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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilização de mapas conceituais como ferramenta para a construção de conhecimentos em biologia com foco na articulação da micro e macrobiologia / Using conceptual maps as resource for the construction of knowledge in biology focusing on the articulation of micro and macrobiology

Carina de Souza Cordeiro 05 September 2018 (has links)
A prática de ensino dos conteúdos da Biologia como disciplina do Ensino Médio apresenta muitos obstáculos à aprendizagem, entre eles o de não desenvolver no estudante a visão holística e articulada quando se trata da abordagem da micro e macrobiologia. Isso favorece a construção de uma visão fragmentada de um sistema complexo e interdependente. Como forma de superar essa dificuldade, propõe-se a utilização dos mapas conceituais por alunos do 1º e 3º Ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede particular de ensino de Pindamonhangaba - SP, objetivando oferecer uma prática pedagógica que, aliada à exploração dos mapas conceituais, crie condições para que o aluno construa o conhecimento de Biologia, desenvolvendo uma visão holística dos fenômenos com suas entidades e processos. A pesquisa foi aplicada em quatro etapas e realizada pelos alunos organizados em grupos. Inicialmente, foram desenvolvidas atividades para a familiarização com a ferramenta, utilizando-se o programa CmapTools. Em seguida, os alunos completaram mapas previamente construídos, inserindo conceitos e relações disponíveis em estacionamento, além de construírem um mapa a partir de texto do material didático adotado e completaram esse mapa a partir de pesquisa, o que buscou, entre outras coisas, o desenvolvimento da autonomia na busca do conhecimento. Finalmente, foram construídos quatro mapas a partir de questões-focais, elaboradas com intuito de buscar a reconciliação integrativa na construção de conhecimento dos alunos. Os resultados revelam que a maioria dos alunos conseguiu integrar os conceitos e relações necessárias para responder a questão focal, permitindo o protagonismo dos estudantes, a aprendizagem significativa e a construção colaborativa do conhecimento. / The practice of teaching the contents of Biology as a discipline of High School presents many obstacles to learning, among them the non-developing of the student\'s holistic and articulated vision when dealing with the approach of micro and macrobiology. This favors the construction of a fragmented view of a complex and interdependent system. As a way to overcome this difficulty, it is proposed to use the conceptual maps by students of the 1st and 3rd Year of High School in a private school in Pindamonhangaba - SP, aiming to offer a pedagogical practice which with the exploration of conceptual maps, creates conditions for the student to build the biology\'s knowledge, developing a holistic view of the phenomena with their entities and processes. The research was applied in four stages and carried out by the students organized in groups. Initially, activities were developed to familiarize with the tool, using the CmapTools software. Next, the students completed maps previously constructed; inserting concepts and available relations in stagnation, besides constructing a map from text of the didactic material adopted and completed this map from research, which sought, among other things, the development of autonomy in the pursuit of knowledge. Finally, four maps were constructed based on focal questions, elaborated with the purpose of seeking the integrative reconciliation in the construction of students\' knowledge. The results reveal that most of the students were able to integrate the concepts and relations necessary to answer the focal question, allowing the student\'s protagonism, meaningful learning and the collaborative construction of knowledge.

Audit quality in practice: a study of perceptions of auditors, audit committee members and quality inspectors

Sulaiman, Noor Adwa Binti January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide insights into what the concept of audit quality means for a number of parties who have responsibilities for delivering, commissioning or evaluating audit quality in practice - auditors, AC members and quality inspectors concerning. It explores the influence of internal and external factors in the auditing setting on the construction of meaning of audit quality and how meaning is symbolised in practice. This research is based on an interpretive approach employing research methods of document analysis, semi-structured interviews and a survey questionnaire. Drawing on a symbolic interactionist framework, the research illustrates the process of giving meaning to audit quality in practice. The study identifies various constructs that give meaning to audit quality in practice - auditors' characteristics, firm's characteristics, compliance obligations, the content and control of audit procedures, financial statement quality and client service orientation. It also identifies acts such as asking challenging questions, professional appearance, the quality of interaction between auditor and AC, consultation and training, and objects such as documents and records as fundamental in symbolising audit quality in practice. The study also highlights the existence of possible conflicts between some of these constructs of audit quality and the potential for problems in audit quality in practice.The research reports that the audit practitioners predominantly framed their conceptions of the meaning of audit quality around four important constructs: client service, compliance obligations, the technical audit process or content, and individual auditors' characteristics. Client service is found to have a particular importance for the practitioners' meaning of audit quality. Their construction of the meaning for audit quality is influenced by interactions with other audit market constituents as well as by economic and societal forces in the auditing environment. Auditors perceptions of what quality means in practice are underpinned by factors such as the need to legitimise the conduct of the auditor, to restore trust and confidence in the public at large about the quality of audit services, to maintain profitability and the survival of the audit firm given the competitive and commercial pressures in the audit market, and to legitimise firm methodology and the resulting audit process to outside constituents.Amongst the AC members interviewed, the meaning of audit quality appears to be associated with the characteristics of individual auditors, in particular, auditors' interpersonal and behavioural skills, attributes of the audit firm (size and industry specialisation) and financial statement quality. The findings show that AC members perceptions of audit quality significantly depend on the 'relational' rather than the technical attributes of individual auditors. The quality of the financial statements also dominates the AC members' perceptions of audit quality rather than a technical interpretation of the quality of the content of the audit process. The AC members' conception of meaning for audit quality is influenced by interaction and communication with the external auditors. For the quality inspectors, the meaning of audit quality is mainly constructed in relation to the conduct or content of an audit. Therefore, the level of challenge to the management of the audit, and the sufficiency of evidence and documentation are important for constructing their perceptions of audit quality. They also ascribe considerable importance to the internal compliance-quality control applied within the audit firm the notion of audit quality. Overall, the study describes the multifaceted meaning of audit quality and how this is influenced and shaped by interactions - based on role expectations, self-image, economic and social factors - and illustrates the way in which various acts and objects are used to represent practical meaning for the abstract concept of audit quality in practice. These findings have relevance for auditors, other parties to audit engagements, policy makers and regulators concerned with the contribution of auditing to the financial reporting system and for academic researchers seeking to develop a deeper understanding of how that contribution is achieved in practice.

Gender within an Indonesian Mathematics Classroom

Olsson, Stephanie, Olsson, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
The sustainable development goals emphasise that gender equality within education is animportant problem. Furthermore, gender equality is more than just equal access for boys andgirls, it is important to look at what happens within the classroom. Thus, the aim of this studyis to explore gender within the mathematics classroom in Indonesia. More specifically, toexplore how gender is constructed and to get the pupils’ perspective on gender equality. Theresearch questions examined are:How is gender constructed in Indonesian mathematics classrooms?How do Indonesian pupils experience gender equality within the mathematics classrooms?To answer our research questions, we observed four mathematics classrooms in an Islamicprimary school in Indonesia. Furthermore, we handed out surveys to the pupils in order to gettheir perspective on gender equality. As a foundation for the analysis of these questions, weused the queer theory complemented with an interactionist view. According to the queertheory, gender is something that is constructed and all too often a dichotomy is used whendiscussing equality between the sexes. Thus, the intention of this study is to explore genderequality within mathematics by looking beyond this dichotomy.The results show that gender is being constructed both direct and indirect by the participantsin the mathematics classrooms. Both teachers and pupils act and behave in a way thatreinforces gender stereotypes. Although, when asked, the pupils thought that the teacherstreated the sexes equally and that the mathematics classroom was gender equal. Furthermore,the pupils agree that the girls are best in mathematics. However, girls tended to have lowerself-esteem than boys since they underestimated their knowledge to a greater extent.

Going natural african american women and their hair

Dennis, Brittney 01 December 2012 (has links)
The study seeks to gain a better understanding of the term "going natural" in regards to women with natural African American hair. The study also seeks to understand natural hair and reclaiming a positive perspective of acceptance and natural appearance. The study will give light to what it is to have natural hair in present day and calls upon the experience of the Black woman on her journey with her hair and her past.

Analyse psychopathologique et interactionniste du stress professionnel chronique dans les métiers de l'urgence : étude des facteurs de risque et mise en place d'un programme de prévention / Psychopathological and interactionist analysis of chronic occupational stress in craft emergency : study of risk factors and implementation of a prevention program

Marien, Pauline 21 December 2012 (has links)
Le stress professionnel est un problème de santé publique en France. Néanmoins, peu de travaux français l’abordent auprès des Métiers de l’Urgence. Notre travail s’oriente autour de trois axes : i) l’adaptation et la validation du JSS aux (SP) (étude 1) ; ii) l’évaluation des modèles explicatifs du BO et du stress professionnel auprès de ces métiers (études 2, 3 et 4) et iii) la mise en place d’un programme de prévention secondaire sur 6 semaines (étude 5). Méthode : Pour les études 1 à 4, les SPP et les professionnels du SMUR ont répondu à des questionnaires centrés sur la psychopathologie du stress au travail, la personnalité et le coping. Quant à l’étude 5, l’efficacité du programme de prévention a été testée auprès de deux groupes de SPP (groupe contrôle versus groupe d’intervention) au travers de questionnaires sur le stress et le BO à trois temps de mesure (avant, après et trois mois après la fin du programme). Résultats : Le stress professionnel se caractérise par les dimensions « Pression professionnelle » et « Travail opérationnel ». En interaction avec certains patterns tempéramentaux, ces dimensions expliquent pour une part le BO. Quant au programme de prévention, une diminution de la sévérité des symptômes de stress et de BO est à noter entre le début et la fin du programme pour le groupe d’intervention. Conclusion : Travailler sur le stress professionnel nécessite une approche qualitative et quantitative du phénomène permettant une vision plus complète. Ceci permettra également d’adapter des programmes de prévention centrés tant sur l’individu que sur son environnement professionnel. / Occupational stress is a national health issue in France. However, few studies tackle it amongst the French Emergency workers. Our work focuses on three areas: i) the adaptation and validation of the Job stress survey among French firefighters (Study 1), ii) the evaluation of job stress and explanatory models of BO within these population (Studies 2, 3 and 4) and iii) the implementation of a secondary prevention program for 6 weeks (Study 5). Methodology: For the 1-4 studies, both firefighters and craft workers responded to questionnaires focused on the stress psychopathology at work, personality and coping. As for study 5, the effectiveness of the prevention program has been tested with two groups of professional firefighters: control group versus intervention group; through questionnaires on stress and BO. Three time measurement have been retained, namely before, after and three months after the end of the program. Results: The stress is characterized by two dimensions, namely the "job pressure at work" and the "operational work". In Interaction with some temperamental patterns; these two dimensions explain in part the BO. As for the prevention program, a decrease in the severity of both stress and BO symptoms is noted between the beginning and end of the program for the intervention group. Conclusion: Working on occupational stress requires a qualitative and quantitative approach allowing a more comprehensive vision. This will also adapt prevention programs focused on both the individual and its work environment.

Towards A More Interactionist Approach On The Changing Dynamics And Determinants Of Eu Trade Strategies

Guner, Selda Nil 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
EU trade strategies which include multilateralism, bilateralism/inter-regionalism, unilateralism, and protectionism have displayed different trends in different time periods. Regarding the determinants of EU trade strategies, while institutionalist approach points to the roles played by core EU institutions, pluralist approach draws attention to the influence of domestic interest groups. Systemic approach, on the other hand, underlines the impact of external constraints or opportunities. Nevertheless, neither of these approaches can provide a complete explanation as each of them focuses on the impact of one factor. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the changing dynamics and determinants of EU trade strategies by developing a more interactionist approach. For this purpose, firstly, main arguments of the previous approaches utilized in the analysis of EU&rsquo / s external trade policy are critically reviewed. Later, all the major factors proposed by previous approaches are brought together in an interactionist manner in order to demonstrate that a direction of influence exists among these factors and they each play a distinct role in the determination of EU trade strategies. Secondly, reasons behind different trends displayed by EU trade strategies throughout history are investigated by utilizing the interactionist model for three major periods: 1958-1995 / 1995-2000 / 2000-present. The analysis reveals that in all three periods, external factors always drive the EU to reconsider its trade strategies while their specific content is rather shaped by domestic dynamics.

Politisk ledarskapsstil : Om interaktionen mellan personlighet och institutioner i utövandet av det svenska statsministerämbetet

Daléus, Pär January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A construção do conceito de bacia hidrográfica por alunos do ensino fundamental: uma proposta sociointeracionista para o ensino de ciências / The construction of hydrographic basin concepts by elementary school students: a socio-interactionist proposal for science teaching

Silva, Euni Vieira e 28 November 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de investigar o processo de construção do conceito de bacia hidrográfica numa perspectiva sociointeracionista. A pesquisa teve um caráter qualitativo. Com base teórica em Vigotski (2001a), nas etapas de desenvolvimento do pensamento e nas construções teóricas de Wertsch (1984), na Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal (ZDP). As atividades foram desenvolvidas em uma turma de estudantes do 5º ano do ensino fundamental, com aproximadamente nove anos de idade, de uma escola municipal de Lorena, estado de São Paulo. A proposta privilegiou a problematização, a interação entre os alunos, a professora e o ambiente e o uso de tecnologias, a fim de analisar os conceitos construídos. Os resultados indicam que as atividades sociointeracionistas colaboraram com o desenvolvimento do pensamento dos alunos, que evoluíram do \"pensamento por complexo\", identificado no início do trabalho, ao \"conceito potencial\". Apontam também para a importância do trabalho em grupo, com envolvimento de atividades práticas no ensino de Ciências, incitando a reflexão sobre o quanto é necessário repensar as práticas pedagógicas, para que o ensino proposto seja focado na construção da aprendizagem. / This work is aiming to investigate the process of construction of the concept of hydrographic basin made by students of the 5th grade of elementary school of a municipal school in Lorena, São Paulo, in a socio-interactionist perspective. The qualitative research, featured a case study with pedagogical intervention. With theoretical basis of Vygotsky (2001a), in the development stages of thought and theoretical constructs of Wertsch (1984), in the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), the activities were developed in a group of students from the 5th grade of elementary school, and they were about nine years old. The methodology favoured the questioning, the interaction between the students, the teacher, the environment and the use of technology in order to analyze the constructed concepts. The results indicate that socio-interactionist activities contributed to the development of the students\' thinking, which evolved from the \"thought for complex\", identified at the beginning of the work, to the \"potential concept\". Also pointing to the importance of teamwork, involving practical activities in science teaching by encouraging reflection on how we need to rethink the pedagogical practices, so that the proposed education is focused on building learning.

A escola entre o executivo, o judiciário e a sociedade /

Rodrigues, Aparecido Wilson. January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Paschoal Quaglio / Banca: Cristiano Amaral Garboggini Di Giorgi / Banca: José Augusto Chaves Guimarães / Banca: José Geraldo Alberto Bertoncini Poker / Banca: Marília Faria de Miranda / Resumo: Esta tese é uma tentativa de contribuir com a organização das escolas públicas no enfrentamento de uma demanda crescentemente mais “necessitada” e uma oferta progressivamente ‘minguada’ pelas imposições dos organismos internacionais. A pretensão desse trabalho é denunciar e dimensionar o problema sem, no entanto, infelizmente, oferecer nesse momento, algum conforto aos aflitos dessa turbulência desumana. A empreitada é analisar o nível de comprometimento da proposição e da ação dos três poderes republicanos, da sociedade política brasileira, na universalização da educação como direito público e subjetivo, nesse contexto globalizado e, anunciar que um outro mundo é possível através da adoção de concepções plurais de justiça que permitam, que as desigualdades sociais e econômicas sejam dispostas de tal forma que beneficiem mais aos menos aquinhoados. Por fim acreditar com mais convicção na orientação da sociologia interacionista para a qual, a sociedade é como uma cena, o indivíduo é como um ator social em comunicação significativa com outros atores e suas significações próprias e, a vida social é a composição dialética dessas ações na construção da personalidade individual e da ordem social. A teoria do currículo, a teoria do conhecimento, a governança democrática, a reflexão crítica e pesquisadora, proporcionam o arcabouço científico para a construção de uma escola sintonizada com a indigência da sociedade civil. / Abstract: This thesis is a temptive of contributing with the reorganization of the public schools in the fight by a more and more urgent necessity and a rare progressive offer by the power of the international institutions. The intention of this work is denounce the existing problem and show how serious it is without giving them in this moment any kind of comfort. The purpose is to analyse the level of dedication of the proposition and of the action of the three Republic powers, of the Brazilian Politics Society making the educational system global as a public and a subjective right in this globalized context, and showing that another world is possible through the adoption of plural conceptions of justice that permit that the economic and social differences among people are reorganized in a good way in order to help more and more the poors. Believing with more convinction in the orientation of the interactionist sociology that says the society is like a scene, the human being is like an actor in an important communication with other actors and their own meanings and, their social life is the dialetic composition of those actions.In the building of the individual personality and of the social order. The theory of the curriculum, the theory of the knowledge, the democractic behaviour, the crictical reflection and the investigating action give us a scientific fortress to the building of a school that are plugged to the civil society. / Doutor

A construção do conceito de bacia hidrográfica por alunos do ensino fundamental: uma proposta sociointeracionista para o ensino de ciências / The construction of hydrographic basin concepts by elementary school students: a socio-interactionist proposal for science teaching

Euni Vieira e Silva 28 November 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de investigar o processo de construção do conceito de bacia hidrográfica numa perspectiva sociointeracionista. A pesquisa teve um caráter qualitativo. Com base teórica em Vigotski (2001a), nas etapas de desenvolvimento do pensamento e nas construções teóricas de Wertsch (1984), na Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal (ZDP). As atividades foram desenvolvidas em uma turma de estudantes do 5º ano do ensino fundamental, com aproximadamente nove anos de idade, de uma escola municipal de Lorena, estado de São Paulo. A proposta privilegiou a problematização, a interação entre os alunos, a professora e o ambiente e o uso de tecnologias, a fim de analisar os conceitos construídos. Os resultados indicam que as atividades sociointeracionistas colaboraram com o desenvolvimento do pensamento dos alunos, que evoluíram do \"pensamento por complexo\", identificado no início do trabalho, ao \"conceito potencial\". Apontam também para a importância do trabalho em grupo, com envolvimento de atividades práticas no ensino de Ciências, incitando a reflexão sobre o quanto é necessário repensar as práticas pedagógicas, para que o ensino proposto seja focado na construção da aprendizagem. / This work is aiming to investigate the process of construction of the concept of hydrographic basin made by students of the 5th grade of elementary school of a municipal school in Lorena, São Paulo, in a socio-interactionist perspective. The qualitative research, featured a case study with pedagogical intervention. With theoretical basis of Vygotsky (2001a), in the development stages of thought and theoretical constructs of Wertsch (1984), in the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), the activities were developed in a group of students from the 5th grade of elementary school, and they were about nine years old. The methodology favoured the questioning, the interaction between the students, the teacher, the environment and the use of technology in order to analyze the constructed concepts. The results indicate that socio-interactionist activities contributed to the development of the students\' thinking, which evolved from the \"thought for complex\", identified at the beginning of the work, to the \"potential concept\". Also pointing to the importance of teamwork, involving practical activities in science teaching by encouraging reflection on how we need to rethink the pedagogical practices, so that the proposed education is focused on building learning.

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