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Influence de la simulation mentale guidée sur l'apprentissage du mouvement en danse / No English title availableCordier, Virginie 03 June 2010 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif de mettre en évidence les effets de la simulation mentale guidée sur l’apprentissage, sur la performance et sur l’image du mouvement en danse. Dans la revue de littérature, nous présentons les principales théories de l’apprentissage cognitif et socio-cognitif, ainsi que les mises en œuvre des méthodes d’apprentissage issues de ces deux champs théoriques. Puis, à partir des spécificités de la danse « didactisée », des transformations visées en milieu scolaire et universitaire, et de la place des images mentales en danse, nous envisageons la simulation mentale guidée par des consignes rythmiques, motrices et métaphoriques. Nous présentons ensuite une étude préliminaire visant la construction d'outils d'évaluation de la performance en danse, ainsi que deux études expérimentales menées auprès de sujets adultes novices portant sur l'apprentissage lors de tâches de reproduction de forme et d'improvisation-composition. Les résultats dans ce qu'ils ont d'essentiel montrent (1) que la simulation mentale est une méthode d'apprentissage plus efficace que l'observation à partir du moment où elle est guidée, (2) que les consignes rythmiques sont fondamentales dans l'apprentissage en danse parce qu'elles permettent d'organiser et de structurer le mouvement, (3) que les consignes métaphoriques apparaissent particulièrement adaptées à la dimension expressive et artistique de la danse. Dans leur ensemble, ces résultats soulignent l'importance de guider la simulation mentale à l'aide de consignes pour s'assurer de son efficacité dans l'apprentissage. / This study aims to highlight the effects of mental simulation of guided learning, performance and image of the movement in dance. In the literature review, we present the main theories of cognitive and socio-cognitive, and implementations of learning methods from these two theoretical fields. Then, from the specifics of the dance "didactical" transformations referred by schools and universities, and the place of mental images in dance, we consider the mental simulation guided by rhythmic and metaphorical instructions. Afterwards, we present a preliminary study for the tool construction for assessing performance in dance, and two experimental studies conducted with novice adult subjects on learning tasks during reproduction of form and improvisation-composition. The results in their essence show (1) that mental simulation is a more effective method of learning than observation, from the moment it is guided 2) that the rhythmic instructions are fundamental in dance learning because they help to organize and structure the movement, (3) that the metaphorical instructions seem particularly suited to the expressive and artistic dimensions of dancing. Taken together, these findings emphasize the importance of guided mental simulation with instructions to ensure its effectiveness in learning.
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Seja faça experimente : enunciados imperativos na arte contemporânea (anos 2000)Veras, Eduardo Ferreira January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa parte da constatação de uma insistente ocorrência de enunciados no modo verbal imperativo no campo da arte contemporânea. Esses comandos se inserem na própria configuração dos trabalhos artísticos, na forma de textos que funcionam como “instruções como arte”. A investigação se desenvolve no sentido de uma projeção anacrônica – da arte mais recente em direção à arte conceitual (anos 1960 e 70), em uma tentativa de apontar o que, no caso dos imperativos artísticos, poderia ser uma atualização de procedimentos e estratégias de um passado mais ou menos recente. Para tanto, a pesquisa recorre a dois estudos de caso: o primeiro sobre a exposição coletiva Located work (Madrid) (2008), concebida pelo norte-americano Joseph Kosuth, e o segundo sobre os três Estudos para espaço e tempo (1969-2001), do brasileiro Cildo Meireles. A análise revisa as disputas discursivas entre o conceitualismo político e o conceitual de viés tautológico, sinalizando para uma precariedade de conceitos e narrativas. / This research rises from the verification of the somewhat frequent use of the imperative form in statements in contemporary art. The commands are inserted in the art work itself in the form of “texts” that function as “instructions as art”. The investigation is developed in an anachronic projection – from the most recent art towards conceptual art (1960’s and 70’s), attempting to point out what, in the case of artistic imperatives, could be an updating of procedures and past strategies. In order to do that, the research seeks two study cases: one regarding the exhibit Located work (Madrid) (2008), conceived by Joseph Kosuth, and the other about Estudos para espaço e tempo (1969-2001), by Cildo Meireles. The analysis discusses the discoursives disputes between political conceptualism and tautological conceptual art, indicating a current precariousness of concepts and narratives.
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Serieteckningens möjligheter : En studie som undersöker serieteckningar som multimodal instruktion i skolan / The possibilitiesof the comic strip : A study that examines comic-strip drawings as multimodal instruction in schoolDaun, Linnèa January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker serieteckning som multimodal instruktion i skolan med syfte atttillgängliggöra kunskap om, undersöka och utveckla, alternativa undervisningsmaterial medmultimodalitet som utgångspunkt och serieteckning som metod. Delar av arbetet hargenomförts som ett kollegialt lärande tillsammans med en annan lärarstudent, samt isamverkan med en undervisande lärare i grundskolan (åk 7 – 9). I studien ställs frågan hur ensom lärare kan använda sig av serieformatet som multimodal kommunikationsform i skolansundervisning, med specifik avgränsning till serier som uppgiftsinstruktion. Detta har skettgenom, och resulterat i, skapande av serieinstruktion samt prövande av serieinstruktion därelever och lärare uttrycker sina uppfattningar av mötet med serie som instruktion. Resultatfrån studien visar att text integrerat i bild kan vara problematiskt, men att bilder som bildstödtill text - samt i kombination med seriens struktur av rutor, effektivt kan användas somytterligare ett steg i en multimodal kommunikation- och instruktionsform. Delar av studiensresultat gestaltas i form av en interaktiv installation under namnet ”Tear down the walls oftext! Let’s build up a world of trilingual learning – text, pictures and squares” på Konstfacksvårutställning vårterminen 2019.
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Creating and Establishing Content Validity of a Tool Kit to Educate Mothers of Premature BabiesOfoegbu, Lilian Chinyere 01 January 2016 (has links)
Delivering a preterm baby who is admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit can be an enormous hardship for parents and families, and especially for mothers. The consequences of prematurity alter the parental role, affect their confidence in caring for the baby, and subsequently may impact infant outcomes. Adequately educating mothers of premature babies using an evidence-based practice approach may help them gain the confidence and skills needed to care for their infants. The purpose of this project was to create a tool kit to educate mothers of premature babies about the essential components of caring for their babies, establish content validity of the tool kit among clinical experts, and make recommendations about the use of the tool kit in the neonatal intensive care unit. Polit, Beck, and Owen’s framework was used to establish content validity. Neonatal intensive care nurses who were considered “experts” using Benner’s novice-to-expert theory (n = 7 reviewed the tools which were quantitatively computed and yielded an Item Content Validity Index value range of 0.86 to 1.00, and a Scale Content Validity Index of 0.97, reflecting that the content met the objectives of the toolbox. Positive social change can be realized through use of the tool kit in the neonatal intensive care unit to educate mothers in the care of their preterm babies, thus improving both maternal and infant outcomes.
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A Security Evaluation Methodology for Container ImagesAbbott, Brendan Michael 01 March 2017 (has links)
The goal of this research is to create a methodology that evaluates the security posture of container images and helps improve container security. This was done by first searching for any guidelines or standards that focus on container images and security. After finding none, I decided to create an evaluative methodology. The methodology is composed of actions that users should take to evaluate the security of a container image. The methodology was created through in-depth research on container images and the build instructions used to create them and is referred to as the Security Evaluation Methodology for Container Images. The entire Methodology was reviewed by experts in containers, information technology, and security; updated based on their feedback; and then reviewed again for further feedback. Four of the most popular container images—nginx, redis, mbabineau/cfn-bootstrap, and google/cadvisor—were evaluated using the Methodology. The evaluation revealed security issues in each image and provided direction on how to resolve each issue. Based on the positive feedback of experts and the performance of the Methodology, I propose that the Methodology be used to evaluate all container images, as it provides valuable security insights about, and suggestions for, an image.
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An intensive language unit : its establishment and early yearsMartin, Elizabeth, n/a January 1982 (has links)
A participant-observation study was carried out of
a centre providing intensive English instruction for
newly arrived, migrant adolescents. This study was
conducted during a period of fifteen months from late
in 1978 to the end of 1979, by which time the Intensive Language Unit had been operating for three and a half
Part of the study traced the establishment of the
Unit as an independent body within the A.C.T. secondary
education system. This involved an examination of the
process by which the Unit was set up in 1976, and of the
context in preceding years of general developments in
migrant education throughout Australia and, in particular,
those occurring in the A.C.T.
Data collected during 1979 dealt with this background
and also with the Unit's operation and role in the A.C.T.
in 1979. Some of this data was documentary evidence but
a considerable part consisted of interview material obtained
from key individuals associated with the Unit. From this
material was gained an understanding of their perceptions
and actions in the establishment and operation of the new
Analysis of the data indicated a distinct pattern of
continuity in the first years of the Unit's existence.
It became apparent that this continuity had been maintained
by several factors. These were the existence, from the start,
of a clearly defined rationale and the presence
at the Unit of a selected group of dedicated teachers
who strongly supported it. The outcome was that in 1979
the rationale had become entrenched to such an extent that
Unit teachers were prepared to protect the Unit's
threatened integrity with considerable effort.
It was possible to relate these features of the Unit
to the general context in which it emerged. This study
revealed how, in the early 1970's, increasing awareness
of the inadequacy of migrant education as well as the
significant roles of the Schools Commission and the individual
who set up the Unit, produced a situation in which
the new centre developed its distinctive features which
still existed at the end of 1979.
A general overview was developed of how a new institution
with a high degree of autonomy was introduced into
an existing system, of the advantages and difficulties
which resulted, and how it was able to maintain its
independence and particular character during the early
years of its existence.
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instructions verbales pour l'apprentissage dans une tâche d'anticipation-coincidencelagarde, julien 23 March 2001 (has links) (PDF)
De façon contre intuitive, plusieurs études ont montré que les instructions verbales pouvaient nuire à la mise en place d'une nouvelle habileté motrice. La théorie proposee pour interpréter ces résultats repose sur une distinction entre un apprentissage implicite, qui peut s'établir sans recherche intentionnelle des régularités acquises, et un apprentissage explicite, défini comme un apprentissage intentionnel et conscient (Reber, 1967). Ces travaux ont révélé qu'il était difficile de communiquer une aide efficace pour l'acquisition de nouveaux mouvements ou de nouvelles coordinations entre segments corporels, mais aussi pour l'utilisation de régularités entre événements présents dans l'environnement qui permettent de prédire l'évolution de la situation et de préparer en avance l'exécution du mouvement dans des conditions de forte pression temporelle (Lagarde et al 2002, Neuro Lett 327: 66). Pour l'apprentissage des régularités probabilistes, des instructions verbales qui décrivaient ces régularités dégradaient les performances en comparaison d'une condition d'apprentissage sans instructions (Green & Flowers 1991, J Mot Beh 23: 293). La nature probabiliste des régularités semble constituer un facteur qui favorise la supériorité d'un apprentissage implicite ou “par la découverte” par rapport à un apprentissage explicite ou guidé par des instructions verbales (Magill 1998, Res Quat Ex Sp 69: 104). 5 expériences ont été réalisées pour préciser la nature des intéractions complexes entre traitement des instructions verbales et apprentissage perceptivo-moteur.
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Effekter av instruktion på transversus abdominis vid stabiliseringövningar / Effects of instruction on transversus abdominis during stabilization exercisesJosefsson, Karin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Aim</p><p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the activity recorded with electromyography (EMG) fine-wire electrodes, in transversus abdominis (TrA) and rectus abdominis (RA) while performing various stabilization exercises, and to investigate how the level of activation was affected by specific instructions</p><p>Method</p><p>Ten physically active women (27.1 ± 5.5year, 1.74 ± 0.05 m, 67.1 ± 8.6 kg) performed six different stabilization exercises (four lying supine with bent knees and hips and two in four point kneeling). They performed two sets of exercises, the first without and the second with specific instructions. The specific instruction was “abdominal hollowing to activate” TrA. The fine-wire electrodes were inserted bilateral into TrA and RA with an injection needle with guidance from an ultrasound. EMG was recorded during the middle second (while the subjects were asked to withhold the final position) and data was normalized to maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and value at rest.</p><p>Results</p><p>The effects from instructions were significant while looking upon muscle and exercise (p<0,05). All exercises but exercise number 4 (unilateral bridgening) were significant effected by instructions in TrA, but none of the exercises were effected in RA (p>0,05). The mean of the activity in TrA varied without instructions between 2,9% (± 4,4) to 39,5 % (± 20,0) and with instructions 15,2 % (± 14,7) to 45,6 % (± 23,5). In RA the mean of the activity varied without instructions between 0,3% (± 0,8) to 9,8 % (± 27,4) and with instructions between 2.4 % (± 2,9) to 11,3% (± 28,5).</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>It is possible to selectively increase the activity in TrA in the majority of selected stabilization exercises with supine position with bent knees and hips, and in four point kneeling.</p> / <p>Syfte</p><p>Syftet med denna studie var att med intramuskulär elektromyografi utvärdera aktiveringsgraden i transversus abdominis (TrA) och rectus abdominis (RA) vid utförandet av olika stabiliseringsövningar samt att undersöka hur graden av aktivering påverkas av specifika instruktioner.</p><p>Metod: Tio kvinnliga, fysiskt aktiva personer (27.1 ± 5.5 år, 1.74 ± 0.05 m, 67.1 ± 8.6 kg) fick utföra sex olika stabiliseringsövningar (fyra i ryggliggande och två i knäfyrfota) med tre repetitioner på varje övning. Försökspersonen (fp) fick utföra övningarna i två omgångar. Omgång ett utan och omgång två med specifik instruktion, den specifika instruktionen var; ”dra in den nedre delen av magen, den under naveln” (abdominal hollowing) för att aktivera Tr A. Intramuskulära trådelektroder fördes in bilateralt i TrA och RA med hjälp av en injektionsnål under guidning av ultraljud. Elektromyografi (EMG) mättes under den mittersta sekunden av övningen (i kvarhållen slutposition) och normaliserades mot maximal viljemässig kontraktion (MVC) och vilovärde.</p><p>Resultat: Effekten av instruktion var signifikant i betraktandet av muskel och övning (p<0,05). I samtliga övningar utom övning 4 (unilateralt bäckenlyft) påverkade instruktioner signifikant muskelaktiviteten i TrA (p<0,05), men inte i någon av övningarna i RA (p>0,05).</p><p>Medelvärdet av den normaliserade EMG-aktiviteten i TrA varierade i övning 1 till 6 utan instruktioner mellan 2,9 % (± 4,4) och 39,5 % (± 20,0). Med instruktion varierade den procentuella aktiviteten i TrA mellan 15,2 % (± 14,7) och 45,6 % (± 23,5). I RA varierade medelvärdet utan instruktioner mellan 0,3% (± 0,8) till 9.8 % (± 27,4) och med instruktioner 2.4 % (± 2,9) till 11,3% (± 28.5).</p><p>Slutsats; Det går att med hjälp av instruktioner selektivt öka aktiveringsgraden i TrA i majoriteten av valda stabiliseringsövningar i krokligg och knäfyrfota.</p>
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Effekter av instruktion på transversus abdominis vid stabiliseringövningar / Effects of instruction on transversus abdominis during stabilization exercisesJosefsson, Karin January 2007 (has links)
Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the activity recorded with electromyography (EMG) fine-wire electrodes, in transversus abdominis (TrA) and rectus abdominis (RA) while performing various stabilization exercises, and to investigate how the level of activation was affected by specific instructions Method Ten physically active women (27.1 ± 5.5year, 1.74 ± 0.05 m, 67.1 ± 8.6 kg) performed six different stabilization exercises (four lying supine with bent knees and hips and two in four point kneeling). They performed two sets of exercises, the first without and the second with specific instructions. The specific instruction was “abdominal hollowing to activate” TrA. The fine-wire electrodes were inserted bilateral into TrA and RA with an injection needle with guidance from an ultrasound. EMG was recorded during the middle second (while the subjects were asked to withhold the final position) and data was normalized to maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and value at rest. Results The effects from instructions were significant while looking upon muscle and exercise (p<0,05). All exercises but exercise number 4 (unilateral bridgening) were significant effected by instructions in TrA, but none of the exercises were effected in RA (p>0,05). The mean of the activity in TrA varied without instructions between 2,9% (± 4,4) to 39,5 % (± 20,0) and with instructions 15,2 % (± 14,7) to 45,6 % (± 23,5). In RA the mean of the activity varied without instructions between 0,3% (± 0,8) to 9,8 % (± 27,4) and with instructions between 2.4 % (± 2,9) to 11,3% (± 28,5). Conclusion It is possible to selectively increase the activity in TrA in the majority of selected stabilization exercises with supine position with bent knees and hips, and in four point kneeling. / Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att med intramuskulär elektromyografi utvärdera aktiveringsgraden i transversus abdominis (TrA) och rectus abdominis (RA) vid utförandet av olika stabiliseringsövningar samt att undersöka hur graden av aktivering påverkas av specifika instruktioner. Metod: Tio kvinnliga, fysiskt aktiva personer (27.1 ± 5.5 år, 1.74 ± 0.05 m, 67.1 ± 8.6 kg) fick utföra sex olika stabiliseringsövningar (fyra i ryggliggande och två i knäfyrfota) med tre repetitioner på varje övning. Försökspersonen (fp) fick utföra övningarna i två omgångar. Omgång ett utan och omgång två med specifik instruktion, den specifika instruktionen var; ”dra in den nedre delen av magen, den under naveln” (abdominal hollowing) för att aktivera Tr A. Intramuskulära trådelektroder fördes in bilateralt i TrA och RA med hjälp av en injektionsnål under guidning av ultraljud. Elektromyografi (EMG) mättes under den mittersta sekunden av övningen (i kvarhållen slutposition) och normaliserades mot maximal viljemässig kontraktion (MVC) och vilovärde. Resultat: Effekten av instruktion var signifikant i betraktandet av muskel och övning (p<0,05). I samtliga övningar utom övning 4 (unilateralt bäckenlyft) påverkade instruktioner signifikant muskelaktiviteten i TrA (p<0,05), men inte i någon av övningarna i RA (p>0,05). Medelvärdet av den normaliserade EMG-aktiviteten i TrA varierade i övning 1 till 6 utan instruktioner mellan 2,9 % (± 4,4) och 39,5 % (± 20,0). Med instruktion varierade den procentuella aktiviteten i TrA mellan 15,2 % (± 14,7) och 45,6 % (± 23,5). I RA varierade medelvärdet utan instruktioner mellan 0,3% (± 0,8) till 9.8 % (± 27,4) och med instruktioner 2.4 % (± 2,9) till 11,3% (± 28.5). Slutsats; Det går att med hjälp av instruktioner selektivt öka aktiveringsgraden i TrA i majoriteten av valda stabiliseringsövningar i krokligg och knäfyrfota.
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Effect Of Prismatic Roughness On Hydraulic Jump In Trapezoidal ChannelsEvcimen, Taylan Ulas 01 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
A study of the hydraulic jump on a trapezoidal prismatic channel and roughened beds is presented. Extensive measurements have been made regarding the characteristics of hydraulic jumps as sequent depths, wing fluctuations, energy dissipation and jump length on artificially roughened beds for Froude numbers between 4.16 and 14.58. Three different types of prismatic roughness elements and nine different roughness patterns were installed separately on channel bottom and side walls throughout the experiments to
obtain rough surfaces. Strip roughness elements were built from fiberglass sheets and implemented perpendicular to the flow direction. To avoid cavitation, roughness elements were designed in that way that the crests of the elements are not protruding into the flow. The founded properties were
compared with the available data in literature and with the properties of hydraulic jump occurred on smooth bed.
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