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Návrh průmyslové zóny pro region Telč / The proposal industrial zone on region TelčKomárek, Leonard January 2008 (has links)
This master's thesis analyzes problems, which are connected with building industrial zones in Telč region. It intents especially in human resources usage and industry developing. It includes some suggestions how to deal with these problems, mainly suggestions on the regional level.
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Správní budova Papírny WANEMI, a.s. v Zábřehu / Office Building for Paper Mill WANEMI, a.s., in ZábřehMartináková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis describes a design of the office building of Wanemi a.s. company in Zábřeh na Moravě. The company intends to build an ecological paper mill in the city. The office building is located at the „green“ entrance zone of the manufacturing facility. The building is designed in accordance with the requirements of energy–efficient buildings and the philosophy of the company – People and nature. The „green“ entrance zone that includes a placement of individual objects (office building, presentation pavilion, info center) has been solved as a pre-diploma thesis.
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Estimation Of Hazardous Waste Generation In Selected Sectors Of Ostim Oiz, AnkaraKayabinar, Arzu 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, Hazardous Waste Production potential for the selected priority sectors in OSTIM Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ), Ankara is investigated. A general inventory study is conducted based on both absolute and minor entries in Waste
List of Regulation on General Principles of Waste Management, Annex 4.
Processes included in priority sectors are identified / moreover, each process is analyzed in terms of inputs entering and outputs leaving. Generated hazardous wastes from each sector are classified as process based, side processes based, and non-process based. After determination of codes and amounts of wastes, hazardous qwaste generation factors are generally calculated as " / kg of waste generated per ton of product or raw material processed" / . Calculated hazardous waste generation factors are compared with the estimated ones in literature if there is any and a
specific range is determined for each waste factor. By use of sector specific hazardous waste generation factors and total capacity values sectoral hazardous waste generation amounts are calculated for OSTIM OIZ.
The most crowded and potentially polluter sectors are determined from 14 main producer sectors of OSTIM OIZ. Accordingly, machining, casting of ferrous metals, treatment and coating of metals, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and manufacture of rubber products are selected priority sectors studied in this thesis study. It is observed that among selected priority sectors highest generation occurs
in machining sector, which involve high amounts of 12 01 coded HWs as metal grindings and waste oil mixtures. In addition, manufacturing of rubber products sector has no significant hazardous waste generation.
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Význam aktivit agentury CzechInvest pro podnikání v ČR / The importance of the activities of CzechInvest on entrepreneurship in the Czech RepublicHarapát, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on the agency CzechInvest and its role towards enterprises in the Czech Republic. Their influence on entrepreneurs raises competitiveness of Czech companies and also increases the position of our companies abroad. The first chapter deals with theoretical approaches to international trade. Another chapter focuses on the situation in the Czech economy after the revolution in 1989. Special attention is paid to foreign direct investment as a key factor in the development of the Czech economy in the third chapter. CzechInvest activities are divided into the period before joining the European Union and the activities that the agency performs and after joining Czech republic EU. After joining the EU CzechInvest agenda has expanded and adopts new programs. Those are devoted to the fifth chapter. The last chapter explores the influence of the chosen indicators.
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The Forgotten Light / Det bortglömda LjusetTomic, Sonja January 2015 (has links)
On river Danube in Belgrade, Serbia, abandoned coal power plant Power and Light and the surrounding historical industrial zone have been laying in shadows for decades, waiting to be reconnected to the city life. This project deals with the revitalization of the old power plant giving it a new function – a school of architecture. As the use for which the building was build is so vastly different from the function of a school, one of the main points dealt with in the proposal is reconciling the existing structure and the new program. This challenge is addressed through working with the building, rather than against is - recognizing existing spatial qualities and seeing how they can be utilized in the new program. Alongside developing the program for the building itself, the project gives a schematic proposal for future development of the industrial zone as a campus for the city’s growing university. / Vid floden Donau i Belgrad, Serbien, det övergivna kolkraftverk Kraft och Ljus och det omkringliggande historiska industriområdet had varit dolt i skuggor under årtionden, väntandes på att åter bli anslutet till staden. Det här projektet behandlar förnyelsen av det gamla kolkraftverket genom att ge det en hel ny funktion i form av en skola för arkitektur. Eftersom ursprungliga användandet av byggnaden skiller sig så väsentligt mycket från en skola blir huvuduppgiften att anpassa programmet till byggnadens befintliga struktur. Utmaningen hanteras genom att jobba med byggnaden och se potentialen hos dess existerande utrymmen och hur dessa kan användas i det nya programmet. Jämt med att utveckla programmet för byggnaden i sig ger projektet ett schematisk förslag för användandet av industri området som ett campus för stadens växande universitet.
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Tvarumas ir "rudojo lauko" urbanistika / Sustainability and “brown field” urbanismNorvilaitė, Rūta 03 July 2014 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu vis dažniau girdime skambią sąvoką – „tvarumas“. Tvarumas apibūdinamas kaip plėtrą, kuri tenkina dabartinius visuomenės poreikius, nemažindama ateities kartų galimybės tenkinti savuosius. Lietuvoje tvarus vystymasis žengia pirmuosius žingsnius. Taigi stebėdama šią situaciją savo darbo tyrimo objektais pasirinkau – tvarią urbanistiką, „rudojo lauko“ teritorijų plėtrą ir tvarius konversijos modelius šiuolaikiniuose miestuose. „Rudasis laukas“ - tai miesto teritorijoje esančios, kadaise urbanizuotos teritorijos, tačiau dabar apleistos ar net užterštos. Tvarios plėtros šalininkai skatina tokių teritorijų konversiją ir atgaivinimą. Kitaip tariant siūlo vystytis ir plėstis miesto ribose, o ne už jų. Tiriamasis magistrantūros studijų darbas papildo kūrybinį magistrantūros studijų projektą, taigi tiriamojo darbo tikslas - rasti Lietuvos sąlygoms optimalius tvarios kaimynystės kūrimo metodus ir modelius. Darbe apžvelgiamos bei įvertinamos tvarumu besiremiančios urbanistinės teorijos, nagrinėjami sėkmingi tvarios urbanistikos bei architektūros principais pagrįsti pavyzdžiai. Remiantis nagrinėjamomis teorijomis ir praktiniais pavyzdžiais suformuluojamos pagrindinės gairės, metodai ir priemonės tvarios kaimynystės kūrimui. / Lately, we often hear popular term - sustainability. Sustainability is defined as development that meets our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs of tomorrow. In Lithuania sustainable development is taking its first steps. By observing this situation I chose my research objects - sustainable urbanism, „brown field” sites and the development of sustainable models in modern cities. „Brown field“ - is an abandoned or even contaminated urban area. Sustainable Development supporters promotes the conversion and revitalization of such areas. In other words, they propose to develop and expand in the city limits and not outside them. Research work complements practice project. So main goal of the research work is to find the optimal conditions, methods and models for sustainable neighborhood development in Lithuania. Project provides an overview of sustainability supported urban theories and movements also successful sustainable design examples. After analysis of the considered theories and practical examples the final conclusions, guidelines, methods and tools for sustainable neighborhood development are presented.
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Development of a resource model for greening environmental resilience: socio-eco efficiency framework analysis at Kombolcha Industrial Zone, EthiopiaKedebe, Tefera Eshete 07 1900 (has links)
This study used the socio-eco efficiency framework as an application tool to resilience the green environment at Kombolecha industrial zone by balancing the water consumption growth and green environmental tradeoffs. In addition, it aimed to determine the significant indicators, which associated with the water consumption and recycling efficiency. The consumers (factories and households) socio-eco efficiency practices were limited and then caused groundwater degradation and green environmental depletion. Previous studies, for instance, BASF (2009), ESCAP (2011) eco-efficiency, and Sailing et al., (2013) SEE balance (socio-eco efficiency) analysis targeted the company’s product portfolio and quality improvement. This study, however, considered both factories and household’s consumption activities that were proven to manifest in a complex water consumption compared to the production process. The study integrated social, economic and environmental indicators and determined the socio-eco efficiency effects on theresource consumption growth and green environment tradeoffs; water consumption and recycling efficiency. Subsequently, the study then developed a socio-eco efficiency model that used to balance the gaps between water consumption and recycling intensity inefficiency. The socio- eco efficiency indicators could, thus, be an applied tool that could be measured by employing the binary logistic regression, instrumental variable model, simultaneous equation model and the propensity score matching estimation.
Based on this, this study results indicated that the household’s awareness, perception and consumption behaviours concerning the green mind adoption, product, market, technology and jobs use were strongly associated and influenced by the water resource consumption growth and green environment tradeoffs at the 5 percent significance level. Particularly, the household’s social aspects, consumer’s culture, behaviour and poverty; economic (monthly income) and environmental aspects (waterquantity limit and waste recycle) were found to bestatistically significant and strongly altered the water resource consumption and recycling efficiency by 0.000 values at the 95 percent confidence level. This study implication was thesocio-eco efficiency framework, which was key the finding of the study that holds the three key indicators, did directly associate and significant determine the factories and household’s groundwater consumption and recycling intensity differently by 0.000 values at the 95 percent confidence level.
The socio- eco efficiency model could thus be an analytical tool that could be applied into groundwater consumption and recycling process. The socio-eco efficiency resource model, which is a key tool to resilient the green environment, optimized the water consumption and recycling efficiency and could be incorporated into the groundwater and green environment protection policy of Ethiopia. This study, in a circular fashion, proved socio-eco efficiency application and resolved some of the consumption paradox in the factories and household’s groundwater consumption and recycling processes. Thenon-integrated indicators and inapplicability of the socio-eco efficiency framework, nonetheless, made the green environment cautiously. So that a tactical integrative socio-eco efficiency resource model, particularly, green finances, such as green water tax, lease, paymenhave to be incorporated during the groundwater consumption that recovers the green environment attainments in Kombolecha and at large in Ethiopia. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environment Management)
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Vliv průmyslové zóny Kvasiny na rozvoj regionu / Influence of the Kvasiny industrial zone on the development of the regionODLEROVÁ, Beáta January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with influence of the Kvasiny industrial zone on the development of Rychnovska. This industrial zone is made up of one strategic investor, namely Škoda Auto a.s. with the plant in Kvasiny. The main attention was paid to the economic entities operating in the Rychnov nad Kněžnou district. First, a SWOT analysis of the ORP Rychnov nad Kněžnou and the industrial zones itself was carried out. Subsequently, a questionnaire survey was used, which was used to identify both positive and negative impacts on economic operators operating in the region.
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Komparace míry nezaměstnanosti venkovských obcí regionu Písek s mírou nezaměstnanosti venkovských obcí regionu Strakonice / The comparison of the level of the unemployment of the villages of the region Písek to the level of the unemployment of the villages of the StrakoniceMARTÍŠKOVÁ, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with unemployment in the countryside (rural areas). Showing specific economic problems, the countryside can be considered as a specific part of the Czech Republic from this point of view. One of the most serious issues is unemployment, when unemployment in the countryside reaches higher rates than are those in towns and cities. One of possible solutions to territorial development is building industrial zones which facilitates development of entrepreneurial activities and creation of new job opportunities. The aim of the thesis is to compare unemployment rates in people living in villages in the Písek region and those living in villages in the Strakonice region with regard to the function and quality of industrial zones in both regions. I refer to the Certificate of accreditation of the industrial zone in Písek which guarantees quality and functioning of the zone.
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Kritická analýza logistických a průmyslových center a predikce jejich vývoje / Critical Analysis of Logistics and Industrial Centres and the Prediction of Their DevelopmentKovařík, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis analyses the logistic and industrial centers and predicts of their development. The autor evaluates the history and current situation of the real estate in the Czech Republic with using the latest statistics. Forecast of development is based on three possible scenarios: realistic, pesimistic and optimistic. These scenarios také account probable developments of the world ekonomy, with emphasis on the impact of the events in the Czech Republic. The main part focuses on the development of realistic scenario with optimalized values.
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