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Den initiala bedömningen inför en omlokalisering av tillverkning till SverigeLindholm, Martina, Raumer Wåhlén, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att identifiera behov av omlokalisering för tillverkande företag och föreslå en lämplig modell för den initiala bedömningen. Studien är en del av ASSURE-projektet på Högskolan i Gävle för att bidra med mer empiriskt material till forskningen inom området. Företag behöver ständigt ha en pågående utveckling i verksamhetens produkter eller tjänster för att fortsätta vara attraktiva på marknaden. Oavsett situation behöver en bibehållen attraktionsförmåga finnas för att kunna konkurrera på kundmarknaden. Denna studie diskuterar omlokalisering inom tillverkningsindustrin, när företag behöver besluta och bedöma framtiden för produktionen och var den ska vara lokaliserad framöver. För en lyckad omlokalisering behöver företag besluta om komplexa situationer och bedöma framtida scenarier som kan uppstå. De behöver bedöma om vad som behöver omlokaliseras, ska produktionen ske internt eller externt, finns de rätta ekonomiska förutsättningarna och materialet, transportmöjligheter, kompetent personal, logistiska möjligheter och framför allt en framtida kundmarknad. För fyra år sedan upplevde omvärlden en drastisk förändring när covid-19-pandemin omkullkastade tidigare stabila försörjningskedjor. Efter det har geopolitiska oroligheter uppvisat att utmaningar kan komma i många olika skepnader. Denna studie har använt en deduktiv metod med teori och uppsamling av empiriskt material som tillsammans gett ett resultat. Vilka bedömningar och behov har företagen genomfört innan de bestämde att en omlokalisering var aktuell. I vilken form har de genomfört planeringen och har de behövt förändra planerna längs med vägen? Förväntan med denna studie är att kunna ge företag en viss handledning och förslag på en lämplig modell i den initiala bedömningen att använda vid en eventuell omlokalisering av produktionen tillbaka till Sverige. Resultatet i studien påvisar gemensamma nämnare oavsett bransch och antal verksamma år. Ett förslag på projektmodell för företag som överväger en omlokalisering delges i analysen. / The purpose of the study is to identify the need for relocation for manufacturing companies and propose a suitable model for the initial assessment. The study is part of the ASSURE project at the University of Gävle to contribute more empirical material to the research. Companies need to have continuous ongoing developments of the company's products and services in order to remain attractive to the market(place). Regardless of the circumstances, a stable customer appeal needs to be secured to be able to compete in the market. This study discusses relocation in the manufacturing industry when companies need to assess and decide on the time to come of production and where it should be located in the future. For a successful relocation, companies need to decide on complex situations and assess future scenarios that may arise. They need to assess what needs to be relocated, who should continue productions, internally or externally, where favorable conditions are, and where there is access to materials, transport options, competent staff, logistical opportunities and, above all, a future enlarged customer market base. Four years ago, our surrounding world experienced a drastic change when the COVID-19 pandemic upended previously stable supply chains. Since then, geopolitical unrest has shown that challenges can come in many different forms. This study has used a deductive method combining theory and empirical data to produce results. It examines the assessments of needs that companies undertook before deciding on relocation. What format was utilized in the planning and to what extent did they plans had to change along the way? The expected outcome of this study is to be able to give companies guidance and suggestions for a suitable model for the initial assessment to be used in a potential relocation of production back to Sweden. The results of the study show common denominators regardless of industry and the number of active years. A proposal for an adapted project model to relocation for an initial assessment is shared in the analysis.
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Extending the Resource-Based View to Explain Venture Capital Firm Networks' Contributions to IPO Performance: A Study of Human-Based FactorsEchols, Ann Elizabeth 30 November 2000 (has links)
This study has theoretical, substantive, and methodological objectives following Brinberg and McGrath (1985). First, the resource-based view of the firm provides a context to support relationships determined from theory in Sociology, Finance and Entrepreneurshp. Using these interdisciplinary theories, the expected contributions of National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) member venture capital firm networks' human-based factors to the performance of initial public offerings are examined. Second, the substantive domain-venture capital-lacks articulation and quantification regarding the impact of venture capital firms on the start-up firms they support, which in this study is identified as IPO performance. Third, methodologically, the operationalization of organizational-related capital is proposed.
The independent variables (human-based factors) include reputational capital, cumulative experience, social capital, and organizational-related capital. Organizational-related capital is a construct representing a firm's strategy that incorporates preferences specific to the venture capital industry, namely financing stage preference, industry relatedness, and geographic proximity. Venture capital firm networks are assessed at the syndicate and constellation levels (within and between industries) and bounded by membership in the National Venture Capital Association. Abnormal IPO stock price performance (the dependent variable) is assessed as the new issue's stock price benchmarked to the NASDAQ index and compounded over 21-day periods for up to 126 consecutive days after offering. Control variables were gleaned from economic-based theories found in the finance literature. Positive relationships were hypothesized between the independent variables and the dependent variable.
Data constraints limited the number of observations examined, and the selection of IPOs investigated displayed little variance. Thus, explaining additional abnormal performance variance in IPOs backed by NVCA-member venture capital firms above and beyond that controlled for by economic-based theory was not fruitful.
Although this study's findings were not statistically significant, many insights were generated that may positively influence future research in this area. The quest to better understand venture capital firms' contributions to entrepreneurial firms and the impact they have on publicly traded stocks remains meaningful. / Ph. D.
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Two Essays on the Probability of Informed TradingPopescu, Marius 08 May 2007 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two essays. The first essay develops a new methodology for estimating the probability of informed trading from the observed quotes and depths, by extending the Copeland and Galai (1983) model. This measure (PROBINF) can be computed for each quote and it represents the specialist's ex-ante estimate of the probability of informed trading. I show that PROBINF exhibits a strong and robust relationship with the observed level of insider trading and with measures of the price impact of trades (ë) estimated based on the models of Glosten and Harris (1988), Madhavan and Smidt (1991) and Foster and Viswanathan (1993). In contrast, the alternative measure of the probability of informed trading (PIN) developed by Easley, Kiefer, O'Hara and Paperman (1996) exhibits a weaker and less robust relationship with insider trading and price impact of trades. The time series pattern of PROBINF in an intra-day analysis around earnings announcement is consistent with previous findings regarding informed trading. An important advantage of PROBINF over PIN and other measures of information asymmetry such as price impact of trades and adverse selection component of the spread is that, unlike these measures, it can be estimated for each quote, and thus can also be used to measure intra-day changes in informed trading and information asymmetry.
In the second essay, I examine whether the underwriting syndicate composition influences the secondary market liquidity for initial public offerings (IPOs). Specifically, I argue that co-managers improve the liquidity of IPOs through the other services they provide, besides market making. Using a comprehensive sample of initial public offerings completed between January 1993 and December 2005, I find that IPOs with a high number of co-managers in their syndicates have lower spreads and a lower level of information asymmetry in the aftermarket. I argue that the information produced during the premarket and the analyst coverage in the aftermarket are the main channels through which co-managers mitigate the information asymmetry risk in the secondary market. / Ph. D.
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Bioreduction of Hematite Nanoparticles by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1Bose, Saumyaditya 09 January 2007 (has links)
A dissertation is presented on the bioreduction of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles. The study shows that an alternative extracellular electron transfer mechanism other than the classical 'direct-contact' mechanism may be simultaneously employed by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 during solid-phase metal reduction. This conclusion is supported by analysis of the bioreduction kinetics of hematite nanoparticles coupled with microscopic investigations of cell-mineral interactions. The reduction kinetics of metal-oxide nanoparticles were examined to determine how S. oneidensis utilizes these environmentally-relevant solid-phase electron acceptors. Nanoparticles involved in geochemical reactions show different properties relative to larger particles of the same phase, and their reactivity is predicted to change as a function of size. To demonstrate these size-dependent effects, the surface area normalized reduction rates of hematite nanoparticles by S. oneidensis MR-1 with lactate as the sole electron donor were measured. As evident from whole cell TEM analysis, the mode of nanoparticle adhesion to cells is different between the more aggregated, pseudo-hexagonal to irregular shaped 11 nm, 12 nm, 99 nm and the less aggregated 30 nm and 43 nm rhombohedral particles. The 11 nm, 12 nm and 99 nm particles show less cell contact and coverage than the 30 nm and 43 nm particles but still show significant rates of reduction. This leads to the provisional speculation that S. oneidensis MR-1 employs a pathway of indirect electron transfer in conjunction with the direct-contact pathway, and the relative importance of the mechanism employed depends upon aggregation level and the shape of the particles or crystal faces exposed. In accord with the proposed increase in electronic band-gap for hematite nanoparticles, the smallest particles (11 nm) exhibit one order of magnitude decrease in reduction when compared with larger (99 nm) particles, and the 12 nm rates fall in between these two. This effect may also be due to the passivation of the mineral and cell surfaces by Fe(II), or decreasing solubility due to decrease in size. / Ph. D.
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Non-Invasive Permeability Assessment of High-Performance Concrete Bridge Deck MixturesBryant, James William Jr. 27 April 2001 (has links)
Concrete construction methods and practices influence the final in-place quality of concrete. A low permeability concrete mixture does not alone ensure quality in-place concrete. If the concrete mixture is not transported, placed and cured properly, it may not exhibit the desired durability and mechanical properties.
This study investigates the in-place permeation properties of low permeability concrete bridge decks mixtures used in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Permeation properties were assessed in both the laboratory and in the field using 4-point Wenner array electrical resistivity, surface air flow (SAF), and chloride ion penetrability (ASTM C 1202-97).
Laboratory test specimens consisted of two concrete slabs having dimensions of 280 x 280 x 102-mm (11 x 11 x 4-in) and twelve 102 x 204-mm (4 x 8-in) cylinders per concrete mixture. Specimens were tested at 7, 28 and 91-days. Thirteen cylinder specimens per concrete mixture underwent standard curing in a saturated limewater bath. The simulated field-curing regimes used wet burlap and plastic sheeting for 3 (3B) and 7 days (7B) respectively and was applied to both slabs and cylinder specimens.
Slab specimen were tested on finished surface using the SAF at 28 and 91 days, and 4-point electrical resistivity measurements at 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 91 days. Compressive strength (CS) tests were conducted at 7 and 28 days. Chloride ion penetrability tests were performed at 7, 28, and 91 days.
Statistical analyses were performed to assess the significance of the relationships for the following: Total charge passed and initial current (ASTM C 1202-97); 3B resistivity and 7B resistivity; Slab and cylinder resistivity; Slab resistivity and ASTM C-1202-97 (Total Charge and Initial current); and Surface Air Flow and ASTM C-1202-97.
Field cast specimens, test slabs and cylinders, were cast on-site during concrete bridge deck construction. The slab dimensions were 30.5 x 40.6 x 10.2-cm (12 x 16 x 4 in.), and the cylinders were 10.2 x 20.4-cm (4 x 8-in). In-situ SAF and resistivity measurements were taken on the bridge deck at 14, 42 and 91 days. In-place SAF and resistivity measurements on laboratory field cast slabs were taken at 7, 14 and 28-days. ASTM C 1202-97 specimens were prepared from field cast cylinders and tested at 7 and 28 and 42-days. The relationship between in-place permeation measures from field specimens was compared to laboratory data.
Results indicated no difference in chloride ion penetrability (Figures 7.4 and 7.5) and 28-day compressive strength (Figure 7.2) with regard to differing simulated field curing regimes, for same age testing. There was no significant difference at the 95 % confidence level between 3B resistivity and 7B resistivity specimens tested at the same age (Figures 7.9 and 7.10).
A well defined relationship was observed between total charge passed and initial current (Figure 7-6). An inverse power function was found to describe the relationship between charge passed/initial current and electrical resistivity for all laboratory mixtures used in this study (Figure 7.17 – 7.22). Field data was used to validate laboratory established models for charge passed/initial current and electrical resistivity. Laboratory established models were able to predict 30 to 50% of the field data (Figures 7.31 – 7.34). Results indicate that the SAF lacked the sensitivity to classify the range of concretes used in this study (Figure 7.24). / Ph. D.
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The timing of initial public offerings and the role of investment banksLee, Cheulho 06 June 2008 (has links)
This study comprises an investigation of the timing of initial public offerings (IPOs) and the role therein, of investment banks, in taking firms public. Most prior studies of IPOs and seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) investigate timing with respect to firm-specific or economy-wide conditions. Also, the vast majority of prior studies have apparently ignored the role of market timing often ascribed to underwriters by practitioners. The analysis in this study elucidates the matter of the long-run post-issue performance of IPOs documented in the literature. Evidence is provided here about the timing of IPO firms relative to market conditions before and after their offerings. It is shown that firms are, on average, more likely to go public when the market valuation of comparable stocks in the same industry is at its peak relative to the entire market. No evidence is found of a pattern of IPO firms timing their offerings with respect to market-wide conditions. Further, this study shows that IPO timing is a function of the reputation of investment banks who have expertise in the financial market. It is found that the more reputable investment banks possess a greater proficiency than their lesser known counterparts, in taking companies public when the market valuation of comparable stocks in the same industry is high. These results are found to be invariant with regard to several statistical tests and alternative explanations. / Ph. D.
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Some asymptotic stability results for the Boussinesq equationLiu, Fang-Lan 21 October 2005 (has links)
We prove that the solution of the Boussinesq equation with relatively small initial data exists globally and decays exponentially under some boundary conditions. / Ph. D.
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Enhanced Biodegradation in LandfillsShearer, Brad David 29 May 2001 (has links)
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of leachate recirculation and bioreactor landfills at enhancing biodegradation, and to optimize the operation of a bioreactor. Waste Management has been examining leachate recirculation landfills for several years. Samples of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from existing leachate recirculation (LR) landfills were collected and analyzed for several physical and biochemical properties. These parameters of interest were moisture content, pH, density, temperature, volatile solids, cellulose/lignin ratios, and biological methane potential (BMP). Leachate recirculation increased the dry density 55% faster and decreased the BMP 125% more rapidly. Moisture content was the biggest factor influencing overall degradation. Therefore, leachate reciculation effectively increases biodegradation of MSW in landfills.
Waste Management built a pilot-scale bioreactor in Franklin, WI, which was sampled for one year. It contained a bioreactor side and a control side. The volatile solids, cellulose, and BMP degradation rates for the bioreactor were increased by 56%, 87%, and 271% versus the control, respectively. Moisture content was the biggest factor influencing overall degradation.
The column study is designed to optimize three parameters under the control of an operator: moisture content, initial aeration period, and biosolids addition. The optimum moisture content is above 45%, but it is not safe to operate heavy equipment on refuse with greater than 45% moisture. Initial aeration did not speed up the overall degradation, but it did shorten the acidogenic phase. Finally, biosolids did not have a significant effect on degradation rates. The columns maintained an average temperature of 70oF. / Master of Science
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Backtesting Expected Shortfall : A qualitative study for central counterparty clearingBerglund, Emil, Markgren, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Within Central Counterparty Clearing, the Clearing House collects Initial Margin from its Clearing Members. The Initial Margin can be calculated in many ways, one of which is by applying the commonly used risk measure Value-at-Risk. However, Value-at-Risk has one major flaw, namely its inability to encapsulate Tail Risk. Due to this, there has for long been a desire to replace Value-at-Risk with Expected Shortfall, another risk measure that has shown to be much better suited to encapsulate Tail Risk. That said, Value-at-Risk is still used over Expected Shortfall, something which is mainly due to the fact that there is no consensus regarding how one should backtest Expected Shortfall. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate some of the most commonly proposed methods for backtesting Expected Shortfall. In doing this, several non-parametric backtests of Expected Shortfall are investigated using simulated data as well as market data from different types of securities. Moreover, this thesis aims to shed some light on the differences between Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall, highlighting why a change of risk measure is not as straightforward as one might believe. From the investigations of the thesis, several backtests are found to be sufficient for backtesting the Initial Margin with Expected Shortfall as the risk measure, the so called Minimally Biased Relative backtest showing the overall best performance of the looked at backtests. Further, the thesis visualizes how Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall are two risk measures that are inherently different in a real-world setting, emphasizing how one should be careful making conversions between the two based upon parametric assumptions.
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Spline approximations for systems of ordinary differential equationsTung, Michael Ming-Sha 02 September 2013 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es desarrollar nuevos métodos basados en splines para la resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales del tipo
Y'(x)=f(x,Y(x)) , a<x<b
Y(a)=Y_a (1)
donde Y_a, Y(x) son matrices rxq, comenzando con splines de tipo cúbico y con un algoritmo similar al propuesto por Loscalzo y Talbot en el caso escalar [20], intentando poder aumentar el orden del spline, lo que con el método dado en [20] no puede hacerse de forma convergente. Trataremos también de aplicar dicho método al problema
Y''(x)=f(x,Y(x),Y'(x)) , a<x<b
Y'(a)=Y_b (2)
sin aumentar la dimensión del problema para evitar el sobrecoste computacional. Los métodos presentados se compararán con los existentes en la literatura y serán implementados en algoritmos para ponerlos, debidamente documentados, a disposición de la comunidad científica. / Tung, MM. (2013). Spline approximations for systems of ordinary differential equations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31658 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales
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