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Family, beyond Family, and Institution: Case Study of Social Entrepreneurship in Taiwan and GermanyHuang, Chang-Yu 25 December 2012 (has links)
Based on the insight from Fukuyama¡¦s notion of trust, the main philosophy of the study is: How is it possible for societies characterized by traditional paradox of familism to move beyond the limited radius of trust (in-group collectivism) and reach to the wider and greater social trust (institutional collectivism)?
With family as a starting point, the study is based on three theoretical traditions: social capital theory, third sector research and social entrepreneurship studies. Drawing on two case studies in the specific area of social care services in Taiwan and Germany, research questions are addressed as: How does family-driven social entrepreneurship have emerged and developed in two different societies? If any, what is the main difference between the developments of two cases? And how this difference can be explained through social capital theory?
Following social emergence paradigm, three foci of analysis, namely social context, collective actors, and emergence process are discussed. Furthermore, three analytical tools for family-driven social entrepreneurship are developed, that is, four-sector-division framework (based on the concept of welfare mix), entrepreneurial system (based on Bruyat and Julien), and domestic versus civic orders of worth (based on Boltanski and Thevenot).
The findings suggest that with family as a starting point, social entrepreneurship is grounded, emerges and evolves in the distinctive social contexts. For the case of Taiwan, with the role of self-help group, family-driven social entreprenurship might provide the potential for social transformation from family tie to beyond family, creating a new organization in the third sector.
In contrast, for the case of Germany, social entrepreneurship development presents as from family-driven social entrepreneurship to community development. With multi-level associations and the functional coordination among the public administrations, third sector organizations and families as well as the surrounding communities, family-driven social entrepreneurship may reach at the institutional level. By integrating to and coordinating in the coherent interaction between formal institutions and informal cultures, the development of the German case can be related to institutional collectivism.
Based on the implications, a contextual Framework for family-driven social entrepreneurship is proposed, namely Family, beyond family, and institution: Developing family-driven social entrepreneurship in Context.
From my perspective, social entrepreneurship not only aims to make the isolates re-integrate into society, but also, with macro vision, to make institutions change for society. The direction of institutional change, echoing Fukuyama, is toward the development of an inclusive and vital society through social capital and trust, that is, not only cultivating personal and particularistic trust but also enriching generalized and institutionalized trust in society. With those aims, social entrepreneurship is context-sensitive. Both ends and means of social entrepreneurship are embedded in social context.
As a concluding thought, I stress that social entrepreneurship is contextual. With family as a starting point, social entrepreneurship is grounded, emerges, and evolves in distinctive contexts in different societies. Furthermore, in line with Fukuyama, but going further, it is possible for the societies traditionally characterized by the paradox of familism to move toward more inclusive and higher trust through social entrepreneurship. In its essence, social entrepreneurship reveals the ethic of economic life in modern society, that is, not only to accumulate material wealth, but rather to enrich trust for the wider-society as wide a society as possible.
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Causes and Consequences of Employee Turnover in a Financial Institution in KenyaObiero, Dan 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Employee turnover is expensive and disruptive to organizations. However not many employers appreciate the value lost in quality of human capital, and dollar value of lost productivity and time due to turnover. This study identified the causes and consequences of voluntary employee turnover in a financial institution in Kenya. The researcher established from the bank records that 80 employees resigned from the institution in the five-year period. The causes of turnover were identified and recorded as given in the separated employees' resignation letters held at the bank, and categorized as either avoidable or unavoidable. The quality of the separated employees was measured by academic qualifications, banking training, job performance ratings and years of work experience as recorded in the separated person's file. Turnover cost was computed based on the earnings of the separated employee and the associated administration costs, plus the cost of training and lost productivity due to the resignations. The turnover policies were reviewed. The data collected were coded and analyzed using the SPSS program version16. The quantitative data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics. Non-parametric Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test was used to test the research hypotheses. A thematic analysis of the narration by the HR director was done.
The reasons for the resignations were as follows: 65 percent better salaries offered elsewhere, 17.7 percent were due to family reasons, 13.8 percent went on further studies, 2.5 percent had problems with bank administration and 1.2 percent changed careers. It was further established that 71 percent of the separated workers had university degrees, 92 percent were either good or excellent job performers, 35 percent had more than ten years work experience and 80 percent had received bank training. The turnover cost per separated employee was 100 percent of the worker's annual salary. The total turnover cost comprised of 43.5 percent in lost productively due to the resignations; 30.9 percent on training and 25.6 percent on recruiting and hiring replacements. The researcher concluded that personnel turnovers had negative consequences for the bank in terms of loss of quality human capital and cost, and that management should act to resolve the problem since 67.5 percent of the turnovers were avoidable.
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A Study on the Policy and Institution of Real Estate Trust in TaiwanSie, Jhong-yu 06 July 2005 (has links)
A Study on the Policy and Institution of Real Estate Trust
in Taiwan
Since the trust system was formally introduced to Taiwan where the Trust Act of January 26, 1996 was enacted and enforced, the relationship between individuals and property reconstructed by the property-oriented platform of trust has come to a new era in which the ownership of property, management, and the right to beneficiary play new roles. In light of such a new system that has a great influence on the national economy, most of which focused on its real estate trust policy, particularly on the policy of commercial trust, the purpose of the study is to examine Taiwan
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noneCheng, Shih-Yin 25 July 2003 (has links)
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A Study on the Yacht Regulations in TaiwanChang, Chieh-hao 10 September 2009 (has links)
The advancement of scientific technology and fast economic growth has resulted in the improvement of better living life, especially the island country like Taiwan. It has the embracement of ocean resources and long coastal around island. Thus, people are looking for the quality of leisure life on the island such as sailing for sport, touring and leisure business. This type of leisure tourism is becoming the major trend in cope with the global boating industry. Taiwan started to manufacturing sailboat began in 1980 and has become one of the important sailboat manufacturing countries in the world. Nevertheless, the sailboat use for domestic sport or leisure has been ignored by the government and people due to the discouragement of restrict maritime law enforcement and marine safety upon the coastal water. The lack of clear regulation for embarking the sailboat and ports for the leasing sailboat is another detrimental problem associated with the domestic sailing activities. The lack of integrated law and institution policy has stalled the development of domestic sailing business and activities. The government has imposed the sailboat use under the regulation of touring boat and leisure fishing sport that has resulted in difficulties on providing the leasing place for domestic sailing activities.
The present study was initiated to identify the improper regulation, acts and policy introduced by the government and to assess the proper domestic use of sailboat at the coastal fishing port. This is urgent needed especially at the faded and unused fishing ports due to the depletion of near shore fishery resources. The later is considered a major concern in order to finding a measure for retrieving the downward economy at many fishing villages. The research consist of the law, regulations and policy employed by Japan, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Canada, United States, New Zealand and Australia on their conduct regarding the management of sailboat activities and registration. The survey results provides the necessary reference with regard to enforcement law, strategy, policy, institution and integrated management for sailboat activities.
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Samiska politikers lärande : Rätten att få vara exkluderad och fortfarande vara inkluderadWetterlund, Simon January 2015 (has links)
In this essay i present a study on political learning of a minority ethnicity whose political history in the institutional form began in 1993. The ethnicity in question is the Sami’s and in 1993 the Sami Parliament was established. The establishment of the Sami parliament radically changed the preconditions for political work. Sami politics came to be pursued in an organized manner in the form of a public authority and democratically elected units. In these study Sami politician's perceptions of political learning is investigated. Special attention is directed towards individual- as well as organizational and institutional level. The theories used are Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective on learning complemented with a Foucault-inspired discourse analysis. The method used is semi-structured interviews. The results show that learning is essentially perceived to take place on an individual level and that the organizational and institutional level only to some extent supports the individual level of learning
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Skillnader i bemötandet på en institution : lärande genom reflektion och interaktionNilsson, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en ökad förståelse för hur och varför personalen på en institution som drivs av Statens institutionsstyrelse, bemöter ungdomar olika utifrån kön och vilka faktorer som spelar in i dessa skillnader. Vidare så ville jag även fördjupa mig i hur reflektion som verktyg kan användas till ett ökat lärande och utveckling hos personalen. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta anställda har genomförts samt ett observationstillfälle på vardera avdelningen. För att tolka resultaten har en hermeneutisk ansats använts. Resultatet visar på att personalen bemöter ungdomarna olika beroende på kön och vilken avdelning personalen arbetar på. Det finns gamla föreställningar och förhållningssätt som skapar skillnader i bemötandet av ungdomarna och också en medvetenhet kring dessa. Att använda reflektion som ett verktyg för lärande och utveckling är effektivt men kräver struktur, nyskapande och en tydlighet från ledningshåll. Lärandet och förändringen finns också att finna i interaktionen mellan personal och ungdomar.
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Parlamento institucija: Vokietijos Federacinė Respublika / The parliamentary institution of the Federal Republic of GermanySiriūtė, Jolita 15 March 2006 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama Vokietijos Federacinės Respublikos parlamento institucija, jos konstitucinė kompetencija bei pagrindinės ypatybės Vokietijos konstitucinės teisės raidoje. Naudojantis sisteminės analizės, lyginamuoju, loginiu analitiniu, lingvistiniu, istoriniu, sintezės bei apibendrinimo metodais nagrinėjama parlamento struktūra, jo funkcionavimas ir veiklos tendencijos. / The paper deals with the parliamentary institution of the Federal Republic of Germany, with its jurisdiction in the constitutional power framework, and the main features of the parliamentary institution in the context of development of the constitutional law. The analysis of the German Basic Law, the Rules of Procedure of the Bundestag and the Rules of Procedure of the Bundesrat, other laws, and views by researchers from Germany and other states are the tools used by the author to describe the roles of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, which are conditioned by the division of power in the Federal Republic of Germany. The paper analyses peculiarities of German parliamentary governance in relation to the development of Bundestag and Bundesrat institutions. The paper also investigates the growing competence of the German Bundesrat in conciliation of interests of the German Federation and federal entities in shaping the will of the state.
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Socialinių institucijų vadovų veiklos efektyvumo prielaidos / Efficiency of social institution leadersKazlauskienė, Rasa 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šitas darbas yra apie socialinių institucijų vadovų veiklos efektyvumą. Jo tikslas atskleisti vadovų veiklos efektyvumo prielaidas. / This work teels about social institutions’ leaders’ activity efficiency. Its aim is to reveal leaders’ activity efficiency preconditions.
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Švietimo institucijos vadovo vaidmuo įgyvendinant projektus / The role of educational organization manager in project implementationŽeimienė, Eglė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Švietimas yra viena iš kultūros sričių, kurios pagrindas - žmogus, jo kultūra. Mokslo ir technikos vystymasis pažengė tiek toli, kad iš esmės keičiasi visuomeninis gyvenimas ir kaita tampa nuolatiniu reiškiniu arba vienu iš esminių postmodernistinės visuomenės bruožų. Pokyčiai tapo norma ir jie nuolat spartėja. Švietimo institucijų kaita yra tiesiog neišvengiama, nes „kiekviena įstaiga turi tapti mokymosi ir mokymo institucija” (Drucker, 1992). Vadinasi, neišvengiami pokyčiai visų pirma švietimo sistemoje ir tik po to konkrečioje švietimo institucijoje. Jeigu anksčiau vienokioje ar kitokioje organizacijoje svarbiausia buvo išlaikyti pusiausvyrą, tai dabar suvaldyti aplinką darosi vis sunkiau, todėl ir vadovams būtina mokėti sėkmingai vadovauti kaitai, gebėti produktyviai bendrauti ir bendradarbiauti. Sparčiai kintantis pasaulis skatina nuolat tobulinti struktūrą. Siekdama būti efektyvi, mokykla turi tapti besimokančia organizacija, skatinančia tobulėti kitus ir pati metai iš metų tobulėdama. Vienas iš mokyklos tobulinimo šaltinių yra projektinės veiklos, ypač tarptautinės, vystymas, kurio kontekste mokyklos vadovas yra svarbiausias asmuo remiantis arba stabdantis projektinę veiklą.
Švietimo institucijos vadovo veikla įvairiais aspektais analizuota tiek užsienio šalių, tiek Lietuvos mokslininkų.
Tačiau nepakankamai plačiai atliekami tyrimai, kuriuose būtų analizuojama švietimo institucijos vadovo veikla bei jos ypatumai projektinės veiklos (tarp jų ir tarptautinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Education is one of the cultural aspects which is based on the individual and his/her culture. Scientific and technical development has gone so far as to change the life of society, and this change is becoming an inevitable phenomenon or a major feature of the post-modernist society. Changes have developed into a norm, and they are increasingly accelerating. Changes in educational institutions are simply inevitable, as ‘every institution must become the institution of learning and teaching’ (Drucker, 1992). Hence, such changes are primarily imminent in the system of education, and only then, in a particular educational institution. If earlier the emphasis was put on maintaining the balance between one or another kind of organization, at present, control of the environment is becoming increasingly complicated; therefore, administrators are required to successfully manage those changes, to efficiently communicate and cooperate. The fast-changing world impels a continuous improvement of the structure. In order to be effective, the school has to become a learning organization, which would promote improvement of others by constantly improving itself. One of the sources of school improvement is development of project activities, especially international ones, in the context of which the school manager becomes the most important person in promoting or hindering project activities.
Activities of educational institution manager have been analysed in different aspects by both foreign... [to full text]
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