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Three dimensional X-ray Bragg ptychography of an extended semiconductor heterostructure / Microscopie quantitative tri-dimensionnelle de nanostructures cristallinesPateras, Anastasios 07 December 2015 (has links)
La ptychographie est une technique d’imagerie par diffraction cohérente qui vise à récupérer la phase perdue, uniquement par des mesures d’intensité en champ lointain. Cette technique permet l’imagerie des champs de déformation dans des cristaux périodiques avec des résolutions sous-faisceau. Dans ce travail, la ptychographie de Bragg en 3D est utilisée pour étudier les propriétés d’une couche cristalline nanostructurée de InP/InGaAs collée sur un substrat de silicium. L’expérience a été réalisée sur la ligne ID13 de l’ESRF, avec un faisceau monochromatique concentré à 100nm. Les intensités 2D ont été acquises avec plusieurs angles d’incidence dans le voisinage du pic de Bragg InP (004), empilant un jeu de données tridimensionnelles. L’analyse numérique du problème donné a été effectuée à l’avance afin d’optimiser la stratégie d’inversion et d’étudier la possibilité d’introduire des contraintes physiques supplémentaires basées sur des approches de régularisation. L’inversion de l’ensemble des données a été effectuée en utilisant un algorithme ptychographique de reconstruction de phase. L’image 3D récupérée représente la haute qualité cristalline de l’échantillon, avec les valeurs de l’épaisseur et du désaccord de maille attendus en moyenne. Néanmoins, de petites inclinaisons locales de mailles ont été observées - de l’ordre de 0.02°- et confirmées par modélisation numérique. Les résultats démontrent la sensibilité de la technique, ainsi que ses perspectives passionnantes pour l’imagerie des matériaux organiques et inorganiques nanostructurés complexes. / Ptychography is a coherent diffraction imaging technique which aims in retrieving the lost phase from intensity-only far-field measurements. The versatility of the approach has proved an important asset for 3D mapping of different physical quantities, like the electron density of micrometer-sized specimens with resolution in the 10 - 100nm range. In this work, we explored the possibility to push further the current limits of 3D Bragg ptychography, by addressing the case of an extended InP/InGaAs nanostructured thin film, bonded on a silicon wafer. The experiment was performed at the ID13 beamline at ESRF, with a monochromatic beam focused down to 100nm. 2D intensity patterns were acquired at several incidence angles in the vicinity of the InP (004) Bragg peak, stacking up a three dimensional dataset. Numerical analysis of the given problem was performed beforehand in order to optimize the inversion strategy and study the possibility of introducing additional physical constraints through regularization approaches. Inversions of the dataset were done using a ptychographical gradient-based optimization phase retrieval algorithm. The developed strategy was applied on the experimental data which led to the retrieval of a complex-valued 3D image. The result exhibits the high crystallinity quality of the sample with the expected values of thickness and lattice mismatch, nevertheless, small local lattice tilts have been observed - in the order of 0.02°- and confirmed by numerical modeling. This result demonstrates the high sensitivity of the technique, as well as its exciting perspectives for imaging complex organic and inorganic nanostructured materials.
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Croissance et spectroscopie de boîtes quantiques diluées d'InAs/InP(001) pour des applications nanophotoniques à 1,55 [micro]mDupuy, Emmanuel January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focus on the epitaxial growth and optical characterization of diluted InAs/InP(001) quantum dots for the realisation of new nanophotonic devices emitting at 1.55 [micro]m. The structural and optical properties of the quantum islands are correlated to different growth parameters of a solid source molecular beam epitaxy system. Our results highlight the influence of InAs surface reconstructions on the island shape. Dots rather than elongated dashes usually observed can be directly formed by adequate growth conditions. Dash to dot shape transition is also demonstrated by post-growth treatments. Low dot densities are obtained for small InAs deposited thickness. Their emission wavelength is easily tuned to 1.55 [micro]m using the"double cap" procedure for the growth of the InP capping layer. Optical properties of such single InAs/InP quantum dots are then evaluated. Micro-photoluminescence studies reveal sharp and well separated emission lines near 1.55 [micro]m from single dots confirming their atom-like properties. Last, we propose for the first time a high spatial resolution method to study the carrier transport in the vicinity of a single quantum dot using a low-voltage cathodoluminescence technique. A direct measurement of the carrier diffusion length before capture into one dot has been obtained. These results open the way to the integration of these single dots into optical micro-cavities for the realisation of quantum light sources at 1.55 [micro]m.
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Interdiffusion de puits quantiques contrôlée par irradiation laser excimère pour l'intégration de composants photoniquesGenest, Jonathan January 2008 (has links)
L'intégration de composants discrets sur un système unique, tel une puce électronique, augmente les performances totales du système, fait apparaitre de nouvelles fonctionnalités et diminue les coûts associés à la fabrication des dispositifs. Ces améliorations, appliquées au secteur de la microélectronique, sont grandement responsables des avancements importants qu'ont connus les technologies de l'information et des communications au cours des dernières années. Puisque la fabrication de circuits photoniques intégrés nécessite l'intégration de structures ayant des bandes interdites différentes à partir d'une même puce semiconductrice, leur niveau d'intégration est bien inférieur que celui atteint pour un microprocesseur standard. Parmi les techniques ayant le potentiel de fabriquer des circuits photoniques intégrés monolithiquement, l'interdiffusion de puits quantique post-expitaxial contrôlée spatialement augmente la bande interdite d'une hétérostructure semiconductrice à l'intérieur de régions définies. Le processus d'interdiffusion, activé thermiquement, est accéléré par la diffusion d'impuretés et de défauts ponctuels tels que les lacunes et les interstitiels. L'hypothèse de départ de mes travaux de doctorat suppose que la radiation laser ultra-violette module la diffusion et la génération de défauts ponctuels dans les hétérostructures reposant sur les technologies à base de GaAs et d'InP et, conséquemment, contrôle spatialement l'interdiffusion de puits quantiques. Nous avons démontré que lorsque appliquée sur des hétérostructures à base de GaAs, l'irradiation laser excimère l'interdiffusion en favorisant la croissance d'un stresseur de surface qui empêche la diffusion des défauts ponctuels vers les puits quantiques. Nous avons souligné l'influence de la vapeur d'eau physisorbée sur la croissance du stresseur et avons déterminé la résolution spatiale de la technique. Dans les hétérostructures basées sur les technologies InP, même sous le seuil d'ablation, l'absorption des impulsions laser UV favorise la désorption des atomes de surface ce qui génère des défauts ponctuels en concentration excédentaire. Lors d'un recuit thermique, ces défauts ponctuels augmentent la vitesse de l'interdiffusion sous les régions irradiées.
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Nanocristaux luminescents de phosphures d'indium et de zinc : synthèse, enrobage et caractérisation / Indium phosphide and zinc phosphide luminescent nanocrystals : synthesis, coating and characterizationVirieux, Heloise 16 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la synthèse organo-métallique de nanoparticules (NPs) semi-conductrices colloïdales de phosphures d’indium (InP), de zinc (Zn3P2) et de structures cœur/coquille obtenues par la croissance d’une couche de sulfure de zinc (ZnS) à la surface des NPs. Les objectifs consistent à comprendre et maîtriser la synthèse dans le but de décaler les longueurs d’onde d’absorption et d’émission vers le proche infra-rouge, domaine spectral intéressant pour l’imagerie biomédicale.Le premier chapitre présente l’état de l’art sur les nanocristaux (NCx) d’InP et d’InP/ZnS. Un bref rappel sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des NCx semi-conducteurs est présenté et différentes synthèses sont décrites. Une attention toute particulière a été portée sur la taille des NCx, le décalage de l’émission de fluorescence vers les plus grandes longueurs d’onde et l’optimisation des rendements quantiques. Les potentialités offertes par ces objets soit pour les diodes électroluminescentes (LED) blanches soit pour l’imagerie biomédicale montrent l’intérêt d’utiliser les NCx de type InP/ZnS plutôt que d’autres matériaux à base d’éléments toxiques (Cd, Pb, …).Le deuxième chapitre porte sur une synthèse à partir des carboxylates d’indium connue de la littérature. Le but est alors de caractériser la structure des NPs pour comprendre le déroulement de la synthèse et de l’enrobage. Des mesures par résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) en phase solide et spectroscopie photo-électronique par rayons X (XPS) révèlent l’oxydation des NPs d’InP. La couche d’oxyde qui se forme durant la synthèse des NPs d’InP s’épaissit lors de l’enrobage. Cette oxydation provient d’un couplage décarboxylant des acides carboxyliques à haute température en présence des NPs. Elle serait à l’origine de l’inhibition de croissance des objets, ce qui limiterait les gammes de longueurs d’onde atteignables.Le troisième chapitre concerne une nouvelle synthèse à partir d’amidinate d’indium au lieu des carboxylates d’indium. L’intérêt de cette approche est la possibilité d’abaisser considérablement la température de réaction (150°C au lieu de 280°C) et ainsi d’éviter la réaction secondaire de décarboxylation. Un enrobage à basse température (150°C) est aussi mis en place. La synthèse induit également une oxydation de la surface des NPs d’InP. Un nouveau couplage a lieu entre les ligands, l’acide palmitique et l’hexadécylamine, et donne de nouvelles conditions oxydantes. Le jeu sur les ratios des ligands montre qu’en bouleversant le milieu réactionnel, les NPs d’InP ne présentent pas de réponse en luminescence concluante. La synthèse et l’enrobage sont alors réalisés sous atmosphère de dihydrogène (H2) en réacteur Fisher-Porter dans le but de contrer ces conditions oxydantes. La synthèse et l’enrobage donnent des tailles de NPs de l’ordre de 3,4 nm (condition nécessaire pour s’approcher d’une émission dans l'infra-rouge) et un rendement quantique de 18-20 %, résultats encore jamais atteints lors de cette thèse.Le dernier chapitre est consacré à une étude exploratoire sur les NPs de Zn3P2. Le phosphure de zinc est un matériau prometteur du fait de l’abondance de ses constituants non toxiques et des longueurs d’onde potentiellement accessibles. Différents paramètres de synthèse sont étudiés et les propriétés structurales et optiques sont caractérisées. Des résultats préliminaires sur l’enrobage montrent des difficultés liées à la stabilité des NPs de Zn3P2. L’utilisation de l’oxyde de trioctylphosphine (TOPO) semble permettre la passivation de ces NPs à l’air et en travaillant sous H2 une meilleure stabilité est envisageable / Résumé de la thèse en anglais : This PhD investigation focuses on organometallic synthesis of indium phosphide (InP), zinc phosphide (Zn3P2) colloidal semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs) and core/shell structures which were obtained by the growth of a layer of zinc sulfide (ZnS) on the surface. The objectives are to understand and control the synthesis in order to shift the absorption and emission wavelengths to the near infra-red range, interesting for biomedical imaging.The first chapter presents the state of the art on the InP and InP/ZnS nanocrystals (NCx). A brief recall on the physical and chemical properties of semiconductor NCx is presented and various syntheses are described. Particular attention was paid to the size of NCx, the shift of the fluorescence emission to higher wavelengths and the optimization of quantum yields. The potential of these objects for white light emitting diodes (LED) or biomedical imaging shows the value added of using InP/ZnS NCx rather than other materials based on toxic elements such as cadmium, lead elements…The second chapter focuses on a synthesis from indium carboxylates known in the literature. The goal is to characterize the structure of NPs to understand the procedure of the synthesis and the coating. Measurements by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in solid state and Photoelectronic X-ray spectroscopy (XPS) revealed the oxidation of InP of the NPs. This oxide layer increases during the coating. This originates from a decarboxylating coupling of carboxylic acids at high temperature in the presence of NPs. This oxidation is believed to inhibit the growth of the object, which restricts the attainable range of wavelengths.The third chapter provides a novel synthesis from indium amidinate instead of indium carboxylate. The advantage of this approach is the potential to lower significantly the reaction temperature (150°C instead of 280°C) and to avoid secondary decarboxylation reaction. A coating with ZnS at low temperature (150°C) is also developed. The synthesis of InP NPs also causes an oxidation of the surface. A coupling takes place again between the ligands, palmitic acid and hexadecylamine providing new oxidizing conditions. The study of different ratios of ligands shows that when the reaction medium is modified, the InP NPs do not exhibit a conclusive luminescence response. Synthesis and coating are carried out under an atmosphere of hydrogen (H2) in Fisher-Porter reactor in order to counter these oxidizing conditions. NPs with diameters of the order of 3,4 nm (a necessary condition to approach the infra-red emission) and a quantum yield of 18-20% are thus obtained. These had never been observed before during this thesis.The last chapter is devoted to an exploratory study on Zn3P2 NPs. Zinc phosphide is a promising material because of non-toxic and abundant constituents, and potential access to near infra-red wavelengths. Different synthesis parameters are studied and the structural and optical properties are characterized. Preliminary results on the coating show instabilities of the Zn3P2 NPs. The use of trioctylphoshine oxide (TOPO) appears to allow the passivation of the NPs in the air and a better stability is possible under an atmosphere of H2
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Fabrication And Characterization Of Inp Based Quantum Well Infrared PhotodetectorsTorunoglu, Gamze 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (QWIPs) have the advantages of excellent uniformity and mature material properties. Thanks to these properties, large format and low cost QWIP focal plane arrays (FPAs) can be fabricated. The standard material system used for QWIP FPAs is AlGaAs/GaAs in the long wavelength infrared (LWIR) band. AlGaAs/GaAs material system has some disadvantages such as low quantum and conversion efficiencies under high frame rate and/or low background conditions. These limitations of the standard material system give rise to research on alternative material systems for QWIPs. InP/InGaAs material system is an alternative to AlGaAs/GaAs for LWIR QWIPs. This thesis focuses on the development of InP/InGaAs QWIP FPAs. A large format (640x512) LWIR QWIP FPA constructed with strained InP/InGaAs system is demonstrated with high quantum and conversion efficiencies. The FPA fabricated with the 40-well epilayer structure yielded a peak quantum efficiency as high as 20% with a broad spectral response (15%). The responsivity peak and the cut-off wavelengths of the FPA are 8.5 and ~9 um, respectively. The peak responsivity of the FPA pixels is larger than 1 A/W with a conversion efficiency as high as ~17 % in the bias region where the detectivity is reasonably high. The FPA provides a background limited performance (BLIP) temperature higher than 65 K (f/1.5) and satisfies the requirements of most low integration time/low background applications. Noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of the FPA is as low as 25 mK with integration times as short as 2 ms (f/1.5, 68 K).
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Control of Plasma Etching of Semiconductor SurfacesZhu, Hongbin January 2005 (has links)
The current semiconductor device manufacturing requires more strict control of plasma etching. In this research, plasma etching was investigated through gas phase characterization and interface reactions. Hydrogen and nitrogen were added to Ar plasmas to manipulate the electro-physical properties that were measured by a Langmuir probe system. Hydrogen addition modified the EEDF (electron energy distribution function) by increasing the electrons in high energy range. Adding N2 formed a strong bi-Maxwellian distribution. Gas addition caused the transition between ohmic and stochastic heating. Ar-CH4-H2 and Ar-N2-H2 plasmas were also tested. Hydrogen atom beam was used on porous silicon dioxide based low-k films to remove silanol groups that were generated due to the damage of films during pattern transfer. At H2 atom beam process at 150 C moved close to 60% silanol groups were removed in less than 3 min with an etching rate of 15 A/min. The apparent activation energy was 2.4 kcal/mol. Hydrogen atoms reacted with Si-O-Si and methyl groups. The etching mechanisms of CH4/H2/Ar plasma for InP were analyzed by a beam reactor system. Sputtering yield was measured, threshold energy was approximately 60 eV. Inert ion beam assisted chemical reactions gave higher etching rate. The CH4 concentration had no strong effect on etching rate after 5%. Etching rate was not sensitive to temperature up to 150 C. The adsorption of methyl groups to the surface was proposed as rate limiting step. Chemical reaction effectively reduced the surface roughness.
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Electrical and optical characterization of InP nanowire-based photodetectorsDawei, Jiang January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with electrical and optical characterization of p+i–n+ nanowire-based photodetectors/solar cells. I have investigated their I-V performance and found that all of them exhibit a clear rectifying behavior with an ideality factor around 2.2 at 300K. used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to extract their optical properties. From the spectrally resolved photocurrent data, I conclude that the main photocurrent is generated in the i-segment of the nanowire (NW) p-i-n junctions, with negligible contribution from the substrate. I also used a C-V technique to investigate the impurity/doping profiles of the NW p+-i-n+ junction. The technique has been widely used for investigations of doping profiles in planar p-n junctions, in particular with one terminal (n or p) highly doped. To verify the accuracy of the technique, I also used a planar Schottky sample with an already known doping profile for a test experiment. The result is very similar to the actual data. When we used the technique to investigate the doping level in the NWs photodetectors grown on InP substrates, the results show a very high capacitance above 800pF which most likely is due to the influence of the parasitic capacitance from the insulating layer of SiO2. Thus, a new sample design is required to investigate the doping profiles of NWs.
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GSMBE Growth and Characterization of InGaAs-InP Structures on SiO2 Patterned SubstratesNagy, Susan 10 1900 (has links)
Gas source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) has been used to grow InGaAs/lnP epitaxial layers in selected areas defined by SiO2-masked InP substrates, with the goal of obtaining controlled in-plane variations in the bandgap of the InGaAs wells. The ability to alter the bandgap of the semiconductor spatially over the surface in one growth procedure is desirable for integrating laser, waveguide and detector devices. To form the masked substrates, stripes (ranging in width from 2 pm to 50 pm) were opened up in SiO2 by standard photolithography. The crystal growths were carried out at various substrate temperatures (ranging from 460 °C to 510 °C) and arsenic fluxes (V/lll ratios ranging from 1.2 to 3.4). The properties of the epitaxial layers were investigated by using such analytical techniques as photoluminescence, electroluminescence and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Photoluminescence measurements performed on waveguide stripes of decreasing width reveal an increasing red-shift of the e1-hh1 transition in InGaAs wells. The maximum red-shift occurred when growing at a high substrate temperature and a low arsenic flux. For example, a decrease in slit width from 50 pm to 10 pm resulted in a 25 meV shift of the photoluminescence peak. From cross-sectional TEM measurements, the wavelength shift observed can be attributed primarily to an increase in thickness of the InGaAs well, due to incorporation of additional indium and gallium migrating from the material on the masked regions. The interfaces in the centre of the stripe region are defect free; however, stacking faults and thickness variations are evident 1-2 pm from the edges. These results are confirmed by scanning photoluminescence, in which the maximum intensity occurs at the centre of the stripe and decreases to zero at the edges. Mapping of the peak wavelength across the stripe reveals a diffusion profile, with the edges being additionally red shifted by 10 nm. Reactive ion etching of the edge and the polycrystalline material results in a much improved spectral photoluminescence scan, in both increased intensity of the bandgap peak and elimination of lower energy peaks assumed to be correlated with edge effects.
Finally, a stripe contact light emitting device, with a single 50 A quantum well InGaAs/lnP structure, was fabricated and electrically pumped. The device exhibited spectral peak wavelength shifts between narrow stripes (10 pm) and wide stripes (50 pm) of 22 nm, similar to the value observed by photoluminescence studies. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)
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Chemical Etching of Semiconductors Assisted by Graphene Oxide / 酸化グラフェンを触媒として用いた新規半導体加工法の開発Kubota, Wataru 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第24582号 / 工博第5088号 / 新制||工||1974(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料工学専攻 / (主査)教授 杉村 博之, 教授 邑瀬 邦明, 教授 宇田 哲也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Reflective Properties and Lasing of InP Photonic Crystals and Frequency Doubling in GaMnN Thin FilmsTu, Chia-Wei 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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