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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

建立一個以服務多代理者系統為主的公鑰匙架構 / Building a Public Key Infrastructure for Multi-Agent Systems

唐朝緯, Chao-Wei Tang Unknown Date (has links)
代理者(Agent)是一個自主性的軟體程式,可以幫助代表人類在網際網路上從事各種的電子化服務(E-Service)。由於目前多代理者系統缺少了安全管理的機制,以致於目前為止代理者代表人類在網上從事活動的行為還不被大家接受。因此,我們提出了一套以代理者為導向的公鑰匙架構(Agent-Oriented Public Key Infrastructure, APKI),各式各樣的數位憑證被產生、儲存、註銷及驗證,以滿足不同存取控制的需求。例如,代理者的認證是以代理者身份憑證為基礎,而授權的部分則以授權憑證或屬性憑證來做驗證。透過這些數位憑證,我們可以在虛擬網路上的代理者之間建立一條信任路徑,一個安全的電子化服務的實際應用範例將會以此架構實作及呈現出來,以驗證我們所提架構的可行性。 / Agent is autonomous software that mediates e-service for human on the Internet. The acceptance of agent-mediated e-service (AMES) is very slow for the lacking of security management infrastructure for multi-agent system. Therefore we proposed an agent-oriented public key infrastructure (APKI) for multi-agent e-service. In this APKI, a taxonomy of digital certificates are generated, stored, verified, and revoked to satisfy different access and delegation control purposes. Agent identity certificate was designed for agent’s authentication whereas attributed and agent authorization certificates were proposed for agent’s authorization and delegation. Using these digital certificates, we establish agent trust relationships on the cyberspace. A trusted agent-mediated e-service scenario will be shown to demonstrate the feasibility of our APKI.

Modelling transport, accessibility and productivity in Öresund

Petersen, Tom January 2004 (has links)
<p>This licentiate thesis is about the provision of transportinfrastructure and the regional impacts of such provision.Three different techniques have been investigated that can beused for the assessment and forecasting of the effects ofinfrastructure: transport demand models and parametric andnon-parametric econometric estimation techniques. The maininterest is focused around the regional effects of theÖresund fixed link, which was opened on July 1, 2000.</p><p>The thesis is a collection of three papers plus a generalintroduction: papers 1 and 2 are concerned with the effect ofaccessibility in the transport networks on productivity on anindividual firm level. In paper 1, a translog cost function,extended with an accessibility variable, is estimated for 24business aggregates using panel data techniques and tests on adataset covering single workplaces in Scania over the years1990–98. The results are not conclusive, and cannot beused for forecasting of the after-situation. In paper 2, anon-parametric method, propensity score matching, is applied onthe same dataset to test if productivity differs in highaccessibiliby areas compared to those with low accessibility,while controlling for other differences between firms. Theresult here is the same as in the first paper: for no businessthere is a significant difference in productivity that can berelated to accessibility. In paper 3, a framework for theexternal validation of models of transport, landuse andenvironment is developed, with a focus on transport forecastmodels. The scenario assumptions and forecast results ofearlier models are presented and compared. A before-and-afterdatabase under construction for the Öresund region is alsopresented, to be used for validation of such models.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>infrastructure assessment, validation,Öresund, transport demand models, regionalconsequences.</p>

Dynamic Cloud Resource Management : Scheduling, Migration and Server Disaggregation

Svärd, Petter January 2014 (has links)
A key aspect of cloud computing is the promise of infinite, scalable resources, and that cloud services should scale up and down on demand. This thesis investigates methods for dynamic resource allocation and management of services in cloud datacenters, introducing new approaches as well as improvements to established technologies.Virtualization is a key technology for cloud computing as it allows several operating system instances to run on the same Physical Machine, PM, and cloud services normally consists of a number of Virtual Machines, VMs, that are hosted on PMs. In this thesis, a novel virtualization approach is presented. Instead of running each PM isolated, resources from multiple PMs in the datacenter are disaggregated and exposed to the VMs as pools of CPU, I/O and memory resources. VMs are provisioned by using the right amount of resources from each pool, thereby enabling both larger VMs than any single PM can host as well as VMs with tailor-made specifications for their application. Another important aspect of virtualization is live migration of VMs, which is the concept moving VMs between PMs without interruption in service. Live migration allows for better PM utilization and is also useful for administrative purposes. In the thesis, two improvements to the standard live migration algorithm are presented, delta compression and page transfer reordering. The improvements can reduce migration downtime, i.e., the time that the VM is unavailable, as well as the total migration time. Postcopy migration, where the VM is resumed on the destination before the memory content is transferred is also studied. Both userspace and in-kernel postcopy algorithms are evaluated in an in-depth study of live migration principles and performance.Efficient mapping of VMs onto PMs is a key problem for cloud providers as PM utilization directly impacts revenue. When services are accepted into a datacenter, a decision is made on which PM should host the service VMs. This thesis presents a general approach for service scheduling that allows for the same scheduling software to be used across multiple cloud architectures. A number of scheduling algorithms to optimize objectives like revenue or utilization are also studied. Finally, an approach for continuous datacenter consolidation is presented. As VM workloads fluctuate and server availability varies any initial mapping is bound to become suboptimal over time. The continuous datacenter consolidation approach adjusts this VM-to-PM mapping during operation based on combinations of management actions, like suspending/resuming PMs, live migrating VMs, and suspending/resuming VMs. Proof-of-concept software and a set of algorithms that allows cloud providers to continuously optimize their server resources are presented in the thesis.

Understanding State Fragility through the Actor-Network Theory: A Case Study of Post-Colonial Sudan

Sternehäll, Tove January 2016 (has links)
Despite the broad discourse on fragile states and the threat they pose to the contemporary world order, the literature on the subject does to a large extent ignore the material factors behind the causes of state fragility. Scholars and organizations in the field have almost exclusively adopted the Social Contract Theory (SCT) in order to explain state fragility as a problem caused by social factors. This study broadens the discourse by applying SCT as well as the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) on the case study of Sudan, in order to do a deductive theory testing of the added value of each theory. The results of this study show that while the Social Contract Theory does explain many factors behind state fragility, the application of the Actor-Network Theory adds to this by also incorporating the networks between the social and material determinants in societies. This research contributes to the debate on fragile states by adding to the scarce research on the materiality of fragility through the use of the Actor-Network Theory. The positive results of this thesis encourage future use of this theory in the field as it has the potential to give new insights in how to deal with fragile states.

Management und Investitionen - Infrastrukturprojekte neu denken

Kratzmann, Alexander, Redlich, Matthias 04 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Seit einigen Jahren besteht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein massiver Nachholbedarf im Hinblick auf Investitionen in öffentliche Infrastruktur. Ein erheblicher Teil dieses Rück-stands ist dabei auf der kommunalen Ebene zu verorten. Neben der allgemein angespann-ten Finanzlage der Kommunen konnten vor allem Steuerungs- und Managementprobleme im Investitionsprozess als entscheidende Treiber dieser Entwicklung ausgemacht werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Jahr 2014 die unabhängige Expertenkommission „Stär-kung von Investitionen in Deutschland“ vom damaligen Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel beauftragt, Lösungsansätze für die bestehenden Probleme zu erarbeiten. Heraus-gekommen sind Vorschläge, die die Ursachen des Investitionsrückstands berücksichtigen, allerdings hinsichtlich der konkreten Ausgestaltung der sog. Infrastrukturgesellschaften in weiten Teilen vage bleiben. Insbesondere wird nicht geklärt, ob und inwieweit bzw. unter welchen organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen sich die Vorschläge auf die kommunale Ebene übertragen lassen. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse werden die Vorschläge der Expertenkommission einer kritischen Betrachtung unterzogen. Dazu werden im ersten Schritt aus den Vorschlägen der Exper-tenkommission Grundkonzeptionen abgeleitet. Die Aufgabenbereiche der Infrastrukturge-sellschaften umfassen so die Bereitstellung von Beratungsleistungen, die Projektrealisierung sowie die Projektfinanzierung. Im zweiten Schritt werden dafür vorhandene Anwendungs-beispiele identifiziert und analysiert. Zusammenfassend ist dabei festzustellen: Überregionale Beratungseinrichtungen bieten eine Möglichkeit, den Investitionsprozess für Kommunen transparenter zu gestalten und ihnen spezifisches Know-how zur Verfügung zu stellen. Eine über die Beratung hinausge-hende Gesellschaft, die zusätzlich eigenständig Aufgaben des Projektmanagement und der -steuerung oder den gesamten Realisierungsprozess sowie ggf. auch die Bewirtschaf-tung der Infrastruktureinrichtung übernehmen kann, erscheint ebenfalls sinnvoll. In der Praxis ist dies für die kommunale Ebene allerdings schwer umsetzbar. Zweckverbände, die den Infrastrukturbetrieb für Kommunen gebündelt wahrnehmen, können als erster Zwi-schenschritt gesehen werden, der schon heute in einigen Bereichen vorzufinden ist. Angesichts der Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels sowie der allgemein angespannten Finanzsituation vieler Kommunen muss in der Zukunft aber verstärkt über den Ausbau solcher Arrangements und praktikable Alternativen nachgedacht werden. Die Implementierung von Infrastrukturfonds, die finanzschwachen Kommunen zusätzliches Kapital für Investitionen zur Verfügung stellen sollen, lohnt sich für die Kommunen nur dann, wenn tatsächlich eine finanzielle Entlastung stattfindet. Hierzu könnte die Bündelung einer Vielzahl ähnlicher kommunaler Projekte innerhalb eines Fonds beitragen, allerdings existiert ein derartiges Modell derzeit noch nicht.

Tradition locale d'intégration du rivage portuaire et du tissu urbain : le cas de Montréal et de deux villes portuaires d'Europe du nord-ouest : Rotterdam et Hambourg

Lambert, Alexandre January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Démarche analytique dans la construction des études d'évènement sur les marchés étroits : Application à la Bourse des Valeurs Mobilières de Tunis / An analytic approach in conducting event studies on thin markets : the Tunisian case

Dabbou, Ahlim 02 June 2012 (has links)
L’implémentation d’une étude d’événement est confrontée à des choix méthodologiques plus ou moins arbitraires concernant la période de l’étude et l’échantillon sélectionné. Or, ces choix méthodologiques conditionnent les résultats obtenus, aboutissant à des divergences notoires en matière de conclusions. Une démarche par simulations, effectuées sur des données réelles de la Bourse de Tunis, nous a permis de juger de la validité des différentes méthodes à utiliser et des différents tests à mettre en œuvre, puis de déterminer celles et ceux qui sont recommandés en fonction des caractéristiques de l’événement à étudier. Nos résultats sont spécifiquement adaptés aux marchés émergents, souffrant d’un manque de liquidité, d’un manque de transparence…En application des résultats de la méthodologie recommandée, nous avons cherché à analyser l’impact sur le marché boursier tunisien, de changements d’abord microstructurels et ensuite environnementaux de nature institutionnelle. Au plan de la microstructure, les choix organisationnels ont été répartis en trois catégories distinctes : la structure du marché, la transparence et le contrôle de la variation des prix. Au plan institutionnel, nous avons axé notre analyse sur l’infrastructure légale en considérant quatre composantes : la protection des investisseurs externes à l’entreprise, les lois sur les valeurs mobilières, les transactions des initiés et le cadre comptable. / Event studies implementation faces many arbitrary methodological choices concerning the period of the study and the selected sample. Unfortunately, these methodological choices condition the results of the study, leading to important differences in the outcomes. An approach by simulations, carried out on actual data of the Tunis stock exchange, has allowed us to judge the validity of the different methods used and the different tests to be implemented, in order to determine those recommended according to the characteristics of the event being studied. Our results are specifically adapted to the emerging markets, known for their lack of liquidity, lack of transparency…Pursuant to the results of the recommended methodology, we next analyze the impact on the Tunisian stock market, of some micro-structural and institutional changes that have occurred in the last years. In terms of microstructure, we precisely examine the structure of the market, its degree of transparency and the mechanisms of price variations control. In terms of institutional environment, we focus our analysis on the legal infrastructure through the aspects of company’s outsiders’ protection, securities law, insiders’ transactions and accounting framework.

L'imaginaire de la ville aérienne / Imaginary aerial cities

Roseau, Nathalie 10 January 2008 (has links)
L’objet de la thèse est de comprendre la façon dont l’urbanisme et la mobilité aérienne se sont mutuellement nourris, et en quoi ces rencontres incessantes ont façon notre culture contemporaine. Le point de départ de l’enquête se situe en 1909, date à laquelle de grands spectacles de masse révèlent l’invention du vol dirigé au public. A partir de cette date, les relations entre les développements de la culture aérienne et le champ de l’urbanisme ne cesseront de consolider un discours sur la ville du futur. Dans cette perspective, la thèse montre de quelle façon les dispositifs de ville aérienne ou d’aéroport-ville fonctionnent comme un miroir pour la ville en devenir. En retraçant une histoire de ces distorsions complexes, la recherche montre que l’aéroport n’est finalement pas le prototype du non lieu mais un espace spécifique et concret, résultat d’une alchimie complexe nuançant l’assertion selon laquelle la globalisation induirait une homogénéisation de l’espace urbain / The aim of this thesis is to understand how urbanism and aerial mobility fed off each other and how the ongoing encounters between the two have shaped contemporary culture. We begin in 1909 which marked a major turning point. This was the year of the mass air shows that unveiled the invention of controlled flight to the general public. From this time on, developments in aerial culture combined with city planning to forge a utopian view of the city of the future. As such, the research shows the extent to which the features of the ‘aerial city’ or the ‘airport-city’ mirrored what cities were becoming. Providing and account of these complex distortions, the research demonstrates that airports are not ultimately the prototype of the anonymous « non-place », but specific, concrete spaces with their own place in history – the result of a complex local/global alchemy that qualify the assertion whereby globalisation standardises urban space

Urban streetscape: activating the public realm and increasing safety through multifunctional user-oriented spaces

Whitford, Katherine A. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Jessica Canfield / Colorado Springs' downtown streets are primarily automobile-oriented, which has lead to a deficiency of multi-modal transportation networks and user-oriented environments. The streets lack engaging public space, pedestrian and bicyclist amenities, native landscaping, and stormwater management systems. The auto-centric design presents significant physical and perceived safety issues concerning pedestrians and bicyclists in the right-of-way. The aim of this study is to redesign the downtown core of Colorado Springs to foster multifunctional user-oriented spaces which enhance overall environmental, social, and economic benefits. In order to complete this study, background literature research and a series of case studies were conducted. The ultimate goal of this masters project is to create a retrofit streetscape design for Colorado Springs that can be used as a model for other planners and designers. The results of this project will be significant to designers because it will provide them with information regarding the best practices for designing urban streetscapes that activate the public realm and promotes safety.

Towards a new paradigm: motivating a shift in urban water management through a landscape architecture approach

Schwemmer, Ashley January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Jason Brody / The way America thinks about and develops with water is not sustainable (Mouritz et. al. 2003). These thoughts and actions embody a paradigm that does not value ecological functions necessary to maintain water quality and quantity for future generations (Ahern et. al. 2010). Linear water infrastructure systems of collect, treat and convey lead to issues of flooding and contamination. These systems are reaching the end of their life span in American cities. Instead of replacing them using the current development approach, which treats water as a nuisance, this study argues for a new approach, developing with water as a resource; water-centric development. People have different perceptions regarding water resources and sustainability (Pahl-Wostl et. al. 2007). These perceptions affect the acceptance and support of public projects. Commonly, these perceptions are based upon people’s personal values and the immediate benefits they reap from the project. In order for communities to shift towards a water-centric development approach, demonstration projects must work to communicate the social value in the development’s hydrological functions (EPRI 2009). This project investigates emerging urban water management paradigms and synthesizes relevant knowledge to create a comprehensive new paradigm—New Urban Water Management (NUWM). This project focuses specifically on landscape architecture’s role in catalyzing the adoption of NUWM in Kansas City by applying the paradigm as a design approach to water-centric urban development. This approach employs environmental psychology strategies to append “Motivational Aspects” to the traditional social, ecological and economical aspects of sustainable development. The methodology provides the steps and tools for designers to apply the design approach. A three part design model of 1. Hydrologic Function 2. Social Amenity, and 3. Personal Relevance guide designers in developing water infrastructure systems as social amenities that objectively connect ecological functions with personal relevance. Washington Square Park in Kansas City, Missouri functions as a case study in the application of the design approach.

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