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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CSR : Att redovisa med hjärna och hjärta?

Didrik , Jonas, Flemström, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
Världen idag blir alltmer globaliserad och öppen, vilket medför att betydelsen växer för företag att vårda och förvalta företagets varumärke och identitet. Ett sätt att göra detta på och som har fått stor spridning på senare år är Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), vilket kan beskrivas som bidragande till hållbarutveckling genom socialt-, miljömässigt- och ekonomisktansvarstagande. Företag påverkas även av en rad olika intressenter såsom investerare, ägare, kunder och medarbetare för att nämna några. Dessa intressenter ställer i olika utsträckning krav på företaget att förmedla information om företagets verksamhet. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka olika företags CSR-rapportering genom att studera varför innehållet i de undersökta hållbarhetsrapporterna skiljer sig åt, samt undersöka vilka intressenter som kunde tänkas påverka hållbarhetsrapporteringen. De metoder som valdes ut för undersökningen bestod av en kvantitativ del samt en kvalitativ del. Den kvantitativa delen bestod av empiri i form av hållbarhetsrapporter inhämtade från undersökningsobjekten. Den kvalitativa delen bestod av intervjuer med tre företag som är verksamma inom området för rapportering av CSR. Även en förstudie genomfördes, för att motivera urvalet av undersökningsobjekten. Förstudien resulterade i följande urval som studerades: SKF, Atlas Copco, TeliaSonera, Holmen. I uppsatsens teorikapitel presentas hur CSR utvecklas som begrepp. Vidare beskrivs teorier för att analysera arbetet med CSR samt Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) ramverk för hållbarhetsrapportering. Empiri för studien inhämtades från undersökningsobjektens hållbarhetsrapporter. Empirin analyserades sedan utifrån teorierna samt även ifrån den infallsvinkel, som respondenterna som intervjuades för studien bidrog med. I slutsatsen presenteras hur hållbarhetsrapporteringen är individuellt anpassad för olika verksamheter och företag. Vidare beskrivs i slutsatsen hur hållbarhetsrapporteringen kan tänkas påverkas i olika utsträckning beroende på intressent.

The role of social auditors : A categorization of the unknown

Björkman, Hanna, Wong, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
As demands on companies’ accountability have increased, researchers have turned their attention towards the social auditing practice and studied its role in companies supply chains. This study highlights a theory gap, questioning existing praise and criticism correlated to the categorization of social auditors. By comparing two different social audit categories, namely the independent and internal auditors, this paper contribute with a broader understanding of the similarities and differences between the two audit types. This study addresses the research question; how does the independent and internal social audit type support companies’ work with improving social standards in the supply chain? The theoretical framework includes aspects within the area of social auditing, buyer-supplier relationships and theories regarding the categorization of the two audit types. The study draws upon a qualitative approach investigating two cases with different social auditors, finding that both auditor types have their strengths and weaknesses, and therefore support companies in different ways. Referring to this tradeoff, this study concludes that the praise and criticism correlated to the two audit classifications of independent and internal auditor might not be completely valid, which calls for further research.

New Ways of Working? Crime Prevention and Community Safety Within Ottawa's Community Development Framework

Bania, Melanie L. 05 March 2012 (has links)
Over the past few decades, there has been a shift in crime control discourses, from an almost exclusive focus on traditional criminal justice objectives and practices, to attention to ‘community’ and a range of strategies that seek to prevent crime and increase safety. Overall, evaluations of the community mobilization approach to crime prevention and safety conclude that these initiatives have generally demonstrated limited long-term impacts on ‘crime’ and safety at the local level. Through the ‘what works’ lens, the limits of the approach have typically been attributed to implementation challenges related to outreach and mobilization, and inadequate resourcing. Through a more critical lens, using studies on governmentality as a starting point, this study examines the mechanisms through which crime prevention and community safety became thinkable as sites of governance in Canada, and more specifically within the Community Development Framework (CDF) in Ottawa (ON). To this end, I conducted an ethnography using a triangulation of data collection methods, including extensive fieldwork and direct participant observation within the CDF. The findings of this ethnography describe in detail how the CDF emerged and unfolded (from 2008 to 2010) from a variety of perspectives. These findings show that the CDF encountered a number of common challenges associated with program implementation and community-based evaluation. However, the lack of progress made towards adhering to CDF principles and reaching CDF goals cannot be reduced to these failures alone. The CDF highlights the importance of locating the community approach to crime prevention within its wider socio-political context, and of paying attention to its numerous ‘messy actualities’. These include the dynamics and repercussions of: governing at a distance and of the dispersal of social control; the neoliberal creation and responsibilization of choice-makers; relations of power, knowledge and the nature of expertise; the messiness of the notion of ‘community’; bureaucratic imperatives and professional interests; the words versus deeds of community policing; and processes relevant to resistance within current arrangements.

Successes and challenges of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in accredited facilities in the Cape Town Metro Health District

Henney, Nicolette M January 2011 (has links)
<p>Breastfeeding impacts on the health of both the mother and infant and has been noted as being influenced by physiological, physical, socio-economic and environmental factors. The undisputed benefit of exclusive breastfeeding for both the mother and child has led to the global prioritisation of the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding with the adoption of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) strategy. Baby Friendly Hospital (BFH) status is awarded to a maternity unit when they are found to be complying with set criteria (&ldquo / Ten Steps to successful Breastfeeding&rdquo / ). South Africa has implemented a re-evaluation system for retention of accreditation status, by reassessing accredited facilities every three years. The respective provinces are tasked with monitoring the implementation of BFHI in their public health facilities. Internal monitoring reports, completed by the Western Cape Provincial Department of Health, reflect erosion of key steps between national reassessments. Aim: To describe the experiences, challenges and successes of BFHI implementation in the BFH accredited facilities in the Cape Town geographical health district. Methodology: An explorative qualitative study was conducted. One key informant interview, ten in-depth interviews with champions for BFHI in the maternity facilities and two focus group discussions with frontline staff working at these facilities were used to collect data. The data was analysed using thematic content analysis to identify the main themes related to the successes and challenges experienced with the maintenance of the required practices related to BFHI accreditation. Results: Participants reported that the implementation of the BFHI impacted positively on the health of both mothers and infants. Fewer children were being admitted for common childhood illnesses such as diarrhoea subsequent&nbsp / to BFHI implementation. Mothers were recovering more quickly after delivery and less complications related to delivery, such as postpartum bleeding, were observed after the implementation of BFHI. BFHI implementation had a positive impact on the attitudes of maternity staff to breastfeeding promotion, protection and support. Subsequent to being awarded BFH status, facilities are tasked with maintaining the implemented practices. Challenges to maintaining the practices included lack of implementation of BFHI practices at clinics, lack of support from facility managers and support staff such as counsellors. The internal assessments implemented as supportive monitoring structures are considered by participants to be a demotivating process and concerns were raised about non nursing staff assessing&nbsp / nursing practices. Conclusion: The potential impact of this strategy on infant and maternal health must be realized by the implementers of BFHI, before the strategized aim is achieved. Co-ordination and support by all role players is vital to the success and elimination of challenges experienced with implementation and maintenance of the BFH strategy.</p>

Measuring the Impact of a Comprehensive Health and Wellness Initiative

Rooney, Patrick R. 01 January 2012 (has links)
As healthcare costs continue to rise across the country more companies are beginning to look for new strategies to cut costs. The evolving health and wellness industry has been shown to reduce expenditures from costly medical services by improving long term healthy behaviors in the work force, aiming to impact the demand and supply sides of healthcare. This paper looks at the history behind the health and wellness movement and specifically evaluates Healthy Incentives, King County's own health and wellness initiative and the impact such a program has on direct medical expenditures as well as key health risk factors that are affecting millions of working Americans.

Building Toward a Consistent Program Evaluation: A Qualitative Study of Community Reaction to Development Programs in Limón, Costa Rica

Shane, Caleb Jonathan 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Environmental education has been a prominent approach to achieve sustainable development and counteract the megatrend of environmental degradation. In Costa Rica, environmental education has been adopted as an essential tool for protecting and improving the natural environment. The people of Costa Rica have emphasized an awareness of environmental issues and an ability to actively engage in environmental education and sustainable development programs. International development organizations have invested in development programs to establish or improve sustainable development. In order to understand whether international development organizations are achieving their stated mission and goals for implementing development programs, donors and funding agencies usually require that the sponsored programs be evaluated. Unfortunately, there is a growing concern that the current practice of development evaluation limits the reporting of impacts to be fundamentally inconsistent which has created incentives for evaluations to include positive bias instead of serving the purpose to improve organizational decision-making. This research study proposed to evaluate the reaction of a community in Limon, Costa Rica to development programs using an operational framework of evaluation and logic models found in the review of literature. The researcher adopted a naturalistic case study approach intended to retain the natural context of the community setting and provide a holistic understanding of community perceptions. Qualitative methods based in rapid rural appraisal were used to collect data from a purposeful sample and a stratified purposeful sample within the population. Data analysis was conducted at both the research site during data collection and after all data was collected. The researcher incorporated the constant comparative method to determine consistencies, anomalies, patterns, and emerging themes during data analysis. Three overarching themes emerged as a result of the study: (a) community development with subcategories describing community improvement, collaboration with the international development organization, integration of individuals and groups within the community, and the sustainability of projects, (b) education with subcategories expanding on ideas and motivation, learning, and inspiration for the children, and (c) culture with subcategories that discussed community culture, the organizational culture of the international development organization, and relationships.

New Ways of Working? Crime Prevention and Community Safety Within Ottawa's Community Development Framework

Bania, Melanie L. 05 March 2012 (has links)
Over the past few decades, there has been a shift in crime control discourses, from an almost exclusive focus on traditional criminal justice objectives and practices, to attention to ‘community’ and a range of strategies that seek to prevent crime and increase safety. Overall, evaluations of the community mobilization approach to crime prevention and safety conclude that these initiatives have generally demonstrated limited long-term impacts on ‘crime’ and safety at the local level. Through the ‘what works’ lens, the limits of the approach have typically been attributed to implementation challenges related to outreach and mobilization, and inadequate resourcing. Through a more critical lens, using studies on governmentality as a starting point, this study examines the mechanisms through which crime prevention and community safety became thinkable as sites of governance in Canada, and more specifically within the Community Development Framework (CDF) in Ottawa (ON). To this end, I conducted an ethnography using a triangulation of data collection methods, including extensive fieldwork and direct participant observation within the CDF. The findings of this ethnography describe in detail how the CDF emerged and unfolded (from 2008 to 2010) from a variety of perspectives. These findings show that the CDF encountered a number of common challenges associated with program implementation and community-based evaluation. However, the lack of progress made towards adhering to CDF principles and reaching CDF goals cannot be reduced to these failures alone. The CDF highlights the importance of locating the community approach to crime prevention within its wider socio-political context, and of paying attention to its numerous ‘messy actualities’. These include the dynamics and repercussions of: governing at a distance and of the dispersal of social control; the neoliberal creation and responsibilization of choice-makers; relations of power, knowledge and the nature of expertise; the messiness of the notion of ‘community’; bureaucratic imperatives and professional interests; the words versus deeds of community policing; and processes relevant to resistance within current arrangements.

Building on Building on Main Streets

Politano, Adrian 20 December 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the problems of building on Toronto’s main streets. These arterial mixed-use corridors that define much of the public face of the city are the subject of ongoing residential intensification efforts through the Official Plan policies of the City of Toronto. The form that this new development takes can either reinforce and improve existing streetscapes and housing stock, or it might –as is already happening– replace the long-established vital urban patterns of main streets with very different, less versatile, and less diverse building forms with a diminished standard of both urban and interior living space. Part I considers main streets at the urban scale, while Part II is a discussion of housing quality and architectural aims that informs a series of proposed prototypical building designs to be located on a site on Queen Street West as an example of site conditions found on main streets in a variety of locations throughout the city. To understand the urban implications of main street building, this study looks at the specific historical factors that have shaped Toronto’s main streets, and looks at why they continue to have value and have become a focus for intensification today. It revisits key episodes in Toronto’s redevelopment planning over the last four decades, particularly the St. Lawrence Neighborhood Plan, the Ataratiri Plan, and the Housing on Toronto’s Main Streets Initiative. The precedent historical research points to the need for small increments of development on main streets in order to maintain the economic, social, and visual diversity that have made them such a vital and dynamic component of the city in the past. This scale of development calls for new building types to respond to the very particular site conditions of main streets. Modern building types that are typically used in these situations are ill suited to respond to these conditions, provide a limited range of unit types, and are leading to compromises of urban and interior spatial quality when applied to these sites. The architectural discussion centers on the observation that traditional main street lot patterns, despite inherent rigidity and rationality, have nonetheless proven to be a functionally flexible urban structure that has accommodated and encouraged a remarkable diversity of uses, architectural forms, and individual interpretations over time. Comparable complexity and diversity of spatial qualities can be found in a variety of architectural design approaches, including those of Adolf Loos’ ‘Raumplan’, Rudolf Schindler’s ‘Space Architecture’, or Herman Hertzberger’s concept of ‘Polyvalent Form’. The spaces created by these architects are an architectural analogue of the dynamic, richly varied urban characteristics of Toronto’s existing main streets. Both create the opportunities for individual expression and continually varied spatial experience that better reflects the complexity of both urban and domestic life. These precedents of architectural form -imbued with qualities of multiplicity, heterogeneity and reinterpretability- propose a counterpoint to the standard of functionally rigid, spatially limited and typologically predictable buildings and living spaces currently available. The proposed building designs are intended to widen the options for dwelling within the city, while offering an update and intensification of main streets that reinforces rather than replaces desirable existing urban patterns.

Systembolagets hållbarhetsredovisning : en studie om anpassningen till och effekterna av den nya generationens redovisning

Frölander, Pekka, Palmqvist, Björn January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en fallstudie beskriva och analysera vilka effekter hållbarhetsredovisningen fått för Systembolaget, samt undersöka Systembolagets anpassning av hållbarhetsredovisningen till den egna verksamheten. Den teoretiska referensram som presenteras utgår från ett tredelat perspektiv; institutionell teori, översättnings- och redigeringsteori samt teorier om redovisning och hållbarhetsredovisning.  Uppsatsen baseras på intervjuer vid Systembolaget och kompletteras med sekundärdata från organisationen. Resultaten och slutsatserna visar att det har varit svårt att anpassa GRI:s ramverk till organisationens verksamhet. Tillsynes sker dock anpassningen i enlighet med omgivningens krav. Vi finner en särkoppling mellan ramverket och den lokala kontexten, vilket medför att en kompromiss rörande anpassningen mellan organisationen och ramverket föreligger på grund av Systembolagets särdrag. Det kan bidra till att anpassningen blir diffus, men resultaten tyder på att organisationens redigering sker inom ramverkets riktlinjer samtidigt som redigeringen är en kontinuerlig läroprocess. En effekt av hållbarhetsredovisningen är att en tydligare uppföljning av organisationens hållbarhetsarbete kan möjliggöras. Hållbarhetsredovisningen är å andra sidan resurskrävande på grund av den manuella bearbetningen av hållbarhetsinformation och den stundtals bristfälliga informationsprocessen inom organisationen.

Textilindustrins avloppsvatten och avloppsslam ur ett miljöperspektiv : Underlag för internationella riktlinjer inom projektet Sweden Textile Water Initiative

Benes, Zsofia January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to obtain knowledge of textile wastewater and textile sludge from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for the  ”Sweden Textile Water Initiative” guidelines for a sustainable sludge management. In my study I have mainly focused on textile dyes, salts and metals and their routes during wastewater treatment.This paper is partly a literature review, which I began by identifying the pollutants discharged from each textile process. Then I studied wastewater and sludge quality, environmental aspects, possible treatment and recycling methods. I have also tried to find existing type of guidelines in order to make comparisons. My thesis has a broad perspective and includes in addition to "end-of-pipe" solutions also alternative methods such as treatment of partial flow or substitution of harmful chemicals. Another important part of this study is a qualitative survey of more than 20 textile mills. The results show the extent of awareness and control on effluent and sludge issues. The survey has revealed that major improvements are needed in sludge management. Finally, I have proposed sludge guidelines at three levels, which will hopefully be helpful for STWI in evaluating their suppliers and showing a way towards a more sustainable sludge management.

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