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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ger systematiskt kvalitetsarbete bättre resultat i årskurs 9? : En studie av två skolor som fått kvalitetsutmärkelsen Bättre Skola

Stener Thörnlund, Lena January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Innovation- och säkerhetsvetenskap : En fruktbar syntes

Torsne, Tommy January 2008 (has links)
The foundation for the thesis is a literature study within two areas: safety and innovation science. In the thesis safety science will revolve around how different methods and various models are used to identify and reduce risks, i.e. to secure the functionality within limited systems. Theories of innovation will among other things revolve around the process of creating ideas and bring them to market. The intention is to present central thoughts and conceptions within these two disciplines. In relation to this stage, theories from innovation will be taken into consideration in order to supplement the general working order of how risks in technical system are handled. The purpose is to enrich the area of safety with inspiration from theory of innovation and to generate hypothesis for continuous research. Theory of innovation has a tradition of bringing ideas or changes forward while theory of risk mainly revolves on identifying and acting on problems. This will be expressed as a tendency within risk and safety not to take particular parts developed within theory of innovation into consideration, and therefore you may miss valuable knowledge around the ability to bring change to a successful close. This can for example be expressed as theory of innovation has more detailed knowledge surrounding development of a solution, selection of a solution, and how these solutions are best implemented. The study has shown that theory of innovation can supplement the area of risk and safety and that these two areas, in a collected form, can improve the requirement for working with the reduction of risks. The result can from an organizational perspective be about improved conditions for long term survival by an increased awareness into different work strategies strengths’ and weaknesses’.

Globala miljöproblem i svensk dagspress : En diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters framställning av den globala uppvärmningen / Globalen environmental problems in the Swedish daily press : A discourse analysis of Dagens Nyheter's description of the global warming

Larsson, Emma January 2003 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att analysera och kritiskt granska hur den globala uppvärmningen framställs och kommuniceras i Sveriges största dagstidning Dagens Nyheter. Jag har genomfört en diskursanalys av tidningsartiklar publicerade under en period av två år (2001-2003) som be-handlar och beskriver den globala uppvärmningen. Tre tydliga mönster utefter vilken den globala uppvärmningen framställts har identifierats i denna undersökning. För det första beskrivs pro- blematiken utifrån ett nationellt perspektiv, där både ett förändrat och ett ökat politiskt ledarskap krävs. För det andra behandlar man frågan utifrån ett internationellt politiskt perspektiv som ka-rakteriseras av en internationell konflikt mellan framförallt Europa och USA. Och för det tredje framställs problematiken utifrån ett forskningsperspektiv och i detta sammanhang beskrivs ris-kerna som mycket stora och alarmerande. Generellt sett kan man säga att dagstidningens framställning har visat sig vara mycket fragmentarisk och splittrad och ingen helhetsbild framträder kring frågan. Man kan också dra slutsatsen att frågan i stor utsträckning uppmärksammas då specifika händelser, som kan kopplas till den globala uppvärmningen, inträffar. De delar utav pro- blematiken som inte ryms inom ramen för de specifika händelserna tenderar att uteslutas i framställningen.

Idélab en innovativ organisation? / Idélab an innovative organization?

Öqvist, Andreas, Sandberg, Emil January 2009 (has links)
I och med den ökade globaliseringen, ställs det dagligen nya krav och förväntningar på organisationer att möta de fluktuerande behov som omvärlden ställer på dem. Användningen och spridningen av begreppet innovation har aldrig varit så stort eller starkt som idag och det sträcker sig alltifrån regeringspropositioner, forskning, varumärken och konsumentartiklar. Alla vill ta del av det nya ”inne ordet - innovation” men vad är egentligen innovation och vad innebär det för en organisation att vara innovativa? Vi har valt att försöka samla dessa begrepp för att åstadkomma en förståelse för vad innovation egentligen är och hur en organisation kan dra nytta av det.

Vårdpersonalens följsamhet till de basala rutinerna gällande handhygien. : - en litteraturstudie

Persson, Annelie, Zetterqvist, Åsa January 2009 (has links)
Handhygien är en grundläggande princip som förebygger, kontrollerar och reducerar vårdrelaterade infektioner och är ensam den mest effektiva metoden för att bryta en smittspridning. Syfte: att belysa vårdpersonalens följsamhet till de basala rutinerna gällande handhygien. Metod: Författarna gjorde en litteratursökning och granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar inom området. Resultat: Vårdpersonalens följsamhet till handhygienrutinerna visade sig ligga mellan 16,5%-70% och var större efter än före patientvård. Det fanns faktorer som gynnade och minskade följsamheten. Diskussion: Författarna fann stöd i sin teori om att vårdpersonalen skyddar sig i första hand själv och utför därför handhygienen i större grad än efter patientkontakt. Då det visade sig att kunskap leder till ökad följsamhet ansåg författarna att en årlig genomgång av handhygienrutinerna är lika viktigt som att repetera hjärt- och lungräddning.

Miljötillsyn och miljörevision : samarbetspartners för ett resurseffektivare tillsynsarbete

Alenius, Boel January 2005 (has links)
Förhoppningar har sedan flera år tillbaka funnits både från miljöcertifierade företags och certifieringsorganens sida att ett certifierat miljöledningssystem skulle ge skäl till lättnader i den operativa tillsynen. Det finns även en resursbrist hos tillsynsmyndigheterna så att tillsynspersonerna inte har möjlighet att utföra tillsyn i den omfattning man önskar. Det har under senare år vuxit fram frivilliga åtaganden inom miljöarbetet. Miljöledningssystem är ett av dem. För att kontrollera miljöledningssystemens funktion revideras dessa periodiskt återkommande av certifieringsorganen. Revisionerna skulle kunna utgöra ett komplement till tillsynsmyndigheternas tillsyn. Ett resurseffektivare tillsynsarbete skulle kunna nås om det då gick att frigöra resurser hos tillsynsmyndigheterna genom att införa lättnader i tillsynen vid miljöcertifierade företag. Vilket skulle kunna ge tillsynsmyndigheterna en möjlighet att lägga sina resurser där det bäst behövs. Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskaperna om och hur miljörevision och miljötillsyn kan samverka för ett resurseffektivare tillsynsarbete. Detta har undersökts genom kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer med tillsynspersoner, revisorer och miljöansvariga personer. Studien visade på att det finns möjligheter till ett resurseffektivare tillsynsarbete eftersom de teoretiska skillnaderna mellan den operativa tillsynen och underhållsrevisionen är få och små. Denna studie visar även att det finns förutsättningar i praktiken för att den operativa tillsynen och underhållsrevisionen ska kunna samverka till ett resurseffektivare tillsynsarbete samt att det finns skäl till lättnader i tillsynen hos miljöcertifierade företag.

Pop-culture icons as agents of change? : The roles and fucntions of celebrity activists in peace- and development related global issues

Andersson, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the possible theoretic and (f)actual role(s) of pop-culture icons in peace and evelopment-related global issues, using the qualitative research methods of text- and discourse analysis. Do pop-culture icons have a role to play at all in this field? If so, what is that role? What are these celebrity activists currently saying and doing on the international development scene and what are their analyses like? What are their current and historical functions? There is support in the academic literature suggesting that celebrity activists can possess vast power resources (scope of influence), (soft) power and (charismatic) authority, which in turn enables them to influence the attitudes and values of (especially young, receptive) people. The findings also show that the most successful celebrity activists have a global reach, as well as access to the international arenas of political power (e. g. the G8 and the World Economic Forum). Celebrity activists seem to be able to "sell" messages in a way that the politicians and officials of today cannot. When they speak, people listen. They further employ a two-level outreach, as they connect with political and economical elite groups as well as with the masses of world citizens in a way that politicians and officials, whose influence is more often limited by traditional nation state boundaries, cannot. I argue that the celebrity activists should be seen as a complement to the civil society and the work of NGO's and INGO's, since it is by further enhancing their work and strengthening their agendas that most of them act.Celebrity activists offer an alternative to the political establishment, which is viewed by suspicion by large groups of citizens, and can play a role in empowerment, inspiration, education, information, awareness raising, fundraising, opinion building and lobbying and function as diplomats, spokespersons, ambassadors, entrepreneurs, convenors and heroic voices.

Vem för de törstigas talan? : En studie av debatten kring vattensektorn

Stenholm, Moa January 2008 (has links)
1.1 billion people are today living without sustainable access to improved water. The debate over the water sector has been dominated by the discussion over whether public or private actors are the most competent to manage it. In this paper the arguments pro and contra the two positions are presented to try to overview the debate and to try to find new ways to approach the question of the people living without clean water. By examining possible alternatives towards the discussion of public and private actors, it might result in some new approaches on how to move closer towards a solution. One alternative is local, small- scale projects which focus on the situation of the targetgroup in most need. I have in this paper tried to find signs of that the debate is changing in a way that would bring positive outcomes for the people living without access to improved water. The debate is changing, both the private as well as the public sector is changing their ways of working and the alternative approach is increasing its influence. Hopefully the debate can move away from the discussion of ideology and acknowledge the strengths of each other to result in possible solutions of the water problems. With the increasing interest and concern for the question of water there is thus an opportunity for a change in the debate that would benefit the ones living without sustainable access to improved water.

Plattform Göteborg : En utvärdering av ett integrationsprojekt i Göteborg

Hansson, Karolin January 2008 (has links)
In 2005 the Swedish government introduced a law of amnesty for refugees in the country which made the Minister of Integration invite a number of national organizations to discuss this law. After that, seven organizations in Gothenburg also felt that something should be done and they started talking about a cooperation to improve the situation for newly arrived people to Gothenburg. They formed a project, “Plattform Göteborg”, which in this paper will be evaluated according to a manual from Sida. The project consists of seven organizations which have their separate activities formed by them to improve the integration. They do things such as teach Swedish, offer a place for counseling, teach sports to young people and have different activities for children. I will here present these activities, how the organizations planned this, whether these plans is in accordance with what really happened and evaluate the results. To do this I have preformed interviews with the people involved. I have then examined and evaluated the project according to five different criteria; effectiveness, impact, relevance, sustainability and efficiency. From this I have concluded that the idea of a cooperation between organizations is good and necessary a better cooperation with the municipality is needed to make it work better. The project also needs to be structured in a better way and more well-planned, and here the organizations could help each other better. It is also necessary to take effects in to consideration in a better way than done up until now, to see what they want to get out from the project and also think to examine more after which effects that have come from this.

Teaching a Child to Walk : perspectives on the contemporary situation in Kosovo

Emilsson, Olof January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to achieve a greater understanding of the contemporary situation in Kosovo. This understanding is to be made concrete by viewing the international community’s and the domestic actor’s view of the root causes to the contemporary situation. First, the historical background and the contemporary political-, economical- and societal situation of the province are presented. Secondly follows the International Community’s- and the domestic actors stated view that is analyzed using the theories of Political Culture, Relative Deprivation and Human Needs. The method that I have chosen is the qualitative together with Semi Structured Interviews that took place in Kosovo during spring 2007. I find in my analysis that the view of the International Community and the domestic actors differ. The international community judge the root causes to be foremost the economy, historical legacy and unresolved status and that these have an Interest need based feature. The Kosovo Albanian elite deems that the economy, dual administration, living in a post-communist society and the unresolved status are the most important root causes. The Kosovo Serbs judge them to be lack of political stability and security, and the unresolved status. These needs are Value- and Human Need based to a greater extent than the International Community’s stated ones. Keywords: Kosovo, International and Domestic Perspective, Relative Deprivation, Human Needs

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