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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le polymorphisme du promoteur de l'interleukine-10 et son rôle éventuel dans la maladie d'Alzheimer / Interleukin-10 promoter polymorphism and its possible role in alzheimer's disease

Asselineau, Delphine 20 June 2014 (has links)
La maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) est une maladie neurodégénérative irréversible et progressive entraînant des troubles cognitifs et comportementaux. L'inflammation est caractéristique de la MA. L'interleukine-10 (IL-10), une cytokine anti-inflammatoire a été associée à un risque plus faible de développer la MA. Cependant le lien entre l'IL-10 et la progression de la MA n'a jamais été étudié. Le but de cette thèse a été d'étudier le rôle de l'IL-10 dans le développement ainsi que dans la progression de la MA. Pour mener à bien cette étude, 31 sujets atteints par la MA et 20 sujets contrôles cognitivement intacts ont été recrutés. En fonction de la vitesse de diminution du test de Mini-Mental State Examination et de l’évolution des troubles cognitifs sur deux ans, les patients souffrant de la MA ont été divisés en deux sous-groupes: les patients avec une progression lente (MA lent) et ceux avec une progression rapide (MA rapide). Les analyses se sont portées sur la concentration d’IL-10 en périphérie (plasma, production par les cellules mononuclées du sang périphérique (PBMCs) après stimulation par les peptides Aβ) ainsi que le polymorphisme de son promoteur en position -592, -819 et -1082. En complément, d’autres cytokines impliquées dans l’inflammation ont été étudiées : l’IL-6 (sa concentration plasmatique, sa production par les PBMCs à la suite d’une stimulation par les peptides Aβ et son polymorphisme en position -174) et les polymorphismes du TGF-β1 (-10 et - 25), de l’IFN-γ (-874) et du TNF-α (-308) ainsi que le gène de l'apolipoprotéine E (ApoE). Une étude de la longueur des télomères, liée à l’inflammation, a été aussi réalisée. Les résultats ont montré une association entre le génotype AA et l’allèle A du polymorphisme de l’IFN-γ en position -874 avec la progression rapide de la MA. Une augmentation statistiquement significative de la production d'IL-10 après stimulation par les peptides Aβ a été montrée chez les patients atteints avec une progression lente (MA lent). Une longueur significativement plus courte des télomères a été aussi associée aux patients MA lent. L’ensemble de ces travaux suggère qu’un profil de forte production de l’IL-10 ainsi qu’un profil génétique d’IFN-γ (TT -874) pourrait ralentir la progression de la MA. Il est aussi apparu que la longueur des télomères pourrait être un marqueur du déficit cognitif. Il est clair que ces résultats préliminaires ont besoin d’être confirmés par une étude de plus grande envergure, avec un nombre de patients plus élevé. / Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irreversible and progressive neurodegenerative disorder leading to cognitive and behavioral impairment. Inflammation is hallmark of AD although the exact mechanisms involved and the roles of the different inflammatory components are far less clear. Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a key anti-inflammatory cytokine and IL-10 -1082 A > G polymorphism has been associated with a lower risk of developing AD although the link between IL-10 and the AD progression have never been studied. The aim of this study is to study the role of IL-10 in the risk of developing AD and its role in AD progression. In order to complete successfully this study, 31 AD patients and 20 cognitively intact controls were recruited. Depending of the rate of decrease of mini-mental state test examination (MMSE) and evolution of cognitive disorders, AD patients were divided in two subgroups: patients with slow progression (AD slow) and those with fast progression (AD fast). Analysis were focused on periphery concentration of IL-10 (plasma and and its production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) after Aβ peptides stimulation) as well as its promoter polymorphism in position -592, -819 and -1082. In addition, other cytokines involved in inflammation were studied: IL-6 (its plasma concentration, its production by PBMCs following stimulation with Aβ peptides and its polymorphism at position -174) and polymorphisms of TGF-β1 (-10 to - 25), IFN-γ (-874) and TNF-α (-308) as well as the gene polymorphisms of Apolipoprotein E (ApoE). A study of telomere length, link to inflammation, was also performed. Results showed IFNγ -874AA genotype and -874A allele was associated with AD fast progression. A statistically significant increase of IL-10 production by PBMCs stimulated with Aβ peptides was shown in AD slow patients. A significantly shorter telomere length was also associated with AD slow patients. All of this work suggests that a profile with high IL-10 production and high IFN-γ (-874 TT) genotype could confer a slower AD progression. It was also found that telomere length may be a marker of cognitive impairment. It is clear that these preliminary results need to be confirmed in a larger study with a larger number of patients.

Todesrezeptor-vermittelte MAP-Kinasen-Aktivierung in Keratinozyten / Death-Receptor-Induced MAP-Kinases-Activity in Keratinocytes

Felcht, Moritz January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Promotionsarbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Frage, ob der Todesligand TRAIL in Keratinozyten eine Aktivierung verschiedener Mitogen-aktivierter Protein Kinasen (MAPK) induzieren kann und welche physiologische Relevanz diese TRAIL-induzierte MAPK-Aktivität hat. In unseren Analysen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass TRAIL die MAPKERK1/2, MAPKJNK1/2 und MAPKp38 mit unterschiedlicher Kinetik aktivieren kann. Diese Aktivierung zeigte sich beeinflusst vom verwendeten Zelltyp, der Zeitdauer der Stimulation sowie dem Ausmaß der TRAIL-induzierten Caspase-Aktivität. Die TRAIL-vermittelte Aktivierung der MAPKERK1/2 beginnt sehr rasch und kann über einen längeren Zeitraum detektiert werden, während die MAPKJNK erst spät aktiviert wird. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt die MAPKp38 eine biphasische Aktivierung. Die TRAIL-induzierte Aktivierung der MAPK ist teilweise von aktiven Caspasen abhängig, denn eine Präinkubation mit dem pharmakologischen Caspase-Inhibitor zVAD-fmk hemmt sowohl die TRAIL-induzierte MAPKJNK- als auch die MAPKp38-Aktivität. Untersuchungen mit ektoper Expression des physiologischen Caspase-8 Inhibitors c-FLIPL konnten zeigen, dass cFLIPL nicht nur die Spaltung von Caspase-8, sondern auch die verzögerte TRAIL-induzierte MAPKp38-Aktivität hemmen kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde außerdem nachgewiesen, dass TRAIL in Keratinozyten nicht nur Apoptose induziert, sondern auch an der Sekretion des proinflammatorischen Chemokins CXCL-8 beteiligt ist. Dabei war die MAPKp38, aber nicht die MAPKERK1/2 an der TRAIL-induzierten Sekretion von CXCL-8 beteiligt. Zukünftig werden weitere detailliertere Untersuchungen insbesondere zur physiologischen Bedeutung der TRAIL-induzierten MAPKJNK- und MAPKERK1/2-Aktivität erforderlich sein, für die diese Arbeit eine wichtige Grundlage gelegt hat. / Analyses should show if the apoptosis-inducing ligand TRAIL activates mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) in keratinocytes. Further studies examined the physiological relevance of TRAIL-induced MAPK-activity. Our data demonstrate that TRAIL induces MAPK ERK1/2, MAPK JNK1/2 and MAPK p38. This induction depends on cell specifity, duration of stimulation and caspases activity. TRAIL induces MAPK ERK1/2 activity rapidly and MAPK JNK1/2 at late timepoints. In contrast MAPK p38 is biphasically activated by TRAIL. TRAIL-induced MAPK-activity depends on active caspases because pretreatment with the pharmacological pancaspases-inhibitor zVAD-fmk inhibits TRAIL-induced MAPK JNK and p38-activity. Furthermore, ectopic expression of c-FLIPL inhibits MAPK p38-activation at late timepoints. Our analyses demonstrate that TRAIL beside apoptotic signals, induces CXCL-8 secretion. This depends on active MAPK p38 but does not need MAPK ERK1/2 activity. The data show that further investigations especially about the physiological relevance of TRAIL-induced MAPK-activity is needed.

Suppression der Apoptose durch C-Raf erfordert MEK1 und Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase abhängige Signale / Apoptosis Suppression by C-Raf Requires MEK1- and Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-Dependent Signals.

Gise, Alexander von January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Unterhalb des Interleukin 3 (Il-3) Rezeptors sind zwei Ras-abhängige Signalwege beschrieben, die entweder zur Aktivierung von C-Raf oder von PI3-Kinase (PI3K)/Proteinkinase B (PKB, AKT) führen und Wachstum und Überleben vermitteln. Frühere Untersuchungen des Mechanismus, über den C-Raf Apoptose unterdrückt, zeigten die Notwendigkeit einer Anwesenheit der zytoplasmatischen Kinase an den Mitochondrien. Diese Translokation konnte entweder durch Überexpression des antiapoptotischen Proteins Bcl-2 oder aber durch Fusion der Kinase mit dem mitochondriellen Protein Mas p70 erreicht werden. Aktiviertes mitochondriell gebundenes C-Raf ist nicht in der Lage ERK1 und ERK2 zu aktivieren, vermag aber durch Inaktivierung des proapoptotischen Bcl-2 Familienmitgliedes BAD Apoptose zu unterdrücken. Ungeachtet dieser Ergebnisse deuteten andere genetische und biochemische Untersuchungen auch auf eine Bedeutung der Raf Effektoren MEK und ERK in der Unterdrückung des programmierten Zelltodes hin. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde daher die Bedeutung von MEK und MEK-abhängigen Signalwegen für das zelluläres Überleben untersucht. Wir nutzten für diese Untersuchungen überwiegend die Il-3 abhängige Zelllinie 23D. MEK war essentiell für das zelluläre Überleben und Wachstum nach Stimulation durch Il-3. Eine konstitutiv aktive MEK1 Mutante verzögerte signifikant das Einsetzen der Apoptose nach Entzug des Wachstumsfaktors, während eine dominant negative Mutante den Zelltod akzelerierte. In der Fibroblastenzelllinie NIH 3T3 unterdrückte eine konstitutiv aktive Mutante von ERK2, ähnlich effektiv wie onkogenes MEK, durch Doxorubicin induzierten Zelltod. Diese Beobachtung lässt auf einen, das Überleben der Zelle vermittelnden, Signalweg von MEK schließen, der zur Aktivierung von ERK führt. Der protektive Effekt von aktiviertem MEK in 32D Zellen wurde durch MEK- und PI3K-abhängige Mechanismen vermittelt. Die dabei beobachtete Aktivierung von PI3K führt zur Phosphorylierung und Aktivierung von AKT. Die Abhängigkeit von MEK und PI3K Signalwegen konnte auch für den Schutz von 32D Zellen vor Apoptose durch onkogenes C-Raf gezeigt werden. Diese Befunde ließen sich ebenso in der Il-3 abhängigen pro-B Zelllinie BaF3 verifizieren, was darauf schließen lässt, dass die Rekrutierung von MEK/ERK im antiapoptotischen Signalweg von aktiviertem Raf ein allgemeingültiger Mechanismus ist. Dass in diesem antiapoptotischen Signalweg von C-Raf auch der PI3K Effektor AKT notwendig ist zeigten weitere Untersuchungen, in denen eine dominant negative Mutante von AKT den protektiven Effekt von aktiviertem C-Raf inhibierte, während eine konstitutiv aktive Form von AKT einen synergistischen Effekt mit C-Raf in der Unterdrückung der Apoptose hatte. Diese Daten zeigen einen, zelluläres Überleben vermittelnden Effekt von Raf, der durch MEK und AKT vermittelt wird. / Two Ras effector pathways leading to the activation of C-Raf and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) have been implicated in the survival signaling by the interleukin 3 (IL-3) receptor. Analysis of apoptosis suppression by C-Raf demonstrated the requirement for mitochondrial translocation of the kinase in this process. This could be achieved either by overexpression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 or by targeting C-Raf to the mitochondria via fusion to the mitochondrial protein Mas p70. Mitochondrially active C-Raf is unable to activate extracellular signal-related kinase 1 (ERK1) and ERK2 but suppresses cell death by inactivating the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member BAD. However, genetic and biochemical data also have suggested a role for the C-Raf effector module MEK-ERK in apoptosis suppression. We thus tested for MEK requirement in cell survival signaling using the interleukin 3 (IL-3)-dependent cell line 32D. MEK is essential for survival and growth in the presence of IL-3. Upon growth factor withdrawal the expression of constitutively active MEK1 mutants significantly delays the onset of apoptosis, whereas the presence of a dominant negative mutant accelerates cell death. Survival signaling by MEK most likely results from the activation of ERKs since expression of a constitutively active form of ERK2 was as effective in protecting NIH 3T3 fibroblasts against doxorubicin-induced cell death as oncogenic MEK. The survival effect of activated MEK in 32D cells is achieved by both MEK- and PI3K-dependent mechanisms and results in the activation of PI3K and in the phosphorylation of AKT. MEK and PI3K dependence is also observed in 32D cells protected from apoptosis by oncogenic C-Raf. Additionally, we also could extend these findings to the IL-3-dependent pro-B-cell line BaF3, suggesting that recruitment of MEK is a common mechanism for survival signaling by activated Raf. Requirement for the PI3K effector AKT in this process is further demonstrated by the inhibitory effect of a dominant negative AKT mutant on Raf-1-induced cell survival. Moreover, a constitutively active form of AKT synergizes with Raf-1 in apoptosis suppression. In summary these data strongly suggest a Raf effector pathway for cell survival that is mediated by MEK and AKT.

Der Einfluss proinflammatorischer Cytokine (TNF-alpha und IL-1 beta) auf die Mechanik und Energetik in humanem Myokard / The effect of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta on economy of contraction in human myocardium

Heuer, Stefan Matthias January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die proinflammatorischen Cytokine TNF-alpha und IL-1 beta werden im Myokard bei akuter und chronischer Herzinsuffizienz sezerniert. Ihr negativer Einfluß auf Inotropie und Kontraktionsökonomie des Myokards wurde in zahlreichen In-Vitro und Tiermodellen nachgewiesen. Bisherige Versuche einer therapeutischen Intervention in klinischen Studien waren trotz guter Erfolge in Tiermodellen bislang erfolglos. Um diese Diskrepanz zu untersuchen wurden erstmals Messungen der Kontraktilität und Kontraktionsökonomie an humanem Myokard durchgeführt. Weiterhin wurden Untersuchungen bezüglich der postulierten Signaltransduktion mittels der Sphingomyelinaseaktivität Ergebnisse Sowohl TNF-alpha; als auch IL-1 zeigen übereinstimmend mit In-Vitro Versuchen an nicht-humanem Myokard eine deutlich Minderung der Kontraktilität und Steigerung des kontraktionsabhängigen Sauerstoffverbrauchs. IL-beta führt darüber hinaus zu einer erhöhten diastolischen Kraft. Die Relaxationsgeschwindigkeit wird nicht beeinträchtigt. Glutathion vermindert diese Effekte in 10 molarer Konzentration fast vollständig. Eine Steigerung der Aktivität der neutralen oder sauren Sphingomyelinase kann nicht als Bestandteil der Signaltransduktion bestätigt werden. Schlussfolgerung Alleinig auf TNF-alpha zielende Therapieansätze inhibieren die negativen Einflüsse von Cytokinen im ischämischen und postischämischen Myokard nicht ausreichend. Glutathionapplikation kann TNF-alpha und IL-beta Effekte auf das Myokard inhibieren. / The proinflammatory cytokines TNF-a and IL-1b impair economy of contraction in human myocardium TNF-alpha and IL-1beta impair myocardial function in different animal species and in human myocardium. Prospective clinical trials studying TNF-a antagonists in patients with chronic heart failure failed to show a benefit. Therefore reasons for this possibly species-related discrepancy are to be examined. In the present study TNF-alpha and IL-1beta not only reveal an immediate negative inotropic effect but increase specific oxygen demand in human right atrial myocardium. Enhanced oxygen consumption was not caused by an elevated basal metabolism but an impaired economy of contraction. Furthermore, glutathione is able to inhibit the effect of both cytokines. The results suggest that proinflammatory cytokines have a considerable effect on myocardial mechano-energetic parameters in human myocardium as well. The sole inhibition of TNF-a as it was done in recent clinical trials does not seem prospectful.

The many faces of Interleukin-4 in homeostasis and disease

Diana M Cortes Selva (6634511) 14 May 2019 (has links)
Intensive study of interleukin-4 for more than three decades has revealed multiple functions of this cytokine in diverse processes. Nevertheless, the wide distribution of Interleukin-4 suggests the possibility of unexplored roles. Indeed, in here we present a novel role of IL-4 for the maintenance of different populations of stromal cells in peripheral lymph nodes at homeostasis and describe a role of IL-4 in the expansion of these stromal populations following antigen challenge. In consequence, IL-4 is fundamental for mounting an appropriate humoral response to a primary immunization, and absence of this cytokine is detrimental for the development of a Type 2 response. Furthermore, we describe the role of IL-4 in the immune responses of offspring antenatally exposed to <i>Schistosoma mansoni</i>antigens. Diminished IL-4 production is linked to reduced cellular T and B cells responses in offspring derived from infected mothers, which is of critical relevance to understand vaccination failure. Finally, we describe the protective role of Schistosomiasis infection in atherosclerosis and propose possible mechanism that helps explain the athero-protection. This will contribute to the discovery of novel pathways inducing protection from cardiovascular disease and help to identify possible targets for novel treatments

Avaliação da eficácia analgésica inflamatória em cães tratados com metadona ou tramadol e submetidos a oesteotomias corretivas / Evaluation of the analgesic efficacy and inflammatory response in dogs receiving methadone or tramadol and undergoing orthopedic surgery

Cardozo, Larissa Borges 06 June 2013 (has links)
A dor aguda pós-operatória tem suscitado grande interesse por seu potencial risco de cronicidade caso não seja adequadamente tratada, podendo piorar a recuperação e a qualidade de vida do paciente. Este estudo comparativo foi realizado de maneira prospectiva, aleatória e encoberta para se avaliar os efeitos sedativos, analgésicos e na resposta inflamatória da administração de metadona ou tramadol. Foram incluídos 28 cães com ruptura de ligamento cruzado e submetidos a osteotomias corretivas, distribuídos em três grupos: TRA - 4 mg/kg de tramadol; MET0,5 - 0,5 mg/kg de metadona e MET0,7 - 0,7 mg/kg de metadona, administrados por via intramuscular na medicação pré-anestésica (MPA). A indução da anestesia foi realizada com propofol e os animais foram intubados e mantidos com isofluorano em oxigênio a 100%. Parâmetros fisiológicos (frequências cardíaca, respiratória e pressão arterial) foram avaliados nos dados momentos: TBL (basal), T1 (uma hora após a MPA), T2 (duas horas após, transcirúrgico), T4 (quatro horas após, pós-cirúrgico), T6 (seis horas após) e T24 (24 horas após). Escores de sedação e dor foram avaliados por escalas em TBL, T1, T4, T6 e T24. Coletas de sangue para mensuração de IL-6 foram realizadas em TBL, T1, T6 e T24. Animais apresentando escores na escala análoga visual maiores que 4, na escala de Glasgow maiores que 5 ou na escala de Colorado maiores que 2, recebiam analgesia complementar com o fármaco do grupo em que foram alocados. Utilizou-se análise de variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA) com pós teste de Tukey para análise estatística dos parâmetros fisiológicos. Escores de dor e sedação foram comparados entre diferentes momentos por teste de Friedman, seguido de teste de Tukey. Os grupos foram comparados em um mesmo momento, por teste não-paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis, seguido de teste post hoc de Dunn. Valores de p<0,05 expressam diferença significativa. Não houve diferença entre os grupos com relação a idade, peso e sexo, além de tempos de cirurgia e extubação. Os valores de frequência cardíaca, respiratória e pressão arterial mantiveram-se dentro dos parâmetros aceitáveis nas condições avaliadas, havendo redução nos valores em T2 nos grupos MET0,5 e MET 0,7 com relação ao TBL. Para os escores na escala análoga visual, dentro do grupo TRA houve aumento significativo em T4 comparado a TBL, T1 e T24 e entre T1 e T6 (p<0,001). No grupo MET0,5, houve aumento significativo de T1 para T4 (p<0,001). Os grupos TRA e MET0,5 apresentaram médias±DP mais altas (3,4±2,5 e 2,5±2,6, respectivamente) que MET0,7 (1,1±1,5) em T4. Na escala de dor de Glasgow, em MET0,5, houve aumento significativo no momento T4 com relação aos momentos T6 e T24 (p<0,001). No grupo MET0,7, houve aumento significativo no momento T4 para TBL e T24 (p<0,001). Houve maior necessidade de resgate no grupo TRA (quatro animais em T4 e dois em T6), contudo após um incremento na dose do fármaco, obteve-se controle adequado da dor. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas significativas quanto ao grau de sedação, escala de Colorado e interleucinas séricas entre os grupos e momentos avaliados. A metadona e o tramadol foram eficazes em promover analgesia pós-operatória quando administrados antes do procedimento cirúrgico e suas doses ajustadas no resgate analgésico. Ambos parecem ter tido efeito sobre a liberação de IL-6, sugerindo modulação da resposta inflamatória aguda / Acute postoperative pain has aroused great interest because of their potential risk of chronification if not treated properly, may worsen the recovery and quality of life of the patient. This clinical trial was conducted in a prospective, randomized, double-blind comparison to evaluate the efficacy of methadone and tramadol as premedication in dogs. 28 animals with ruptured cruciate ligament undergoing corrective osteotomies were divided into three groups: TRA - received 4 mg/kg of tramadol; MET0.5 - received 0.5 mg/kg of methadone and MET0.7 - received 0.7 mg/kg of methadone intramuscularly. Anesthesia induction was performed with propofol and animals intubated for general anesthesia with isoflurane in 100% oxygen. Physiological parameters (heart and respiratory rate and blood pressure) were evaluated at specified times (in hours): TBL (baseline), T1, T2, T4, T6 and T24. Pain and sedation scores were described by use of visual analogue scale (VAS), composite modified Glasgow scale and Colorado scale at TBL, T1, T4, T6 and T24. Blood samples for measurement of IL-6 were performed in moments TBL, T1, T6 and T24. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA for repeated measurements. Pain and sedation scores were compared in different times by Friedman\'s test followed by Tukey test. Groups were compared by non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test followed by post hoc Dunn\'s test. Values with p <0.05 were considered significant. There was no statistically significant difference among groups with respect to age, weight, gender, time of surgery and time for extubation. Heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure values were maintained within acceptable values and a reduction was observed in T2 in groups MET0.5 and MET0.7 in relation to TBL. Increases in VAS scores were observed in TRA in T4 compared to TBL, T1 and T24 and between T1 and T6 (p<0.001). In MET0.5 there was a significant increase in T4 when compared to T1 (p<0.001). Groups TRA and MET0.5 showed higher mean±SD values (3.4±2.5 and 2.5±2.6, respectively) than MET0.7 (1.1±1.5) in T4. In Glasgow pains scale, there was significant increase in T4 when compared to T6 and T24 (p<0.001). In MET0.7, T4 showed higher scores than TBL and T24 (p<0.001). TRA showed greater demand of rescue analgesia (four animals in T4 and two in T6), however after a dose adjustment pain was controlled. There were no statistically significant differences in degree of sedation, Colorado acute pain scale and serum interleukin among groups and time points assessed. Both drugs were effective in promoting postoperative analgesia when administered prior to surgical procedure and the doses adjusted according to demand. The drugs appear to have an effect on the release of IL-6, suggesting acute inflammatory response modulation

Associação do gene IL23A com a proteção ao diabetes mellitus tipo 1 autoimune / IL23A gene association with protection to type 1 autoimmune diabetes mellitus

Costa, Vinicius Silva 10 August 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Diabetes tipo 1A(DM1A) é uma doença causada pela destruição autoimune das células beta. Em adição aos linfócitos T helper 1(Th1) e Th2, um subtipo específico de células T helper recentemente descrito, Th17, caracterizado pela produção da interleucina 17(IL-17A), IL-17F e IL-22, está também envolvido na imunidade adaptativa e autoimunidade, incluindo DM1A. A IL-23 tem função fundamental na expansão e sobrevivência das células Th17. A mesma é composta por 2 subunidades: a p19-específica (IL-23A) e a p40. Variantes dos genes IL-23A e de seu receptor (IL-23R) ou o aumento das concentrações séricas da IL-23 estão associados a várias doenças autoimunes, mas seus efeitos no DM1A não estão definidos. Com o intuito de avaliar a importância da IL-23 na patogênese do DM1A, as variantes dos genes IL23A e IL23R foram analisadas. Metodologia: A região codificadora e os regiões intrônicas proximais do gene IL23A, incluindo a região 5 proximal foram sequenciadas. Duas variantes do gene IL23A (rs2066808 e rs11171806) e duas do gene IL-23R (rs11209026 e rs10889677) foram também genotipadas. A amostra contou com 370 pacientes com DM1A e 314 indivíduos controles saudáveis. As medidas das concentrações séricas da IL-23 e os autoanticorpos pancreáticos e extra-pancreáticos foram determinados. Resultados: Nós observamos somente uma das seis variantes da IL-23 descritas nos bancos de dados (rs11171806 G>A localizada no exon 3) e descrevemos uma nova variante no gene IL-23A, que consistiu na substituição da citosina por timina na posição c.-403 (C>T) na região 5 proximal deste gene (encontrada em heterozigose em apenas uma paciente com DM1A, do sexo feminino, com 28 anos ao diagnóstico).Os alelos G dessas duas variantes estiveram em forte desequilíbrio de ligação (D\' = -0,825 para controles, p<2,0X10-6 e D\' = -0,902, p<2,0X10-17 para pacientes). Em consequência, a análise dos haplótipos destas variantes foi realizada. O haplótipo GG foi mais frequente nos controles (16.7%) do que nos pacientes com DM1A (9.5%), conferindo proteção à doença (pc = 0,0009, OR = 0,53) . A presença do haplótipo GG diferiu de acordo com a etnia no conjunto de pacientes e controles, sendo menor naqueles de etnia caucasóide (18%) em relação aos outros grupos (39%); p<0.0001. Entretanto, o efeito protetor da haplótipo GG foi independente da etnia. As duas variantes do gene IL23R (rs10889677 e rs11209026) tinham frequência alélica e genotípica semelhante entre pacientes com DM1A e controles. Não foi observada diferença significante nas concentrações da IL-23 entre 135 pacientes com DM1A (5,65 ± 14,0 pg/mL) e 112 indivíduos controles (9,06 ± 23,7pg/mL) (p =0,18). , mesmo quando analisamos apenas o pacientes com duração do diabetes inferior a dois anos, nos quais a resposta imune contra as células beta ainda está presente, (4.65 ± 6.94 pg/mL e 9.07 ± 23.62 pg/mL, p = 0.076). Não foi encontrada associação entre as variantes do gene IL23A com a idade diagnóstica, presença do peptídeo C residual e auto-anticorpo anti-descarboxilase do ácido glutâmico em pacientes com diagnóstico recente de DM1A. Estas variantes também não influenciaram na freqüência dos auto anticorpos extrapancreáticos: anti-tireoglobulina, anti-peroxidase, anti-21 hidroxilase, fator anti-núcleo, fator reumatóide e anti-citoplasma de neutrófilos. Conclusões: O haplótipo GG das variantes do gene lL23A (rs11171806 e rs2066808) foi associado a proteção ao DM1A. As variantes do gene IL23R (rs11209026 e rs10889677) não foram associadas ao DM1A. As concentrações séricas da IL-23 foram semelhantes entre os grupos. / Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) is a disorder caused by the immune-mediated destruction of insulin-secreting pancreatic beta cells. In addition to T helper 1 (Th1) and Th2 cells, a recently discovered subset of T helper cells, Th17, characterized by the production of interleukin 17 A (IL-17A), IL-17F, and IL-22 is also involved in adaptive immunity and autoimmunity, including T1D. The Interleukin IL-23 has a central role in the expansion and survival of Th 17 cells. It is composed of two subunits: p19-specific (IL-23A) and p40. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of IL-23A and IL-23 receptor (IL-23R) genes or increased IL-23 serum concentrations were associated with several autoimmune diseases, but their role in T1D has not been defined. We therefore searched for variants of IL-23A and IL-23R genes that could predispose to T1D. Methods:The coding regions and boundary intron sequences of IL-23A gene, including the 5 proximal region were sequenced. Two variants (rs2066808 and rs 11171806) of IL-23A and two of IL-23R (rs11209026 and rs10889677) genes were also genotyped. IL-23 serum levels and pancreatic and extra-pancreatic auto-antibodies were also determined. The cohort involved 370 patients with T1D and 314 healthy control subjects.Results: We observed only 1 out of 6 IL-23A coding variants (rs11171806 G>A localized in exon 3) described in a database repository . A new allelic variant of the IL-23A gene, consisting of the substitution of a cytosine by a thymine at position c.-403 (C>T) in the 5 proximal region of the IL-23A gene (found in heterozygosis in only 1 female patient with T1D) was described. The G alleles of rs11171806 and rs2066808 variants of IL-23A gene were in strong linkage disequilibrium (D\' = -0,825 for controls, p<2,0X10-6 and D\' = -0,902, p<2,0X10-17 for patients). So, further analyses were performed with the haplotypes instead of separated SNPs. The GG haplotype was more frequent in controls (16,7%) than in T1D patients (9,5%), conferring a protection to the disease (pc= 0,0009, OR = 0.53). The presence of haplotype GG was also different according to the ethnic group in the overall sample (patients+controls), when we pooled the Caucasians (18%) against the other groups (39%); p<0.0001. However, the lower susceptibility to T1D conferred by GG haplotype was independent of the ethnic group. Two IL-23R gene variants (rs10889677 and rs11209026) were also analyzed. The allelic and genotypic frequency of the variants did not differ between patients with T1D and control subjects. No significant differences were observed between the plasma IL-23 concentrations of 135 T1D patients (5.65 ± 14.0) and 112 control subjects (9.06 ± 23.7) (p = 0.18), even when we only the patients with less than 2 years disease duration (n = 43), when the immune attack to beta cells is still present, were included (4.65 ± 6.94 pg/mL and 9.07 ± 23.62 pg/mL, p = 0.076). No association was found between IL-23A variants with age at diagnosis of diabetes, presence of residual C-peptide levels or frequency of glutamic acid anti-decarboxilase antibody in patients with recent-onset T1D. Furthermore, these variants were not related to the presence of the extrapancreatic autoantibodies such as thyroid peroxidase (TPO) Ab, thyroglobulin (TG) Ab, 21-Hydroxilase (21OH) Ab, Anti nuclear factor (ANA) Ab, rheumatoid factor (FR) Ab and Neutrophil cytoplasmic (ANCA) Ab. Conclusions : The GG haplotype of lL23A gene variants( rs11171806 and rs2066808) was protective against T1D. The IL23R variants (rs11209026 and rs10889677) were not associated with susceptibility toT1D . IL-23 serum concentrations did not differ between T1D patients and controls.

Avaliação da expressão de hepcidina e produção de IL-6 por monócitos de indivíduos  idosos / Evaluation of hepcidin expression and IL-6 production by monocytes in elderly

Miranda, Julise Cunha 11 August 2009 (has links)
Anemia em idosos está relacionada ao aumento da morbidade e mortalidade desta população. As causas das anemias em idosos podem ser divididas em três grupos: anemia das doenças crônicas (ADC), anemia por deficiência de nutrientes, na qual se inclui a anemia por deficiência de ferro (ADF) e anemias de causas não-identificadas. A hepcidina constitui uma importante ligação entre defesa primária, inflamação e metabolismo do ferro. A hepcidina é induzida, principalmente, pela interleucina-6 (IL-6), atua como regulador negativo da absorção de ferro e é mediadora da retenção de ferro por monócitos e macrófagos durante inflamação ou infecção. Estudos recentes têm demonstrado o papel da produção desse hormônio por monócitos na homeostase do ferro, num modelo autócrino e parácrino. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo geral correlacionar os níveis de IL-6 produzidos por monócitos em cultura e a expressão de hepcidina em monócitos de indivíduos com ADC, com inflamação sem anemia, ADF e com anemias não-identificadas e, por objetivos específicos, verificar a eficiência de parâmetros hematológicos clássicos em avaliar o status férrico de idosos; comparar os níveis de IL-6 produzidos por células monocíticas em cultura, nos diferentes grupos de estudo, e relacioná-los com os parâmetros utilizados para caracterização das anemias; comparar os níveis de expressão de hepcidina em células monocíticas, nos diferentes grupos de estudo, e relacioná-los com o estado inflamatório e com os parâmetros utilizados para caracterização das anemias. Para isso, os pacientes foram avaliados através de parâmetro bioquímicos (glicemia, creatinina sérica, -glutamil transferase, proteínas totais e albumina, por método colorimétrico e proteína C-reativa, por imunoturbidimetria ultra-sensível) e hematológicos (hemograma completo, utilizando o contador de células Micros 45 ABX®, França, e extensão sangüínea corada por Leishman, ferritina sérica, por método imunoquimioluminescente, receptor de transferrina solúvel, por ensaio imunoenzimático e cálculo do índice sTfR/log ferritina). A determinação dos níveis de IL-6 foi feita por imunoensaio enzimático quantitativo em sobrenadante de cultura de monócitos e a dos níveis de expressão do RNAm da hepcidina em monócitos pela Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real (RT-PCR). Os níveis séricos de ferritina estavam estatisticamente diminuídos na população com ADF, embora sem atingir os valores preconizados para diagnóstico de deficiência de ferro. Os níveis de receptor de transferrina solúvel (sTfR) e o índice sTfR/log ferritina estavam elevados em pacientes com ADF, porém, o índice não aumentou a sensibilidade da medida do receptor para pacientes idosos. Estes resultados obtidos sugerem que valores de normalidade para níveis de ferritina e índice receptor-ferritina devem ser revistos para a população idosa. Houve aumento da concentração de IL-6 em sobrenadante de cultura de monócitos no grupo Inflamação quando comparado com o grupo Anemia. Os níveis de IL-6 correlacionaram-se positivamente com os níveis da proteína C-reativa e número de leucócitos da população em estudo, porém, não houve correlação com os níveis de RNAm de hepcidina expressos por monócitos. A expressão de RNAm de hepcidina em monócitos mostrou correlação positiva com os níveis séricos de ferritina, porém, não foi diferente entre os grupos de estudo. / Anemia in elderly is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in this population. The causes of anemia in elderly can be divided into three groups: anemia of chronic diseases (ACD), anemia of nutrients deficiency, which include iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and unexplained anemias. Hepcidin is an important link between primary defense, inflammation and iron metabolism. The hepcidin is mainly induced by the Interleukin-6 (IL-6), it acts as a negative regulator of iron absorption and it is mediating of iron retention by monocytes and macrophages during inflammation or infection. Recent studies have been demonstrating the role of this hormone production by monocytes in the iron homeostasis, in autocrine and paracrine fashion. The general objective of this study was to correlate the levels of monocyte-derived IL-6 in culture and the monocyte hepcidin mRNA expression in patients with ACD, with inflammation without anemia, IDA and with unexplained anemias. The specific objectives are to verify the efficiency of classic haematological parameters in evaluating the iron status in elderly; to compare the levels of monocyte-derived IL-6 in culture, in different study groups, and to relate them with the parameters used for anemias characterization; to compare the levels of monocyte hepcidin mRNA expression, in different study groups, and to relate them with the inflammatory state and with the parameters used for anemias characterization. For that, the patients were evaluated by biochemical parameter (blood glucose, serum creatinine, -glutamyl transferase, total proteins and albumin, by colorimetric method and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, measured by immunoturbidimetric assay) and hematological (complete blood count, using the cells accountant Micros 45 ABX®, and peripheral blood film for Leishmans staining morphology, serum ferritin level by immuno-quimioluminescent assay, soluble transferrin receptor, by Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) and sTfR/log ferritin index). The determination of IL-6 levels was performed by quantitative ELISA in monocyte culture supernatants and monocyte hepcidin mRNA levels by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Although serum ferritin levels were statistically decreased in IDA population, it did not reach the values recommended for diagnosis of iron deficiency. The soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) levels and the sTfR/log ferritin index were significantly higher in IDA group, however, the index did not increase the sensibility of the sTfR measure for elderly. These results suggest that normality values for ferritin levels and sTfR/log ferritin index should be reviewed for elderly population. There was increase of levels of monocyte-derived IL-6 in culture in Inflammation group compared with Anemia group. The IL-6 levels were positively correlated with C-reactive protein levels and leukocyte number of the patients, however, there was not correlation with monocyte hepcidin mRNA levels. The monocyte hepcidin mRNA levels showed positive correlation serum ferritin levels, however, it was not different between the study groups.

Efeitos do óleo da semente do maracujá na psorí­ase experimental / Effects of passion fruit seed oil on experimental psoriasis

Alvarenga, Ana Carolina Miguel 11 June 2018 (has links)
A psoríase é uma doença de pele inflamatória crônica, que afeta cerca de 2-4% da população mundial. Se desenvolve ao longo do tempo, principalmente no final da adolescência ou início da idade adulta e depende de uma complexa interação entre fatores genéticos e ambientais. Dados experimentais demostram que a dermatite induzida por imiquimode (IMQ) em camundongos assemelha-se estreitamente às lesões de psoríase humana, tanto nas características fenotípicas e histológicas como no desenvolvimento das lesões na epiderme. O estudo avaliou os efeitos anti-inflamatórios do óleo de semente de maracujá (Passiflora edulis) no tratamento da psoríase, utilizando a análise histológica e imunológica da epiderme. O experimento foi realizado com 36 camundongos Balb/c, os quais foram submetidos à indução da psoríase por imiquimode, por 10 dias consecutivos. O tratamento foi realizado com óleo de semente de maracujá in natura 100%, pomada LECIGEL® 2%, pomada associação de óleo de semente de maracujá 20% e LECIGEL® 2%, por 15 dias. Tanto o óleo da semente do maracujá quanto a associação do mesmo ao LECIGEL® diminuíram o quadro inflamatório induzido por imiquimode nas orelhas tratadas. Através das análises imuno-histoquímicas realizadas na epiderme (PCNA, IL-6, VEGF, CD34), observou-se um aumento na formação de corpos apoptóticos, diminuição a hiperplasia epitelial e redução do infiltrado inflamatório. Os resultados deste experimento demonstraram que o óleo da semente do maracujá desempenha um efeito anti-inflamatório no tratamento da psoríase induzida por imiquimode. / Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects about 2-4% of the world\'s population. It develops over time, especially in late adolescence or early adulthood and depends on a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Experimental data show that imiquimode-induced dermatitis (IMQ) in mice closely resembles human psoriasis lesions, both in phenotypic and histological characteristics and in the development of lesions in the epidermis. The study evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) oil in the treatment of psoriasis, using the histological and immunological analysis of the epidermis. The experiment was performed with 36 Balb / c mice, which were submitted to psoriasis induction by imiquimode, for 10 consecutive days. The treatment was carried out with 100% fresh passion fruit seed oil, LECIGEL ® 2% ointment, 20% passion fruit seed oil ointment and LECIGEL ® 2% for 15 days. Both passionflower seed oil and its association with LECIGEL ® decreased the imiquimod-induced inflammation in the treated ears. Through the immunohistochemical analyzes performed on the epidermis (PCNA, IL-6, VEGF, CD34), an increase in the formation of apoptotic bodies, decrease in epithelial hyperplasia and reduction of inflammatory infiltrate was observed. The results of this experiment suggest that passion fruit seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of imiquimode-induced psoriasis.

Concentrações séricas das citocinas Interleucina-2 (IL-2), Interleucina-6 (IL-6), Interleucina-10 (IL-10), Fator de Necrose Tumoral Alfa (TNF-) e Proteína Quimiotática de Monócitos-1 (MCP-1) em cães com linfoma multicêntrico / Serum concentrations of Interleukin-2, Interleukin-6, Interleukin-10, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha and Monocyte chemotactic Protein-1 in dogs with multicentric lymphoma

Pavan, Tatiana Liliane Rossi 24 March 2016 (has links)
Linfomas representam um grupo de neoplasias que tem em comum a origem em células linforreticulares, manifestando-se geralmente em tecidos linfóides. Em sua evolução há uma reação generalizada contra as alterações sistêmicas que comprometem a homeostase, conhecida como resposta de fase aguda. Citocinas são proteínas relacionadas à imunidade inata e adquirida que medeiam diversas funções e estão envolvidas na resposta inflamatória e são produzidas em resposta a vários estímulos. Foram objetivos desse estudo, verificar se existem diferenças no perfil das citocinas interleucina-2, interleucina-6, interleucina-10, MCP-1 e TNF-alfa nos animais com linfoma multicêntrico ao diagnóstico, quando comparados a um grupo controle e verificar se existe diferença entre os níveis apresentados no momento do diagnóstico e na 6ª semana, momento em que se avalia a remissão. Os grupos do estudo foram constituídos por 20 cães com linfoma (experimental) e 19 cães clinicamente normais (controle) sendo excluídos do estudo cães que apresentavam tratamento prévio e/ou doença concomitante. A quantificação das variáveis estudadas foi realizada utilizando-se kit comercial CCYTOMAG 90K (Milliplex&#174;), sendo as mesmas determinadas no grupo controle uma única vez e no grupo experimental, quando do diagnóstico e na 6ª semana de tratamento. A análise estatística foi realizada através de teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney não pareado para o grupo controle e diagnóstico, bem como o diagnóstico e a 6ª semana de tratamento, enquanto que a análise de variância simples (ANOVA) não paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis foi aplicada na comparação dos três grupos (controle, ato do diagnóstico e 6ª semana de tratamento) para todas as citocinas. Foi observada diferença significante nos níveis de IL-10 entre o grupo controle e o experimental ao diagnóstico (p= 0,0033). Os valores do grupo linfoma ao diagnóstico foram elevados em relação ao controle, sem diferença significante entre os momentos do diagnóstico e 6ª semana. As IL-2 e IL-6 mostraram diferenças significantes entre o grupo controle e o grupo linfoma ao diagnóstico (p= 0,0037 e p=0,0017, respectivamente), mas os valores do controle apresentaram-se elevados em relação ao momento do diagnóstico e não houve diferença entre o diagnóstico e 6ª semana. As citocinas TNF-&#945; e MCP-1 não apresentaram diferença significativa. Concluiu-se que os animais com linfoma no diagnóstico apresentaram níveis séricos mais elevados de IL-10, quando comparados ao diagnóstico e ao grupo controle e seus níveis mantiveram-se elevados na 6ª semana de tratamento. As concentrações de IL-2 e IL-6 estiveram mais elevadas no grupo controle quando comparadas aos animais do grupo experimental e as concentrações de TNF-&#945; e de MCP-1 não apresentaram diferença significativa / Lymphomas belongs to a group of malignancies that have in common the origin in lymphoreticular cells, and is generally manifested in lymphoid tissues. In its evolution there is a generalized reaction against the systemic changes that compromise the homeostasis, known as acute phase response. Cytokines are proteins related to innate and acquired immunity which mediate several functions and are involved in inflammatory response and produced in response to several stimulant. This study was designed to verify if there are differences in the profile of cytokines interleukin-2, interleukin-6, interleukin-10, MCP-1 and TNF-alpha in dogs with multicentric lymphoma when compared to a control group and see if there is difference between the levels at the time of diagnosis and at the 6th week, when remission is achieve. The study group consisted of 20 dogs with lymphoma (experimental) and 19 clinically healthy dogs (control). We excluded patients who had previous treatments and/ or concomitant disease. For measurements of cytokines we use a commercial kits CCYTOMAG 90K (Milliplex&#174;), the same being determined in the control group only once and in the experimental group at diagnosis and at 6 week of treatment. Statistical analysis was performed using nonparametric Mann-Whitney unpaired test for the control group and diagnosis, and the diagnosis and 6 week of treatment, while the simple analysis of variance (ANOVA) nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test was applied when comparing the three groups (control, diagnosis and act 6th week of treatment) for all cytokines. There was a significant difference in IL-10 levels between the control group and the experimental diagnosis (p = 0.0033). The values of the lymphoma group at diagnosis were higher than the control, without significant difference between the time of diagnosis and 6th week. IL-2 and IL-6 showed significant differences between the control and lymphoma groups at diagnosis (p = 0.0037 and p = 0.0017, respectively), but the control had higher levels than the lymphoma group and there was no difference between diagnosis and 6th week. The TNF-&#945; and MCP-1 cytokines showed no significant difference. It was concluded that animals with lymphoma had higher serum levels of IL-10 when compared to control and their levels remained high at 6 weeks of treatment. IL-2 and IL-6 concentrations were higher in the control group compared to lymphoma group and the concentrations of TNF-&#945; and MCP-1 were not significantly different

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