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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, and Personal Growth Initiative Among Postpartum Women

Boyd, Tamar Mary 01 January 2016 (has links)
Prior research on maternal postpartum care, the transition to motherhood, pelvic floor dysfunction, and pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) has revealed that postpartum women are often denied the basic information, instruction, and preventive strategies necessary for optimal postbirth rehabilitation and psychological well-being. Employing a dual framework of self-determination theory and personal growth initiative (PGI) theory, this quantitative study utilized a cross-sectional design to investigate if autonomy, competence, and relatedness satisfaction predicted PGI in postpartum women. Differences in autonomy, competence, relatedness, and PGI between PFMT practicing and nonpracticing postpartum women were also examined. A web-based survey method was employed to collect data from 229 postpartum women, which consisted of 121 women not practicing PFMT and 108 women practicing PFMT. The Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale measured autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The PGI Scale-II measured PGI. Standard multiple regression and 4 independent-samples t tests were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that autonomy, competence, and relatedness predicted PGI. There were no significant mean differences between PFMT practicing and nonpracticing women. These findings have implications for positive social change such that the medical community and policy makers can utilize the fulfillment of postpartum women's needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness to improve women's odds for optimal adjustment and adaptation to life after childbirth.

China's Eurasian Foreign Policy: Region-Building Through State-Building Since 1991

Garcia, Zenel 27 April 2018 (has links)
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, its leaders have been preoccupied with efforts to increase state capacity in order to exercise more effective control over their western frontier by controlling their minority population and generating the conditions for economic development in the area. Although these state-building initiatives have always incorporated an international component, the collapse of the USSR, the transnational characteristics of development, and China’s concern around the challenges of terrorism, separatism, and extremism have necessitated an accompanying region-building project in Eurasia. Using a synthesis of the region-building approach and the concept of regionalization, this study traces how Chinese domestic elite-led narratives about security and development generate domestic state-building initiatives which in turn produce region-building projects. Furthermore, this study assesses how region-building projects are promoted through narratives embedded in foreign policies that establish the historicity of China’s engagement in Eurasian affairs and norms of non-interference and co-development. Finally, it traces the empirical construction of regions through integrative infrastructure. By revealing the three symbiotic phases of Chinese domestic state-building and region-building, this study demonstrates how region-building projects have facilitated China’s ability to increase state capacity, control, and development in its western frontier. Furthermore, China’s region-building projects have gradually transformed Eurasia in a manner that has resulted in its eastward orientation through the usage of connective infrastructure and co-development projects that place China at the center of Eurasia. This project demonstrates how China has emerged as a dominant power in Eurasian affairs that not only exercises significant political and economic power, but more importantly, ideational power.


Lee, Kangil 01 May 2014 (has links)
The dynamic mutual relationship between the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) carbon permit price and energy prices in the U.S. is examined. Results show that the RGGI and electricity markets are not closely linked, although the carbon permit price is usually closely interrelated with energy prices. The loose relationship between the RGGI and electricity markets can be explained by the recent low carbon credit demand which stems from the low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions existent in the particular area covered by the RGGI. The low GHG emissions result from fuel switching due to recent low natural gas prices. Unlike the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, natural gas is the key driver of the RGGI system.

Charitable Choice in Florida: The Politics, Ethics and Implications of Social Policy

Gomez, Angela 10 April 2003 (has links)
This dissertation research is a study of the anthropology of policy with welfare reform in general and charitable choice in particular as its focus. The study begins with the notion that policies work as instruments of governance and consequently have social and political implications. These policies are examined by exploring the manner in which Catholic Charities and policy makers in Florida are responding to the charitable choice mandate and how their views are shaping local policies. The study is framed within anthropological principles pertaining to economic, humanistic and philosophical tenets. The study provides a historical background of poverty, the development of the welfare state in the United States as well as some of the social, economic, and political factors that shape social policies. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with representatives from Catholic Charities, government agencies, legislative committees, and faith-based organizations, and through document reviews. Data were analyzed qualitatively and were managed using the software Atlas.ti. Analysis of the data show that while there is increased convergence between the state and faith-based organizations (FBOs), there is some hesitancy on the part of religious organizations to assume full responsibility for the poor, particularly without having any funding guarantees. The data also suggests that through the implementation of charitable choice religious organizations face the risk of becoming highly dependent on the state and therefore loose their voice and the possibility of lobbying for the poor. Furthermore, the data suggests that there are some aspects of the implementation of charitable choice that have not received congressional approval and may eventually jeopardize the entire faith-based initiative.

Contribuição crítica à teoria da motivação das decisões judiciais / Critical contribution to the theory of legal reasoning in judicial court opinions.

Leite, Pedro de Figueiredo Ferraz Pereira 08 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho se estrutura em torno da resposta a duas questões: O que é uma decisão motivada? e Quais as consequências de uma decisão imotivada?. Nesta perspectiva, partese da definição da motivação como um discurso cuja função é a de justificar racionalmente a decisão judicial. Esta justificativa racional tem funções endoprocessuais e extraprocessuais. Dentre as funções extraprocessuais, destaca-se a de conferir legitimidade à atuação jurisdicional no Estado Democrático de Direito. Ainda no âmbito da norma constitucional que impõe ao juiz o dever de fundamentar suas decisões, demonstra-se que ela se estrutura sob a forma de regra, nos termos da teoria dos princípios de ALEXY, com a consequência de que os limites para a caracterização de uma decisão como motivada são rígidos. Passa-se, então, à construção de um modelo teórico de estrutura da motivação sob a ótica funcional. Na construção desse modelo, demonstra-se que a estrutura e conteúdo da motivação no caso concreto dependem da interação de um modelo mínimo de justificação adequada, um modelo intermediário delimitado pelo contraditório e um limite máximo delimitado pela linguagem. A partir desse modelo interativo exploram-se as consequências dos vícios de motivação segundo uma teoria das nulidades dos atos processuais e, assim, conclui-se que a motivação só será considerada inexistente em caso de omissão gráfica e que qualquer vício de fundamentação é uma atipicidade relevante que deve ser nulificada. / The present work is structured around answering two questions: \"What is a motivated decision?\" and \"What are the consequences of an unjustified decision?. In this perspective, we start from the definition of motivation as a speech whose function is to rationally justify the decision. This rational justification has legal and constitutional functions. Among the constitutional functions one that stands out is to legitimate the courts role under in the rule of law. Also as part of the constitutional rule determining courts to motivate their decisions, it is shown that it is structured in the form of a rule in accordance with the principles theory of ALEXY, resulting that the limits for the characterization of a motivated decision are rigid. Then it is possible to create a theoretical model of the structure of motivation from a functional perspective. When building this model, we demonstrate that the structure and content of motivation depends on the interaction of a minimal model of proper justification, an intermediate model bounded by the adversarial principle, and another model, bigger than the others, defined by the language. From this interactive model it becomes possible to explore he consequences of the defects of motivation according to a nullity of procedural acts theory and thus it is concluded that motivation wont be considered existent only in case of graphical omission and that any defective reasoning must be nullified.

Action research as a framework for systemic and organic change

Geron, Liduvino S., University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development January 1992 (has links)
This document outlines how organizational action was mobilized in examing and improving current organizational practices. The study was conducted in a technical task-based research organization in the Philippines and was triggered by a concern for the seeming unfavorable feedback the organization receives from the external environment. An analysis of the organizational situation showed among other factors, the apparent lack of a mechanism that relates the organization's research findings to policy making. Through action researching and using the Soft Systems Methodology as a framewrok, an action plan was developed which is designed to improve the situation. The document also discusses insights and lessons learnt in the conduct of action research. Particular focus was placed on key issues that affect individual participation and organizational actions; and how action research fares as a potential framework for organic and systemic change. From the examination of the action research experience, it became apparent that in order to fully harness the potentials of action researching, opportunities for individual participation must be well distributed and taken by the action research members. The factors affecting individual participation in group processes such as group needs, group culture and power issues in and out of the group, must likewise be addressed. This is to promote coordination, commitment and critical consciousness among group members which are essential in effecting organic and systemic change. As the research was conducted within the broad setting of agricultural research, where efforts are placed to enhance agricultural development, this document likewise discusses the potential of action research as an alternative framewrok for Research and Development (R and D) activities. It presents how action research can mobilize grassroots initiatives and actions which are crucial to a sustainable agricultural development. / Master of Science (Research) Systems Agriculture

Annulations de la dette extérieure et croissance. Une application au cas des "pays pauvres très endettés" (PPTE)

Idlemouden, Khadija 27 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer l'effet des réductions de la dette extérieure consenties dans le cadre de l'initiative PPTE sur la croissance. Après un rappel, dans le premier chapitre, des spécificités de la dette des PPTE, nous présentons, dans le deuxième chapitre, les caractéristiques de l'Initiative PPTE. Elle vise à rétablir la soutenabilité de la dette et à encourager la lutte contre la pauvreté. L'objectif de croissance n'y est pas explicite. Le troisième chapitre établit un lien entre la soutenabilité et la croissance à travers le modèle de fardeau virtuel. Celui-ci met en exergue l'impact néfaste du surendettement sur l'investissement. Toutefois, deux limites apparaissent. La première tient aux hypothèses du modèle. La seconde est liée à la méthode d'estimation empirique. Le quatrième chapitre aborde une des limites. Nous montrons l'importance des préférences intertemporelles dans la relation dette-investissement, lorsque l'accès aux capitaux est limité. La dette ne nuit à l'investissement qu'en cas de faible préférence pour le lissage. Forte dans les PPTE, elle remet en question l'approche du fardeau virtuel. Pour s'en assurer, nous proposons, dans les deux chapitres suivants, deux études centrées sur les PPTE. Elles confirment l'absence de fardeau virtuel puisque le stock de dette n'influe ni sur l'investissement, ni sur la croissance. Le service de la dette exerce un effet positif ce qui corrobore les conclusions du quatrième chapitre. Une évaluation des premiers résultats des réductions est présentée dans le septième chapitre. Une croissance légèrement plus élevée est observée mais ne découle pas de l'investissement mais d'une meilleure gouvernance.

Kejsarens nya kläder? : en studie av hållbarhetsstyrning av statligt ägda företag

Eriksson, Emma, Eriksson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>Det var inte förrän år 2002 som riktlinjer kom, gällande den externa ekonomisk rapportering, för de statligt ägda företagen i Sverige. År 2003 kom uttrycket, hållbar utveckling, att nämnas i regeringsformen och sedan dess har utvecklingen fortsatt. Från att företag har rapporterat sitt arbete kring miljöredovisning, har det nu gått mot att redovisa miljö, etik samt sociala förhållanden, vilka är de olika delarna inom det samlade begreppet för hållbarhetsredovisning. År 2006 uträttade Näringsdepartementet en genomlysning av de svenska statligt ägda företagens hållbarhetsredovisningar. Ur genomlysningen kom sedan, i november 2007, kravet på att de statligt ägda företagen varje år ska upprätta hållbarhetsredovisning, enligt Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) riktlinjer. Den svenska regeringen är dessutom först i världen när det kommer till att sätta ett krav på hållbarhetsredovisning gällande statligt ägda företag.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att diskutera hur de statligt ägda företagen påverkas av det nyligen upprättade kravet på tydligare redovisning av hållbarhetsinformation för företag ägda av den svenska staten. Vi avser också att analysera hur företagen kan implementera rutiner för rapporteringen. I den mån riktlinjerna redan har implementerats har vi även för avsikt att belysa de eventuella förändringar som skett inom dessa företag.</p><p>I vår studie utgår vi från ett hermeneutiskt synsätt, för att vi vill tolka och förstå den implementeringsprocess som kravet på hållbarhetsredovisning innebär, utifrån ett helägt företagsperspektiv med statlig ägarstruktur. Vi utgår från, och prövar, befintlig teori för att få denna förståelse samt även nå ett resultat, vilket inryms inom det deduktiva angreppssättet. Vårt val av en kvalitativ ansats, överensstämmer med vårt synsätt, och medför att vi på djupet kan förstå, samt beskriva problemet, med utgångspunkt från våra telefonintervjuer. Vi utförde semi-strukturerade intervjuer vilket gav oss möjligheten att ställa relativt öppna frågor, inom olika teman.</p><p>Vår teoretiska grund innehåller teorier för att genomföra en implementering och eventuellt i och med det, nå en förändring. Vi talar om drivkrafter bakom en förändring vilket innefattar intressentteorin, teorin om legitimitet samt den institutionaliseringsprocess som sker när organisationer måste anpassa sig efter sin omgivning. Vi utgår från teori om hur en planerad förändring går till samt implementeringsprocessens centrala delar, styrning, planering samt kommunikation, vilka är viktiga aspekter att uppmärksamma för att kunna skapa nya rutiner.</p><p>Utifrån studien har vi kommit fram till att en förändring inte nödvändigtvis sker i och med att kravet införs eftersom GRI nyttjats av vissa företag redan innan dess upprättande. Förändringen sker i den mån företagen påverkas av kravet och att GRI inte sedan innan har använts, vilket leder till att nya rutiner uppstår. I de företag där förändring sker, blir nya rutiner nödvändiga vad gäller bland annat att omstrukturera och bilda nätverk mellan företagens centrala delar och sedan få dem att samarbeta. Kravet, i kombination med det faktum att företagen tittar på och får inspiration av övriga företag, samt att de tar hjälp av externa rådgivare i implementeringen, leder till att de blir mer liktänkande. Från studien nås även kunskap om att planerings- kommunikations- samt styrningsarbetet är omfattande för samtliga företag i fråga om GRI-arbetet, oavsett om förändringen är synlig eller inte.</p>

ICA:s Hållbarhetsredovisning med tillämpning av GRI : Vad bestämmer leverantören?

Huléen, Jonas, Hising, Per January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet är att utifrån GRI:s riktlinjer undersöka ICA:s hållbarhetsredovisning samt jämföra den med den generella uppfattningen som intressentgruppen leverantörer har om hållbarhetsredovisningar.</p><p>ICA tar GRI:s riktlinjer på stort allvar vid tillämpning av dessa vid upprättandet av sin hållbarhetsredovisning. Leverantörernas intresse påverkar ett flertal resultatindikatorer som ICA inte har definierat som resultatindikatorer valda utifrån leverantörernas intresse.</p>

Feministiskt initiativ - en idéanalys

Wizelius, Akira January 2008 (has links)
<p>Feminist initiative – an idea analysis.</p><p>On the fourth of April in the year 2005 Feministic initiative (Fi) was created, it was an main response to the slow changes in the Swedish society, which claimed to establish an equal society. Equality has become one of the major indicators of a contemporary democratic society. The Swedish government has long proclaimed to reach this goal, but even though Sweden currently lies in the front among the democratic societies, while you consider equality issues, especially between the sexes, there is still a lot that need to be done in the Swedish society. Feministic initiative began as an organization and established a political party and participated in the election during the year 2006, but failed to reach a place in the parliament. Recently Feministic initiative said that they will participate in the upcoming election in the year 2010.</p><p>It made me wonder which feministic ideals that Feministic initiative actually practices. Feminism is a broad ideology, and a reaction against the society that claims to be democratic but systematically oppresses women. This oppression created feminism; but there is different views of feminism, my main objective in this paper is to present a few different feministic directions. These are, radicalfeminism, marxistic feminism, liberalfeminism, socialistic feminism, post-modernfeminism and black (women’s) feminism. From these theories will I create a analyze frame and try to locate different kinds of feministic ideas within Feministic initiatives policy documents called <em>F! for a feministic policy, election manifest</em> and <em>platform for Feministic initiative </em></p><p>Thus, the main focus in this paper to do an idea analyze and focus on Feministic initiative, do they really use the different ideas expressed within the different types of feminism that I consider in this paper in a equal manner? The conclusion is that Feministic initiative is tendentious, Feministic initiative uses ideas, perspectives and expressions that are typical for radicalfeminism more than they use ideas, perspectives and expressions from other types of feminism.</p>

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