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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social Innovation and Innovation Champions: An analysis of public and private processes

Daily, Alisia 20 May 2014 (has links)
This research intends to gain deeper insight into the social innovation processes within public and private organizations. The purpose of the study will be to determine if public and private organizations are influenced more by internal organizational factors or external organizational factors. Using Roger’s diffusion theory, Mohr’s internal determinants and Berry and Berry’s unified theory as a foundation, this research will endeavor to prove hypotheses which suggest that private organizations are influenced more by internal organizational factors and public organizations are influenced more by external organizational factors although not exclusively. The research method for this study will involve a mixed methods approach. A survey of innovation champions will be implemented online followed by a qualitative interview of a subset of those respondents. In addition to the research specific to internal and external organizational factors, this study will also seek to assess the importance of the use of innovation champions during the social innovation process. Social innovation is a new concept in the realm of innovation. This research will offer much needed insight into a process that is new and evolving.

Les déterminants de l'engagement dans un processus d'échange informel de connaissances : contribution à l'étude d'un modèle d'amélioration du succès des projets d'innovation / Determinants of the commitment in an informal knowledge exchange process : contribution to the study of a model for the improvement of innovation projects success

Dietsch, Damien 16 October 2015 (has links)
Les échanges de connaissances réalisés par voie informelle entre acteurs de l’innovation sont pratique courante. L’objectif de cette recherche vise à mettre en évidence, d’une part, les facteurs qui déterminent l’engagement d’un individu dans un processus d’échange de connaissances par voie informelle avec un tiers extérieur à son entreprise et, d’autre part, dans quelle mesure la connaissance acquise par voie informelle est susceptible d’impacter la performance des projets d’innovation. Pour ce faire, une démarche méthodologique en deux temps a été utilisée. Une étude exploratoire a tout d’abord été menée auprès de 10 responsables de l’innovation qui, de manière complémentaire à l’analyse de la littérature, a permis de construire notre modèle causal. Ce modèle a, par la suite, été validé par un échantillon de 360 acteurs de l’innovation. Outre la confirmation de la qualité du modèle, il ressort de cette étude trois enseignements majeurs. Tout d’abord, que ce sont les facteurs individuels qui influencent le plus la décision d’un individu d’échanger de la connaissance par voie informelle ; ensuite, que la connaissance acquise par voie informelle influence positivement la performance des projets d’innovation ; et, enfin, que les intermédiaires de l’innovation influencent positivement le lien entre les types d’échanges et la performance des projets d’innovation. Ces résultats apportent des contributions majeures d’un point de vue académique et managérial, et ouvrent de nombreuses voies de recherche dans un contexte d’innovation ouverte / Informal knowledge exchanges between innovation actors are common. The aim of this research is to highlight, first, the factors that determine the commitment of an individual in an informal knowledge exchange with a third party outside his company and, second, to what extent the knowledge gained by informal route is likely to positively impact the performance of innovation projects. To do this, a methodological approach in two stages was used. An exploratory study was first conducted with 10 leaders of innovation, which complementarily to the analysis of the literature allowed us to build our causal model. This model has subsequently been validated by a sample of 360 innovation actors. Besides confirming the quality of the model, it follows from this study three major lessons. First, it is the personal factors that influence the most the decision of an individual to share knowledge through informal channels; secondly, the knowledge acquired by informal channels positively influences the performance of innovation projects; and, finally, the innovation intermediaries positively influence the relationship between the different types of exchange and the performance of innovation projects. These results provide major contributions of an academic and managerial point of view, and have opened up vistas for research in an open innovation context

Determinants of Internal and External Innovation: A Comparative Study on NPD Projects Selection

Musolesi, Matteo, Pedroletti, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
A growing body of research is drawing attention to the importance of open innovation and the reasons firms should progressively switch to this paradigm. However, there is still some reluctance to embrace such approach to innovation. This study investigates the main factors impacting the selection of internal and external new product development in a US multinational company belonging to the semiconductor industry. The main factor found to impact the choice of internal and external innovation is the degree of radicalness of NPD projects. Hence, this is used as additional variable to the internal and external nature of projects to build a matrix, capable of describing the main factors managers take into account when deciding on the projects to undertake. Combining the internal or external and incremental or radical nature of NPD projects, for each category, it was possible to highlight the main dimensions determining the projects selection, namely the expected output and profitability, the purpose of the NPD process, the attention received by managers and the risk involved.

The Creative Process for Digital Social Innovation in the Context of Migrant Integration

Virketyte, Agne, Wiklund, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Background: Existing literature has declared migrant integration as social stress putting communities under pressure. Dynamics of social innovations and digital technologies can provide solutions to the pressing matter of migrant integration, yet the academic literature is obscure about processes that organisations employ in this matter. Purpose: This study aims to investigate how the process of digital social innovation unfolds in organisations. The main purpose of this study seeks to answer the research question: How do organisations undertake the process of digital social innovations in relation to migrant integration? Method: To answer the research question, a qualitative research approach was chosen. Multiple case study was carried out, and the empirical data was gathered through semi-structured interviews. The content of the company websites and other additional material were used as a complementary source of information. The scope of participants was delimited to Sweden and Germany due to a high level of immigration in these countries. After data collection, the analysis was carried out in an abductive manner. Conclusion: The findings showed that the social innovation process is intertwined with the context where the actor acts as a mediator between the two. Two models were combined to gain both theoretical and practical insights without excluding one another. A suggested digital social innovation process model was then introduced in pursuit of providing a model that could be used in academia to annex scattered literature and to use the model in practice as a foundation for the innovation process.

Introducing the dilemma of societal alignment for inclusive and responsible research and innovation

Bengtsson, Lars, Ribeiro, Barbara, Benneworth, Paul, Bührer, Susanne, Castro-Martínez, Elena, Hansen, Meiken, Jarmai, Katharina, Lindner, Ralf, Olmos-Penuela, Julia, Cordula, Ott, Shapira, Philipp January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In this discussion paper, we outline and reflect on some of the key challenges that influence the development and uptake of more inclusive and responsible forms of research and innovation. Taking these challenges together, we invoke Collingridge's famous dilemma of social control of technology to introduce a complementary dilemma that of "societal alignment" in the governance of science, technology and innovation. Considerations of social alignment are scattered and overlooked among some communities in the field of science, technology and innovation policy. By starting to unpack this dilemma, we outline an agenda for further consideration of social alignment in the study of responsible research and innovation.

Contribuições ao estudo da gestão da inovação: proposição conceitual e estudo de casos / Contributions to the innovation management research: conceptual proposition and case study

Stefanovitz, Juliano Pavanelli 10 June 2011 (has links)
O propósito desta tese é investigar a adoção de práticas de gestão da inovação de produtos e os desafios enfrentados por organizações que desenvolvem produtos para aumentar sua performance inovativa. Para tanto, são estudadas as potenciais relações entre os elementos organizacionais internos e a influência de fatores contextuais (porte, setor e origem do capital) na caracterização dos sistemas de gestão da inovação e dos obstáculos à inovação enfrentados por cada empresa. A escolha deste tema se justifica pelo fato dos processos de gestão que potencializam a performance inovativa ainda não estarem totalmente desvendados e pela carência de trabalhos empíricos que analisem a realidade das práticas propostas no mundo organizacional, em especial no Brasil. Como base conceitual para esta investigação, é proposto modelo sistêmico para a gestão da inovação que integra contribuições de diversas áreas em três dimensões principais: processos, contexto organizacional e recursos. Este construto fundamenta a realização de pesquisa exploratória qualitativa efetuada por meio de um estudo de casos múltiplos. Nele, os sistemas de gestão da inovação de quatro empresas com atividade relevante de desenvolvimento de produtos no Brasil são estudados. Inicialmente, cada empresa é analisada de forma individual com enfoque na caracterização de seu sistema de inovação e dos principais desafios ao aumento de performance inovativa. Em seguida, uma análise comparativa dos casos é efetuada a fim de se aprofundar a intepretação das variáveis coletadas à luz da literatura e do modelo proposto. Além da proposição de relacionamentos entre os elementos da gestão da inovação presentes no modelo integrado e entre eles e os fatores contextuais, o presente trabalho traz contribuições ligadas aos mecanismos que influenciam a adoção de práticas de gestão da inovação no Brasil e à caracterização dos desafios intraorganizacionais enfrentados pelas organizações para gerir seu processo inovador. / The purpose of this research is to analyze the adoption of innovation management practices and the challenges faced by companies which develop products to increase their innovative performance. It is studied the relation between organizational elements and the influence of contextual factors (company size, market segment and capital) on the characterization of the innovation management systems and on the obstacles to innovation faced by each company. The theme selection is justified because the management processes that contribute to the innovative performance remains not all known and due to the lack of empirical researches analyzing the reality of proposed practices in organizations, especially in Brazil. As conceptual basis for this investigation, it is proposed a systemic model for innovation management, which integrates contributions for several research fields in three dimensions: processes, organizational context and resources. This construct supports an exploratory qualitative research implemented using multiple study case method. In this study, it is investigated the innovation systems of four companies with relevant product development activities in Brazil. Initially, each company is analyzed individually with focus on the characterization of its innovation system and mains innovation challenges. After that, a comparative analysis is proposed to bring deeper understanding of the collected variables with reference to the exiting literature and the integrated model. More than the proposition of relationships between the innovation management elements present in the model, this research brings contributions related to the mechanisms which influence the innovation management practices adoption by companies in Brazil and the configuration of intra-organizational barriers faced by these companies to manage and improve their innovation process.

Capacidades organizacionais para a inovação frugal / Organizational capabilities for frugal innovation

Silva, Itiel Moraes da 03 May 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, novos tipos de inovação surgiram nos mercados emergentes. Dentre eles, o conceito de inovação frugal vem chamando atenção de acadêmicos e profissionais por sua proposta de valor. A inovação frugal vem sendo considerada uma nova fonte de inovações, porém poucos trabalhos acadêmicos discutem o assunto de forma robusta. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal averiguar a associação entre determinadas capacidades organizações que auxiliam no desenvolvimento da inovação frugal. Antes dessa associação, foi necessário demostrar como o conceito de inovação frugal pode ser mensurado. Neste estudo a inovação frugal é um construto endógeno de segunda ordem que manifesta o novo por menos medido reflexivamente, pela: inovação em custo, inovação sustentável, inovação aberta e inovação em produto. As capacidades organizacionais, são os construtos exógenos definidas em termos de: capacidade de produção, capacidade tecnológica, capacidade de capital humano e capacidade de marketing. Alguma dessas capacidades, foram consideradas como sendo de primeira e segunda ordem. Com o intuito de verificar a relação entre os construtos definidos, os procedimentos metodológicos adotados nesta pesquisa podem ser classificados como do tipo formal, descritivo e associativo, positivista e de natureza quantitativa. Para coleta dos dados, método de pesquisa adotado foi o survey classificado como interseccional. A amostra coletada é composta por 257 empresas brasileiras de diferentes setores e tamanhos. O processo de análise da amostra e consistência dos dados coletados consistiu do uso de técnicas estatísticas de análise univariada e multivariada. O uso de Análise de Equações Estruturais pelo método dos mínimos quadrados parciais (Partial Least Square - PLS) mostrou-se mais adequada para estimação dos parâmetros do modelo. Os resultados empíricos demonstraram que inovação frugal é uma estratégia que combina eficiência em custos e inovação. A inovação frugal pode contribuir para uma gestão mais adequada dos recursos ambientais não renováveis quando orientada para sustentabilidade. A análise dos resultados, demonstrou que das oito hipóteses levantadas, apenas duas hipóteses não foram suportadas. As capacidades de capital humano e marketing de primeira ordem não foram associadas a formação da inovação frugal. As demais capacidades utilizadas na pesquisa se mostraram associadas ao modelo proposto. / In recent years, new types of innovation have emerged in emerging markets. Among them, the concept of frugal innovation has attracted the attention of academics and professionals for its value proposition. Frugal innovation has been considered a new source of innovation, but few scholarly papers discuss the subject in a robust way. This research aims to ascertain the association between certain organizational capabilities that help in the development of the frugal innovation. Prior to this association, it was necessary to demonstrate how the concept of frugal innovation can be measured. In this study, frugal innovation is an endogenous construct of the second order, which manifests the new with fewer resources, reflexively measured by: innovation in cost, sustainable innovation, open innovation and product innovation. Organizational capabilities are the exogenous constructs defined in terms of: production capability, technological capability, human capital capability and marketing capability. These capabilities were considered to be first and second order. To verify the relationship between the defined constructs, the methodological procedures adopted in this research can be classified as formal, descriptive and associative, positivistic and quantitative in nature. For the data collection, the survey method adopted was the survey classified as intersectional. The data were collected is composed of 257 Brazilian companies of different sectors and sizes. The process of sample analysis and consistency of data collected consisted of the use of statistical techniques of univariate and multivariate analysis. The use of Structural Equation Analysis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method was more adequate for estimation of model parameters. The results have shown that frugal innovation is a strategy that combines cost efficiency and innovation. Frugal innovation can contribute to a better management of non-renewable environmental resources when oriented towards sustainability. The analysis of the results, showed that of the eight hypotheses raised, only two hypotheses were not supported. Human capital and first-order marketing capabilities were not associated with the formation of frugal innovation. The other capabilities used in the research were shown to be associated to the proposed model.

Sistema corporativo de inovação: um estudo de caso

Garcia, Alexandre de Souza 19 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:41:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 19 / Nenhuma / Atualmente o tema da inovação vem sendo discutido intensamente na academia e no meio empresarial. Neste contexto o presente estudo propõe um modelo de SCI – Sistema Corporativo de Inovação estruturado a partir da literatura e das percepções do autor. Esse modelo é composto por oito variáveis: Conceitos/Objetivos, Estratégia, Estrutura Organizacional, Gestão da Inovação, Indicadores, Gestão do Conhecimento para Inovação, Comunicação e Relacionamento Externo. O teste do modelo foi realizado em uma empresa industrial que possui três subsistemas estruturados de inovação (P&D, SPF e Inovação Industrial). Cada um desses subsistemas possui objetivos, métodos e ferramentas específicas. A pesquisa foi realizada visando o entendimento desses subsistemas sob a ótica do SCI proposto. A conclusão do trabalho pode ser sintetizada em quatro tópicos: i) a utilização do modelo SCI permite a empresa realizar uma análise estruturada e sistêmica sobre a inovação; ii) o modelo SCI tendeu a mostrar-se coerente com a teoria consult / Currently the subject of innovation has been intensely discussed in the academy and in the business environment. In this context the present study suggest a model of CIS - Corporate Innovation System structuralized from the literature and from the author perspectives. This model consists in eight variables: Concepts/Objectives, Strategy, Organization Structure, Innovation Management, Indicators, Knowledge Management for Innovation, Communication and External Relationship. The test of the model was carried through an industrial company that has three structuralized subsystems of innovation (P&D, SPF and Industrial Innovation). Each one of these subsystems has objectives, methods and specific tools. The research was made willing the understanding of these subsystems under the view of the CIS suggested. The conclusion of the work can be summarized in four topics: i) the use of the CIS model allows the company to do a structured and systematical analysis of the innovation; ii) the model CIS tended to reveal cohe

Um processo para implementação da estratégia open innovation em empresas de sistemas regionais de inovação

Oliveira, Lindomar Subtil de January 2017 (has links)
A Open Innovation (OI) é uma abordagem emergente que têm despertado cada vez mais o interesse de especialistas e de estudos acadêmicos na área de inovação. Entretanto, a implemen-tação dessa estratégia ainda é desafiadora, especialmente para as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs). A carência de métodos e processos documentados e estruturados para implementar a OI, também são fatores que causam resistências e desestimulam muitas vezes as empresas. Ou-tro fato é que poucas pesquisas e trabalhos empíricos têm explorado o potencial e influência dos Sistemas Regionais de Inovação (SRIs) na implementação da OI nas empresas. Frente a essa problemática de pesquisa, esta Tese tem como objetivo geral desenvolver um processo de implementação da estratégia Open Innovation voltado para empresas de SRIs. O produto final da Tese é um framework que representa o Processo para Implementação da OI (PIOI). É uma ferramenta gerencial que visa auxiliar e orientar os gestores quanto as etapas, documentos, e forma mais apropriada para conduzir a implementação. Sobretudo, permite a compreensão dos elementos e Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) que interferem na melhoria da capacidade de inovação em PMEs. Este trabalho de Tese está estruturado em sete capítulos, com cinco artigos propostos. O artigo 1 busca identificar os fatores determinantes para a implementação da OI em SRIs. O artigo 2 apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura para identificar os FCS para implementação da OI no âmbito das empresas. No artigo 3, desenvolve-se uma pesquisa apli-cada com 50 empresas de um SRI para diagnosticar as estratégias de inovação e os FCS para implementação da OI. No artigo 4, propõe-se um framework para implementação da OI em PMEs de SRIs. No artigo 5, o framework é testado e avaliado empiricamente através de um estudo de caso de uma empresa. A estrutura metodológica geral da Tese está fundamentada no método de pesquisa construtivista (Design Science Research – DSR). Os artigos abrangem le-vantamento bibliográfico, survey, estudo de caso e pesquisa-ação, e empregam ambos os mé-todos, quantitativo e qualitativo, conforme seus objetivos. A Tese oferece importantes contri-buições acadêmicas e práticas ao abordar os FCS que interferem na implementação da OI, e ao desenvolver um processo para implementação dessa estratégia em PMEs de SRI’s. Além disso, representa uma oportunidade para que as empresas possam transformar e melhorar o seu pro-cesso de desenvolvimento da inovação, implementando mudanças de estratégia e introduzindo estruturas mais colaborativas que suportem novos modelos de negócios. / Open Innovation (OI) is an emerging approach that has increasingly attracted the interest of experts and academic studies in the area of innovation. However, implementing this strategy is still challenging, especially for Small and Medium Companies (PMEs). The lack of documen-ted and structured methods and processes to implement OI are factors that cause resistance and often discourage companies, besides the fact that few empirical studies and research have ex-plored the potential and influence of the Regional Innovation Systems (SRIs) in the implemen-tation of OI in companies. Faced with this research problem, this thesis has as general objective to develop a process of implementation of the Open Innovation strategy directed at SRIs com-panies. The final product is a framework that represents the Process for Implementing OI (PIOI). It is a managerial tool that aims to help and guide managers on the stages, documents, and the most appropriate way to carry out the implementation. Above all, it allows the unders-tanding of the elements and Critical Factors of Success (FCS) that affect the improvement of the innovation capacity of PMEs. The thesis is structured in seven chapters, with five proposed articles. Article 1 seeks to identify the determining factors for the implementation of OI in SRIs. Article 2 presents a systematic review of the literature to identify the FCS for implementing OI in companies. In Article 3 we carry out an applied research with 50 companies in a SRI, in order to diagnose their innovation strategies and the FCS to implement OI. In Article 4, we propose a framework for the implementation of OI in PMEs of SRIs. In Article 5, the framework is empirically tested and evaluated through a company’s case study. The general methodological structure of the thesis is based on the constructivist research method (Design Science Research - DSR). The articles cover literature review, survey, case study and action research, and use both quantitative and qualitative methods, according to their goals. The thesis offers important academic and practical contributions by addressing FCS that affect the implementation of OI, and by developing a process to establish that strategy in PMEs of SRIs. In addition, it represents an opportunity for companies to change and improve their innovation development process by implementing strategy shifts and introducing more collaborative structures that support new business models.

Locational benefits and innovation performance : the contingency value of ambidexterity in inbound and outbound open innovation and absorptive capacity

Han, Jianlong January 2018 (has links)
Open innovation (OI) is currently being applied as a new mode for firms to utilise both internal and external resources for R&D and new product developments. Investigating the impact of OI on China's high-tech firms is becoming increasingly important. Under the guidance of China's national innovation policy and the rise of innovation in high-tech industries, OI is regarded as having a positive impact on the competitiveness of Chinese firms and as bringing a significant innovation outcome. By utilising and integrating external knowledge and resources, OI can promote high-tech firms' R&D development in China's current transitional environment. A key objective of this thesis is to examine the overall relationship between locational factors, ambidexterity in OI and innovation performance given absorptive capacity (ACAP). The thesis reviews the current literature regarding OI, ambidexterity in OI, the cluster effect and ACAP and then integrates these lenses to build links for constructing a new model of the research. This includes the relationships between locational factors, ambidexterity in OI and innovation performance. It also examines the moderating effect of ACAP and, more importantly, the mediation effect of ambidexterity in OI on the relationship between locational factors and innovation performance. The findings of the thesis reveal that locational factors positively affect ambidexterity in OI, while ACAP positively moderates the relationship between the two factors. In addition, ambidexterity in OI - an optimal combination of inbound and outbound OI - can significantly influence innovation performance and is crucial to the ambidextrous conduction of firms. ACAP also positively moderates the relationship between ambidexterity in OI and innovation performance. Finally, ambidexterity in OI can mediate the relationship between locational factors and innovation performance, and ACAP moderates the overall relationship between locational factors, ambidexterity in OI and innovation performance. This thesis makes a number of contributions to the existing OI literature. First, building on the cluster perspective, the thesis contributes to the literature on OI by recognising the influence of locational factors on the balance in OI. The examination of ACAP also contributes to the literature by highlighting the contingent value of ACAP on the relationship between locational factors and the balance in OI. Second, the thesis contributes to the OI literature by bringing a greater conceptual clarity to the view of balance. A more balanced portfolio can bring better innovation performance than those that are less balanced. The thesis also enriches the knowledge in the relationship between the balance in OI and innovation performance, which demonstrates the moderating effect of ACAP on this relationship. Third, the study conceptualises the balance in OI that mediates the relationship between locational factors and innovation performance. It is a key contribution to the existing OI literature by advancing our understanding of the overall relationship among locational factors, the balance in OI and innovation performance.

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