to eliminate these or all the deficiencies. Several new useful features are added to the new design of the measuring system.
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Vliv plnění na dielektrické vlastnosti elektroizolačních laků / Influence of Filling on Dielctric Properties of Electroinsulation VarnishKisiala, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with issues of elecroinsulating varnish and composite materials. The general aim is to observe impact of fulfilment and size of particle against measured values.
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Řídicí jednotka pro zjišťování polohy kovové šipky v terči / Dart control sensing unit for steel tipRůžek, Václav January 2009 (has links)
Problematics of sensing position metal darts in targets is new and in this time is no too explored problem. This work analyses accessible method, what can realize this scan. There are lot of accessible methods like best applicable reflect method inductive, based on change inductivity and method capacitive, based on change capacities tabular condenser. Capacitive sensing should be realized by the plate couple, where stiring electrode supplies signal.Sensing electrode receiving this signal. On the basis changes thorough electrostatic field measures change capacities. By the changes capacities fit algorithm we can evaluate, whether is in sensing field visible foreign subject – dart. For capacitive method is also designed driving and scanning unit. Various method were to be laboratory tested and was achieved satisfactory results.
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Studium elektrických vlastností kompozitních materiálů / Study of electric properties of compositeMacháček, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with issues of composite materials. The general aim is to observe how the amout of filling infuence dielectric spectrum which is measured on prepared samples. For this purpose had been created variety of a samples with different percentage of filling with mica. Measured values had been compared with theoretically values, determinated using mixture formulas.
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Změna parametrů výbojových světelných zdrojů s frekvencí napájecího proudu / Influence of Change in Frequency of the Supply Current to the Operational Parameters of the Discharge Light SourcesKuptsov, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis is devoted to exploiting of gas-discharge lamps and their dependence on frequency of the supply current. The first part describes the theory of discharge, its types and properties, terms of its origin, and ways of its exploitation. The second part concerns electrical ballast systems of gas discharge light sources, inductive (reactive) and electronic ballasts, principles of their functioning, advantages and disadvantages, and the comparison of their properties. The following chapters deal with low-pressure and high-pressure gas-discharged lamps, compare their properties and describe exploitation of fluorescent lamps. Before conducting the experiment we have described the influence of frequency of the supply current on fluorescent tube lamps. Preparations for laboratory measuring have been also implemented. During the experiment the two types of lamps have been analyzed, the results of the research are summed up in the conclusion.
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Návrh nestandardních indukčtnostních a inkrementálních měřicích snímačů / Design of non-standard inductive and incremental measuring sensorsWeigl, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis consist of overview for position measuring methods and is mainly focused on design of non-standard inductive and incremental sensor. Specifications of those sensors is based on requirements set by MESING company. Also contains verification and testing measurement of completed sensor.
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Návrh adaptivního systému na rekonfigurovatelné platformě s využitím vestavěného analogově číslicového převodníku / Adaptive System Design in a Reconfigurable Platform Using the Embedded Analog-to-Digital ConverterZamba, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis has its main subject pointed on possibilities of exploiting reconfigurable digital systems on FPGA basis in mixed signal applications. Description of reconfigurable and adaptive systems in general and summary of known architectures is presented in first part of this work. Next, possibilities of exploiting configurability of FPGAs in conjunction with XADC digital to analog converter are examined. These converters are provided in 7-series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 systems from Xilinx. Concept of exploiting XADC for inductance measurements is presented as alternative to existing solution - LDC1000 integrated circuit provided by Texas Instruments. Such system utilizing FPGA and XADC would come with a lot of benefits: better system integration, better signal processing options, possibility of constructing adaptive system with numerous sensory elements and last but not least, lower system cost. Advantages and disadvantages of such approach are analyzed in the very final part of this work and possible options for extension of this work are presented.
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Klasifikace vozidel na základě odezvy indukčních senzorů / Vehicle classification using inductive loops sensorsHalachkin, Aliaksei January 2017 (has links)
This project is dedicated to the problem of vehicle classification using inductive loop sensors. We created the dataset that contains more than 11000 labeled inductive loop signatures collected at different times and from different parts of the world. Multiple classification methods and their optimizations were employed to the vehicle classification. Final model that combines K-nearest neighbors and logistic regression achieves 94\% accuracy on classification scheme with 9 classes. The vehicle classifier was implemented in C++.
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“En har väl hittat nåt sätt att överleva” Svenska lantbrukares hantering av arbetsrelaterade påfrestande händelserNilsson, Åsa, Larsson, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Lantbrukare utsätts för flertalet påfrestningar i sitt dagliga arbete, vilket kan påverka deras psykiska hälsa. Svenska lantbrukares psykosociala arbetsmiljö har beskrivits som relativt god, men inte mycket är känt angående deras hantering av belastningar. Studiens syfte var att utforska, beskriva och skapa förståelse för hanteringen av belastningar genom att besvara frågeställningen: Hur hanterar lantbrukare i Sverige arbetsrelaterade påfrestande händelser? Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 12 svenska lantbrukare och analyserades genom induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att påfrestningar och hanteringen av dem uppfattas som en del av lantbrukarnas identitet. Lantbrukarna räknade med att vissa händelser ingår i livsstilen, men mer oförutsägbara sådana skapade ökad belastning. Att införliva påfrestningar och hanteringen av dem i lantbrukaridentiteten möjliggjorde för lantbrukaren att fullfölja sitt livsval. Resultaten ökar förståelsen för varför lantbrukare, trots prövningar, är motiverade att fortsätta arbeta och hur deras hanteringsstrategier kan ha både positiva och negativa hälsoeffekter. För att främja psykisk hälsa bör insatser riktas mot att stärka lantbrukarnas befintliga, adaptiva hanteringsstrategier, exempelvis genom ökad tydlighet i myndigheters kommunikation, att stärka / Farm work is associated with strain, which can affect farmers’ mental health. Although Swedish farmers’ psychosocial work environment has been portrayed as relatively sound, little is known about how they cope with stressors. The present study aimed to explore, describe and generate understanding of this by answering the following question: How do farmers in Sweden cope with work-related strenuous events? Qualitative semi-structured interviews with 12 Swedish farmers were performed and analysed using inductive thematic analysis. The results indicated that both stress and coping were experienced as part of the farmers’ identities. Some hardships were postulated as part of the farming lifestyle but highly unpredictable events created more strain. Incorporation of both strain and coping into the farming identity enabled farmers to retain their existence. The results increase understanding of farmers’ motivation to keep working, in spite of strain and also how their coping strategies may have both positive and negative effects on mental health. Promotion of farmers’ mental health should be directed towards strengthening existing and adaptive coping strategies, for example by government agencies providing transparent communication, and increasing a sense of affinity as well as access to social support.
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Are solar home systems a more financially viable method of electrifying Ghana households?Radebe, Thandwefika 24 February 2021 (has links)
Africa still has the lowest electrification rates in the world with over 600 million people estimated to be living without access to electricity. What makes the challenge even greater for Africa is that the continent is so sparsely populated that building grid infrastructure is not viable in many cases. However, “pay-as-you-go” solar home systems have provided the continent with the opportunity to correct its electrification deficit. These innovations are not new and many of the costs of operating these systems have reached grid parity when one considers the Levelized Cost of Energy Model. However, these projects still fail to meet institutional investors' bankability criteria. The aim of this study is to try and understand whether solar home systems provide the investor with an opportunity to make a larger risk-adjusted return versus existing grid-based power station projects being considered on the continent. This study uses Ghana's recently built Kpone power station as a case study to complete this analysis. The study also seeks to assess what viability criteria is employed by a broad base of investors if they were to consider funding off-grid power. The study makes use of the Net Present Value model to compare the returns for Kpone and Zola Electric's Infinity solar home system. The study also conducts inductive qualitative analysis to try and ascertain what criteria is assessed for project viability and then builds a conceptual framework for assessing future projects. The study found that Kpone provided a better risk-adjusted return to that of Zola Electric's solar home system, largely because of Kpone's project finance structure reducing the risk of the investment. Our findings also show that investment ticket size, company track record and management track record are among the most highly considered criteria for investments into off-grid companies.
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