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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resposta imunológica em modelos animais imunizados contra o muco nativo ou irradiado por raios gama de 60 Co da raia de água doce Paratrygon aiereba / Humoral response of animal models immunized against native or 60Co irradiated mucus from the freshwater stingray Paratrygon aiereba

THOMAZI, GABRIELA O.C. 10 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Mery Piedad Zamudio Igami (mery@ipen.br) on 2017-03-10T15:01:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 22058.pdf: 1629255 bytes, checksum: 26070b2e80c7a4ee0c8281ffabb5a414 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T15:01:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 22058.pdf: 1629255 bytes, checksum: 26070b2e80c7a4ee0c8281ffabb5a414 (MD5) / As raias são peixes peçonhentos e estão frequentemente associadas a acidentes em seres humanos, principalmente na região Norte do Brasil, favorecidos pelo hábito desses peixes de permanecerem no fundo de águas rasas e pela contínua utilização humana dos rios. Os ferrões das raias causam lesões dolorosas, edema, necrose, e o muco que recobre toda a extensão do corpo desses peixes pode aumentar a gravidade desses ferimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta imunológica induzida pelo muco de Paratrygon aiereba nativo ou irradiado por raios gama de 60Co em modelos animais. Foram realizados ensaios imunoenzimáticos e Western blotting para verificar a resposta humoral e reatividade cruzada dos soros provenientes de camundongos Swiss e coelhos New Zealand previamente imunizados contra o veneno, muco nativo ou irradiado. A indução da produção de anticorpos in vitro, as subclasses de IgG e a quantificação de citocinas foram analisados. Além de realizados ensaios de soroneutralização da atividade edematogênica in vitro e in vivo e de viabilidade celular. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio de análise de variância. O protocolo de imunização possibilitou a obtenção de soros com títulos satisfatórios de anticorpos policlonais. O muco e veneno de P. aiereba são imunogênicos e apresentam reatividade antigênica. O muco nativo ou irradiado induziu a produção de anticorpos IgG e esses reconheceram antígenos presentes no muco de outras espécies de raias. Células esplênicas de animais imunizados contra o muco irradiado produziram IFN-γ, TNF- α e IL-10 e também foi observada a produção sérica de TNF-α (grupo imunizado contra o muco irradiado) e de IL-6 e IL-17 (grupo imunizado contra o muco nativo). O soro anti-muco irradiado reduziu a atividade edematogênica in vitro, ao contrária da in vivo que não foi neutralizada. Os resultados corroboram o uso da radiação ionizante, com produção de anticorpos altamente responsivos e melhor resposta imune, além de comprovar que o muco de Paratrygon aiereba foi capaz de estimular resposta imune adaptativa celular e humoral. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear ) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Polimorfismo da interleucina-18 e do interferon gama na síndrome da lipodistrofia associada à terapia anti-retroviral em portadores do HIV-1 / Polymorphism of the interleukin-18 and interferon-gamma in antiretroviral-associated lipodystrophy syndrome in HIV-1-infected patients.

Luciana Castelar 20 February 2009 (has links)
A introdução da terapia anti-retroviral de alta potência no tratamento da infecção pelo HIV reduziu significativamente as taxas de morbi-mortalidades relacionadas à imunodeficiência. Entretanto, o tratamento medicamentoso é acompanhado de vários efeitos colaterais, dentre eles, a síndrome da lipodistrofia (SL), caracterizada por alterações morfológicas e metabólicas. Apesar de sua patogenia não estar totalmente esclarecida, é sabido que aumento dos níveis de algumas citocinas inflamatórias estão relacionados com o desenvolvimento da SL. Diversos sítios polimórficos têm sido descritos por influenciarem a transcrição de genes, levando a variações nos níveis de produção de citocinas, como os da região promotora da interleucina-18 (IL-18 -607 C/A e IL-18 -137 C/G) e do gene do interferon gama (IFN- +874 T/A). Diante disso, esse estudo tipificou os polimorfismos da IL-18 e do IFN- em 88 pacientes portadores do HIV com a SL, em 79 portadores do HIV sem a SL, todos sob terapia anti-retroviral e em 133 indivíduos saudáveis, por meio da técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase com iniciadores de seqüência específica. Este estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. A presença do alelo -607A e do genótipo -607AA na IL-18 estava significativamente aumentada nos pacientes portadores do HIV com SL quando comparados aos sem a SL, conferindo susceptibilidade ao desenvolvimento da síndrome. De maneira oposta, o alelo -607C e o genótipo -607CC estavam significativamente aumentados em pacientes portadores do HIV sem SL quando comparados aos com a SL, conferindo proteção ao desenvolvimento da síndrome. Os haplótipos -137G/-607A and -137C/-607A, que comportam o alelo -607A, também estavam associados com a susceptibilidade à SL e o haplótipo -137G/-607C estava fortemente associado com proteção contra a SL. Nenhuma diferença significativa na distribuição alélica e genotípica da IL-18 -137 e do IFN- +874 foram observadas entre os grupos de pacientes e o grupo controle. Este é o primeiro estudo que avaliou o polimorfismo da IL-18 e do IFN- na SL e os resultados sugerem que a região promotora da IL-18 está associada com o desenvolvimento da SL em pacientes portadores do HIV. / The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy in the treatment of HIV infection significantly reduced the rates of morbidity and mortality related to immunodeficiency. However, the drug treatment is accompanied by various side effects, including the lipodystrophy syndrome (LD), characterized by morphological and metabolic changes. Although its pathogenesis is not totally clear, it is known that increased levels of some inflammatory cytokines are related to the development of LD. Several polymorphic sites have been described by influencing transcription of genes, leading the variations in the levels of cytokine production, such as the promoter region of interleukin-18 (IL-18 -607 C/A and IL-18 -137 C/G) and the interferon gamma gene (IFN- +874 T/A). Thus, this study typifies the polymorphism of the IL-18 and IFN- in 88 HIV-infected patients with LD, in 79 HIV-infected patients without LD, all under antiretroviral therapy and in 133 healthy controls, using the sequence-specific primers-polymerase chain reaction. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee at the place of study. The presence of -607A allele and -607AA genotype in IL-18 gene were significantly increased in HIV patients presenting LD as compared with HIV patients without LD, resulting in susceptibility to the development of LD. Conversely, the -607C allele and -607CC genotype were significantly increased in HIV patients without LD as compared with the HIV patients with LD, offering protection against LD. Haplotypes -137G/-607A and -137C/-607A, carrying the -607A allele, were also associated with susceptibility to LD. The haplotype -137G/-607C was strongly associated with protection against LD. No significant differences in IL-18 -137 and IFN- +874 genotype and allele distribution were observed in patients when compared to a control group. This is the first study evaluating the IL-18 and IFN- polymorphisms in LD and the results suggest that the promoter region of the IL-18 gene is associated with LD development in HIV-infected patients.

Efeito de ligaduras elásticas sobre a viabilidade celular e produção de óxido nítrico em células J744

Silva, Adriana Alves 20 February 2008 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-05-22T11:28:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 adrianaalvessilva.pdf: 479342 bytes, checksum: e8874dc2bfd843cc66a19f10a9099d36 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-05-22T17:19:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 adrianaalvessilva.pdf: 479342 bytes, checksum: e8874dc2bfd843cc66a19f10a9099d36 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-22T17:19:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 adrianaalvessilva.pdf: 479342 bytes, checksum: e8874dc2bfd843cc66a19f10a9099d36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-20 / Muitos estudos têm avaliado o comportamento das ligaduras elásticas em relação às suas propriedades físicas. No entanto, a biocompatibilidade destes materiais não se apresenta bem documentada na literatura. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, in vitro, a viabilidade celular de macrófagos murinos J774 na presença de ligaduras elásticas de diferentes marcas e cores e, analisar o efeito destas ligaduras na produção de óxido nítrico (NO) produzido por estas células, com e sem ativação de interferon-gama (IFN-γ), uma citocina pró-inflamatória. Para cada tempo estudado, foram utilizados 6 elos de ligaduras elásticas de 3 marcas diferentes (Morelli, GAC e TP) nas cores prata e transparente após esterilização com óxido de etileno. As placas de cultura de 96 poços, utilizadas no experimento, foram divididas em 2 metades. A primeira foi preenchida pelas células J774 resuspensas em meio RPMI suplementado juntamente com os elos de cada tipo de ligadura e células controle. A segunda metade foi completada com outros 6 elos dos mesmos tipos de ligaduras mantidos em culturas juntamente com 10μl de IFN—γ (5 ng/ml) e grupo controle. As placas foram incubadas em diferentes intervalos de tempo: 24, 48 e 72 horas. As células foram submetidas à avaliação da viabilidade celular através da técnica do MTT [3 – (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl) – diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] e os sobrenadantes foram coletados para a análise da produção de NO, utilizando-se o método de Griess. Para análise dos resultados foram utilizados os testes de Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney. Na ausência do estímulo (IFN—γ), a viabilidade celular nos grupos de ligaduras foi maior no período final da avaliação em relação ao grupo controle. No entanto, 3 grupos de ligaduras (Morelli prata, Morelli transparente e GAC prata) exibiram proliferação significativa em 72 horas. As ligaduras da marca TP Orthodontics (prata e transparente) não influenciaram de forma significativa a viabilidade celular e a produção de NO. Embora a ligadura Morelli prata tenha estimulado as células J774 a realizarem uma maior produção de NO, os outros tipos de ligaduras nos diferentes tempos avaliados não apresentaram diferenças significativas na produção de óxido nítrico em relação às células controle. Na presença do IFN-γ, houve uma redução significativa da viabilidade celular no tempo 48 horas para o grupo das ligaduras Morelli e GAC. Entretanto, uma média de viabilidade superior ao apresentado pelas células controle foi observada em todos os grupos de ligaduras no tempo 72 horas, sendo significativa para o grupo das ligaduras GAC transparente. O grupo das ligaduras TP foi o que apresentou comportamento semelhante ao grupo controle, apesar das ligaduras TP prata terem apresentado menor viabilidade em 24 horas. O IFN-γ proporcionou aumento significativo na produção de NO em todos os grupos no período final em relação ao inicial. As ligaduras Morelli transparente e GAC (prata e transparente) demonstraram a menor produção desta molécula nos 3 tempos analisados. / Although the physical properties of elastic ligatures have been the subject of several studies, the biocompatibility of these materials has not been well documented in the literature. This study was an in vitro investigation of the cellular viability of the murine macrophage J774 cell line in the presence of elastomeric ligatures of different brands and colors, and of nitric oxide (NO) production of these cells both, under the presence of such ligatures, and under the influence of a proinflammatory cytokine: gamma-interferon. After sterilization with ethylene oxide, 6 chains of ligatures of 3 different brands (Morelli, GAC e TP) and colors (silver and transparent) were used at each study time. The 96-well culture plates used in the experiment were divided in 2 halves. The first was filled with J774 cells resuspended in supplemented RPMI medium, along with the chains of each kind of ligature and control cells. The second half was filled with another 6 chains of the same kinds of ligatures, kept in J774 cell cultures in supplemented RPMI medium, along with 10μl of IFN-γ (5 ng/ml) and control cells. The plates were incubated at 24, 48, and 72 hours. The MTT [3 – (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl) – diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] technique was used for cellular viability assessment, and the supernatants were collected for NO production analysis with the Griess method. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to analyze the results. Cellular viability in the elastomeric groups was higher at the final time point in relation to the control group. However, 3 elastomeric groups (silver Morelli, transparent Morelli and silver GAC) showed significant proliferation after 72 hours. TP-ligature-exposed cells had the same behavior of controls, no significant changes in cellular viability and NO production being found. Although silver Morelli ligatures led to higher NO production, the other types of ligatures did not significantly affect NO production, as compared to control cells. In the presence of IFN-γ, Morelli and GAC ligatures led to a significant reduction of cellular viability after 48 hours. Yet a viability mean higher than that seen in control cells was observed for all ligatures after 72 hours, with transparent GAC showing significant proliferation. Cells exposed to TP ligatures had the same behavior of controls, although silver TP ligatures led to lower viability at 24 hours. Nitric oxide production was significantly greater in all groups at the final time point in relation to the initial time point. The transparent Morelli and silver and transparent GAC showed the smallest NO production at the 3 study time points.

The role of interferon Beta (IFN-β) in the pathogenesis of infection caused by streptococcus suis serotype 2

Santinón, Agustina X. 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Screening for latent M. tuberculosis infection in HIV-positive patients residing in low tuberculosis incidence settings: Investigation of the current practices and identification of clinical- and immune-based strategies for improvement

Wyndham-Thomas, Chloe 13 December 2016 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB) remains the main cause of death in people living with HIV (PLHIV). Indeed, PLHIV have a 20-30% greater risk of developing TB compared to HIV-uninfected subjects and have lower TB treatment success rates. In 2014, among the 9.6 million incident cases of TB reported worldwide, 12% occurred in PLHIV and 0.4 million deaths from HIV-associated TB were recorded.Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the main etiological agent for TB. For a majority of individuals, the immune response upon infection by M. tuberculosis is sufficient to prevent the development of disease, but insufficient to clear the bacteria. This leads to the persistence of viable M. tuberculosis in diverse cells with no resulting clinical manifestations, an entity known as latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). The resulting reservoir of M. tuberculosis is vast, and an estimated one third of the world population is concerned. For subjects with LTBI, the life-time risk of reactivation and progression to TB lies between 5 and 10%. However, if co-infected with HIV, the risk is much greater and reaches 10% per year. According to a Cochrane review in 2010, the screening and treatment of LTBI in PLHIV reduces this risk by 30-60%. This prevention strategy is therefore widely recommended. However, the implementation of LTBI screening and treatment into standard HIV-care has been limited. In this work, three different approaches have been used to understand and address this issue, focusing on a low TB-incidence and high-income setting.The first approach was to assess the implementation of LTBI screening in HIV-care across Belgium and identify its barriers as perceived by the caregivers on the field. Raising awareness to this issue was an indirect objective of the study. A multi-choice questionnaire was sent to 55 physicians working in a Belgian AIDS reference center or satellite clinic. A response rate of 62% was obtained. Only 20% of participants performed LTBI screening on all their patients and notable variations in the screening methods used were observed. A large majority of participants were in favor of targeting LTBI screening to HIV-infected patients at highest risk of TB rather than a systematic screening of all PLHIV. These results have been communicated to the Belgian LTBI working group, currently updating the national LTBI screening guidelines. Indeed, targeting screening to those at highest risk of TB is an attractive strategy in low-TB incidence countries and is already recommended in the United Kingdom. However, to date, no score assessing the risk of TB in PLHIV has been validated. Among the barriers to LTBI screening identified by the participants of this first study, the most frequently reported were lack of sensitivity of screening tools, risk associated to polypharmacy and toxicity of treatment. Improving the sensitivity of LTBI screening was the cornerstone of the second approach. The available screening tools for LTBI are the tuberculin skin test (TST) and two Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs): the QuantiFERON-TB Gold-IT (QFT-GIT) and the T-SPOT.TB®. All three lack sensitivity in PLHIV. Various strategies to discover superior LTBI screening tools are therefore being explored, including the development of IGRAs in response to alternative M. tuberculosis antigens to those used in the QFT-GIT or T-SPOT.TB®. A potential candidate is the native Heparin-Binding Haemagglutin (nHBHA), a methylated M. tuberculosis protein regarded as a latency-associated antigen. An in-house IGRA based on nHBHA (nHBHA-IGRA) has been shown to be a promising LTBI screening tool both in immunocompetent adults and in hemodialysed patients. The contribution of this nHBHA-IGRA to the detection of M. tuberculosis in PLHIV was therefore investigated. Treatment-naïve HIV-infected subjects were recruited from 4 Brussels-based hospitals. Subjects underwent screening for latent TB using the nHBHA-IGRA in parallel to the classical method consisting of medical history, chest X-ray, TST and QFT-GIT. Prospective clinical and biological follow-up ensued, with repeated testing with nHBHA-IGRA. Among 48 candidates enrolled for screening, 9 were diagnosed with LTBI by combining the TST and QFT-GIT results (3 TST+/QFT-GIT+, 1 TST+/QFT-GIT- and 5 TST-/QFT-GIT+). All 3 TST+/QFT-GIT+ patients, the TST+/QFT-GIT- patient as well an additional 3 subjects screened positive with the nHBHA-IGRA. These 3 additional patients had known M. tuberculosis exposure risks compatible with LTBI. During follow-up (median 14 months) no case of TB was reported and nHBHA-IGRA results remained globally constant. Multiplex analysis confirmed IFN- as the best read-out for the assay. From this study, we concluded that the nHBHA-IGRA appears complementary to the QFT-GIT for the screening of LTBI in PLHIV and the combination of the two tests may increase the sensitivity of screening. A large-scale study is however necessary to determine whether combining nHBHA-IGRA and QFT-GIT offers sufficient sensitivity to dismiss TST, as suggested by our results. In the same study, a group of HIV-infected adults with clinical suspicion of active TB were also recruited and tested with nHBHA-IGRA. Contrary to results in HIV-uninfected subjects, the nHBHA-IGRA could not discriminate between LTBI and active TB in PLHIV. This is an important caveat as HIV-infected subjects may present subclinical TB.A different angle was used for the third approach to the problem of LTBI in PLHIV. Systemic immune activation (SIA) is one of the principal driving forces in the natural course of HIV-infection. Despite long-term viral suppression by combination antiretroviral treatment (cART), a low-level SIA persists and is associated with an early-onset of age-associated disorders such as cardiovascular disease, dementia and osteoporosis. Causes of SIA in PLHIV are multiple and certain chronic infections appear to be implicated. A recent study in South Africa found that LTBI in PLHIV was associated with an increase in circulating activated CD8+ T-cells. If LTBI should contribute to the persistence of SIA, its screening and treatment could have an additional benefit on the clinical outcome of PLHIV. To investigate this theory, the expression of T-cell activation markers (CD38 and HLADR) as well as the level of plasmatic markers of immune activation (IL-6, sCD14, D-Dimers) were compared between subjects presenting active TB, subjects with LTBI and M. tuberculosis-free persons, with and without HIV-infection. In accordance with previous studies, active TB was associated with higher levels of SIA biomarkers in both HIV-infected and -uninfected groups. Among the HIV-uninfected subjects, no significant difference in biomarker level was found between those presenting LTBI and those with no evidence of M. tuberculosis. The effect of LTBI on activation biomarkers in the HIV-infected groups remained inconclusive because of the small number of individuals in the HIV+/LTBI group. Further investigation is therefore warranted. Interestingly, it was found that plasmatic markers may have a greater sensitivity for the detection of M. tuberculosis-associated SIA than the T-cell activation markers, an important result for future studies.Overall, LTBI in PLHIV is a challenging topic, in particular because of the lack of a gold-standard for the diagnosis of LTBI. Despite suboptimal tools, the evident clinical impact of LTBI screening and treatment in PLHIV on TB incidence justifies its implementation in standard HIV-care. In low TB-incidence countries, who, when and how to screen for LTBI in PLHIV remains unclear. This work offers an overview on the subject with particular focus on possible measures for improvement in the field. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Réponses immunitaires du grand prématuré à la vaccination contre la coqueluche

Vermeulen, Françoise 27 June 2013 (has links)
Les enfants nés prématurément, et plus particulièrement les grands prématurés nés avant<p>31 semaines d’âge gestationnel, sont à haut risque de contracter des infections. La<p>vaccination peut prévenir certaines infections, dont la coqueluche qui est causée par la<p>bactérie Bordetella pertussis (Bp). Cependant, cette maladie infectieuse hautement<p>contagieuse est en recrudescence depuis plusieurs années malgré une bonne couverture<p>vaccinale. La morbidité et surtout la mortalité de la coqueluche affectent plus<p>particulièrement les jeunes enfants, incomplètement ou non encore vaccinés.<p>Il existe deux types de vaccins contre B. pertussis :les vaccins de première génération à<p>cellules entières et les vaccins acellulaires, plus récents. Suite à l’apparition d’effets<p>secondaires causés par le vaccin à cellules entières, les vaccins acellulaires, comprenant<p>seulement un certain nombre d’antigènes purifiés de B. pertussis, sont utilisés en Belgique<p>comme dans de nombreux autres pays industrialisés.<p>L’immunité protectrice contre B. pertussis fait appel tant à l’immunité cellulaire qu‘à<p>l’immunité humorale. De nombreuses études ont démontré une production d’anticorps<p>spécifiques aux antigènes de B. pertussis suite à l’administration des différents types de<p>vaccins. Par contre, peu d’entre elles ont analysé la réponse d’immunité cellulaire spécifique<p>caractérisée, entre autres, par une sécrétion d’Interféron-gamma (IFN-& / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Caractérisation des cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes dans le sang de cordon ombilical

Danis, Bénédicte 20 December 2007 (has links)
Les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes (pDCs) sont considérées comme quantitativement et qualitativement supérieures aux autres types cellulaires pour la synthèse des interférons (IFNs) de type I lors d’une infection virale. Plusieurs observations viennent supporter cette désignation. Tout d’abord, elles expriment un éventail très large des sous-types d’IFN-alpha en comparaison aux autres types cellulaires. Par ailleurs, elles possèdent la capacité de détecter la présence des virus via leurs TLR7 et TLR9, reconnaissant respectivement l’ARN ou l’ADN d’origine virale. Enfin, elles expriment de manière constitutive dans leur cytoplasme le facteur de transcription IRF-7 qui permet une synthèse rapide et robuste des IFNs de type I en réponse à l’infection. <p>Dans un précédent travail, il a été montré que les pDCs néonatales présentent un défaut majeur de synthèse d’IFN-alpha en réponse aux CpG ODNs, ligands du TLR9. Nous avons ensuite étendu notre étude des pDCs néonatales en les stimulant avec le R-848, ligand du TLR7, mais également en présence de virus tels que HCMV et HSV. Dans ces conditions également, la synthèse de l’IFN-alpha est déficiente dans les pDCs du nouveau-né. Nous avons également observé une déficience de production de l’IFN-beta suite à une stimulation via les ligands TLR7 et TLR9, tant au niveau protéique que de l’expression de l’ARN messager. Par ailleurs, la synthèse des cytokines/chimiokines inflammatoires par les pDCs du sang de cordon ainsi que leur maturation, fonctions dépendantes du facteur NF-kappaB, sont également diminuées en comparaison aux pDCs adultes, suite à une stimulation en présence du CpG ODN ou du R-848.<p>L’ensemble de ces données nous a amené à étudier de manière plus précise les voies de signalisation des pDCs néonatales suite à leur activation. Tout d’abord, nous avons observé que les taux d’expression des TLR7 et 9 tout comme le taux basal d’IRF-7 sont équivalents dans les pDCs néonatales et les pDCs adultes. Ensuite, grâce à la technique d’ImageStream (Amnis corporation), nous avons pu quantifier la translocation nucléaire des facteurs de transcription IRF-7 et de NF-kappaB dans les pDCs activées. Nous avons ainsi pu observer que la translocation de NF-kappaB est comparable dans les pDCs adultes et néonatales en réponse aux ligands TLR7 ou TLR9. Par contre, elle est déficiente lors d’une stimulation par HSV. La translocation du facteur IRF-7, quant à elle, est significativement déficiente en réponse au CpG ODN et au virus HSV dans les pDCs néonatales. <p>Nous proposons que le défaut de translocation d’IRF-7 mis en évidence dans les pDCs néonatales pourrait en partie expliquer la déficience de synthèse des IFNs de type I de ces cellules et fournir une base moléculaire à la plus grande susceptibilité du nouveau-né vis-à-vis des infections virales.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Mechanism of viral immunostimulatory signal transmission from infected cells to plasmacytoid dendritic cells / Mécanisme de transmission de signal viral immunostimulateur des cellules infectés aux cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes par contacts cellulaires

Assil, Sonia 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoides (pDCs), spécialisées dans la réponse antivirale, produisent de fortes quantités d’interféron (IFN) lorsqu’elles sont en contact avec des cellules infectées par des virus. Pourtant, les pDCs sont réfractaires à l’infection. Ce mécanisme d’activation de la réponse antivirale par le contact physique avec les cellules infectées, nouvellement découvert, constituerait un aspect général des voies de défense de l’hôte contre les virus.En utilisant le virus de l’Hépatite C et de la Dengue comme modèle viral, nous avons observé une réorganisation moléculaire au niveau des contacts entre les pDCs et les cellules infectées. La polarisation d’éléments cellulaires, notamment de régulateurs du cytosquelette d’actine et de molécules de la machinerie d’endocytose en direction du contact favoriserait son établissement et/ou sa stabilisation ainsi qu’une transmission efficace d’éléments viraux, ensuite reconnus par les pDCs. Nous avons également démontré que les pDCs effectuent des contacts plus stables et présentent une polarisation plus importante d’éléments cellulaires aux contacts avec des cellules infectées qu’avec des cellules non infectées. Ces interactions présentent des similarités avec les synapses, contacts cellulaires organisés impliqués dans la communication cellulaire. Notamment, les synapses immunologiques jouent un rôle important dans l’activation de la réponse immunitaire adaptative. Nous proposons donc de nommer ces contacts activateurs de pDCs des « synapses immunologiques innées ». Ce mécanisme représenterait un processus de reconnaissance des infections par les pDCs généralisable à différents types de virus, par « scan » du statut infectieux des cellules par contact. Nos résultats suggèrent également que des éléments viraux s’accumulent au niveau de ces contacts. Ces éléments diffèrent en fonction du type d’infection. Notamment, nous avons mis en évidence dans un contexte d’infection par le virus de la Dengue que des structures virales non canoniques et non infectieuses, différentes des particules virales infectieuses dites « classiques », jouent un rôle important dans l’activation de la réponse antivirale. Notre travail apporte un nouvel angle d’analyse de l’activation des pDCs et des stratégies de détection des infections virales par l’hôte. / Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), specialized in the antiviral response, are important producers of interferons (IFN) after cell-cell contacts with virally infected cells. Nonetheless, they are poorly permissive to the majority of viral infections. This newly uncovered mechanism of the activation of an antiviral response by physical cell-cell contacts with infected cells could constitute a general aspect of the host defense against viral infections.Using Hepatitis C virus and Dengue virus as models, we observed a molecular reorganization of the contacts between pDCs and infected cells. The polarization toward contacts of cellular elements, such as regulators of the actin cytoskeleton and components of the endocytic machinery could favor their establishment and/or their stabilization, as well as the efficient transmission of viral elements that are recognized by pDCs. We also demonstrated that pDCs contacts with infected cells are more stable and present a higher polarization of cellular components than contacts with uninfected cells. These interactions present similarities with synapses, a type of organized contact involved in cell-to-cell communication. Notably, immunological synapses are known to play an important role in the activation of the adaptive immune response. We thus propose to call these pDC-activating contacts « innate immunological synapses ». This mechanism could represent a general process of recognition of viral infections by pDCs, by « scanning » the infectious status of the cells by cell-cell contacts. Our results also suggest that viral elements cluster at the level of contacts. These elements differ depending on the type of viral infection. Notably, we observed in the context of Dengue virus infection that non-infectious non-canonical viral structures, that differ from the « classical » viral infectious particles, play an important role in the activation of the antiviral response. Our work brings a new light in the mechanisms of pDC activation and in the host defense strategies against viral infection.

Caractérisation des cellules dendritiques humaines BDCA3high et de leur modulation par le microenvironnement tumoral / Characterization of BDCA3high human dendritic cells and their modulation by tumor microenvironment

Ollion, Vincent 24 September 2015 (has links)
Les cellules dendritiques {DC) jouent un rôle majeur dans l'induction de l'immunité anti-tumorale spécifique de l'antigène {Ag). Récemment, les DC BDCA3high humaines sont apparues comme étant homologues aux DC CD8a+ connues pour activer très efficacement les lymphocytes T CD8 par présentation croisée d'Ag chez la souris. Par ailleurs, ces deux populations de DC sont les productrices principales d'interféron-λ{IFN-λ), une cytokine récemment découverte et possédant des propriétés antivirales, antiprolifératives et anti-tumorales. Mon travail de thèse a permis de mieux caractériser la présentation croisée d'Ag cellulaire par les DC BDCA3high à l'aide d'un modèle in vitro et de mettre en lumière le rôle des cellules NK dans l'induction de ce processus. Ce travail a également aboutit à la mise en évidence des DC BDCA3high dans les tumeurs de sein et de révéler l'inhibition de leur sécrétion d'IFN-λ par des facteurs solubles présents dans le microenvironnement tumoral. L'ensemble de ces résultats devraient permettre de concevoir de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques basées sur le ciblage des DC BDCA3high / Dendritic cells {DC) play a major role in the induction of antigen {Ag) specific anti-tumoral immunity. Recently, human BDCA3high DC appeared to be homologous with CD8a+ DC known to activate very efficiently T CD8 lymphocyte by Ag cross-presentation in mice. Moreover, those two DC populations are the main producers of interferon-λ {IFN-λ), a recently discovered cytokine family with antiviral, anti-proliferative and anti-tumoral properties. My works participated to better characterize cell derived Ag cross-presentation by BDCA3high DC using an in vitro model and enlightened the role of NK cells in its induction. This works also end up in revealing the presence of BDCA3high DC in breast tumors and the inhibition of their IFN-λsecretion by soluble factor from tumor microenvironment. Altogether, those results should allow designing new anti-tumoral immunotherapeutic strategies based on BDCA3high DC targeting

Roles Of Interferon-Modulated Genes In Cell Surface Expression Of Major Histocompatibility Complex Encoded Class I Molecules And Cell Survival In The Hepatoma Cell Line, H6

Prasanna, S Jyothi 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
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