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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Defining the Biochemical Factors Regulating IFITM3-Mediated Antiviral Activity

Chesarino, Nicholas M. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Oral Pharmacotherapy for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Systematic Review and Indirect Treatment Comparison

Doble, Brett M. 10 1900 (has links)
<p></p> <p><strong><em>Background </em></strong></p> <p>Oral pharmacotherapy has the potential to offer multiple sclerosis patients improved clinical outcomes compared to traditional therapies.</p> <p><strong><em>Objectives </em></strong></p> <p>This review assesses the effects of oral therapies compared to placebo and interferon beta-1a in adults with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS).</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Search methods </em></strong></p> <p>We searched the MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Web of Science (January 1980 to April 2011) and clinincaltrials.gov (April 2011) databases and reference lists of articles. The FDA website was also searched.</p> <p><strong><em>Selection criteria </em></strong></p> <p>Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trials of RRMS patients who were treated with fingolimod, cladribine, laquinimod or interferon beta-1a.</p> <p><strong><em>Data collection and analysis </em></strong></p> <p>Two reviewers independently assessed articles for inclusion. Data extraction and quality assessment was completed by one reviewer and verified for accuracy. Meta-analysis and indirect treatment comparison methods were used to estimate relative measures of efficacy.</p> <p><strong><em>Results </em></strong></p> <p>Although 11 trials involving 7,127 participants were included in this review, only 2,109 (30%) and 1,738 (24%) participants contributed to the direct and indirect estimates respectively, for the primary outcome, annualized relapse rate. Oral therapy and interferon beta-1a had a significantly different rate of relapse compared to placebo (Mean difference [MD] -0.21, 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.27 to -0.16 , p < 0.00001 and MD -0.33 95% CI -0.65 to -0.01). There was a significant risk reduction of 37% and 19% in the number of patients with at least one relapse for oral therapy and interferon beta-1a compared to placebo respectively. Safety analysis favoured placebo for both sets of trials (p=0.002 and p=0.04). Indirect estimates were not significant for all three outcomes however; comparability between direct evidence was noted.</p> <p><strong><em>Conclusions </em></strong></p> <p>Oral pharmacotherapy and interferon beta-1a are effective compared to placebo in controlling relapse rate in patients with RRMS. The indirect measures of effect provide initial estimates of comparative efficacy and incorporation of future evidence will be necessary.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

Recognition of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps by the Cytosolic DNA Sensor cGAS

Apel, Falko 11 February 2019 (has links)
Neutrophile Granulozyten produzieren „Neutrophil Extracellular Traps“ (NETs), ein mit antimikrobiellen Molekülen bestücktes Netzwerk aus Chromatinfasern, das während eines Zelltodprogramms namens „NETosis“ von den sterbenden Neutrophilen ausgestoßen wird. Ihre netzartige Struktur erlaubt es ihnen, eine weitere Verbreitung des Infektionserregers zu verhindern; zudem erzeugen sie eine hohe lokale Konzentration an toxischen Molekülen, die Mikroorganismen töten können. Unter normalen Bedingungen werden NETs von Nukleasen zerkleinert und anschließend von Makrophagen entfernt. Wenn dieser Aufräummechanismus gestört ist, aktivieren NETs das Immunsystem und führen zur Produktion von Autoantikörpern oder entzündungsfördernden Zytokinen. NETs werden mit einer wachsenden Liste von inflammatorischen und Autoimmunerkrankungen in Verbindung gebracht. Wie genau dabei NETs durch das Immunsystem erkannt werden, ist noch nicht bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit zeige ich, dass NETs durch den zytosolischen DNA Sensor „cyclic GMP-AMP synthase“ (cGAS) detektiert werden können und dass dadurch die Expression von Typ I Interferonen (TIIFN) induziert wird. Zu Beginn demonstriere ich, dass NETs durch rekombinantes cGAS erkannt werden und dass mit isolierten NETs stimulierte Immunzellen cGAS-abhängig TIIFN produzieren. Des Weiteren zeige ich, dass Neutrophile, die NETosis begehen, in Nachbarzellen ebenfalls cGAS-anhängig TIIFN induzieren können. Abschließend konnte ich diese Ergebnisse in einem in vivo Mausmodel für systemische NET-Produktion bestätigen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt einen Mechanismus, wie NETs durch das Immunsystem erkannt werden und dadurch sowohl zur Entstehung als auch zur Progression von Krankheiten beitragen kann. Sie ermöglicht dementsprechend die Entwicklung neuer Interventionsstrategien, welche zur Heilung oder Linderung einer Vielzahl von Erkrankungen beitragen können. / The first line of cellular defense of the immune system are neutrophils. They are the most abundant white blood cell, which exert an array of antimicrobial effector functions. Neutrophils release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), a composite of chromatin and antimicrobial molecules, into the extracellular space during a form of regulated cell death called NETosis. Their net-like structure prevent further dissemination of the invader and establishes a high local concentration of toxic molecules that mediate pathogen killing. NETs provide a platform for undesired immune activation and contribute to the production of autoantibodies and pro-inflammatory cytokines. NETs are implicated in a growing list of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, but the exact mechanism how NETs are recognized by the immune system is not fully understood. In this study, I demonstrate that the cytosolic DNA sensor cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) senses NETs and induces the production of type I interferons (TIIFN). I first showed that NETs are recognized by recombinant cGAS and that cells treated with isolated NETs produce TIIFN in a cGAS dependent mechanism. Secondly, I demonstrate that neutrophils undergoing NETosis are taken up by neighboring immune cells and induce cGAS-dependent TIIFN expression. Lastly, I confirmed our in vitro results in a mouse model of systemic NET induction. Wildtype mice injected with Concanavalin A significantly upregulate the expression of interferon stimulated genes, while cGAS-/- mice and Cybb-/- mice, which are incapable of producing NETs, fail to induce this response.

Qualidade de vida, qualidade de sono, transporte mucociliar, citocinas inflamatórias e endotipos na rinite alérgica e na rinossinusite crônica / Quality of life, sleep quality, mucociliary transport, inflammatory cytokines and endotypes in allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis

Fonseca, Luciana Mazoti Lopes da 05 December 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A rinite alérgica (RA) e a rinossinusite crônica (RSC) são doenças inflamatórias nasais com prevalência alta e crescente. Estima-se que 15,5% dos norte-americanos tenham RSC, e estudo recente encontrou prevalência de 5,51% na cidade de São Paulo, enquanto a RA acomete entre 10 e 20% da população mundial. Apesar de terem mecanismos fisiopatológicos distintos, em ambas, há recrutamento de células de defesa, principalmente linfócitos T, e produção de citocinas inflamatórias. Esses mediadores variam não apenas entre as doenças, mas também entre as populações acometidas, e seu conhecimento é importante para o diagnóstico correto e direcionamento da terapia escolhida. Objetivos: Mapear os mediadores inflamatórios presentes no lavado nasal e no condensado do ar exalado na RSC e na RA, avaliando possíveis biomarcadores da doença, e analisar o endotipo inflamatório dos pacientes estudados. Além disso, avaliar a qualidade de vida, o nível de obstrução nasal, a qualidade do sono dos pacientes afetados, o transporte mucociliar e coletar material para análise de pH, contagem de células totais e seu diferencial. Pacientes e métodos: Estudo exploratório prospectivo em corte transversal, sendo os pacientes divididos em quatro grupos: 1) Grupocontrole com pacientes sem queixas; 2) Pacientes com RA com prick test positivo; 3) Pacientes com RSC com polipose; e 4) Pacientes com RSC sem polipose. Todos os pacientes responderam a quatro questionários: 20-Item Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-20p), Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE), o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index - PSQI-BR) e o questionário para triagem e diagnóstico da asma da European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS). Foi realizado exame físico, incluindo endoscopia nasal (escore de Lund- Kennedy modificado) e, nos pacientes com RSC, avaliação da tomografia computadorizada (TC) de face (escore de Lund-Mackay). Foi também avaliado o transporte mucociliar por meio do teste da sacarina. Coletou-se o condensado do ar exalado para análise do pH e lavado nasal para avaliação do pH, da presença de citocinas e da celularidade (total e diferencial). Foi avaliada a presença de IL-4, IL-5, IL-8, IL-17A, IL-22, TNF-Alfa e IFN-Gama no lavado nasal e IL-5, IL-17A, IL-22 e IFN-Gama no condensado do ar exalado. Resultados: Os pacientes com RSC apresentaram escores significativamente piores nos questionários de obstrução nasal (NOSE, p < 0,01) e qualidade de vida (SNOT-20p, p < 0,01) quando comparados aos controles, e tanto os pacientes com RSC quanto com RA apresentaram pior qualidade do sono (PSQI-BR, p < 0,01). O escore de extensão de Lund- Mackay foi mais elevado nos pacientes com RSC com polipose (p < 0,02). O teste da sacarina apresentou tempo mais prolongado no grupo RSC com polipose (p < 0,01). O pH do condensado do ar exalado não diferiu entre os grupos. O grupo RSC com polipose apresentou tanto diferença do pH (p < 0,01) quanto da contagem de células totais do lavado nasal (p < 0,01) quando comparado ao grupo-controle, porém sem diferença na contagem diferencial. IFN? do condensado foi mais elevado no grupo RA em comparação ao grupo C (p=0,05), enquanto IL-5 foi mais alto no grupo RSC com polipose quando comparado ao grupo RSC sem polipose (p=0,02). Os pacientes foram, então, divididos em endotipos, segundo os grupos descritos por Tomassen et al., sendo que endotipos são os subtipos da doença definidos funcionalmente e patologicamente por mecanismos moleculares distintos. Conclusão: Pacientes com RSC apresentaram escores piores nos questionários de qualidade de vida (SNOT-20p e NOSE), o que, em parte, poderia ser atribuído à pior qualidade do sono apresentada tanto por estes pacientes quanto pelos portadores de RA. O teste da sacarina evidenciou pior transporte mucociliar nos pacientes com RSC com polipose. Não houve diferença do pH do condensado do ar exalado, sugerindo que, apesar de interessante na avaliação das vias aéreas inferiores, este pode não ser um bom teste para análise das vias aéreas superiores. Foram encontradas alterações significantes tanto do pH quanto da contagem de células totais do lavado nasal do grupo com RSC com polipose, sem, no entanto, haver diferença na contagem diferencial. Dos 17 pacientes com RSC com perfil completo de citocinas, 12 se encaixam em endotipos já descritos, sendo que, dos cinco restantes, dois apresentam o mesmo perfil, podendo indicar um novo subgrupo / Introduction: Allergic rhinitis (AR) and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) are nasal inflammatory diseases with high and increasing prevalence. It is estimated that 15.5% of Americans have CRS, and a recent study found a prevalence of 5.51% in the city of São Paulo, while AR affects between 10 and 20% of the world population. Although they have distinct pathophysiological mechanisms, in both there is recruitment of defense cells, mainly T lymphocytes, and production of inflammatory cytokines. These mediators vary not only between diseases but also among affected populations, and their knowledge is important for the correct diagnosis and targeting of the therapy chosen. Objectives: To map the inflammatory mediators present in the nasal wash and the exhaled breath condensate in the CRS and AR, evaluating possible biomarkers of this diseases, and to analyze the inflammatory endotype of the patients studied. In addition, assess quality of life, level of nasal obstruction, sleep quality of affected patients, mucociliary transport and collect samples for pH analysis, total cell count and its differential. Patients and Methods: Prospective cross-sectional exploratory study, divided into four groups: 1) Control group with patients without complaints 2) Patients with AR with prick test positive 3) Patients with CRS with polyps 4) Patients with CRS without polyps. All patients responded to four questionnaires: 20-Item Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-20p), Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-BR) and European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) questionnaire for screening and diagnosis of asthma. A physical examination was performed, including nasal endoscopy (modified Lund-Kennedy score) and, in patients with CRS, a computerized tomography (Lund-Mackay score) evaluation. The mucociliary transport was also evaluated through the saccharin test. The exhaled breath condensate was collected for pH analysis and the nasal wash for evaluation of pH, cytokines and cellularity (total and differential). The presence of IL-4, IL-5, IL-17, IL-17A, IL-22, TNF-Alfa and IFN-Gama in the nasal wash and IL-5, IL-17A, IL-22 and IFN-Gama in the exhaled breath condensate. Results: Patients with CRS had significantly worse scores in the nasal obstruction questionnaire (NOSE, p < 0.01) and quality of life questionnaire (SNOT-20p, p < 0.01) when compared to controls, and both patients with CRS and AR presented worse sleep quality (PSQI-BR, p < 0.01). The Lund-Mackay extension score was higher in patients with CRS with polyps (p < 0.02). The saccharin test showed longer time in the CSR group with polyps (p < 0.01). The pH of the exhaled breath condensate did not differ between groups. The CRS with polyps group presented both pH difference (p < 0.01) and higher total nasal wash cell count (p < 0.01) when compared to the control group, but with no difference in the differential count (p = 0.05), while IL-5 was higher in the CRS group with polyps when compared to the RSC without polyps group (p = 0.02). Patients were then divided into endotypes according to the groups described by Tomassen et al, Endotypes are the subtypes of the disease defined functionally and pathologically by distinct molecular mechanisms. Conclusions: Patients with CRS presented worse scores on quality of life questionnaires (SNOT-20p and NOSE), which could be attributed in part to the poorer quality of sleep presented by both patients with CRS and AR. The saccharin test evidenced worse mucociliary transport in patients with CRS with polyps when compared with control group. There was no difference in the pH of the exhaled breath condensate, suggesting that, although interesting in the evaluation of the lower airways, this may not be a good test for analyzing the upper airways. Significant alterations were found in both pH and total nasal wash cell count in the CSR group with polyposis, but there was no difference in the differential count. Of the 17 patients with CRS with complete cytokine profile, 12 fit into already described endotypes, and of the remaining five, two have the same profile, which may indicate a new subgroup

"Avaliação da resposta clínica e citogenética em portadores de leucemia mielóide crônica, tratados com inibidor da tirosina quinase (imatinib)" / Hematologic and cytogenetic response in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with inhibitor of tyrosine kinase (imatinib)

Mello, Mônika Conchon Ribeiro de 05 October 2004 (has links)
O STI (imatinib, Glivec) é um inibidor da tirosina quinase BCR-ABL, responsável pela patogênese da leucemia mielóide crônica (LMC). Um total de 110 pacientes com LMC na fase crônica (FC) que falharam ou foram intolerantes ao tratamento com interferon, fase acelerada (FA) e crise blástica (CB) foram tratados com imatinibe entre dezembro de 2000 e setembro de 2003. Resposta hematológica completa e resposta citogenética maior foram observadas em 95,9% e 69,4% respectivamente em pacientes em FC e 93,2% e 36,4% em FA. Apenas 2 pacientes na CB estão vivos. O imatinib foi bem tolerado com altas taxas de resposta. / STI571 (Imatinib, Glevec) is an inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase that is central to the pathogenesis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). A total of 110 patients with CML chronic phase (CP) who failed or were intolerant to interferon, accelerated phase (AP) and blastic crisis (BC) were treated with imatinib from December 2000 until September 2003. Complete hematologic response and major cytogenetic response were observed in 95,9% and 69,4% respectively of patients in CP and 93,2% and 36,4% in AP. Only 2 patients are alive in BC. Imatinib is well tolerated with high rates of response

Qualidade de vida, qualidade de sono, transporte mucociliar, citocinas inflamatórias e endotipos na rinite alérgica e na rinossinusite crônica / Quality of life, sleep quality, mucociliary transport, inflammatory cytokines and endotypes in allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis

Luciana Mazoti Lopes da Fonseca 05 December 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A rinite alérgica (RA) e a rinossinusite crônica (RSC) são doenças inflamatórias nasais com prevalência alta e crescente. Estima-se que 15,5% dos norte-americanos tenham RSC, e estudo recente encontrou prevalência de 5,51% na cidade de São Paulo, enquanto a RA acomete entre 10 e 20% da população mundial. Apesar de terem mecanismos fisiopatológicos distintos, em ambas, há recrutamento de células de defesa, principalmente linfócitos T, e produção de citocinas inflamatórias. Esses mediadores variam não apenas entre as doenças, mas também entre as populações acometidas, e seu conhecimento é importante para o diagnóstico correto e direcionamento da terapia escolhida. Objetivos: Mapear os mediadores inflamatórios presentes no lavado nasal e no condensado do ar exalado na RSC e na RA, avaliando possíveis biomarcadores da doença, e analisar o endotipo inflamatório dos pacientes estudados. Além disso, avaliar a qualidade de vida, o nível de obstrução nasal, a qualidade do sono dos pacientes afetados, o transporte mucociliar e coletar material para análise de pH, contagem de células totais e seu diferencial. Pacientes e métodos: Estudo exploratório prospectivo em corte transversal, sendo os pacientes divididos em quatro grupos: 1) Grupocontrole com pacientes sem queixas; 2) Pacientes com RA com prick test positivo; 3) Pacientes com RSC com polipose; e 4) Pacientes com RSC sem polipose. Todos os pacientes responderam a quatro questionários: 20-Item Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-20p), Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE), o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index - PSQI-BR) e o questionário para triagem e diagnóstico da asma da European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS). Foi realizado exame físico, incluindo endoscopia nasal (escore de Lund- Kennedy modificado) e, nos pacientes com RSC, avaliação da tomografia computadorizada (TC) de face (escore de Lund-Mackay). Foi também avaliado o transporte mucociliar por meio do teste da sacarina. Coletou-se o condensado do ar exalado para análise do pH e lavado nasal para avaliação do pH, da presença de citocinas e da celularidade (total e diferencial). Foi avaliada a presença de IL-4, IL-5, IL-8, IL-17A, IL-22, TNF-Alfa e IFN-Gama no lavado nasal e IL-5, IL-17A, IL-22 e IFN-Gama no condensado do ar exalado. Resultados: Os pacientes com RSC apresentaram escores significativamente piores nos questionários de obstrução nasal (NOSE, p < 0,01) e qualidade de vida (SNOT-20p, p < 0,01) quando comparados aos controles, e tanto os pacientes com RSC quanto com RA apresentaram pior qualidade do sono (PSQI-BR, p < 0,01). O escore de extensão de Lund- Mackay foi mais elevado nos pacientes com RSC com polipose (p < 0,02). O teste da sacarina apresentou tempo mais prolongado no grupo RSC com polipose (p < 0,01). O pH do condensado do ar exalado não diferiu entre os grupos. O grupo RSC com polipose apresentou tanto diferença do pH (p < 0,01) quanto da contagem de células totais do lavado nasal (p < 0,01) quando comparado ao grupo-controle, porém sem diferença na contagem diferencial. IFN? do condensado foi mais elevado no grupo RA em comparação ao grupo C (p=0,05), enquanto IL-5 foi mais alto no grupo RSC com polipose quando comparado ao grupo RSC sem polipose (p=0,02). Os pacientes foram, então, divididos em endotipos, segundo os grupos descritos por Tomassen et al., sendo que endotipos são os subtipos da doença definidos funcionalmente e patologicamente por mecanismos moleculares distintos. Conclusão: Pacientes com RSC apresentaram escores piores nos questionários de qualidade de vida (SNOT-20p e NOSE), o que, em parte, poderia ser atribuído à pior qualidade do sono apresentada tanto por estes pacientes quanto pelos portadores de RA. O teste da sacarina evidenciou pior transporte mucociliar nos pacientes com RSC com polipose. Não houve diferença do pH do condensado do ar exalado, sugerindo que, apesar de interessante na avaliação das vias aéreas inferiores, este pode não ser um bom teste para análise das vias aéreas superiores. Foram encontradas alterações significantes tanto do pH quanto da contagem de células totais do lavado nasal do grupo com RSC com polipose, sem, no entanto, haver diferença na contagem diferencial. Dos 17 pacientes com RSC com perfil completo de citocinas, 12 se encaixam em endotipos já descritos, sendo que, dos cinco restantes, dois apresentam o mesmo perfil, podendo indicar um novo subgrupo / Introduction: Allergic rhinitis (AR) and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) are nasal inflammatory diseases with high and increasing prevalence. It is estimated that 15.5% of Americans have CRS, and a recent study found a prevalence of 5.51% in the city of São Paulo, while AR affects between 10 and 20% of the world population. Although they have distinct pathophysiological mechanisms, in both there is recruitment of defense cells, mainly T lymphocytes, and production of inflammatory cytokines. These mediators vary not only between diseases but also among affected populations, and their knowledge is important for the correct diagnosis and targeting of the therapy chosen. Objectives: To map the inflammatory mediators present in the nasal wash and the exhaled breath condensate in the CRS and AR, evaluating possible biomarkers of this diseases, and to analyze the inflammatory endotype of the patients studied. In addition, assess quality of life, level of nasal obstruction, sleep quality of affected patients, mucociliary transport and collect samples for pH analysis, total cell count and its differential. Patients and Methods: Prospective cross-sectional exploratory study, divided into four groups: 1) Control group with patients without complaints 2) Patients with AR with prick test positive 3) Patients with CRS with polyps 4) Patients with CRS without polyps. All patients responded to four questionnaires: 20-Item Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-20p), Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-BR) and European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) questionnaire for screening and diagnosis of asthma. A physical examination was performed, including nasal endoscopy (modified Lund-Kennedy score) and, in patients with CRS, a computerized tomography (Lund-Mackay score) evaluation. The mucociliary transport was also evaluated through the saccharin test. The exhaled breath condensate was collected for pH analysis and the nasal wash for evaluation of pH, cytokines and cellularity (total and differential). The presence of IL-4, IL-5, IL-17, IL-17A, IL-22, TNF-Alfa and IFN-Gama in the nasal wash and IL-5, IL-17A, IL-22 and IFN-Gama in the exhaled breath condensate. Results: Patients with CRS had significantly worse scores in the nasal obstruction questionnaire (NOSE, p < 0.01) and quality of life questionnaire (SNOT-20p, p < 0.01) when compared to controls, and both patients with CRS and AR presented worse sleep quality (PSQI-BR, p < 0.01). The Lund-Mackay extension score was higher in patients with CRS with polyps (p < 0.02). The saccharin test showed longer time in the CSR group with polyps (p < 0.01). The pH of the exhaled breath condensate did not differ between groups. The CRS with polyps group presented both pH difference (p < 0.01) and higher total nasal wash cell count (p < 0.01) when compared to the control group, but with no difference in the differential count (p = 0.05), while IL-5 was higher in the CRS group with polyps when compared to the RSC without polyps group (p = 0.02). Patients were then divided into endotypes according to the groups described by Tomassen et al, Endotypes are the subtypes of the disease defined functionally and pathologically by distinct molecular mechanisms. Conclusions: Patients with CRS presented worse scores on quality of life questionnaires (SNOT-20p and NOSE), which could be attributed in part to the poorer quality of sleep presented by both patients with CRS and AR. The saccharin test evidenced worse mucociliary transport in patients with CRS with polyps when compared with control group. There was no difference in the pH of the exhaled breath condensate, suggesting that, although interesting in the evaluation of the lower airways, this may not be a good test for analyzing the upper airways. Significant alterations were found in both pH and total nasal wash cell count in the CSR group with polyposis, but there was no difference in the differential count. Of the 17 patients with CRS with complete cytokine profile, 12 fit into already described endotypes, and of the remaining five, two have the same profile, which may indicate a new subgroup

Charakterisierung der angeborenen Immunantwort in SIV-infizierten Rhesusaffen / Characterization of the innate immune response in SIV-infected rhesus monkeys

Mußil, Bianka 30 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

"Avaliação da resposta clínica e citogenética em portadores de leucemia mielóide crônica, tratados com inibidor da tirosina quinase (imatinib)" / Hematologic and cytogenetic response in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with inhibitor of tyrosine kinase (imatinib)

Mônika Conchon Ribeiro de Mello 05 October 2004 (has links)
O STI (imatinib, Glivec) é um inibidor da tirosina quinase BCR-ABL, responsável pela patogênese da leucemia mielóide crônica (LMC). Um total de 110 pacientes com LMC na fase crônica (FC) que falharam ou foram intolerantes ao tratamento com interferon, fase acelerada (FA) e crise blástica (CB) foram tratados com imatinibe entre dezembro de 2000 e setembro de 2003. Resposta hematológica completa e resposta citogenética maior foram observadas em 95,9% e 69,4% respectivamente em pacientes em FC e 93,2% e 36,4% em FA. Apenas 2 pacientes na CB estão vivos. O imatinib foi bem tolerado com altas taxas de resposta. / STI571 (Imatinib, Glevec) is an inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase that is central to the pathogenesis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). A total of 110 patients with CML chronic phase (CP) who failed or were intolerant to interferon, accelerated phase (AP) and blastic crisis (BC) were treated with imatinib from December 2000 until September 2003. Complete hematologic response and major cytogenetic response were observed in 95,9% and 69,4% respectively of patients in CP and 93,2% and 36,4% in AP. Only 2 patients are alive in BC. Imatinib is well tolerated with high rates of response

Development of a novel cell-based screening platform to identify inhibitors of viral interferon antagonists from clinically important viruses

Vasou, Andri January 2016 (has links)
All viruses encode for at least one viral interferon (IFN) antagonist, which is used to subvert the cellular IFN response, a powerful antiviral innate immune response. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that IFN antagonism is crucial for virus survival, suggesting that viral IFN antagonists could represent promising therapeutic targets. This study focuses on Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), an important human pathogen for which there is no vaccine or virus-specific antiviral drug. RSV encodes two IFN antagonists NS1 and NS2, which play a critical role in RSV replication and pathogenicity. We developed a high-throughput screening (HTS) assay to target NS2 via our A549.pr(ISRE)GFP-RSV/NS2 cell-line, which contains a GFP gene under the control of an IFN-stimulated response element (ISRE) to monitor IFN- signalling pathway. NS2 inhibits the IFN-signalling pathway and hence GFP expression in the A549.pr(ISRE)GFP-RSV/NS2 cell-line by mediating STAT2 degradation. Using a HTS approach, we screened 16,000 compounds to identify small molecules that inhibit NS2 function and therefore relinquish the NS2 imposed block to IFN-signalling, leading to restoration of GFP expression. A total of twenty-eight hits were identified; elimination of false positives left eight hits, four of which (AV-14, -16, -18, -19) are the most promising. These four hit compounds have EC₅₀ values in the single μM range and three of them (AV-14, -16, -18) represent a chemically related series with an indole structure. We demonstrated that the hit compounds specifically inhibit the STAT2 degradation function of NS2, not the function of NS1 or unrelated viral IFN antagonists. At the current time, compounds do not restrict RSV replication in vitro, hence hit optimization is required to improve their potency. Nonetheless, these compounds could be used as chemical tools to determine the unknown mechanism by which NS2 mediates STAT2 degradation and tackle fundamental questions about RSV biology.

Cytokine Profiles of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Undergoing Dual Immunotherapy With Cetuximab and Pembrolizumab Identify Interferon Gamma-Induced Protein 10 as Novel Biomarker

Berszin, Michael, Michaelides, Ioannis, Siemert, Julia, Röhl, Louisa, Wellhausen, Jana, Wald, Theresa, Bohr, Christopher, Künzel, Julian, Gradistanac, Tanja, Dietz, Andreas, Zebralla, Veit, Pirlich, Markus, Wiegand, Susanne, Wichmann, Gunnar 05 April 2023 (has links)
Background: Pembrolizumab and cetuximab are antibodies under investigation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) either as single agents or combined with cisplatin and other chemotherapeutic drugs, e.g., 5-fluorouracil and/or docetaxel. However, also the combination of both antibodies may have potential in recurrent/ metastatic (R/M) HNSCC, in particular in cisplatin-resistant or -refractory cases or patients with comorbid disease, e.g. patients with impaired renal function. Methods: To clarify potential benefit that may result from such combination, we used the FLAVINO assay, a short-time ex vivo assay to compare responsiveness of HNSCC to pembrolizumab, cetuximab and both combined regarding colony formation of epithelial cells of biopsy-derived tumor samples and their cytokine production within three days either without or with stimulation with 10 ng/mL interferon gamma (IFN-g). Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1 or CCL2), interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-8, IFN-g, and interferon gamma-induced protein 10 (IP-10 or CXCL10) in supernatants were measured by ELISA. Results: We detected huge heterogeneity in response to cetuximab, pembrolizumab and both combined with and without IFN-g stimulation. Moreover, we detected a link between IFN-g induced IP-10 release and improved outcome in those HNSCC patients who were capable to respond to IFN-g and pembrolizumab, cetuximab and both combined with a further increase in IP-10 production. We derived an “IP-10 score” that independent from clinical characteristics of HNSCC patients and therapy regimens applied was able to predict their outcome. Conclusions: The heterogeneity in the ex vivo response of cetuximab, pembrolizumab and both combined with and without IFN-g stimulation identifies subgroups of HNSCC patients with deviating OS.

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