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An investigation of intellectual capital disclosure in annual reports of UK firms : practices and determinantsLi, Jing January 2009 (has links)
This study examines the intellectual capital (IC) disclosure practices in the annual reports of 100 listed UK firms selected from sectors considered to be IC-intensive. It also investigates the possible determinants of such disclosure practices from the three perspectives of corporate governance structure, company characteristics and market factors. IC disclosures were captured using content analysis, and were measured by a disclosure index, supported by word count and percentage of word count metrics to assess the variety, volume and focus of IC disclosure respectively, at both overall and subcategory levels. The presentational formats and locations of IC disclosures were also recorded. The results indicate that the UK firms sampled provide considerable IC information in their annual reports, mainly in text form, with popular use of numerical information, while the use of graphs and pictures for many IC elements remains low. The distribution of IC disclosures, captured in three categories, varies by the three measures of disclosure applied. IC information was found in virtually all sections of the annual report and was most concentrated in the Operating and Financial Review section. IC terms typically used in the academic literature do not feature in the sampled annual reports. The results of the statistical analyses based on the three measures of IC disclosure indicate significant associations with a number of corporate governance factors (i.e. board composition, share concentration, audit committee size and frequency of meeting, board directors' shareholding, audit committee directors' shareholding, and board directors with cross-directorships), company characteristics (i.e. firm size, profitability, and listing age), and market factors (i.e. 'hidden value', share price volatility, share turnover, and multiple listing). These findings offer support for a number of theories, such as information asymmetry, agency and signalling theory. The influence of these explanatory factors on human, structural and relational capital disclosures, based on all three disclosure measure metrics, as well as on the format of IC disclosure, was also explored. The study also finds that its IC framework is more effective than a less detailed framework used in prior studies for the purpose of examining IC disclosure practice and its determinants. The study contributes to the further advancement of the state of knowledge in relation to IC disclosure both empirically and methodologically. It provides information users, preparers, regulatory bodies and academics with a state-of-the-art understanding of IC disclosure practices in the annual report. The transparent content analysis process enables future replication and comparison of results. The rigorous measurements of IC disclosure, the greater specificity of disclosure about the location and presentational format, and the more detailed IC research framework can be usefully applied by other studies. By examining the relationship between explanatory factors and IC disclosure, it helps shareholders and other groups of information users as well as the regulatory bodies to identify factors that may encourage IC disclosure in the annual report.
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銀行業運用智慧資本衡量指標之先導性個案研究項蓮華 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:智慧資本、衡量指標、策略 / Under the wave of globalization, deregulation and rapid change in information technology, the sources of competitive advantages of an organization rely heavily on the management of its intangible assets (intellectual capital). The operating performance of domestic banks in Taiwan has been slow. Analysis shows that consideration for the measurement and management of intellectual capital could be helpful. Based on interviews with officers from a foreign bank’s branch office located in Taipei, the main research questions explored in this thesis are as follows:
1. What are the important intellectual capital indicators to a bank?
2. Will the nature of the business influence cognition of the importance of intellectual capital indicators?
In addition, built on measures reviewed from the literature and interviews with practitioners, this research develops a preliminary questionnaire that provides an initial basis for further research.
The primary findings of this research are shown as follows:
(1) There are 34 important indicators, including 16 indicators for organizational capital, 9 indicators for human capital and customer capital respectively. The results show that organizational capital is extremely important to the bank interviewed. An enhanced organization capital can improve efficiency and better serve its customers.
(2) Differences in the nature of banking business influence the cognition of importance of indicators. The essential differences are found mostly in human capital.
(3) It is suggested that emphases on indicators such as management team leadership, recruiting and training program, employees’ performance, adjustability in organizational structure, risk management, product profitability and profitability for target customers could be considered for domestic banks as a starting point to improve their performance.
Key words: banking industry, intellectual capital, indicators, strategy.
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Drivers of Knowledge Base Adoption, Analysis of Czech Corporate Environment / Drivers of Knowledge Base Adoption, Analysis of Czech Corporate EnvironmentRakovská, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses the process of knowledge-base adoption in the enterprise environment. Using data from two knowledge-management systems operated by the company, Semanta, s.r.o. we studied the day-to-day interactions of employees using the system and identified the important drivers of system adoption. We began by studying the effect of co-workers' collaborative activities on knowledge creation within the system. It was found that they had a positive and significant impact upon overall knowledge creation and thus on adoption. Secondly, we explored how the newly defined concept of gamification could help determine and encourage an increase in knowledge creation. The use of gamification tools, such as the "Hall of Fame" page, turned out to have significant influence in the adoption process. Thirdly, we examined how users continually seek knowledge within the system and how asking for missing information and being supplied with answers has an impact on adoption rates. It was shown that the quicker the responses and the more experts dealing with requests the greater the impact on knowledge base adoption. Finally, we showed that the size and character of the company deploying the knowledge management system does not influence the adoption drivers. This thesis represents an effort to fill the...
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Developing core capabilities in a financial services firm: an intellectual capital perspective.06 December 2007 (has links)
One of the basic assumptions associated with the theoretical model as described in this article is that an organisation (a system) can acquire capabilities through intentional strategic and operational initiatives. This intentional capability-building process also implies that the organisation intends to use these capabilities in a constructive way to increase competitive advantage for the firm. The creation of conducive and attractive conditions for enhancing a firm’s capability-building process is central to the theoretical model as described in this article. The key building blocks that create favourable conditions for the development of organisational capabilities from an Intellectual Capital perspective are defined in the theoretical model and consist of the following five constructs: - A Strategic Architecture that provides guidance on the strategic intent, focus and boundaries of the organisation. - An Intellectual Capital Framework that creates a basis for a normative-, strategic- and operational view to stimulate ideas on how to make intellectual capital a practical reality and to utilise these insights in the development of the organisation’s core capabilities. - A Core Capability Framework that reflects the content and processes related to the identification, description, evaluation and assumptions associated with the firm’s core capabilities. The Core Capability Framework also facilitates the integration of the concepts “core capabilities” and “intellectual capital”. - An Operationalisation Framework to leverage core capabilities from an Intellectual Capital perspective in a pragmatic way to realise tangible competitive benefits not only from individual capabilities, but also through the conscious collective use of bundles of capabilities. - A change enablement process that stimulates knowledge flows between the above key constructs of the conceptual model. This creates the basis for cognitive and emotional leverages to increase the potential of an organisation to successfully implement a strategic approach to the management of core capabilities from an Intellectual Capital perspective. Raising the awareness and capacity of the organisation on the above five constructs creates the basis for an increase in the potential to make positive progress on this strategic journey of discovery to manage the growth of intellectual capital in a holistic way by focusing on core capabilities. / Prof. Koos Uys
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Analýza intelektuálního kapitálu v konkrétní firmě / Analysis of the intellectual capital in a specific companyNykodýmová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with intellectual capital and the explanation of its importance in modern society. In the opening chapters of the thesis, the first target is described - an explanation of the term "intellectual capital" in comparison with the theoretical background, which are data, information and knowledge. Further work describes the methods of measurement, storage, and reporting of intellectual capital. The practical part deals with the second goal, an analysis of intellectual capital within an organization where knowledge is applied from the theoretical part. The final chapter summarizes the results, offering possible solutions and outlining the development, as could be analyzed by the company to take.
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The impact of board structures on intellectual capital performance in South Africa: An empirical investigationVermeulen, Katinka 06 March 2014 (has links)
The well documented agency problem remains an ongoing debate, with the board as a
central point of corporate governance providing a control mechanism. The effective
composition and functioning of the board is therefore highlighted as being key to
overcoming agency‐problems (Hermalin and Weisback, 2003; Adams and Ferreira, 2009).
This research report explores the relationship between the structural aspects of the board,
including the average age of board members, the size of the board of directors and the
specific positions women and ethnic persons hold on the board of South African listed
companies, and intellectual capital performance measured using VAIC™ (Pulic, 2000), as well
as market adjusted share returns. The population consists of all South African companies
listed on the JSE Securities Exchange during 2011 with the final sample consisting of 193
companies after transformation of the data. The results of the regression analyses indicated
no significant relationship between intellectual capital performance and board size, or
specific positions being held by women or ethnic persons. A significant positive relationship
however exists between the average age of the board of directors and intellectual capital
performance. As a result, companies may be able to enhance their intellectual capital
performance by increasing the average age of their board members.
Key words: Board structure, Diversity, Ethnic, Gender, Age, Board size, Intellectual capital,
Performance, South Africa.
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"Uma análise da identificação e da gestão do capital intelectual nas usinas sucroalcooleiras e da prática dos princípios delineadores do conceito de avaliação de empresas na sua gestão econômico-financeira: um estudo exploratório em dez usinas paulistas" / An analysis of the identification and management of the intellectual capital in the sugarcane companies and of the principles of the concept of valuations practice in its economic-financial management: an exploratory study in ten sugarcane companies from São PauloMatheus, Leandro de Freitas 22 August 2003 (has links)
Partindo da premissa de que o objetivo maior da empresa e de seus administradores consiste na maximização do capital nela investido, observa-se que os administradores devem se preocupar com a geração de riqueza dentro da empresa, buscando continuamente incrementar e otimizar a criação de valor pela organização e também mensurá-la. Outro forte motivo para mensuração do valor da empresa consiste no crescente aumento do número de fusões e aquisições entre empresas ocorridas no país, incluindo o setor sucroalcooleiro, o que torna sua avaliação necessária a fim de se determinar o valor de transação do negócio. Esta mensuração pode ser realizada a partir da análise do valor da empresa, que, por sua vez, pode ser obtido através do uso de modelos de avaliação de empresas. Por outro lado, nota-se que a importância e a participação dos ativos intangíveis dentro deste processo de criação de valor tem crescido ao longo dos anos. Neste contexto, e considerando a importância do setor sucroalcooleiro dentro da economia nacional, este trabalho apresenta um estudo exploratório realizado em dez usinas sucroalcooleiras instaladas no Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de investigar a presença, os inter-relacionamentos e a importância dos ativos intangíveis, agrupados e estruturados sob o conceito de capital intelectual, no processo de criação de valor dentro destas empresas, assim como as decisões e atitudes dos gestores acerca destes elementos que constituem o capital intelectual da organização. Também é investigada a prática dos princípios delineadores do conceito de avaliação de empresas baseado no modelo de fluxo de caixa descontado pelos administradores na gestão das usinas, buscando-se identificar o conhecimento dos gestores acerca deste conceito e seu preparo para utilização desta ferramenta. Verificou-se, a partir da constatação da importância dos elementos formadores do capital intelectual para a criação de valor dentro das empresas, que, de forma geral, o nível do capital humano e estrutural das usinas pesquisadas se encontra aquém do necessário para um melhor desempenho destas, enquanto que seu capital de relacionamentos, ou seja, a qualidade de seus relacionamentos se encontra em um nível elevado e bastante próximo do adequado. Observou-se também que, embora não conheçam a fundo e nem se utilizem da prática de determinar o valor do negócio, os administradores praticam os princípios delineadores do conceito de avaliação de empresas na gestão das usinas, o que os prepara e credencia para a utilização do conceito tanto como ferramenta para a mensuração do desempenho econômico-financeiro da organização, como também por outros motivos tais como a participação em processos de fusões e aquisições entre usinas e uma futura participação destas em bolsas de valores / Based on the premise that the main objective of the company and its administrators consists in the maximization of the capital invested, it can be observed that the administrators should worry about the wealth generation inside the company, continually aiming to increase and improve the value creation inside the organization and also measuring it. Another great reason for measuring of company's value consists in the growing increase of the number of mergers and acquisitions among companies happened in the Brazil, including the sugarcane sector, what turns necessary the valuation to determine the transaction's value of the business. This measurement can be accomplished starting from the analysis of the company's value that, for its turn, can be obtained through the use of models of companies' valuation. On the other hand, it is noticed that the importance and the participation of the intangible assets inside of this process of value creation has been growing along the years. In this context and considering the importance of the sugarcane sector for the national economy, this work presents an exploratory study accomplished in ten sugarcane companies located in São Paulo State with the objective of investigating the presence, the inter-relationships and the importance of the intangible assets, contained and structured under the concept of intellectual capital, in the process of value creation inside of these companies. The decisions and the managers' attitudes concerning these elements that constitute the intellectual capital of the organization are also analysed. The principles of the concept of companies' valuation based on the cash flow model discounted practice by the administrators in the organization management is also investigated, seeking to identify the managers' knowledge concerning this concept and yours prepares for use this tool. It was verified, starting from the verification of the importance of the intellectual capital elements for the value creation inside of the organizations, that, in a general way, the level of the human and structural capital of the researched companies is below of the necessary for a better performance, while its relationships capital, that is to say, the quality of its relationships see in a high and quite close of the appropriate level. Although they do not thoroughly know and are not used of the practice of determining the business' value, it was also observed that the administrators practice the principles of the concept of valuation in the management of the companies, what prepares them for the utilization of the concept as tool for the measuring of the economic-financial organization performance, as well as for other reasons as the participation in processes of mergers and acquisitions or a future participation of the company in stocks exchange
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Análise da estrutura do capital intelectual em hotéis paulistas: uma investigação em relação ao porte dos hotéis / Analysis of intellectual capital\'s structure at paulistans hotels: a investigation regarding hotels sizeRodrigues, Edna de Almeida 05 March 2007 (has links)
Os elementos intangíveis no processo de criação de valor dentro das empresas vêm ganhando crescente importância nas discussões acadêmicas. Neste sentido, é importante que os administradores identifiquem e gerenciem estes elementos, que são agrupados sob o conceito de capital intelectual (CI) da organização. Este trabalho apresenta um survey realizado com cento e onze hotéis do estado de São Paulo, o qual evidenciou a presença dos elementos do CI conforme os portes dos hotéis (pequeno, médio e grande) e analisou as atitudes dos gestores acerca destes elementos. As informações e os dados foram coletados a partir da aplicação de um questionário estruturado disponível em um site. Os dados foram tratados e analisados estatisticamente e os resultados obtidos evidenciaram como principal diferença de gestão dos hotéis o fato dos hotéis de pequeno porte sustentarem o capital humano como componente de sua estrutura de CI mais consistente, enquanto que nos hotéis de médio porte toda a estrutura está em formação, ao contrário dos hotéis de grande porte, que possuem uma estrutura consistente. / The intangible elements in the process of organizational value creation are gaining increasing importance in the academic quarrels. In this direction, it is important that the administrators identify and manage these elements, which are classified under the concept of intellectual capital (IC) of the organization. This work presents a survey carried through with one hundred and eleven paulistans hotels, which evidenced the presence of the elements of the IC as the size of the hotels (small, medium and large) and to analyzed the attitudes of the managers about of these elements. The information and data had been collected from the application of a structuralized questionnaire available in a website. The data had been treated and analyzed statistically and the results found evidenced as main difference the fact of the small hotels support the capital human as component of its structure of IC more consistent, while that in the medium hotels have carried all the structure is in formation, in contrast of the great hotels, that keep a consistent structure.
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Uma an??lise da rela????o entre o capital intelectual de uma organiza????o p??blica brasileira e o seu desempenho: o caso do Instittuto Nacional da Seguridade Social - INSSOliveira, Pedro de 31 August 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Elba Lopes (elba.lopes@fecap.br) on 2016-01-27T12:34:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-31 / The intellectual capital is characterized as an intangible asset, which has been considered as the most important factor on the results of the organizations. In that sense, this study analyzes the relation between the intellectual capital and the performance of a Brazilian public organization. This is an exploratory research which was carried out on the Instituto Nacional da Seguridade Social - INSS, a public organization responsible for the management of financial resources which represents about 8% of the GNP. In order to achieve the proposal objectives, first some intellectual capital indicators were select from the model named Skandia developed by Edvinsson and Malone (1998) and some variables related to the activities performed by the unit studied. Later, it was collected data from INSS, regarding to the Benefits Department. After the data collection and the statistical treatment, it was possible to establish relations between the intellectual capital indicators and some performance variables of this organization. The reached results show that the indicators related to the experience of the civil servants, the aging of the systems, and the services available in the web, have contributed to the better results, which can be explained by the accuracy and the reduction in the time of analysis process. However, the indicators related to training and education didn't show a significant relation to the chosen variables, which suggests that external factors should be considered in a future research. / O capital intelectual caracteriza-se como um ativo intang??vel, que vem sendo considerado como o fator diferencial nos resultados das organiza????es privadas. Nesse sentido, este estudo analisa a rela????o entre o capital intelectual de uma organiza????o p??blica brasileira e seu desempenho. Trata-se de uma pesquisa explorat??ria, realizada em uma unidade do Instituto Nacional da Seguridade Social - INSS, ??rg??o respons??vel pela gest??o de recursos financeiros que representam cerca de 8% do PIB do pa??s. Para consecu????o do objetivo proposto, foram inicialmente selecionados indicadores de capital intelectual do modelo Skandia, desenvolvido por Edvinsson e Malone (1998), e indicadores de desempenho pertinentes ??s atividades da unidade objeto de estudo. Posteriormente, foram coletados dados junto ao INSS, referentes ?? divis??o de benef??cios concedidos aos segurados. Ap??s a coleta e tratamento estat??stico dos dados foi poss??vel estabelecer rela????es entre os referidos indicadores de capital intelectual e algumas vari??veis que mostram o desempenho da institui????o. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os indicadores "experi??ncia do servidor p??blico", "maturidade dos sistemas" e "utiliza????o dos servi??os dispon??veis na internet" contribu??ram para um melhor desempenho, representado por uma melhor qualidade e menor tempo de an??lise para a concess??o dos benef??cios. J?? os indicadores referentes a treinamento e grau de escolaridade de pessoal n??o apresentaram uma rela????o direta com as vari??veis de desempenho selecionadas, o que sugere que outros fatores externos devam ser considerados em pesquisas futuras.
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Análise da gestão do capital de relacionamento: um estudo de caso exploratório na fábrica de motores São Carlos / Analysis of the management relationship capital: an exploratory case study in the São Carlos motors factorySilva, Carlos Donizeti Ferreira da 05 October 2006 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o capital intelectual vem assumindo importante posição de destaque junto as comunidades acadêmicas e empresarias, pois as formas mais modernas e eficazes de se mensurar os ativos intangíveis proporcionam para as organizações a gestão mais eficiente dos seus recursos. Na estrutura do capital intelectual existem ramificações de igual importância e representatividade, como o capital de relacionamento. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo evidenciar a importância do gerenciamento do capital de relacionamento, mostrando como a concorrência proporcionada pela globalização levou as empresas a deixarem o tradicional sistema de produção em massa para buscarem novas alternativas na gestão dos seus recursos. Partindo desse cenário esta pesquisa utiliza-se como base os resultados obtidos na fábrica de motores São Carlos, abordando as características estruturais e os elementos que constituem o capital de relacionamento na empresa, retratando sua importância na formação de novas parcerias e modelos gerenciais a fim de obter vantagem competitiva sobre seus concorrentes. / At the last years the intellectual capital is taking over important position to the academic highlight communities and enterprises, because the most modern and effective forms to measure the intangible active, provide to the organizations the most efficient administration of their resources. In the structure of the intellectual capital, there is an equal importance and representatives ramifications, like the relationship capital. This research has as goal evidence, the capital management importance of relationship, showing as the competition provided by the globalization, has taken the companies let the traditional production system to seek new options in the administration of their resources. Starting by scenery, this research uses as base, the results obtained at the São Carlos motors factory , boarding the structural characteristics and the elements that constitute the relationship capital in the company, showing its importance in the new partnerships formation and management models in order to obtain competitive advantage about their competitors.
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