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Myten om projektbaserade organisationer : En kvantitativ studie om managementinnovation / The Myth About Project-Based Organizations : A Quantitative Study of Management InnovationEnander, Kristoffer, Hedkrok, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Utifrån dagens litteratur kring projektbaserade organisationer (PBO) kan tre problem identifieras: 1) motsägande resultat gällande om organisationsformen PBO främjar innovation, 2) överdrivet fokus på teknisk innovation i dessa sammanhang samt 3) bristfällig systematik i dessa typer av studier. Av denna anledning har vi genomfört en kvantitativ studie för att bidra med mer systematik i debatten kring PBO och innovation. Vi valde också att studera en annan typ av innovation i PBO-sammanhang, nämligen managementinnovation (MI). Studien syftar till att identifiera om det föreligger ett samband mellan MI och organisationsfaktorerna centralisering, samarbete och kommunikation, överkapacitet samt formalisering. Utöver detta skall studien identifiera om det föreligger något samband mellan den formella organisationsstrukturen PBO och MI, samt om sambanden mellan organisationsfaktorerna och MI är starkare eller svagare i en PBO-kontext. Studien genomfördes i Sverige med hjälp av en enkätundersökning. Urvalet uppgick till 500 företag vilka blev identifierade genom ett slumpmässigt stratifierat urval. Svarsfrekvensen uppgick till 192 företag vars svar sedan analyserades i statistikprogrammet SPSS genom regressionsanalyser. Slutsatsen av studien blev att vi på en femprocentig signifikansnivå bekräftade en av femton hypoteser, nämligen H8c. Hypotesen beskriver att sambandet mellan personalöverkapacitet och MI är starkare i en PBO än i andra organisationstyper. Utöver detta kunde vi bekräfta hypotes 9b på en tioprocentig signifikansnivå. Denna hypotes behandlade formalisering 2 och innebar att sambandet mellan formalisering 2 och MI är starkare i andra organisationstyper än i en PBO. Med detta sagt positionerar sig denna studie bland författarna som hävdar att det inte föreligger något samband mellan PBO och innovation. / We were able to identify three problems from today’s literature about project-based organizations: 1) conflicting results about whether PBOs further innovation or not, 2) excessive focus on technical innovation in this context, and 3) insufficient systematics in these kinds of studies. For that reason, we have carried through a quantitative study to contribute with more systematics in the debate about PBO and innovation. We also chose to study a different kind of innovation in the PBO context, namely Management Innovation (MI) This study aims to identify if there exist a correlation between MI and the organizational factors centralization, teamwork and communication, slack of resources and formalization. Beyond this the study aims to identify if there exist a correlation between the formal organizational structure PBO and MI, and if the connection between the organizational factors and MI is stronger or weaker in a PBO context. A survey was carried out in Sweden. 500 companies were asked to participate and they were all selected through a random stratified sampling. The response rate was 192 and the information from the questionnaires was then analysed in the statistical software SPSS through regression analysis. With a significance level of five percent this study confirms one out of fifteen hypotheses. The confirmed hypothesis was H8c which states that the connection between personnel slack and MI is stronger in a PBO than other kinds of organizational structures. We also confirmed hypothesis 9b on a significance level of ten percent. H9b states that the connection between formalization 2 and MI is weaker in PBO than other kinds of organizations. Consequently, this study position itself alongside authors and studies that claim that it doesn’t exist a correlation between PBO and innovation.
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Innovation Capability in Project-based Organisations : Development and Validation of a Holistic Innovation Capability Assessment Framework (HICAF)Jahid, Jamshid, Melander, Jakob January 2016 (has links)
Innovation is one of the most important factors behind today´s global economic growth and prosperity. In the current economic climate, increasing global competition and rapidly changing environment, an organisations ability to innovate is regarded as a key factor for success. It is widely accepted that creating new processes, products and procedures are vital for productivity and growth in all sectors. The literature on innovation measurements areas and utilities is voluminous and diverse. Assessing and measuring the complex conditions that influence a firm’s innovation capability is a challenging task, due to the inconsistency, inaccessibility, and complexity of measures. An integrative and holistic innovation capability assessment framework should include all aspects of innovation. This study attempt to address this gap, the lack of a holistic innovation capability assessment framework (HICAF) in project-based firms, by (a) reviewing the literature on innovation, innovation assessment, and measurement areas (b) through a qualitative case study exploring the factors promoting innovation in project-based firms (c) integrating the findings into a holistic assessment framework (d) generating items, in form of a statement, to address the underlying construct of each identified factor (e) applying the proposed framework within an organisation and statistically validating the instrument to achieve item homogeneity. Internal consistency reliability estimates have been utilized to produce a final framework consisting of 57 statistically validated items and eight theoretically grounded categories with 19 corresponding factors promoting innovation, also called enablers, in technology-orientated project-based organisations. In addition to the identified literature findings, the case study resulted in two new enablers, time management, and quality, which are not necessarily specific for project-based organisations, rather specific for the observed organisation. The performed case study is insufficient for determining whether there are any specific enablers for project-based organisations. The advantages of HICAF lies in its simplicity due to practical applicability in a large scale and facilitates managers to diagnose the organisation and recognize true symptoms to then apply appropriate treatment and remedies. A frequent application of HICAF can also help to study the effect of specific treatment and remedies in relation to innovation capability.
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Zkoumání faktorů výkonnosti inovativních podniků / Analysis of Performance Factors in Innovative FirmsKoplík, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the performance evaluation of selected innovative companies and looks for factors that affect the performance of those companies. Analysis is done for peridods between 2011 and 2015 based on financial statements. Then the evaluation of the survey questionnaire follows. The last part summarizes the results of the previous chapters and specifies the factors that have an impact on the performance of the innovative companies based on performed analysis.
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The Knowledge Production Function : Evidence from New Micro DataLööf, Hans January 2002 (has links)
This doctoral thesis consists of five self-contained essays.Common themes that unify the essays are the conditions for innovative engagements and the effort to endogenize innovations into the explanation of profitability, productivity and growthin manufacturing and service production. The purpose is to explore the importance of innovation in explaining heterogeneity in the performance of firms. The traditional analysis of the relationship between research and developmentand productivity is extended and developed by using, on the onehand, firm-level data not previously available and, on theother, a modern state-of-the-art econometric framework. Essay I. Methods and results are reviewed and stylized facts presented regarding the return on innovation. The limitations of the data and methods used in mainstream literature are discussed. A set of firm-level observations recently made available and a multiple knowledge production function analysis have been used to clarify the role of innovation in explaining performance heterogeneity among manufacturing firms inSweden. Essay II. The relationships between innovation and productivity among manufacturing firms in Finland, Norway and Sweden are studied. The main purpose is to investigate the contributions of firm-level innovation in creating the large observed differences in aggregated productivity growth between Norway on the one hand and Finland and Sweden on the other. Essay III. The focus of this essay is threefold. One, since innovation has been found to be a major contributor to productivity growth in manufacturing, we seek to find whether there is any evidence for the notion that service industrie shave a lower propensity to be innovative or that they are less efficient in deriving benefits from innovations. Second, we consider what real productivity growth does, and what the measurement methods do to produce the reported weak growthrates in services. Third, given that intermediate services have been found to be one of the fastest growing input factors inmanufacturing, largely reflecting the replacement of internally provided activities by externally produced outputs, we examine what the impact of outsourcing is on productivity growth in manufacturing. The essay brings a comparative perspective to these issues by analyzing the firm-level data on innovativeactivities and economic performance in knowledge-intensive manufacturing and service firms in Sweden. Essay IV.This essay investigates the sensitivity of estimated relationships between innovation and firm performance. The essay compares the sensitivity of results with regards to different types of models, estimation methods, measures of firm performance, classification of firms, type of innovations and data sources. The analyses are performed on both the level and growth rate of firm performance, and theinfluence of outliers is explored. Essay V. The role of capital structure and external financing in innovation and production is studied. Results from different model specifications are explored. A preferred dynamic model with flexible adjustment is used for an inter-country and an intra-country comparison of the determinants of the optimal mix between debt and equity as wellas the rate of change towards an optimal capital structure. / <p>QC 20100526</p>
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廠商特性與行銷創新之關係 - 台灣地區零售業之實證分析 / Relationships between Firm Characteristics and Marketing Innovation – An Empirical Study of the Retail Industry in Taiwan洪宗瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
3.當零售業廠商的主要顧客類型包含消費者時,除了產品展示方式/管道的創新之外,此項廠商特性對於廠商進行其他五種類型的行銷創新皆有正向影響。當零售業廠商主要顧客類型包含非母企業集團之其他公司時,本研究結論無足夠證據支持其對進行此六種行銷創新是否有正向或負向之影響。當零售業廠商的主要顧客類型包含政府單位時,對於進行產品展示方式/管道的創新有正向影響。 / This research is to study the market innovation of the retail industry in Taiwan. Previous researches had rarely studied on the relationship between firm characteristics and market innovation. This research uses an empirical method to investigate the relationship between characteristics of retail firms in Taiwan and market innovation.
This research first finds out what sorts of market innovation that the firms in the Taiwan retail industry tend to do, then identifies the relationship between firm characteristics and marketing innovation, and finally investigate the impacts of customer types and market area upon market innovations of these retail firms by probit regression model.
The main findings of this research are in the following.
I. Firms in the Taiwan retail industries have higher level of market innovation in every aspect as compared to firms in other service industries. The ranking of the percentage of each sort of market innovation, from high to low, is as follows: channel, design, promotion, display, package, and pricing.
II. The increase of the number of overseas markets will contribute to higher level of five sorts of market innovation, except for the pricing innovation. In other words, the higher the retail firms’ market area, the more likely the firms will have marketing innovation.
III. If the retail firms’ major customers include final consumers, firms are more likely to have channel, design, promotion, package, and pricing innovation, except for the display innovation. If the major customers include the government, retail firms are more likely to have display innovation, but less likely to have channel, design, promotion, package, and pricing innovation.
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Innovation and Employment in Services : The case of Knowledge Intensive Business Services in SwedenNählinder, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
This is a study of innovation in Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) and the impact innovation has on employment. The thesis relies on theories within the fields of "innovation in services", in particular KIBS, and "innovation and employment", taking as its point of departure the taxonomy of product and process innovation. The thesis is based on a discussion of innovation in services with a focus on how innovation in services may be understood and delineated. A long discussion is dedicated to the taxonomy of product and process innovation and the extent to which these concepts may be applicable to innovation in services. The thesis also scrutinises the concept of KIBS and how this can be defined. It further discusses features commonly associated with KIBS firms. The thesis is also rooted in the broader issue of innovation as a creator and destroyer of employment and makes a contribution in applying these issues to service sectors. The empirical part of the thesis builds on a database compiled for the research project, comprised of 967 Swedish KIBS firms. The database covers issues of innovation, employment and characteristics of the firm. The findings indicate that innovation was common in Swedish KIBS firms and that innovations often had an impact on employment. However, the thesis did not detect a straightforward relation between type of innovation (technological process innovation, organisational process innovation, goods product innovation and service product innovation) and the impact on employment. Explanations other than type of innovation have to be considered to analyse the impact of innovation on employment. The thesis further suggests that although innovation in KIBS is common, innovation itself is difficult to conceptualise and delineate.
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Capitale sociale e innovazione nelle imprese: analisi empirica con un confronto tra Italia e UK / SOCIAL CAPITAL AND FIRMS' INNOVATION: EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS WITH A COMPARISON OF ITALY AND UKORTECA, MARIA KATIA 05 May 2011 (has links)
Questo lavoro intende analizzare la correlazione tra innovazione delle imprese e capital sociale, misurato da indicatori classici (come la partecipazione politica e le attività nel tempo libero) e da indicatori maggiormente legati alla dimensione aziendale (come accordi e cooperazioni). L’analisi viene fatta sia per l’Italia che per il Regno Unito attraverso l’uso della Community Innovation Survey 4, la survey europea sull’innovazione e la R&S nelle imprese per i dati su innovazione e capital sociale aziendale. Inoltre vengono utilizzate l’Indagine Multiscopo 2000 per l’Italia e l’Indice di Deprivazione per l’Inghilterra come misure di capitale sociale classico. Infine viene proposta una comparazione dei risultati per i due paesi per l’analisi sul capitale sociale aziendale. Questa comparazione è riletta alla luce di più generali considerazioni sui due differenti sistemi produttivi ed economici. / This work would try to test the correlation between innovation in firms and social capital, measured by classic indicators (like political participation, leisure and activities) and more corporate indicators (like agreements and collaborations). The analysis is carried out for Italy and UK and we use the Community Innovation Survey 4, the European survey on innovation and R&D in the firms, for the data on innovation and corporate social capital. We use the Multipurpose Survey 2000 for Italy and the Index of Deprivation for England like measures of classic social capital. We further try a comparison of the results between the two countries for the analysis on corporate social capital. This comparison is finally referred to more general issues like the two different productive and economic systems.
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工商及服務業普查資料品質之研究 / Data quality research of industry and commerce census邱詠翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用的方法為事後分層抽樣,主要研究目的是要利用產業創新調查樣本來推估95年工商及服務業普查母體資料的準確性。產業創新調查樣本在推估母體從業員工人數與母體營業收入方面皆出現高估的狀況,推測出現高估的原因是產業創新調查母體為前中華徵信所出版的五千大企業名冊為母體底冊,而工商及服務業普查企業資料為一般企業母體底冊。因此,我們利用和產業創新調查樣本所相對應的工商普查樣本做驗證,發現95年工商及服務業普查樣本與產業創新調查樣本的資料一致性極高。 / Data quality is good or bad will affect the decision quality and achievements in the implementation of various actions, so the data quality more and more attention in recent years. This study consists of two databases, one is the industrial innovation survey database, another is the industry and commerce census database in ninety five years. Data quality is good or bad of a database is also a very important issue, the database often contain erroneous information, incorrect information will result in bias of the analysis results. So before carrying out data analysis, data cleaning and consolidation is necessary.
We can know from the parent and the sample data distribution. Before data cleaning and consolidation, the average number of innovation employees is 92.08, and the average number of industrial-commerce employees is 135.54. After data cleaning and consolidation, we compare the correlation, similarity, and distance of the number of employees in two databases. The results show the data consistency of the two databases is very high, the average number of innovation employees is 39.01, and the average number of industrial-commerce employees is 42.12, it is closer to the average number of parent employees 7.05. This also shows the importance of data cleaning.
Method used in the study is post-stratified sampling, the main research objective is to use industrial innovation survey sample to estimate the data accuracy of the industry and commerce census in ninety five years. Use industrial innovation survey sample to estimate the number of employees and operating revenue in the industry and commerce census in ninety five years are both overestimated, we guess the reason is that the parent of the industrial innovation survey is five thousand large enterprises published by China Credit Information, and the parent of the industry and commerce census is general enterprises. Therefore, we use the corresponding industry and commerce census sample for validation. The results show that the data consistency of the industrial innovation survey sample and the industry and commerce census sample in ninety five years is very high.
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