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Design of circuits to enhance the performace of high frequency planar Gunn diodesMaricar, Mohamed Ismaeel January 2014 (has links)
The project contains adventurous research, with an aim to understand and design a planar Gunn diode with a novel integrated circuit configuration to extract the 2nd harmonic. This will potentially enhance the Gunn diode as a high frequency source towards frequencies in excess of 600 GHz. The RF performance from the above integrated circuit was achieved by design and simulation of radial and diamond stub resonators, which were used to short the fundamental oscillation frequency while allowing the second harmonic frequency to pass through to the load. The diamond stub resonator is a new configuration offering a number of advantages which include a higher loaded quality factor and occupies 55% less chip area than a comparable radial stub resonator. The designed novel circuits with integrated planar Gunn diode were fabricated using microwave monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC) technology at the James Watt Nanofabrication centre in Glasgow University. Full DC and microwave characterisation of the diodes and integrated circuits with diodes was carried out using a semiconductor analyser, network analyser (10 MHz to 110GHz) and spectrum analyser (10 MHz to 125GHz). The microwave measurements were carried out at the high frequency RF laboratories in Glasgow University. Both GaAs and InP based Gunn diodes were characterised and RF characterisation work showed that higher fundamental frequencies could be obtained from Gunn diodes fabricated on InGaAs on a lattice matched InP substrate. Planar Gunn diodes with an anode to cathode spacing of 4 microns giving a fundamental frequency of oscillation of 60 GHz were fabricated as an integrated circuit with coplanar waveguide (CPW) circuit elements to extract the second harmonic. A second harmonic frequency of 120 GHz with an RF output power of -14.11 dBm was extracted with very good fundamental frequency suppression. To the authors knowledge this was the first time second harmonic frequencies have been extracted from a planar Gunn diode technology. Aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) planar Gunn diodes were also designed with an integrated series inductor to match the diode at the fundamental frequency to obtain higher RF output powers. Devices with a 1 micron anode to cathode separation gave the highest fundamental oscillation frequency of 121 GHz the highest reported for a GaAs based Gunn diode and with an RF output power of -9 dBm. These circuits will have potential applications in secure communications, terahertz imaging etc.
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Croissance de NFs d'InP sur silicium par épitaxie par jets moléculaires en mode VLSNaji, Khalid 18 November 2010 (has links)
Les nanofils (NFs) semiconducteurs suscitent un intérêt croissant depuis ces dix dernières années, aussi bien pour leurs propriétés fondamentales que pour leurs applications potentielles dans de nombreux domaines (électronique, optoélectronique, photonique, photovoltaïque, …). Par exemple, grâce à leur aptitude à relaxer des contraintes, ils présentent une nouvelle voie pour l’intégration monolithique des matériaux semiconducteurs III-V sur le substrat de Silicium. C’est dans ce contexte que s’est déroulée cette thèse axée sur la croissance de NFs d’InP sur Silicium par la technique d’épitaxie EJM en mode VLS (pour Vapeur-Liquide-Solide). Nous avons étudié les mécanismes de croissance VLS de ces NFs et comparé nos résultats expérimentaux à des modèles théoriques. Nous avons plus particulièrement décrit la forme, la direction de croissance, la nature des facettes et les propriétés structurales des NFs d’InP, en fonction des conditions de croissance, en particulier du rapport V/III. Nous avons aussi étudié la croissance de NFs d’InP sur une surface de SrTiO3 qui vise à l’obtention de NFs verticaux sur Si(001). Nous avons enfin abordé d’autres aspects nécessaires pour l’intégration de tels NFs dans des composants actifs, comme la croissance d’héterostructures axiale, le dopage ou encore la localisation spatiale de ces NFs. / Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) have seen an increasing interest for the last ten years either for the study of their fundamental properties or for their high potential for applications in the field of microelectronics (high speed transistor) and optoelectronics (LED, LASER photovoltaics) For instance, thanks to their specific mode for lattice-mismatch relaxation, IIIVNWs can be grown on foreign substrates such as Si for monolithic integration with keeping a high crystalline quality. This PhD thesis has been oriented towards the growth and characterization of InP naowires on Si by VLS assisted MBE technique. We have studied growth mechanisms as a function of growth parameters, more specifically the effect of V/IIIBEP ratio, and have compared experimental results to theoretical predictions on growth kinetics. We also have studied the growth of InP NWs on SrTiO3 substrates in order to favor the vertical growth on Si (001). For technological applications, we have performed doping, growth of core-shell heterostructures experiments. We also tried selective epitaxy for thesurface localisation of NWs.
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Croissance et spectroscopie de boîtes quantiques diluées d'InAs/InP(001) pour des applications nanophotoniques à 1,55 µmDupuy, Emmanuel 22 December 2009 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la croissance épitaxiale et la caractérisation optique de boîtes quantiques d’InAs/InP(001) en faible densité en vue de la réalisation de nouveaux composants nanophotoniques émettant à 1,55 µm. Les propriétés structurales et optiques des îlots ont été corrélés pour différents paramètres de croissance d’un système d’épitaxie par jet moléculaire à sources solides. Nos résultats soulignent l’influence des reconstructions de surface d’InAs sur la forme des îlots. Des boîtes, plutôt que des bâtonnets allongés généralement observés,peuvent être directement formées dans des conditions de croissance adéquates. Une transition de forme de bâtonnets vers des boîtes est également démontrée par des traitements postcroissance sous arsenic. Les faibles densités de boîtes sont obtenues pour des faibles épaisseurs d’InAs déposées. Leur émission est facilement contrôlée à 1,55 µm par une procédure d’encapsulation spécifique appelé « double cap ». Quelques propriétés des boîtes individuelles d’InAs/InP sont ensuite évaluées. Les études de micro-photoluminescence révèlent des pics d’émission très fins et distincts autour de 1,55 µm confirmant les propriétés« quasi-atomiques » de ces boîtes uniques. Enfin, nous proposons pour la première fois une méthode à haute résolution spatiale qui permet d’étudier le transport de charges autour d’une boîte unique grâce à une technique de cathodoluminescence à basse tension d’accélération.Une mesure directe de la longueur de diffusion des porteurs avant capture dans une boîte a été obtenue. Ces résultats ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives quant à l’intégration de ces boîtes uniques dans des microcavités optiques pour la réalisation de sources de lumières quantiques à 1,55 µm. / This thesis focus on the epitaxial growth and optical characterization of diluted InAs/InP(001) quantum dots for the realisation of new nanophotonic devices emitting at 1.55μm. The structural and optical properties of the quantum islands are correlated to different growth parameters of a solid source molecular beam epitaxy system. Our results highlight the influence of InAs surface reconstructions on the island shape. Dots rather than elongated dashes usually observed can be directly formed by adequate growth conditions. Dash to dot shape transition is also demonstrated by post-growth treatments. Low dot densities are obtained for small InAs deposited thickness. Their emission wavelength is easily tuned to1.55 µm using the “double cap” procedure for the growth of the InP capping layer. Optical properties of such single InAs/InP quantum dots are then evaluated. Microphotoluminescence studies reveal sharp and well separated emission lines near 1.55 µm from single dots confirming their atom-like properties. Last, we propose for the first time a highspatial resolution method to study the carrier transport in the vicinity of a single quantum dotusing a low-voltage cathodoluminescence technique. A direct measurement of the carrier diffusion length before capture into one dot has been obtained. These results open the way to the integration of these single dots into optical micro-cavities for the realisation of quantumlight sources at 1.55 µm.
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Temporal Patterning and Generation of Neural Diversity in Drosophila Type II Neuroblast LineagesBayraktar, Omer 03 October 2013 (has links)
The central nervous system (CNS) has an astonishing diversity of neurons and glia. The diversity of cell types in the CNS has greatly increased throughout evolution and underlies our unique cognitive abilities. The diverse neurons and glia in the CNS are made from a relatively small pool of neural stem cells and progenitors. Understanding the developmental mechanisms that generate diverse cell types from neural progenitors will provide insight into the complexity of the mammalian CNS and guide stem cell based therapies for brain repair. Temporal patterning, during which individual neural progenitors change over time to make different neurons and a glia, is essential for the generation of neural diversity. However, the regulation of temporal patterning is poorly understood.
Human outer subventricular zone (OSVZ) neural stem cells and Drosophila type II neural stem cells (called neuroblasts) both generate transit-amplifying intermediate neural progenitors (INPs). INPs undergo additional rounds of cell division to increase the number of neurons and glia generated in neural stem cell lineages. However, it is unknown whether INPs simply expand the numbers of a particular cell type or make diverse neural progeny. In this dissertation, I show that type II neuroblast lineages give rise to extraordinary neural diversity in the Drosophila adult brain and contribute diverse neurons to a major brain structure, the central complex. I find that INPs undergo temporal patterning to expand neural diversity in type II lineages. I show that INPs sequentially generate distinct neural subtypes; that INPs sequentially express Dichaete, Grainyhead, and Eyeless transcription factors; and that these transcription factors are required for the production of distinct neural subtypes. Moreover, I find that parental type II neuroblasts also sequentially express transcription factors and generate different neuronal/glial progeny over time, providing a second temporal identity axis. I conclude that neuroblast and INP temporal patterning axes act combinatorially to specify diverse neural cell types within adult central complex; OSVZ neural stem cells may use similar mechanisms to increase neural diversity in the human brain.
This dissertation includes previously published co-authored material.
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Autofocalisation infrarouge dans InP:Fe et SPS pour télécommunicationsDan, Cristian 23 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse a été l'évaluation de deux semi-conducteurs (l'InP :Fe et le SPS :Te) comme matériaux pour les télécommunications optiques aux longueurs d'ondes infrarouges. <br /> D'abord, en ce qui concerne l'InP :Fe: nous avons fait une caractérisation systématique du phénomène d'autofocalisation photoréfractive, prenant en compte les paramètres les plus importants qui intervient dans ce phénomène (température, dopage, intensité du faisceau et de l'éclairage de fond, polarisation du faisceau). Ainsi, nous sommes maintenant capables de contrôler le phénomène d'autofocalisation. En tenant compte également des temps de réponse mesurés et des simulations réalisées, nous croyons que l'interaction de deux faisceaux autofocalisés est possible et maîtrisable sur une échelle de temps de l'ordre de microsecondes. Néanmoins, alors que nous connaissons l'influence des paramètres mis en jeu sur l'autofocalisation, le développement d'un modèle théorique reste indispensable pour une compréhension des mécanismes physiques qui déterminent la dynamique de l'autofocalisation photoréfractive. Nos mesures expérimentales et simulations théoriques ont montré que les modèles existants ne décrivent pas d'une manière satisfaisante les phénomènes observés dans InP :Fe.<br /> En revanche, l'autofocalisation observée dans le SPS :Te est décrite par les modèles "classiques" existants. On peut dire que ce deux matériaux sont complémentaires: alors que dans le SPS :Te l'autofocalisation est plus lente que dans l'InPFe, elle est plus forte et plus facile à maîtriser. Tenant compte de cette remarque, nous croyons que ces deux matériaux trouveront leur place dans de futures applications.
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Interférences Raman et NanostructuresCazayous, Maximilien 27 October 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Les structurations de la matière à l'échelle nanométrique ont ouvert de larges champs d'étude. L'analyse des propriétés structurales des nanostructures, de leur degré d'organisation ainsi que leur influence sur les propriétés électroniques représentent actuellement un défi de première importance. Pour accéder à ces informations, il est souvent nécessaire de faire appel à un ensemble de techniques expérimentales et numériques souvent complexes dans leur mise en oeuvre. Dans cette contribution, nous étudions l'organisation et le confinement électronique dans des multiplans de boîtes quantiques, en nous appuyant à la fois sur une étude expérimentale et un travail de modélisation. Les interférences Raman, observées dans la gamme des phonons acoustiques, résultent de l'interaction entre ces derniers et les états électroniques localisés dans les nanostructures. Parce qu'ils explorent une gamme allant de quelques nanomètres à plusieurs centaines de nanomètres, les phonons acoustiques représentent une sonde particulièrement efficace pour l'étude des nanosystèmes. Les interférences Raman utilisent leur sensibilité pour la mesure des propriétés structurales et électroniques. Elles permettent de mesurer les effets de corrélation verticale et latérale dans les multiplans de boîtes quantiques. Nous avons développé un modèle général dont le domaine d'application s'étend des systèmes contenant quelques plans au super-réseaux. En utilisant l'analyse de Fourier des interférences, on détermine la fonction d'auto-corrélation de la densité de probabilité électronique selon l'axe de croissance. Sensible à la taille et à la forme de la densité électronique, les interférences Raman ouvrent la voie à une imagerie optique de la densité électronique.
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Plasma assisted low temperature semiconductor wafer bondingPasquariello, Donato January 2001 (has links)
<p>Direct semiconductor wafer bonding has emerged as a technology to meet the demand foradditional flexibility in materials integration. The applications are found in microelectronics, optoelectronics and micromechanics. For instance, wafer bonding is used to produce silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers. Wafer bonding is also interesting to use for combining dissimilar semiconductors, such as Si and InP, with different dictated optical, electronic and mechanicalproperties. This enables a completely new freedom in the design of components and systems, e.g. for high performance optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEIC). Although wafer bonding has proved to be a useful and versatile tool, the high temperature annealing that is needed to achieve reliable properties sometimes hampers its applicability. Therefore, low temperature wafer bonding procedures may further qualify this technology.</p><p>In the present thesis, low temperature wafer bonding procedures using oxygen plasma surface activation have been studied. A specially designed fixture was adopted enabling <i>in situ </i>oxygen plasma wafer bonding. Oxygen plasma surface activation was seen to indeed yield high Si-Si bonding-strength at low temperatures. Here, the optimisation of the plasma parameters was shown to be the key to improved results. Furthermore, dependence of wafer bonded Si p-n junctions on the annealing temperature was investigated. InP-to-Si wafer bonding is also presented within this thesis. High temperature annealing was seen to induce severe material degradation. However, using oxygen plasma assisted wafer bonding reliable InP-to-Si integration was achieved already at low temperature, thereby circumventing the problems associated with the lattice and thermal mismatch that exist between these materials. As a result, low temperature InP-based epitaxial-layer transferring to Si could be presented. Finally, high-quality SiO2 insulator on InP and Si was realised at low temperatures.</p><p>It is concluded that low temperature oxygen plasma assisted wafer bonding is an interesting approach to integrate dissimilar materials, for a wide range of applications.</p>
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Plasma assisted low temperature semiconductor wafer bondingPasquariello, Donato January 2001 (has links)
Direct semiconductor wafer bonding has emerged as a technology to meet the demand foradditional flexibility in materials integration. The applications are found in microelectronics, optoelectronics and micromechanics. For instance, wafer bonding is used to produce silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers. Wafer bonding is also interesting to use for combining dissimilar semiconductors, such as Si and InP, with different dictated optical, electronic and mechanicalproperties. This enables a completely new freedom in the design of components and systems, e.g. for high performance optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEIC). Although wafer bonding has proved to be a useful and versatile tool, the high temperature annealing that is needed to achieve reliable properties sometimes hampers its applicability. Therefore, low temperature wafer bonding procedures may further qualify this technology. In the present thesis, low temperature wafer bonding procedures using oxygen plasma surface activation have been studied. A specially designed fixture was adopted enabling in situ oxygen plasma wafer bonding. Oxygen plasma surface activation was seen to indeed yield high Si-Si bonding-strength at low temperatures. Here, the optimisation of the plasma parameters was shown to be the key to improved results. Furthermore, dependence of wafer bonded Si p-n junctions on the annealing temperature was investigated. InP-to-Si wafer bonding is also presented within this thesis. High temperature annealing was seen to induce severe material degradation. However, using oxygen plasma assisted wafer bonding reliable InP-to-Si integration was achieved already at low temperature, thereby circumventing the problems associated with the lattice and thermal mismatch that exist between these materials. As a result, low temperature InP-based epitaxial-layer transferring to Si could be presented. Finally, high-quality SiO2 insulator on InP and Si was realised at low temperatures. It is concluded that low temperature oxygen plasma assisted wafer bonding is an interesting approach to integrate dissimilar materials, for a wide range of applications.
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Design, Fabrication and Analysis of InP-InGaAsP Traveling-Wave Electro-Absorption ModulatorsIrmscher, Stefan January 2003 (has links)
External modulators will become key components in fiberoptical communica- tion systems operating at 40Gbit/s andhigher bitrates. Semiconductor electro- absorption (EA)modulators are promising candidates because of their high-speed potential, and their process compatibility with thecorresponding semi- conductor laser light sources. Thetraveling-wave (TW) electrode concept for electro-opticmodulators has been used for a long time in order to resolvethe con°ict between high modulation depth and highmodulation bandwidth. Re- cently, it has been adopted for EAmodulators as well. This thesis presents the work carried out on design,fabrication and analysis of traveling-wave EA modulators(TWEAM) based on InP-InGaAsP. The lengths of TWEAM arecomparable to the lengths of their lumped counterparts. Theexperimental data of this work were analyzed in order show thatthe traveling- wave concept results in better performance evenfor short EA modulators. One key issue is the impedancematching. The low intrinsic characteristic modulator impedancehas to be matched with a corresponding load. In this case, theTW con figuration leads to a much higher bandwidth than for alumped EA modulator with the same length and the same connectedload. An InP process was developed allowing the fabrication ofTWEAM with integrated termination resistors. Experimentalmicrowave properties were ob- tained for different TWEAMgeometries. It is reported on long TWEAM that showstate-of-the-art bandwidth. A 450&#956m long TWEAM reached43GHz, and 67GHz (beyond characterization limit) were indicatedfor a 250&#956m device. The experimental results onmicrowave properties were compared to full-wave, and circuitmodel simulations. The analysis reveals an impedance bandwidthtrade- off for the cross sectional electrode configuration. Results of a new high-impedance design in form of asegmented TWEAM are presented. The devices were processedwithin the frame of this work and record bandwidth performanceis reported. At 50&#937 impedance a bandwidth in the90GHz region was indicated.
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Design, Fabrication and Analysis of InP-InGaAsP Traveling-Wave Electro-Absorption ModulatorsIrmscher, Stefan January 2003 (has links)
<p>External modulators will become key components in fiberoptical communica- tion systems operating at 40Gbit/s andhigher bitrates. Semiconductor electro- absorption (EA)modulators are promising candidates because of their high-speed potential, and their process compatibility with thecorresponding semi- conductor laser light sources. Thetraveling-wave (TW) electrode concept for electro-opticmodulators has been used for a long time in order to resolvethe con°ict between high modulation depth and highmodulation bandwidth. Re- cently, it has been adopted for EAmodulators as well.</p><p>This thesis presents the work carried out on design,fabrication and analysis of traveling-wave EA modulators(TWEAM) based on InP-InGaAsP. The lengths of TWEAM arecomparable to the lengths of their lumped counterparts. Theexperimental data of this work were analyzed in order show thatthe traveling- wave concept results in better performance evenfor short EA modulators. One key issue is the impedancematching. The low intrinsic characteristic modulator impedancehas to be matched with a corresponding load. In this case, theTW con figuration leads to a much higher bandwidth than for alumped EA modulator with the same length and the same connectedload.</p><p>An InP process was developed allowing the fabrication ofTWEAM with integrated termination resistors. Experimentalmicrowave properties were ob- tained for different TWEAMgeometries. It is reported on long TWEAM that showstate-of-the-art bandwidth. A 450μm long TWEAM reached43GHz, and 67GHz (beyond characterization limit) were indicatedfor a 250μm device. The experimental results onmicrowave properties were compared to full-wave, and circuitmodel simulations. The analysis reveals an impedance bandwidthtrade- off for the cross sectional electrode configuration.</p><p>Results of a new high-impedance design in form of asegmented TWEAM are presented. The devices were processedwithin the frame of this work and record bandwidth performanceis reported. At 50Ω impedance a bandwidth in the90GHz region was indicated.</p>
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