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Multilevel adaptive cross approximation and direct evaluation method for fast and accurate discretization of electromagnetic integral equationsTamayo Palau, José María 17 February 2011 (has links)
El Método de los Momentos (MoM) ha sido ampliamente utilizado en las últimas décadas para la discretización y la solución de las formulaciones de ecuación integral que aparecen en muchos problemas electromagnéticos de antenas y dispersión. Las más utilizadas de dichas formulaciones son la Ecuación Integral de Campo Eléctrico (EFIE), la Ecuación Integral de Campo Magnético (MFIE) y la Ecuación Integral de Campo Combinada (CFIE), que no es más que una combinación lineal de las dos anteriores.Las formulaciones MFIE y CFIE son válidas únicamente para objetos cerrados y necesitan tratar la integración de núcleos con singularidades de orden superior al de la EFIE. La falta de técnicas eficientes y precisas para el cálculo de dichas integrales singulares a llevado a imprecisiones en los resultados. Consecuentemente, su uso se ha visto restringido a propósitos puramente académicos, incluso cuando tienen una velocidad de convergencia muy superior cuando son resuelto iterativamente, debido a su excelente número de condicionamiento.En general, la principal desventaja del MoM es el alto coste de su construcción, almacenamiento y solución teniendo en cuenta que es inevitablemente un sistema denso, que crece con el tamaño eléctrico del objeto a analizar. Por tanto, un gran número de métodos han sido desarrollados para su compresión y solución. Sin embargo, muchos de ellos son absolutamente dependientes del núcleo de la ecuación integral, necesitando de una reformulación completa para cada núcleo, en caso de que sea posible.Esta tesis presenta nuevos enfoques o métodos para acelerar y incrementar la precisión de ecuaciones integrales discretizadas con el Método de los Momentos (MoM) en electromagnetismo computacional.En primer lugar, un nuevo método iterativo rápido, el Multilevel Adaptive Cross Approximation (MLACA), ha sido desarrollado para acelerar la solución del sistema lineal del MoM. En la búsqueda por un esquema de propósito general, el MLACA es un método independiente del núcleo de la ecuación integral y es puramente algebraico. Mejora simultáneamente la eficiencia y la compresión con respecto a su versión mono-nivel, el ACA, ya existente. Por tanto, representa una excelente alternativa para la solución del sistema del MoM de problemas electromagnéticos de gran escala.En segundo lugar, el Direct Evaluation Method, que ha provado ser la referencia principal en términos de eficiencia y precisión, es extendido para superar el cálculo del desafío que suponen las integrales hiper-singulares 4-D que aparecen en la formulación de Ecuación Integral de Campo Magnético (MFIE) así como en la de Ecuación Integral de Campo Combinada (CFIE). La máxima precisión asequible -precisión de máquina se obtiene en un tiempo más que razonable, sobrepasando a cualquier otra técnica existente en la bibliografía.En tercer lugar, las integrales hiper-singulares mencionadas anteriormente se convierten en casi-singulares cuando los elementos discretizados están muy próximo pero sin llegar a tocarse. Se muestra como las reglas de integración tradicionales tampoco convergen adecuadamente en este caso y se propone una posible solución, basada en reglas de integración más sofisticadas, como la Double Exponential y la Gauss-Laguerre.Finalmente, un esfuerzo en facilitar el uso de cualquier programa de simulación de antenas basado en el MoM ha llevado al desarrollo de un modelo matemático general de un puerto de excitación en el espacio discretizado. Con este nuevo modelo, ya no es necesaria la adaptación de los lados del mallado al puerto en cuestión. / The Method of Moments (MoM) has been widely used during the last decades for the discretization and the solution of integral equation formulations appearing in several electromagnetic antenna and scattering problems. The most utilized of these formulations are the Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE), the Magnetic Field Integral Equation (MFIE) and the Combined Field Integral Equation (CFIE), which is a linear combination of the other two. The MFIE and CFIE formulations are only valid for closed objects and need to deal with the integration of singular kernels with singularities of higher order than the EFIE. The lack of efficient and accurate techniques for the computation of these singular integrals has led to inaccuracies in the results. Consequently, their use has been mainly restricted to academic purposes, even having a much better convergence rate when solved iteratively, due to their excellent conditioning number. In general, the main drawback of the MoM is the costly construction, storage and solution considering the unavoidable dense linear system, which grows with the electrical size of the object to analyze. Consequently, a wide range of fast methods have been developed for its compression and solution. Most of them, though, are absolutely dependent on the kernel of the integral equation, claiming for a complete re-formulation, if possible, for each new kernel. This thesis dissertation presents new approaches to accelerate or increase the accuracy of integral equations discretized by the Method of Moments (MoM) in computational electromagnetics. Firstly, a novel fast iterative solver, the Multilevel Adaptive Cross Approximation (MLACA), has been developed for accelerating the solution of the MoM linear system. In the quest for a general-purpose scheme, the MLACA is a method independent of the kernel of the integral equation and is purely algebraic. It improves both efficiency and compression rate with respect to the previously existing single-level version, the ACA. Therefore, it represents an excellent alternative for the solution of the MoM system of large-scale electromagnetic problems. Secondly, the direct evaluation method, which has proved to be the main reference in terms of efficiency and accuracy, is extended to overcome the computation of the challenging 4-D hyper-singular integrals arising in the Magnetic Field Integral Equation (MFIE) and Combined Field Integral Equation (CFIE) formulations. The maximum affordable accuracy --machine precision-- is obtained in a more than reasonable computation time, surpassing any other existing technique in the literature. Thirdly, the aforementioned hyper-singular integrals become near-singular when the discretized elements are very closely placed but not touching. It is shown how traditional integration rules fail to converge also in this case, and a possible solution based on more sophisticated integration rules, like the Double Exponential and the Gauss-Laguerre, is proposed. Finally, an effort to facilitate the usability of any antenna simulation software based on the MoM has led to the development of a general mathematical model of an excitation port in the discretized space. With this new model, it is no longer necessary to adapt the mesh edges to the port.
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Analysis of Dielectric Waveguide Vector Field Problems Based on Coupled Transverse-Mode Integral EquationsWu, Tso-Lun 28 August 2006 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is to develop a rigorous transverse-mode integral equation formulation for analyzing TE/TM electromagnetic mode field solutions for dielectric waveguides. The main topics are composed of two related parts. The first part deals with scalar problems. In which we propose a transverse-mode integral-equation formulation for problems such as mode solutions of the ridged microwave waveguides. This same technique also applies to EM waves scattering off the facet of dielectric slab waveguides terminating in free space. For both problems we constructed a specifically chosen basis for the unknown tangential field functions, and we were able to reduce the kernel matrix size by more than one half without noticeable degradation of the field solutions.
In the second part of the thesis, we apply a full-vector integral-equation formulation to analyze modal characteristics of the complex, two-dimensional, rectangular-like dielectric waveguide that is divisible into vertical slices of one-dimensional layered structures. The entire electromagnetic vector mode field solution is completely determined by the y-component electric and magnetic field functions on the interfaces between slices. These interfacial functions are governed by a system of vector-coupled transverse-mode integral equations (VCTMIE) whose kernels are made of orthonormal sets of both TE-to-y and TM-to-y modes from each slice. Finally, we show the numerical results to present the stable and quick convergence of this method as well as to improve the Gibb¡¦s phenomenon in the recreation of the transverse fields.
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Adaptive numerical techniques for the solution of electromagnetic integral equationsSaeed, Usman 07 July 2011 (has links)
Various error estimation and adaptive refinement techniques for the solution of electromagnetic integral equations were developed. Residual based error estimators and h-refinement implementations were done for the Method of Moments (MoM) solution of electromagnetic integral equations for a number of different problems. Due to high computational cost associated with the MoM, a cheaper solution technique known as the Locally-Corrected Nyström (LCN) method was explored. Several explicit and implicit techniques for error estimation in the LCN solution of electromagnetic integral equations were proposed and implemented for different geometries to successfully identify high-error regions. A simple p-refinement algorithm was developed and implemented for a number of prototype problems using the proposed estimators. Numerical error was found to significantly reduce in the high-error regions after the refinement. A simple computational cost analysis was also presented for the proposed error estimation schemes. Various cost-accuracy trade-offs and problem-specific limitations of different techniques for error estimation were discussed. Finally, a very important problem of slope-mismatch in the global error rates of the solution and the residual was identified. A few methods to compensate for that mismatch using scale factors based on matrix norms were developed.
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Phase Retrieval and Hilbert Integral Equations – Beyond Minimum-PhaseShenoy, Basty Ajay January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The Fourier transform (spectrum) of a signal is a complex function and is characterized by the magnitude and phase spectra. Phase retrieval is the reconstruction of the phase spectrum from the measurements of the magnitude spectrum. Such problems are encountered in imaging modalities such as X-ray crystallography, frequency-domain optical coherence tomography (FDOCT), quantitative phase microscopy, digital holography, etc., where only the magnitudes of the wavefront are detected by the sensors. The phase retrieval problem is ill-posed in general, since an in nite number of signals can have the same magnitude spectrum. Typical phase retrieval techniques rely on certain prior knowledge about the signal, such as its support or sparsity, to reconstruct the signal. A classical result in phase retrieval is that minimum-phase signals have log-magnitude and phase spectra that satisfy the Hilbert integral equations, thus facilitating exact phase retrieval.
In this thesis, we demonstrate that there exist larger classes of signals beyond minimum-phase signals, for which exact phase retrieval is possible. We generalize Hilbert integral equations to 2-D, and also introduce a variant that we call the composite Hilbert transform in the context of 2-D periodic signals.
Our first extension pertains to a particular type of parametric modelling of 2-D signals. While 1-D minimum-phase signals have a parametric representation, in terms of poles and zeros, there exists no such 2-D counterpart. We introduce a new class of parametric 2-D signals that possess the exact phase retrieval property, that is, their magnitude spectrum completely characterizes the signal. Starting from the magnitude spectrum, a sequence of non-linear operations lead us to a sum-of-exponentials signal, from which the parameters are computed employing concepts from high-resolution spectral estimation such as the annihilating filter and algebraically coupled matrix-pencil methods. We demonstrate that, for this new class of signals, our method outperforms existing techniques even in the presence of noise.
Our second extension is to continuous-domain signals that lie in a principal shift-invariant space spanned by a known basis. Such signals are characterized by the basis combining coefficients. These signals need not be minimum-phase, but certain conditions on the coefficients lead to exact phase retrieval of the continuous-domain signal. In particular, we introduce the concept of causal, delta dominant (CDD) sequences, and show that such signals are characterized by their magnitude spectra. This condition pertains to the time/spatial-domain description of the signal, in contrast to the minimum-phase condition, which is described in the spectral domain. We show that there exist CDD sequences that are not minimum-phase, and vice versa. However, finite-length CDD sequences are always minimum-phase. Our method reconstructs the signal from the magnitude spectrum up to ma-chine precision. We thus have a class of continuous-domain signals that are neither causal nor minimum phase, and yet allow for exact phase retrieval. The shift-invariant structure is applicable to modelling signals encountered in imaging modalities such as FDOCT.
We next present an application of 2-D phase retrieval to continuous-domain CDD signals in the context of quantiative phase microscopy. We develop sufficient conditions on the interfering reference wave for exact phase retrieval from magnitude measurements. In particular, we show that when the reference wave is a plane wave with magnitude greater that the intensity of the object wave, and when the carrier frequency is larger than the band-width of the object wave, we can reconstruct the object wave exactly. We demonstrate high-resolution reconstruction of our method on USAF target images.
Our final and perhaps the most unifying contribution is in developing Hilbert integral equations for 2-D first-quadrant signals and in introducing the notion of generalized minimum-phase signals for both 1-D and 2-D signals. For 2-D continuous-domain, first-quadrant signals, we establish partial Hilbert transform relations between the real and imaginary parts of the spectrum. In the context of 2-D discrete-domain signals, we show that the partial Hilbert transform does not suffice and introduce the notion of composite Hilbert transform and establish the integral equations. We then introduce four classes of signals (combinations of 1-D/2-D and continuous/discrete-domain) that we call generalized minimum-phase signals, which satisfy corresponding Hilbert integral equations between log-magnitude and phase spectra, hence facilitating exact phase retrieval. This class of generalized minimum-phase signals subsumes the well known class of minimum-phase signals. We further show that, akin to minimum-phase signals, these signals also have stable inverses, which are also generalized minimum-phase signals.
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Localisation de la lumière dans des rugosités de taille nanométrique de surfaces métalliques traitée par les équations intégrales et les ondelettes / Light localization within nano-scale roughness of metallic surfaces treated by surface integrals and waveletsMaxime, Camille 27 January 2012 (has links)
Le cadre de cette thèse est la simulation numérique de l'interaction de la lumière avec des surfaces métalliques rugueuses pouvant être à l'origine de fortes localisation du champ électromagnétique du à des résonances plasmoniques. Les profils accidentés de ces surfaces ont des tailles caractéristiques de quelques nanomètres de largeur et de quelques dizaines de nanomètres de hauteur. La principale difficulté dans la simulation de tels phénomènes réside dans la diff'erence d'échelle entre la longueur d'onde de l'onde incidente et la taille des rugosités ainsi que les variations brutales du champ magnétique à la surface. Une méthode de simulation adaptée est la résolution numérique d'équations intégrales de surface ayant un profil périodique. Cette méthode a été implémentée en C++ et la part principale de ce travail a été le calcul de la fonction de Green pseudo-périodique. L'intensité du faisceau réfracté ainsi que les cartes de champ proche peuvent être calculées rigoureusement à partir de la solution obtenue. A l'aide de cette méthode, on a montré que des résonances plasmoniques situées dans les cavités d'un réseaux ayant des rainures de forme Gaussienne de taille nanométrique ont un comportement électrostatique similaire à celles des cavités rectangulaires, notamment une réflectivité spéculaire très faible en condition de résonance. Les performances actuelles des ordinateurs limitent cependant les études à des réseaux de petite période. Afin de dépasser ces limitations, on a fait appel à des bases de fonctions permettant de décomposer une fonction en ses parties de résolutions différentes: les ondelettes. Ce travail se conclue par une discussion sur le potentiel de deux utilisations différentes des ondelettes pour la résolution d'équation intégrales. / The framework of this thesis is the numerical simulation of the interaction of light with rough metallic surfaces which can be the origin of giant enhancements of the electromagnetic field due to plasmonic resonances. The abrupt profile of these surfaces have characteristic sizes of a few nanometers of width and a few tens of nanometers of height. The main difficulty in the simulation of such phenomena is in the scale difference of the wavelength of the incident wave and the size of the roughness as well as the abrupt variations of the magnetic field at the surface. A suited method of simulation is the numerical resolution of surface integral equations for periodic profile of the surface. This method was implemented in C++ and the main part of this work was the calculation of the pseudo-periodic Green function. The intensity of the refracted beam and that of the electromagnetic field maps are rigorously calculated from the obtained solution. We showed by applying this method that plasmonic resonances situated in the cavity of gratings with Gaussian shaped grooves of nanometric sizes have an electrostatic behaviour similar to that of the rectangular grooves, in particular, a very low specular reflectivity at the resonance. The current performances of computers limit the studies to gratings with a small period. In order to overcome these limitations, we considered a function basis enabling to decompose a functions into its components of different resolutions: the wavelets. This work ends with a discussion on the potential of two different applications of the wavelets to the resolution of integral equations.
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Integral equations in the sense of Kurzweil integral and applications / Equações integrais no sentido da integral de Kurzweil e aplicaçõesRafael dos Santos Marques 25 July 2016 (has links)
Being part of a research group on functional differential equations (FDEs, for short), due to my formation in non-absolute integration theory and because certain kinds of FDEs can be expressed as integral equations, I was motivated to investigate the latter. The purpose of this work, therefore, is to develop the theory of integral equations, when the integrals involved are in the sense of Kurzweil- Henstock or Kurzweil-Henstock-Stieltjes, through the correspondence between solutions of integral equations and solutions of generalized ordinary differential equations (we write generalized ODEs, for short). In order to be able to obtain results for integral equations, we propose extensions of both the Kurzweil integral and the generalized ODEs (found in [36]). We develop the fundamental properties of this new generalized ODE, such as existence and uniqueness of solutions results, and we propose stability concepts for the solutions of our new class of equations. We, then, apply these results to a class of nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind. Finally, we consider a model of population growth (found in [4]) that can be expressed as an integral equation that belongs to this class of nonlinear Volterra integral equations. / Sendo parte de um grupo de pesquisa em equações diferenciais funcionais (escrevemos EDFs), por causa de minha formação em teoria de integração não absoluta e porque certos tipos de EDFs podem ser escritas como equações integrais, decidi estudar esse último tipo de equações. O objetivo desse trabalho, portanto, é desenvolver a teoria de equações integrais, quando as integrais envolvidas são no sentido de Kurzweil-Henstock ou Kurzweil-Henstock-Stieltjes, através da correspondência entre soluções de equações integrais e soluções de equações diferenciais ordinárias generalizadas (ou EDOs generalizadas). A fim de obter resultados para estas equações integrais, propomos extensões de ambas a integral de Kurzweil e as EDOs generalizadas (encontradas em [36]). Desenvolvemos propriedades fundamentais dessa nova EDO generalizada, como resultados de existência e unicidade de solução, e propomos conceitos de estabilidade para as soluções de nossa nova classe de equações. Nós, então, aplicamos esses resultados a uma classe de equações integrais de Volterra não lineares de segunda espécie. Finalmente, consideramos um modelo de crescimento de populações (encontrado em [4]) que pode ser escrito como uma equação integral pertencente a essa classe de equações integrais de Volterra não lineares.
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Applications of Nonlinear Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations and Volterra Integral Equations to Infectious Disease EpidemiologyJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: In the field of infectious disease epidemiology, the assessment of model robustness outcomes plays a significant role in the identification, reformulation, and evaluation of preparedness strategies aimed at limiting the impact of catastrophic events (pandemics or the deliberate release of biological agents) or used in the management of disease prevention strategies, or employed in the identification and evaluation of control or mitigation measures. The research work in this dissertation focuses on: The comparison and assessment of the role of exponentially distributed waiting times versus the use of generalized non-exponential parametric distributed waiting times of infectious periods on the quantitative and qualitative outcomes generated by Susceptible-Infectious-Removed (SIR) models. Specifically, Gamma distributed infectious periods are considered in the three research projects developed following the applications found in (Bailey 1964, Anderson 1980, Wearing 2005, Feng 2007, Feng 2007, Yan 2008, lloyd 2009, Vergu 2010). i) The first project focuses on the influence of input model parameters, such as the transmission rate, mean and variance of Gamma distributed infectious periods, on disease prevalence, the peak epidemic size and its timing, final epidemic size, epidemic duration and basic reproduction number. Global uncertainty and sensitivity analyses are carried out using a deterministic Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) model. The quantitative effect and qualitative relation between input model parameters and outcome variables are established using Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) and Partial rank correlation coefficient (PRCC) and Spearman rank correlation coefficient (RCC) sensitivity indices. We learnt that: For relatively low (R0 close to one) to high (mean of R0 equals 15) transmissibility, the variance of the Gamma distribution for the infectious period, input parameter of the deterministic age-of-infection SIR model, is key (statistically significant) on the predictability of the epidemiological variables such as the epidemic duration and the peak size and timing of the prevalence of infectious individuals and therefore, for the predictability these variables, it is preferable to utilize a nonlinear system of Volterra integral equations, rather than a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations. The predictability of epidemiological variables such as the final epidemic size and the basic reproduction number are unaffected by (or independent of) the variance of the Gamma distribution for the infectious period and therefore for the choice on which type of nonlinear system for the description of the SIR model (VIE's or ODE's) is irrelevant. Although, for practical proposes, with the aim of lowering the complexity and number operations in the numerical methods, a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations is preferred. The main contribution lies in the development of a model based decision-tool that helps determine when SIR models given in terms of Volterra integral equations are equivalent or better suited than SIR models that only consider exponentially distributed infectious periods. ii) The second project addresses the question of whether or not there is sufficient evidence to conclude that two empirical distributions for a single epidemiological outcome, one generated using a stochastic SIR model under exponentially distributed infectious periods and the other under the non-exponentially distributed infectious period, are statistically dissimilar. The stochastic formulations are modeled via a continuous time Markov chain model. The statistical hypothesis test is conducted using the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. We found evidence that shows that for low to moderate transmissibility, all empirical distribution pairs (generated from exponential and non-exponential distributions) for each of the epidemiological quantities considered are statistically dissimilar. The research in this project helps determine whether the weakening exponential distribution assumption must be considered in the estimation of probability of events defined from the empirical distribution of specific random variables. iii) The third project involves the assessment of the effect of exponentially distributed infectious periods on estimates of input parameter and the associated outcome variable predictions. Quantities unaffected by the use of exponentially distributed infectious period within low transmissibility scenarios include, the prevalence peak time, final epidemic size, epidemic duration and basic reproduction number and for high transmissibility scenarios only the prevalence peak time and final epidemic size. An application designed to determine from incidence data whether there is sufficient statistical evidence to conclude that the infectious period distribution should not be modeled by an exponential distribution is developed. A method for estimating explicitly specified non-exponential parametric probability density functions for the infectious period from epidemiological data is developed. The methodologies presented in this dissertation may be applicable to models where waiting times are used to model transitions between stages, a process that is common in the study of life-history dynamics of many ecological systems. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences 2014
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Processamento digital de sinais aplicado a análise de distribuição de tempos de relaxação em sinais de ressonância magnética nuclear / Digital signal processing applied to relaxation times distribution analysis in nuclear magnetic resonance signalsGuylherme Emmanuel Tagliaferro de Queiroz 03 June 2015 (has links)
Sabe-se que a relaxação de líquidos em meios porosos envolve três mecanismos principais: relaxação bulk, relaxação de superfície e difusão. Muitas vezes, os processos de relaxação de líquidos confinados em meios porosos são dominados pelo processo de relaxação de superfície e difusão do fluído. No chamado regime de difusão rápida, a relaxação de um único poro é comandada por uma função mono exponencial que depende, principalmente, da relação superfície-volume do poro, de modo que em um material poroso, isto é, contendo uma distribuição ampla de tamanho de poros, o sinal de decaimento de magnetização obtido por meio da ressonância magnética nuclear é formado pela soma de exponenciais com diferentes tempos de relaxação. O problema-chave abordado neste trabalho consiste, portanto, em obter por meio desse sinal de magnetização a distribuição dos tempos de relaxação que controlam o decaimento das funções mono-exponenciais. Matematicamente, esse sinal de decaimento de magnetização pode ser descrito na forma geral de uma equação integral de Fredholm do primeiro tipo, cuja solução é um reconhecido problema inverso mal-posto. As abordagens utilizadas na tentativa de solucionar o problema são oriundas de uma área conhecida como processamento digital de sinais, e os seguintes métodos são analisados e comparados neste trabalho: algoritmo dos mínimos quadrados médios com restrição de não negatividade (LMS-NN), algoritmo dos mínimos quadrados médios com restrição de não negatividade e regularizado (LMS-RNN), redes recorrentes de Hopfield e o já bem conhecido na solução de problemas inversos mal-postos, o algoritmo dos mínimos quadrados regularizado (LS-R). Os resultados obtidos no trabalho são bastante positivos, demonstrando que, além do LS-R, existem outras alternativas na solução do problema, que principalmente, permitem atestar as soluções obtidas por qualquer um dos algoritmos. / It is known that the relaxation of liquids in porous media involves three principal mechanisms: bulk relaxation, surface relaxation, and diffusion. Relaxation processes of confined fluids in porous media are often controlled by surface relaxation process and diffusion. In the so-called fast diffusion regime, the relaxation of a single pore is governed by a mono-exponential function that depends primarily on the relation surface-volume of the pore, so that in a porous medium, i.e, in a medium which contains a wide distribution of pore sizes, the signal of magnetization decay obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance is composed by a sum of exponentials controlled by different relaxation times. The main issue discussed in this work consists in obtaining the distribution of relaxation times that controls the decay of the mono-exponential functions that comprise the magnetization signal. Mathematically this signal of magnetization decay can be generally described as a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, whose solution is a recognized ill-posed inverse problem. The approaches adopted to try to solve the problem come from an area known as digital signal processing, and the following methods analyzed and compared are: non-negative least mean square algorithm (NN-LMS), regularized and nonnegative nleast mean square algorithm (RNN-LMS), recurrent Hopfield networks and regularized least square algorithm (R-LS), acknowledged in the solution of ill-posed inverse problems. The results obtained are very positive, and show that in addition to R-LS there are other alternatives in the solution of the problem, which mainly allow to attest the results achieved through any of the algorithms.
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Estudo sistêmico da geração de conhecimento no IPEN / Systemic study of knowledge generation at IPENMONTEIRO, CARLOS A. 25 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2016-08-25T18:15:44Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T18:15:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Com o escopo de fornecer subsídios para compreender como o processo de colaboração científica ocorre e se desenvolve em uma instituição de pesquisas, particularmente o IPEN, o trabalho utilizou duas abordagens metodológicas. A primeira utilizou a técnica de análise de redes sociais (ARS) para mapear as redes de colaboração científica em P&D do IPEN. Os dados utilizados na ARS foram extraídos da base de dados digitais de publicações técnico-científicas do IPEN, com o auxílio de um programa computacional, e basearam-se em coautoria compreendendo o período de 2001 a 2010. Esses dados foram agrupados em intervalos consecutivos de dois anos gerando cinco redes bienais. Essa primeira abordagem revelou várias características estruturais relacionadas às redes de colaboração, destacando-se os autores mais proeminentes, distribuição dos componentes, densidade, boundary spanners e aspectos relacionados à distância e agrupamento para definir um estado de redes mundo pequeno (small world). A segunda utilizou o método dos mínimos quadrados parciais, uma variante da técnica de modelagem por equações estruturais, para avaliar e testar um modelo conceitual, apoiado em fatores pessoais, sociais, culturais e circunstanciais, para identificar aqueles que melhor explicam a propensão de um autor do IPEN em estabelecer vínculos de colaboração em ambientes de P&D. A partir do modelo consolidado, avaliou-se o quanto ele explica a posição estrutural que um autor ocupa na rede com base em indicadores de ARS. Nesta segunda parte, os dados foram coletados por meio de uma pesquisa de levantamento com a utilização de um questionário. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo explica aproximadamente 41% da propensão de um autor do IPEN em colaborar com outros autores e em relação à posição estrutural de um autor na rede o poder de explicação variou entre 3% e 3,6%. Outros resultados mostraram que a colaboração entre autores do IPEN tem uma correlação positiva com intensidade moderada com a produtividade, da mesma forma que, os autores mais centrais na rede tendem a ampliar a sua visibilidade. Por fim, vários outros indicadores estatísticos bibliométricos referentes à rede de colaboração em P&D do IPEN foram determinados e revelados, como, a média de autores por publicação, média de publicações por autores do IPEN, total de publicações, total de autores e não autores do IPEN, entre outros. Com isso, esse trabalho fornece uma contribuição teórica e empírica aos estudos relacionados à colaboração científica e ao processo de transferência e preservação de conhecimento, assim como, vários subsídios que contribuem para o contexto de tomada de decisão em ambientes de P&D. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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A Study On Solutions Of Singular Integral EquationsGeorge, A J 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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