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Parameterizable Wishbone BusHussain Fawzi, Omar, Alagedi, Alfiqar January 2012 (has links)
In the industry of intellectual property products "IP-cores", a communication link is almost always needed. A semiconductor intellectual property IP core is a reusable unit of logic in electronic design. IP cores are used as building blocks for ASIC chip design or FPGA logic designs. A bus creates a communication link between the IP cores in a system. The company AnaCatum Design AB have many projects where a bus is needed. Creating a new bus structure for every project is time consuming. By having a generic bus structure of a known standard with changeable parameters, the user only has to set the desired parameters to fit the system. Also having interfaces for master and slave the user has only to make minor changes to have a fully functional bus for the system.
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A Western Interconnection Regional System Operator: Benefits and BarriersHacker, Siena 01 January 2018 (has links)
A Regional System Operator in the Western Interconnection would create significant environmental and economic benefits. California alone could realize annual savings of up to 1.5 billion dollars while cutting the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by eight to ten percent in 2030. However, many stakeholders have rejected development of a Regional System Operator both historically and in recent California Legislative sessions. Ultimately, key stakeholders’ fears of repeating the California Electricity Crisis, relinquishing state authority, allowing greater interference from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and sacrificing legislative environmental progress in California have created political opposition and legislative failures blocking efforts to develop a Regional System Operator. To overcome these political failures and realize the benefits of a better-organized regional electricity market, stakeholders will need to compromise and accept the vague risks of unforeseen consequences.
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Investigação de técnicas fotônicas de chaveamento aplicadas em arquiteturas paralelas. / Research about photonic techniques in parallel architectures.João Eduardo Machado Perea Martins 20 March 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre redes ópticas de interconexão aplicadas em arquiteturas paralelas, onde são propostos, simulados e analisados alguns modelos de redes. Essa é uma importante pesquisa, pois, as redes de interconexão influenciam diretamente o custo e desempenho das arquiteturas paralelas de computadores. O primeiro modelo de rede óptica proposto é chamado de SCF (Sistema Circular com Filas). Esse e um sistema sem colisões, onde há um canal exclusivo para controle de comunicação e cada nó possui um canal exclusivo para recepção de dados. Esse sistema tem um desempenho com alta taxa de vazão, alto nível de utilização e pequenas filas. Para a simulação da rede SCF foi desenvolvido um simulador dedicado, cuja adaptação para a simulação de outros modelos de redes, propostos nesse trabalho, foi facilmente realizada. Neste trabalho também foram propostos, simulados e analisados três modelos diferentes de chaves ópticas de distribuição para arquitetura paralela do tipo Dataflow. Os resultados dessas simulações mostram que componentes ópticos relativamente simples podem ser utilizados no desenvolvimento de sistemas de alto desempenho. / This work presents a study about optical interconnection network applied to parallel computer architectures, where is proposed, simulated and analyzed some models of optical interconnection networks. It is an important research because the interconnection networks influence directly the cost and performance of parallel computer architectures. The first optical interconnection network model proposed in this work is called SCF (Sistema Circular com Filas). It is a system without collisions, where there is a dedicated channel for communication control and each node has a fixed channel for data reception. The system has a performance with high throughput, high utilization leve1 and small queue size. For the SCF simulation was developed a dedicated simulator, whose adjust to simulate others optical interconnection network, proposed in this work, was easily performed. In this work also were proposed, simulated and analyzed three different models of optical distributing network for Dataflow computer architecture, whose results shows that single optical devises can ensure the development of high performance systems.
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Contribution à l’amélioration des systèmes de surveillance par l’interconnexion : application à trois maladies de la filière équine / Contribution to the Improvement of Surveillance Systems Using Interconnection : Application in Three Equine DiseasesAmat, Jean-Philippe 14 December 2016 (has links)
De nombreuses maladies infectieuses animales et zoonotiques font l’objet d’une surveillance chez l’animal. Dans certaines filières animales, plusieurs réseaux ou dispositifs sont mis en place sans qu’ils ne soient reliés ni coordonnés. De plus dans certains cas, plusieurs dispositifs surveillent les mêmes maladies mais de manière indépendante. Cette absence d’articulation peut conduire à un défaut d’efficacité des efforts de surveillance et à un coût global plus élevé. Notre travail s’est fixé pour objectif d’étudier en quoi l’interconnexion entre des dispositifs de surveillance déjà existants pourrait améliorer la surveillance des maladies infectieuses et comment mettre en œuvre une telle interconnexion.Pour tenter de répondre à cet objectif, nous avons pris comme support d’application trois systèmes de surveillance présents en France ayant pour objet des maladies infectieuses équines : l’anémie infectieuse des équidés, l’artérite virale équine et la métrite contagieuse équine. Nous avons adopté une démarche en trois étapes. Tout d’abord, une évaluation quantitative de la sensibilité de la surveillance a été menée à l’aide d’une méthode de capture-recapture. Deuxièmement nous avons évalué de manière semi-quantitative et comparative l’organisation et le fonctionnement général des trois systèmes de surveillance en identifiant les pistes d’interconnexion les plus pertinentes. Troisièmement, un atelier participatif réunissant une trentaine d’acteurs sanitaires et professionnels a été conduit afin d’évaluer et de hiérarchiser les solutions d’interconnexion. Ces travaux ont permis de fournir une vision claire et détaillée des qualités et des défauts des systèmes de surveillance. Ils ont aussi abouti à des recommandations d’interconnexion concrètes, ayant recueilli une adhésion large de la part des acteurs de la surveillance et de la filière, et pour lesquelles les bénéfices attendus et les niveaux de faisabilité, d’acceptabilité et de priorité ont été évalués. Ces travaux successifs ont également permis d’impliquer progressivement dans le processus un grand nombre d’acteurs et de bénéficiaires de la surveillance sanitaire équine. Afin d’enrichir cette démarche de préparation et d’accompagnement à la mise en œuvre d’une interconnexion, nous proposons d’y intégrer à l’avenir des travaux complémentaires éventuellement à conduire selon les besoins recensés, tels que des évaluations économiques, sociales ou multicritères. / Numerous animal and zoonotic infectious diseases are monitored in animals. In many animal industries, several epidemiological surveillance systems or components are implemented but neither connected nor coordinated. Furthermore, in some cases, several components monitor the same diseases in an independent way. This lack of coordination may impair the efficiency of the surveillance and increase the global costs. Our objective was to investigate how the interconnection between existing surveillance systems could improve the infectious diseases surveillance and how to implement such an interconnection.To address this question, we studied three French surveillance systems of equine infectious diseases: equine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis and equine contagious metritis. We used a three-step approach. First, we evaluated quantitatively the surveillance sensibility by using a capture-recapture method. Secondly, we assessed in a semi-quantitative and comparative way the organization and operation of the three systems and we identified the most relevant ways for interconnection. Thirdly, we organized a participative workshop gathering thirty stakeholders involved in equine healthcare and/or equine industry to estimate and prioritize the ways of interconnection. These studies have accurately underlined the strengths and weaknesses of the surveillance systems and they have resulted in practical recommendations of interconnection. The professionals from equine industry and the specialists in epidemiological surveillance involved in this work have approved and supported these recommendations. Feasibility, acceptability, priority and expected benefits of the recommendations were estimated. Our successive works have allowed to gradually involve numerous actors and beneficiaries of the surveillance in the interconnection process. In order to improve and enhance this approach -designed to help the preparation and the implementation of an interconnection- we propose to include optional complementary studies, such as economic, social and/or multicriteria evaluations.
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Optimalizace procesu kontaktování CMOS čipů pro vyšší proudové zatížení / Optimalization of CMOS Chip Interconnection Process for Higher Current LoadNovotný, Marek January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with silicon chip interconnection with a view to high current up to 10A. A wire bonding method is used for interconnection. The first part of investigation is focused on the modeling and simulation by the help of program ANSYS. Thermo mechanical stressing and current density is important parts of this research. Stress and current density distribution are results of the first part. The experimental part describes transition resistance, electro migration and thermal process in the connection of wire and chip pad. A controlled current source (0 – 10A) is used for measurement. The current source makes it possible to 4-point method measurement with sampling rate 1,5MHz.
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Testování propojení komponent systému GBAS / GBAS interconnection and testingPolok, Zbyszek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of GNSS. The document will attempt to illustrate some possible sources of error and their corrections. The main characteristics of SBAS and GBAS are described. The aim of this work is to design GBAS interconnection
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Lidová píseň jako prostředek propojení huebební výchovy s jinými vzdělávacími oblastmi na 1. stupni ZŠ / Folk song as an instrument of interconnecting music with other educational areas at primary school.Radová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with folk songs and their involvement in teaching beyond music education. It is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with folk songs and their use in schools. It contains an analysis of folk songs in textbooks for the 1st grade of primary schools published by SPN publishing house. For the completeness of the theoretical basis, the diploma thesis presents a general explanation of the concept of integration. It focuses on thematic teaching, which is a key method of connecting the subjects of this work. It presents educational areas based on the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education and work with folk songs. The practical part consists of the design of five two-hour teaching blocks, one for each year of the first grade, which, through the use of folk song, connect two subjects. These not only form a connecting means, but are also perceived as the starting points of all activities and information sources. Each teaching block contains detailed preparation with didactic notes and hypotheses. The appendices contain the finished preparations inserted into clear tables with all materials and tasks.
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Le règlement des différends entre opérateurs de communications électroniques / Dispute resolution in the telecommunication sectorIsnard, Numa 09 December 2015 (has links)
Le règlement de différends dans le secteur des communications électroniques est un mécanisme quasi-juridictionnel particulier, à mi-chemin entre droit public et droit privé. Mis en œuvre au sein de l’ARCEP, régulateur sectoriel sous le statut d’autorité administrative indépendante, ce mécanisme, qui s’est progressivement structuré et ouvert au fil du temps, produit néanmoins un contentieux spécialisé. En effet, il ne concerne en pratique que les seuls opérateurs réglementairement qualifiés et a pour objet la défense d’un droit économique : l’accès, matérialisé par le droit à l’interconnexion. Cet accès aux réseaux des opérateurs en présence est vital pour le développement et le maintien d’un marché ouvert et atomisé. Dès lors, l’intérêt d’une étude approfondie sur le règlement de différends dans le secteur des télécommunications est multiple. D’abord, les protagonistes du contentieux évoluent : avec la redéfinition actuelle du statut d’opérateur par l’émergence des collectivités locales (Article L1425-1 CGCT) et l’irruption plus récente d’acteurs utilisant la couche supérieure du réseau (i.e. diffusant seulement du contenu, appelés OTT, pour over-the-top). Puis, la procédure élaborée par le législateur interroge : pourquoi impliquer une personne publique dans des négociations commerciales entre personnes privées ? La dualité du contentieux, oscillant apparemment entre contentieux public en première instance et contentieux privé pour l’appel ne fait que renforcer un peu plus cette singularité qu’il convient d’analyser plus avant. De plus, avec un marché en consolidation et une Europe en intégration, du moins économiquement, la question de l’avenir d’un tel mécanisme se pose, dont la plus récente réforme inclut désormais de possibles cas de contentieux communautaires, avec la participation du BEREC comme organe consultatif. Enfin, notons une place importante accordée aux témoignages et aux expériences de celles et ceux qui font vivre ce contentieux, constituant une tentative d’apporter un éclairage de sociologie juridique à cette étude, entre théorie et pratique d’un contentieux particulier de la régulation. / Dispute resolution is a very specific legal tool, mixing private and public legal elements. The ARCEP, the National Regulatory Authority in France is in charge to regulate the sector and has the power to litigate disputes about interconnection or access. Established in 1996, the ARCEP developed a certain practice of this type of disputes, elaborating a specialized litigation to enforce the right to interconnection, granted by European laws. Such a right is vital for operators in order for them to be able to compete with the incumbent. Consequently, efficiently resolving every dispute to keep market competitive is crucial. Studying such a mechanism has several interests. Firstly, the very concept of operator evolves. Local authorities now have the ability to intervene and deploy networks available for other operators and even the public. More, over-the-top actors providing content services on the Internet have an increasing impact on the networks and they are now competing operators on telecommunications services. Secondly, the procedure is debatable: how a public body can intervene on commercial contracts? As France has a bi-jurisdictional order, splitting courts between private law and administrative law, dispute resolution changes this traditional way, making administrative decisions appealed at the Cour d’Appel de Paris. Lastly, the growing scaling up of the market, from national to European level, questions the ability of ARCEP’s mechanism to evolve.Using a mixed method, combining theoretical and practical approach, we aim to explain how this specific way to make regulation is a real asset for competition.
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Systém interních sběrnic pro čipy s technologií FPGA / System of Internal Buses for Chips with FPGA TechnologyMálek, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and implementation of interconnection bus system for chips with FPGA technology. The system ensures both communication between internal components on a chip and their communication with other computer elements which are mapped to the host system memory. The buses are high-speed, full duplex and packet-oriented and their architecture is based on tree topology. The data width is configurable, individually for every bus part. Due to this feature, it is possible to build uniform hierarchical system of internal buses with different speed that interconnects differently fast components. Proposed interconnection system was implemented in VHDL language and it is utilized in the Liberouter project which is the part of CESNET research intention Programable Hardware.
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Exchanged Crossed Cube: A Novel Interconnection Network for Parallel ComputationLi, K., Mu, Y., Li, K., Min, Geyong January 2013 (has links)
The topology of interconnection networks plays a key role in the performance of parallel computing systems. A new interconnection network called exchanged crossed cube (ECQ) is proposed and analyzed in this paper. We prove that ECQ has the better properties than other variations of the basic hypercube in terms of the smaller diameter, fewer links, and lower cost factor, which indicates the reduced communication overhead, lower hardware cost, and more balanced consideration among performance and cost. Furthermore, it maintains several attractive advantages including recursive structure, high partitionability, and strong connectivity. Furthermore, the optimal routing and broadcasting algorithms are proposed for this new network topology.
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