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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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New Insights into Pea Compound Inflorescence Development: Role of FTc and VEGETATIVE1 as Regulatory Factors

Serra Picó, Marcos Pascual 28 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] La arquitectura de la inflorescencia determina la posición y el número de flores (y frutos) en la planta. Esto afecta a la forma de la planta, lo que contribuye a la diversidad morfológica e influye en la producción de semillas. Por lo tanto, comprender cómo funciona la genética que está detrás del desarrollo de la inflorescencia es relevante no solo para saber más sobre la biología del desarrollo de las plantas, sino también para la agricultura, con el fin de diseñar nuevas estrategias para la mejora de plantas. La mayoría de las leguminosas tienen inflorescencias compuestas, en las que las flores no se forman en el tallo principal sino a partir de inflorescencias secundarias (I2) en los flancos de la inflorescencia primaria o principal (I1). Esto contrasta con las plantas con inflorescencias simples, como Arabidopsis, donde las flores se forman directamente a partir del I1. El guisante (Pisum sativum) pertenece a la familia de las Fabaceae y al clado galegoide de las leguminosas y tiene una inflorescencia compuesta. Es bien sabido que VEGETATIVE1/ FULc (VEG1) codifica un factor de transcripción que especifica la identidad del meristemo I2 en leguminosas, pero aún se desconoce cómo y a través de qué genes VEG1 controla el desarrollo del I2 y las vías genéticas en las que está involucrado. En este trabajo, nuestro objetivo fue identificar las dianas regulatorias de VEG1. Para ello, comparamos los transcriptomas provenientes de ápices de inflorescencia del control silvestre (wild-type) con los de mutantes de guisante con defectos en el desarrollo de la inflorescencia: proliferating inflorescence meristems (pim - con múltiples meristemos I2), veg1 y vegetative2 (veg2 - ninguno de los cuales produce ni meristemos I2 ni flores). Usando este enfoque, hemos aislado algunos genes que se expresan en el I2 e identificado algunas posibles dianas de VEG1, entre ellas algunos genes que parecen prometedores para ser usados a modo de herramientas genéticas para la mejora del rendimiento en la producción en leguminosas. FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) es un regulador clave en la red genética del fotoperíodo que controla el tiempo de floración en Arabidopsis. En leguminosas, el clado FT se ha diversificado en tres subclados: FTa, FTb y FTc. En guisante,el gen FTc se encuentra distante filogenéticamente de los otros genes FT y tiene un patrón de expresión inusual, ya que solo se expresa en el ápice de la inflorescencia. En este trabajo hemos caracterizado mutantes ftc de guisante y los hemos utilizado para analizar las interacciones genéticas de FTc con DETERMINATE y LATE FLOWERING, que son los homólogos en guisante de TERMINAL FLOWER 1 de Arabidopsis. Este análisis ha revelado una función de FTc en el control de la floración y, curiosamente, también en el desarrollo del meristemo I2, estando esta segunda función posiblemente mediada por la regulación de FTc en la expresión de VEG1. / [CA] L'arquitectura de la inflorescència determina la posició i el nombre de flors (i fruits) en la planta. Això afecta a la forma de la planta, la qual cosa contribueix a la diversitat morfològica i influeix en la producció de llavors. Per tant, comprendre com funciona la genètica que està darrere del desenvolupament de la inflorescència és rellevant no sols per a saber més sobre la biologia del desenvolupament de les plantes, sinó també per a l'agricultura, amb la finalitat de dissenyar noves estratègies per a la millora de plantes. La majoria de les lleguminoses tenen inflorescències compostes, en les quals les flors no es formen en la tija principal sinó a partir d'inflorescències secundàries (I2) en els flancs de la inflorescència primària o principal (I1). Això contrasta amb les plantes amb inflorescències simples, com Arabidopsis, on les flors es formen directament a partir de l'I1. El pésol (Pisum sativum) pertany a la família de les Fabaceae i al clade galegoide de les lleguminoses i té una inflorescència composta. És ben sabut que VEGETATIVE1/ FULc (VEG1) codifica un factor de transcripció que especifica la identitat del meristemo I2 en lleguminoses, però encara es desconeix com i a través de quins gens VEG1 controla el desenvolupament de l'I2 i les vies genètiques en les quals està involucrat. En aquest treball, el nostre objectiu va ser identificar les dianes reguladores de VEG1. Per a això, comparem els transcriptomas provinents d'àpexs d'inflorescència del control silvestre (wild-type) amb els de mutants de pésol amb defectes en el desenvolupament de la inflorescència: proliferating inflorescence meristems (pim - amb múltiples meristemos I2), veg1 i vegetative2 (veg2 - cap dels quals produeix ni meristemos I2 ni flors). Usant aquest enfocament, hem aïllat alguns gens que s'expressen en l'I2 i identificat algunes possibles dianes de VEG1, entre elles alguns gens que semblen prometedors per a ser usats a manera d'eines genètiques per a la millora del rendiment en la producció en lleguminoses. FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) és un regulador clau en la xarxa genètica del fotoperíode que controla el temps de floració en Arabidopsis. En lleguminoses, el clade FT s'ha diversificat en tres subclades: FTa, FTb i FTc. En pésol, el gen FTc es troba distant filogenéticamente dels altres gens FT i té un patró d'expressió inusual, ja que només s'expressa en l'àpex de la inflorescència. En aquest treball hem caracteritzat mutants ftc de pésol i els hem utilitzats per a analitzar les interaccions genètiques de FTc amb DETERMINATE i LATE FLOWERING, que són els homòlegs en pésol de TERMINAL FLOWER 1 d' Arabidopsis. Aquest anàlisi ha revelat una funció de FTc en el control de la floració i, curiosament, també en el desenvolupament del meristemo I2, estant aquesta segona funció possiblement mediada per la regulació de FTc en l'expressió de VEG1. / [EN] Inflorescence architecture determines position and number of flowers (and fruits) in the plant. This affects plant shape, contributing to morphological diversity, and also influences seed yield. Therefore, understanding the genetics behind inflorescence development is relevant not only to plant developmental biology but also to agriculture, to design new breeding strategies. Most legumes have compound inflorescences, in which the flowers do not form on the main stem but from secondary inflorescences (I2) at the flanks of the main primary inflorescence (I1). This is in contrast to plants with simple inflorescences, such as Arabidopsis, where the flowers directly form at the I1. Pea (Pisum sativum) belongs to the Fabaceae family and the galegoid clade of legumes and has a compound inflorescence. It is well known that VEGETATIVE1/ FULc (VEG1) encodes a transcription factor that specifies the identity of the I2 meristem in legumes, but it is still unknown how and through which genes VEG1 controls I2 development and the genetic pathways in which it is involved. In this work, we aimed to identify regulatory targets of VEG1. For that, we compared the transcriptomes of inflorescence apices from wild type and pea mutants with defects in inflorescence development: proliferating inflorescence meristems (pim - with multiple I2 meristems), veg1 and vegetative2 (veg2), none of which produce neither I2 meristems nor flowers). Using this approach, we have isolated I2-expressed meristem genes and identified some possible targets of VEG1, among them some genes that seem promising tools to improve yield in legumes. FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) is a key regulator of the photoperiod inductive pathway that controls flowering time in Arabidopsis. In legumes, the FT clade has diversified into three subclades: FTa, FTb and FTc. Pea FTc is distant phylogenetically from the other FTs and has an unusual expression pattern, being expressed only at the inflorescence apex. In this work we have characterized pea ftc mutants and used them to analyze the genetic interactions of FTc with DETERMINATE and LATE FLOWERING, pea homologues of TERMINAL FLOWER 1 of Arabidopsis. This analysis has revealed a function of FTc in the control of flowering and, interestingly, of I2 meristem development, this second function being possibly mediated through FTc regulation of VEG1 expression. / Serra Picó, MP. (2022). New Insights into Pea Compound Inflorescence Development: Role of FTc and VEGETATIVE1 as Regulatory Factors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181299

Sistemática de Eugenia (Myrtaceae, Myrteae): evolução da flor e da inflorescência e implicações taxonômicas / Systematics of Eugenia (Myrtaceae, Myrteae): flower and inflorescence evolution, and taxonomic implications.

Oliveira, Augusto Giaretta de 19 April 2018 (has links)
Myrtaceae possui cerca de 4.600-5.800 espécies, distribuídas em áreas tropicais e subtropicais. Myrteae é uma das tribos mais ricas da família, com ca. de 2.500 espécies. Estudos sobre desenvolvimento e evolução de flor em Myrteae têm mostrado a condição homoplástica de caracteres anteriormente considerados diagnósticos, culminando em um melhor entendimento taxonômico. O hiper-diverso gênero Eugenia, com ca. de 1.050 espécies, está incluído nessa tribo e tem se mostrado morfologicamente homogêneo. Contudo, gêneros previamente segregados de Eugenia pelo grau de fusão do cálice são fontes de controvérsia taxonômica. A filogenia molecular baseada em cinco regiões de DNA reconstruiu que o cálice fundido evoluiu independentemente diversas vezes em Eugenia. A investigação morfológica da fusão do cálice revelou cinco padrões de desenvolvimento, além da condição dos lobos livres. Embora os padrões de desenvolvimento sejam homoplásticos, o sinal filogenético indicou que eles podem ser utilizados para complementar caracteres e sustentar clados. O padrão membranissépalo é uma exceção, sendo exclusivo e diagnóstico de um clado Amazônico. Espécies tradicionalmente reconhecidas com seis pétalas são interpretadas como padrão petaloide, isto é, quatro pétalas são precedidas por duas sépalas internas e petaloides, e duas sépalas externas e fundidas entre si. Padrão longohipanto é reconhecido como uma condição extremamente rara em Eugenia, em que o hipanto se alonga estende, bem como os verticilos estaminais, resultando em estames curvos no botão em vez de eretos. Mudanças nomenclaturais e uma recircunscrição e revisão taxonômica de Eugenia sect. Schizocalomyrtus derivam destes resultados. Dez espécies são descritas e comentadas em suas distribuições, sua conservação e taxonomia. A inflorescência de Eugenia também é analisada sob uma abordagem integrativa, que revela arranjos previamente ignorados como relevantes para a sistemática e taxonomia. Sete padrões foram descritos, e cinco deles são considerados para uma análise evolutiva. O padrão auxotélico foi recuperado em linhagens que primeiro divergiram. Isso sugere que o seu ancestral hipotético é similar ao padrão auxotélico. O padrão fasciculiforme é amplamente distribuído na seção de maior riqueza, Eugenia sect. Umbellatae, indicando que altas taxas de diversificação podem estar relacionadas com a aquisição desse padrão. Este estudo também fornece novas hipóteses para a evolução dos arranjos da inflorescência, indicando que flexibilidade no padrão racemoso de ramificação é, provavelmente, a inovação chave que promoveu a diversificação de Eugenia na região Neotropical / Myrtaceae has about 4600-5800 species distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. Myrteae is one of the most species rich tribe in Myrtaceae with ca. 2500 species. Studies on Myrteae flower development and evolution have shown the homoplastic nature of characters previously considered diagnostic that are now culminating in much-improved taxonomic understanding. The hyper-diverse Eugenia with ca. 1050 species is nested in this tribe, and have been shown as morphologically homogeneous. However, genera previously segregated from Eugenia by the degree of calyx fusion are source of controversy. Molecular phylogeny based on five DNA regions reconstructed fused calyx as evolved several times independently in Eugenia. Morphological assessment of the calyx fusion revealed five development patterns besides the standard condition of the free lobes. Although the development patterns are homoplastic, phylogenetic signal indicates that they can be used in combination to complementary characters to support clades. Membranisepalous pattern is an exception, recovered as exclusive allowing to be used to diagnose an Amazonian clade. Traditionally six-petal species are newly interpreted as petaloid pattern, i.e. four petals are followed by two internal petal-like sepals, and two external fused sepals. Longohypanthium pattern is recognized as an extremely rare condition in Eugenia which hypanthium extends as the stamens whorl resulting in a display of curved stamens in the bud instead the standard straight. Nomenclatural changings and a taxonomic revision of Eugenia sect. Schizocalomyrtus newly circumscribed follow these results. Ten species are detailed described and commented under distribution, conservation, and taxonomy. The inflorescence of Eugenia was also analysed under an integrative approach that revealed arrangements previously ignored as relevant for systematic and taxonomy. Seven patterns were described but five are regarded to an evolutionary assessment. Auxotelic pattern was recovered in the early lineages. It suggests that a hypothetical ancestral is similar to the auxotelic pattern. Fasciculiform pattern is widely found in the most speciose Eugenia sect. Umbellatae, indicating that high rates of diversification may be related to the acquisition of this pattern. This study also provides insights in the evolution of inflorescence arrangement by indicating that flexibility in the racemose branching pattern is likely the innovative key that promoted the diversification of Eugenia in the Neotropics

Expressão sexual em linhagens de mamona (Ricinus communis L.)

Lara, Ana Carolina da Costa [UNESP] 08 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-08Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:27:21Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 lara_acc_me_botfca.pdf: 233358 bytes, checksum: 0246a8ce806d06287ec4d73db25f0e49 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A inflorescência padrão da mamoneira é um racemo com flores femininas no ápice e masculinas na base, porém há muitas variantes para esse tipo de expressão sexual, determinada por fatores genéticos e ambientais. A produtividade da mamoneira está diretamente relacionada com a proporção de flores femininas no racemo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar 80 linhagens de mamona quanto à característica de expressão sexual. As linhagens são oriundas do programa de melhoramento de mamona da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP campus de Botucatu. Os experimentos foram instalados na Fazenda Experimental São Manuel, no município de São Manuel- SP e na Fazenda Experimental Lageado, município de Botucatu- SP, ambos pertencentes à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas- UNESP campus de Botucatu, em condições de safrinha, no período de abril a dezembro de 2008. As 80 linhagens utilizadas foram selecionadas para alta porcentagem de florescimento feminino, com ciclos de seleção e autofecundação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso com duas repetições. As parcelas experimentais foram constituídas de uma linha de 2,0 m com 5 plantas e o espaçamento utilizado foi de 0,5 m entre plantas, 1m entre linhas e área útil de 2,0 m2. Foram avaliadas as freqüências de plantas femininas e plantas monóicas em cada linhagem, assim como a estabilidade da feminilidade em todos os racemos e em ambos os ambientes. Foram avaliadas também a altura de planta, altura de inserção do racemo primário, diâmetro do caule e número de nós da haste até a inflorescência primária. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos às análises de variância individual e conjunta, pelo teste F a 5% de probabilidade, para os dois municípios, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott a 5% de... / The standard of castor bean inflorescence is a raceme, with female flowers located at the apex of the plant, and male flowers at the base. However this type of sexual expression can vary according to genetic and environmental factors. The castor bean yield is related to the proportion of female flowers in the raceme. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate eighty lines of castor bean regarding to the sexual expression characteristic. These lines were derived from the program of castor bean breeding from the Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas – Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho”, Botucatu Campus. The experiments were conducted as second crop, in period april to december in 2008 at the Experimental Farm Sao Manuel, in Sao Manuel – SP, and at the Experimental Farm Lageado, in Botucatu – SP, both from the Faculdade de Ciencias Agronomicas – UNESP, Botucatu Campus. The 80 lines used were selected for high percentage of female flowers, with selection and selfing cycles. The experimental design consisted by randomized blocks with two replications. The plots consisted by one row of 2.0 m with five plants and the spacing used was 0.5 m between plants, 1 m between lines, being 2.0 m2 of total area. The female plants and monoecious plants frequencies in each line were evaluated, as well as the femininity stability in all racemes for both experiments. Plant height, height of primary raceme insertion, stem diameter, and number of nodes from the stem to the primary inflorescence... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Estudo comparativo do potencial agronômico entre progênies f4 de feijão- caupi de inflorescências simples e composta

BARROS, Fábio Ribeiro 28 August 2009 (has links)
Submitted by (ana.araujo@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-10T11:43:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Ribeiro Barros.pdf: 1342967 bytes, checksum: 4e69bef298c0b660d4d52d9e2ad07c10 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-10T11:43:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Ribeiro Barros.pdf: 1342967 bytes, checksum: 4e69bef298c0b660d4d52d9e2ad07c10 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-28 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The objective of this work was to compare the agronomic potential among progenies F4 of cowpea of simple inflorescences and composite, aiming increase productivity in commercial cultivars of cowpea, by selecting progeny with composite inflorescence. The genetic material included three parental genotypes (P1: TVx5058-09CE, P2: AU94-MOB-816 AND P3: Cacheado Roxo) and 68 progeny F4 of cowpea segregantes for the types of simple and composed inflorescence, and from these, thirty four progeny F4 resulted of RC1 obtained starting from the crossing of F1:3 x P1 and 34 were originating from of RC2, obtained starting from the crossing of F2:3 x P2. The experiment was conducted in Embrapa Mid-North experimental field, in Teresina (PI), in the year of 2008. Of each progeny F4 was advanced with two progeny, being one of simple inflorescence and other composite. used randomized block design with subdivided plots and four repetitions. The experimental portion was represented by ten plants and the subplot (inflorescences) for five plants. The components of variances were estimated for the method of maxim restricted verisimilitude with random effect of progeny. The genetic values (progeny and inflorescências/ progeny) and environmental they were predicted by the best linear unbiased predictor-BLUP. The estimates of genetic and environmental variances were significant for all of the characters in study. The estimates BLUP among progeny of RC1 showed that it happened larger number of genotypes with BLUP (-) for the characters pod lengt (COMPV), number of grains per pod (NGV), number of stems with pods (NPCV), weight of 100 grains (P100G) and production of grains (PG) and greater number of genotypes with BULP(+) for index of grains (IG) and same number of genotypes with BLUP (-) and (+) for the characteristic peduncle length (COMPP);already for RC2 only the number of grains per pod (NGV), weight of 100 grains (P100G) and index of grains (IG), presented estimates BLUP (-) and (+) balanced in terms of number of progeny, and the other characters showed more number of progeny with BLUP (+). To estimate BLUP the progeny for inflorescence type, was observed more number progeny with estimates BLUP (-) for all of the characters and retrocruzamentos, however, among the estimates BLUP (+), most of the progeny was of the type of composed inflorescence. The inflorescence progeny composed with positive BLUP for the production of grains (PG) and negative for peduncle length (COMPP) present a higher genetic potential for obtaining superior strains lineages, in relation to the characters in study, relatively to the progeny of simple inflorescence. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o potencial agronômico entre progênies F4 de feijão caupi de inflorescências simples e composta, visando aumentar a produtividade em cultivares comercial de feijão-caupi, através da seleção de progênies com inflorescência composta. O material genético compreendeu três genótipos parentais (P1: TVx5058-09CE, P2: AU94-MOB-816 e P3: Cacheado Roxo) e 68 progênies F4 de feijão-caupi segregantes para os tipos de inflorescência simples e composta, sendo que destas, trinta e quatro progênies em F4 resultaram do RC1 a partir do cruzamento de F1:3 x P1 e 34 foram oriundas do RC2, obtido a partir do cruzamento de F2:3 x P2. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Meio-Norte, em Teresina (PI), no ano de 2008. De cada progênie F4 avançou-se com duas progênies, sendo uma de inflorescência simples e outra composta. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados com parcela subdividida e quatro repetições. A parcela experimental foi representada por dez plantas e a subparcela (inflorescências) por cinco plantas. Os componentes de variâncias foram estimados pelo método de máxima verossimilhança restrita com efeito de progênies aleatório. Os valores genéticos (progênies e inflorescências/progênie) e ambientais foram preditos pelo melhor preditor linear não tendencioso-BLUP. As estimativas de variâncias genéticas e ambientais foram significativas para todos os caracteres em estudo. As estimativas BLUP entre progênies do RC1 mostraram que ocorreu maior número de genótipos com BLUP (-) para os caracteres comprimento de vagem (COMPV), número de grãos por vagem (NGV), número de pedúnculos com vagem (NPCV), peso de 100 grãos (P100G) e produção de grãos (PROP), bem como, maior número de genótipos com BULP(+) para índice de grãos (IG) e mesmo número de genótipos com BLUP (-) e (+) para a característica comprimento do pedúnculo (COMPP); já para o RC2 somente os caracteres número de grãos por vagem (NGV), peso de 100 grãos (P100G) e índice de grãos (IG), apresentaram estimativas BLUP (-) e (+) equilibradas em termos de número de progênies, sendo que os demais caracteres mostraram maior número de progênies com BLUP (+). Para as estimativas BLUP de progênie por tipo de inflorescência, observou-se maior número progênies com estimativas BLUP (-) para todos os caracteres e retrocruzamentos, no entanto, entre as estimativas BLUP (+), a maioria das progênies foi do tipo de inflorescência composta. As progênies de inflorescência composta com BLUP positivo para a produção de grãos (PG) e negativo para comprimento do pedúnculo (COMPP) apresentam maior potencial genético para obtenção de linhagens superiores, em relação aos caracteres em estudo, relativamente às progênies de inflorescência simples.

Herança do comprimento do pedúnculo ramificado em feijão - caupi e sua relação com a produção e seus componentes

SOUSA, Iradenia da Silva 04 April 2008 (has links)
Submitted by (ana.araujo@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-16T16:59:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Iradenia da Silva Sousa.pdf: 500772 bytes, checksum: 8fe476304d2b3fb43577f5ce58d236e7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-16T16:59:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Iradenia da Silva Sousa.pdf: 500772 bytes, checksum: 8fe476304d2b3fb43577f5ce58d236e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-04 / The cowpea is a main source of vegetable protein for the people of lower purchasing power of Asia, Africa, Europe and North America, Central and South. In the North and Northeast of Brazil, represent one the most important leguminous food of the diet. Most of the genotypes grown in the world have simple inflorescence. However, cultivars with composite inflorescence were find in cowpea. The aim this work was to study the inherintance of the characters related to production and to inflorescence in crosses between genotypes with simple inflorescence and composite inflorescence. The work was realized at Embrapa Meio-Norte, in Teresina, PI, in the years from 2006 to 2007. It was been made crosses between TVx 5058-09C (P2) x Cacheadoroxo (P1) and Cacheado-roxo (P1) x AU94-MOB-816 (P3). The genitor Cacheadoroxo with composite inflorescence and the other two genitors presenting simple inflorescence. The parents, the generations F1's, F2's and the backcrosses were evaluated in complete randomized blocks design with six repetitions. The parents and F1's consisted of a plot per block, the F2 generations and the backcrosses consisted of five and two rows per block, respectively. The plots were represented per one row with 7,0 m of length, the spacing between rows was 1,0 m and between hole in rows of 0,70 m. The genetic studies were realized with based on the means and variances, with help of the Program Genes. The comparison of means between the populations with simple inflorescence and with composite inflorescence was made using the “t” test with the degrees of freedom obtained by the approach of Satterthwaite. The complete model was enough to explain the observed variation in the characters related to production and peduncle. The additive effect was the more important in the genetic control for most of the characters, suggests are useful in the selection for increased of the production. The heritabilities were low and average magnitudes, recommending that the selection is made in generations more advanced. Statisticaly were differences significant between the mean of the population with simple inflorescence and the averages of populations with composite inflorescence for the characters under study. / O feijão-caupi é uma das principais fontes de proteína vegetal, para as populações de menor poder aquisitivo da Ásia, África, Europa e Américas do Norte, Central e do Sul. Nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, representa uma das leguminosas mais importantes da dieta alimentar. A maioria dos genótipos cultivados em todo o mundo possui inflorescência simples. Contudo, foram encontradas cultivares com inflorescência composta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a herança dos caracteres relacionados à produção e à inflorescência em cruzamentos entre genótipos com inflorescência simples e inflorescência composta. O trabalho foi realizado na Embrapa Meio-Norte, em Teresina, PI, nos anos de 2006 a 2007. Foram feitos dois cruzamentos entre TVx 5058-09C (P2) x Cacheado-roxo (P1) e Cacheado-roxo (P1) x AU94-MOB-816 (P3). O genitor Cacheado-roxo com inflorescência composta e os outros dois genitores apresentam inflorescência simples. Os genitores, as gerações F1’s, F2’s e os respectivos retrocruzamentos foram avaliados quanto aos caracteres relacionados à produção e à inflorescência em um experimento em blocos casualizados com seis repetições. Os genitores e as F1’s constaram de uma parcela por bloco; as gerações F2’s e os retrocruzamentos constaram de cinco e duas fileiras por bloco,respectivamente. As parcelas foram representadas por uma fileira com 7,0 m de comprimento, o espaçamento entre fileiras foi de 1,0 m e entre covas dentro da fileira de 0,70 m. Os estudos genéticos foram realizados com base nas médias e variâncias com auxilio do Programa Genes. A comparação de médias entre as populações com inflorescência simples e composta foi feito utilizando-se o teste ‘’t’’ com o grau de liberdade obtido pela aproximação de Satterthwaite. O modelo completo foi suficiente para explicar a variação observada nos caracteres relacionados à produção e ao pedúnculo. O efeito aditivo foi o mais importante no controle genético para a maioria dos caracteres, sendo úteis na seleção para aumento da produção. As herdabilidades foram de baixa e média magnitudes, recomendando-se que a seleção seja feita em gerações mais avançadas. Estatisticamente, houve diferenças significativas entre as médias das populações com inflorescência simples e as das populações com inflorescência composta para os caracteres em estudo.

Effet de la température sur le développement chez Arabidopsis thaliana

Antoun, Marlène 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
En réponse aux conditions environnementales sous- et supra-optimales, les plantes manifestent des variations au niveau de leur croissance et de leur développement. Ces conditions non-optimales de croissance peuvent toutefois affecter la biomasse et le rendement des cultures. La température est l'un des facteurs environnementaux qui affectent le plus la croissance. Dans ce travail, nous avons effectué une analyse détaillée sur le développement (nombre et longueur des branches de la rosette et caulinaires, fleurs et bourgeons) de la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana sous différents conditions non-optimales de température et à différents stades de développement (Végétatif ou Reproductif). Les plantes témoins ont été cultivées à la température optimale de 22°C. Les résultats ont montré que des températures inférieures (12, 17°C) ou supérieures (27, 32°C) affectent le branchement et la floraison. L'allongement des entrenœuds et des branches caulinaires primaires est réduit à des températures plus basses et augmenté à des températures supérieures. Des résultats semblables ont été obtenus chez les plantes avant ou après l'initiation du développement de l'inflorescence principale. Nos données indiquent que les plantes qui sont passées au stade reproductif avant le traitement sont légèrement moins affectées par les variations de température que les plantes qui sont au stade végétatif. Nos résultats suggèrent aussi que les plantes doivent atteindre une taille maximale (longueur des entrenœuds) avant de former des méristèmes floraux, et que cette taille maximale dépend de la température de croissance. Les plantes à 17°C montrent un branchement légèrement inférieur alors que celles à 27°C montrent un branchement supérieur. Ceci suggère que la dominance apicale est un phénomène qui dépend de la température. Ce travail présente à notre connaissance la première étude élaborée de l'effet de la température sur le développement des inflorescences chez Arabidopsis. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Arabidopsis thaliana, branches, bourgeons axillaires, croissance, développement, entre-nœuds, stade reproductif, stade végétatif, température

Optimization Of Regeneration And Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation Of Wheat (triticum Aestivum L.cv. Yuregir 89)

Demirbas, Didem 01 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study was to optimize regeneration parameters of immature inflorescence culture of Triticum aestivum cv. Y&uuml / regir-89. The effects of dark incubation period and explant region on regeneration success were tested. Immature inflorescences were cut into 3 pieces as tip, mid, base and put onto 2mg /L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid containing callus induction medium. These explants were taken to regeneration after 6, 9, 13 weeks of dark incubation period. The regeneration capacities of calli were determined as rooting and shooting percentages. Shooting percentages were found to be 72.0 % for 6 weeks of dark incubation and 64.1 % for 9 weeks of dark incubation while it decreases to 26.1 % in 13 weeks of dark incubation period. This showed that prolonged dark incubation period decreased regeneration capacity of the callus. There was no significant difference in regeneration capacities of tip, mid and base regions of immature inflorescences, which reveals the potential of every region of inflorescence to be used as explant source in further transformation studies. Besides regeneration studies, optimization of transformation parameters for Turkish wheat cultivar Y&uuml / regir by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens AGLI containing binary vector pALl56 was performed. Transformation efficiencies were determined by monitoring the transient expression of uidA gene via histochemical GUS assay. Three to four weeks old calli were found to be more responsive to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Different media were tested for utilization during co-cultivation period. It was found that including phenolic compound acetosyringone along with ascorbic acid as an antioxidant was essential for succesful transformation.

Optmization Of Tissue Culture, Regeneration And Transformation Parameters In Winter Wheat Cultivars (kiziltan-91 And Bezostaja-01)

Kavas, Musa 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
iv The objective of this study was to optimize tissue culture and regeneration parameters of immature inflorescence culture of Triticum aestivum cv. Bezostaja- 01 and Triticum durum cv. Kiziltan-91. The effects of callus age and vernalisation time of explants on regeneration success were evaluated. For determination of optimum vernalisation time of immature inflorescence, plants subjected to 4 &deg / C for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks, respectively. Tillers containing immature inflorescences were collected at the same time. Percentage of inflorescence formed tillers over total explants were reached the highest value, 79 %, at 4 weeks cold treated Kiziltan cultivar and, 73 %, at 5 weeks cold treated Bezostaja cultivar. Isolated immature inflorescences were put onto 2mg /L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and picloram containing callus induction medium for Kiziltan and Bezostaja cultures, respectively. Callus induction rate were found to be 100 % for Kiziltan and Bezostaja. These explants were taken to regeneration after 6, 9, 12 and 15 weeks of dark incubation period. The regeneration capacities of calli were determined as shooting percentage and data were collected after 4, 8, 12, and 15 week regeneration period. The highest shooting percentage of 69 %, were obtained from 6 weeks old calli produced from 4 weeks vernalised explants in Kiziltan cultures at the end of 15 weeks regeneration period. However, shooting percentage was 57.2 % for 9 weeks old calli while it decreases to 37.6 % in 12 weeks old calli and 44.2 % in 15 weeks old calli at the end of 15 weeks regeneration period. This showed that prolonged dark incubation period decreased regeneration capacity of the callus. However, there was no significant difference in regeneration capacities of calli produced from Bezostaja immature inflorescence and the highest shooting percentage was obtained from 9 weeks old calli produced from 5 weeks vernalised explants, 27.4 %. Besides regeneration studies, optimization of transformation parameters for winter wheat cultivars Kiziltan and Bezostaja by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens AGLI containing binary vector pALl56 was performed. Transformation efficiencies were determined by monitoring the transient expression of uidA gene via histochemical GUS assay. Three to four weeks old calli were found to be more responsive to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Kiziltan cultures. However, four to five weeks old calli were found to be more responsive to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Bezostaja cultures. Different transformation protocols were used. It was found that MGL based and MMA based protocols could be used for Bezostaja and Kiziltan transformation, respectively. The highest GUS expression, 84%, was obtained from 28 weeks old calli produced from 5 weeks vernalised explants in Bezostaja cultures.

Molecular systematics of the Lomandra Labill. Complex (Asparagales: Laxmanniaceae).

Donnon, Matthew J. January 2010 (has links)
The “Lomandra complex” (or Lomandra grouping) is an informally recognised grade resulting from the subdivision of the Laxmanniaceae into two groups (Conran, 1998); the ‘Lomandra complex” (Acanthocarpus, Chamaexeros, Lomandra, Romnalda and Xerolirion), and the remainder as the Arthropodoids (Arthropodium, Chamaescilla, Cordyline, Eustrephus, Laxmannia, Murchisonia, Sowerbaea, Thysanotus and Trichopetalum). Laxmanniaceae are an Australiacentred, tropical to temperate family of 14 genera with around 180 species from Australasia, SE Asia, the Mascarenes, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Zealand, North and South America and the Pacific Islands. There have been no detailed phylogenetic studies in Laxmanniaceae and the relationships within and between the genera is poorly understood. This study utilised molecular data from chloroplast trnL-F and nuclear ribosomal ITS2 regions analysed with maximum parsimony and bayesian inference methods to reconstruct the phylogeny of the genera of the ‘Lomandra complex’, using species of Arthropodium, Eustrephus, Laxmannia and Thysanotus as outgroups. The molecular phylogeny shows that Lomandra forms four primary clades; with members from the classical anatomy, inflorescence-defined section and series distributed amongst these, typically in large islands. The monotypic genus Xerolirion resides deeply within Lomandra, raising questions about the appropriateness of this genus. Additionally, the other genera of the Lomandra complex (Acanthocarpus, Chamaexeros and Romnalda) form a clade positioned sister to one of four primary Lomandra clades, but nested inside Lomandra sens. lat., indicating a closer relationship between these genera than previously thought. The affiliation of these bisexual, hermaphroditic genera within the otherwise unisexual, dioecious Lomandra clade supports the recognition of the ‘Lomandra complex’ as an expanded genus, Lomandra; and represents either an example of the evolution of unisexuality followed by reversion, or else multiple losses of hermaphrodite flowers. Morphological and anatomical data were obtained for leaf and floral macroscopic characters, mid-leaf section anatomy and cuticle microscopic features and analysed with maximum parsimony and bayesian inference methods to reconstruct the anatomical phylogeny. These data were also utilised to generate a DELTA key for identifying species of Lomandra from a combination of macroscopic morphological and microscopic leaf anatomical features. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1385938 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2010

Mieux Contrôler les Fluctuations de Rendement grâce à une Meilleure Compréhension des Mécanismes d’Initiation et de Différenciation des Primordia Inflorescentiels du Bourgeon Latent de Vigne / Better control yield fluctuations by understanding the initiation and differentiation mechanisms of inflorescence primordia in grapevine latent buds

Li, Anna 19 December 2017 (has links)
Le déterminisme de la formation de la grappe reste parmi les phénomènes les moins bien précisés de la physiologie de la Vigne. La question a été abordée de plusieurs façons mais les éléments de réponse obtenus ne permettent pas encore de se faire une idée synthétique des mécanismes fondamentaux qui produisent l’apparition des primordia inflorescentiels (PI) en année N-1 et qui pourraient régir jusqu’à 65 à 70% du rendement final en année N. Notre étude s’est donc focalisée sur (i) la caractérisation du processus de formation des PI dans les bourgeons latents de vigne (Vitis vinifera L. Merlot) et la redéfinition de la constitution du rendement, (ii) la compréhension des mécanismes d’initiation et de différenciation des PI et (iii) l’évaluation des impacts de différents facteurs (ABA exogène, lumière et effeuillage) sur ces mécanismes.Cette étude intégrale combinant des approches multi-échelles et multi-disciplinaires a permis dans un premier temps de mettre en évidence le déterminisme de la phase d’induction inflorescentielle dans la construction du rendement en identifiant trois phases clés du processus de formation des PI et en y intégrant une nouvelle notion qu’est le « degré de ramification des PI » ; puis dans un second temps, de proposer certains modes de régulation des mécanismes d’initiation et de différenciation des PI en identifiant trois types de marqueurs précoces de la fertilité potentielle : des marqueurs moléculaires (VvCLE25-1, VvTFL1a et VvMFT1), biochimiques (équilibre CKs/AIA, D-glucose et amidon), et environnementaux (ensoleillement et température journaliers cumulés). L’ensemble des résultats pourra contribuer au développement d’un outil prédictif précoce de la « fertilité potentielle » (et donc du rendement probable maximum) afin de mieux guider et gérer la taille et les pratiques culturales. / The grape cluster formation determinism remains the one of the undefined phenomena in grapevine physiology process. The topic has been tackled in multiple ways. However, based on all the known information, we still are not allowed to get a synthetic idea of the fundamental mechanisms that produce the appearance of inflorescential primordia in year N-1 and which could govern up to 65 to 70 % of final yield in year N. Our study focuses thus on (i) the characterization of IP formation process in grapevine latent buds (Vitis vinifera L. Merlot) and the redefinition of yield constitution, (ii) understanding IP initiation and differentiation mechanisms, and (iii) evaluating the impacts of different factors (exogenous ABA, light and leaf removal) on these mechanisms.This comprehensive study, which combines multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approaches, firstly allowed us to highlight the determinism of inflorescence induction phase in yield construction by identifying three key phases in IP formation process and by incorporating a new notion which is "IP branching degree". Secondly, it proposed certain modes of regulation of IP initiation and differentiation mechanisms by identifying three types of early markers of bud fruitfulness: molecular markers (VvCLE25-1, VvTFL1a and VvMFT1), biochemical markers (CKs/IAA balance, D-glucose and starch), and environmental markers (cumulative daily sunshine and temperature).The all-inclusive results contribute to the development of an early predictive tool of "bud fruitfulness" (and thereby the probable maximum yield) to better guide and manage the grapevine training and other cultural practices.

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