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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de l’activation des cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes par les virus HTLV-1 et HTLV-2 et de son importance dans la symptomatologie viro-induite / Characterization of the plasmacytoid dendritic cells activation by HTLV-1 or HTLV-2 and its importance on the viral-associated pathogenesis

Futsch, Nicolas 09 November 2018 (has links)
Le virus T-lymphotrope humain de type 1 (HTLV-1) est l’agent étiologique de deux principales pathologies : la leucémie/lymphome à cellules T de l’adulte (ATLL) et la paraparésie spastique tropicale/myélopathie associée à HTLV-1 (HAM/TSP). Ces deux maladies sont caractérisées par des phénotypes immunitaires opposés, puisque l’ATLL est associée à une immunosuppression et l’HAM/TSP à une réponse pro-inflammatoire. Les mécanismes qui déterminent l’évolution de l’infection chronique vers l’une ou l’autre de ces maladies sont peu connus. L’interféron de type 1 (IFN-I) a une fonction ambiguë dans l’organisme. Si cette cytokine contribue à la réponse immunitaire précoce, elle est également associée au développement de pathogenèses pour des infections virales persistantes. Les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes (pDCs) ont la particularité de produire de grandes quantités d’IFN-I après la reconnaissance de cellules infectées par des virus. Nous avons montré que ceci était également vrai pour HTLV-1, puisque le contact entre une cellule infectée par HTLV-1 et la pDC est nécessaire à la production d’IFN-I. Cette production est induite par la particularité de HTLV-1 à s’accumuler en surface des cellules infectées, au sein d’une structure préalablement définie sous le terme de biofilm viral. La nature de la matrice extracellulaire dans laquelle est accumulée le virus régule la réponse IFN-I par les pDCs, la présence de l’antigène Galβ(1-3)GalNAc désialylé à la surface des cellules infectées contribuant à réduire cette réponse IFN-I. Nous avons également observé que des cellules infectées par le virus HTLV-2, virus phylogénétique proche de HTLV-1 mais peu pathogène, tendent à induire une plus faible production d’IFN-I, mais une meilleure maturation des pDCs. Nous avons enfin montré que la fréquence des pDCs dans le sang et leur capacité à répondre à un stimulus est similaire chez des patients HAM/TSP, des porteurs asymptomatiques et des individus sains. Ces résultats contrastent avec des études antérieures qui montrent une diminution de la fréquence des pDCs chez les patients ATLL et une diminution de leur activité chez les individus infectés. Le nombre et la fonction des pDCs pourraient ainsi contribuer à l’orientation de la pathogenèse vers l’ATLL ou l’HAM/TSP. / HTLV-1 (Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1) is the etiological agent of two main diseases: the adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) and the HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis, which are characterized by different immune phenotypes. While the ATLL is linked to an immunosuppressive state, the HAM/TSP is linked to a pro-inflammatory state in patients. The mechanisms contributing to the development of these two diseases in the HTLV-1 infected individuals are poorly understood. Type I interferon (IFN-I) has ambivalent functions in the organism. While this cytokine is an effector of early immune responses, several studies have reported a negative impact of this cytokine during chronic infections. The plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are the main producers of IFN-I in vivo, and can produce high amounts of this cytokine after the recognition of virally infected cells. We have shown that pDCs are able to recognize HTLV-1-infected cells, thus leading to the production of IFN-I. pDCs’ triggering is mediated by the accumulated viral particles at the surface of the infected cells, within a carbohydrate-rich structure, previously described as the viral biofilm. The nature of the extracellular matrix itself seems to regulate IFN-I production by pDCs, since the exposition of an asialylated Galβ(1-3)GalNAc glycan at the surface of the HTLV-infected cells reduces the IFN-I production. We also observed that HTLV-2 (a close relative of HTLV-1)-infected cells, in contrast to HTLV-1-infected cells, tend to induce a lower production of IFN-I after being recognized by the pDCs but a greater maturation of the latter. Finally, we have shown that pDCs’ frequency in the blood and their ability to produce IFN-α after an ex vivo stimulation is equivalent in healthy donors, asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and HAM/TSP patients. This result contrasts with previous studies which demonstrated that blood circulating pDCs’ frequency is reduced in ATLL patients and that pDCs from HTLV-1 infected individuals have a reduced ability to produce IFN-α after stimulation. Thus, dysregulation of the frequency and functionality of pDCs could contribute to the development of one disease or the other.

Causes et conséquences de l’activation de l’interféron de type I dans les maladies auto-immunes. Étude dans le modèle du syndrome de Sjögren / Causes and consequences of type I IFN activation in autoimmune diseases. Study in the Sjögren's syndrome model.

Gestermann, Nicolas 13 January 2012 (has links)
Le syndrome de Sjögren primitif (SSp) est une maladie auto-immune (MAI) systémique ayant des caractéristiques communes avec le lupus érythémateux. Ces caractéristiques incluent des mécanismes physiopathologiques et des facteurs de predispositions génétiques. Notre équipe et d’autres groupes ont pu mettre en evidence une signature interféron (IFN) dans les glandes salivaires et les PBMCs de patients ayant un SSp. Cette découverte a permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelles voies à explorer dans la pathogénie du SLE et SSp en permettant la focalisation des recherches sur le rôle de l’immunité innée et de la voie IFN.Nous avons confirmé le rôle de 2 gènes importants dans le SSp, impliqués dans les voies des IFN. Le premier est IRF5 sur la voie IFN de type I et STAT4 sur la voie IFN de type II. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence une fonctionnalité de l’allèle à risque d’IRF5 (Polymorphisme Indel situé dans le promoteur). Concernant STAT4, son expression n’était pas altérée par le SNP associé à la maladie. Toutefois, l’ARNm de STAT4 était corrélé à l’expression des gènes IFN de type I. Les dérégulations épigénétique pourraient jouer un rôle important dans la pathogénie de nombreuses MAI, en particulier la méthylation de l’ADN qui est hautement liée à l’extinction de l’expression des gènes. Nous avons étudié la méthylation du promoteur d’IRF5 et nous n’avons pas trouvé de régulation de ce promoteur par le méthylation. Une analyse de la méthylation avec une approche globale du méthylome est en cours dans notre équipe et permettra d’identifier de gènes cibles d’une dérégulation épigénétique pouvant être impliqués dans les MAI.Nous avons essayé de comprendre la relation entre STAT4 et gènes IFN de type I. Ainsi, nous rapportons que l’IL-12 induit spécifiquement l’IFN de type I par intéraction entre deux partenaires cellulaires, les lymphocytes T CD4+ et les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes. Ces résultats pourraient expliquer l’implication des polymorphismes de STAT4 dans les MAI dépendantes de l’IFN de type I. Ces résultats suggèrent également que les MAI dépendantes des IFN de type I et II ne s’opposent pas. Elles seraient seulement le Yin et le Yang d’un facteur d’activation commun, STAT4, capable d’induire les IFNs de type I et II. / Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is a systemic autoimmune disease (AID) that presents similar characteristics to systemic lupus erythematosus. These characteristics include pathophysiology and genetic factors. Our team and other groups have highlighted an interferon (IFN) signature in salivary glands and PBMCs from patients with Sjögren syndrome. This signature demonstrates new pathways in pSS and lupus, focusing research on innate immunity and in the IFN pathway.We have confirmed the implication of 2 genes in the pSS, and these genes are involved in the IFN pathway. The first gene is IRF5 which is in the type I IFN pathway and the second is STAT4 which is in the type II IFN pathway. We have shown a functional consequence of IRF5 at-risk allele. Regarding STAT4, the associated SNP did not altered STAT4 mRNA expression but was highly correlated with type I IFN genes expression.The epigenetic deregulation could play a triggering role in autoimmune diseases, particularly through DNA methylation which is highly implicated in the suppression of gene expression. We studied the methylation of IRF5 promoter and found no methylation. Our team is currently undertaking a global approach with methylome analysis. This methylome study will assess specific gene methylation patterns and will allow a better understanding of the role of these genes in autoimmune diseases.We further demonstrated that IL-12 specifically induces a type I IFN signature through a CD4+ T cells and pDCs crosstalk. These results could explain the implication of STAT4 polymorphism not only in type II IFN-dependent AIDs but also in type I IFN-dependent AIDs. Our data confirm that type I IFN- and type II IFN-mediated AIDs do not have to be opposed. They are only the yin and the yang of a common STAT4 activation which may induce secretion of both cytokines.

Estudo por PCR em tempo real de três polimorfismos em genes envolvidos na resposta imune em pacientes infectados por Plasmodium vivax da população de Belém-PA

LOBATO, Victor Riker 20 October 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Cleide Dantas (cleidedantas@ufpa.br) on 2014-02-11T15:06:38Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_EstudoPcrTempo.pdf: 601140 bytes, checksum: e57c5420fe2544e33fb7e83a1775801c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2014-04-16T16:35:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_EstudoPcrTempo.pdf: 601140 bytes, checksum: e57c5420fe2544e33fb7e83a1775801c (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-16T16:35:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_EstudoPcrTempo.pdf: 601140 bytes, checksum: e57c5420fe2544e33fb7e83a1775801c (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A malária é uma doença infecciosa que atinge aproximadamente 40% da população mundial em mais de 100 países e consiste em um grave problema de saúde pública. As citocinas são moléculas importantes na resposta imune contra a malária e atuam através do estímulo ou inibição da ativação, proliferação e/ ou diferenciação de células, além de regularem a secreção de anticorpos e de outras citocinas. Nesse trabalho investigamos três polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNP) que podem influenciar em uma maior ou menor síntese das citocinas TNF-a e IFN-g. Em relação à malária, os polimorfismos já foram associados com a malária grave, malária cerebral e anemia grave e também com outras doenças infecciosas, auto-imunes e com o câncer. Foram incluídos no estudo oitenta e um (81) pacientes com malária por Plasmodium vivax (primeira infecção) e cento e trinta (130) indivíduos sadios, ambos da população de Belém – PA. As freqüências genotípicas e alélicas foram pesquisadas através da técnica de discriminação alélica por PCR em tempo real e os resultados foram comparados entre os dois grupos. Parâmetros clínicos foram utilizados para tentar associar uma maior gravidade das manifestações da malária e a presença dos polimorfismos entre os pacientes. As freqüências foram semelhantes entre os dois grupos estudados. O alelo TNF-238*A não mostrou relação com nenhum dos parâmetros clínicos enquanto o alelo TNF-376*A estava relacionado com menores níveis plasmáticos de TNF-a e com uma menor intensidade dos sintomas. Os pacientes portadores do alelo IFN+874*A apresentaram menor intensidade da parasitemia. Assim os resultados obtidos não indicam associação dos polimorfismos com a ocorrência da malária na população estudada, mas com alguns dos parâmetros clínicos investigados, e podem auxiliar futuros estudos para tentar esclarecer como as mutações nos genes de citocinas podem influenciar na ocorrência e na evolução clínica da malária e de outras doenças infecciosas e parasitárias. / The malaria is an infectious disease and reaches approximately 40% of the world-wide population in more than 100 countries and is a serious problem for public health. The citokynes are important molecules in the immune response and act through the stimulaton or inhibition of the activation, proliferation and or differentiation of cells, besides regulating the secretion of antibodies and other cytokines. In this work we investigate three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) that can influence in a greater or minor synthesis of cytokines TNF-a and IFN-g. In relation to the malaria, the polymorphisms already had been associated with the severe malaria, cerebral malaria and severe anemia and also with other infectious or auto-immune diseases and cancer. Had been enclosed in this study eighty one (81) patients with Plasmodium vivax malaria (first infection) and one hundred and thirty (130) healthy individuals, both of the population of Belem - PA. The frequencies had been searched through the allelic discrimination technique by real time PCR and the results had been compared between the two groups investigated. Clinical parameters had been used to try to associate a bigger gravity of the malaria manifestations and the presence of the polymorphism between the patients group. The frequencies had been similar between the two studied groups. The TNF-238*A allele did not show relation with none of the clinical parameters while the TNF-376*A was related with minor plasmatic levels of TNF-a and with minor intensity of the symptoms. The patients carrying the IFN+874*T allele had presented minor intensity of the parasitaemia. Thus the gotten results do not indicate association of the polymorphisms with malaria in the studied population, but yes with some of the clinical parameters investigated, and can assist futures studies to try to clarify as the mutations in the genes of cytokines can influence in the occurrence and the clinical evolution of the malaria and of other infectious and parasitic diseases.

Participação das citocinas Interleucina-12, Interferon-γ, Interleucina-4 e Interleucina-10 e investigação de polimorfismos nos genes do INF-γ (IFNG+874) e da IL-10 (IL10-1082) na malária causada por Plasmodium vivax

MEDINA, Tiago da Silva 05 October 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Cleide Dantas (cleidedantas@ufpa.br) on 2014-02-12T12:30:14Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_ParticipacaoCitocinasInterleucina.pdf: 919907 bytes, checksum: f69e09a4e4341299396da8ece334db56 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2014-04-23T16:53:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_ParticipacaoCitocinasInterleucina.pdf: 919907 bytes, checksum: f69e09a4e4341299396da8ece334db56 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-23T16:53:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_ParticipacaoCitocinasInterleucina.pdf: 919907 bytes, checksum: f69e09a4e4341299396da8ece334db56 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / FAPESPA - Fundação Amazônia de Amparo a Estudos e Pesquisas / A resposta imune na malária é complexa, e os mecanismos de ativação e regulação de linfócitos T efetores e de memória ainda são pouco compreendidos. No presente estudo, determinamos a concentração das citocinas Interferon-γ (IFN-γ), Interleucina-10 (IL-10), Interleucina-4 (IL-4) e Interleucina-12 (IL-12) no soro de indivíduos infectados por Plasmodium vivax, investigamos os polimorfismos no gene do IFN-γ (IFNG+874) e da IL-10 (IL10-1082) e analisamos a associação destes polimorfismos com a concentração das citocinas e com a densidade parasitária. A concentração das citocinas foi determinada por ELISA, e a genotipagem dos polimorfismos IFNG+874 e IL10-1082 foi realizada pelas técnicas de ASO-PCR e PCR-RFLP, respectivamente. Os indivíduos infectados apresentaram níveis séricos de IFN-γ e IL-10 aumentados. A produção de IFN-γ foi maior nos indivíduos primoinfectados, porém não foi associada com a redução da parasitemia. A produção de IL-10 foi alta e associada com altas parasitemias. As citocinas IL-4 e IL-12 não foram detectadas. As freqüências dos genótipos homozigoto mutante AA, heterozigoto AT e selvagem TT do gene do IFN-γ foram 0,51, 0,39 e 0,10, respectivamente. As freqüências dos genótipos homozigoto mutante AA, heterozigoto AG e selvagem GG para IL10 foram 0,49, 0,43 e 0,08, respectivamente. Apenas o polimorfismo do IFN-γ foi associado com níveis reduzidos desta citocina. Na malária causada por P. vivax, houve produção de citocina que caracteriza o perfil Th1 (IFN-γ), com possível participação da IL-10 na imunorregulação. / The malaria immune response is complex, and the activation and regulation mechanisms of the efector and memory T cells remain unclear. In this study, we determined seric levels of Interferon-γ (IFN-γ), Interleukin 10 (IL-10), Interleukin-4 (IL-4) and Interleukin-12 (IL-12) in individuals infected by Plasmodium vivax. We investigated polymorphisms in IFN-γ (IFNG+874) and IL-10 (IL10-1082) genes and their association with seric levels and parasite density. Concentrations of IFN-γ, IL-10, IL-4 and IL-12 were detected by ELISA, and IFNG+874 and IL10- 1082 polymorphisms genotyping were investigated by allele-specific oligonucleotide polymerase chain reaction (ASO-PCR) and PCR-RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) methods, respectively. We detected increased levels of IFN-γ and IL-10 in individuals infected by P. vivax. IFN-γ levels were higher in individuals who were infected for the first time, but there were no association with parasite elimination. Increased levels of IL-10 were associated with higher parasite densities. We did not detect IL-4 and IL-12 seric levels. The frequencies of AA, AT, TT genotypes of IFNG+874 were 0,51, 0,39 e 0,10, respectively. The frequencies of AA, AG, GG genotypes of IL10-1082 were 0,49, 0,43 e 0,08, respectively. We also showed that IFG+874 polymorphism is associated with decreased levels of IFN-γ. The results show a Th1-driven immune response which can be regulated by IL-10 in naturally P.vivax-infected individuals.

Etude de redondances mises en place par le système immunitaire pour lutter contre l'infection par le cytomégalovirus murin / Study of redundancies established by the immune system for the protection during murine cytomegalovirus infection

Cocita, Clément 21 October 2015 (has links)
Chez la souris, les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes (pDC) et natural killer (NK) contribuent à la résistance contre les infections systémiques par les virus herpétiques tels que le cytomégalovirus murin (MCMV). Les pDC représentent la source majeure d’interférons de type I (IFN-I) lors d’une infection par le MCMV. Cette réponse est dépendante de MyD88 et des récepteurs de type Toll 7 et 9. D’autre part, les cellules NK, qui expriment le récepteur d’activation Ly49H, peuvent détecter et lyser les cellules infectées par le MCMV. La perte de l’une de ces réponses augmente la sensibilité à l’infection. Cependant, la façon dont ces réponses antivirales interagissent est mal connue. Chez l’homme, bien que les réponses dépendantes des IFN-I soient essentielles, MyD88 semble superflu pour l’immunité antivirale. Cependant, les mécanismes susceptibles de compenser l’absence de MyD88 chez l’homme sont inconnus. Il a été supposé que les souris déficientes pour MyD88 ne parvenaient pas à monter de réponse protectrice dépendante des IFN-I lors d’infections par le MCMV. Afin d’évaluer cela, nous avons comparé la résistance de souris déficientes pour MyD88, les récepteurs aux IFN-I (IFNAR) et/ou Ly49H lors de cette infection. La déplétion sélective des pDC ou l’absence de MyD88 diminue drastiquement la production d’IFN-I, mais n’empêche pas l’établissement d’une forte réponse aux IFN-I dans la rate. De plus, l’absence de MyD88, mais pas celle d’IFNAR, peut être compensée par l’activité antivirale des cellules NK dépendant de Ly49H. Par conséquent, chez la souris, MyD88 est redondant pour l’établissement d’une réponse splénique aux IFN-I lors d’une infection systémique par le MCMV. / In mice, plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) and natural killer (NK) cells both contribute to resistance to systemic infections with herpes viruses including mouse Cytomegalovirus (MCMV). pDCs are the major source of type I IFN (IFN-I) during MCMV infection. This response requires pDC-intrinsic MyD88-dependent signaling by Toll-Like Receptors 7 and 9. Provided that they express appropriate recognition receptors such as Ly49H, NK cells can directly sense and kill MCMV-infected cells. The loss of any one of these responses has been reported to increase susceptibility to infection. However, the relative importance of these antiviral immune responses and how they are related remain unclear. In humans, while IFN-I responses are essential, MyD88 appears to be dispensable for antiviral immunity. However, the mechanisms that could compensate MyD88 deficiency in humans have not been elucidated. Moreover, it has been assumed, but not proven, that MyD88-deficient mice fail to mount protective IFN-I responses to systemic herpes virus infections. To address these issues, we compared resistance to MCMV infection between mouse strains deficient for MyD88, the IFN-I receptor (IFNAR) and/or Ly49H. We show that selective depletion of pDC or genetic deficiencies for MyD88 drastically decreased production of IFN-I, but not the protective antiviral responses mediated by these cytokines. Moreover, MyD88, but not IFNAR, deficiency could be compensated by Ly49H mediated antiviral NK cell responses. Thus, contrary to the current dogma, but consistent with the situation in humans, we conclude that, in mice, MyD88 is redundant for splenic IFN-I responses against a systemic herpes virus infection.

Étude in vitro et ex vivo de la réponse des cellules dendritiques à l’infection par le virus Lassa / Ex vivo and in vitro study of dendritic cell response to Lassa virus

Schaeffer, Justine 20 November 2018 (has links)
Le virus Lassa (LASV) induit une fièvre hémorragique chez l’homme et est responsable de 3 000 à 5 000 décès par an. Aucun vaccin ou traitement efficace contre LASV n’est disponible, et les mécanismes de pathogenèse de la fièvre de Lassa sont encore mal compris. Des études chez l’homme et le primate suggèrent que la réponse interféron de type I (IFN-I) et de la réponse T sont critiques pour la survie de l’hôte. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la réponse des cellules dendritiques (DC) à LASV, car elles peuvent à la fois produire des IFN-I et induire la réponse T. Nous avons étudié les DC plasmacytoïdes (pDC), spécialisées dans la réponse IFN-I, et les DC myéloïdes (mDC), présentatrices d’antigènes. Nous avons montré que les pDC et les mDC ne sont pas productivement infectées par MOPV et LASV. Les pDC produisent des quantités importantes d’IFN-I en réponse à MOPV, mais pas à LASV. Les mDC sont activées et produisent des IFN-I en réponse à MOPV mais aussi à LASV. Cependant, seules les mDC infectées par MOPV sont capables d’activer des lymphocytes T. De plus, la présence de lymphocytes T inhibe complètement l’activation des mDC infectées par LASV. Ces différences entre les mDC infectées par MOPV et LASV dépendent de la nucléoprotéine de LASV, qui est connue pour ses propriétés immunosuppressives, mais aussi de la glycoprotéine. En résumé, nous avons obtenu des différences de réponse à l’infection par MOPV ou LASV chez les pDC et les mDC. Ces cellules pourraient avoir un rôle essentiel in vivo dans la réponse globale à LASV, et donc dans l’issue de la fièvre de Lassa / Lassa virus (LASV) is responsible for a viral haemorrhagic fever in humans and the death of 3,000 to 5,000 people every year. There is currently no vaccine or treatmentavailable against LASV, and its pathogenesis is not completely understood yet. According to studies on humans and primates, type I interferon (IFN-I) and T cell responses appear to be critical for the host. We studied the response of dendritic cells (DC) to LASV, as DC are involved in both IFN-I production and T cell activation. We compared the response of primary human DC to LASV and Mopeia virus (MOPV), which is similar to LASV, but non-pathogenic.We focused on plasmacytoid DC (pDC), specialized in IFN-I production, and myeloid DC (mDC), specialized in antigen presentation. We showed that neither pDC nor mDC were productively infected by LASV and MOPV. pDC infected with MOPV produced large amounts of IFN-I, whereas pDC infected with LASV did not. mDC produced substantial amounts of IFN-I in response to both LASV and MOPV. However, only MOPV-infected mDC were able to activate T cells. More surprisingly, coculture with T cells completely inhibited the activation of LASV-infected mDC. These differences between LASV- and MOPV-infected mDC were mostly due to LASV nucleoprotein, which has major immunosuppressive properties, but the glycoprotein was also involved. Overall, these results showed differences in pDC and mDC response to MOPV and LASV. Therefore, both pDC and mDC may be important for the global response to LASV in vivo, and play a role in the outcome of Lassa fever

Vliv proteinu HBx viru hepatitidy B na aktivaci MEK1/2-ERK signalizace a inhibici IFN typu I v hepatocelulární linii Huh7 / Effect of HBV protein HBx on activation of MEK1/2 signaling and inhibition of type I IFN in hepatoma cell line Huh7

Berehovska, Olena January 2019 (has links)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the major causes of chronic and cancerous liver disease. Elimination of HBV from chronically infected patients by recombinant interferon α (IFNα) monotherapy shows that the mechanisms of the innate immunity play an important role in suppressing viral infection. However, the mechanisms of recognition of the HBV genome and its escape from the mechanisms of natural immunity are still little known. One of the principal factors enabling the virus to escape from cellular restriction mechanisms is the HBx viral protein. HBx is a 154 amino acid pleiotropic multifunctional protein affecting transcription, signal transduction, cell cycle, protein degradation, apoptosis, and chromosomal stability in the host cell. Previous results from our laboratory have shown that activation of the MEK1/2-ERK signaling pathway in plasmacytoid dendritic cells leads to inhibition of IFNα production. The aim of my work was to determine whether HBx activates the MEK1/2-ERK pathway and thus inhibits IFN type I production also in hepatocytes. For this purpose, I monitored HBx production in the Huh7 hepatoma cell line by transfecting the bicistronic plasmid pHBx- IRES-EGFP and Western blotting. Using the same method, I monitored activation of the MEK1/2-ERK signaling pathway by ERK...

Current Medical Treatment of Endocrine Pancreatic Tumors and Future Aspects

Fjällskog, Marie-Louise January 2002 (has links)
<p>We treated 16 patients with somatostatin analogs combined with α-interferon and achieved a biochemical and/or radiological response in 56% (median duration 22 months). We consider this treatment a good alternative for patients who fail during chemotherapy or who do not want to/cannot receive cytotoxic drugs.</p><p>Thirty-six patients with neuroendocrine tumors were treated with cisplatin combined with etoposide. Of 14 patients with evaluable EPTs, 50% responded radiologically and/or biochemically (median duration 9 months). We consider this treatment useful as first-line medical treatment in aggressive EPTs or in patients failing prior chemotherapy.</p><p>Twenty-eight tumor tissues from EPTs were examined with immunohistochemistry regarding expression of somatostatin receptors (ssts) 1 to 5 on tumor cells and in intratumoral vessels. We found that sst<sub>2</sub> and sst<sub>4</sub> were highly expressed on tumor cells and in vessels. However, sst<sub>3</sub> and sst<sub>5</sub> were lacking in half of the tumor tissues and in most of the vessels. Because of the variability in sst expression, we recommend analysis of each individual’s receptor expression before starting treatment.</p><p>Endocrine pancreatic tumors (EPTs) are rare with an incidence of 4 per million inhabitants. In the majority of cases they grow slowly, but there are exceptions with very rapidly progressing malignant carcinomas. First-line medical treatment is streptozotocin combined with 5-fluorouracil.</p><p>We examined 38 tumor samples regarding expression of tyrosine kinase receptors platelet-derived growth factor receptors (PDGFRs), c-kit and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). We found that the receptors were expressed in more than half of the tumor tissues. Further studies will reveal if tyrosin kinase antagonists can be part of the future treatment arsenal.</p>

Current Medical Treatment of Endocrine Pancreatic Tumors and Future Aspects

Fjällskog, Marie-Louise January 2002 (has links)
We treated 16 patients with somatostatin analogs combined with α-interferon and achieved a biochemical and/or radiological response in 56% (median duration 22 months). We consider this treatment a good alternative for patients who fail during chemotherapy or who do not want to/cannot receive cytotoxic drugs. Thirty-six patients with neuroendocrine tumors were treated with cisplatin combined with etoposide. Of 14 patients with evaluable EPTs, 50% responded radiologically and/or biochemically (median duration 9 months). We consider this treatment useful as first-line medical treatment in aggressive EPTs or in patients failing prior chemotherapy. Twenty-eight tumor tissues from EPTs were examined with immunohistochemistry regarding expression of somatostatin receptors (ssts) 1 to 5 on tumor cells and in intratumoral vessels. We found that sst2 and sst4 were highly expressed on tumor cells and in vessels. However, sst3 and sst5 were lacking in half of the tumor tissues and in most of the vessels. Because of the variability in sst expression, we recommend analysis of each individual’s receptor expression before starting treatment. Endocrine pancreatic tumors (EPTs) are rare with an incidence of 4 per million inhabitants. In the majority of cases they grow slowly, but there are exceptions with very rapidly progressing malignant carcinomas. First-line medical treatment is streptozotocin combined with 5-fluorouracil. We examined 38 tumor samples regarding expression of tyrosine kinase receptors platelet-derived growth factor receptors (PDGFRs), c-kit and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). We found that the receptors were expressed in more than half of the tumor tissues. Further studies will reveal if tyrosin kinase antagonists can be part of the future treatment arsenal.

Virus-Host Interaction during Therapy against Hepatitis C Virus

Abdel-Hakeem, Mohamed S. 04 1900 (has links)
Le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) est un problème mondial. La majorité des personnes infectées (70-85%) développent une infection chronique qui cause des complications hépatiques. Le seul régime thérapeutique approuvé pour le VHC est l'interféron alpha (IFN-α). Ce traitement a un taux de réussite de 50-80% selon le génotype de virus et le moment de l'initiation de la thérapie. Les facteurs régissant la réponse au traitement ne sont pas bien définis. Des études antérieures ont suggéré un rôle potentiel de la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte au succès de la thérapie, toutefois, ces résultats sont controversés. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que la réponse immunitaire de l’hôte sera plus efficace chez les patients qui commencent la thérapie tôt pendant la phase aiguë de l'infection. En revanche, la réponse immunitaire sera épuisée lorsque le traitement est initié pendant la phase chronique. L'objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’étudier les facteurs immunologiques qui régissent la réponse à la thérapie, et de déterminer si la contribution de la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte peut être influencée par la période de l'infection. Nos résultats démontrent l'efficacité de la restauration de la réponse immunitaire spécifique au VHC lorsque la thérapie par l'interféron est initiée tôt. Ceci est démontré par le sauvetage des cellules T efficaces spécifiques au VHC efficace similaires à celles observées chez les individus qui ont résolu spontanément, suggérant ainsi qu'elles jouent un rôle actif dans la réponse au traitement. Toutefois, cette réponse n'a pas été restaurée chez les patients traités au cours de la phase chronique. Ces résultats ont des implications importantes dans la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à la réponse aux traitements actuels et au développement des nouvelles thérapies. / Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major public health problem worldwide. Only 15-30% of infected individuals clear the virus spontaneously, while the majority develops chronic infection that causes liver complications. The only approved therapy for HCV is interferon alpha (IFN-α) based. This therapy has a 50-80% success rate depending on the infecting virus genotype and the timing of initiation of therapy. Factors governing the response to therapy are not well defined. Previous studies have suggested a role for the host immune response in the success of therapy. However, these results were controversial. We hypothesized that host immunity has an effective role in the success of IFN-α therapy when initiated early during the acute phase of HCV infection, while late initiation during the chronic phase minimizes this role. The main objective of this thesis was to dissect the immunological factors governing the differential response to IFN-α therapy, and to determine if the contribution of the immune response to success of therapy might be influenced by the period of infection. Our results demonstrate restoration of efficient HCV-specific immune responses when therapy is initiated early during the acute phase. This is demonstrated by the rescue of functional HCV-specific T cells similar to those observed in spontaneously resolved individuals, suggesting that they may play an active role in response to therapy. However, such responses were not restored following late therapy suggesting irreversible damage to the host’s defence system with chronicity. These findings have important implications in understanding the mechanisms underlying response to current treatments and development of novel therapies.

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