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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Politiques linguistiques d’immigration et didactique du français pour les adultes migrants : regards croisés sur la France, la Belgique, la Suisse et le Québec / Immigration linguistic policies and French teaching for adult migrants : cross analysis on France, Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec

Pradeau, Coraline 22 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’identifier une catégorie particulière de politiques linguistiques, les politiques linguistiques d’immigration. Nous portons un regard croisé sur quatre contextes francophones. Cette recherche comparative permet de décentrer les débats autour de la langue et de l’immigration du seul cadre national. Nous proposons de situer les dimensions linguistiques, culturelles et éducatives liées à l’intégration des populations migrantes dans une perspective européenne et internationale. L’étude poursuit un double objectif : effectuer une typologie et une évaluation de ces politiques. Il est question de décrire et d’analyser les choix et les actions étatiques menés pour la connaissance et l’apprentissage de la langue par les adultes migrants. Notre recherche identifie le tournant à partir duquel la « maîtrise » de la langue est devenue un enjeu politique et un volet indissociable des politiques d’immigration. D’un côté, la thèse met en relief les idéologies linguistiques qui structurent les imaginaires collectifs nationaux, et leur influence sur les argumentaires et les aménagements des politiques. De l’autre côté, elle met en valeur la circulation des présupposés idéologiques et des pratiques étatiques liés à la langue et à l’immigration. Enfin, la recherche considère l’impact des différents aménagements étudiés sur la production des savoirs scientifiques et sur la formation en didactique des langues. / This thesis proposes to identify the particular category of linguistic policies which deals with immigration. The chosen approach is to perform a cross analysis on four French-speaking contexts. This comparative research allows us to shift the focus on language and immigration away from the national level. We offer to place the linguistic, cultural and educational dimensions linked with the integration of migrants in a European and international perspective. This study has two objectives: perform a typology and an evaluation of these policies. We aim at describing and analysing the choices and actions led by the state to develop knowledge and learning for adult migrants. Our research identifies the turning point from which proficiency of language became a political issue, deeply intertwined with immigration policies. On one side, the thesis emphasizes the linguistic ideologies that shape the collective imaginations, and their influence on political arguments and language planning. On the other side, it highlights the flow of assumed ideologies and state practices related to language and immigration. Finally, the research takes into account the impact of language planning on knowledge production and training in language didactics.

La politique de communication de la Commission Européenne en matière d'emploi et de lutte contre la discrimination : une approche sémantico-énonciative et discursive / The communication policy of the European Commission on employment and the fight against discrimination : a semantic and discursive approach

Attruia, Francesco 02 April 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse a pour objet une analyse sémantique des discours de la Commission européenne sur l'emploi et la lutte contre la discrimination. Le corpus est constitué par les publications de la Direction générale « Emploi, affaires sociales et inclusion » de la Commission et rassemble un matériau linguistique de 155 documents parus entre 2004 et 2011. En s'inscrivant dans la tradition de l'analyse du discours politique, cette étude prend appui sur les acquis de la linguistique de l'énonciation, de la pragmatique et des théories de l'argumentation afin de dégager, pour mieux les observer et théoriser, certaines propriétés inhérentes aux discours politiques et institutionnels. Il s'agira, plus exactement, de cerner les procédés linguistiques et discursifs à l'oeuvre dans notre corpus et, corollairement, d'observer comment ceux-ci participent à la construction et à la stabilisation du sens et de la référence en discours. Notre thèse est structurée en deux parties. La première (chapitres 1-2) est consacrée à la présentation du corpus et des cadres théorique et méthodologique. La deuxième (chapitres 3-5) portera sur l'analyse sémantico-énonciative et discursive du corpus / The purpose of this thesis is to analyse, from a semantic and enunciative point of view, the European Union's discourse on employment and the fight against discrimination. The Corpus is made up of 155 documents published between 2004 and 2011 by the European Commission's DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion. Our goal is to observe the way linguistic phenomena described in this work contribute to the construction and discourse stabilization of the linguistic sense and reference. The thesis is structured as follows: the first part will be dedicated to the presentation of the corpus and problematic. This section also contains the fundamental principles of enunciative semantics along with a description of the AntConc software we will employ in order to explore the reference corpus. The second part is focused on the corpus analysis and is divided into three chapters. The first one deals with the linguistic expression of subjectivity and will concentrate on the study of the enunciative modalities. The second one is dedicated to an analysis of the enunciative heterogeneity of the European Union's discourse, in particular from the Scandinavian Theory of Linguistic Polyphony's point of view. Finally, in the last chapter, we will observe the way a verbal sequence ? whether it be a collocation, a simple or complex syntagma, may create a speech event


ANNA PAULA BEZERRA DA SILVA 17 April 2023 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação, tenho por objetivo analisar, refletir e gerar entendimentos acerca das vivências de pessoas LGBTQIA+, sublinhando suas experiências em ambientes institucionais como: escola, família e igreja. A partir da Análise de Narrativas (Linde, 1993; Moita Lopes, 2001; Bastos, 2005; Bamberg, 2006; Georgakopoulou, 2006; Bastos; Biar, 2015; Biar; Orton; Bastos, 2021) irei direcionar o meu olhar para as possíveis situações de micro violências e estigmatização vividas por indivíduos por conta de suas orientações sexuais; observando, na construção narrativa, como isto afeta e/ou afetou suas trajetórias e identidades. Esta pesquisa está situada no campo da Linguística Aplicada Contemporânea (Moita Lopes et al., 2006; 2013), com interfaces com a Linguística Queer (Borba, 2014; 2015; 2019), a qual entende que o uso da linguagem está relacionado às práticas sociais e a como construímos e entendemos quem somos e a nossa sexualidade. Além disso, também recorro à Teoria Queer (Butler, 2003 [1990], Foucault, 2020 [1976]; Sedgwick, 1985; 2007 [1990]; Milani; Woff, 2015; Miskolci, 2020; Louro, 2007; 2020). O paradigma qualitativo (Denzin; Lincoln, 2006) orienta a metodologia do estudo, o qual será desenvolvido a partir dos dados gerados em entrevistas conversacionais (Mishler, 1986) realizadas com pessoas da comunidade LGBTQIA+. Ao final desta pesquisa, algumas das possíveis reflexões geradas nos levam a entender como as práticas homofóbicas são normalizadas nos discursos como forma de brincadeira e regulamentação dos corpos, gerando desconforto e até mesmo um sentimento de solidão em especial por conta da falta de amparo em ambientes institucionais. / [en] In this dissertation, I aim to analyze, reflect and generate understanding about the experiences of LGBTQIA+ people, emphasizing their experiences in institutional environments such as school, family, and church. Based on Narrative Analysis (Linde, 1993; Moita Lopes, 2001; Bastos, 2005; Bamberg, 2006; Georgakopoulou, 2006; Bastos; Biar, 2015; Biar; Orton; Bastos, 2021) I will direct my gaze to the possible situations of micro-violence and stigmatization experienced by individuals because of their sexual orientations; observing, in the narrative construction, how this affects and/or affected their trajectories and identities. This research is situated in the field of Contemporary Applied Linguistics (Moita Lopes et al., 2006; 2013), with interfaces with Queer Linguistics (Borba, 2014; 2015; 2019), which understands that the use of language is related to social practices and how we construct and understand who we are and our sexuality. In addition, I also draw on Queer Theory ((Butler, 2003 [1990], Foucault, 2020 [1976]; Sedgwick, 1985; 2007 [1990]; Milani; Woff, 2015; Miskolci, 2020; Louro, 2007; 2020; Miskolci, 2020;). The qualitative paradigm (Denzin; Lincoln, 2006) guides the study s methodology, which will be developed from the data generated in conversational interviews (Mishler, 1986) conducted with people from the LGBTQIA+ community. At the end of this research, some possible reflections lead us to understand how homophobic practices are normalized in discourses as a form of jokes and regulation of bodies, generating discomfort and even a feeling of loneliness, mainly because of the lack of support in institutional environments.

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