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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A wake-up call : En utvärderande fallstudie över telekombranschen

Kornsäter, Frida January 2019 (has links)
As technology and service change, so does customer expectations. This apply particularly to industries who have a long and traditional role in society, industries who must adapt to stay up to date. One of these industries is the telecom industry, which is rapidly changing. From radio transmitters to telephone, to present days when almost everyone carries the immaculate opportunity to reach the entire world from a device that easily fits in the back pocket of a pair of jeans. The entering of smart phones changed the entire telecom industry, and nourished new and rapidly changing demands from the customers. The overall aim of this thesis is to via a case study investigate how different existing solutions in the telecom industry such as telephone, email, social media and chats can be combined with new technology and analytics to meet people's requirements for accessibility, simplicity and clarity when seeking help and information within the telecom industry. Both the technical aspects, such as the existing solutions, and the human aspects such as what information different customer groups seek are studied. An analysis of the telecom sector based on a service design approach have been done. The research done in the thesis put forward the challenges companies within the telecom industry face. By using a service design approach improvements and design of systems that enable seamless interactions between different technologies and customers have been suggested, to show how they might look like in the future.

Rekommendationssystem i e-handel från ett kund- och företagsperspektiv / Recommendation Systems in E-commerce from a Customer and Company Perspective

Lindström, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen avser att belysa vad som gör rekommenderat innehåll bra i e-handel ur kunders och företags perspektiv, samt skillnader mellan dessa. Detta undersöktes genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer som shoppar regelbundet online och företagare som arbetar med en webbutik av något slag. Resultaten visade på att kunder och företagare generellt håller med om många påståenden från forskning kring rekommendationssystem men kunder fann många frustrationer i dagens system kring upprepande eller förföljande rekommendationer, något företagarna också nämnde kan vara problematiskt. Transparent datainsamling var viktigt för båda parter men kunder såg brister i hur användarvillkor kommuniceras och det leder till att kunder accepterar dessa utan att förstå vad dem godkänt. Företagarna poängtera hur viktigt trygghet är för att kunden ska känna tillit till dem. Slutsatser som kunde dras var bland annat att bra rekommendationssystem i e-handeln enligt kunder bör lära sig med tiden och förstå när dessa bör sluta rekommendera något. Detta för att upprepande rekommendationer som inte försvinner även efter kunden gett negativ feedback är frustrerande för dem. Företag bör också vara transparent med datainsamlingen som sker för att rekommendationssystem skall fungera. Detta kunde kunder känna inte kommunicerades på ett effektivt sätt idag och att det finns förbättringsmöjligheter på den fronten. Företagarna tyckte också transparens var viktigt då de vill att kunden ska känna sig trygg med dem. Det var också viktigt att systemet hade gränser så att situationer där kunder blir förföljda av en viss typ av rekommendationer inte sker. Största skillnaden mellan de olika perspektiven var kunders frustration vid oklara användarvillkor och upprepande rekommendationer medan företagarna var inte frustrerade med systemen på samma sätt utan tog upp liknande saker som förbättringsområden. Företagares fokus låg på att deras system måste följa de lagar som finns och detta gick över allt annat. Rent generellt höll dock både kunder och företagare med varandra i många olika aspekter.

Automatic Level Generation in Games / Automatisk Nivå Generering i Spel

Fahlgren, Maja January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of user onboarding : How can a tailored user onboarding be designed for an audiobook application to increase its usage?

Rosdahl, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
User onboarding is a concept to convince and introduce users to use an application and a way for users to understand the application and what it can be used for. This research aimed to explore whether user onboarding could increase the usage of an audiobook application, and help users to find a suitable book. To examine the research question a human-center-design method was applied. It consisted of an extensive literature study, interviews, journey mapping and iterative prototyping, which resulted in an implemented user onboarding prototype for an audiobook application. The prototype was evaluated with an A/B-test, where the user onboarding prototype was compared to another prototype without user onboarding.  Interesting results have emerged through A/B-testing. Findings in this research did not provide any significant correlation between user onboarding and increased usage of an audiobook application. However, the user onboarding motivated users to listen to books, compared to one not being exposed to a user onboarding.  Furthermore, results also revealed that the prototype with user onboarding was helping the users to find a book they were interested in. The results also showed that women who were introduced to the prototype with user onboarding were more positive to use the application again. There was a significant correlation between user onboarding and the perceived simplicity of finding an interesting book in the group of participants aged between 26 and 30. Regarding the perceived usability, findings showed that the users who were introduced to the user onboarding experienced that it was easier to find a book, felt more motivated to listen to a book, felt that the application helped them to find a book that suited them and felt that the application introduced them to the audiobook format to a greater extent than those who were not exposed to user onboarding. However, it could not be proven that there was a statistically significant difference between the group that was introduced to the user onboarding and the group that was not exposed to the user onboarding.  In this research a total of 66 people participated in the A/B-test. For future research a larger number of participants could provide interesting results, since an A/B-test benefits from a high number of participants. Some of the results were bordering to prove that there were a significant correlation between being exposed to user onboarding and greater usage of an application.

AutoTAF : Väderplaneringsverktyg för Flygvapnets stridsflygdivisioner / AutoTAF : Weather planning software for Air Force’s fighter squadrons

Davidovic, Dean January 2021 (has links)
The Air Force's fighter squadrons are characterized by high precision and quick decisions in all stages of daily operations. In the planning of flight sorties, a weather plan needs to be made where the weather forecasts for the landing air base and diversion air bases are examined to determine whether the weather limits are within the set limit values ​​according to the regulations. JAS 39 Gripen has several different landing aid systems that guide the pilot down through bad weather for landing. The different systems have different limit values ​​as a minimum. Varying availability and limitations have been tried to be solved with an increasingly complex set of rules so as not to lose operational effect. The consequences are that weather planning has become so complicated that it has created a bottleneck that steals valuable time from mission planning with regulations that have become difficult to comply with and threaten flight safety when limit values ​​are missed. Today, users often need to review difficult-to-interpret weather forecasts in TAF format and get through a complicated set of rules with only a written guide for cloud and visibility calculations and an excel program for wind calculation to assist. The project has through Dynamic product development and Agile project management together with user studies developed a prototype of a complete software called AutoTAF which automatically decodes TAF forecasts, calculates cloud, visibility and wind limits with applied regulations and presents the weather limits at air bases in a timely and color-coded manner. With the help of the focus group, the project has been able to ensure that the function and interface met the users' requirements. The test result shows higher accuracy in weather decisions and two to four times faster decision time compared to current methods. / Flygvapnets stridsflygdivisioner kännetecknas av hög precision och snabba beslut i alla led av den dagliga verksamheten. I planeringen av flygpass behöver det göras en väderplanering där väderprognoserna för landningsflygplatsen samt alternativflygplatser granskas för att avgöra om vädergränserna är inom de satta gränsvärdena enligt regelverken. JAS 39 Gripen har flera olika landningshjälpsystem som guidar piloten ner genom dåligt väder för landning. De olika systemen har olika gränsvärden som minima. Varierande tillgänglighet och begränsningar har försökts lösas med ett allt mer invecklat regelverk för att inte tappa operativ effekt. Konsekvenserna är att väderplaneringen har blivit så komplicerad att det skapat en flaskhals som stjäl värdefull tid ur uppdragsplaneringen med ett regelverk som blivit svårt att efterleva och hotar flygsäkerheten när gränsvärden missas. Idag behöver användarna granska ofta svårtolkade väderprognoser i TAF-format och ta sig igenom ett snårigt regelverk med endast en lathund för moln- och siktberäkning samt ett excelprogram för vindberäkning till hjälp. Projektet har genom Dynamisk produktutveckling och Agil projektledning tillsammans med användarstudier utvecklat en prototyp av ett komplett datorprogram kallat AutoTAF som automatiskt avkodar TAF-prognoser, beräknar moln-, sikt-, och vindgränser med applicerat regelverk och presenterar vädergränserna på flygplatserna tidsöverskådligt och färgkodat. Med hjälp av fokusgrupp har projektet kunnat säkerställa att funktion och gränssnitt mötte användarnas krav. Testresultatet påvisar högre träffsäkerhet i väderbesluten samt två till fyra gånger snabbare beslutstid jämfört med nuvarande metoder.

Data Pipeline Design for Audit Analytics : Data Ingestion Tools Evaluation & Proof of Concept

Bylund, Adam January 2023 (has links)
The amount of data and its importance is increasing for many industries. To fully take advantage of the data it must be easily accessible and understandable for the user. From a software perspective, the applications used for analyzing the data should be developed with this aspect in mind. Link Visualizer is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution developed by the company Senseworks, intending to develop an application to provide this service for the audit industry. As the number of active users increases it has been discovered that this also correlates with the desire for data gathering from different third-party sources. A development that the current solution of different microservices has difficulty handling. The implementation of this functionality can be achieved by various alternatives of software architecture. The overall architecture of the new data integration solution is determined to be a data pipeline. This thesis aims to investigate which data extract tool within an data pipeline is the most suitable for Link based on requirements regarding scalability, maintainability, and supportability. The initial part of the study includes an evaluation of different tools that can be considered as contenders for the new solution. The final decision is based on an Architecture Decision Record which helps in the process and increases the chances of making a correct architecture decision. A Proof of Concept (PoC) is then developed to provide practical insight into the chosen tool and to prove if it is suited for implementation in a production version to replace the current solution. The result of the evaluation process showed Airbyte to be the most suitable option. Therefore, a PoC with two third-party data integrations was implemented using the Airbyte Open Source framework. The finished PoC showed possibilities for improvements in all areas of the requirements. However, it should be pointed out that a PoC doesn’t prove the correct or perfect solution, only that it can be done.

Evaluating physiological phasic reaction and negative emotions in darkness within a video game setting : Using an EDA analysis and a game experience questionnaire

Bonnevier, Paulina January 2022 (has links)
Background. Electrodermal activity (EDA) is a method to measure variations in the electrical conductivity of the skin, and it is often used to help assess emotions like anxiety, or stress. However, it is not yet commonly used in video games, although emotions are an essential aspect to consider when developing a game. Objectives. By using EDA data and a questionnaire, the thesis aims to study the effect of darkness on the participant's skin conductance responses (SCR) and their potential correlation with negative emotions. Methods. Using the Shimmer3 GSR+ sensor and the Tobii Pro Lab software to measure and record the EDA data and handle the game, a within-participants experiment with 17 participants was conducted. Each participant played one daytime scene and one nighttime scene from the same game. During the experiment, the participant's EDA data was recorded by the Tobii Pro Lab software when the participant played the game. When the games were finished, the participant answered a questionnaire. The questionnaire presented multiple questions regarding their game experience based on negative emotions. Results. The EDA data point towards a rise in skin conductance responses (SCR) when playing the nighttime game compared to the daytime game. While the questionnaire data points towards a higher prominence of negative emotions during the nighttime game as well. Based on these results, playing the nighttime game made a majority of the participants experience a higher grade of reported negative emotions. Conclusions. The results suggest that darkness affects both SCR and negative emotions. Meaning that humans have a tendency to react in an emotionally negative way, and have a higher degree of measurable responses in the skin, to a dark environment.

Enhance the user experience with a second screen

Granlund, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
The goal for this thesis is to create a second screen application that will enhance the experience while watching a first screen. In order to create that type of application research within the subject and reviews of existing application is conducted. The reviews resulted in functionality and content that a second screen application should have. One of the big challenges for working with a second screen balance the focus between the screens and to make sure that the application creates value, rather than taking time and being frustrating. A concept of an application based on findings and iterations that will en- hance the experience were created. The concept were realised in wireframes and design mockups. The main functionality for the application is implemented with the native language objective-c as a working prototype on iPad. The biggest finding during this thesis is to remember to focus on solving one specific problem for the user.

The Anatomy of a Paywall : Insights and recommendations on charging for online news

Cederberg, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
In the wake of digitalization and recent technological innovation, news consumers have increasingly moved to online spaces to access news. As changes in consumer behavior appear even within these new contexts, several legacy news publishers that are often linked with high journalistic quality and trust are struggling to monetize on their content. In such struggles, an increasingly common sight over the last couple of years is the implementation of paywalls; digital boundaries that require consumers to pay before accessing content. This work applies a design thinking approach, utilizing a mixed-method methodology by interviews, surveys, workshops, prototyping, and testing, to explore the users’ experiences of navigating this landscape, while at the same time taking the perspective of legacy news publishers into account. The first part of the report entails the identification of a set of design challenges in this regard. The second part focuses on one such challenge—the onboarding experience of paying readership online—and explores possible solutions where the experience of the users and the business of legacy news publishers can merge. It argues that, while still inducing some degree of irritation in the users, a registration-first model with multiple choices to pay is likely to create new opportunities for news publishers as they seek to charge for content online, while at the same time being appealing to a larger audience. However, the role of the relationship between the individual reader and the content itself was identified as absolutely central in increasing the value perception of news online.

Optimizing Accessibility in Music Streaming Services : Research on how to provide access to music for the visually impaired / Optimera tillgänglighet i musikströmmande tjänster : Studie i hur man ger tillgång till musik för synskadade

Sporrong, Klara January 2017 (has links)
Accessibility is important in the development of digital products as well as in physical products. An accessible product enables all people to use it, whether they have a disability or not. This thesis focuses on accessibility for visually impaired people in a music streaming service on desktop. Many music streaming services for desktop are built with web technologies, including Spotify. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the accessibility status of the Spo- tify desktop application as well as develop accessibility guidelines fo- cused on a music streaming service. A user test was performed to in- vestigate the accessibility status of the desktop application. Existing accessibility guidelines was studied and used together with the results of the user test to develop accessibility guidelines applicable to a music streaming service. It was found that the Spotify desktop application had many accessibility issues and these were considered when developing accessibility guide- lines. The existing guidelines studied was the WCAG 2.0 guidelines developed by W3C. These were read through completely and compiled in Chapter 4 of this report. The result of the thesis was accessibility guidelines suitable for a music streaming service on desktop. Since music streaming applications can be developed using different techniques and frameworks these guide- lines should be used as a guide on how to implement accessibility and needs to be customized for each use case. Though the fundamentals of the guidelines should be applicable to most music streaming desktop applications.

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