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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunal samverkan inom GIS : En undersökning av Västerbottens och Norrbottens kommuner

Ekeståhl Unger, Clara-Elin January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine GIS in municipalities within Norrbotten and Västerbotten. This involves examining the GIS use in the municipalities. It also involves an investigation of how cooperation between the municipalities works and could develop in the future. This study is based on the NorrGIS inventory of GIS from 2021. This paper is based on a quantitative research method with a questionnaire that has been sent out to representatives within the GIS operations in the municipalities. Competence and resources within GIS are limited within the municipalities which may be based on size and resource assets. GIS use differs between municipalities and many of the GIS operations within the municipalities need to be improved. A major problem is that the competence within the municipalities is not sufficient. There is also cooperation within GIS tools and many of the municipalities have GeoSecma as the main tool. Furthermore, GIS collaboration is needed to use GIS full potential. A collaboration may be a necessity for smaller municipalities to overcome obstacles that GIS use entails. A large part of the obstacles for GIS lies at the political level, which can be a difficult challenge to manage. Human resources and technical resources are considered affordable, the problem lies in how decision-makers choose to allocate resources. The political level places limitations on possible cooperation. Despite limitations in both political ambition and competence, the result displays a need for collaboration within the municipalities. Another problem is the responsibility for cooperation. Who has the final responsibility for GIS-collaboration to function optimally?

Ensam är inte stark : En kvalitativ fallstudie om interkommunal samverkan

Andersson, Stina, Cohn, Charlotte, Eriksson, Mathilda January 2016 (has links)
Interkommunal samverkan är framhållen som en lösning på små kommuners utmaningar med att uppfylla sina åtaganden och tillgodose medborgarnas behov med begränsade resurser. Urbanisering och demografisk utveckling bidrar till att interkommunal samverkan blir ett allt mer ökande fenomen bland små kommuner i Sverige. Interkommunal samverkan är ett förhållandevis ostuderat område, syftet med studien är därför att öka förståelsen för interkommunal samverkan och de faktorer som kan påverka samarbetet mellan kommunerna. Genom en induktiv forskningsansats och kvalitativ fallstudie har vi studerat fenomenet interkommunal samverkan mellan två små kommuner i södra Sverige som ingått samverkan genom avtal. Det empiriska insamlade materialet har vi sedan sammanställt och utifrån resultatet valt teorier för att öka förståelsen för fenomenet.   Utfallet av studien har visat att samverkan är komplext och de svårigheter som har identifierats kan relateras till följande områden: otydliga ansvarsområden och arbetsfördelning i avtalet, brist på kommunikation och information till medarbetarna, kommunernas olika förutsättningar samt medarbetarnas avsaknad av en närvarande chef och ledare. Vidare har vi formulerat förslag på åtgärder som kan förhindra svårigheterna. Innan samverkan ingås bör en konsekvensbedömning utföras för att kartlägga kommunernas syfte och mål med samverkan samt vilka resurstillgångar och förutsättningar kommunerna har för att samverka. Ansvarsfördelningen och specifika arbetsuppgifter bör tydligt beskrivas i avtalet för att undvika missförstånd och osäkerhet. Medarbetarna har en betydande roll i samverkan, och eftersom interkommunal samverkan ofta är ett top down-beslut är det viktigt att ledningen tar hänsyn till deras behovs och involverar medarbetarna i hela processen. / Collaboration between small municipals have become a solution and necessity to overcome the challenges small municipals are experiencing and to fulfil their obligations. Due to urbanisation and demographical change, collaboration is an increasing phenomenon among small municipals in Sweden. The area is not particularly researched and the purpose of this study is to create a greater understanding of inter-municipal collaboration and identify factors that can affect the cooperation between the municipals. We have studied the phenomenon with an inductive research method and qualitative case study of two small municipals in Southern Sweden collaborating by a contract agreement. Everyone directly involved in the collaboration on different hierarchical levels in both organisations have been included in the research. Based on the result of our collected empirical material we have used with theories in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon. The result of our research has proven that inter-municipal collaboration is complex and the main difficulties we have identified can be related to following areas: unclear division of responsibilities and tasks in the agreement, lack of communication and information to the co-workers, the municipals’ different assumptions and the absence of a manager and leader. We have composed suggestions to action that may prevent and avoid the difficulties. An impact assessment should be conducted before the collaboration is initiated in order to identify the purpose, objectives, resources and assumptions each municipal have. The division of responsibilities and tasks should be clearly specified in the agreement in order to avoid misunderstandings and uncertainty. The co-workers have a significant role in the collaboration and as inter-municipal collaboration often is a top down decision, it is important that the management take the co-workers' needs into consideration and involve the employees in the entire process.

Bildandet av kommunalförbundet Räddningstjänsten Väst mellan Falkenberg och Varbergs kommuner / The formation of the municipality association Räddningstjänsten Väst between the municipalities Falkenberg and Varberg

Oskarsson, Ana January 2024 (has links)
Collaboration between small municipalities has become a necessity in order to cope with municipal difficulties such as emergency services. Collaboration has also been mentioned as a possible solution to the challenges facing the public sector in light of economic and demographic developments that will continuously increase the demands on these municipalities. Inter-municipal collaboration is therefore something that is sought after and strived for. This essay will analyse the process surrounding the formation of this inter-municipal association, and to help understand and explain this process I will use the following theories: framing theory and public choice theory. The results show that the primary motivation for establishing Räddningstjänsten Väst was to create a robust and efficient emergency service, not just an economical one. A significant factor in its success was the tradition of trust and cooperation between these two municipalities. Another factor was the hiring of an experienced and objective consultant. The analysis indicates that those responsible for the process acted rationally based on the set goals, with shared ideas and values serving as a framework for their collaboration. Thus the focus of the essay is on municipal collaboration structures, particularly inter-municipal associations, highlighting the process and ideas behind the formation of these associations, as well as who has taken the initiative for their establishment.  In 2011 the municipalities Falkenberg and Varberg began planning their municipality association, Räddningstjänsten Väst, and in 2013 it began its operations.

"Politics you can Eat" : Insights from the Implementation of Södertälje Municipality's Food Supply Strategy / "Politik man kan äta" : Insikter från implementeringen av Södertälje kommuns livsmedelsförsörjningsstrategi

Ståhl, Izabella January 2024 (has links)
The failures of the governance of food systems in the past has led to the exposure of vulnerabilities within today’s food systems. Thus, rethinking how food systems are planned is imperative to ensuring food security in the future. This thesis aims to assess the progress of the implementation of Södertälje municipality’s food supply strategy, as well as understanding key barriers and catalysts to implementing sustainable and resilient food systems at a local level. Through semi-formal interviews and a literature review, key insights into food systems governance were discerned. The food supply strategy of Södertälje municipality has begun to be implemented. However, barriers have occurred that have caused the implementation to be slower than anticipated. These barriers are lack of communication regarding the roles and responsibilities within the municipality, co-ordinational issues, the boundaries of municipal authority, a lack of internal alignment, a lack of time and resources, and too few follow-ups. However, these have been offset by catalysts that can help to navigate how implementation can be remedied in the future. These catalysts are champions of policy, a strong policy base and history within the municipality, and political support. The thesis concludes by asserting that increased communication of the strategy, and the clear delegation of goals and responsibilities would enhance implementation in the future. / Misslyckanden i styrningen av livsmedelssystem historiskt har lett till att sårbarheter i dagens livsmedelssystemen har exponerats. Därför är det absolut nödvändigt att tänka om hur livsmedelssystem planeras för att säkerställa livsmedelssäkerhet i framtiden. Detta examensarbete syftar till att bedöma hur Södertälje kommuns implementeringen av dess livsmedelsförsörjningsstrategi fortskrider, samt att förstå viktiga barriärer och katalysatorer för att skapa hållbara och resilienta livsmedelssystem på lokal nivå. Genom semi-formella intervjuer och en litteraturstudie kunde viktiga insikter om styrning av livsmedelssystem upptäckas. Södertälje kommuns livsmedelsförsörjningsstrategi har börjat genomföras det har dock uppstått hinder som har gjort att implementeringen har gått långsammare än tänkt. Dessa barriärer är främst bristande kommunikation kring roller och ansvar inom kommunen, logistiska frågor, gränser för kommunala befogenheter, bristande intern förankring, brist på tid och resurser samt bristande uppföljningar av strategin. Dessa hinder har dock motverkats av katalysatorer som kan hjälpa till att navigera hur implementeringen kan förbättras i framtiden. Dessa katalysatorer är eldsjälar inom kommunen, en stark policybas och historia inom kommunen samt politiskt stöd. Examensarbetet avslutas med att hävda att ökad kommunikation av strategin och tydligare delegeringen av mål och ansvar skulle förbättra implementeringen i framtiden.

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