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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skyddet av geografiska ursprungsbeteckningar : en immaterialrättslig figur sui generis / The protection of geographical indications : an intellectual property right sui generis

Khalil, Sarah January 2003 (has links)
Geographical indications designate products which have a specific geographical origin, which can either be national, regional or local. The subject is complicated since geographical indications arises a large number of questions There are EC regulations which regulate the protection of geographical indications, but since the field has not yet been exhaustively harmonized, the existence of national rules of protection is therefore still possible, which can lead to trade barriers between the member states. Consequently, one problem consists in whether it may be legitimate to restrict the free movement of goods by article 28 in the EC Treaty by referring to national rules of protection and to what extent such measures may be justified by article 30 or by the Cassis doctrine. An additional question consists in how the line between geographical indications and generic terms is to be established appropriately. Further, geographical indications are exposed to improper use by other dishonest commercial operators and therefore the possibilities of protection against unfair competition and misleading are also discussed in the thesis. Since there are several questions which are unanswered regarding geographical indications, the purpose of this essay is to analyze what kind of intellectual property right geographical indications constitute and how they are protected.

The Legal Status of Domain Names : A Business Context

Davidsson, Louise, Thulin, Sara January 2008 (has links)
Domain names are still a relatively unknown occurrence and despite being a natural part in most people’s every-day life, there are few who reflect over their importance. The original function of domain names was merely to serve as technical addresses and to facilitate the locating of websites on the Internet. Today domain names are much more than this. In addition to the address function, domain names may also serve as indications of goods, services, businesses or information. The domain name is usually the first contact one gets with a website and it has become crucial for businesses to have their company name or trade marks registered as domain names. The issue of the legal status of domain names has mainly been discussed from an American point of view and in Sweden this discussion has almost entirely fallen under the radar. If the legal status of a domain name were clear, it would be easier for businesses to avail themselves of the value of that domain name. It would possibly even contribute to strengthening the legal protection for the domain name holder, in for example insolvency or bankruptcy procedures. Intellectual property exists in many different forms, the main being patents, trade marks, copyright and design rights. Although there are many differences between them, they all have in common that they establish property protection over intangibles such as ideas, inventions, signs and information. As a domain name is not a physical object, there can be no doubt that it is an intangible. The question is whether it is property. Intellectual property is not a static area and it can, in line with societal and technological development, be expanded to include new types. The legal status of domain names is generally discussed in the light of the close connection they have with trade marks. Except from their original function, the trade mark function of domain names can probably be considered as one of the most commonly accepted. It is indicated in this thesis that that function contributes to that a domain name can be considered as a distinctive sign and thereby obtain protection, in the same way as an unregistered trade mark. According to current accounting rules, businesses may, to some extent, avail themselves of the value of a domain name. Domain names are under certain circumstances identified as intangible assets and even as ‘similar rights’ to for example trade marks and patents in accounting and taxation situations. At this time it is not possible to legislate on the area of the legal status of a domain name on a Community level, as this most likely would have to include a consideration of the existence of property rights and consequently fall outside the legislative powers of the Community. Both the legal development and the legal discussions on the topic of the legal status of domain names in Sweden have been relatively sparse. Nonetheless, there have been some interesting opinions. By investigating what positions the different authorities, academics and practitioners have taken on the legal status of domain names it can be concluded that the prevailing opinion in Sweden is that domain names are not considered as property. The reason for this seems to be that domain names as such, are in fact no more than technical constructions and that by registering a domain name the registrant only becomes the holder of a contractual right. However, there are some diverging opinions which could suggest that the legal status of domain names in Sweden is not yet settled. The aspects which are then taken into consideration include that domain names have developed to become important and valuable assets for an increasing number of businesses. A domain name is a precondition for the creation of a website and therefore of crucial importance for, in particular, online based businesses. However, they are of increasing importance for all businesses to reach out to and compete over the same customers. It is advocated that the fact that domain names are freely traded with indicates that domain names are property. It has also been questioned whether an asset with a true economic value, such as a domain name, can exist without being considered as an item of property. The steps taken in other jurisdictions have shown that the legal status of domain names is not even clear in some of the countries with the greatest experience of domain names. Nonetheless, the legal status is given attention in those countries and the discussion has been initiated. In general, it can be concluded that the development seems to go toward higher awareness of the value of domain names.

Are Colours Worth Protecting? : An Examination of Abstract Colour Marks’ Scope of Protection

Nilsson, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
In the search for companies to distinguish themselves from the mass, so called non-traditional trade marks have become increasingly popular, and in particular colour marks. It is now clear that abstract colour marks can be registered as trade marks, and the number of registered colour marks has increased considerably in recent years. However, it remains a lot more uncertain, mainly due to lack of case law, what the extent of colour marks’ scope of protection is. Are colours actually worth protecting? The purpose of this thesis is to examine the scope of protection of registered abstract colour marks from an EU perspective. Through this examination it will also be established whether colours are worth protecting. The essential function of trade marks is to indicate the origin of products. Signs that are capable of being represented graphically and capable of distinguishing goods and services from one undertaking from those of other undertakings can be registered as trade marks. Colours can fulfil these criteria in certain circumstances, however, colours can practically never have distinctive character per se. Instead, they must have acquired distinctive character through use. Since it is quite difficult to register colour marks, a colour mark proprietor should be prepared to have the validity of his trade mark challenged if he issues proceedings for infringement. There are a few national cases from EU Member States that have concerned infringement of colour marks, and in all of these the plaintiff was successful in claiming infringement. Through the decisions in these cases, general legal principles and statements made in literature, the scope of protection of colour marks has been examined. Infringement of a colour mark occurs in three different situations: where there is likelihood of confusion, where there is double identity and where there is dilution of a trade mark with a reputation. Some of the most important findings are that confusingly similar colours include adjacent shades, but in order to prove likelihood of confusion, the infringing colour must probably be perceived by the public as an indication of origin and other signs that appear together with the colour must probably be taken into account, which limits the scope of protection to some extent. However, since colour marks must almost always have acquired distinctive character through use, consumers are used to perceiving that colour as a trade mark in relation to those types of goods/services, and are therefore more likely to do so also when the colour is used by the third party. Furthermore, there have to be an individual assessment in each case in order to determine whether surrounding signs exclude a likelihood of confusion, where all factors should be considered, including the distinctiveness of the colour mark and how clear and prominent the other signs are. In situations of double identity, the infringing sign does not have to be used as a trade mark, which is advantageous for colour mark owners. Furthermore, identical colours can possibly include other shades if they are so similar that the difference is barely perceptible in a direct comparison. Colour marks can often qualify as trade marks with a reputation, since the assessment of whether trade marks have a reputation is similar to the assessment of whether trade marks have acquired distinctive character through use. Trade marks with a reputation has an extended protection meaning that if a third party uses a sign that is identical or similar to a trade mark with a reputation, and that use without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the trade mark, then that use constitutes infringement. This applies both in relation to identical, similar and dissimilar products, however, it will probably only apply in relation to identical or similar products when it comes to colour marks, due to the extensive use of colours in the market. The extended protection could be relevant in particular in situations where likelihood of confusion cannot be proven, because the public does not perceive the infringing sign as a trade mark or because of surrounding prominent signs. This examination shows that the scope of protection of colour marks is not great, it has some weaknesses. However, it is definitely not worthless either, which clearly shows in the fact that the plaintiffs were successful in claiming infringement in all of the infringement cases. By registering a colour as a trade mark, a company can to some extent stop others from using the same or similar colour, and it will also most likely have a discouraging effect. However, some carefulness should still be applied in relation to colour marks, since this is still a very new phenomenon and additional case law can take another direction. But considering how the situation looks today, colours are worth protecting as trade marks.

Medhjälpare till brott mot URL? : Vem och när anses man vara medhjälpare?

Jansizian, George January 2011 (has links)
Internettjänsten The Pirate Bay fälldes av Svea hovrätt den 26 november 2010 för medhjälp till brott mot URL med motiveringen att denna tjänst främjat fildelning av upphovsrättsligt skyddat material utan upphovsmännens samtycke. Bestämmelsen i 23 kap 4 § 2 st. BrB lyder, ”ansvar som i denna balk är föreskrivet för viss gärning skall ådömas inte bara den som utfört gärningen utan även annan som främjat denna med råd eller dåd. Detsamma skall gälla beträffande i annan lag eller författning straffbelagd gärning, för vilken fängelse är föreskrivet.” I dagsläget finns ett flertal tjänster av liknande karaktär såsom söktjänsten Google och videotjänsten Youtube. Dessa har inte prövats av svensk rätt men åtnjuter skydd av E-handelslagen trots att de i praktiken kan anses fungera som The Pirate Bay. Skillnaden är att dessa aktivt handlar för att förebygga förekomsten av upphovsrättsligt skyddat material utan upphovsmännens samtycke. Trots detta förekommer en betydande mängd upphovsrättsligt skyddat material som med stor sannolikhet inte gjorts tillgängligt för allmänheten med upphovsmännens samtycke. Dessa aktörer kan teoretiskt sätt upprätta en policy mot spridning av olovligt material som är tillräcklig för att väga upp den skadan som tillförs upphovsmännen, på så sätt åtnjuter de titeln informationssamhällets tjänst, de vill säga samhällsnyttan väger över den tillförda skadan enligt E-handelslagen. Hovrättens deldom i Pirate Bay-målet är nu en milstolpe för dessa aktörer avseende tolkningen av medhjälpsbegreppet i BrB, men det är ändock av vikt att HD samt EU-domstolen klargör den diffusa gränsen mellan definitionen informationssamhällets tjänst och tolkningen av ordalydelsen i 23 kap 4 § 2 st. BrB (medhjälpsbegreppet). / The Pirate Bay was convicted by the Svea Court of Appeals in November 26, 2010 for aiding in crime against Swedish Copyright Law on the grounds that this service promoted the sharing of copyright material without the authors’ consent. The wording in chapter 23, paragraph 4, part 2 of the Swedish Criminal Code reads, "responsibilities in this section are prescribed for a specific act, it shall be imposed not only on those who carried out the deed, but also the one that facilitated this by giving advice or carrying out deeds. The same shall apply in relation to another law or constitutional criminal offense for which imprisonment is prescribed." Nowadays there are several services of similar nature such as the search engine Google and the video streaming service Youtube. These services have not been tested by Swedish law, since they are protected by the Swedish E-Commerce Law. Google and Youtube actively take actions to prevent the occurrence of copyrighted material without the authors' consent. However, there is a considerable amount of copyright material, which most probably has been made available to the public without the authors' consent. These companies can in theory establish a policy against the proliferation of unauthorized materials in an amount sufficient to offset the damage which affects the copyright owners, but still enjoy the title of information society services in the E-Commerce Law, since the social benefits are larger than the caused injury. The Swedish Court of Appeal's judgement is now a landmark for similar services when it comes to the interpretation of aiding crime against the Swedish copyright law. It is nevertheless important that the Supreme Court of Sweden and the EU-court defines the cloudy boundary between the definition information society services and the interpretation of the wording in the 23 chapter 4 § 2 part, Swedish penal code.

The Legal Status of Domain Names : A Business Context

Davidsson, Louise, Thulin, Sara January 2008 (has links)
<p>Domain names are still a relatively unknown occurrence and despite being a natural part in</p><p>most people’s every-day life, there are few who reflect over their importance. The original</p><p>function of domain names was merely to serve as technical addresses and to facilitate the</p><p>locating of websites on the Internet. Today domain names are much more than this. In</p><p>addition to the address function, domain names may also serve as indications of goods,</p><p>services, businesses or information. The domain name is usually the first contact one gets</p><p>with a website and it has become crucial for businesses to have their company name or</p><p>trade marks registered as domain names. The issue of the legal status of domain names has</p><p>mainly been discussed from an American point of view and in Sweden this discussion has</p><p>almost entirely fallen under the radar. If the legal status of a domain name were clear, it</p><p>would be easier for businesses to avail themselves of the value of that domain name. It</p><p>would possibly even contribute to strengthening the legal protection for the domain name</p><p>holder, in for example insolvency or bankruptcy procedures.</p><p>Intellectual property exists in many different forms, the main being patents, trade marks,</p><p>copyright and design rights. Although there are many differences between them, they all</p><p>have in common that they establish property protection over intangibles such as ideas,</p><p>inventions, signs and information. As a domain name is not a physical object, there can be</p><p>no doubt that it is an intangible. The question is whether it is property. Intellectual</p><p>property is not a static area and it can, in line with societal and technological development,</p><p>be expanded to include new types.</p><p>The legal status of domain names is generally discussed in the light of the close connection</p><p>they have with trade marks. Except from their original function, the trade mark function of</p><p>domain names can probably be considered as one of the most commonly accepted. It is</p><p>indicated in this thesis that that function contributes to that a domain name can be</p><p>considered as a distinctive sign and thereby obtain protection, in the same way as an</p><p>unregistered trade mark.</p><p>According to current accounting rules, businesses may, to some extent, avail themselves of</p><p>the value of a domain name. Domain names are under certain circumstances identified as</p><p>intangible assets and even as ‘similar rights’ to for example trade marks and patents in</p><p>accounting and taxation situations.</p><p>At this time it is not possible to legislate on the area of the legal status of a domain name</p><p>on a Community level, as this most likely would have to include a consideration of the</p><p>existence of property rights and consequently fall outside the legislative powers of the</p><p>Community.</p><p>Both the legal development and the legal discussions on the topic of the legal status of</p><p>domain names in Sweden have been relatively sparse. Nonetheless, there have been some</p><p>interesting opinions.</p><p>By investigating what positions the different authorities, academics and practitioners have</p><p>taken on the legal status of domain names it can be concluded that the prevailing opinion</p><p>in Sweden is that domain names are not considered as property. The reason for this seems</p><p>to be that domain names as such, are in fact no more than technical constructions and that</p><p>by registering a domain name the registrant only becomes the holder of a contractual right.</p><p>However, there are some diverging opinions which could suggest that the legal status of</p><p>domain names in Sweden is not yet settled. The aspects which are then taken into</p><p>consideration include that domain names have developed to become important and</p><p>valuable assets for an increasing number of businesses. A domain name is a precondition</p><p>for the creation of a website and therefore of crucial importance for, in particular, online</p><p>based businesses. However, they are of increasing importance for all businesses to reach</p><p>out to and compete over the same customers.</p><p>It is advocated that the fact that domain names are freely traded with indicates that domain</p><p>names are property. It has also been questioned whether an asset with a true economic</p><p>value, such as a domain name, can exist without being considered as an item of property.</p><p>The steps taken in other jurisdictions have shown that the legal status of domain names is</p><p>not even clear in some of the countries with the greatest experience of domain names.</p><p>Nonetheless, the legal status is given attention in those countries and the discussion has</p><p>been initiated. In general, it can be concluded that the development seems to go toward</p><p>higher awareness of the value of domain names.</p>

Are Colours Worth Protecting? : An Examination of Abstract Colour Marks’ Scope of Protection

Nilsson, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
<p>In the search for companies to distinguish themselves from the mass, so called non-traditional trade marks have become increasingly popular, and in particular colour marks. It is now clear that abstract colour marks can be registered as trade marks, and the number of registered colour marks has increased considerably in recent years. However, it remains a lot more uncertain, mainly due to lack of case law, what the extent of colour marks’ scope of protection is. Are colours actually worth protecting? The purpose of this thesis is to examine the scope of protection of registered abstract colour marks from an EU perspective. Through this examination it will also be established whether colours are worth protecting.</p><p>The essential function of trade marks is to indicate the origin of products. Signs that are capable of being represented graphically and capable of distinguishing goods and services from one undertaking from those of other undertakings can be registered as trade marks. Colours can fulfil these criteria in certain circumstances, however, colours can practically never have distinctive character per se. Instead, they must have acquired distinctive character through use. Since it is quite difficult to register colour marks, a colour mark proprietor should be prepared to have the validity of his trade mark challenged if he issues proceedings for infringement.</p><p>There are a few national cases from EU Member States that have concerned infringement of colour marks, and in all of these the plaintiff was successful in claiming infringement. Through the decisions in these cases, general legal principles and statements made in literature, the scope of protection of colour marks has been examined. Infringement of a colour mark occurs in three different situations: where there is likelihood of confusion, where there is double identity and where there is dilution of a trade mark with a reputation.</p><p>Some of the most important findings are that confusingly similar colours include adjacent shades, but in order to prove likelihood of confusion, the infringing colour must probably be perceived by the public as an indication of origin and other signs that appear together with the colour must probably be taken into account, which limits the scope of protection to some extent. However, since colour marks must almost always have acquired distinctive character through use, consumers are used to perceiving that colour as a trade mark in relation to those types of goods/services, and are therefore more likely to do so also when the colour is used by the third party. Furthermore, there have to be an individual assessment in each case in order to determine whether surrounding signs exclude a likelihood of confusion, where all factors should be considered, including the distinctiveness of the colour mark and how clear and prominent the other signs are.</p><p>In situations of double identity, the infringing sign does not have to be used as a trade mark, which is advantageous for colour mark owners. Furthermore, identical colours can possibly include other shades if they are so similar that the difference is barely perceptible in a direct comparison.</p><p>Colour marks can often qualify as trade marks with a reputation, since the assessment of whether trade marks have a reputation is similar to the assessment of whether trade marks have acquired distinctive character through use. Trade marks with a reputation has an extended protection meaning that if a third party uses a sign that is identical or similar to a trade mark with a reputation, and that use without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the trade mark, then that use constitutes infringement. This applies both in relation to identical, similar and dissimilar products, however, it will probably only apply in relation to identical or similar products when it comes to colour marks, due to the extensive use of colours in the market. The extended protection could be relevant in particular in situations where likelihood of confusion cannot be proven, because the public does not perceive the infringing sign as a trade mark or because of surrounding prominent signs.</p><p>This examination shows that the scope of protection of colour marks is not great, it has some weaknesses. However, it is definitely not worthless either, which clearly shows in the fact that the plaintiffs were successful in claiming infringement in all of the infringement cases. By registering a colour as a trade mark, a company can to some extent stop others from using the same or similar colour, and it will also most likely have a discouraging effect. However, some carefulness should still be applied in relation to colour marks, since this is still a very new phenomenon and additional case law can take another direction. But considering how the situation looks today, colours are worth protecting as trade marks.</p>

Systems within systems : free and open source software licences under German and United States law

Dysart, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) licences channel the exclusionary and individualising force of copyright to establish a qualitatively different, somewhat subversive, system for the exploitation of software. This thesis examines how it is that FOSS licences establish this 'system within a system' under both German and United States law. The inquiry begins with a detailed examination of FOSS licence templates as the instruments which transform code from its default position as the 'res' of proprietary relations to its status as 'open' or 'free'. The thesis then considers whether FOSS licence templates, as the legal basis for this subversive move, are valid and enforceable under domestic law. In addressing this question, the thesis undertakes a critical analysis of the leading case law in each jurisdiction. Going beyond the immediate case law, the thesis considers the broader systemic effects of FOSS licence enforcement. It highlights how building a system within a system foments certain tensions and contradictions within the law, in turn giving rise to unintended consequences and legal uncertainty. By highlighting these tensions, the thesis argues that the questions of FOSS licence enforcement in Germany and the United States may not be as settled as some may think.

The incomplete puzzle. The missing rule and ruling about the protection by copyright of characters and objects of the work / El rompecabezas incompleto. La omisión normativa y jurisprudencial sobre la protección por el derecho de autor de personajes y objetos de la obra

Murillo Chávez, Javier André 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the missing rule and ruling about the protection of characters and fictional objects which are part of works covered by copyright. The author systematizes the criteria used in the administrative jurisprudence for conflicts between the intellectual property and the industrial property to extract specific rules in cases that involve fictional objects and characters, establishing and proposing criteria to find out the originality of these elements. / El presente artículo analiza la omisión normativa y jurisprudencial sobre la protección de los personajes y objetos de ficción que son parte de las obras protegidas por el régimen de derecho de autor. El autor sistematiza los criterios utilizados en los casos de jurisprudencia administrativa en conflictos existentes entre la propiedad intelectual y la propiedad industrial para extraer las reglas específicas existentes en casos que involucran objetos de ficción y personajes, estableciendo y proponiendo criterios para encontrar la originalidad de estos elementos.

Scratching the digital itch: A political economy of the hip hop DJ and the relationship between culture, industry, and technology / Political economy of the hip hop DJ and the relationship between culture, industry, and technology

Sirois, Andre G., 1980- 06 1900 (has links)
xviii, 510 p. : ill. (some col.) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 3.0 License (United States). / This study analyzes the culture, history, and technology of the hip hop DJ in order to tease out the relationships between industrial and cultural practices. The following research questions structured the investigation: 1) What historical developments in intellectual property rights and music playback and delivery formats contribute to a political economy of the hip hop DJ; 2) what has been the role of intellectual property exchange and standardization in the DJ product industry relevant to hip hop DJs; 3) how are the meanings involved in the consumption of and production with analog and digital technologies related; and 4) does hip hop DJ culture represent convergence and collective intelligence? Employing various qualitative methods, the research includes interviews with influential hip hop DJs, executives at record labels, distributors, retailers, and DJ technology manufacturers. The study also reviews the histories of music playback technologies and standardization in relation to intellectual property laws. With political economic, cultural Marxism and new media theories as its framework, this study analyzes hip hop DJs as the intersection of corporate culture and youth culture. The research broadly addresses the hip hop DJ's role in building the industries that cater to hip hop DJing. Specifically, the study analyzes the politics of how hip hop DJs' intellectual properties and subcultural capital have been harnessed by companies in various industries as a way to authenticate, improve, and sell product. The study also examines consumption as production, collective intelligence, and how digital technologies are negotiated within this culture. The research suggests that hip hop DJ culture and the DJ technology and recording industries are not necessarily discrete entities that exert force upon one another. Rather, they are involved in a cultural economy governed by technocultural synergism, which is a complex interplay between agency and determinism guided by both corporate and cultural priorities. The study also offers a networked theory of innovation and creation over the individual genius emphasized in U.S. intellectual property laws to suggest that hip hop DJ culture is an open source culture. / Committee in charge: Dr. Janet Wasko, Chairperson; Dr. Julianne Newton, Member; Dr. Biswarup Sen, Member; Dr. Daniel Wojcik, Outside Member

Limites aos direitos de autor sob a perspectiva do direito internacional dos direitos humanos: estudo dos limites aos direitos de autor frente aos direitos de acesso ao conhecimento e à educação nos ordenamentos internacional e interno / Limits to copyright from the perspective of international human rights law: study of copyrights limits considering the rights of access to knowledge and education in the international and national law systems.

Daniela Oliveira Rodrigues 30 May 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação se propõe a analisar a interação entre o sistema internacional de direitos humanos e o sistema internacional de propriedade intelectual e as implicações desta relação para o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, no que concerne especificamente aos direitos de autor e direitos conexos. No ano em que o Acordo TRIPS completará vinte anos, é oportuna a reflexão a respeito da efetividade de suas regras, especialmente quanto à capacidade de interagir com os demais sistemas jurídicos internacionais, especialmente o sistema internacional de direitos humanos. A leitura da seção de princípios e regras gerais (especialmente do artigo 6°, referente à exaustão de direitos) e da seção relativa aos direitos de autor do Acordo TRIPS (especialmente do artigo 13, que estabelece a Regra dos Três Passos) parece indicar para a previsão de limites à exploração destes direitos em vistas dos objetivos de promoção do desenvolvimento e de equilíbrio de interesses entre, de um lado, autores e titulares e, de outro lado, utilizadores das obras artísticas e literárias protegidas. Contudo, tem se verificado que o sistema internacional de propriedade intelectual tem caminhado na via contrária. Com a proliferação, particularmente na última década, de acordos bilaterais e de livre comércio, temos assistido à propagação indiscriminada das denominadas regras TRIPS-plus, caracterizadas pela previsão de padrões mais rígidos para a proteção da propriedade intelectual em comparação àqueles previstos pelas regras do sistema multilateral de comércio, o que tem dificultado a aplicação de regras mais flexíveis e que possibilitam mais facilmente a adoção de políticas públicas focadas no desenvolvimento econômico e social dos Estados-membros da OMC. Em paralelo, visando a coibir eventuais abusos praticados pelos Estados em suas políticas de direitos de autor, o sistema internacional de direitos humanos que, por meio dos Pactos Internacionais de Direitos Civis e Políticos e de Direitos Econômicos e Sociais, busca estabelecer o equilíbrio dos interesses dos autores e usuários, em vista do aparente conflito entre os direitos fundamentais de primeira e segunda dimensões, caso dos direitos de autor e dos direitos de acesso ao conhecimento e à educação, respectivamente. Neste sentido, destacam-se, além das ações promovidas pela UNESCO para a ampla disponibilização de material de educacional para instituições de ensino e bibliotecas, a iniciativa capitaneada por Brasil e Argentina junto à OMPI, a conhecida Agenda para o Desenvolvimento, que tem revolucionado o modo como administrar as regras previstas nos tratados da OMPI, especialmente a Convenção da União de Berna. Por meio da Agenda para o Desenvolvimento foram propostas novas maneiras de se pensar e reconstruir o direito internacional da propriedade intelectual, levando em consideração o fortalecimento do domínio público, a disponibilização de material educacional em larga escala e acesso à informação por parte dos grupos hipossuficientes, começando pelos deficientes visuais. Alinhado às discussões nos foros multilaterais, o Brasil está passando por uma fase de reforma da Lei de Direitos Autorais, a qual tem na revisão das limitações aos direitos de autor, consubstanciadas no artigo 46, um dos principais pontos de atenção e insatisfação social, em vista das restrições atualmente impostas para a reprodução integral de obras artísticas e literárias. Ainda, o sistema nacional de direitos de autor tem sido desafiado pelas novas tecnologias e formas de promover o acesso à educação no sistema público de ensino. Assim, a proposta de propagação do material de ensino por meio de recursos educacionais abertos, em que o autor ou titular autoriza, no momento da aquisição do material pelo Estado, a reprodução, atualização e distribuição futura do material didático, sem que seja necessária nova autorização a cada tiragem ou alteração do conteúdo pelo corpo de professores. Em estrutura, o trabalho se divide em quatro capítulos. O primeiro capítulo (Direitos de Autor na Ordem Internacional) analisa o sistema internacional de propriedade intelectual, com foco nas regras internacionais relativas aos direitos de autor. O Segundo Capítulo (Interface entre Direitos de Autor e Direitos Humanos) aborda a presença dos fundamentos dos direitos humanos na estrutura dos direitos de autor e sua influência nas atuais demandas desta matéria. O terceiro capítulo (Direitos de Autor sob a Perspectiva Constitucional) analisa o sistema brasileiro de direitos de autor e as garantias fundamentais que envolvem este aparente conflito. Por fim, o quarto capítulo (Limites na Prática) apresenta o posicionamento da jurisprudência nacional e internacional sobre a matéria. / The main goal of this dissertation is to investigate the interaction between international human rights law and the international intellectual property system, as well as the implications of this relationship to Brazilian copyright system. In the year when TRIPS Agreement is turning twenty years old, it is proper to reflect about the effectiveness of its rules, especially the ability to interact with other international legal systems, mainly the international human rights system. In the sections about general principles and rules (v. article 6, regarding exhaustion of rights) and copyrights (v. article 13, regarding Three Step-Test), TRIPS seems to indicate the limits for the exploitation of IP rights, bearing in mind promoting the development and balancing of the interests involved, mainly those related to authors and users of copyrights. However, it has been found that the international intellectual property system has moved in the opposite direction. International trade system have witnessed the proliferation of bilateral and free trade agreements, which contain indiscriminate TRIPS-plus rules, more restrictive than the rules established for the multilateral system, which obstacles the implementation of more flexible rules focused on economic and social development, allowed by WTO system. In order to curb abuses practiced by its Member States, the international human rights system, through the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and Economic and Social Rights, seeks to establish a balance between authors and users interests, considering the apparent conflict between fundamental rights of first and second dimensions, case of copyrights and access to knowledge and education, respectively. In this sense, must be mentioned the actions promoted by UNESCO to make available educational materials for institutions and libraries, and the initiative headed by Brazil and Argentina, the well-know WIPO Development Agenda, which has proposed a revolution in the manner how States should interpret the rules established in the treaties administered by WIPO, mainly the Berne Convention. New ways of thinking and rebuilding the international intellectual property law are being taken into account, like strengthening the intellectual goods in public domain, increasing the availability of educational material on a larger scale and conceding access to information to vulnerable groups, starting with visually impaired person. Considering this scenario, Brazil is reforming its Copyright Law. The role of limitations to copyrights, embodied in the article 46, is one of most important issues in the mentioned reform, and society is expecting for structural changes, especially because of the general dissatisfaction with the restrictions imposed by law for the reproduction of intellectual works. Still, the national system of copyright has been challenged by new technologies and new ways to provide access to education in the public school system. Thus, proposals like Open Educational Resources, which allows the State, upon previous authorization from the author, to reproduct, update and distribute of educational materials in a large scale. The dissertation is divided into four chapters. The first chapter (Copyrights in the International Order) analyzes the international intellectual property system, focusing on international copyright law. The second chapter (Interface between Copyrights and Human Rights) discuss the human rights framework and the influence of this system on IP Law. The third chapter (Copyright according the Constitutional Perspective) studies the Brazilian Copyright System considering the fundamental guarantees involved. Finally, the fourth chapter (Limits in Practice) analyzes national and international court cases about the matter.

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